//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #include "cbase.h" #include "basetfplayer_shared.h" #include "basetfcombatweapon_shared.h" #include "weapon_twohandedcontainer.h" #if !defined( CLIENT_DLL ) #include "soundent.h" #else #include "functionproxy.h" #include "ivrenderview.h" #include "cl_animevent.h" #include "fx.h" #endif CBaseTFCombatWeapon::CBaseTFCombatWeapon ( void ) { m_bReflectViewModelAnimations = false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseTFCombatWeapon::Precache( void ) { BaseClass::Precache(); #if !defined( CLIENT_DLL ) // Connect to my CVars m_pDamageCVar = cvar->FindVar( UTIL_VarArgs( "%s_damage", GetClassname() ) ); m_pRangeCVar = cvar->FindVar( UTIL_VarArgs( "%s_range", GetClassname() ) ); #endif } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CBaseTFCombatWeapon::GetPrimaryAmmo( void ) { // Get the local player CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBaseTFPlayer( GetOwner() ); if ( pPlayer == NULL ) return 0; return pPlayer->GetAmmoCount( m_iPrimaryAmmoType ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Checks if the owner is EMPed //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CBaseTFCombatWeapon::IsOwnerEMPed() { CBaseTFPlayer *pPlayer = ToBaseTFPlayer( GetOwner() ); if ((!pPlayer) || (!pPlayer->GetPlayerClass())) return false; return ( pPlayer->HasPowerup(POWERUP_EMP) ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Temporarily remove disguise //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseTFCombatWeapon::CheckRemoveDisguise( void ) { #if !defined( CLIENT_DLL ) CBaseTFPlayer *player = static_cast< CBaseTFPlayer * >( GetOwner()); if ( player ) { // Always remove camo player->ClearCamouflage(); } #endif } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Factor in the player's anim speed to the sequence duration for weapons //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- float CBaseTFCombatWeapon::SequenceDuration( int iSequence ) { float flDuration = BaseClass::SequenceDuration( iSequence ); CBaseTFPlayer *pOwner = (CBaseTFPlayer *)GetOwner(); if ( pOwner ) { flDuration /= pOwner->GetDefaultAnimSpeed(); } return flDuration; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Override weapon sound. TF doesn't use ATTN_GUNFIRE for it's weapon attenuations. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseTFCombatWeapon::WeaponSound( WeaponSound_t shoot_type, float soundtime /*= 0.0f*/ ) { #if !defined( CLIENT_DLL ) // HACKHACK: Force a combat sound to alert NPCs, for antlion prototype CSoundEnt::InsertSound( SOUND_COMBAT, GetAbsOrigin(), 600, 0.1 ); #endif BaseClass::WeaponSound( shoot_type, soundtime ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Get the point from which to create the weapon's tracer //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vector CBaseTFCombatWeapon::GetTracerSrc( Vector &vecSrc, Vector &vecFireDir ) { QAngle vecAngles; VectorAngles( vecFireDir, vecAngles ); Vector right; AngleVectors( vecAngles, NULL, &right, NULL ); return (vecSrc + Vector ( 0,0,-4 ) + right * 2 + vecFireDir * 16); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : activity - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseTFCombatWeapon::PlayAttackAnimation( int activity ) { SendWeaponAnim( activity ); CBaseTFPlayer *pPlayer = ToBaseTFPlayer( GetOwner() ); if ( pPlayer ) { pPlayer->SetAnimation( PLAYER_ATTACK1 ); pPlayer->SetLastAttackTime( gpGlobals->curtime ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : sequence - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CBaseTFCombatWeapon::SendWeaponAnim( int iActivity ) { CBaseTFPlayer *pPlayer = ToBaseTFPlayer( GetOwner() ); if ( !pPlayer ) return false; CBaseTFCombatWeapon *pOther = NULL; // See if we are wielding multiple weapons CWeaponTwoHandedContainer *pContainer = dynamic_cast< CWeaponTwoHandedContainer * >( pPlayer->GetActiveWeapon() ); if ( pContainer ) { // Make sure they exist CBaseTFCombatWeapon *left = static_cast< CBaseTFCombatWeapon * >( pContainer->GetLeftWeapon() ); CBaseTFCombatWeapon *right = static_cast< CBaseTFCombatWeapon * >( pContainer->GetRightWeapon() ); if ( !left || !right ) return false; // Make sure one of them is this!!! if ( left != this && right != this ) return false; // Get pointer to other one pOther = left; if ( left == this ) { pOther = right; } Assert(pOther); // Now ask our other weapon if it would like to stomp my animation attempt iActivity = pOther->ReplaceOtherWeaponsActivity( iActivity ); if ( iActivity == -1 ) return false; } // Always pass through to base BaseClass::SendWeaponAnim( iActivity ); if ( !IsReflectingAnimations() ) return false; // See if we are wielding multiple weapons if ( !pContainer ) return false; Assert(pOther); // Send our other weapon the activity code iActivity = GetOtherWeaponsActivity( iActivity ); if ( iActivity != -1 ) { pOther->SendWeaponAnim( iActivity ); // Remember it for weapon switching m_iLastReflectedActivity = iActivity; } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : reflect - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseTFCombatWeapon::SetReflectViewModelAnimations( bool reflect ) { m_bReflectViewModelAnimations = reflect; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Output : Returns true on success, false on failure. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CBaseTFCombatWeapon::IsReflectingAnimations( void ) const { return m_bReflectViewModelAnimations; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CBaseTFCombatWeapon::IsCamouflaged( void ) { CBaseTFPlayer *pPlayer = (CBaseTFPlayer *)GetOwner(); if ( pPlayer && pPlayer->IsCamouflaged() ) return true; return false; } #if defined( CLIENT_DLL ) static ConVar cl_bobcycle( "cl_bobcycle","0.8" ); static ConVar cl_bob( "cl_bob","0.002" ); static ConVar cl_bobup( "cl_bobup","0.5" ); // Register these cvars if needed for easy tweaking static ConVar v_iyaw_cycle( "v_iyaw_cycle", "2"/*, FCVAR_UNREGISTERED*/ ); static ConVar v_iroll_cycle( "v_iroll_cycle", "0.5"/*, FCVAR_UNREGISTERED*/ ); static ConVar v_ipitch_cycle( "v_ipitch_cycle", "1"/*, FCVAR_UNREGISTERED*/ ); static ConVar v_iyaw_level( "v_iyaw_level", "0.3"/*, FCVAR_UNREGISTERED*/ ); static ConVar v_iroll_level( "v_iroll_level", "0.1"/*, FCVAR_UNREGISTERED*/ ); static ConVar v_ipitch_level( "v_ipitch_level", "0.3"/*, FCVAR_UNREGISTERED*/ ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Output : float //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- float CBaseTFCombatWeapon::CalcViewmodelBob( void ) { static double bobtime; static float bob; float cycle; CBasePlayer *player = ToBasePlayer( GetOwner() ); if ( !player ) return 0.0f; if ( ( player->GetGroundEntity() == NULL ) || !gpGlobals->frametime ) { return bob; // just use old value } bobtime += gpGlobals->frametime; cycle = bobtime - (int)(bobtime/cl_bobcycle.GetFloat())*cl_bobcycle.GetFloat(); cycle /= cl_bobcycle.GetFloat(); if (cycle < cl_bobup.GetFloat()) { cycle = M_PI * cycle / cl_bobup.GetFloat(); } else { cycle = M_PI + M_PI*(cycle-cl_bobup.GetFloat())/(1.0 - cl_bobup.GetFloat()); } // bob is proportional to simulated velocity in the xy plane // (don't count Z, or jumping messes it up) bob = player->GetAbsVelocity().Length2D() * cl_bob.GetFloat(); bob = bob*0.3 + bob*0.7*sin(cycle); bob = MIN( 4.0, bob ); bob = MAX( -7.0, bob ); return bob; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Output : float //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseTFCombatWeapon::AddViewmodelBob( CBaseViewModel *viewmodel, Vector &origin, QAngle &angles ) { float fIdleScale = 2.0f; // Bias so view models aren't all synced to each other //float curtime = gpGlobals->curtime + ( viewmodelindex * 2 * M_PI / GetViewModelCount() ); float curtime = gpGlobals->curtime + ( viewmodel->entindex() * 2 * M_PI ); origin[ROLL] -= fIdleScale * sin(curtime*v_iroll_cycle.GetFloat()) * v_iroll_level.GetFloat(); origin[PITCH] -= fIdleScale * sin(curtime*v_ipitch_cycle.GetFloat()) * (v_ipitch_level.GetFloat() * 0.5); origin[YAW] -= fIdleScale * sin(curtime*v_iyaw_cycle.GetFloat()) * v_iyaw_level.GetFloat(); Vector forward; AngleVectors( angles, &forward, NULL, NULL ); float flBob = CalcViewmodelBob(); // Apply bob, but scaled down to 40% VectorMA( origin, flBob * 0.4, forward, origin ); // Z bob a bit more origin[2] += flBob; // throw in a little tilt. angles[ YAW ] -= flBob * 0.6; angles[ ROLL ] -= flBob * 0.5; angles[ PITCH ] -= flBob * 