//=========== Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ===============// // // Purpose: //=============================================================================// #ifndef UIJSREGISTRATION_H #define UIJSREGISTRATION_H #pragma once #include "../panorama/uiengine.h" #if defined( OSX ) && !defined( SOURCE2_PANORAMA ) #include <tr1/tuple> #include <tr1/utility> #define STDTR1 std::tr1 #else #define STDTR1 std #endif #if _GNUC #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wuninitialized" #endif // _GNUC #ifdef None #undef None // X11 defines None breaking the ability to use v8::None down below, so remove the preprocessor macro here #endif #pragma warning(push) //warning C4700 : uninitialized local variable 'getcaster' used -- we'll do a lot of this, but its ok #pragma warning( disable : 4700 ) namespace panorama { template<typename T> struct RegisterJSTypeDeducer_t { static RegisterJSType_t Type() { return k_ERegisterJSTypeUnknown; } }; #define PANORAMA_DECLARE_DEDUCE_JSTYPE( _JSType, _T ) template<> struct RegisterJSTypeDeducer_t<_T> { static RegisterJSType_t Type() { return k_ERegisterJSType##_JSType; } }; PANORAMA_DECLARE_DEDUCE_JSTYPE( Void, void ) PANORAMA_DECLARE_DEDUCE_JSTYPE( Bool, bool ) PANORAMA_DECLARE_DEDUCE_JSTYPE( Int8, int8 ) PANORAMA_DECLARE_DEDUCE_JSTYPE( Uint8, uint8 ) PANORAMA_DECLARE_DEDUCE_JSTYPE( Int16, int16 ) PANORAMA_DECLARE_DEDUCE_JSTYPE( Uint16, uint16 ) PANORAMA_DECLARE_DEDUCE_JSTYPE( Int32, int32 ) PANORAMA_DECLARE_DEDUCE_JSTYPE( Uint32, uint32 ) PANORAMA_DECLARE_DEDUCE_JSTYPE( Int64, int64 ) PANORAMA_DECLARE_DEDUCE_JSTYPE( Uint64, uint64 ) PANORAMA_DECLARE_DEDUCE_JSTYPE( Float, float ) PANORAMA_DECLARE_DEDUCE_JSTYPE( Double, double ) PANORAMA_DECLARE_DEDUCE_JSTYPE( ConstString, const char * ) PANORAMA_DECLARE_DEDUCE_JSTYPE( PanoramaSymbol, CPanoramaSymbol ) PANORAMA_DECLARE_DEDUCE_JSTYPE( RawV8Args, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& ) inline void JSCheckObjectValidity( const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& args ) { // Don't use helper for getting panel, as it will throw exception, which we don't want in just this function v8::Local<v8::Object> obj = args.Holder(); if( obj->InternalFieldCount() != 1 ) { v8::Handle< v8::Boolean > value = v8::Boolean::New( args.GetIsolate(), false ); args.GetReturnValue().Set( value ); } v8::Local<v8::External> wrap = v8::Local<v8::External>::Cast( obj->GetInternalField( 0 ) ); void *pPanel = (void*)wrap->Value(); if( !pPanel ) { v8::Handle< v8::Boolean > value = v8::Boolean::New( args.GetIsolate(), false ); args.GetReturnValue().Set( value ); } else { v8::Handle< v8::Boolean > value = v8::Boolean::New( args.GetIsolate(), true ); args.GetReturnValue().Set( value ); } } // Register special IsValid(), which makes the JS obj like a safe handle where you can use this // to check if the obj has been deleted in C++ and is gone. You must still track all objects that are // created and set their internal value to 0 so they point at nothing to make this work. inline void RegisterJSIsValid() { v8::Isolate::Scope isolate_scope( GetV8Isolate() ); v8::HandleScope handle_scope( GetV8Isolate() ); v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> objTemplate = UIEngine()->GetCurrentV8ObjectTemplateToSetup(); objTemplate->Set( v8::String::NewFromUtf8( GetV8Isolate(), "IsValid" ), v8::FunctionTemplate::New( GetV8Isolate(), &JSCheckObjectValidity ) ); } // Register a member to expose to JavaScript as read/write template< typename ObjType, typename MemberType > void