//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // //=============================================================================// #include "BasePanel.h" #include "OptionsDialog.h" #include "vgui/ILocalize.h" #include "vgui/ISurface.h" #include "vgui/ISystem.h" #include "vgui/IVGui.h" #include <vgui_controls/AnalogBar.h> #ifdef _X360 #include "xbox/xbox_launch.h" #endif #include "IGameUIFuncs.h" #include "GameUI_Interface.h" #include "inputsystem/iinputsystem.h" #include "EngineInterface.h" #include "KeyValues.h" #include "ModInfo.h" #include "matchmaking/matchmakingbasepanel.h" #include "vgui_controls/AnimationController.h" #include "tier1/utlbuffer.h" #include "filesystem.h" using namespace vgui; // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include <tier0/memdbgon.h> #define OPTION_STRING_LENGTH 64 ConVar binds_per_command( "binds_per_command", "1", 0 ); ConVar x360_resolution_widescreen_mode( "x360_resolution_widescreen_mode", "0", 0, "This is only used for reference. Changing this value does nothing" ); ConVar x360_resolution_width( "x360_resolution_width", "640", 0, "This is only used for reference. Changing this value does nothing" ); ConVar x360_resolution_height( "x360_resolution_height", "480", 0, "This is only used for reference. Changing this value does nothing" ); ConVar x360_resolution_interlaced( "x360_resolution_interlaced", "0", 0, "This is only used for reference. Changing this value does nothing" ); ConVar x360_audio_english("x360_audio_english", "0", 0, "Keeps track of whether we're forcing english in a localized language." ); enum OptionType_e { OPTION_TYPE_BINARY = 0, OPTION_TYPE_SLIDER, OPTION_TYPE_CHOICE, OPTION_TYPE_BIND, OPTION_TYPE_TOTAL }; enum SliderHomeType_e { SLIDER_HOME_NONE = 0, SLIDER_HOME_PREV, SLIDER_HOME_MIN, SLIDER_HOME_CENTER, SLIDER_HOME_MAX, SLIDER_HOME_TYPE_TOTAL }; struct OptionChoiceData_t { char szName[ OPTION_STRING_LENGTH ]; char szValue[ OPTION_STRING_LENGTH ]; }; struct OptionData_t { char szName[ OPTION_STRING_LENGTH ]; char szDisplayName[ OPTION_STRING_LENGTH ]; union { char szConvar[ OPTION_STRING_LENGTH ]; // Used by all types except binds char szCommand[ OPTION_STRING_LENGTH ]; // Used exclusively by bind types }; char szConvar2[ OPTION_STRING_LENGTH ]; // Used for choice types that use 2 convars char szConvarDef[ OPTION_STRING_LENGTH ]; int iPriority; OptionType_e eOptionType; bool bUnchangeable; bool bVocalsLanguage; // Slider types exclusively use these float fMinValue; float fMaxValue; float fIncValue; float fSliderHomeValue; union { SliderHomeType_e eSliderHomeType; // Slider types exclusively use this int int iCurrentChoice; // Choice types exclusively use this int int iNumBinds; // Bind types exclusively use this int }; CUtlVector<OptionChoiceData_t> m_Choices; }; class OptionsDataContainer { public: ~OptionsDataContainer() { for ( int iOption = 0; iOption < m_pOptions.Count(); ++iOption ) { delete (m_pOptions[ iOption ]); m_pOptions[ iOption ] = 0; } for ( int iOption = 0; iOption < m_pControllerOptions.Count(); ++iOption ) { delete (m_pControllerOptions[ iOption ]); m_pControllerOptions[ iOption ] = 0; } } public: CUtlVector<OptionData_t*> m_pOptions; CUtlVector<OptionData_t*> m_pControllerOptions; }; static OptionsDataContainer s_OptionsDataContainer; static CUtlVector<OptionChoiceData_t> s_DisabledOptions; const char *UTIL_Parse( const char *data, char *token, int sizeofToken ); bool ActionsAreTheSame( const char *pchAction1, const char *pchAction2 ) { if ( Q_stricmp( pchAction1, pchAction2 ) == 0 ) return true; if ( ( Q_stricmp( pchAction1, "+duck" ) == 0 || Q_stricmp( pchAction1, "toggle_duck" ) == 0 ) && ( Q_stricmp( pchAction2, "+duck" ) == 0 || Q_stricmp( pchAction2, "toggle_duck" ) == 0 ) ) { // +duck and toggle_duck are interchangable return true; } if ( ( Q_stricmp( pchAction1, "+zoom" ) == 0 || Q_stricmp( pchAction1, "toggle_zoom" ) == 0 ) && ( Q_stricmp( pchAction2, "+zoom" ) == 0 || Q_stricmp( pchAction2, "toggle_zoom" ) == 0 ) ) { // +zoom and toggle_zoom are interchangable return true; } return false; } COptionsDialogXbox::COptionsDialogXbox( vgui::Panel *parent, bool bControllerOptions ) : BaseClass( parent, "OptionsDialog" ) { #ifdef _X360 // Get out current resolution and stuff it into convars for later reference XVIDEO_MODE videoMode; XGetVideoMode( &videoMode ); x360_resolution_widescreen_mode.SetValue( videoMode.fIsWideScreen ); x360_resolution_width.SetValue( static_cast<int>( videoMode.dwDisplayWidth ) ); x360_resolution_height.SetValue( static_cast<int>( videoMode.dwDisplayHeight ) ); x360_resolution_interlaced.SetValue( videoMode.fIsInterlaced ); #endif //Figure out which way duck is bound, and set the option_duck_method convar the correct way. const char *pDuckKey = engine->Key_LookupBinding( "+duck" ); ButtonCode_t code = g_pInputSystem->StringToButtonCode( pDuckKey ); const char *pDuckMode = engine->Key_BindingForKey( code ); // NOW. If duck key is bound to +DUCK, set the convar to 0. Else, set it to 1. ConVarRef varOption( "option_duck_method" ); if( pDuckMode != NULL ) { if( !Q_stricmp(pDuckMode,"+duck") ) { varOption.SetValue( 0 ); } else { varOption.SetValue( 1 ); } } SetSize( 32, 32 ); SetDeleteSelfOnClose( true ); SetTitleBarVisible( false ); SetCloseButtonVisible( false ); SetSizeable( false ); m_pFooter = new CFooterPanel( parent, "OptionsFooter" ); m_pFooter->SetStandardDialogButtons(); m_bControllerOptions = bControllerOptions; m_bOptionsChanged = false; // Store the old vocal language setting m_bOldForceEnglishAudio = x360_audio_english.GetBool(); // Get the correct options list if ( !m_bControllerOptions ) m_pOptions = &s_OptionsDataContainer.m_pOptions; else m_pOptions = &s_OptionsDataContainer.m_pControllerOptions; if ( m_pOptions->Count() == 0 ) { // Populate it if it's hasn't been filled ReadOptionsFromFile( "scripts/mod_options.360.txt" ); ReadOptionsFromFile( "scripts/options.360.txt" ); SortOptions(); } m_pSelectedOption = NULL; m_iSelection = 0; m_iScroll = 0; m_iXAxisState = 0; m_iYAxisState = 0; m_fNextChangeTime = 0.0f; m_pOptionsSelectionLeft = SETUP_PANEL( new Panel( this, "OptionsSelectionLeft" ) ); m_pOptionsSelectionLeft2 = SETUP_PANEL( new Panel( this, "OptionsSelectionLeft2" ) ); m_pOptionsUpArrow = new vgui::Label( this, "UpArrow", "" ); m_pOptionsDownArrow = new vgui::Label( this, "DownArrow", "" ); for ( int iLabel = 0; iLabel < OPTIONS_MAX_NUM_ITEMS; ++iLabel ) { char szLabelName[ 64 ]; Q_snprintf( szLabelName, sizeof( szLabelName), "OptionLabel%i", iLabel ); m_pOptionLabels[ iLabel ] = new vgui::Label( this, szLabelName, "" ); Q_snprintf( szLabelName, sizeof( szLabelName), "ValueLabel%i", iLabel ); m_pValueLabels[ iLabel ] = new vgui::Label( this, szLabelName, "" ); Q_snprintf( szLabelName, sizeof( szLabelName), "ValueBar%i", iLabel ); m_pValueBars[ iLabel ] = new AnalogBar( this, szLabelName ); } // Faster repeats for sideways m_KeyRepeat.SetKeyRepeatTime( KEY_XBUTTON_LEFT, 0.08 ); m_KeyRepeat.SetKeyRepeatTime( KEY_XBUTTON_RIGHT, 0.08 ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COptionsDialogXbox::InitializeSliderDefaults( void ) { for ( int iOption = 0; iOption < m_pOptions->Count(); ++iOption ) { OptionData_t *pOption = (*m_pOptions)[ iOption ]; if ( pOption->eOptionType != OPTION_TYPE_SLIDER ) continue; if( pOption->eSliderHomeType != SLIDER_HOME_PREV ) continue; const char *pszConvarName = pOption->szConvar; if ( pOption->szConvarDef && pOption->szConvarDef[0] ) { // They've specified a different convar to use as the default pszConvarName = pOption->szConvarDef; } ConVarRef varOption( pszConvarName ); pOption->fSliderHomeValue = varOption.GetFloat(); } } COptionsDialogXbox::~COptionsDialogXbox() { if ( m_bOldForceEnglishAudio != x360_audio_english.GetBool() ) { #ifdef _X360 XboxLaunch()->SetForceEnglish( x360_audio_english.GetBool() ); #endif PostMessage( BasePanel()->GetVPanel(), new KeyValues( "command", "command", "QuitRestartNoConfirm" ), 0.0f ); } delete m_pFooter; m_pFooter = NULL; } void COptionsDialogXbox::ApplySettings( KeyValues *inResourceData ) { BaseClass::ApplySettings( inResourceData ); m_nButtonGap = inResourceData->GetInt( "footer_buttongap", -1 ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COptionsDialogXbox::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme ); KeyValues *pControlSettings = BasePanel()->GetConsoleControlSettings()->FindKey( "OptionsDialog.res" ); LoadControlSettings( "null", NULL, pControlSettings ); if ( m_pFooter ) { KeyValues *pFooterControlSettings = BasePanel()->GetConsoleControlSettings()->FindKey( "OptionsFooter.res" ); m_pFooter->LoadControlSettings( "null", NULL, pFooterControlSettings ); } m_SelectedColor = pScheme->GetColor( "SectionedListPanel.SelectedBgColor", Color(255, 255, 255, 255) ); m_pOptionsSelectionLeft->SetBgColor( m_SelectedColor ); m_pOptionsSelectionLeft->SetAlpha( 96 ); m_pOptionsSelectionLeft2->SetBgColor( Color(0,0,0,96) ); int iX, iY; m_pOptionsSelectionLeft->GetPos( iX, m_iSelectorYStart ); m_iOptionSpacing = (m_pOptionLabels[ 0 ])->GetTall(); m_hLabelFont = pScheme->GetFont( "MenuLarge" ); m_hButtonFont = pScheme->GetFont( "GameUIButtons" ); // Decide how many items will fit int iTall = GetTall(); m_iNumItems = ( iTall - 70 ) / m_iOptionSpacing; if ( m_iNumItems > m_pOptions->Count() ) { // There's more space in the dialog than needed, shrink it down m_iNumItems = m_pOptions->Count(); iTall = m_iNumItems * m_iOptionSpacing + 70; SetTall( iTall ); } MoveToCenterOfScreen(); // Adjust sizes for the number of items vgui::Panel *pPanel = FindChildByName( "OptionsBackgroundLeft" ); pPanel->SetTall( iTall - 70 ); pPanel = FindChildByName( "OptionsBackgroundRight" ); pPanel->SetTall( iTall - 70 ); m_pOptionsUpArrow->GetPos( iX, iY ); m_pOptionsUpArrow->SetPos( iX, iTall - 32 ); m_pOptionsDownArrow->GetPos( iX, iY ); m_pOptionsDownArrow->SetPos( iX, iTall - 32 ); m_pValueBars[ 0 ]->SetFgColor( Color( 255, 255, 255, 200 ) ); m_pValueBars[ 0 ]->SetBgColor( Color( 255, 255, 255, 32 ) ); m_pValueBars[ 0 ]->SetHomeColor( Color( m_SelectedColor[0], m_SelectedColor[1], m_SelectedColor[2], 96 ) ); // Get proper setting for items for orginal in res file vgui::Panel *(pPanelList[3]) = { m_pOptionLabels[ 0 ], m_pValueLabels[ 0 ], m_pValueBars[ 0 ] }; for ( int iPanelList = 0; iPanelList < 3; ++iPanelList ) { pPanel = pPanelList[ iPanelList ]; int iZ, iWide; bool bVisible; pPanel->GetPos( iX, iY ); iZ = ipanel()->GetZPos( pPanel->GetVPanel() ); iWide = pPanel->GetWide(); iTall = pPanel->GetTall(); bVisible = pPanel->IsVisible(); for ( int iLabel = 1; iLabel < m_iNumItems; ++iLabel ) { if ( iPanelList == 0 ) { pPanel = m_pOptionLabels[ iLabel ]; m_pOptionLabels[ iLabel ]->SetFont( m_pOptionLabels[ 0 ]->GetFont() ); } else if ( iPanelList == 1 ) { pPanel = m_pValueLabels[ iLabel ]; m_pValueLabels[ iLabel ]->SetFont( m_pValueLabels[ 0 ]->GetFont() ); } else if ( iPanelList == 2 ) { pPanel = m_pValueBars[ iLabel ]; m_pValueBars[ iLabel ]->SetFgColor( m_pValueBars[ 0 ]->GetFgColor() ); m_pValueBars[ iLabel ]->SetBgColor( m_pValueBars[ 0 ]->GetBgColor() ); m_pValueBars[ iLabel ]->SetHomeColor( m_pValueBars[ 0 ]->GetHomeColor() ); } pPanel->SetPos( iX, iY + iLabel * m_iOptionSpacing ); pPanel->SetZPos( iZ ); pPanel->SetWide( iWide ); pPanel->SetTall( iTall ); pPanel->SetVisible( bVisible ); } } // Make unused items invisible for ( int iLabel = m_iNumItems; iLabel < OPTIONS_MAX_NUM_ITEMS; ++iLabel ) { m_pOptionLabels[ iLabel ]->SetVisible( false ); m_pValueLabels[ iLabel ]->SetVisible( false ); m_pValueBars[ iLabel ]->SetVisible( false ); } InitializeSliderDefaults(); UpdateScroll(); DeactivateSelection(); UpdateFooter(); // Don't fade the background for options so that brightness can be easily adjusted if ( !m_bControllerOptions ) vgui::GetAnimationController()->RunAnimationCommand( BasePanel(), "m_flBackgroundFillAlpha", 0.01f, 0.0f, 1.0f, AnimationController::INTERPOLATOR_LINEAR ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COptionsDialogXbox::OnClose( void ) { CMatchmakingBasePanel *pBase = BasePanel()->GetMatchmakingBasePanel(); if ( pBase ) { pBase->ShowFooter( true ); } ConVarRef varOption( "option_duck_method" ); char szCommand[ 256 ]; for ( int iCode = 0; iCode < BUTTON_CODE_LAST; ++iCode ) { ButtonCode_t code = static_cast<ButtonCode_t>( iCode ); const char *pDuckKeyName = gameuifuncs->GetBindingForButtonCode( code ); // Check if there's a binding for this key if ( !pDuckKeyName || !pDuckKeyName[0] ) continue; // If we use this binding, display the key in our list if ( ActionsAreTheSame( pDuckKeyName, "+duck" ) ) { if( varOption.GetBool() ) { // Bind DUCK key to toggle_duck Q_snprintf( szCommand, sizeof( szCommand ), "bind \"%s\" \"%s\"", g_pInputSystem->ButtonCodeToString( code ), "toggle_duck" ); engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( szCommand ); } else { // Bind DUCK key to +DUCK Q_snprintf( szCommand, sizeof( szCommand ), "bind \"%s\" \"%s\"", g_pInputSystem->ButtonCodeToString( code ), "+DUCK" ); engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( szCommand ); } } } // Save these settings! if ( m_bOptionsChanged ) engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( "host_writeconfig" ); BasePanel()->RunCloseAnimation( "CloseOptionsDialog_OpenMainMenu" ); if ( !m_bControllerOptions ) vgui::GetAnimationController()->RunAnimationCommand( BasePanel(), "m_flBackgroundFillAlpha", 120.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, AnimationController::INTERPOLATOR_LINEAR ); BaseClass::OnClose(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COptionsDialogXbox::OnKeyCodePressed( vgui::KeyCode code ) { if ( IsX360() ) { if ( GetAlpha() != 255 ) { // inhibit key activity during transitions return; } } if ( !m_bSelectionActive ) HandleInactiveKeyCodePressed( code ); else if ( m_pSelectedOption->eOptionType != OPTION_TYPE_BIND ) HandleActiveKeyCodePressed( code ); else HandleBindKeyCodePressed( code ); } void COptionsDialogXbox::OnCommand(const char *command) { m_KeyRepeat.Reset(); if ( !Q_stricmp( command, "DefaultControls" ) ) { vgui::surface()->PlaySound( "UI/buttonclick.wav" ); FillInDefaultBindings(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( command, "RefreshOptions" ) ) { UncacheChoices(); UpdateScroll(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( command, "AcceptVocalsLanguageChange" ) ) { OnClose(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( command, "CancelVocalsLanguageChange" ) ) { vgui::surface()->PlaySound( "UI/buttonclick.wav" ); x360_audio_english.SetValue( m_bOldForceEnglishAudio ); OnCommand( "RefreshOptions" ); OnClose(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( command, "ReleaseModalWindow" ) ) { vgui::surface()->RestrictPaintToSinglePanel(NULL); } else { BaseClass::OnCommand(command); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COptionsDialogXbox::OnKeyCodeReleased( vgui::KeyCode code ) { m_KeyRepeat.KeyUp( code ); BaseClass::OnKeyCodeReleased( code ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COptionsDialogXbox::OnThink() { vgui::KeyCode code = m_KeyRepeat.KeyRepeated(); if ( code ) { OnKeyCodePressed( code ); } BaseClass::OnThink(); } void COptionsDialogXbox::HandleInactiveKeyCodePressed( vgui::KeyCode code ) { m_KeyRepeat.KeyDown( code ); OptionType_e eOptionType = (*m_pOptions)[ m_iSelection ]->eOptionType; switch( code ) { // Change the selected value case KEY_XBUTTON_A: case STEAMCONTROLLER_A: if ( !(*m_pOptions)[ m_iSelection ]->bUnchangeable ) { // Don't allow more binds if it's already maxed out if ( eOptionType == OPTION_TYPE_BIND && ( (*m_pOptions)[ m_iSelection ]->iNumBinds < binds_per_command.GetInt() || binds_per_command.GetInt() == 1 ) ) { ActivateSelection(); vgui::surface()->PlaySound( "UI/buttonclickrelease.wav" ); } else if ( eOptionType == OPTION_TYPE_BINARY || eOptionType == OPTION_TYPE_CHOICE ) { ActivateSelection(); ChangeValue( 1 ); DeactivateSelection(); } } else if ( !(*m_pOptions)[ m_iSelection ]->bVocalsLanguage ) { BasePanel()->ShowMessageDialog( MD_OPTION_CHANGE_FROM_X360_DASHBOARD, this ); } break; // To the main menu case KEY_XBUTTON_B: case STEAMCONTROLLER_B: if ( m_bOldForceEnglishAudio != x360_audio_english.GetBool() ) { // Pop up a dialog to confirm changing the language vgui::surface()->PlaySound( "UI/buttonclickrelease.wav" ); BasePanel()->ShowMessageDialog( MD_SAVE_BEFORE_LANGUAGE_CHANGE, this ); } else { OnClose(); } break; // Move the selection up and down case KEY_XBUTTON_UP: case KEY_XSTICK1_UP: case STEAMCONTROLLER_DPAD_UP: ChangeSelection( -1 ); break; case KEY_XBUTTON_DOWN: case KEY_XSTICK1_DOWN: case STEAMCONTROLLER_DPAD_DOWN: ChangeSelection( 1 ); break; // Quickly change in the negative direction case KEY_XBUTTON_LEFT: case KEY_XSTICK1_LEFT: case STEAMCONTROLLER_DPAD_LEFT: if ( !(*m_pOptions)[ m_iSelection ]->bUnchangeable ) { if ( eOptionType != OPTION_TYPE_BIND ) { ActivateSelection(); ChangeValue( -1 ); DeactivateSelection(); } } else if ( !(*m_pOptions)[ m_iSelection ]->bVocalsLanguage ) { BasePanel()->ShowMessageDialog( MD_OPTION_CHANGE_FROM_X360_DASHBOARD, this ); } break; // Quickly change in the positive direction case KEY_XBUTTON_RIGHT: case KEY_XSTICK1_RIGHT: case STEAMCONTROLLER_DPAD_RIGHT: if ( !(*m_pOptions)[ m_iSelection ]->bUnchangeable ) { if ( eOptionType != OPTION_TYPE_BIND ) { ActivateSelection(); ChangeValue( 1 ); DeactivateSelection(); } } else if ( !