0.4; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: TF specific weapon anim events //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CBaseTFCombatWeapon::OnFireEvent( C_BaseViewModel *pViewModel, const Vector& origin, const QAngle& angles, int event, const char *options ) { switch( event ) { case CL_EVENT_MUZZLEFLASH0: case CL_EVENT_MUZZLEFLASH1: case CL_EVENT_MUZZLEFLASH2: case CL_EVENT_MUZZLEFLASH3: { int iAttachment = -1; Vector attachOrigin; QAngle attachAngles; // First person muzzle flashes switch (event) { case CL_EVENT_MUZZLEFLASH0: iAttachment = 0; break; case CL_EVENT_MUZZLEFLASH1: iAttachment = 1; break; case CL_EVENT_MUZZLEFLASH2: iAttachment = 2; break; case CL_EVENT_MUZZLEFLASH3: iAttachment = 3; break; } // Did we find it? if ( pViewModel->GetAttachment( iAttachment+1, attachOrigin, attachAngles ) ) { //int iType = atoi( options ); // Is our owner boosted? CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBaseTFPlayer( GetOwner() ); if ( pPlayer && pPlayer->HasPowerup(POWERUP_BOOST) ) { unsigned char color[3]; color[0] = 50; color[1] = 255; color[2] = 50; FX_MuzzleEffect( attachOrigin, attachAngles, 1.0, GetRefEHandle(), &color[0] ); } else { FX_MuzzleEffect( attachOrigin, attachAngles, 1.0, GetRefEHandle() ); } return true; } } break; default: break; } return false; } //============================================================================================================ // OWNER BOOSTED PROXY FOR WEAPONS / PLAYERS //============================================================================================================ class CPlayerBoostedProxy : public CResultProxy { public: bool Init( IMaterial *pMaterial, KeyValues *pKeyValues ); void OnBind( void *pC_BaseEntity ); private: CFloatInput m_Factor; }; bool CPlayerBoostedProxy::Init( IMaterial *pMaterial, KeyValues *pKeyValues ) { if (!CResultProxy::Init( pMaterial, pKeyValues )) return false; if (!m_Factor.Init( pMaterial, pKeyValues, "scale", 1 )) return false; return true; } void CPlayerBoostedProxy::OnBind( void *pRenderable ) { // Find the view angle between the player and this entity.... IClientRenderable *pRend = (IClientRenderable *)pRenderable; C_BaseEntity *pEntity = pRend->GetIClientUnknown()->GetBaseEntity(); CBaseTFPlayer *pPlayer = NULL; C_BaseViewModel *pViewModel = dynamic_cast<C_BaseViewModel*>(pEntity); if ( pViewModel ) { pPlayer = C_BaseTFPlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); } else { CBaseTFCombatWeapon *pWeapon = dynamic_cast<CBaseTFCombatWeapon*>(pEntity); if ( pWeapon ) { pPlayer = ToBaseTFPlayer( pWeapon->GetOwner() ); } else { pPlayer = dynamic_cast<CBaseTFPlayer*>(pEntity); } } // Find him? if ( pPlayer ) { float flBoosted = (int)pPlayer->HasPowerup( POWERUP_BOOST ); SetFloatResult( flBoosted * m_Factor.GetFloat() ); } } EXPOSE_INTERFACE( CPlayerBoostedProxy, IMaterialProxy, "PlayerBoosted" IMATERIAL_PROXY_INTERFACE_VERSION ); #else //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Output : float //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- float CBaseTFCombatWeapon::CalcViewmodelBob( void ) { return 0.0f; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Output : float //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseTFCombatWeapon::AddViewmodelBob( CBaseViewModel *viewmodel, Vector &origin, QAngle &angles ) { } #endif LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( basetfcombatweapon, CBaseTFCombatWeapon ); IMPLEMENT_NETWORKCLASS_ALIASED( BaseTFCombatWeapon , DT_BaseTFCombatWeapon ) BEGIN_NETWORK_TABLE( CBaseTFCombatWeapon , DT_BaseTFCombatWeapon ) #if !defined( CLIENT_DLL ) // Don't network any animation stuff to client SendPropExclude( "DT_AnimTimeMustBeFirst", "m_flAnimTime" ), SendPropExclude( "DT_BaseAnimating", "m_flCycle" ), SendPropInt( SENDINFO( m_bReflectViewModelAnimations ), 1, SPROP_UNSIGNED ), #else RecvPropInt( RECVINFO( m_bReflectViewModelAnimations ) ), #endif END_NETWORK_TABLE() BEGIN_PREDICTION_DATA( CBaseTFCombatWeapon ) // If true, reflect and weapon animations to all view models DEFINE_PRED_FIELD( m_bReflectViewModelAnimations, FIELD_BOOLEAN, FTYPEDESC_INSENDTABLE ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_iLastReflectedActivity, FIELD_INTEGER ) END_PREDICTION_DATA()