//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: steam state machine that handles authenticating steam users

#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once

#include "baseclient.h"
#include "utlvector.h"
#include "netadr.h"
#include "utlstring.h"

#include "steam/steam_gameserver.h"

class CSteam3Server : public CSteamGameServerAPIContext
#if !defined(NO_STEAM)
	STEAM_GAMESERVER_CALLBACK( CSteam3Server, OnLogonSuccess, SteamServersConnected_t, m_CallbackLogonSuccess );
	STEAM_GAMESERVER_CALLBACK( CSteam3Server, OnLogonFailure, SteamServerConnectFailure_t, m_CallbackLogonFailure );
	STEAM_GAMESERVER_CALLBACK( CSteam3Server, OnLoggedOff, SteamServersDisconnected_t, m_CallbackLoggedOff );
	// game server callbacks
	STEAM_GAMESERVER_CALLBACK( CSteam3Server, OnGSPolicyResponse, GSPolicyResponse_t, m_CallbackGSPolicyResponse );

	STEAM_GAMESERVER_CALLBACK( CSteam3Server, OnValidateAuthTicketResponse, ValidateAuthTicketResponse_t, m_CallbackValidateAuthTicketResponse );
	STEAM_GAMESERVER_CALLBACK( CSteam3Server, OnComputeNewPlayerCompatibilityResponse, ComputeNewPlayerCompatibilityResult_t, m_CallbackPlayerCompatibilityResponse );


	// CSteam3 stuff
	enum EServerType {
		// Don't register a game port, use hltv system's port as query port
  	void Activate( EServerType serverType );
	void NotifyOfLevelChange();
	void NotifyOfServerNameChange();
	void SendUpdatedServerDetails();
	void Shutdown();

	bool NotifyClientConnect( CBaseClient *client, uint32 unUserID, netadr_t & adr, const void *pvCookie, uint32 ucbCookie );
	bool NotifyLocalClientConnect( CBaseClient *client );	// Used for local player on listen server and bots.
	void NotifyClientDisconnect( CBaseClient *client );

	void RunFrame();

	bool BSecure() { return SteamGameServer() && SteamGameServer()->BSecure(); }
	bool BIsActive() { return SteamGameServer() && ( m_eServerMode >= eServerModeNoAuthentication ); }
	bool BLanOnly() const { return m_eServerMode == eServerModeNoAuthentication; }
	bool BWantsSecure() { return m_eServerMode == eServerModeAuthenticationAndSecure; }
	bool BLoggedOn() { return SteamGameServer() && SteamGameServer()->BLoggedOn(); }
	bool CompareUserID( const USERID_t & id1, const USERID_t & id2 );
	const CSteamID& GetGSSteamID();
	uint16 GetQueryPort() const	{ return m_QueryPort; }

	// Fetch public IP.  Might return 0 if we don't know
	uint32 GetPublicIP() { return SteamGameServer() ? SteamGameServer()->GetPublicIP() : 0; }
	bool IsMasterServerUpdaterSharingGameSocket();

	/// Select Steam account name / password to use
	void SetAccount( const char *pszToken )
		m_sAccountToken = pszToken;
	void UpdateGroupSteamID( bool bForce );

	/// What account name was selected?
	const char *GetAccountToken() const { return m_sAccountToken.String(); }

	bool CheckForDuplicateSteamID( const CBaseClient *client );
	CBaseClient *ClientFindFromSteamID( CSteamID & steamIDFind );
	void OnValidateAuthTicketResponseHelper( CBaseClient *cl, EAuthSessionResponse eAuthSessionResponse );
	EServerMode GetCurrentServerMode();

	EServerMode	m_eServerMode;
	EServerType	m_eServerType;

	bool m_bMasterServerUpdaterSharingGameSocket;
	bool m_bLogOnFinished;
	bool m_bLoggedOn;
	bool		m_bLogOnResult;		// if true, show logon result
	bool		m_bHasActivePlayers;  // player stats updates are only sent if active players are available
	CSteamID m_SteamIDGS;
	CSteamID m_steamIDLanOnly;
	bool m_bActive;
    bool m_bWantsSecure;
    bool m_bInitialized;
	bool m_bWantsPersistentAccountLogon;
    // The port that we are listening for queries on.
	uint32		m_unIP;
	uint16		m_usPort;
    uint16		m_QueryPort;

	CUtlString m_sAccountToken;

	CSteamID m_SteamIDGroupForBlocking;

// singleton accessor
CSteam3Server &Steam3Server();
