//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: The TF Game rules // // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #include "cbase.h" #include "dod_gamerules.h" #include "ammodef.h" #include "KeyValues.h" #include "weapon_dodbase.h" #include "filesystem.h" // for WriteStatsFile #ifdef CLIENT_DLL #include "precache_register.h" #include "c_dod_player.h" #else #include "coordsize.h" #include "dod_player.h" #include "voice_gamemgr.h" #include "team.h" #include "dod_player.h" #include "dod_bot_temp.h" #include "game.h" #include "dod_shareddefs.h" #include "player_resource.h" #include "mapentities.h" #include "dod_gameinterface.h" #include "dod_objective_resource.h" #include "dod_cvars.h" #include "dod_team.h" #include "dod_playerclass_info_parse.h" #include "dod_control_point_master.h" #include "dod_bombtarget.h" //#include "teamplayroundbased_gamerules.h" #include "weapon_dodbipodgun.h" #endif // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" #ifndef CLIENT_DLL BEGIN_DATADESC(CSpawnPoint) // Keyfields DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_bDisabled, FIELD_BOOLEAN, "StartDisabled" ), // Inputs DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "Disable", InputDisable ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "Enable", InputEnable ), END_DATADESC(); LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS(info_player_allies, CSpawnPoint); LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS(info_player_axis, CSpawnPoint); #endif REGISTER_GAMERULES_CLASS( CDODGameRules ); #define MAX_RESPAWN_WAVES_TO_TRANSMIT 5 #ifdef CLIENT_DLL void RecvProxy_RoundState( const CRecvProxyData *pData, void *pStruct, void *pOut ) { CDODGameRules *pGamerules = ( CDODGameRules *)pStruct; int iRoundState = pData->m_Value.m_Int; pGamerules->SetRoundState( iRoundState ); } #endif BEGIN_NETWORK_TABLE_NOBASE( CDODGameRules, DT_DODGameRules ) #ifdef CLIENT_DLL RecvPropInt( RECVINFO( m_iRoundState ), 0, RecvProxy_RoundState ), RecvPropBool( RECVINFO( m_bInWarmup ) ), RecvPropBool( RECVINFO( m_bAwaitingReadyRestart ) ), RecvPropTime( RECVINFO( m_flMapResetTime ) ), RecvPropTime( RECVINFO( m_flRestartRoundTime ) ), RecvPropBool( RECVINFO( m_bAlliesAreBombing ) ), RecvPropBool( RECVINFO( m_bAxisAreBombing ) ), RecvPropArray3( RECVINFO_ARRAY(m_AlliesRespawnQueue), RecvPropTime( RECVINFO(m_AlliesRespawnQueue[0]) ) ), RecvPropArray3( RECVINFO_ARRAY(m_AxisRespawnQueue), RecvPropTime( RECVINFO(m_AxisRespawnQueue[0]) ) ), RecvPropInt( RECVINFO( m_iAlliesRespawnHead ) ), RecvPropInt( RECVINFO( m_iAlliesRespawnTail ) ), RecvPropInt( RECVINFO( m_iAxisRespawnHead ) ), RecvPropInt( RECVINFO( m_iAxisRespawnTail ) ), #else SendPropInt( SENDINFO( m_iRoundState ), 5 ), SendPropBool( SENDINFO( m_bInWarmup ) ), SendPropBool( SENDINFO( m_bAwaitingReadyRestart ) ), SendPropTime( SENDINFO( m_flMapResetTime ) ), SendPropTime( SENDINFO( m_flRestartRoundTime ) ), SendPropBool( SENDINFO( m_bAlliesAreBombing ) ), SendPropBool( SENDINFO( m_bAxisAreBombing ) ), SendPropArray3( SENDINFO_ARRAY3(m_AlliesRespawnQueue), SendPropTime( SENDINFO_ARRAY(m_AlliesRespawnQueue) ) ), SendPropArray3( SENDINFO_ARRAY3(m_AxisRespawnQueue), SendPropTime( SENDINFO_ARRAY(m_AxisRespawnQueue) ) ), SendPropInt( SENDINFO( m_iAlliesRespawnHead ), Q_log2( DOD_RESPAWN_QUEUE_SIZE ) + 1, SPROP_UNSIGNED ), SendPropInt( SENDINFO( m_iAlliesRespawnTail ), Q_log2( DOD_RESPAWN_QUEUE_SIZE ) + 1, SPROP_UNSIGNED ), SendPropInt( SENDINFO( m_iAxisRespawnHead ), Q_log2( DOD_RESPAWN_QUEUE_SIZE ) + 1, SPROP_UNSIGNED ), SendPropInt( SENDINFO( m_iAxisRespawnTail ), Q_log2( DOD_RESPAWN_QUEUE_SIZE ) + 1, SPROP_UNSIGNED ), #endif END_NETWORK_TABLE() #ifndef CLIENT_DLL ConVar dod_flagrespawnbonus( "dod_flagrespawnbonus", "1.0", FCVAR_GAMEDLL | FCVAR_CHEAT, "How many seconds per advantage flag to decrease the respawn time" ); ConVar mp_warmup_time( "mp_warmup_time", "0", FCVAR_GAMEDLL, "Warmup time length in seconds" ); ConVar mp_restartwarmup( "mp_restartwarmup", "0", FCVAR_GAMEDLL, "Set to 1 to start or restart the warmup period." ); ConVar mp_cancelwarmup( "mp_cancelwarmup", "0", FCVAR_GAMEDLL, "Set to 1 to end the warmup period." ); #endif ConVar dod_enableroundwaittime( "dod_enableroundwaittime", "1", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "Enable timers to wait between rounds." ); ConVar mp_allowrandomclass( "mp_allowrandomclass", "1", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "Allow players to select random class" ); ConVar dod_bonusroundtime( "dod_bonusroundtime", "15", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "Time after round win until round restarts", true, 5, true, 15 ); LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( dod_gamerules, CDODGameRulesProxy ); IMPLEMENT_NETWORKCLASS_ALIASED( DODGameRulesProxy, DT_DODGameRulesProxy ) #ifdef CLIENT_DLL void RecvProxy_DODGameRules( const RecvProp *pProp, void **pOut, void *pData, int objectID ) { CDODGameRules *pRules = DODGameRules(); Assert( pRules ); *pOut = pRules; } BEGIN_RECV_TABLE( CDODGameRulesProxy, DT_DODGameRulesProxy ) RecvPropDataTable( "dod_gamerules_data", 0, 0, &REFERENCE_RECV_TABLE( DT_DODGameRules ), RecvProxy_DODGameRules ) END_RECV_TABLE() #else void* SendProxy_DODGameRules( const SendProp *pProp, const void *pStructBase, const void *pData, CSendProxyRecipients *pRecipients, int objectID ) { CDODGameRules *pRules = DODGameRules(); Assert( pRules ); pRecipients->SetAllRecipients(); return pRules; } BEGIN_SEND_TABLE( CDODGameRulesProxy, DT_DODGameRulesProxy ) SendPropDataTable( "dod_gamerules_data", 0, &REFERENCE_SEND_TABLE( DT_DODGameRules ), SendProxy_DODGameRules ) END_SEND_TABLE() #endif static CDODViewVectors g_DODViewVectors( Vector( 0, 0, 58 ), //VEC_VIEW (m_vView) Vector(-16, -16, 0 ), //VEC_HULL_MIN (m_vHullMin) Vector( 16, 16, 72 ), //VEC_HULL_MAX (m_vHullMax) Vector(-16, -16, 0 ), //VEC_DUCK_HULL_MIN (m_vDuckHullMin) Vector( 16, 16, 45 ), //VEC_DUCK_HULL_MAX (m_vDuckHullMax) Vector( 0, 0, 34 ), //VEC_DUCK_VIEW (m_vDuckView) Vector(-10, -10, -10 ), //VEC_OBS_HULL_MIN (m_vObsHullMin) Vector( 10, 10, 10 ), //VEC_OBS_HULL_MAX (m_vObsHullMax) Vector( 0, 0, 14 ), //VEC_DEAD_VIEWHEIGHT (m_vDeadViewHeight) Vector(-16, -16, 0 ), //VEC_PRONE_HULL_MIN (m_vProneHullMin) Vector( 16, 16, 24 ) //VEC_PRONE_HULL_MAX (m_vProneHullMax) ); #ifdef CLIENT_DLL #else void ParseEntKVBlock( CBaseEntity *pNode, KeyValues *pkvNode ) { KeyValues *pkvNodeData = pkvNode->GetFirstSubKey(); while ( pkvNodeData ) { // Handle the connections block if ( !Q_strcmp(pkvNodeData->GetName(), "connections") ) { ParseEntKVBlock( pNode, pkvNodeData ); } else { pNode->KeyValue( pkvNodeData->GetName(), pkvNodeData->GetString() ); } pkvNodeData = pkvNodeData->GetNextKey(); } } CUtlVector<EHANDLE> m_hSpawnedEntities; // for now only allow blocker walls to load this way bool CanLoadEntityFromEntText( const char *clsName ) { if ( !Q_strcmp( clsName, "func_team_wall" ) ) { return true; } return false; } void Load_EntText( void ) { bool oldLock = engine->LockNetworkStringTables( false ); // remove all ents in m_SpawnedEntities for ( int i = 0; i < m_hSpawnedEntities.Count(); i++ ) { UTIL_Remove( m_hSpawnedEntities[i] ); } // delete the items from our list m_hSpawnedEntities.RemoveAll(); // Find the commentary file char szFullName[512]; Q_snprintf(szFullName,sizeof(szFullName), "maps/%s.ent", STRING( gpGlobals->mapname )); KeyValues *pkvFile = new KeyValues( "EntText" ); if ( pkvFile->LoadFromFile( filesystem, szFullName, "MOD" ) ) { DevMsg( "Load_EntText: Loading entity data from %s. \n", szFullName ); // Load each commentary block, and spawn the entities KeyValues *pkvNode = pkvFile->GetFirstSubKey(); while ( pkvNode ) { // Get node name const char *pNodeName = pkvNode->GetName(); KeyValues *pClassname = pkvNode->FindKey( "classname" ); if ( pClassname ) { // Use the classname instead pNodeName = pClassname->GetString(); } if ( CanLoadEntityFromEntText( pNodeName ) ) { // Spawn the entity CBaseEntity *pNode = CreateEntityByName( pNodeName ); if ( pNode ) { ParseEntKVBlock( pNode, pkvNode ); DispatchSpawn( pNode ); EHANDLE hHandle; hHandle = pNode; m_hSpawnedEntities.AddToTail( hHandle ); } else { Warning("Load_EntText: Failed to spawn entity, type: '%s'\n", pNodeName ); } } // Move to next entity pkvNode = pkvNode->GetNextKey(); } // Then activate all the entities for ( int i = 0; i < m_hSpawnedEntities.Count(); i++ ) { m_hSpawnedEntities[i]->Activate(); } } else { DevMsg( "Load_EntText: Could not find entity data file '%s'. \n", szFullName ); } engine->LockNetworkStringTables( oldLock ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Voice helper // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // class CVoiceGameMgrHelper : public IVoiceGameMgrHelper { public: virtual bool CanPlayerHearPlayer( CBasePlayer *pListener, CBasePlayer *pTalker, bool &bProximity ) { // Dead players can only be heard by other dead team mates if ( pTalker->IsAlive() == false ) { if ( pListener->IsAlive() == false ) return ( pListener->InSameTeam( pTalker ) ); return false; } return ( pListener->InSameTeam( pTalker ) ); } }; CVoiceGameMgrHelper g_VoiceGameMgrHelper; IVoiceGameMgrHelper *g_pVoiceGameMgrHelper = &g_VoiceGameMgrHelper; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Globals. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // NOTE: the indices here must match TEAM_TERRORIST, TEAM_ALLIES, TEAM_AXIS, etc. char *sTeamNames[] = { "Unassigned", "Spectator", "Allies", "Axis" }; static const char *s_PreserveEnts[] = { "player", "viewmodel", "worldspawn", "soundent", "ai_network", "ai_hint", "dod_gamerules", "dod_team_manager", "dod_player_manager", "dod_objective_resource", "env_soundscape", "env_soundscape_proxy", "env_soundscape_triggerable", "env_sprite", "env_sun", "env_wind", "env_fog_controller", "func_brush", "func_wall", "func_illusionary", "info_node", "info_target", "info_node_hint", "info_player_allies", "info_player_axis", "point_viewcontrol", "shadow_control", "sky_camera", "scene_manager", "trigger_soundscape", "info_dod_detect", "dod_team_allies", "dod_team_axis", "point_commentary_node", "dod_round_timer", "func_precipitation", "func_team_wall", "", // END Marker }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Global helper functions. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // World.cpp calls this but we don't use it in DoD. void InitBodyQue() { } // Handler for the "bot" command. CON_COMMAND_F( bot, "Add a bot.", FCVAR_CHEAT ) { //CDODPlayer *pPlayer = CDODPlayer::Instance( UTIL_GetCommandClientIndex() ); // The bot command uses switches like command-line switches. // -count <count> tells how many bots to spawn. // -team <index> selects the bot's team. Default is -1 which chooses randomly. // Note: if you do -team !, then it // -class <index> selects the bot's class. Default is -1 which chooses randomly. // -frozen prevents the bots from running around when they spawn in. // Look at -count. int count = args.FindArgInt( "-count", 1 ); count = clamp( count, 1, 16 ); int iTeam = TEAM_ALLIES; const char *pVal = args.FindArg( "-team" ); if ( pVal ) { iTeam = atoi( pVal ); iTeam = clamp( iTeam, 0, (GetNumberOfTeams()-1) ); } int iClass = 0; pVal = args.FindArg( "-class" ); if ( pVal ) { iClass = atoi( pVal ); iClass = clamp( iClass, 0, 10 ); } // Look at -frozen. bool bFrozen = !!args.FindArg( "-frozen" ); // Ok, spawn all the bots. while ( --count >= 0 ) { BotPutInServer( bFrozen, iTeam, iClass ); } } void RestartRound_f() { DODGameRules()->State_Transition( STATE_RESTART ); } ConCommand cc_Restart( "restartround", RestartRound_f, "Restart the round", FCVAR_CHEAT ); void CDODGameRules::CopyGamePlayLogic( const CDODGamePlayRules otherGamePlay ) { m_GamePlayRules.CopyFrom( otherGamePlay ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CDODGameRules implementation. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CDODGameRules::CDODGameRules() { InitTeams(); ResetMapTime(); m_GamePlayRules.Reset(); ResetScores(); m_bInWarmup = false; m_bAwaitingReadyRestart = false; m_flRestartRoundTime = -1; m_iAlliesRespawnHead = 0; m_iAlliesRespawnTail = 0; m_iAxisRespawnHead = 0; m_iAxisRespawnTail = 0; m_iNumAlliesRespawnWaves = 0; m_iNumAxisRespawnWaves = 0; for ( int i=0; i <DOD_RESPAWN_QUEUE_SIZE; i++ ) { m_AlliesRespawnQueue.Set( i, 0 ); m_AxisRespawnQueue.Set( i, 0 ); } m_bLevelInitialized = false; m_iSpawnPointCount_Allies = 0; m_iSpawnPointCount_Axis = 0; Q_memset( m_vecPlayerPositions,0, sizeof(m_vecPlayerPositions) ); // Lets execute a map specific cfg file // Matt - execute this after server.cfg! char szCommand[256] = { 0 }; // Map names cannot contain quotes or control characters so this is safe but silly that we have to do it. Q_snprintf( szCommand, sizeof(szCommand), "exec \"%s.cfg\"\n", STRING(gpGlobals->mapname) ); engine->ServerCommand( szCommand ); m_pCurStateInfo = NULL; State_Transition( STATE_PREGAME ); // stats memset( m_iStatsKillsPerClass_Allies, 0, sizeof(m_iStatsKillsPerClass_Allies) ); memset( m_iStatsKillsPerClass_Axis, 0, sizeof(m_iStatsKillsPerClass_Axis) ); memset( m_iStatsSpawnsPerClass_Allies, 0, sizeof(m_iStatsSpawnsPerClass_Allies) ); memset( m_iStatsSpawnsPerClass_Axis, 0, sizeof(m_iStatsSpawnsPerClass_Axis) ); memset( m_iStatsCapsPerClass_Allies, 0, sizeof(m_iStatsCapsPerClass_Allies) ); memset( m_iStatsCapsPerClass_Axis, 0, sizeof(m_iStatsCapsPerClass_Axis) ); memset( m_iStatsDefensesPerClass_Allies, 0, sizeof(m_iStatsDefensesPerClass_Allies) ); memset( m_iStatsDefensesPerClass_Axis, 0, sizeof(m_iStatsDefensesPerClass_Axis) ); memset( &m_iWeaponShotsFired, 0, sizeof(m_iWeaponShotsFired) ); memset( &m_iWeaponShotsHit, 0, sizeof(m_iWeaponShotsHit) ); memset( &m_iWeaponDistanceBuckets, 0, sizeof(m_iWeaponDistanceBuckets) ); memset( &m_flSecondsPlayedPerClass_Allies, 0, sizeof(m_flSecondsPlayedPerClass_Allies) ); memset( &m_flSecondsPlayedPerClass_Axis, 0, sizeof(m_flSecondsPlayedPerClass_Axis) ); m_bUsingTimer = false; m_pRoundTimer = NULL; // created on first round spawn that requires a timer m_bAlliesAreBombing = false; m_bAxisAreBombing = false; m_flNextFailSafeWaveCheckTime = 0; // Init the holiday int day = 0, month = 0, year = 0; #ifdef WIN32 GetCurrentDate( &day, &month, &year ); #elif POSIX time_t now = time(NULL); struct tm *tm = localtime( &now ); day = tm->tm_mday + 1; month = tm->tm_mon; year = tm->tm_year + 1900; #endif if ( ( month == 12 && day >= 1 ) || ( month == 1 && day <= 2 ) ) { m_bWinterHolidayActive = true; } else { m_bWinterHolidayActive = false; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CDODGameRules::~CDODGameRules() { // Note, don't delete each team since they are in the gEntList and will // automatically be deleted from there, instead. g_Teams.Purge(); } void CDODGameRules::LevelShutdown( void ) { UploadLevelStats(); BaseClass::LevelShutdown(); } #define MY_USHRT_MAX 0xffff #define MY_UCHAR_MAX 0xff void CDODGameRules::UploadLevelStats( void ) { if ( Q_strlen( STRING( gpGlobals->mapname ) ) > 0 ) { int i,j; CDODTeam *pAllies = GetGlobalDODTeam( TEAM_ALLIES ); CDODTeam *pAxis = GetGlobalDODTeam( TEAM_AXIS ); dod_gamestats_t stats; memset( &stats, 0, sizeof(stats) ); // Header stats.header.iVersion = DOD_STATS_BLOB_VERSION; Q_strncpy( stats.header.szGameName, "dod", sizeof(stats.header.szGameName) ); Q_strncpy( stats.header.szMapName, STRING( gpGlobals->mapname ), sizeof( stats.header.szMapName ) ); ConVar *hostip = cvar->FindVar( "hostip" ); if ( hostip ) { int ip = hostip->GetInt(); stats.header.ipAddr[0] = ip >> 24; stats.header.ipAddr[1] = ( ip >> 16 ) & 0xff; stats.header.ipAddr[2] = ( ip >> 8 ) & 0xff; stats.header.ipAddr[3] = ( ip ) & 0xff; } ConVar *hostport = cvar->FindVar( "hostip" ); if ( hostport ) { stats.header.port = hostport->GetInt(); } stats.header.serverid = 0; stats.iMinutesPlayed = clamp( (short)( gpGlobals->curtime / 60 ), 0, MY_USHRT_MAX ); // Team Scores stats.iNumAlliesWins = clamp( pAllies->GetRoundsWon(), 0, MY_UCHAR_MAX ); stats.iNumAxisWins = clamp( pAxis->GetRoundsWon(), 0, MY_UCHAR_MAX ); stats.iAlliesTickPoints = clamp( pAllies->GetScore(), 0, MY_USHRT_MAX ); stats.iAxisTickPoints = clamp( pAxis->GetScore(), 0, MY_USHRT_MAX ); // Player Data for ( i=1;i<=MAX_PLAYERS;i++ ) { CDODPlayer *pPlayer = ToDODPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ) ); if ( pPlayer ) { // Sum up the time played for players that are still connected. // players who disconnected had their connect time added in ClientDisconnected // Tally the latest time for this player pPlayer->TallyLatestTimePlayedPerClass( pPlayer->GetTeamNumber(), pPlayer->m_Shared.DesiredPlayerClass() ); for( j=0;j<7;j++ ) { m_flSecondsPlayedPerClass_Allies[j] += pPlayer->m_flTimePlayedPerClass_Allies[j]; m_flSecondsPlayedPerClass_Axis[j] += pPlayer->m_flTimePlayedPerClass_Axis[j]; } } } // convert to minutes for( j=0;j<7;j++ ) { stats.iMinutesPlayedPerClass_Allies[j] = clamp( (short)( m_flSecondsPlayedPerClass_Allies[j] / 60 ), 0, MY_USHRT_MAX ); stats.iMinutesPlayedPerClass_Axis[j] = clamp( (short)( m_flSecondsPlayedPerClass_Axis[j] / 60 ), 0, MY_USHRT_MAX ); } for ( i=0;i<6;i++ ) { stats.iKillsPerClass_Allies[i] = clamp( (short)m_iStatsKillsPerClass_Allies[i], 0, MY_USHRT_MAX ); stats.iKillsPerClass_Axis[i] = clamp( (short)m_iStatsKillsPerClass_Axis[i], 0, MY_USHRT_MAX ); stats.iSpawnsPerClass_Allies[i] = clamp( (short)m_iStatsSpawnsPerClass_Allies[i], 0, MY_USHRT_MAX ); stats.iSpawnsPerClass_Axis[i] = clamp( (short)m_iStatsSpawnsPerClass_Axis[i], 0, MY_USHRT_MAX ); stats.iCapsPerClass_Allies[i] = clamp( (short)m_iStatsCapsPerClass_Allies[i], 0, MY_USHRT_MAX ); stats.iCapsPerClass_Axis[i] = clamp( (short)m_iStatsCapsPerClass_Axis[i], 0, MY_USHRT_MAX ); stats.iDefensesPerClass_Allies[i] = clamp( m_iStatsDefensesPerClass_Allies[i], 0, MY_UCHAR_MAX ); stats.iDefensesPerClass_Axis[i] = clamp( m_iStatsDefensesPerClass_Axis[i], 0, MY_UCHAR_MAX ); } // Server Settings stats.iClassLimits_Allies[0] = clamp( mp_limitAlliesRifleman.GetInt(), -1, 254 ); stats.iClassLimits_Allies[1] = clamp( mp_limitAlliesAssault.GetInt(), -1, 254 ); stats.iClassLimits_Allies[2] = clamp( mp_limitAlliesSupport.GetInt(), -1, 254 ); stats.iClassLimits_Allies[3] = clamp( mp_limitAlliesSniper.GetInt(), -1, 254 ); stats.iClassLimits_Allies[4] = clamp( mp_limitAlliesMachinegun.GetInt(), -1, 254 ); stats.iClassLimits_Allies[5] = clamp( mp_limitAlliesRocket.GetInt(), -1, 254 ); stats.iClassLimits_Axis[0] = clamp( mp_limitAxisRifleman.GetInt(), -1, 254 ); stats.iClassLimits_Axis[1] = clamp( mp_limitAxisAssault.GetInt(), -1, 254 ); stats.iClassLimits_Axis[2] = clamp( mp_limitAxisSupport.GetInt(), -1, 254 ); stats.iClassLimits_Axis[3] = clamp( mp_limitAxisSniper.GetInt(), -1, 254 ); stats.iClassLimits_Axis[4] = clamp( mp_limitAxisMachinegun.GetInt(), -1, 254 ); stats.iClassLimits_Axis[5] = clamp( mp_limitAxisRocket.GetInt(), -1, 254 ); // Weapon Data // Send hit/shots/distance info for the following guns / modes for ( i=0;i<DOD_NUM_DISTANCE_STAT_WEAPONS;i++ ) { int weaponId = iDistanceStatWeapons[i]; stats.weaponStatsDistance[i].iNumHits = clamp( m_iWeaponShotsHit[weaponId], 0, MY_USHRT_MAX ); stats.weaponStatsDistance[i].iNumAttacks = clamp( m_iWeaponShotsFired[weaponId], 0, MY_USHRT_MAX ); for ( int j=0;j<DOD_NUM_WEAPON_DISTANCE_BUCKETS;j++ ) { stats.weaponStatsDistance[i].iDistanceBuckets[j] = clamp( m_iWeaponDistanceBuckets[weaponId][j], 0, MY_USHRT_MAX ); } } // Send hit/shots info for the following guns / modes for ( i=0;i<DOD_NUM_NODIST_STAT_WEAPONS;i++ ) { int weaponId = iNoDistStatWeapons[i]; stats.weaponStats[i].iNumHits = clamp( m_iWeaponShotsHit[weaponId], 0, MY_USHRT_MAX ); stats.weaponStats[i].iNumAttacks = clamp( m_iWeaponShotsFired[weaponId], 0, MY_USHRT_MAX ); } const void *pvBlobData = ( const void * )( &stats ); unsigned int uBlobSize = sizeof( stats ); if ( gamestatsuploader ) { gamestatsuploader->UploadGameStats( STRING( gpGlobals->mapname ), DOD_STATS_BLOB_VERSION, uBlobSize, pvBlobData ); } } } void CDODGameRules::Stats_PlayerKill( int team, int cls ) { Assert( cls >= 0 && cls <= 5 ); if ( cls >= 0 && cls <= 5 ) { if ( team == TEAM_ALLIES ) m_iStatsKillsPerClass_Allies[cls]++; else if ( team == TEAM_AXIS ) m_iStatsKillsPerClass_Axis[cls]++; } } void CDODGameRules::Stats_PlayerCap( int team, int cls ) { Assert( cls >= 0 && cls <= 5 ); if ( cls >= 0 && cls <= 5 ) { if ( team == TEAM_ALLIES ) m_iStatsCapsPerClass_Allies[cls]++; else if ( team == TEAM_AXIS ) m_iStatsCapsPerClass_Axis[cls]++; } } void CDODGameRules::Stats_PlayerDefended( int team, int cls ) { Assert( cls >= 0 && cls <= 5 ); if ( cls >= 0 && cls <= 5 ) { if ( team == TEAM_ALLIES ) m_iStatsDefensesPerClass_Allies[cls]++; else if ( team == TEAM_AXIS ) m_iStatsDefensesPerClass_Axis[cls]++; } } void CDODGameRules::Stats_WeaponFired( int weaponID ) { m_iWeaponShotsFired[weaponID]++; } void CDODGameRules::Stats_WeaponHit( int weaponID, float flDist ) { m_iWeaponShotsHit[weaponID]++; int bucket = Stats_WeaponDistanceToBucket( weaponID, flDist ); m_iWeaponDistanceBuckets[weaponID][bucket]++; } int CDODGameRules::Stats_WeaponDistanceToBucket( int weaponID, float flDist ) { int bucket = 4; int iDist = (int)flDist; for ( int i=0;i<DOD_NUM_WEAPON_DISTANCE_BUCKETS-1;i++ ) { if ( iDist < iWeaponBucketDistances[i] ) { bucket = i; break; } } return bucket; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: DoD Specific Client Commands // Input : // Output : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CDODGameRules::ClientCommand( CBaseEntity *pEdict, const CCommand &args ) { CDODPlayer *pPlayer = ToDODPlayer( pEdict ); const char *pcmd = args[0]; #ifdef DEBUG if ( FStrEq( pcmd, "teamwin" ) ) { if ( args.ArgC() < 2 ) return true; SetWinningTeam( atoi( args[1] ) ); return true; } else #endif // Handle some player commands here as they relate more directly to gamerules state if ( FStrEq( pcmd, "nextmap" ) ) { CDODPlayer *pDODPlayer = ToDODPlayer(pPlayer); if ( pDODPlayer->m_flNextTimeCheck < gpGlobals->curtime ) { char szNextMap[32]; if ( nextlevel.GetString() && *nextlevel.GetString() ) { Q_strncpy( szNextMap, nextlevel.GetString(), sizeof( szNextMap ) ); } else { GetNextLevelName( szNextMap, sizeof( szNextMap ) ); } ClientPrint( pPlayer, HUD_PRINTTALK, "#game_nextmap", szNextMap); pDODPlayer->m_flNextTimeCheck = gpGlobals->curtime + 1; } return true; } else if ( FStrEq( pcmd, "timeleft" ) ) { CDODPlayer *pDODPlayer = ToDODPlayer(pPlayer); if ( pDODPlayer->m_flNextTimeCheck < gpGlobals->curtime ) { if ( mp_timelimit.GetInt() > 0 ) { int iTimeLeft = GetTimeLeft(); char szMinutes[5]; char szSeconds[3]; if ( iTimeLeft <= 0 ) { Q_snprintf( szMinutes, sizeof(szMinutes), "0" ); Q_snprintf( szSeconds, sizeof(szSeconds), "00" ); } else { Q_snprintf( szMinutes, sizeof(szMinutes), "%d", iTimeLeft / 60 ); Q_snprintf( szSeconds, sizeof(szSeconds), "%02d", iTimeLeft % 60 ); } ClientPrint( pPlayer, HUD_PRINTTALK, "#game_time_left1", szMinutes, szSeconds ); } else { ClientPrint( pPlayer, HUD_PRINTTALK, "#game_time_left2" ); } CDODPlayer *pDODPlayer = ToDODPlayer(pPlayer); pDODPlayer->m_flNextTimeCheck = gpGlobals->curtime + 1; } return true; } else if ( pPlayer->ClientCommand( args ) ) { return true; } else if ( BaseClass::ClientCommand( pEdict, args ) ) { return true; } return false; } void CDODGameRules::CheckChatForReadySignal( CDODPlayer *pPlayer, const char *chatmsg ) { if( m_bAwaitingReadyRestart && FStrEq( chatmsg, mp_clan_ready_signal.GetString() ) ) { if( !m_bHeardAlliesReady && pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_ALLIES ) { m_bHeardAlliesReady = true; IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "dod_allies_ready" ); if ( event ) gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } else if( !m_bHeardAxisReady && pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_AXIS ) { m_bHeardAxisReady = true; IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "dod_axis_ready" ); if ( event ) gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } } } int CDODGameRules::SelectDefaultTeam() { int team = TEAM_UNASSIGNED; CDODTeam *pAllies = GetGlobalDODTeam(TEAM_ALLIES); CDODTeam *pAxis = GetGlobalDODTeam(TEAM_AXIS); int iNumAllies = pAllies->GetNumPlayers(); int iNumAxis = pAxis->GetNumPlayers(); int iAlliesRoundsWon = pAllies->GetRoundsWon(); int iAxisRoundsWon = pAxis->GetRoundsWon(); int iAlliesPoints = pAllies->GetScore(); int iAxisPoints = pAxis->GetScore(); // Choose the team that's lacking players if ( iNumAllies < iNumAxis ) { team = TEAM_ALLIES; } else if ( iNumAllies > iNumAxis ) { team = TEAM_AXIS; } // Choose the team that's losing else if ( iAlliesRoundsWon < iAxisRoundsWon ) { team = TEAM_ALLIES; } else if ( iAlliesRoundsWon > iAxisRoundsWon ) { team = TEAM_AXIS; } // choose the team with fewer points else if ( iAlliesPoints < iAxisPoints ) { team = TEAM_ALLIES; } else if ( iAlliesPoints > iAxisPoints ) { team = TEAM_AXIS; } else { // Teams and scores are equal, pick a random team team = ( random->RandomInt(0,1) == 0 ) ? TEAM_ALLIES : TEAM_AXIS; } if ( TeamFull( team ) ) { // Pick the opposite team if ( team == TEAM_ALLIES ) { team = TEAM_AXIS; } else { team = TEAM_ALLIES; } // No choices left if ( TeamFull( team ) ) return TEAM_UNASSIGNED; } return team; } bool CDODGameRules::TeamFull( int team_id ) { switch ( team_id ) { case TEAM_ALLIES: { int iNumAllies = GetGlobalDODTeam(TEAM_ALLIES)->GetNumPlayers(); return iNumAllies >= m_iSpawnPointCount_Allies; } case TEAM_AXIS: { int iNumAxis = GetGlobalDODTeam(TEAM_AXIS)->GetNumPlayers(); return iNumAxis >= m_iSpawnPointCount_Axis; } } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Player has just spawned. Equip them. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // return a multiplier that should adjust the damage done by a blast at position vecSrc to something at the position // vecEnd. This will take into account the density of an entity that blocks the line of sight from one position to // the other. // // this algorithm was taken from the HL2 version of RadiusDamage. float CDODGameRules::GetExplosionDamageAdjustment(Vector & vecSrc, Vector & vecEnd, CBaseEntity *pTarget, CBaseEntity *pEntityToIgnore) { float retval = 0.0; trace_t tr; UTIL_TraceLine(vecSrc, vecEnd, MASK_SHOT, pEntityToIgnore, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr); Assert( pTarget ); // its a hit if we made it to the dest, or if we hit another part of the target on the way if (tr.fraction == 1.0 || tr.m_pEnt == pTarget ) { retval = 1.0; } else if (!(tr.DidHitWorld()) && (tr.m_pEnt != NULL) && (tr.m_pEnt->GetOwnerEntity() != pEntityToIgnore)) { // if we didn't hit world geometry perhaps there's still damage to be done here. CBaseEntity *blockingEntity = tr.m_pEnt; // check to see if this part of the player is visible if entities are ignored. UTIL_TraceLine(vecSrc, vecEnd, CONTENTS_SOLID, NULL, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr); if (tr.fraction == 1.0) { if ((blockingEntity != NULL) && (blockingEntity->VPhysicsGetObject() != NULL)) { int nMaterialIndex = blockingEntity->VPhysicsGetObject()->GetMaterialIndex(); float flDensity; float flThickness; float flFriction; float flElasticity; physprops->GetPhysicsProperties( nMaterialIndex, &flDensity, &flThickness, &flFriction, &flElasticity ); const float ONE_OVER_DENSITY_ABSORB_ALL_DAMAGE = ( 1.0 / 3000.0 ); float scale = flDensity * ONE_OVER_DENSITY_ABSORB_ALL_DAMAGE; if ((scale >= 0.0) && (scale < 1.0)) { retval = 1.0 - scale; } else if (scale < 0.0) { // should never happen, but just in case. retval = 1.0; } } else { retval = 0.75; // we're blocked by something that isn't an entity with a physics module or world geometry, just cut damage in half for now. } } } return retval; } // returns the percentage of the player that is visible from the given point in the world. // return value is between 0 and 1. float CDODGameRules::GetAmountOfEntityVisible(Vector & vecSrc, CBaseEntity *entity, CBaseEntity *pIgnoreEntity ) { float retval = 0.0; Vector vecHullSizeNormal = VEC_HULL_MAX - VEC_HULL_MIN; const float damagePercentageChest = 0.40; const float damagePercentageHead = 0.30; const float damagePercentageFoot = 0.10; // x 2 const float damagePercentageHand = 0.05; // x 2 if (!(entity->IsPlayer())) { // the entity is not a player, so the damage is all or nothing. Vector vecTarget; vecTarget = entity->BodyTarget(vecSrc, false); return GetExplosionDamageAdjustment(vecSrc, vecTarget, entity, pIgnoreEntity); } CDODPlayer *player = ToDODPlayer(entity); /* new, sane method */ static int iRHandIndex = 0; static int iLHandIndex = 0; static int iHeadIndex = 0; static int iChestIndex = 0; static int iRFootIndex = 0; static int iLFootIndex = 0; static bool bInitializedBones = false; if ( !bInitializedBones ) { iRHandIndex = player->LookupBone( "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand" ); iLHandIndex = player->LookupBone( "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Hand" ); iHeadIndex = player->LookupBone( "ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1" ); iChestIndex = player->LookupBone( "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine2" ); iRFootIndex = player->LookupBone( "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Foot" ); iLFootIndex = player->LookupBone( "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Foot" ); Assert( iRHandIndex != -1 ); Assert( iLHandIndex != -1 ); Assert( iHeadIndex != -1 ); Assert( iChestIndex != -1 ); Assert( iRFootIndex != -1 ); Assert( iLFootIndex != -1 ); bInitializedBones = true; } #ifdef _DEBUG // verify that these bone indeces don't change int checkBoneIndex = player->LookupBone( "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand" ); Assert( checkBoneIndex == iRHandIndex ); #endif QAngle dummyAngle; Vector vecRHand; player->GetBonePosition( iRHandIndex, vecRHand, dummyAngle ); Vector vecLHand; player->GetBonePosition( iLHandIndex, vecLHand, dummyAngle ); Vector vecHead; player->GetBonePosition( iHeadIndex, vecHead, dummyAngle ); Vector vecChest; player->GetBonePosition( iChestIndex, vecChest, dummyAngle ); Vector vecRFoot; player->GetBonePosition( iRFootIndex, vecRFoot, dummyAngle ); Vector vecLFoot; player->GetBonePosition( iLFootIndex, vecLFoot, dummyAngle ); // right hand float damageAdjustment = GetExplosionDamageAdjustment(vecSrc, vecRHand, player, pIgnoreEntity ); retval += (damagePercentageHand * damageAdjustment); /* Msg( "right hand: %.1f\n", damageAdjustment ); NDebugOverlay::Line( vecSrc, vecRHand, (int)(damageAdjustment * 255.0), (int)((1.0 - damageAdjustment) * 255.0), 0, true, 10 );*/ // left hand damageAdjustment = GetExplosionDamageAdjustment(vecSrc, vecLHand, player, pIgnoreEntity ); retval += (damagePercentageHand * damageAdjustment); /* Msg( "left hand: %.1f\n", damageAdjustment ); NDebugOverlay::Line( vecSrc, vecLHand, (int)(damageAdjustment * 255.0), (int)((1.0 - damageAdjustment) * 255.0), 0, true, 10 );*/ // head damageAdjustment = GetExplosionDamageAdjustment(vecSrc, vecHead, player, pIgnoreEntity ); retval += (damagePercentageHead * damageAdjustment); /* Msg( "head: %.1f\n", damageAdjustment ); NDebugOverlay::Line( vecSrc, vecHead, (int)(damageAdjustment * 255.0), (int)((1.0 - damageAdjustment) * 255.0), 0, true, 10 );*/ // chest damageAdjustment = GetExplosionDamageAdjustment(vecSrc, vecChest, player, pIgnoreEntity ); retval += (damagePercentageChest * damageAdjustment); /* Msg( "chest: %.1f\n", damageAdjustment ); NDebugOverlay::Line( vecSrc, vecChest, (int)(damageAdjustment * 255.0), (int)((1.0 - damageAdjustment) * 255.0), 0, true, 10 );*/ // right foot damageAdjustment = GetExplosionDamageAdjustment(vecSrc, vecRFoot, player, pIgnoreEntity ); retval += (damagePercentageFoot * damageAdjustment); /* Msg( "right foot: %.1f\n", damageAdjustment ); NDebugOverlay::Line( vecSrc, vecRFoot, (int)(damageAdjustment * 255.0), (int)((1.0 - damageAdjustment) * 255.0), 0, true, 10 );*/ // left foot damageAdjustment = GetExplosionDamageAdjustment(vecSrc, vecRFoot, player, pIgnoreEntity ); retval += (damagePercentageFoot * damageAdjustment); /* Msg( "left foot: %.1f\n", damageAdjustment ); NDebugOverlay::Line( vecSrc, vecRFoot, (int)(damageAdjustment * 255.0), (int)((1.0 - damageAdjustment) * 255.0), 0, true, 10 );*/ // Msg( "total: %.1f\n", retval ); return retval; } void CDODGameRules::RadiusDamage( const CTakeDamageInfo &info, const Vector &vecSrcIn, float flRadius, int iClassIgnore, CBaseEntity *pEntityIgnore ) { RadiusDamage( info, vecSrcIn, flRadius, iClassIgnore, pEntityIgnore, false ); } ConVar r_visualizeExplosion( "r_visualizeExplosion", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT ); void CDODGameRules::RadiusDamage( const CTakeDamageInfo &info, const Vector &vecSrcIn, float flRadius, int iClassIgnore, CBaseEntity *pEntityIgnore, bool bIgnoreWorld /* = false */ ) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL; trace_t tr; float flAdjustedDamage, falloff; Vector vecSpot; Vector vecToTarget; Vector vecSrc = vecSrcIn; float flDamagePercentage; if ( flRadius ) falloff = info.GetDamage() / flRadius; else falloff = 1.0; vecSrc.z += 1;// in case grenade is lying on the ground if ( r_visualizeExplosion.GetBool() ) { float flLethalRange = ( info.GetDamage() - 100 ) / falloff; float flHalfDamageRange = ( info.GetDamage() - 50 ) / falloff; float flZeroDamageRange = ( info.GetDamage() ) / falloff; // draw a red sphere representing the kill area Vector dest = vecSrc; dest.x += flLethalRange; NDebugOverlay::HorzArrow( vecSrc, dest, 10, 255, 0, 0, 255, true, 10.0 ); // yellow for 50 damage dest = vecSrc; dest.x += flHalfDamageRange; NDebugOverlay::HorzArrow( vecSrc, dest, 10, 255, 255, 0, 255, true, 10.0 ); // green for > 0 damage dest = vecSrc; dest.x += flZeroDamageRange; NDebugOverlay::HorzArrow( vecSrc, dest, 10, 0, 255, 0, 255, true, 10.0 ); } // iterate on all entities in the vicinity. for ( CEntitySphereQuery sphere( vecSrc, flRadius ); ( pEntity = sphere.GetCurrentEntity() ) != NULL; sphere.NextEntity() ) { if ( pEntity->m_takedamage != DAMAGE_NO ) { // UNDONE: this should check a damage mask, not an ignore if ( iClassIgnore != CLASS_NONE && pEntity->Classify() == iClassIgnore ) continue; if ( pEntity == pEntityIgnore ) continue; // radius damage can only be blocked by the world vecSpot = pEntity->BodyTarget( vecSrc ); if ( bIgnoreWorld ) { flDamagePercentage = 1.0; } else { // get the percentage of the target entity that is visible from the // explosion position. flDamagePercentage = GetAmountOfEntityVisible(vecSrc, pEntity, info.GetInflictor() ); } if (flDamagePercentage > 0.0) { // the explosion can 'see' this entity, so hurt them! vecToTarget = ( vecSpot - vecSrc ); // decrease damage for an ent that's farther from the bomb. flAdjustedDamage = vecToTarget.Length() * falloff; flAdjustedDamage = info.GetDamage() - flAdjustedDamage; flAdjustedDamage *= flDamagePercentage; if ( flAdjustedDamage > 0 ) { CTakeDamageInfo adjustedInfo = info; adjustedInfo.SetDamage( flAdjustedDamage ); Vector dir = vecToTarget; VectorNormalize( dir ); // If we don't have a damage force, manufacture one if ( adjustedInfo.GetDamagePosition() == vec3_origin || adjustedInfo.GetDamageForce() == vec3_origin ) { CalculateExplosiveDamageForce( &adjustedInfo, dir, vecSrc, 1.5 /* explosion scale! */ ); } else { // Assume the force passed in is the maximum force. Decay it based on falloff. float flForce = adjustedInfo.GetDamageForce().Length() * falloff; adjustedInfo.SetDamageForce( dir * flForce ); adjustedInfo.SetDamagePosition( vecSrc ); } pEntity->TakeDamage( adjustedInfo ); // Now hit all triggers along the way that respond to damage... pEntity->TraceAttackToTriggers( adjustedInfo, vecSrc, vecSpot, dir ); } } } } } void CDODGameRules::RadiusStun( const CTakeDamageInfo &info, const Vector &vecSrc, float flRadius ) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL; trace_t tr; float flAdjustedDamage, falloff; Vector vecSpot; Vector vecToTarget; if ( flRadius ) falloff = info.GetDamage() / flRadius; else falloff = 1.0; // ok, now send updates to all clients CBitVec< ABSOLUTE_PLAYER_LIMIT > playerbits; playerbits.ClearAll(); // see which players are actually in the PVS of the grenade engine->Message_DetermineMulticastRecipients( false, vecSrc, playerbits ); // Iterate through all players that made it into playerbits, that are inside the radius // and give them stun damage for ( int i=0;i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++ ) { if ( playerbits.Get(i) == false ) continue; pEntity = UTIL_EntityByIndex( i+1 ); if ( !pEntity || !pEntity->IsPlayer() ) continue; if ( pEntity->m_takedamage != DAMAGE_NO ) { // radius damage can only be blocked by the world vecSpot = pEntity->BodyTarget( vecSrc ); // the explosion can 'see' this entity, so hurt them! vecToTarget = ( vecSpot - vecSrc ); float flDist = vecToTarget.Length(); // make sure they are inside the radius if ( flDist > flRadius ) continue; // decrease damage for an ent that's farther from the bomb. flAdjustedDamage = flDist * falloff; flAdjustedDamage = info.GetDamage() - flAdjustedDamage; if ( flAdjustedDamage > 0 ) { CTakeDamageInfo adjustedInfo = info; adjustedInfo.SetDamage( flAdjustedDamage ); pEntity->TakeDamage( adjustedInfo ); } } } } void CDODGameRules::Think() { if ( g_fGameOver ) // someone else quit the game already { // check to see if we should change levels now if ( m_flIntermissionEndTime < gpGlobals->curtime ) { ChangeLevel(); // intermission is over } return; } State_Think(); if ( gpGlobals->curtime > m_flNextPeriodicThink ) { if ( CheckTimeLimit() ) return; if ( CheckWinLimit() ) return; CheckRestartRound(); CheckWarmup(); CheckPlayerPositions(); m_flNextPeriodicThink = gpGlobals->curtime + 1.0; } CGameRules::Think(); } void CDODGameRules::GoToIntermission( void ) { BaseClass::GoToIntermission(); // set all players to FL_FROZEN for ( int i = 1; i <= MAX_PLAYERS; i++ ) { CDODPlayer *pPlayer = ToDODPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ) ); if ( pPlayer ) { pPlayer->AddFlag( FL_FROZEN ); pPlayer->StatEvent_UploadStats(); } } // Print out map stats to a text file //WriteStatsFile( "stats.xml" ); State_Enter( STATE_GAME_OVER ); } void CDODGameRules::SetInWarmup( bool bWarmup ) { if( m_bInWarmup == bWarmup ) return; m_bInWarmup = bWarmup; if( m_bInWarmup ) { m_flWarmupTimeEnds = gpGlobals->curtime + mp_warmup_time.GetFloat(); DevMsg( "Warmup_Begin\n" ); IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "dod_warmup_begins" ); if ( event ) gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } else { m_flWarmupTimeEnds = -1; DevMsg( "Warmup_Ends\n" ); IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "dod_warmup_ends" ); if ( event ) gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } } void CDODGameRules::CheckWarmup( void ) { if( mp_restartwarmup.GetBool() ) { if( m_bInWarmup ) { m_flWarmupTimeEnds = gpGlobals->curtime + mp_warmup_time.GetFloat(); } else DODGameRules()->SetInWarmup( true ); mp_restartwarmup.SetValue( 0 ); } if( mp_cancelwarmup.GetBool() ) { DODGameRules()->SetInWarmup( false ); mp_cancelwarmup.SetValue( 0 ); } if( m_bInWarmup ) { // only exit the warmup if the time is up, and we are not in a round // restart countdown already, and we are not waiting for a ready restart if( gpGlobals->curtime > m_flWarmupTimeEnds && m_flRestartRoundTime < 0 && !m_bAwaitingReadyRestart ) { // no need to end the warmup, the restart will end it automatically //SetInWarmup( false ); m_flRestartRoundTime = gpGlobals->curtime; // reset asap } } } void CDODGameRules::CheckRestartRound( void ) { if( mp_clan_readyrestart.GetBool() ) { m_bAwaitingReadyRestart = true; m_bHeardAlliesReady = false; m_bHeardAxisReady = false; const char *pszReadyString = mp_clan_ready_signal.GetString(); UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, "#clan_ready_rules", pszReadyString ); UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTTALK, "#clan_ready_rules", pszReadyString ); // Don't let them put anything malicious in there if( pszReadyString == NULL || Q_strlen(pszReadyString) > 16 ) { pszReadyString = "ready"; } IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "dod_ready_restart" ); if ( event ) gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); mp_clan_readyrestart.SetValue( 0 ); // cancel any restart round in progress m_flRestartRoundTime = -1; } // Restart the game if specified by the server int iRestartDelay = mp_clan_restartround.GetInt(); if ( iRestartDelay > 0 ) { if ( iRestartDelay > 60 ) iRestartDelay = 60; m_flRestartRoundTime = gpGlobals->curtime + iRestartDelay; IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "dod_round_restart_seconds" ); if ( event ) { event->SetInt( "seconds", iRestartDelay ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } mp_clan_restartround.SetValue( 0 ); // cancel any ready restart in progress m_bAwaitingReadyRestart = false; } } bool CDODGameRules::CheckTimeLimit() { if ( IsGameUnderTimeLimit() ) { if( GetTimeLeft() <= 0 ) { IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "dod_game_over" ); if ( event ) { event->SetString( "reason", "Reached Time Limit" ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } SendTeamScoresEvent(); GoToIntermission(); return true; } } return false; } bool CDODGameRules::CheckWinLimit() { // has one team won the specified number of rounds? int iWinLimit = mp_winlimit.GetInt(); if ( iWinLimit > 0 ) { CDODTeam *pAllies = GetGlobalDODTeam(TEAM_ALLIES); CDODTeam *pAxis = GetGlobalDODTeam(TEAM_AXIS); bool bAlliesWin = pAllies->GetRoundsWon() >= iWinLimit; bool bAxisWin = pAxis->GetRoundsWon() >= iWinLimit; if ( bAlliesWin || bAxisWin ) { IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "dod_game_over" ); if ( event ) { event->SetString( "reason", "Reached Round Win Limit" ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } GoToIntermission(); return true; } } return false; } void CDODGameRules::CheckPlayerPositions() { int i; bool bUpdatePlayer[MAX_PLAYERS]; Q_memset( bUpdatePlayer, 0, sizeof(bUpdatePlayer) ); // check all players for ( i=1; i<=gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ); if ( !pPlayer ) continue; Vector origin = pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin(); Vector2D pos( (int)(origin.x/4), (int)(origin.y/4) ); if ( pos == m_vecPlayerPositions[i-1] ) continue; // player didn't move enough m_vecPlayerPositions[i-1] = pos; bUpdatePlayer[i-1] = true; // player position changed since last time } // ok, now send updates to all clients CBitVec< ABSOLUTE_PLAYER_LIMIT > playerbits; for ( i=1; i<=gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ); if ( !pPlayer ) continue; if ( !pPlayer->IsConnected() ) continue; CSingleUserRecipientFilter filter(pPlayer); UserMessageBegin( filter, "UpdateRadar" ); playerbits.ClearAll(); // see what other players are in it's PVS, don't update them engine->Message_DetermineMulticastRecipients( false, pPlayer->EyePosition(), playerbits ); for ( int i=0; i < gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ ) { if ( playerbits.Get(i) ) continue; // this player is in his PVS, don't update radar pos if ( !bUpdatePlayer[i] ) continue; CBasePlayer *pOtherPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i+1 ); if ( !pOtherPlayer ) continue; // nothing there if ( pOtherPlayer == pPlayer ) continue; // dont update himself if ( !pOtherPlayer->IsAlive() || pOtherPlayer->IsObserver() || !pOtherPlayer->IsConnected() ) continue; // don't update spectators or dead players if ( pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() > TEAM_SPECTATOR ) { // update only team mates if not a pure spectator if ( pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() != pOtherPlayer->GetTeamNumber() ) continue; } WRITE_BYTE( i+1 ); // player entity index WRITE_SBITLONG( m_vecPlayerPositions[i].x, COORD_INTEGER_BITS-1 ); WRITE_SBITLONG( m_vecPlayerPositions[i].y, COORD_INTEGER_BITS-1 ); WRITE_SBITLONG( AngleNormalize( pOtherPlayer->GetAbsAngles().y ), 9 ); } WRITE_BYTE( 0 ); // end marker MessageEnd(); // send message } } Vector DropToGround( CBaseEntity *pMainEnt, const Vector &vPos, const Vector &vMins, const Vector &vMaxs ) { trace_t trace; UTIL_TraceHull( vPos, vPos + Vector( 0, 0, -500 ), vMins, vMaxs, MASK_SOLID, pMainEnt, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &trace ); return trace.endpos; } void TestSpawnPointType( const char *pEntClassName ) { // Find the next spawn spot. CBaseEntity *pSpot = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( NULL, pEntClassName ); while( pSpot ) { // check if pSpot is valid if( g_pGameRules->IsSpawnPointValid( pSpot, NULL ) ) { // the successful spawn point's location NDebugOverlay::Box( pSpot->GetAbsOrigin(), VEC_HULL_MIN, VEC_HULL_MAX, 0, 255, 0, 100, 60 ); // drop down to ground Vector GroundPos = DropToGround( NULL, pSpot->GetAbsOrigin(), VEC_HULL_MIN, VEC_HULL_MAX ); // the location the player will spawn at NDebugOverlay::Box( GroundPos, VEC_HULL_MIN, VEC_HULL_MAX, 0, 0, 255, 100, 60 ); // draw the spawn angles QAngle spotAngles = pSpot->GetLocalAngles(); Vector vecForward; AngleVectors( spotAngles, &vecForward ); NDebugOverlay::HorzArrow( pSpot->GetAbsOrigin(), pSpot->GetAbsOrigin() + vecForward * 32, 10, 255, 0, 0, 255, true, 60 ); } else { // failed spawn point location NDebugOverlay::Box( pSpot->GetAbsOrigin(), VEC_HULL_MIN, VEC_HULL_MAX, 255, 0, 0, 100, 60 ); } // increment pSpot pSpot = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pSpot, pEntClassName ); } } void TestSpawns() { TestSpawnPointType( "info_player_allies" ); TestSpawnPointType( "info_player_axis" ); } ConCommand cc_TestSpawns( "map_showspawnpoints", TestSpawns, "Dev - test the spawn points, draws for 60 seconds", FCVAR_CHEAT ); CBaseEntity *CDODGameRules::GetPlayerSpawnSpot( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ) { // get valid spawn point CBaseEntity *pSpawnSpot = pPlayer->EntSelectSpawnPoint(); // drop down to ground Vector GroundPos = DropToGround( pPlayer, pSpawnSpot->GetAbsOrigin(), VEC_HULL_MIN, VEC_HULL_MAX ); // Move the player to the place it said. pPlayer->Teleport( &GroundPos, &pSpawnSpot->GetLocalAngles(), &vec3_origin ); pPlayer->m_Local.m_vecPunchAngle = vec3_angle; return pSpawnSpot; } // checks if the spot is clear of players bool CDODGameRules::IsSpawnPointValid( CBaseEntity *pSpot, CBasePlayer *pPlayer ) { if ( !pSpot->IsTriggered( pPlayer ) ) { return false; } // Check if it is disabled by Enable/Disable CSpawnPoint *pSpawnPoint = dynamic_cast< CSpawnPoint * >( pSpot ); if ( pSpawnPoint ) { if ( pSpawnPoint->IsDisabled() ) { return false; } } Vector mins = GetViewVectors()->m_vHullMin; Vector maxs = GetViewVectors()->m_vHullMax; Vector vTestMins = pSpot->GetAbsOrigin() + mins; Vector vTestMaxs = pSpot->GetAbsOrigin() + maxs; // First test the starting origin. return UTIL_IsSpaceEmpty( pPlayer, vTestMins, vTestMaxs ); } void CDODGameRules::PlayerSpawn( CBasePlayer *p ) { CDODPlayer *pPlayer = ToDODPlayer( p ); int team = pPlayer->GetTeamNumber(); if( team == TEAM_ALLIES || team == TEAM_AXIS ) { int iPreviousPlayerClass = pPlayer->m_Shared.PlayerClass(); if( pPlayer->m_Shared.DesiredPlayerClass() == PLAYERCLASS_RANDOM ) { ChooseRandomClass( pPlayer ); ClientPrint( pPlayer, HUD_PRINTTALK, "#game_now_as", GetPlayerClassName( pPlayer->m_Shared.PlayerClass(), team ) ); } else { pPlayer->m_Shared.SetPlayerClass( pPlayer->m_Shared.DesiredPlayerClass() ); } int playerclass = pPlayer->m_Shared.PlayerClass(); if ( playerclass != iPreviousPlayerClass ) { // spawning as a new class, flush stats pPlayer->StatEvent_UploadStats(); } if( playerclass != PLAYERCLASS_UNDEFINED ) { //Assert( PLAYERCLASS_UNDEFINED < playerclass && playerclass < NUM_PLAYERCLASSES ); int i; CDODTeam *pTeam = GetGlobalDODTeam( team ); const CDODPlayerClassInfo &pClassInfo = pTeam->GetPlayerClassInfo( playerclass ); Assert( pClassInfo.m_iTeam == team ); pPlayer->SetModel( pClassInfo.m_szPlayerModel ); pPlayer->SetHitboxSet( 0 ); char buf[64]; int bufsize = sizeof(buf); //Give weapons // Primary weapon Q_snprintf( buf, bufsize, "weapon_%s", WeaponIDToAlias(pClassInfo.m_iPrimaryWeapon) ); CBaseEntity *pPrimaryWpn = pPlayer->GiveNamedItem( buf ); Assert( pPrimaryWpn ); // Secondary weapon CBaseEntity *pSecondaryWpn = NULL; if ( pClassInfo.m_iSecondaryWeapon != WEAPON_NONE ) { Q_snprintf( buf, bufsize, "weapon_%s", WeaponIDToAlias(pClassInfo.m_iSecondaryWeapon) ); pSecondaryWpn = pPlayer->GiveNamedItem( buf ); } // Melee weapon if ( pClassInfo.m_iMeleeWeapon ) { Q_snprintf( buf, bufsize, "weapon_%s", WeaponIDToAlias(pClassInfo.m_iMeleeWeapon) ); pPlayer->GiveNamedItem( buf ); } CWeaponDODBase *pWpn = NULL; // Primary Ammo pWpn = dynamic_cast<CWeaponDODBase *>(pPrimaryWpn); if( pWpn ) { int iNumClip = pWpn->GetDODWpnData().m_iDefaultAmmoClips - 1; //account for one clip in the gun int iClipSize = pWpn->GetDODWpnData().iMaxClip1; pPlayer->GiveAmmo( iNumClip * iClipSize, pWpn->GetDODWpnData().szAmmo1 ); } // Secondary Ammo if ( pSecondaryWpn ) { pWpn = dynamic_cast<CWeaponDODBase *>(pSecondaryWpn); if( pWpn ) { int iNumClip = pWpn->GetDODWpnData().m_iDefaultAmmoClips - 1; //account for one clip in the gun int iClipSize = pWpn->GetDODWpnData().iMaxClip1; pPlayer->GiveAmmo( iNumClip * iClipSize, pWpn->GetDODWpnData().szAmmo1 ); } } // Grenade Type 1 if ( pClassInfo.m_iGrenType1 != WEAPON_NONE ) { Q_snprintf( buf, bufsize, "weapon_%s", WeaponIDToAlias(pClassInfo.m_iGrenType1) ); for ( i=0;i<pClassInfo.m_iNumGrensType1;i++ ) { pPlayer->GiveNamedItem( buf ); } } // Grenade Type 2 if ( pClassInfo.m_iGrenType2 != WEAPON_NONE ) { Q_snprintf( buf, bufsize, "weapon_%s", WeaponIDToAlias(pClassInfo.m_iGrenType2) ); for ( i=0;i<pClassInfo.m_iNumGrensType2;i++ ) { pPlayer->GiveNamedItem( buf ); } } pPlayer->Weapon_Switch( (CBaseCombatWeapon *)pPrimaryWpn ); // you get a helmet pPlayer->SetBodygroup( BODYGROUP_HELMET, pClassInfo.m_iHelmetGroup ); // no jumpgear pPlayer->SetBodygroup( BODYGROUP_JUMPGEAR, BODYGROUP_JUMPGEAR_OFF ); pPlayer->SetMaxSpeed( 600 ); Assert( playerclass >= 0 && playerclass <= 5 ); if ( playerclass >= 0 && playerclass <= 5 ) { if ( team == TEAM_ALLIES ) m_iStatsSpawnsPerClass_Allies[playerclass]++; else if ( team == TEAM_AXIS ) m_iStatsSpawnsPerClass_Axis[playerclass]++; } } else { Assert( !"Player spawning with PLAYERCLASS_UNDEFINED" ); pPlayer->SetModel( NULL ); } } } const char *CDODGameRules::GetPlayerClassName( int cls, int team ) { CDODTeam *pTeam = GetGlobalDODTeam( team ); if( cls == PLAYERCLASS_RANDOM ) { return "#class_random"; } if( cls < 0 || cls >= pTeam->GetNumPlayerClasses() ) { Assert( false ); return NULL; } const CDODPlayerClassInfo &pClassInfo = pTeam->GetPlayerClassInfo( cls ); return pClassInfo.m_szPrintName; } void CDODGameRules::ChooseRandomClass( CDODPlayer *pPlayer ) { int i; int numChoices = 0; int choices[16]; int firstclass = 0; CDODTeam *pTeam = GetGlobalDODTeam( pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() ); int lastclass = pTeam->GetNumPlayerClasses(); int previousClass = pPlayer->m_Shared.PlayerClass(); // Compile a list of the classes that aren't full for( i=firstclass;i<lastclass;i++ ) { // don't join the same class twice in a row if ( i == previousClass ) continue; if( CanPlayerJoinClass( pPlayer, i ) ) { choices[numChoices] = i; numChoices++; } } // If ALL the classes are full if( numChoices == 0 ) { Msg( "Random class found that all classes were full - ignoring class limits for this spawn\n" ); pPlayer->m_Shared.SetPlayerClass( random->RandomFloat( firstclass, lastclass ) ); } else { // Choose a slot randomly i = random->RandomInt( 0, numChoices-1 ); // We are now the class that was in that slot pPlayer->m_Shared.SetPlayerClass( choices[i] ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: This function can be used to find a valid placement location for an entity. // Given an origin to start looking from and a minimum radius to place the entity at, // it will sweep out a circle around vOrigin and try to find a valid spot (on the ground) // where mins and maxs will fit. // Input : *pMainEnt - Entity to place // &vOrigin - Point to search around // fRadius - Radius to search within // nTries - Number of tries to attempt // &mins - mins of the Entity // &maxs - maxs of the Entity // &outPos - Return point // Output : Returns true and fills in outPos if it found a spot. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool EntityPlacementTest( CBaseEntity *pMainEnt, const Vector &vOrigin, Vector &outPos, bool bDropToGround ) { // This function moves the box out in each dimension in each step trying to find empty space like this: // // X // X X // Step 1: X Step 2: XXX Step 3: XXXXX // X X // X // Vector mins, maxs; pMainEnt->CollisionProp()->WorldSpaceAABB( &mins, &maxs ); mins -= pMainEnt->GetAbsOrigin(); maxs -= pMainEnt->GetAbsOrigin(); // Put some padding on their bbox. Vector vTestMins = mins; Vector vTestMaxs = maxs; // First test the starting origin. if ( UTIL_IsSpaceEmpty( pMainEnt, vOrigin + vTestMins, vOrigin + vTestMaxs ) ) { if ( bDropToGround ) { outPos = DropToGround( pMainEnt, vOrigin, vTestMins, vTestMaxs ); } else { outPos = vOrigin; } return true; } Vector vDims = vTestMaxs - vTestMins; // Keep branching out until we get too far. int iCurIteration = 0; int nMaxIterations = 15; int offset = 0; do { for ( int iDim=0; iDim < 2; iDim++ ) { float flCurOffset = offset * vDims[iDim]; for ( int iSign=0; iSign < 2; iSign++ ) { Vector vBase = vOrigin; vBase[iDim] += (iSign*2-1) * flCurOffset; if ( UTIL_IsSpaceEmpty( pMainEnt, vBase + vTestMins, vBase + vTestMaxs ) ) { // Ensure that there is a clear line of sight from the spawnpoint entity to the actual spawn point. // (Useful for keeping things from spawning behind walls near a spawn point) trace_t tr; UTIL_TraceLine( vOrigin, vBase, MASK_SOLID, pMainEnt, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr ); if ( tr.fraction != 1.0 ) { continue; } if ( bDropToGround ) outPos = DropToGround( pMainEnt, vBase, vTestMins, vTestMaxs ); else outPos = vBase; return true; } } } ++offset; } while ( iCurIteration++ < nMaxIterations ); // Warning( "EntityPlacementTest for ent %d:%s failed!\n", pMainEnt->entindex(), pMainEnt->GetClassname() ); return false; } bool CDODGameRules::CanHavePlayerItem( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon ) { //only allow one primary, one secondary and one melee CWeaponDODBase *pWpn = (CWeaponDODBase *)pWeapon; if( pWpn ) { int type = pWpn->GetDODWpnData().m_WeaponType; switch( type ) { case WPN_TYPE_MELEE: { #ifdef DEBUG CWeaponDODBase *pMeleeWeapon = (CWeaponDODBase *)pPlayer->Weapon_GetSlot( WPN_SLOT_MELEE ); bool bHasMelee = ( pMeleeWeapon != NULL ); if( bHasMelee ) { Assert( !"Why are we trying to add another melee?" ); return false; } #endif } break; case WPN_TYPE_PISTOL: case WPN_TYPE_SIDEARM: { #ifdef DEBUG CWeaponDODBase *pSecondaryWeapon = (CWeaponDODBase *)pPlayer->Weapon_GetSlot( WPN_SLOT_SECONDARY ); bool bHasPistol = ( pSecondaryWeapon != NULL ); if( bHasPistol ) { Assert( !"Why are we trying to add another pistol?" ); return false; } #endif } break; case WPN_TYPE_CAMERA: return true; case WPN_TYPE_RIFLE: case WPN_TYPE_SNIPER: case WPN_TYPE_SUBMG: case WPN_TYPE_MG: case WPN_TYPE_BAZOOKA: { //Don't pick up dropped weapons if we have one already CWeaponDODBase *pPrimaryWeapon = (CWeaponDODBase *)pPlayer->Weapon_GetSlot( WPN_SLOT_PRIMARY ); bool bHasPrimary = ( pPrimaryWeapon != NULL ); if( bHasPrimary ) return false; } break; default: break; } } return BaseClass::CanHavePlayerItem( pPlayer, pWeapon ); } void CDODGameRules::ResetMapTime( void ) { m_flMapResetTime = gpGlobals->curtime; // send an event with the time remaining until map change IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "dod_map_time_remaining" ); if ( event ) { event->SetInt( "seconds", GetTimeLeft() ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } } #endif bool CDODGameRules::ShouldCollide( int collisionGroup0, int collisionGroup1 ) { if ( collisionGroup0 > collisionGroup1 ) { // swap so that lowest is always first V_swap(collisionGroup0,collisionGroup1); } //Don't stand on COLLISION_GROUP_WEAPONs if( collisionGroup0 == COLLISION_GROUP_PLAYER_MOVEMENT && collisionGroup1 == COLLISION_GROUP_WEAPON ) { return false; } // TE shells don't collide with the player if ( collisionGroup0 == COLLISION_GROUP_PLAYER && collisionGroup1 == DOD_COLLISIONGROUP_SHELLS ) { return false; } // blocker walls only collide with players if ( collisionGroup1 == DOD_COLLISIONGROUP_BLOCKERWALL ) return ( collisionGroup0 == COLLISION_GROUP_PLAYER ) || ( collisionGroup0 == COLLISION_GROUP_PLAYER_MOVEMENT ); return BaseClass::ShouldCollide( collisionGroup0, collisionGroup1 ); } int CDODGameRules::GetSubTeam( int team ) { return SUBTEAM_NORMAL; } bool CDODGameRules::IsGameUnderTimeLimit( void ) { return ( mp_timelimit.GetInt() > 0 ); } int CDODGameRules::GetTimeLeft( void ) { float flTimeLimit = mp_timelimit.GetInt() * 60; Assert( flTimeLimit > 0 && "Should not call this function when !IsGameUnderTimeLimit" ); float flMapChangeTime = m_flMapResetTime + flTimeLimit; #ifndef CLIENT_DLL // If the round timer is longer, let the round complete if ( m_bUsingTimer && m_pRoundTimer ) { float flTimerSeconds = m_pRoundTimer->GetTimeRemaining(); float flMapChangeSeconds = flMapChangeTime - gpGlobals->curtime; // if the map timer is less than the round timer // AND // the round timer is less than 2 minutes // If the map time for any reason goes beyond the end of the round, remove the flag if ( flMapChangeSeconds > flTimerSeconds ) { m_bChangeLevelOnRoundEnd = false; } else if ( m_bChangeLevelOnRoundEnd || flTimerSeconds < 120 ) { // once this happens once in a round, use this until the round ends // or else the round will end when a team captures an objective and adds time to above 120 m_bChangeLevelOnRoundEnd = true; return (int)( flTimerSeconds ); } } #endif return ( (int)(flMapChangeTime - gpGlobals->curtime) ); } int CDODGameRules::GetReinforcementTimerSeconds( int team, float flSpawnEligibleTime ) { // find the first wave that this player can fit in float flWaveTime = -1; switch( team ) { case TEAM_ALLIES: { int i = m_iAlliesRespawnHead; while( i != m_iAlliesRespawnTail ) { if ( flSpawnEligibleTime < m_AlliesRespawnQueue[i] ) { flWaveTime = m_AlliesRespawnQueue[i]; break; } i = ( i+1 ) % DOD_RESPAWN_QUEUE_SIZE; } } break; case TEAM_AXIS: { int i = m_iAxisRespawnHead; while( i != m_iAxisRespawnTail ) { if ( flSpawnEligibleTime < m_AxisRespawnQueue[i] ) { flWaveTime = m_AxisRespawnQueue[i]; break; } i = ( i+1 ) % DOD_RESPAWN_QUEUE_SIZE; } } break; default: return -1; } return MAX( 0, (int)( flWaveTime - gpGlobals->curtime ) ); } const CViewVectors* CDODGameRules::GetViewVectors() const { return &g_DODViewVectors; } const CDODViewVectors *CDODGameRules::GetDODViewVectors() const { return &g_DODViewVectors; } #ifndef CLIENT_DLL extern ConVar dod_bonusround; bool CDODGameRules::IsFriendlyFireOn( void ) { // Never friendly fire in bonus round if ( IsInBonusRound() ) { return false; } return friendlyfire.GetBool(); } bool CDODGameRules::IsInBonusRound( void ) { return ( dod_bonusround.GetBool() == true && ( State_Get() == STATE_ALLIES_WIN || State_Get() == STATE_AXIS_WIN ) ); } ConVar dod_showroundtransitions( "dod_showroundtransitions", "0", 0, "Show gamestate round transitions" ); void CDODGameRules::State_Transition( DODRoundState newState ) { State_Leave(); State_Enter( newState ); } void CDODGameRules::State_Enter( DODRoundState newState ) { m_iRoundState = newState; m_pCurStateInfo = State_LookupInfo( newState ); if ( dod_showroundtransitions.GetInt() > 0 ) { if ( m_pCurStateInfo ) Msg( "DODRoundState: entering '%s'\n", m_pCurStateInfo->m_pStateName ); else Msg( "DODRoundState: entering #%d\n", newState ); } // Initialize the new state. if ( m_pCurStateInfo && m_pCurStateInfo->pfnEnterState ) (this->*m_pCurStateInfo->pfnEnterState)(); } void CDODGameRules::State_Leave() { if ( m_pCurStateInfo && m_pCurStateInfo->pfnLeaveState ) { (this->*m_pCurStateInfo->pfnLeaveState)(); } } void CDODGameRules::State_Think() { if ( m_pCurStateInfo && m_pCurStateInfo->pfnThink ) { (this->*m_pCurStateInfo->pfnThink)(); } } CDODRoundStateInfo* CDODGameRules::State_LookupInfo( DODRoundState state ) { static CDODRoundStateInfo playerStateInfos[] = { { STATE_INIT, "STATE_INIT", &CDODGameRules::State_Enter_INIT, NULL, &CDODGameRules::State_Think_INIT }, { STATE_PREGAME, "STATE_PREGAME", &CDODGameRules::State_Enter_PREGAME, NULL, &CDODGameRules::State_Think_PREGAME }, { STATE_STARTGAME, "STATE_STARTGAME", &CDODGameRules::State_Enter_STARTGAME, NULL, &CDODGameRules::State_Think_STARTGAME }, { STATE_PREROUND, "STATE_PREROUND", &CDODGameRules::State_Enter_PREROUND, NULL, &CDODGameRules::State_Think_PREROUND }, { STATE_RND_RUNNING,"STATE_RND_RUNNING",&CDODGameRules::State_Enter_RND_RUNNING, NULL, &CDODGameRules::State_Think_RND_RUNNING }, { STATE_ALLIES_WIN, "STATE_ALLIES_WIN", &CDODGameRules::State_Enter_ALLIES_WIN, NULL, &CDODGameRules::State_Think_ALLIES_WIN }, { STATE_AXIS_WIN, "STATE_AXIS_WIN", &CDODGameRules::State_Enter_AXIS_WIN, NULL, &CDODGameRules::State_Think_AXIS_WIN }, { STATE_RESTART, "STATE_RESTART", &CDODGameRules::State_Enter_RESTART, NULL, &CDODGameRules::State_Think_RESTART }, { STATE_GAME_OVER, "STATE_GAME_OVER", NULL, NULL, NULL }, }; for ( int i=0; i < ARRAYSIZE( playerStateInfos ); i++ ) { if ( playerStateInfos[i].m_iRoundState == state ) return &playerStateInfos[i]; } return NULL; } extern ConVar sv_stopspeed; extern ConVar sv_friction; void CDODGameRules::State_Enter_INIT( void ) { InitTeams(); sv_stopspeed.SetValue( 50.0f ); sv_friction.SetValue( 8.0f ); ResetMapTime(); } void CDODGameRules::State_Think_INIT( void ) { State_Transition( STATE_PREGAME ); } void CDODGameRules::InitTeams( void ) { Assert( g_Teams.Count() == 0 ); g_Teams.Purge(); // just in case // Create the team managers int i; for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) // Unassigned and Spectators { CTeam *pTeam = static_cast<CTeam*>(CreateEntityByName( "dod_team_manager" )); pTeam->Init( sTeamNames[i], i ); g_Teams.AddToTail( pTeam ); } // clear the player class data ResetFilePlayerClassInfoDatabase(); CTeam *pAllies = static_cast<CTeam*>(CreateEntityByName( "dod_team_allies" )); Assert( pAllies ); pAllies->Init( sTeamNames[TEAM_ALLIES], TEAM_ALLIES ); g_Teams.AddToTail( pAllies ); CTeam *pAxis = static_cast<CTeam*>(CreateEntityByName( "dod_team_axis" )); Assert( pAxis ); pAxis->Init( sTeamNames[TEAM_AXIS], TEAM_AXIS ); g_Teams.AddToTail( pAxis ); } // dod_control_point_master can take inputs to add time to the round timer void CDODGameRules::AddTimerSeconds( int iSecondsToAdd ) { if( m_bUsingTimer && m_pRoundTimer ) { m_pRoundTimer->AddTimerSeconds( iSecondsToAdd ); float flTimerSeconds = m_pRoundTimer->GetTimeRemaining(); m_bPlayTimerWarning_1Minute = ( flTimerSeconds > 60 ); m_bPlayTimerWarning_2Minute = ( flTimerSeconds > 120 ); IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "dod_timer_time_added" ); if ( event ) { event->SetInt( "seconds_added", iSecondsToAdd ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } } } int CDODGameRules::GetTimerSeconds( void ) { if( m_bUsingTimer && m_pRoundTimer ) { return m_pRoundTimer->GetTimeRemaining(); } else { return 0; } } // PREGAME - the server is idle and waiting for enough // players to start up again. When we find an active player // go to STATE_STARTGAME void CDODGameRules::State_Enter_PREGAME( void ) { m_flNextPeriodicThink = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1; Load_EntText(); } void CDODGameRules::State_Think_PREGAME( void ) { CheckLevelInitialized(); if( CountActivePlayers() > 0 ) State_Transition( STATE_STARTGAME ); } // STARTGAME - wait a bit and then spawn everyone into the // preround void CDODGameRules::State_Enter_STARTGAME( void ) { m_flStateTransitionTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 5 * dod_enableroundwaittime.GetFloat(); m_bInitialSpawn = true; } void CDODGameRules::State_Think_STARTGAME() { if( gpGlobals->curtime > m_flStateTransitionTime ) { if( mp_warmup_time.GetFloat() > 0 ) { // go into warmup, reset at end of it SetInWarmup( true ); } State_Transition( STATE_PREROUND ); } } void CDODGameRules::State_Enter_PREROUND( void ) { // Longer wait time if its the first round, let people join if ( m_bInitialSpawn ) { m_flStateTransitionTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 10 * dod_enableroundwaittime.GetFloat(); m_bInitialSpawn = false; } else { m_flStateTransitionTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 5 * dod_enableroundwaittime.GetFloat(); } //Game rules may change, if a new one becomes mastered at the end of the last round DetectGameRules(); //reset everything in the level RoundRespawn(); // reset this now! If its reset at round restart, we lose all the players that died // during the preround m_iAlliesRespawnHead = 0; m_iAlliesRespawnTail = 0; m_iAxisRespawnHead = 0; m_iAxisRespawnTail = 0; m_iNumAlliesRespawnWaves = 0; m_iNumAxisRespawnWaves = 0; m_iLastAlliesCapEvent = CAP_EVENT_NONE; m_iLastAxisCapEvent = CAP_EVENT_NONE; //find all the control points, init the timer CBaseEntity *pEnt = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( NULL, "dod_control_point_master" ); if( !pEnt ) { Warning( "No dod_control_point_master found in level - control points will not work as expected.\n" ); } bool bFoundTimer = false; while( pEnt ) { variant_t emptyVariant; pEnt->AcceptInput( "RoundInit", NULL, NULL, emptyVariant, 0 ); CControlPointMaster *pMaster = dynamic_cast<CControlPointMaster *>( pEnt ); if ( pMaster && pMaster->IsActive() ) { if ( pMaster->IsUsingRoundTimer() ) { bFoundTimer = true; m_bUsingTimer = true; int iTimerSeconds; pMaster->GetTimerData( iTimerSeconds, m_iTimerWinTeam ); if ( m_iTimerWinTeam != TEAM_ALLIES && m_iTimerWinTeam != TEAM_AXIS ) { Assert( !"Round timer win team can only be allies or axis!\n" ); } // Timer starts paused if ( !m_pRoundTimer.Get() ) { m_pRoundTimer = ( CDODRoundTimer *) CreateEntityByName( "dod_round_timer" ); } Assert( m_pRoundTimer ); if ( m_pRoundTimer ) { m_pRoundTimer->SetTimeRemaining( iTimerSeconds ); m_pRoundTimer->PauseTimer(); m_bPlayTimerWarning_1Minute = ( iTimerSeconds > 60 ); m_bPlayTimerWarning_2Minute = ( iTimerSeconds > 120 ); } } } pEnt = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pEnt, "dod_control_point_master" ); } if ( bFoundTimer == false ) { // No masters are active that require the round timer, destroy it UTIL_Remove( m_pRoundTimer.Get() ); m_pRoundTimer = NULL; } //init the cap areas pEnt = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( NULL, "dod_capture_area" ); while( pEnt ) { variant_t emptyVariant; pEnt->AcceptInput( "RoundInit", NULL, NULL, emptyVariant, 0 ); pEnt = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pEnt, "dod_capture_area" ); } IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "dod_round_start" ); if ( event ) gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); // figure out which teams are bombing m_bAlliesAreBombing = false; m_bAxisAreBombing = false; pEnt = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( NULL, "dod_bomb_target" ); while( pEnt ) { CDODBombTarget *pTarget = dynamic_cast<CDODBombTarget *>( pEnt ); if ( pTarget && pTarget->State_Get() == BOMB_TARGET_ACTIVE ) { switch( pTarget->GetBombingTeam() ) { case TEAM_ALLIES: m_bAlliesAreBombing = true; break; case TEAM_AXIS: m_bAxisAreBombing = true; break; default: break; } } pEnt = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pEnt, "dod_bomb_target" ); } } void CDODGameRules::State_Think_PREROUND( void ) { if( gpGlobals->curtime > m_flStateTransitionTime ) State_Transition( STATE_RND_RUNNING ); CheckRespawnWaves(); } void CDODGameRules::State_Enter_RND_RUNNING( void ) { //find all the control points, init the timer CBaseEntity *pEnt = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( NULL, "dod_control_point_master" ); while( pEnt ) { variant_t emptyVariant; pEnt->AcceptInput( "RoundStart", NULL, NULL, emptyVariant, 0 ); pEnt = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pEnt, "dod_control_point_master" ); } IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "dod_round_active" ); if ( event ) gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); if( !IsInWarmup() ) PlayStartRoundVoice(); if ( m_bUsingTimer && m_pRoundTimer.Get() != NULL ) { m_pRoundTimer->ResumeTimer(); } m_bChangeLevelOnRoundEnd = false; } void CDODGameRules::State_Think_RND_RUNNING( void ) { //Where the magic happens if ( m_bUsingTimer && m_pRoundTimer ) { float flSecondsRemaining = m_pRoundTimer->GetTimeRemaining(); if ( flSecondsRemaining <= 0 ) { // if there is a bomb still on a timer, and that bomb has // the potential to add time, then we don't end the game bool bBombBlocksWin = false; //find all the control points, init the timer CBaseEntity *pEnt = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( NULL, "dod_bomb_target" ); while( pEnt ) { CDODBombTarget *pBomb = dynamic_cast<CDODBombTarget *>( pEnt ); // Find active bombs that have the potential to add round time if ( pBomb && pBomb->State_Get() == BOMB_TARGET_ARMED ) { if ( pBomb->GetTimerAddSeconds() > 0 ) { // don't end the round until this bomb goes off or is disarmed bBombBlocksWin = true; break; } CControlPoint *pPoint = pBomb->GetControlPoint(); int iBombingTeam = pBomb->GetBombingTeam(); if ( pPoint && pPoint->GetBombsRemaining() <= 1 ) { // find active dod_control_point_masters, ask them if this flag capping // would end the game CBaseEntity *pEnt = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( NULL, "dod_control_point_master" ); while( pEnt ) { CControlPointMaster *pMaster = dynamic_cast<CControlPointMaster *>( pEnt ); if ( pMaster->IsActive() ) { // Check TeamOwnsAllPoints, while overriding this particular flag's owner if ( pMaster->WouldNewCPOwnerWinGame( pPoint, iBombingTeam ) ) { // This bomb may win the game, don't end the round. bBombBlocksWin = true; break; } } pEnt = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pEnt, "dod_control_point_master" ); } } } pEnt = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pEnt, "dod_bomb_target" ); } if ( bBombBlocksWin == false ) { SetWinningTeam( m_iTimerWinTeam ); // tell the dod_control_point_master to fire its outputs for the winning team! // minor hackage - dod_gamerules should be responsible for team win events, not dod_cpm //find all the control points, init the timer CBaseEntity *pEnt = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( NULL, "dod_control_point_master" ); while( pEnt ) { CControlPointMaster *pMaster = dynamic_cast<CControlPointMaster *>( pEnt ); if ( pMaster->IsActive() ) { pMaster->FireTeamWinOutput( m_iTimerWinTeam ); } pEnt = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pEnt, "dod_control_point_master" ); } } } else if ( flSecondsRemaining < 60.0 && m_bPlayTimerWarning_1Minute == true ) { // play one minute warning DevMsg( 1, "Timer Warning: 1 Minute Remaining\n" ); IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "dod_timer_flash" ); if ( event ) { event->SetInt( "time_remaining", 60 ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } m_bPlayTimerWarning_1Minute = false; } else if ( flSecondsRemaining < 120.0 && m_bPlayTimerWarning_2Minute == true ) { // play two minute warning DevMsg( 1, "Timer Warning: 2 Minutes Remaining\n" ); IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "dod_timer_flash" ); if ( event ) { event->SetInt( "time_remaining", 120 ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } m_bPlayTimerWarning_2Minute = false; } } //if