//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ // //=============================================================================// #include "vbsp.h" int c_nodes; int c_nonvis; int c_active_brushes; // if a brush just barely pokes onto the other side, // let it slide by without chopping #define PLANESIDE_EPSILON 0.001 //0.1 void FindBrushInTree (node_t *node, int brushnum) { bspbrush_t *b; if (node->planenum == PLANENUM_LEAF) { for (b=node->brushlist ; b ; b=b->next) if (b->original->brushnum == brushnum) Msg("here\n"); return; } FindBrushInTree (node->children[0], brushnum); FindBrushInTree (node->children[1], brushnum); } //================================================== /* ================ DrawBrushList ================ */ void DrawBrushList (bspbrush_t *brush, node_t *node) { int i; side_t *s; GLS_BeginScene (); for ( ; brush ; brush=brush->next) { for (i=0 ; i<brush->numsides ; i++) { s = &brush->sides[i]; if (!s->winding) continue; if (s->texinfo == TEXINFO_NODE) GLS_Winding (s->winding, 1); else if (!s->visible) GLS_Winding (s->winding, 2); else GLS_Winding (s->winding, 0); } } GLS_EndScene (); } /* ================ WriteBrushList ================ */ void WriteBrushList (char *name, bspbrush_t *brush, qboolean onlyvis) { int i; side_t *s; qprintf ("writing %s\n", name); FileHandle_t f = g_pFileSystem->Open(name, "w"); for ( ; brush ; brush=brush->next) { for (i=0 ; i<brush->numsides ; i++) { s = &brush->sides[i]; if (!s->winding) continue; if (onlyvis && !s->visible) continue; OutputWinding (brush->sides[i].winding, f); } } g_pFileSystem->Close (f); } void PrintBrush (bspbrush_t *brush) { int i; Msg("brush: %p\n", brush); for (i=0;i<brush->numsides ; i++) { pw(brush->sides[i].winding); Msg("\n"); } } /* ================== BoundBrush Sets the mins/maxs based on the windings ================== */ void BoundBrush (bspbrush_t *brush) { int i, j; winding_t *w; ClearBounds (brush->mins, brush->maxs); for (i=0 ; i<brush->numsides ; i++) { w = brush->sides[i].winding; if (!w) continue; for (j=0 ; j<w->numpoints ; j++) AddPointToBounds (w->p[j], brush->mins, brush->maxs); } } Vector PointInsideBrush( bspbrush_t *brush ) { Vector insidePoint = vec3_origin; bool bInside = false; for ( int k = 0; k < 4 && !bInside; k++ ) { bInside = true; for (int i = 0; i < brush->numsides; i++) { side_t *side = &brush->sides[i]; plane_t *plane = &g_MainMap->mapplanes[side->planenum]; float d = DotProduct( plane->normal, insidePoint ) - plane->dist; if ( d < 0 ) { bInside = false; insidePoint -= d * plane->normal; } } } return insidePoint; } /* ================== CreateBrushWindings ================== */ void CreateBrushWindings (bspbrush_t *brush) { int i, j; winding_t *w; side_t *side; plane_t *plane; // translate the CSG problem to improve precision Vector insidePoint = PointInsideBrush( brush ); Vector offset = -insidePoint; for (i=0 ; i<brush->numsides ; i++) { side = &brush->sides[i]; plane = &g_MainMap->mapplanes[side->planenum]; w = BaseWindingForPlane (plane->normal, plane->dist + DotProduct(plane->normal, offset)); for (j=0 ; j<brush->numsides && w; j++) { if (i == j) continue; if (brush->sides[j].bevel) continue; plane = &g_MainMap->mapplanes[brush->sides[j].planenum^1]; ChopWindingInPlace (&w, plane->normal, plane->dist + DotProduct(plane->normal, offset), 0); //CLIP_EPSILON); } TranslateWinding( w, -offset ); side->winding = w; } BoundBrush (brush); } /* ================== BrushFromBounds Creates a new axial brush ================== */ bspbrush_t *BrushFromBounds (Vector& mins, Vector& maxs) { bspbrush_t *b; int i; Vector normal; vec_t dist; b = AllocBrush (6); b->numsides = 