(*m_pOptions)[ m_iSelection ]->bVocalsLanguage ) { BasePanel()->ShowMessageDialog( MD_OPTION_CHANGE_FROM_X360_DASHBOARD, this ); } break; case KEY_XBUTTON_X: case STEAMCONTROLLER_X: if ( !(*m_pOptions)[ m_iSelection ]->bUnchangeable ) { if ( eOptionType == OPTION_TYPE_BIND ) { if ( (*m_pOptions)[ m_iSelection ]->iNumBinds != 0 ) { ActivateSelection(); m_bOptionsChanged = true; vgui::surface()->PlaySound( "UI/buttonclick.wav" ); UnbindOption( m_pSelectedOption, GetSelectionLabel() ); DeactivateSelection(); } } } break; case KEY_XBUTTON_Y: case STEAMCONTROLLER_Y: if ( m_bControllerOptions ) { m_bOptionsChanged = true; vgui::surface()->PlaySound( "UI/buttonclickrelease.wav" ); BasePanel()->ShowMessageDialog( MD_DEFAULT_CONTROLS_CONFIRM, this ); } else { BasePanel()->OnChangeStorageDevice(); } break; default: break; } } void COptionsDialogXbox::HandleActiveKeyCodePressed( vgui::KeyCode code ) { // Only binds types should become active! DeactivateSelection(); } void COptionsDialogXbox::HandleBindKeyCodePressed( vgui::KeyCode code ) { // Don't let stick movements be bound if ( ( code >= KEY_XSTICK1_RIGHT && code <= KEY_XSTICK1_UP ) || ( code >= KEY_XSTICK2_RIGHT && code <= KEY_XSTICK2_UP ) ) return; if ( code == KEY_XBUTTON_START ) { vgui::surface()->PlaySound( "UI/buttonrollover.wav" ); UpdateValue( m_pSelectedOption, GetSelectionLabel() ); } else ChangeValue( static_cast<int>( code ) ); DeactivateSelection(); } void COptionsDialogXbox::ActivateSelection( void ) { m_bSelectionActive = true; m_pSelectedOption = (*m_pOptions)[ m_iSelection ]; if ( !m_pSelectedOption || m_pSelectedOption->eOptionType != OPTION_TYPE_BIND ) return; m_KeyRepeat.Reset(); m_pOptionsSelectionLeft->SetAlpha( 255 ); int iLabel = GetSelectionLabel(); m_pOptionLabels[ iLabel ]->SetFgColor( Color( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ); m_pValueLabels[ iLabel ]->SetFont( m_hLabelFont ); m_pValueLabels[ iLabel ]->SetText( "#GameUI_SetNewButton" ); UpdateFooter(); } void COptionsDialogXbox::DeactivateSelection( void ) { m_bSelectionActive = false; if ( !m_pSelectedOption || m_pSelectedOption->eOptionType != OPTION_TYPE_BIND ) return; m_pOptionsSelectionLeft->SetAlpha( 96 ); int iLabel = GetSelectionLabel(); m_pOptionLabels[ iLabel ]->SetFgColor( Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) ); m_pValueLabels[ iLabel ]->SetFgColor( Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) ); UpdateFooter(); } void COptionsDialogXbox::ChangeSelection( int iChange ) { m_iSelection += iChange; if ( m_iSelection < 0 ) { m_iSelection = 0; vgui::surface()->PlaySound( "player/suit_denydevice.wav" ); } else if ( m_iSelection >= m_pOptions->Count() ) { m_iSelection = m_pOptions->Count() - 1; vgui::surface()->PlaySound( "player/suit_denydevice.wav" ); } else { vgui::surface()->PlaySound( "UI/buttonrollover.wav" ); } // Make sure the selected item in in the window if ( m_iSelection < m_iScroll ) { m_iScroll = m_iSelection; UpdateScroll(); } else if ( GetSelectionLabel() >= m_iNumItems ) { m_iScroll = m_iSelection - m_iNumItems + 1; UpdateScroll(); } UpdateFooter(); UpdateSelection(); } void COptionsDialogXbox::UpdateFooter( void ) { m_pFooter->ClearButtons(); if ( !m_bSelectionActive ) { if ( !(*m_pOptions)[ m_iSelection ]->bUnchangeable ) { switch ( (*m_pOptions)[ m_iSelection ]->eOptionType ) { case OPTION_TYPE_BINARY: m_pFooter->AddNewButtonLabel( "#GameUI_Modify", "#GameUI_Icons_DPAD" ); break; case OPTION_TYPE_SLIDER: m_pFooter->AddNewButtonLabel( "#GameUI_Modify", "#GameUI_Icons_DPAD" ); break; case OPTION_TYPE_CHOICE: m_pFooter->AddNewButtonLabel( ( (*m_pOptions)[ m_iSelection ]->m_Choices.Count() == 2 ) ? ( "#GameUI_Toggle" ) : ( "#GameUI_Modify" ), "#GameUI_Icons_DPAD" ); break; case OPTION_TYPE_BIND: { if ( (*m_pOptions)[ m_iSelection ]->iNumBinds < binds_per_command.GetInt() || binds_per_command.GetInt() == 1 ) m_pFooter->AddNewButtonLabel( "#GameUI_Modify", "#GameUI_Icons_A_BUTTON" ); if ( (*m_pOptions)[ m_iSelection ]->iNumBinds != 0 ) m_pFooter->AddNewButtonLabel( "#GameUI_ClearButton", "#GameUI_Icons_X_BUTTON" ); break; } } } if ( m_bControllerOptions ) m_pFooter->AddNewButtonLabel( "#GameUI_DefaultButtons", "#GameUI_Icons_Y_BUTTON" ); else m_pFooter->AddNewButtonLabel( "#GameUI_Console_StorageChange", "#GameUI_Icons_Y_BUTTON" ); m_pFooter->AddNewButtonLabel( "#GameUI_Close", "#GameUI_Icons_B_BUTTON" ); } else if ( m_pSelectedOption ) { switch ( m_pSelectedOption->eOptionType ) { case OPTION_TYPE_BIND: m_pFooter->AddNewButtonLabel( "#GameUI_Cancel", "#GameUI_Icons_START" ); break; } } if ( m_nButtonGap > 0 ) { m_pFooter->SetButtonGap( m_nButtonGap ); } else { m_pFooter->UseDefaultButtonGap(); } CMatchmakingBasePanel *pBase = BasePanel()->GetMatchmakingBasePanel(); if ( pBase ) { pBase->ShowFooter( false ); } } void COptionsDialogXbox::UpdateSelection( void ) { int iYPos = m_iSelectorYStart + m_iOptionSpacing * ( GetSelectionLabel() ); int iX, iY; m_pOptionsSelectionLeft->GetPos( iX, iY ); m_pOptionsSelectionLeft->SetPos( iX, iYPos ); m_pOptionsSelectionLeft2->GetPos( iX, iY ); m_pOptionsSelectionLeft2->SetPos( iX, iYPos + 2 ); } void COptionsDialogXbox::UpdateScroll( void ) { for ( int iLabel = 0; iLabel < m_iNumItems; ++iLabel ) { int iOption = m_iScroll + iLabel; if ( iOption >= m_pOptions->Count() ) break; OptionData_t *pOption = (*m_pOptions)[ iOption ]; m_pOptionLabels[ iLabel ]->SetText( pOption->szDisplayName ); UpdateValue( pOption, iLabel ); if ( pOption->bUnchangeable ) { m_pOptionLabels[ iLabel ]->SetFgColor( Color( 128, 128, 128, 255 ) ); m_pValueLabels[ iLabel ]->SetFgColor( Color( 128, 128, 128, 255 ) ); } else { m_pOptionLabels[ iLabel ]->SetFgColor( Color( 200, 200, 200, 255 ) ); m_pValueLabels[ iLabel ]->SetFgColor( Color( 