RegisterJSAccessor( const char *jsMemberName, MemberType( ObjType::*pGetFunc )() const, void(ObjType::*pSetFunc)(MemberType), const char *pDesc = NULL ); // Register a read-only member to expose to JavaScript template< typename ObjType, typename MemberType > void RegisterJSAccessorReadOnly( const char *jsMemberName, MemberType( ObjType::*pGetFunc )() const, const char *pDesc = NULL ); template < typename ObjType, typename RetType, typename ...Args> void RegisterJSMethod( const char *pchMethodName, RetType( ObjType::*mf )(Args...) const, const char *pDesc = NULL ); template <typename T> void RegisterJSConstantValue( const char *pchJSMemberName, T value, const char *pDesc = NULL ); template < typename RetType, typename ...Args> void RegisterJSGlobalFunction( const char *pchJSFunctionName, RetType(*pFunc)(Args...), bool bTrueGlobal = false, const char *pDesc = NULL ); // // Everything below here is internals, and should be ignored if you aren't adding additional type // support inside panorama itself. // template< typename ObjType> ObjType* GetThisPtrForJSCall( v8::Local<v8::Object> self ) { v8::Local<v8::External> wrap = v8::Local<v8::External>::Cast( self->GetInternalField( 0 ) ); ObjType *pPanel = (ObjType*)wrap->Value(); if( pPanel && panorama_is_base_of< IUIPanelClient, ObjType >::value ) { IUIPanel *pUIPanel = (IUIPanel*)(pPanel); pPanel = (ObjType*)(pUIPanel->ClientPtr()); } if( !pPanel ) { GetV8Isolate()->ThrowException( v8::String::NewFromUtf8( GetV8Isolate(), "Underlying object is deleted!" ) ); return NULL; } return pPanel; } template < typename T > void GetPtrToCallbackArray( T pGetFunc, v8::Handle<v8::Array> &callbackArray ); template < typename T > void SetPtrToCallbackArray( T pSetFunc, v8::Handle<v8::Array> &callbackArray ); struct funcbytes { void * v1; void * v2; void * v3; }; template< typename T> union HACKY_FUNC_PTR_CASTER { T funcPtr; funcbytes funcBytes; }; template< typename T> void RestoreFuncPtr( HACKY_FUNC_PTR_CASTER< T > &caster, v8::Local<v8::Array> &callbackArray, int iOffset ) { Assert( (int)callbackArray->Length() >= iOffset + 3 ); caster.funcBytes.v1 = v8::Local<v8::External>::Cast( callbackArray->Get( iOffset++ ) )->Value(); caster.funcBytes.v2 = v8::Local<v8::External>::Cast( callbackArray->Get( iOffset++ ) )->Value(); caster.funcBytes.v3 = v8::Local<v8::External>::Cast( callbackArray->Get( iOffset++ ) )->Value(); } template <typename T> void RegisterJSConstantValue( const char *pchJSMemberName, T value, const char *pDesc ) { v8::Isolate::Scope isolate_scope( GetV8Isolate() ); v8::HandleScope handle_scope( GetV8Isolate() ); v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> objTemplate = UIEngine()->GetCurrentV8ObjectTemplateToSetup(); v8::Handle<v8::Value> val; PanoramaTypeToV8Param( value, &val ); objTemplate->Set( v8::String::NewFromUtf8( GetV8Isolate(), pchJSMemberName ), val, v8::PropertyAttribute( v8::ReadOnly | v8::DontDelete ) ); UIEngine()->NewRegisterJSEntry( pchJSMemberName, RegisterJSEntryInfo_t::k_EConstantValue, pDesc, RegisterJSTypeDeducer_t<T>::Type() ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: More heavily templated helper for registering accessors of various types. We'll // expose explicit more strongly typed versions, but this avoids duplicating setup code in each. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <typename JSGetterCallback, typename JSSetterCallback, typename ObjGetMethod, typename ObjSetMethod> void RegisterJSAccessorInternal( const char *pchJSMemberName, ObjGetMethod pGetFunc, ObjSetMethod pSetFunc, JSGetterCallback pGetCallback, JSSetterCallback pSetCallback, const char *pDesc = NULL, RegisterJSType_t eDataType = k_ERegisterJSTypeUnknown ) { v8::Isolate::Scope isolate_scope( GetV8Isolate() ); v8::HandleScope handle_scope( GetV8Isolate() ); v8::Handle<v8::Array> callbackArray = v8::Array::New( GetV8Isolate(), 6 ); GetPtrToCallbackArray( pGetFunc, callbackArray ); SetPtrToCallbackArray( pSetFunc, callbackArray ); v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> objTemplate = UIEngine()->GetCurrentV8ObjectTemplateToSetup(); if( pSetFunc ) objTemplate->SetAccessor( v8::String::NewFromUtf8( GetV8Isolate(), pchJSMemberName ), pGetCallback, pSetCallback, callbackArray, v8::DEFAULT, v8::None ); else objTemplate->SetAccessor( v8::String::NewFromUtf8( GetV8Isolate(), pchJSMemberName ), pGetCallback, 0, callbackArray, v8::DEFAULT, v8::ReadOnly ); UIEngine()->NewRegisterJSEntry( pchJSMemberName, pSetFunc ? RegisterJSEntryInfo_t::k_EAccessor : RegisterJSEntryInfo_t::k_EAccessorReadOnly, pDesc, eDataType ); } template < class ObjType, class T > class CJSPropGetter { public: static void GetProp( v8::Local<v8::String> property, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info ) { v8::Isolate::Scope isolate_scope( GetV8Isolate() ); v8::HandleScope handle_scope( GetV8Isolate() ); ObjType *pPanel = GetThisPtrForJSCall<ObjType>( info.Holder() ); if( !pPanel ) return; v8::Local<v8::Array> callbackArray = v8::Local<v8::Array>::Cast( info.Data() ); HACKY_FUNC_PTR_CASTER< T( ObjType::* )() const > caster; RestoreFuncPtr( caster, callbackArray, 0 ); v8::Handle< v8::Value > val; T nativeval = (pPanel->*caster.funcPtr)(); PanoramaTypeToV8Param( nativeval, &val ); info.GetReturnValue().Set( val ); } static void SetProp( v8::Local<v8::String> property, v8::Local<v8::Value> value, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<void>& info ) { v8::Isolate::Scope isolate_scope( GetV8Isolate() ); v8::HandleScope handle_scope( GetV8Isolate() ); ObjType *pPanel = GetThisPtrForJSCall<ObjType>( info.Holder() ); if( !pPanel ) return; v8::Local<v8::Array> callbackArray = v8::Local<v8::Array>::Cast( info.Data() ); HACKY_FUNC_PTR_CASTER< void (ObjType::*)(T) > caster; RestoreFuncPtr( caster, callbackArray, 3 ); T val; V8ParamToPanoramaType( value, &val ); (pPanel->*caster.funcPtr)(val); FreeConvertedParam( val ); } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Register a float member to expose to JavaScript, can pass NULL for pSetFunc if this is only able to be read not written //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< typename ObjType, typename MemberType > void RegisterJSAccessor( const char *jsMemberName, MemberType( ObjType::*pGetFunc )() const, void(ObjType::*pSetFunc)(MemberType), const char *pDesc ) { RegisterJSAccessorInternal( jsMemberName, pGetFunc, pSetFunc, &CJSPropGetter<ObjType, MemberType>::GetProp, &CJSPropGetter<ObjType, MemberType>::SetProp, pDesc, RegisterJSTypeDeducer_t<MemberType>::Type() ); } // Register a read-only member to expose to JavaScript template< typename ObjType, typename MemberType > void RegisterJSAccessorReadOnly( const char *jsMemberName, MemberType( ObjType::*pGetFunc )() const, const char *pDesc ) { RegisterJSAccessorInternal( jsMemberName, pGetFunc, 0, &CJSPropGetter<ObjType, MemberType>::GetProp, &CJSPropGetter<ObjType, MemberType>::SetProp, pDesc, RegisterJSTypeDeducer_t<MemberType>::Type() ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Convert a v8 argument to native panorama type //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< typename T> bool BConvertV8ArgToPanorama( const v8::Handle<v8::Value> &val, T *pNativeVal ) { v8::TryCatch try_catch; V8ParamToPanoramaType( val, pNativeVal ); if( try_catch.HasCaught() ) { UIEngine()->OutputJSExceptionToConsole( try_catch, UIEngine()->GetPanelForJavaScriptContext( *(GetV8Isolate()->GetCurrentContext()) ) ); return false; } return true; } void JSCheckObjectValidity( const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& args ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Helper for passing function pointers into js data callback //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename T > void GetPtrToCallbackArray( T pGetFunc, v8::Handle<v8::Array> &callbackArray ) { COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof( T ) <= sizeof( funcbytes ) ); Assert( callbackArray->Length() >= 3 ); HACKY_FUNC_PTR_CASTER< T > getcaster; // single a legit GCC warning when our func pointers are 2 bytes, not 3 getcaster.funcBytes.v3 = NULL; getcaster.funcPtr = pGetFunc; callbackArray->Set( 0, v8::External::New( GetV8Isolate(), getcaster.funcBytes.v1 ) ); callbackArray->Set( 1, v8::External::New( GetV8Isolate(), getcaster.funcBytes.v2 ) ); callbackArray->Set( 2, v8::External::New( GetV8Isolate(), getcaster.funcBytes.v3 ) ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Helper for passing function pointers into js data callback //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename T > void SetPtrToCallbackArray( T pSetFunc, v8::Handle<v8::Array> &callbackArray ) { COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof( T ) <= sizeof( funcbytes ) ); Assert( callbackArray->Length() >= 6 ); if( pSetFunc ) { HACKY_FUNC_PTR_CASTER< T > setcaster; // single a legit GCC warning when our func pointers are 2 bytes, not 3 setcaster.funcBytes.v3 = NULL; setcaster.funcPtr = pSetFunc; callbackArray->Set( 3, v8::External::New( GetV8Isolate(), setcaster.funcBytes.v1 ) ); callbackArray->Set( 4, v8::External::New( GetV8Isolate(), setcaster.funcBytes.v2 ) ); callbackArray->Set( 5, v8::External::New( GetV8Isolate(), setcaster.funcBytes.v3 ) ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Handler for JS method call callbacks //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // two JSMethodCallbackWrappers to handle void callbacks & callbacks with return values template< typename RetType, typename ObjType, typename ...Args > struct JSMethodCallbackWrapper { static void Call( ObjType *pObject, RetType( ObjType::*mf )(Args...), const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& v8Args, Args... args ) { RetType ret = (pObject->*mf)(panorama_forward< Args >( args )...); v8::Handle< v8::Value > value; PanoramaTypeToV8Param( ret, &value ); v8Args.GetReturnValue().Set( value ); } }; template< typename ObjType, typename ...Args > struct JSMethodCallbackWrapper< void, ObjType, Args... > { static void Call( ObjType *pObject, void(ObjType::*mf)(Args...), const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& v8Args, Args... args ) { (pObject->*mf)(panorama_forward< Args >( args )...); } }; template< typename RetType, typename ...Args > struct JSFunctionCallbackWrapper { static void Call( RetType( *mf )(Args...), const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& v8Args, Args... args ) { RetType ret = mf(panorama_forward< Args >( args )... ); v8::Handle< v8::Value > value; PanoramaTypeToV8Param( ret, &value ); v8Args.GetReturnValue().Set( value ); } }; template< typename ...Args > struct JSFunctionCallbackWrapper < void, Args... > { static void Call( void(*mf)(Args...), const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& v8Args, Args... args ) { mf(panorama_forward< Args >( args )...); } }; // helper to generate a sequences of index to iterate template<int...