6; for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { VectorClear (normal); normal[i] = 1; dist = maxs[i]; b->sides[i].planenum = g_MainMap->FindFloatPlane (normal, dist); normal[i] = -1; dist = -mins[i]; b->sides[3+i].planenum = g_MainMap->FindFloatPlane (normal, dist); } CreateBrushWindings (b); return b; } /* ================== BrushVolume ================== */ vec_t BrushVolume (bspbrush_t *brush) { int i; winding_t *w; Vector corner; vec_t d, area, volume; plane_t *plane; if (!brush) return 0; // grab the first valid point as the corner w = NULL; for (i=0 ; i<brush->numsides ; i++) { w = brush->sides[i].winding; if (w) break; } if (!w) return 0; VectorCopy (w->p[0], corner); // make tetrahedrons to all other faces volume = 0; for ( ; i<brush->numsides ; i++) { w = brush->sides[i].winding; if (!w) continue; plane = &g_MainMap->mapplanes[brush->sides[i].planenum]; d = -(DotProduct (corner, plane->normal) - plane->dist); area = WindingArea (w); volume += d*area; } volume /= 3; return volume; } /* ================ CountBrushList ================ */ int CountBrushList (bspbrush_t *brushes) { int c; c = 0; for ( ; brushes ; brushes = brushes->next) c++; return c; } /* ================ AllocTree ================ */ tree_t *AllocTree (void) { tree_t *tree; tree = (tree_t*)malloc(sizeof(*tree)); memset (tree, 0, sizeof(*tree)); ClearBounds (tree->mins, tree->maxs); return tree; } /* ================ AllocNode ================ */ node_t *AllocNode (void) { static int s_NodeCount = 0; node_t *node; node = (node_t*)malloc(sizeof(*node)); memset (node, 0, sizeof(*node)); node->id = s_NodeCount; node->diskId = -1; s_NodeCount++; return node; } /* ================ AllocBrush ================ */ bspbrush_t *AllocBrush (int numsides) { static int s_BrushId = 0; bspbrush_t *bb; int c; c = (int)&(((bspbrush_t *)0)->sides[numsides]); bb = (bspbrush_t*)malloc(c); memset (bb, 0, c); bb->id = s_BrushId++; if (numthreads == 1) c_active_brushes++; return bb; } /* ================ FreeBrush ================ */ void FreeBrush (bspbrush_t *brushes) { int i; for (i=0 ; i<brushes->numsides ; i++) if (brushes->sides[i].winding) FreeWinding(brushes->sides[i].winding); free (brushes); if (numthreads == 1) c_active_brushes--; } /* ================ FreeBrushList ================ */ void FreeBrushList (bspbrush_t *brushes) { bspbrush_t *next; for ( ; brushes ; brushes = next) { next = brushes->next; FreeBrush (brushes); } } /* ================== CopyBrush Duplicates the brush, the sides, and the windings ================== */ bspbrush_t *CopyBrush (bspbrush_t *brush) { bspbrush_t *newbrush; int size; int i; size = (int)&(((bspbrush_t *)0)->sides[brush->numsides]); newbrush = AllocBrush (brush->numsides); memcpy (newbrush, brush, size); for (i=0 ; i<brush->numsides ; i++) { if (brush->sides[i].winding) newbrush->sides[i].winding = CopyWinding (brush->sides[i].winding); } return newbrush; } /* ================== PointInLeaf ================== */ node_t *PointInLeaf (node_t *node, Vector& point) { vec_t d; plane_t *plane; while (node->planenum != PLANENUM_LEAF) { plane = &g_MainMap->mapplanes[node->planenum]; if (plane->type < 3) { d = point[plane->type] - plane->dist; } else { d = DotProduct (point, plane->normal) - plane->dist; } if (d >= 0) node = node->children[0]; else node = node->children[1]; } return node; } //======================================================== /* ============== BoxOnPlaneSide Returns PSIDE_FRONT, PSIDE_BACK, or PSIDE_BOTH ============== */ int BrushBspBoxOnPlaneSide (const Vector& mins, const Vector& maxs, dplane_t *plane) { int side; int i; Vector corners[2]; vec_t dist1, dist2; // axial planes are