200, 200, 200, 255 ) ); } } // Draw arrows if there's more items to scroll to m_pOptionsUpArrow->SetAlpha( ( m_iScroll > 0 ) ? ( 255 ) : ( 64 ) ); m_pOptionsDownArrow->SetAlpha( ( m_iScroll + m_iNumItems < m_pOptions->Count() ) ? ( 255 ) : ( 64 ) ); } void COptionsDialogXbox::UncacheChoices( void ) { for ( int iOption = 0; iOption < m_pOptions->Count(); ++iOption ) { OptionData_t *pOption = (*m_pOptions)[ iOption ]; if ( pOption->eOptionType != OPTION_TYPE_CHOICE ) continue; pOption->iCurrentChoice = -1; } } void COptionsDialogXbox::GetChoiceFromConvar( OptionData_t *pOption ) { if ( pOption->iCurrentChoice < 0 ) { // Don't have a proper choice yet, so see if the convars value matches one of our choices if ( pOption->szConvar2[ 0 ] == '\0' ) { ConVarRef varOption( pOption->szConvar ); const char *pchValue = varOption.GetString(); // Only one convar to check for ( int iChoice = 0; iChoice < pOption->m_Choices.Count(); ++iChoice ) { if ( Q_stricmp( pOption->m_Choices[ iChoice ].szValue, pchValue ) == 0 ) { pOption->iCurrentChoice = iChoice; break; } // We need to compare values in case we have "0" & "0.00000". if ( (pchValue[0] >= '0' && pchValue[0] <= '9') || pchValue[0] == '-' ) { float flVal = atof(pchValue); float flChoiceVal = atof(pOption->m_Choices[ iChoice ].szValue); if ( flVal == flChoiceVal ) { pOption->iCurrentChoice = iChoice; break; } } } } else { // Two convars to contend with ConVarRef varOption( pOption->szConvar ); ConVarRef varOption2( pOption->szConvar2 ); const char *pchValue = varOption.GetString(); const char *pchValue2 = varOption2.GetString(); for ( int iChoice = 0; iChoice < pOption->m_Choices.Count(); ++iChoice ) { char szOptionValue[ OPTION_STRING_LENGTH ]; Q_strncpy( szOptionValue, pOption->m_Choices[ iChoice ].szValue, sizeof( szOptionValue ) ); char *pchOptionValue2 = const_cast<char*>( Q_strnchr( szOptionValue, ';', sizeof( szOptionValue ) ) ); AssertMsg( pchOptionValue2, "Option uses 2 convars but an option doesn't have 2 ; separated values!" ); pchOptionValue2[ 0 ] = '\0'; // Set this as the end of the other value ++pchOptionValue2; // Point at next char if ( Q_stricmp( szOptionValue, pchValue ) == 0 && Q_stricmp( pchOptionValue2, pchValue2 ) == 0 ) { pOption->iCurrentChoice = iChoice; break; } } } } } #if !defined(_X360) // BUGBUG: This won't compile because it includes windows.h and this interface function is #defined to something else // see below system()->GetCurrentTime #undef GetCurrentTime #endif void COptionsDialogXbox::ChangeValue( float fChange ) { switch ( m_pSelectedOption->eOptionType ) { case OPTION_TYPE_BINARY: { ConVarRef varOption( m_pSelectedOption->szConvar ); varOption.SetValue( !varOption.GetBool() ); UpdateValue( m_pSelectedOption, GetSelectionLabel() ); m_bOptionsChanged = true; vgui::surface()->PlaySound( "UI/buttonclick.wav" ); break; } case OPTION_TYPE_SLIDER: { if ( system()->GetCurrentTime() > m_fNextChangeTime ) { ConVarRef varOption( m_pSelectedOption->szConvar ); float fNumSegments = m_pValueBars[ 0 ]->GetTotalSegmentCount(); if ( fNumSegments <= 0.0f ) fNumSegments = 1.0f; float fIncValue; if ( m_pSelectedOption->fIncValue == 0.0f ) fIncValue = ( m_pSelectedOption->fMaxValue - m_pSelectedOption->fMinValue ) * ( 1.0f / fNumSegments ); else fIncValue = m_pSelectedOption->fIncValue * ( m_pSelectedOption->fMaxValue - m_pSelectedOption->fMinValue ) * ( 1.0f / fNumSegments ); fIncValue *= fChange; float fOldValue = varOption.GetFloat(); float fValue = clamp( fOldValue + fIncValue, m_pSelectedOption->fMinValue, m_pSelectedOption->fMaxValue ); if ( fOldValue != fValue ) { m_bOptionsChanged = true; vgui::surface()->PlaySound( "UI/buttonclick.wav" ); varOption.SetValue( fValue ); UpdateValue( m_pSelectedOption, GetSelectionLabel() ); } else { // Play the invalid sound vgui::surface()->PlaySound( "player/suit_denydevice.wav" ); } } break; } case OPTION_TYPE_CHOICE: { GetChoiceFromConvar( m_pSelectedOption ); if ( m_pSelectedOption->iCurrentChoice >= 0 ) { m_pSelectedOption->iCurrentChoice += fChange; while ( m_pSelectedOption->iCurrentChoice >= m_pSelectedOption->m_Choices.Count() ) m_pSelectedOption->iCurrentChoice -= m_pSelectedOption->m_Choices.Count(); while ( m_pSelectedOption->iCurrentChoice < 0 ) m_pSelectedOption->iCurrentChoice += m_pSelectedOption->m_Choices.Count(); if ( m_pSelectedOption->szConvar2[ 0 ] == '\0' ) { // Only one convar to set ConVarRef varOption( m_pSelectedOption->szConvar ); varOption.SetValue( m_pSelectedOption->m_Choices[ m_pSelectedOption->iCurrentChoice ].szValue ); } else { // Two convars to deal with char szOptionValue[ OPTION_STRING_LENGTH ]; Q_strncpy( szOptionValue, m_pSelectedOption->m_Choices[ m_pSelectedOption->iCurrentChoice ].szValue, sizeof( szOptionValue ) ); char *pchOptionValue2 = const_cast<char*>( Q_strnchr( szOptionValue, ';', sizeof( szOptionValue ) ) ); AssertMsg( pchOptionValue2, "Option uses to convars but an option doesn't have 2 ; separated values!" ); pchOptionValue2[ 0 ] = '\0'; // Set this as the end of the other value ++pchOptionValue2; // Point at next char ConVarRef varOption( m_pSelectedOption->szConvar ); ConVarRef varOption2( m_pSelectedOption->szConvar2 ); varOption.SetValue( szOptionValue ); varOption2.SetValue( pchOptionValue2 ); } } else { DevWarning( "ConVar \"%s\" set to value that's not a choice used by \"%s\" option.", m_pSelectedOption->szConvar, m_pSelectedOption->szDisplayName ); } UpdateValue( m_pSelectedOption, GetSelectionLabel() ); m_bOptionsChanged = true; vgui::surface()->PlaySound( "UI/buttonclick.wav" ); break; } case OPTION_TYPE_BIND: { // If we only allow one bind replace the previous if ( binds_per_command.GetInt() == 1 ) UnbindOption( m_pSelectedOption, GetSelectionLabel() ); ButtonCode_t code = static_cast<ButtonCode_t>( static_cast<int>( fChange ) ); char szCommand[ 256 ]; Q_snprintf( szCommand, sizeof( szCommand ), "bind \"%s\" \"%s\"", g_pInputSystem->ButtonCodeToString( code ), m_pSelectedOption->szCommand ); engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( szCommand ); // After binding we need to update all bindings so they display the correct keys UpdateAllBinds( code ); m_bOptionsChanged = true; vgui::surface()->PlaySound( "UI/buttonclick.wav" ); break; } } } void COptionsDialogXbox::UnbindOption( OptionData_t *pOption, int iLabel ) { if ( pOption->eOptionType != OPTION_TYPE_BIND ) return; for ( int iCode = 0; iCode < BUTTON_CODE_LAST; ++iCode ) { ButtonCode_t code = static_cast<ButtonCode_t>( iCode ); const char *pBinding = gameuifuncs->GetBindingForButtonCode( code ); // Check if there's a binding for this key if ( !pBinding || !pBinding[0] ) continue; // If we use this binding, display the key in our list if ( ActionsAreTheSame( pBinding, pOption->szCommand ) ) { char szCommand[ 256 ]; Q_snprintf( szCommand, sizeof( szCommand ), "unbind %s", g_pInputSystem->ButtonCodeToString( code ) ); engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( szCommand ); } } pOption->iNumBinds = 0; if ( iLabel < 0 || iLabel >= m_iNumItems ) return; m_pValueLabels[ iLabel ]->SetFont( m_hLabelFont ); m_pValueLabels[ iLabel ]->SetText( "" ); } void COptionsDialogXbox::UpdateValue( OptionData_t *pOption, int iLabel ) { if ( pOption->bVocalsLanguage ) { // Can't change vocal language while in game pOption->bUnchangeable = GameUI().IsInLevel(); } switch ( pOption->eOptionType ) { case OPTION_TYPE_BINARY: { ConVarRef varOption( pOption->szConvar ); m_pValueBars[ iLabel ]->SetVisible( false ); m_pValueLabels[ iLabel ]->SetVisible( true ); m_pValueLabels[ iLabel ]->SetFont( m_hLabelFont ); m_pValueLabels[ iLabel ]->SetText( ( varOption.GetBool() ) ? ( "#GameUI_Enable" ) : ( "#GameUI_Disable" ) ); break; } case OPTION_TYPE_SLIDER: { ConVarRef varOption( pOption->szConvar ); m_pValueLabels[ iLabel ]->SetVisible( false ); m_pValueBars[ iLabel ]->SetVisible( true ); // If it's very close to the home value set it as the home value float fNumSegments = m_pValueBars[ 0 ]->GetTotalSegmentCount(); if ( fNumSegments <= 0.0f ) fNumSegments = 1.0f; float fIncValue; if ( pOption->fIncValue == 0.0f ) fIncValue = ( pOption->fMaxValue - pOption->fMinValue ) * ( 1.0f / fNumSegments ); else fIncValue = pOption->fIncValue * ( pOption->fMaxValue - pOption->fMinValue ) * ( 1.0f / fNumSegments ); float fNormalizeHome = fabsf( ( pOption->fMinValue - pOption->fSliderHomeValue ) / ( pOption->fMaxValue - pOption->fMinValue ) ); if ( pOption->fIncValue < 0.0f ) fNormalizeHome = 1.0f - fNormalizeHome; m_pValueBars[ iLabel ]->SetHomeValue( fNormalizeHome ); float fNormalizeValue = fabsf( ( pOption->fMinValue - varOption.GetFloat() ) / ( pOption->fMaxValue - pOption->fMinValue ) ); if ( pOption->fIncValue < 0.0f ) fNormalizeValue = 1.0f - fNormalizeValue; // atof accuracy for convar isn't so good, so snap to the home value if we're near it. if ( fabsf( fNormalizeValue - fNormalizeHome ) < fabsf( fIncValue * 0.1f ) ) fNormalizeValue = fNormalizeHome; m_pValueBars[ iLabel ]->SetAnalogValue( fNormalizeValue ); break; } case OPTION_TYPE_CHOICE: { GetChoiceFromConvar( pOption ); m_pValueBars[ iLabel ]->SetVisible( false ); m_pValueLabels[ iLabel ]->SetVisible( true ); m_pValueLabels[ iLabel ]->SetFont( m_hLabelFont ); if ( pOption->iCurrentChoice >= 0 ) { m_pValueLabels[ iLabel ]->SetText( pOption->m_Choices[ pOption->iCurrentChoice ].szName ); } else { if ( pOption->bUnchangeable ) { if ( pOption->szConvar2[ 0 ] == '\0' ) { ConVarRef varOption( pOption->szConvar ); m_pValueLabels[ iLabel ]->SetText( varOption.GetString() ); } else { // This is used for displaying the resolution settings ConVarRef varOption( pOption->szConvar ); ConVarRef varOption2( pOption->szConvar2 ); char szBuff[ 256 ]; Q_snprintf( szBuff, sizeof( szBuff ), "%sx%s%s", varOption.GetString(), varOption2.GetString(), ( x360_resolution_interlaced.GetBool() ) ? ( "i" ) : ( "p" ) ); m_pValueLabels[ iLabel ]->SetText( szBuff ); } } else { DevWarning( "ConVar \"%s\" set to value that's not a choice used by \"%s\" option.", pOption->szConvar, pOption->szDisplayName ); m_pValueLabels[ iLabel ]->SetText( "#GameUI_NoOptionsYet" ); } } break; } case OPTION_TYPE_BIND: { UpdateBind( pOption, iLabel ); break; } } } void COptionsDialogXbox::UpdateBind( OptionData_t *pOption, int iLabel, ButtonCode_t codeIgnore, ButtonCode_t codeAdd ) { int iNumBinds = 0; char szBinds[ OPTION_STRING_LENGTH ]; char szBuff[ 512 ]; wchar_t szWideBuff[ 64 ]; for ( int iCode = 0; iCode < BUTTON_CODE_LAST; ++iCode ) { ButtonCode_t code = static_cast<ButtonCode_t>( iCode ); // Don't show this key in our list if ( code == codeIgnore ) continue; bool bUseThisKey = ( codeAdd == code ); if ( !bUseThisKey ) { // If this binding is being replaced only allow the new binding to show if ( binds_per_command.GetInt() == 1 && codeAdd != BUTTON_CODE_INVALID ) continue; // Only check against bind name if we haven't already forced this binding to be used const char *pBinding = gameuifuncs->GetBindingForButtonCode( code ); if ( !pBinding ) continue; bUseThisKey = ActionsAreTheSame( pBinding, pOption->szCommand ); } // Don't use this bind in out list if ( !bUseThisKey ) continue; // Turn localized string into icon character Q_snprintf( szBuff, sizeof( szBuff ), "#GameUI_Icons_%s", g_pInputSystem->ButtonCodeToString( static_cast<ButtonCode_t>( iCode ) ) ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( szWideBuff, sizeof( szWideBuff ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( szBuff ), 0 ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( szWideBuff, szBuff, sizeof( szBuff ) ); // Add this icon