> struct index_tuple {}; template<int I, typename IndexTuple, typename... Types> struct make_indexes_impl; template<int I, int... Indexes, typename T, typename ... Types> struct make_indexes_impl < I, index_tuple<Indexes...>, T, Types... > { typedef typename make_indexes_impl<I + 1, index_tuple<Indexes..., I>, Types...>::type type; }; template<int I, int... Indexes> struct make_indexes_impl < I, index_tuple<Indexes...> > { typedef index_tuple<Indexes...> type; }; template<typename ... Types> struct make_indexes : make_indexes_impl < 0, index_tuple<>, Types... > { }; // Expands values in tuple into a single function call template< typename ObjType, typename RetType, typename TupleType, class... Args, int... Indexes > void JSMethodCallTuple_Helper( ObjType *pPanel, RetType( ObjType::*mf )(Args...), const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value> &args, index_tuple< Indexes... >, TupleType &tup ) { JSMethodCallbackWrapper< RetType, ObjType, Args... >::Call( pPanel, mf, args, panorama_forward<Args>( STDTR1::get<Indexes>( tup ) )... ); } // Expands values in tuple into a single function call template< typename RetType, typename TupleType, class... Args, int... Indexes > void JSFunctionCallTuple_Helper( RetType( *pFunc )(Args...), const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value> &args, index_tuple< Indexes... >, TupleType &tup ) { JSFunctionCallbackWrapper< RetType, Args... >::Call( pFunc, args, panorama_forward<Args>( STDTR1::get<Indexes>( tup ) )... ); } // converts all v8 args into a tuple template< int Index, typename T > struct ConvertV8ArgsToTuple { static void Call( T &tup, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value> &args, bool *pbSucceeded ) { bool bSucceeded = BConvertV8ArgToPanorama( args[Index - 1], &STDTR1::get< Index - 1>( tup ) ); if ( pbSucceeded ) pbSucceeded[Index - 1] = bSucceeded; if ( !bSucceeded ) return; ConvertV8ArgsToTuple<Index - 1, T >::Call( tup, args, pbSucceeded ); } }; template< typename T > struct ConvertV8ArgsToTuple< 0, T > { static void Call( T &tup, const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value> &args, bool *pbSucceeded ) { } }; // frees all args in tuple template< int Index, typename T > struct FreeV8ArgsToTuple { static void Call( T &tup, bool *pbSucceeded ) { if ( pbSucceeded && pbSucceeded[Index - 1] ) FreeConvertedParam( STDTR1::get< Index - 1 >( tup ) ); FreeV8ArgsToTuple<Index - 1, T >::Call( tup, pbSucceeded ); } }; template< typename T > struct FreeV8ArgsToTuple < 0, T > { static void Call( T &tup, bool *pbSucceeded ) { } }; template< typename ObjType, typename RetType, typename ...Args > void JSMethodCallTuple( const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& args ) { v8::Isolate::Scope isolate_scope( args.GetIsolate() ); v8::HandleScope handle_scope( args.GetIsolate() ); v8::Persistent<v8::Context> &perContext = UIEngine()->GetV8GlobalContext(); v8::Handle<v8::Context> context = v8::Local<v8::Context>::New( GetV8Isolate(), perContext ); v8::Context::Scope context_scope( context ); if( args.Length() < sizeof...(Args) ) { v8::String::Utf8Value str( args.Callee()->GetName()->ToString() ); GetV8Isolate()->ThrowException( v8::String::NewFromUtf8( GetV8Isolate(), CFmtStr1024( "%s requires %d arguments; only %d given.", *str, (int)sizeof...