easy if (plane->type < 3) { side = 0; if (maxs[plane->type] > plane->dist+PLANESIDE_EPSILON) side |= PSIDE_FRONT; if (mins[plane->type] < plane->dist-PLANESIDE_EPSILON) side |= PSIDE_BACK; return side; } // create the proper leading and trailing verts for the box for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { if (plane->normal[i] < 0) { corners[0][i] = mins[i]; corners[1][i] = maxs[i]; } else { corners[1][i] = mins[i]; corners[0][i] = maxs[i]; } } dist1 = DotProduct (plane->normal, corners[0]) - plane->dist; dist2 = DotProduct (plane->normal, corners[1]) - plane->dist; side = 0; if (dist1 >= PLANESIDE_EPSILON) side = PSIDE_FRONT; if (dist2 < PLANESIDE_EPSILON) side |= PSIDE_BACK; return side; } /* ============ QuickTestBrushToPlanenum ============ */ int QuickTestBrushToPlanenum (bspbrush_t *brush, int planenum, int *numsplits) { int i, num; plane_t *plane; int s; *numsplits = 0; // if the brush actually uses the planenum, // we can tell the side for sure for (i=0 ; i<brush->numsides ; i++) { num = brush->sides[i].planenum; if (num >= 0x10000) Error ("bad planenum"); if (num == planenum) return PSIDE_BACK|PSIDE_FACING; if (num == (planenum ^ 1) ) return PSIDE_FRONT|PSIDE_FACING; } // box on plane side plane = &g_MainMap->mapplanes[planenum]; s = BrushBspBoxOnPlaneSide (brush->mins, brush->maxs, plane); // if both sides, count the visible faces split if (s == PSIDE_BOTH) { *numsplits += 3; } return s; } /* ============ TestBrushToPlanenum ============ */ int TestBrushToPlanenum (bspbrush_t *brush, int planenum, int *numsplits, qboolean *hintsplit, int *epsilonbrush) { int i, j, num; plane_t *plane; int s; winding_t *w; vec_t d, d_front, d_back; int front, back; *numsplits = 0; *hintsplit = false; // if the brush actually uses the planenum, // we can tell the side for sure for (i=0 ; i<brush->numsides ; i++) { num = brush->sides[i].planenum; if (num >= 0x10000) Error ("bad planenum"); if (num == planenum) return PSIDE_BACK|PSIDE_FACING; if (num == (planenum ^ 1) ) return PSIDE_FRONT|PSIDE_FACING; } // box on plane side plane = &g_MainMap->mapplanes[planenum]; s = BrushBspBoxOnPlaneSide (brush->mins, brush->maxs, plane); if (s != PSIDE_BOTH) return s; // if both sides, count the visible faces split d_front = d_back = 0; for (i=0 ; i<brush->numsides ; i++) { if (brush->sides[i].texinfo == TEXINFO_NODE) continue; // on node, don't worry about splits if (!brush->sides[i].visible) continue; // we don't care about non-visible w = brush->sides[i].winding; if (!w) continue; front = back = 0; for (j=0 ; j<w->numpoints; j++) { d = DotProduct (w->p[j], plane->normal) - plane->dist; if (d > d_front) d_front = d; if (d < d_back) d_back = d; if (d > 0.1) // PLANESIDE_EPSILON) front = 1; if (d < -0.1) // PLANESIDE_EPSILON) back = 1; } if (front && back) { if ( !(brush->sides[i].surf & SURF_SKIP) ) { (*numsplits)++; if (brush->sides[i].surf & SURF_HINT) *hintsplit = true; } } } if ( (d_front > 0.0 && d_front < 1.0) || (d_back < 0.0 && d_back > -1.0) ) (*epsilonbrush)++; #if 0 if (*numsplits == 0) { // didn't really need to be split if (front) s = PSIDE_FRONT; else if (back) s = PSIDE_BACK; else s = 0; } #endif return s; } //======================================================== /* ================ WindingIsTiny Returns true if the winding would be crunched out of existance by the vertex snapping. ================ */ #define EDGE_LENGTH 0.2 qboolean WindingIsTiny (winding_t *w) { int i, j; vec_t len; Vector delta; int edges; edges = 0; for (i=0 ; i<w->numpoints ; i++) { j = i == w->numpoints - 1 ? 