to our list of keys to display szBinds[ iNumBinds ] = szBuff[ 0 ]; ++iNumBinds; } if ( iNumBinds == 0 ) { // No keys for this bind pOption->iNumBinds = 0; m_pValueBars[ iLabel ]->SetVisible( false ); m_pValueLabels[ iLabel ]->SetVisible( true ); m_pValueLabels[ iLabel ]->SetFont( m_hLabelFont ); m_pValueLabels[ iLabel ]->SetText( "" ); } else { // Show icons for list of keys szBinds[ iNumBinds ] = '\0'; pOption->iNumBinds = iNumBinds; m_pValueBars[ iLabel ]->SetVisible( false ); m_pValueLabels[ iLabel ]->SetVisible( true ); m_pValueLabels[ iLabel ]->SetFont( m_hButtonFont ); m_pValueLabels[ iLabel ]->SetText( szBinds ); } } void COptionsDialogXbox::UpdateAllBinds( ButtonCode_t code ) { // Loop through all the items for ( int iLabel = 0; iLabel < m_iNumItems; ++iLabel ) { int iOption = m_iScroll + iLabel; if ( iOption >= m_pOptions->Count() ) break; OptionData_t *pOption = (*m_pOptions)[ iOption ]; if ( pOption->eOptionType == OPTION_TYPE_BIND ) { if ( pOption == m_pSelectedOption ) { // We just added a key to this binding so add it to the list UpdateBind( pOption, iLabel, BUTTON_CODE_INVALID, code ); } else { // We just added a key so don't let it show up for any other bindings UpdateBind( pOption, iLabel, code ); } } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Read in defaults from game's default config file and populate list // using those defaults //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COptionsDialogXbox::FillInDefaultBindings( void ) { CUtlBuffer buf( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER ); if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( "cfg/config.360.cfg", NULL, buf ) ) return; // Clear out all current bindings for ( int iOption = 0; iOption < m_pOptions->Count(); ++iOption ) UnbindOption( (*m_pOptions)[ iOption ], iOption - m_iScroll ); const char *data = (const char*)buf.Base(); // loop through all the binding while ( data != NULL ) { char cmd[64]; data = UTIL_Parse( data, cmd, sizeof(cmd) ); if ( strlen( cmd ) <= 0 ) break; if ( !stricmp(cmd, "bind") ) { // Key name char szKeyName[256]; data = UTIL_Parse( data, szKeyName, sizeof(szKeyName) ); if ( strlen( szKeyName ) <= 0 ) break; // Error char szBinding[256]; data = UTIL_Parse( data, szBinding, sizeof(szBinding) ); if ( strlen( szKeyName ) <= 0 ) break; // Error // Bind it char szCommand[ 256 ]; Q_snprintf( szCommand, sizeof( szCommand ), "bind \"%s\" \"%s\"", szKeyName, szBinding ); engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( szCommand ); // Loop through all the items for ( int iLabel = 0; iLabel < m_iNumItems; ++iLabel ) { int iOption = m_iScroll + iLabel; if ( iOption >= m_pOptions->Count() ) break; OptionData_t *pOption = (*m_pOptions)[ iOption ]; // Check if this bind is for this option if ( pOption->eOptionType == OPTION_TYPE_BIND && ActionsAreTheSame( pOption->szCommand, szBinding ) ) { char szBuff[ 512 ]; wchar_t szWideBuff[ 64 ]; char szBinds[ OPTION_STRING_LENGTH ]; if ( pOption->iNumBinds > 0 ) m_pValueLabels[ iLabel ]->GetText( szBinds, sizeof( szBinds ) ); // Turn localized string into icon character Q_snprintf( szBuff, sizeof( szBuff ), "#GameUI_Icons_%s", szKeyName ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( szWideBuff, sizeof( szWideBuff ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( szBuff ), 0 ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( szWideBuff, szBuff, sizeof( szBuff ) ); // Add this icon to our list of keys to display szBinds[ pOption->iNumBinds ] = szBuff[ 0 ]; ++pOption->iNumBinds; // Show icons for list of keys szBinds[ pOption->iNumBinds ] = '\0'; m_pValueBars[ iLabel ]->SetVisible( false ); m_pValueLabels[ iLabel ]->SetVisible( true ); m_pValueLabels[ iLabel ]->SetFont( m_hButtonFont ); m_pValueLabels[ iLabel ]->SetText( szBinds ); } } } } // Reset any options with default convar values for ( int iLabel = 0; iLabel < m_iNumItems; ++iLabel ) { int iOption = m_iScroll + iLabel; if ( iOption >= m_pOptions->Count() ) break; OptionData_t *pOption = (*m_pOptions)[ iOption ]; if ( pOption->szConvarDef && pOption->szConvarDef[0] ) { ConVarRef varDefault( pOption->szConvarDef ); ConVarRef varOption( pOption->szConvar ); varOption.SetValue( varDefault.GetFloat() ); pOption->iCurrentChoice = -1; UpdateValue( pOption, iLabel ); } } } bool COptionsDialogXbox::ShouldSkipOption( KeyValues *pKey ) { // Skip the option if not in developer mode and this is a developer only option ConVarRef developer( "developer" ); if ( !developer.GetBool() && ( pKey->GetInt( "dev", 0 ) != 0 ) ) return true; // Skip the option if it doesn't match the controller/non-controller list if ( m_bControllerOptions != ( pKey->GetInt( "control", 0 ) != 0 ) ) return true; // Skip portal options if this mod doesn't have portals (defined in gameinfo.txt) if ( !ModInfo().HasPortals() && ( pKey->GetInt( "portals", 0 ) != 0 ) ) return true; // Skip multiplayer only options for single player (or combo) games if ( ModInfo().IsSinglePlayerOnly() && !ModInfo().IsMultiplayerOnly() && ( pKey->GetInt( "multiplayer", 0 ) != 0 ) ) return true; // Skip difficulty options for games that don't want them if ( !