(Args), (int)args.Length() ).String() ) ); return; } ObjType *pPanel = GetThisPtrForJSCall<ObjType>( args.Holder() ); if ( !pPanel ) return; v8::Local<v8::Array> callbackArray = v8::Local<v8::Array>::Cast( args.Data() ); HACKY_FUNC_PTR_CASTER< RetType( ObjType::* )(Args...) > caster; RestoreFuncPtr( caster, callbackArray, 0 ); bool *pbSucceeded = NULL; if ( sizeof...(Args) > 0 ) { pbSucceeded = new bool[sizeof...(Args)]; V_memset( pbSucceeded, 0, sizeof...(Args)* sizeof( bool ) ); } STDTR1::tuple< Args... > tupleArgs; ConvertV8ArgsToTuple< sizeof...(Args), STDTR1::tuple< Args... > >::Call( tupleArgs, args, pbSucceeded ); bool bSucceeded = true; for ( int i = 0; i < sizeof...(Args); i++ ) { if ( !pbSucceeded[i] ) bSucceeded = false; } if ( bSucceeded ) JSMethodCallTuple_Helper( pPanel, caster.funcPtr, args, typename make_indexes<Args...>::type(), tupleArgs ); FreeV8ArgsToTuple< sizeof...(Args), STDTR1::tuple< Args... > >::Call( tupleArgs, pbSucceeded ); delete[] pbSucceeded; } template< typename ObjType > void JSMethodCallTupleRaw( const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& args ) { v8::Isolate::Scope isolate_scope( args.GetIsolate() ); v8::HandleScope handle_scope( args.GetIsolate() ); v8::Persistent<v8::Context> &perContext = UIEngine()->GetV8GlobalContext(); v8::Handle<v8::Context> context = v8::Local<v8::Context>::New( GetV8Isolate(), perContext ); v8::Context::Scope context_scope( context ); ObjType *pPanel = GetThisPtrForJSCall<ObjType>( args.Holder() ); if ( !pPanel ) return; v8::Local<v8::Array> callbackArray = v8::Local<v8::Array>::Cast( args.Data() ); HACKY_FUNC_PTR_CASTER< void ( ObjType::* )( const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& ) > caster; RestoreFuncPtr( caster, callbackArray, 0 ); (pPanel->*caster.funcPtr)( args ); } template< typename RetType, typename ...Args > void JSFunctionCallTuple( const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& args ) { v8::Isolate::Scope isolate_scope( args.GetIsolate() ); v8::HandleScope handle_scope( args.GetIsolate() ); v8::Persistent<v8::Context> &perContext = UIEngine()->GetV8GlobalContext(); v8::Handle<v8::Context> context = v8::Local<v8::Context>::New( GetV8Isolate(), perContext ); v8::Context::Scope context_scope( context ); if( args.Length() < sizeof...(Args) ) { v8::String::Utf8Value str( args.Callee()->GetName()->ToString() ); GetV8Isolate()->ThrowException( v8::String::NewFromUtf8( GetV8Isolate(), CFmtStr1024( "%s requires %d arguments; only %d given.", *str, (int)sizeof...(Args), (int)args.Length() ).String() ) ); return; } v8::Local<v8::Array> callbackArray = v8::Local<v8::Array>::Cast( args.Data() ); HACKY_FUNC_PTR_CASTER< RetType( * )(Args...) > caster; RestoreFuncPtr( caster, callbackArray, 0 ); bool *pbSucceeded = NULL; if( sizeof...(Args) > 0 ) { pbSucceeded = new bool[sizeof...(Args)]; V_memset( pbSucceeded, 0, sizeof...(Args)* sizeof( bool ) ); } STDTR1::tuple< Args... > tupleArgs; ConvertV8ArgsToTuple< sizeof...(Args), STDTR1::tuple< Args... > >::Call( tupleArgs, args, pbSucceeded ); bool bSucceeded = true; for( int i = 0; i < sizeof...(Args); i++ ) { if( !pbSucceeded[i] ) bSucceeded = false; } if( bSucceeded ) JSFunctionCallTuple_Helper( caster.funcPtr, args, typename make_indexes<Args...>::type(), tupleArgs ); FreeV8ArgsToTuple< sizeof...