0 : i+1; VectorSubtract (w->p[j], w->p[i], delta); len = VectorLength (delta); if (len > EDGE_LENGTH) { if (++edges == 3) return false; } } return true; } // UNDONE: JAY: This should be a slightly better heuristic - it builds an OBB // around the winding and tests planar dimensions. NOTE: This can fail when a // winding normal cannot be constructed (or is degenerate), but that is probably // desired in this case. // UNDONE: Test & use this instead. #if 0 qboolean WindingIsTiny2 (winding_t *w) { int i, j; vec_t len; Vector delta; int edges; vec_t maxLen = 0; Vector maxEdge = vec3_origin; edges = 0; for (i=0 ; i<w->numpoints ; i++) { j = i == w->numpoints - 1 ? 0 : i+1; VectorSubtract (w->p[j], w->p[i], delta); len = VectorLength (delta); if (len > maxLen) { maxEdge = delta; maxLen = len; } } Vector normal; vec_t dist; WindingPlane (w, normal, &dist); // normal can come back vec3_origin in some cases VectorNormalize(maxEdge); Vector cross = CrossProduct(normal, maxEdge); VectorNormalize(cross); Vector mins, maxs; ClearBounds( mins, maxs ); for (i=0 ; i<w->numpoints ; i++) { Vector point; point.x = DotProduct( w->p[i], maxEdge ); point.y = DotProduct( w->p[i], cross ); point.z = DotProduct( w->p[i], normal ); AddPointToBounds( point, mins, maxs ); } // check to see if the size in the plane is too small in either dimension Vector size = maxs - mins; for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { if ( size[i] < EDGE_LENGTH ) return true; } return false; } #endif /* ================ WindingIsHuge Returns true if the winding still has one of the points from basewinding for plane ================ */ qboolean WindingIsHuge (winding_t *w) { int i, j; for (i=0 ; i<w->numpoints ; i++) { for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) if (w->p[i][j] < MIN_COORD_INTEGER || w->p[i][j] > MAX_COORD_INTEGER) return true; } return false; } //============================================================ /* ================ Leafnode ================ */ void LeafNode (node_t *node, bspbrush_t *brushes) { bspbrush_t *b; int i; node->planenum = PLANENUM_LEAF; node->contents = 0; for (b=brushes ; b ; b=b->next) { // if the brush is solid and all of its sides are on nodes, // it eats everything if (b->original->contents & CONTENTS_SOLID) { for (i=0 ; i<b->numsides ; i++) if (b->sides[i].texinfo != TEXINFO_NODE) break; if (i == b->numsides) { node->contents = CONTENTS_SOLID; break; } } node->contents |= b->original->contents; } node->brushlist = brushes; } void RemoveAreaPortalBrushes_R( node_t *node ) { if( node->planenum == PLANENUM_LEAF ) { // Remove any CONTENTS_AREAPORTAL brushes we added. We don't want them in the engine // at runtime but we do want their flags in the leaves. bspbrush_t **pPrev = &node->brushlist; for( bspbrush_t *b=node->brushlist; b; b=b->next ) { if( b->original->contents == CONTENTS_AREAPORTAL ) { *pPrev = b->next; } else { pPrev = &b->next; } } } else { RemoveAreaPortalBrushes_R( node->children[0] ); RemoveAreaPortalBrushes_R( node->children[1] ); } } //============================================================ void CheckPlaneAgainstParents (int pnum, node_t *node) { node_t *p; for (p=node->parent ; p ; p=p->parent) { if (p->planenum == pnum) Error ("Tried parent"); } } qboolean CheckPlaneAgainstVolume (int pnum, node_t *node) { bspbrush_t *front, *back; qboolean good; SplitBrush (node->volume, pnum, &front, &back); good = (front && back); if (front) FreeBrush (front); if (back) FreeBrush (back); return good; } /* ================ SelectSplitSide Using a hueristic, choses one of the sides out of the brushlist to partition the brushes with. Returns NULL if there are no valid planes to split with.. ================ */ side_t *SelectSplitSide (bspbrush_t *brushes, node_t *node) { int value, bestvalue; bspbrush_t *brush, *test; side_t *side, *bestside; int i, j, pass, numpasses; int pnum; int s; int front, back, both, facing, splits; int bsplits; int bestsplits; int epsilonbrush; qboolean hintsplit = false; bestside = NULL; bestvalue = -99999; bestsplits = 0; // the search order goes: visible-structural, nonvisible-structural // If any valid plane is available in a pass, no further // passes will be tried. numpasses = 2; for (pass = 0 ; pass < numpasses ; pass++) { for (brush = brushes ; brush ; brush=brush->next) { for (i=0 ; i<brush->numsides ; i++) { side = brush->sides + i; if (side->bevel) continue; // never use a bevel as a spliter if (!side->winding) continue; // nothing visible, so it can't split if (side->texinfo == TEXINFO_NODE) continue; // allready a node splitter if (side->tested) continue; // we allready have metrics for this plane if (side->surf & SURF_SKIP) continue; // skip surfaces are never chosen if ( side->visible ^ (pass<1) ) continue; // only check visible faces on first pass pnum = side->planenum; pnum &= ~1; // allways use positive facing plane CheckPlaneAgainstParents (pnum, node); if (!CheckPlaneAgainstVolume (pnum, node)) continue; // would produce a tiny volume front = 0; back = 0; both = 0; facing = 0; splits = 0; epsilonbrush = 0; for (test = brushes ; test ; test=test->next) { s = TestBrushToPlanenum (test, pnum, &bsplits, &hintsplit, &epsilonbrush); splits += bsplits; if (bsplits && (s&PSIDE_FACING) ) Error ("PSIDE_FACING with splits"); test->testside = s; // if the brush shares this face, don't bother // testing that facenum as a splitter again if (s & PSIDE_FACING) { facing++; for (j=0 ; j<test->numsides ; j++) { if ( (test->sides[j].planenum&~1) == pnum) test->sides[j].tested = true; } } if (s & PSIDE_FRONT) front++; if (s & PSIDE_BACK) back++; if (s == PSIDE_BOTH) both++; } // give a value estimate for using this plane value = 5*facing - 5*splits - abs(front-back); // value = -5*splits; // value = 5*facing - 5*splits; if (g_MainMap->mapplanes[pnum].type < 3) value+=5; // axial is better value -= epsilonbrush*1000; // avoid! // trans should split last if ( side->surf & SURF_TRANS ) { value -= 500; } // never split a hint side except with another hint if (hintsplit && !(side->surf & SURF_HINT) ) value = -9999999; // water should split first if (side->contents & (CONTENTS_WATER | CONTENTS_SLIME)) value = 9999999; // save off the side test so we don't need // to recalculate it when we actually seperate // the brushes if (value > bestvalue) { bestvalue = value; bestside = side; bestsplits = splits; for (test = brushes ; test ; test=test->next) test->side = test->testside; } } } // if we found a good plane, don't bother trying any // other passes if (bestside) { if (pass > 0) { if (numthreads == 1) c_nonvis++; } break; } } // // clear all the tested flags we set // for (brush = brushes ; brush ; brush=brush->next) { for (i=0 ; i<brush->numsides ; i++) brush->sides[i].tested = false; } return bestside; } /* ================== BrushMostlyOnSide ================== */ int BrushMostlyOnSide (bspbrush_t *brush, plane_t *plane) { int i, j; winding_t *w; vec_t d, max; int side; max = 0; side = PSIDE_FRONT; for (i=0 ; i<brush->numsides ; i++) { w = brush->sides[i].winding; if (!w) continue; for (j=0 ; j<w->numpoints ; j++) { d = DotProduct (w->p[j], plane->normal) - plane->dist; if (d > max) { max = d; side = PSIDE_FRONT; } if (-d > max) { max = -d; side = PSIDE_BACK; } } } return side; } /* ================ SplitBrush Generates two new brushes, leaving the original unchanged ================ */ void SplitBrush( bspbrush_t *brush, int