//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: schemainitutils: Helpful macros when initing stuff that you'll
//			want to record multiple errors from

#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once

// used for initialization functions. Adds an error message if we're recording
// them or returns false if we're not
#define SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( expr, ... )							\
	if ( false == ( expr ) )											\
	{																	\
		CUtlString msg;													\
		msg.Format( __VA_ARGS__ );										\
		if ( NULL == ( pVecErrors ) )									\
		{																\
			AssertMsg( expr, "%s", msg.String() );						\
		}																\
		else															\
		{																\
			pVecErrors->AddToTail( msg );								\
		}																\
		return false;													\

#define SCHEMA_INIT_SUCCESS( )											\
	( NULL == pVecErrors ) || ( 0 == pVecErrors->Count() )

#define SCHEMA_INIT_SUBSTEP( expr )										\
	if ( !( expr ) )	\
		return false;