(Args), STDTR1::tuple< Args... > >::Call( tupleArgs, pbSucceeded ); delete[] pbSucceeded; } // Infer types for all arguments. template< uint8 unIndex, typename Type1, typename ...Types > struct RegisterJSTypesDeducer { static void Call( RegisterJSType_t *pTypes, uint8 unMaxIndex ) { Assert( unIndex <= RegisterJSEntryInfo_t::k_unMaxParams ); if ( unIndex <= RegisterJSEntryInfo_t::k_unMaxParams ) { pTypes[unMaxIndex - unIndex] = RegisterJSTypeDeducer_t<Type1>::Type(); #if defined( SOURCE2_PANORAMA ) RegisterJSTypesDeducer< unIndex - 1, Types... >::Call( pTypes, unMaxIndex ); #endif } } }; template< typename Type1 > struct RegisterJSTypesDeducer< 0, Type1 > { static void Call( RegisterJSType_t *pTypes, uint8 unMaxIndex ) { // This is the termination placeholder. } }; // two RegisterJSMethods, one for const function pointers, one for mutable template < typename ObjType, typename RetType, typename ...Args> void RegisterJSMethod( const char *pchMethodName, RetType( ObjType::*mf )(Args...), const char *pDesc = NULL ) { v8::Isolate::Scope isolate_scope( GetV8Isolate() ); v8::HandleScope handle_scope( GetV8Isolate() ); v8::Handle<v8::Array> callbackArray = v8::Array::New( GetV8Isolate(), 3 ); GetPtrToCallbackArray( mf, callbackArray ); v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> objTemplate = UIEngine()->GetCurrentV8ObjectTemplateToSetup(); objTemplate->Set( v8::String::NewFromUtf8( GetV8Isolate(), pchMethodName ), v8::FunctionTemplate::New( GetV8Isolate(), &JSMethodCallTuple<ObjType, RetType, Args...>, callbackArray ) ); int nEntry = UIEngine()->NewRegisterJSEntry( pchMethodName, RegisterJSEntryInfo_t::k_EMethod, pDesc, RegisterJSTypeDeducer_t<RetType>::Type() ); #if defined( SOURCE2_PANORAMA ) RegisterJSType_t pParamTypes[RegisterJSEntryInfo_t::k_unMaxParams]; RegisterJSTypesDeducer< sizeof...(Args), Args..., void >::Call( pParamTypes, sizeof...(Args) ); UIEngine()->SetRegisterJSEntryParams( nEntry, sizeof...(Args), pParamTypes ); #else REFERENCE( nEntry ); #endif } template < typename ObjType, typename RetType, typename ...Args> void RegisterJSMethod( const char *pchMethodName, RetType( ObjType::*mf )(Args...) const, const char *pDesc ) { v8::Isolate::Scope isolate_scope( GetV8Isolate() ); v8::HandleScope handle_scope( GetV8Isolate() ); v8::Handle<v8::Array> callbackArray = v8::Array::New( GetV8Isolate(), 3 ); GetPtrToCallbackArray( mf, callbackArray ); v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> objTemplate = UIEngine()->GetCurrentV8ObjectTemplateToSetup(); objTemplate->Set( v8::String::NewFromUtf8( GetV8Isolate(), pchMethodName ), v8::FunctionTemplate::New( GetV8Isolate(), &JSMethodCallTuple<ObjType, RetType, Args...>, callbackArray ) ); int nEntry = UIEngine()->NewRegisterJSEntry( pchMethodName, RegisterJSEntryInfo_t::k_EMethod, pDesc, RegisterJSTypeDeducer_t<RetType>::Type() ); #if defined( SOURCE2_PANORAMA ) RegisterJSType_t pParamTypes[RegisterJSEntryInfo_t::k_unMaxParams]; RegisterJSTypesDeducer< sizeof...(Args), Args..., void >::Call( pParamTypes, sizeof...(Args) ); UIEngine()->SetRegisterJSEntryParams( nEntry, sizeof...(Args), pParamTypes ); #else REFERENCE( nEntry ); #endif } template < typename RetType, typename ...Args> void RegisterJSGlobalFunction( const char *pchJSFunctionName, RetType( *pFunc )(Args...), bool bTrueGlobal, const char *pDesc ) { v8::Isolate::Scope isolate_scope( GetV8Isolate() ); v8::HandleScope handle_scope( GetV8Isolate() ); v8::Persistent<v8::Context> &perContext = UIEngine()->GetV8GlobalContext(); v8::Handle<v8::Context> context = v8::Local<v8::Context>::New( GetV8Isolate(), perContext ); v8::Context::Scope context_scope( context ); v8::Handle<v8::Array> callbackArray = v8::Array::New( GetV8Isolate(), 3 ); GetPtrToCallbackArray( pFunc, callbackArray ); v8::Handle< v8::FunctionTemplate > funcTempl = v8::FunctionTemplate::New( GetV8Isolate(), &JSFunctionCallTuple< RetType, Args...