planenum, bspbrush_t **front, bspbrush_t **back ) { bspbrush_t *b[2]; int i, j; winding_t *w, *cw[2], *midwinding; plane_t *plane, *plane2; side_t *s, *cs; float d, d_front, d_back; *front = *back = NULL; plane = &g_MainMap->mapplanes[planenum]; // check all points d_front = d_back = 0; for (i=0 ; i<brush->numsides ; i++) { w = brush->sides[i].winding; if (!w) continue; for (j=0 ; j<w->numpoints ; j++) { d = DotProduct (w->p[j], plane->normal) - plane->dist; if (d > 0 && d > d_front) d_front = d; if (d < 0 && d < d_back) d_back = d; } } if (d_front < 0.1) // PLANESIDE_EPSILON) { // only on back *back = CopyBrush (brush); return; } if (d_back > -0.1) // PLANESIDE_EPSILON) { // only on front *front = CopyBrush (brush); return; } // Move the CSG problem so that offset is at the origin // This gives us much better floating point precision in the clipping operations Vector offset = -0.5f * (brush->mins + brush->maxs); // create a new winding from the split plane w = BaseWindingForPlane (plane->normal, plane->dist + DotProduct(plane->normal,offset)); for (i=0 ; i<brush->numsides && w ; i++) { plane2 = &g_MainMap->mapplanes[brush->sides[i].planenum ^ 1]; ChopWindingInPlace (&w, plane2->normal, plane2->dist+DotProduct(plane2->normal,offset), 0); // PLANESIDE_EPSILON); } if (!w || WindingIsTiny (w) ) { // the brush isn't really split int side; side = BrushMostlyOnSide (brush, plane); if (side == PSIDE_FRONT) *front = CopyBrush (brush); if (side == PSIDE_BACK) *back = CopyBrush (brush); return; } if (WindingIsHuge (w)) { qprintf ("WARNING: huge winding\n"); } TranslateWinding( w, -offset ); midwinding = w; // // // split it for real // // // // allocate two new brushes referencing the original // for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { b[i] = AllocBrush( brush->numsides + 1 ); b[i]->original = brush->original; } // // split all the current windings // for( i = 0; i < brush->numsides; i++ ) { // get the current side s = &brush->sides[i]; // get the sides winding w = s->winding; if( !w ) continue; // clip the winding ClipWindingEpsilon_Offset( w, plane->normal, plane->dist, 0 /*PLANESIDE_EPSILON*/, &cw[0], &cw[1], offset ); for( j = 0; j < 2; j++ ) { // does winding exist? if( !cw[j] ) continue; #if 0 if (WindingIsTiny (cw[j])) { FreeWinding (cw[j]); continue; } #endif // // create a clipped "side" with the new winding // cs = &b[j]->sides[b[j]->numsides]; b[j]->numsides++; *cs = *s; cs->winding = cw[j]; cs->tested = false; // save the original side information //cs->original = s->original; } } // see if we have valid polygons on both sides for (i=0 ; i<2 ; i++) { BoundBrush (b[i]); for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) { if (b[i]->mins[j] < MIN_COORD_INTEGER || b[i]->maxs[j] > MAX_COORD_INTEGER) { qprintf ("bogus brush after clip\n"); break; } } if (b[i]->numsides < 3 || j < 3) { FreeBrush (b[i]); b[i] = NULL; } } if ( !(b[0] && b[1]) ) { if (!b[0] && !b[1]) qprintf ("split removed brush\n"); else qprintf ("split not on both sides\n"); if (b[0]) { FreeBrush (b[0]); *front = CopyBrush (brush); } if (b[1]) { FreeBrush (b[1]); *back = CopyBrush (brush); } return; } // add the midwinding to both sides for (i=0 ; i<2 ; i++) { cs = &b[i]->sides[b[i]->numsides]; b[i]->numsides++; cs->planenum = planenum^i^1; cs->texinfo = TEXINFO_NODE; // initialize the displacement map index cs->pMapDisp = NULL; cs->visible = false; cs->tested = false; if (i==0) cs->winding = CopyWinding (midwinding); else cs->winding = midwinding; } { vec_t v1; int i; for (i=0 ; i<2 ; i++) { v1 = BrushVolume (b[i]); if (v1 < 1.0) { FreeBrush (b[i]); b[i] = NULL; // qprintf ("tiny volume after