( ModInfo().IsSinglePlayerOnly() && !ModInfo().NoDifficulty() ) && ( pKey->GetInt( "difficulty", 0 ) != 0 ) ) return true; // Skip voice options for single player games if ( ModInfo().IsSinglePlayerOnly() && !ModInfo().IsMultiplayerOnly() && ( pKey->GetInt( "voice", 0 ) != 0 ) ) return true; // Skip if it's the vocal language option but we're not in german or french if ( pKey->GetInt( "vocalslanguage", 0 ) != 0 ) { if ( !XBX_IsLocalized() ) { return true; } } // Don't create options if there's already an entry by the same name char szName[ OPTION_STRING_LENGTH ]; Q_strncpy( szName, pKey->GetName(), sizeof( szName ) ); for ( int iOption = 0; iOption < m_pOptions->Count(); ++iOption ) { OptionData_t *pOption = (*m_pOptions)[ iOption ]; if ( Q_strcmp( pOption->szName, szName ) == 0 ) return true; } for ( int iOption = 0; iOption < s_DisabledOptions.Count(); ++iOption ) { OptionChoiceData_t *pOption = &(s_DisabledOptions[ iOption ]); if ( Q_strcmp( pOption->szName, szName ) == 0 ) return true; } return false; } void COptionsDialogXbox::ReadOptionsFromFile( const char *pchFileName ) { KeyValues *pOptionKeys = new KeyValues( "options_x360" ); pOptionKeys->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, pchFileName, NULL ); KeyValues *pKey = NULL; for ( pKey = pOptionKeys->GetFirstTrueSubKey(); pKey; pKey = pKey->GetNextTrueSubKey() ) { // Skip disabled options if ( pKey->GetInt( "disable", 0 ) != 0 ) { // Remember disabled options so we don't create another with the same name int iDisabledOption = s_DisabledOptions.AddToTail(); OptionChoiceData_t *pDisabledOption = &(s_DisabledOptions[ iDisabledOption ]); Q_strncpy( pDisabledOption->szName, pKey->GetName(), sizeof( pDisabledOption->szName ) ); continue; } if ( ShouldSkipOption( pKey ) ) continue; int iOption = m_pOptions->AddToTail(); OptionData_t **pNewOption = &((*m_pOptions)[ iOption ]); *pNewOption = new OptionData_t; // Get common values Q_strncpy( (*pNewOption)->szName, pKey->GetName(), sizeof( (*pNewOption)->szName ) ); Q_strncpy( (*pNewOption)->szDisplayName, pKey->GetString( "name", "" ), sizeof( (*pNewOption)->szDisplayName ) ); Q_strncpy( (*pNewOption)->szConvar, pKey->GetString( "convar", "" ), sizeof( (*pNewOption)->szConvar ) ); if ( (*pNewOption)->szConvar[ 0 ] == '\0' ) Q_strncpy( (*pNewOption)->szCommand, pKey->GetString( "command", "" ), sizeof( (*pNewOption)->szCommand ) ); Q_strncpy( (*pNewOption)->szConvarDef, pKey->GetString( "convar_def", "" ), sizeof( (*pNewOption)->szConvarDef ) ); (*pNewOption)->iPriority = pKey->GetInt( "priority", 0 ); (*pNewOption)->bUnchangeable = ( pKey->GetInt( "unchangeable", 0 ) != 0 ); (*pNewOption)->bVocalsLanguage = ( pKey->GetInt( "vocalslanguage", 0 ) != 0 ); // Determine the type char szType[ OPTION_STRING_LENGTH ]; Q_strncpy( szType, pKey->GetString( "type", "binary" ), sizeof( szType ) ); if ( Q_stricmp( szType, "binary" ) == 0 ) (*pNewOption)->eOptionType = OPTION_TYPE_BINARY; else if ( Q_stricmp( szType, "slider" ) == 0 ) (*pNewOption)->eOptionType = OPTION_TYPE_SLIDER; else if ( Q_stricmp( szType, "choice" ) == 0 ) (*pNewOption)->eOptionType = OPTION_TYPE_CHOICE; else if ( Q_stricmp( szType, "bind" ) == 0 ) (*pNewOption)->eOptionType = OPTION_TYPE_BIND; // Get type specific values switch ( (*pNewOption)->eOptionType ) { case OPTION_TYPE_SLIDER: { (*pNewOption)->fMinValue = pKey->GetFloat( "minvalue", 0.0f ); (*pNewOption)->fMaxValue = pKey->GetFloat( "maxvalue", 1.0f ); (*pNewOption)->fIncValue = pKey->GetFloat( "incvalue", 0.0f ); char szSliderHomeType[ OPTION_STRING_LENGTH ]; Q_strncpy( szSliderHomeType, pKey->GetString( "sliderhome", "none" ), sizeof( szSliderHomeType ) ); if ( Q_stricmp( szSliderHomeType, "prev" ) == 0 ) (*pNewOption)->eSliderHomeType = SLIDER_HOME_PREV; else if ( Q_stricmp( szSliderHomeType, "min" ) == 0 ) (*pNewOption)->eSliderHomeType = SLIDER_HOME_MIN; else if ( Q_stricmp( szSliderHomeType, "center" ) == 0 ) (*pNewOption)->eSliderHomeType = SLIDER_HOME_CENTER; else if ( Q_stricmp( szSliderHomeType, "max" ) == 0 ) (*pNewOption)->eSliderHomeType = SLIDER_HOME_MAX; else (*pNewOption)->eSliderHomeType = SLIDER_HOME_NONE; switch ( (*pNewOption)->eSliderHomeType ) { case SLIDER_HOME_MIN: (*pNewOption)->fSliderHomeValue = (*pNewOption)->fMinValue; break; case SLIDER_HOME_CENTER: (*pNewOption)->fSliderHomeValue = ( (*pNewOption)->fMaxValue + (*pNewOption)->fMinValue ) * 0.5f; break; case SLIDER_HOME_MAX: (*pNewOption)->fSliderHomeValue = (*pNewOption)->fMaxValue; break; default: (*pNewOption)->fSliderHomeValue = 0.0f; } break; } case OPTION_TYPE_CHOICE: { Q_strncpy( (*pNewOption)->szConvar2, pKey->GetString( "convar2", "" ), sizeof( (*pNewOption)->szConvar ) ); if ( (*pNewOption)->bVocalsLanguage ) { (*pNewOption)->iCurrentChoice = -1; int iChoice = (*pNewOption)->m_Choices.AddToTail(); OptionChoiceData_t *pNewOptionChoice = &((*pNewOption)->m_Choices[ iChoice ]); Q_strncpy( pNewOptionChoice->szName, "#GameUI_Language_English", sizeof( pNewOptionChoice->szName ) ); Q_strncpy( pNewOptionChoice->szValue, "1", sizeof( pNewOptionChoice->szValue ) ); iChoice = (*pNewOption)->m_Choices.AddToTail(); pNewOptionChoice = &((*pNewOption)->m_Choices[ iChoice ]); char szLanguage[ 256 ]; Q_snprintf( szLanguage, sizeof( szLanguage ), "#GameUI_Language_%s", XBX_GetLanguageString() ); Q_strncpy( pNewOptionChoice->szName, szLanguage, sizeof( pNewOptionChoice->szName ) ); Q_strncpy( pNewOptionChoice->szValue, "0", sizeof( pNewOptionChoice->szValue ) ); } else { (*pNewOption)->iCurrentChoice = -1; KeyValues *pChoicesKey = pKey->FindKey( "choices" ); if ( pChoicesKey ) { KeyValues *pSubKey = NULL; for ( pSubKey = pChoicesKey->GetFirstSubKey(); pSubKey; pSubKey = pSubKey->GetNextKey() ) { int iChoice = (*pNewOption)->m_Choices.AddToTail(); OptionChoiceData_t *pNewOptionChoice = &((*pNewOption)->m_Choices[ iChoice ]); Q_strncpy( pNewOptionChoice->szName, pSubKey->GetName(), sizeof( pNewOptionChoice->szName ) ); Q_strncpy( pNewOptionChoice->szValue, pSubKey->GetString(), sizeof( pNewOptionChoice->szValue ) ); } if ( (*pNewOption)->m_Choices.Count() < 2 ) { DevWarning( "Option \"%s\" is type CHOICE but has less than 2 choices!", (*pNewOption)->szDisplayName ); } } } break; } } } } int __cdecl SortByPriority( OptionData_t * const *pLeft, OptionData_t * const *pRight ) { return (*pLeft)->iPriority - (*pRight)->iPriority; } void COptionsDialogXbox::SortOptions( void ) { m_pOptions->Sort( SortByPriority ); }