>, callbackArray ); UIEngine()->AddGlobalV8FunctionTemplate( pchJSFunctionName, &funcTempl, bTrueGlobal ); int nEntry = UIEngine()->NewRegisterJSEntry( pchJSFunctionName, RegisterJSEntryInfo_t::k_EGlobalFunction, pDesc, RegisterJSTypeDeducer_t<RetType>::Type() ); #if defined( SOURCE2_PANORAMA ) RegisterJSType_t pParamTypes[RegisterJSEntryInfo_t::k_unMaxParams]; RegisterJSTypesDeducer< sizeof...(Args), Args..., void >::Call( pParamTypes, sizeof...(Args) ); UIEngine()->SetRegisterJSEntryParams( nEntry, sizeof...(Args), pParamTypes ); #else REFERENCE( nEntry ); #endif } inline void RegisterJSGlobalFunctionRaw( const char *pchJSFunctionName, void (*pCallbackFunc)( const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo< v8::Value > &callbackInfo ), bool bTrueGlobal, const char *pDesc = NULL ) { v8::Isolate::Scope isolate_scope( GetV8Isolate() ); v8::HandleScope handle_scope( GetV8Isolate() ); v8::Persistent<v8::Context> &perContext = UIEngine()->GetV8GlobalContext(); v8::Handle<v8::Context> context = v8::Local<v8::Context>::New( GetV8Isolate(), perContext ); v8::Context::Scope context_scope( context ); v8::Handle< v8::FunctionTemplate > funcTempl = v8::FunctionTemplate::New( GetV8Isolate(), pCallbackFunc ); UIEngine()->AddGlobalV8FunctionTemplate( pchJSFunctionName, &funcTempl, bTrueGlobal ); int nEntry = UIEngine()->NewRegisterJSEntry( pchJSFunctionName, RegisterJSEntryInfo_t::k_EGlobalFunction, pDesc, k_ERegisterJSTypeVoid ); RegisterJSType_t pParamTypes[1] = { k_ERegisterJSTypeRawV8Args }; UIEngine()->SetRegisterJSEntryParams( nEntry, 1, pParamTypes ); } template < typename ObjType > inline void RegisterJSMethodRaw( const char *pchMethodName, void ( ObjType::*mf )( const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo< v8::Value > &callbackInfo ), const char *pDesc = NULL ) { v8::Isolate::Scope isolate_scope( GetV8Isolate() ); v8::HandleScope handle_scope( GetV8Isolate() ); v8::Handle<v8::Array> callbackArray = v8::Array::New( GetV8Isolate(), 3 ); GetPtrToCallbackArray( mf, callbackArray ); v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> objTemplate = UIEngine()->GetCurrentV8ObjectTemplateToSetup(); objTemplate->Set( v8::String::NewFromUtf8( GetV8Isolate(), pchMethodName ), v8::FunctionTemplate::New( GetV8Isolate(), &JSMethodCallTupleRaw<ObjType>, callbackArray ) ); int nEntry = UIEngine()->NewRegisterJSEntry( pchMethodName, RegisterJSEntryInfo_t::k_EMethod, pDesc, k_ERegisterJSTypeVoid ); RegisterJSType_t pParamTypes[1] = { k_ERegisterJSTypeRawV8Args }; UIEngine()->SetRegisterJSEntryParams( nEntry, 1, pParamTypes ); } inline v8::Local< v8::String > JSObjectToJSON( v8::Isolate *pIsolate, v8::Local< v8::Value > object ) { v8::Local< v8::Context > context = pIsolate->GetCurrentContext(); v8::Local< v8::Object > global = context->Global(); v8::Local< v8::Object > global_JSON = v8::Handle< v8::Object >::Cast( global->Get( v8::String::NewFromUtf8( pIsolate, "JSON" ) ) ); v8::Local< v8::Function > global_JSON_stringify = v8::Handle< v8::Function >::Cast( global_JSON->Get( v8::String::NewFromUtf8( pIsolate, "stringify" ) ) ); v8::Local< v8::Value > args[] = { object }; return v8::Local< v8::String >::Cast( global_JSON_stringify->Call( global_JSON, 1, args ) ); } } #pragma warning(pop) #if _GNUC #pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif #endif // _WIN32