clip\n"); } } } *front = b[0]; *back = b[1]; } /* ================ SplitBrushList ================ */ void SplitBrushList (bspbrush_t *brushes, node_t *node, bspbrush_t **front, bspbrush_t **back) { bspbrush_t *brush, *newbrush, *newbrush2; side_t *side; int sides; int i; *front = *back = NULL; for (brush = brushes ; brush ; brush=brush->next) { sides = brush->side; if (sides == PSIDE_BOTH) { // split into two brushes SplitBrush (brush, node->planenum, &newbrush, &newbrush2); if (newbrush) { newbrush->next = *front; *front = newbrush; } if (newbrush2) { newbrush2->next = *back; *back = newbrush2; } continue; } newbrush = CopyBrush (brush); // if the planenum is actualy a part of the brush // find the plane and flag it as used so it won't be tried // as a splitter again if (sides & PSIDE_FACING) { for (i=0 ; i<newbrush->numsides ; i++) { side = newbrush->sides + i; if ( (side->planenum& ~1) == node->planenum) side->texinfo = TEXINFO_NODE; } } if (sides & PSIDE_FRONT) { newbrush->next = *front; *front = newbrush; continue; } if (sides & PSIDE_BACK) { newbrush->next = *back; *back = newbrush; continue; } } } /* ================ BuildTree_r ================ */ node_t *BuildTree_r (node_t *node, bspbrush_t *brushes) { node_t *newnode; side_t *bestside; int i; bspbrush_t *children[2]; if (numthreads == 1) c_nodes++; // find the best plane to use as a splitter bestside = SelectSplitSide (brushes, node); if (!bestside) { // leaf node node->side = NULL; node->planenum = -1; LeafNode (node, brushes); return node; } // this is a splitplane node node->side = bestside; node->planenum = bestside->planenum & ~1; // always use front facing SplitBrushList (brushes, node, &children[0], &children[1]); FreeBrushList (brushes); // allocate children before recursing for (i=0 ; i<2 ; i++) { newnode = AllocNode (); newnode->parent = node; node->children[i] = newnode; } SplitBrush (node->volume, node->planenum, &node->children[0]->volume, &node->children[1]->volume); // recursively process children for (i=0 ; i<2 ; i++) { node->children[i] = BuildTree_r (node->children[i], children[i]); } return node; } //=========================================================== /* ================= BrushBSP The incoming list will be freed before exiting ================= */ tree_t *BrushBSP (bspbrush_t *brushlist, Vector& mins, Vector& maxs) { node_t *node; bspbrush_t *b; int c_faces, c_nonvisfaces; int c_brushes; tree_t *tree; int i; vec_t volume; qprintf ("--- BrushBSP ---\n"); tree = AllocTree (); c_faces = 0; c_nonvisfaces = 0; c_brushes = 0; for (b=brushlist ; b ; b=b->next) { c_brushes++; volume = BrushVolume (b); if (volume < microvolume) { Warning("Brush %i: WARNING, microbrush\n", b->original->id); } for (i=0 ; i<b->numsides ; i++) { if (b->sides[i].bevel) continue; if (!b->sides[i].winding) continue; if (b->sides[i].texinfo == TEXINFO_NODE) continue; if (b->sides[i].visible) c_faces++; else c_nonvisfaces++; } AddPointToBounds (b->mins, tree->mins, tree->maxs); AddPointToBounds (b->maxs, tree->mins, tree->maxs); } qprintf ("%5i brushes\n", c_brushes); qprintf ("%5i visible faces\n", c_faces); qprintf ("%5i nonvisible faces\n", c_nonvisfaces); c_nodes = 0; c_nonvis = 0; node = AllocNode (); node->volume = BrushFromBounds (mins, maxs); tree->headnode = node; node = BuildTree_r (node, brushlist); qprintf ("%5i visible nodes\n", c_nodes/2 - c_nonvis); qprintf ("%5i nonvis nodes\n", c_nonvis); qprintf ("%5i leafs\n", (c_nodes+1)/2); #if 0 { // debug code static node_t *tnode; Vector p; p[0] = -1469; p[1] = -118; p[2] = 119; tnode = PointInLeaf (tree->headnode, p); Msg("contents: %i\n", tnode->contents); p[0] = 0; } #endif return tree; }