we don't find any active players, return to STATE_PREGAME if( CountActivePlayers() <= 0 ) { State_Transition( STATE_PREGAME ); return; } CheckRespawnWaves(); // check round restart if( m_flRestartRoundTime > 0 && m_flRestartRoundTime < gpGlobals->curtime ) { // time to restart! State_Transition( STATE_RESTART ); m_flRestartRoundTime = -1; } // check ready restart if( m_bAwaitingReadyRestart && m_bHeardAlliesReady && m_bHeardAxisReady ) { //State_Transition( STATE_RESTART ); m_flRestartRoundTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 5; m_bAwaitingReadyRestart = false; } } void CDODGameRules::CheckRespawnWaves( void ) { bool bDoFailSafeWaveCheck = false; if ( m_flNextFailSafeWaveCheckTime < gpGlobals->curtime ) { bDoFailSafeWaveCheck = true; m_flNextFailSafeWaveCheckTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 3.0; } //Respawn Timers if( m_iNumAlliesRespawnWaves > 0 ) { if ( m_AlliesRespawnQueue[m_iAlliesRespawnHead] < gpGlobals->curtime ) { DevMsg( "Wave: Respawning Allies\n" ); RespawnTeam( TEAM_ALLIES ); PopWaveTime( TEAM_ALLIES ); } } else if ( bDoFailSafeWaveCheck ) { // if there are any allied people waiting to spawn, spawn them FailSafeSpawnPlayersOnTeam( TEAM_ALLIES ); } if( m_iNumAxisRespawnWaves > 0 ) { if ( m_AxisRespawnQueue[m_iAxisRespawnHead] < gpGlobals->curtime ) { DevMsg( "Wave: Respawning Axis\n" ); RespawnTeam( TEAM_AXIS ); PopWaveTime( TEAM_AXIS ); } } else if ( bDoFailSafeWaveCheck ) { // if there are any axis people waiting to spawn, spawn them FailSafeSpawnPlayersOnTeam( TEAM_AXIS ); } } void CDODGameRules::FailSafeSpawnPlayersOnTeam( int iTeam ) { DODRoundState roundState = State_Get(); CDODTeam *pTeam = GetGlobalDODTeam( iTeam ); if ( pTeam ) { int iNumPlayers = pTeam->GetNumPlayers(); for ( int i=0;i<iNumPlayers;i++ ) { CDODPlayer *pPlayer = pTeam->GetDODPlayer(i); if ( !pPlayer ) continue; // if this player is waiting to spawn, spawn them if ( pPlayer->IsAlive() ) continue; if( pPlayer->m_Shared.DesiredPlayerClass() == PLAYERCLASS_UNDEFINED ) continue; if ( gpGlobals->curtime < ( pPlayer->GetDeathTime() + DEATH_CAM_TIME ) ) continue; if ( pPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_FREEZECAM ) continue; if ( roundState != STATE_PREROUND && pPlayer->State_Get() == STATE_DEATH_ANIM ) continue; // Respawn this player pPlayer->DODRespawn(); Assert( !"This will happen, but see if we can figure out why we get here" ); } } } //ALLIES WIN void CDODGameRules::State_Enter_ALLIES_WIN( void ) { float flTime = MAX( 5, dod_bonusroundtime.GetFloat() ); m_flStateTransitionTime = gpGlobals->curtime + flTime * dod_enableroundwaittime.GetFloat(); if ( m_bUsingTimer && m_pRoundTimer ) { m_pRoundTimer->PauseTimer(); } } void CDODGameRules::State_Think_ALLIES_WIN( void ) { if( gpGlobals->curtime > m_flStateTransitionTime ) { State_Transition( STATE_PREROUND ); } } //AXIS WIN void CDODGameRules::State_Enter_AXIS_WIN( void ) { float flTime = MAX( 5, dod_bonusroundtime.GetFloat() ); m_flStateTransitionTime = gpGlobals->curtime + flTime * dod_enableroundwaittime.GetFloat(); if ( m_bUsingTimer && m_pRoundTimer ) { m_pRoundTimer->PauseTimer(); } } void CDODGameRules::State_Think_AXIS_WIN( void ) { if( gpGlobals->curtime > m_flStateTransitionTime ) { State_Transition( STATE_PREROUND ); } } // manual restart void CDODGameRules::State_Enter_RESTART( void ) { // send scores SendTeamScoresEvent(); // send restart event IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "dod_restart_round" ); if ( event ) gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); SetInWarmup( false ); ResetScores(); // reset the round time ResetMapTime(); State_Transition( STATE_PREROUND ); } void CDODGameRules::SendTeamScoresEvent( void ) { // send scores IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "dod_team_scores" ); if ( event ) { CDODTeam *pAllies = GetGlobalDODTeam( TEAM_ALLIES ); CDODTeam *pAxis = GetGlobalDODTeam( TEAM_AXIS ); Assert( pAllies && pAxis ); event->SetInt( "allies_caps", pAllies->GetRoundsWon() ); event->SetInt( "allies_tick", pAllies->GetScore() ); event->SetInt( "allies_players", pAllies->GetNumPlayers() ); event->SetInt( "axis_caps", pAxis->GetRoundsWon() ); event->SetInt( "axis_tick", pAxis->GetScore() ); event->SetInt( "axis_players", pAxis->GetNumPlayers() ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } } void CDODGameRules::State_Think_RESTART( void ) { Assert( 0 ); // should never get here, State_Enter_RESTART sets us into a different state } void CDODGameRules::ResetScores( void ) { GetGlobalDODTeam( TEAM_ALLIES )->ResetScores(); GetGlobalDODTeam( TEAM_AXIS )->ResetScores(); CDODPlayer *pDODPlayer; for( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ ) { pDODPlayer = ToDODPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ) ); if (pDODPlayer == NULL) continue; if (FNullEnt( pDODPlayer->edict() )) continue; pDODPlayer->ResetScores(); } } ConVar dod_showcleanedupents( "dod_showcleanedupents", "0", 0, "Show entities that are removed on round respawn" ); // Utility function bool FindInList( const char **pStrings, const char *pToFind ) { int i = 0; while ( pStrings[i][0] != 0 ) { if ( Q_stricmp( pStrings[i], pToFind ) == 0 ) return true; i++; } return false; } void CDODGameRules::CleanUpMap() { // Recreate all the map entities from the map data (preserving their indices), // then remove everything else except the players. if( dod_showcleanedupents.GetBool() ) { Msg( "CleanUpMap\n===============\n" ); } // Get rid of all entities except players. CBaseEntity *pCur = gEntList.FirstEnt(); while ( pCur ) { if ( !FindInList( s_PreserveEnts, pCur->GetClassname() ) ) { if( dod_showcleanedupents.GetBool() ) { Msg( "Removed Entity: %s\n", pCur->GetClassname() ); } UTIL_Remove( pCur ); } pCur = gEntList.NextEnt( pCur ); } // Really remove the entities so we can have access to their slots below. gEntList.CleanupDeleteList(); // Now reload the map entities. class CDODMapEntityFilter : public IMapEntityFilter { public: virtual bool ShouldCreateEntity( const char *pClassname ) { // Don't recreate the preserved entities. if ( !FindInList( s_PreserveEnts, pClassname ) ) { return true; } else { // Increment our iterator since it's not going to call CreateNextEntity for this ent. if ( m_iIterator != g_MapEntityRefs.InvalidIndex() ) m_iIterator = g_MapEntityRefs.Next( m_iIterator ); return false; } } virtual CBaseEntity* CreateNextEntity( const char *pClassname ) { if ( m_iIterator == g_MapEntityRefs.InvalidIndex() ) { // This shouldn't be possible. When we loaded the map, it should have used // CDODMapLoadEntityFilter, which should have built the g_MapEntityRefs list // with the same list of entities we're referring to here. Assert( false ); return NULL; } else { CMapEntityRef &ref = g_MapEntityRefs[m_iIterator]; m_iIterator = g_MapEntityRefs.Next( m_iIterator ); // Seek to the next entity. if ( ref.m_iEdict == -1 || engine->PEntityOfEntIndex( ref.m_iEdict ) ) { // Doh! The entity was delete and its slot was reused. // Just use any old edict slot. This case sucks because we lose the baseline. return CreateEntityByName( pClassname ); } else { // Cool, the slot where this entity was is free again (most likely, the entity was // freed above). Now create an entity with this specific index. return CreateEntityByName( pClassname, ref.m_iEdict ); } } } public: int m_iIterator; // Iterator into g_MapEntityRefs. }; CDODMapEntityFilter filter; filter.m_iIterator = g_MapEntityRefs.Head(); // DO NOT CALL SPAWN ON info_node ENTITIES! MapEntity_ParseAllEntities( engine->GetMapEntitiesString(), &filter, true ); } int CDODGameRules::CountActivePlayers( void ) { int i; int count = 0; CDODPlayer *pDODPlayer; for (i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ ) { pDODPlayer = ToDODPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ) ); if( pDODPlayer ) { if( pDODPlayer->IsReadyToPlay() ) { count++; } } } return count; } void CDODGameRules::RoundRespawn( void ) { CleanUpMap(); RespawnAllPlayers(); // reset per-round scores for each player for ( int i=0;i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++ ) { CDODPlayer *pPlayer = ToDODPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ) ); if ( pPlayer ) { pPlayer->ResetPerRoundStats(); } } } typedef struct { int iPlayerIndex; int iScore; } playerscore_t; int PlayerScoreInfoSort( const playerscore_t *p1, const playerscore_t *p2 ) { // check frags if ( p1->iScore > p2->iScore ) return -1; if ( p2->iScore > p1->iScore ) return 1; // check index if ( p1->iPlayerIndex < p2->iPlayerIndex ) return -1; return 1; } // Store which event happened most recently, flag cap or bomb explode void CDODGameRules::CapEvent( int event, int team ) { switch( team ) { case TEAM_ALLIES: m_iLastAlliesCapEvent = event; break; case TEAM_AXIS: m_iLastAxisCapEvent = event; break; } } void FillEventCategory( IGameEvent *event, int side, int category, CUtlVector<playerscore_t> &pList ) { switch ( side ) { case 0: event->SetInt( "category_left", category ); break; case 1: event->SetInt( "category_right", category ); break; } static const char *pCategoryNames[2][6] = { { "left_1", "left_score_1", "left_2", "left_score_2", "left_3", "left_score_3" }, { "right_1", "right_score_1", "right_2", "right_score_2", "right_3", "right_score_3" } }; int iNumInList = pList.Count(); if ( iNumInList > 0 ) { event->SetInt( pCategoryNames[side][0], pList[0].iPlayerIndex ); event->SetInt( pCategoryNames[side][1], pList[0].iScore ); } else event->SetInt( pCategoryNames[side][0], 0 ); if ( iNumInList > 1 ) { event->SetInt( pCategoryNames[side][2], pList[1].iPlayerIndex ); event->SetInt( pCategoryNames[side][3], pList[1].iScore ); } else event->SetInt( pCategoryNames[side][2], 0 ); if ( iNumInList > 2 ) { event->SetInt( pCategoryNames[side][4], pList[2].iPlayerIndex ); event->SetInt( pCategoryNames[side][5], pList[2].iScore ); } else event->SetInt( pCategoryNames[side][4], 0 ); } //Input for other entities to declare a round winner. //Most often a dod_control_point_master saying that the //round timer expired or that someone capped all the flags void CDODGameRules::SetWinningTeam( int team ) { if ( team != TEAM_ALLIES && team != TEAM_AXIS ) { Assert( !"bad winning team set" ); return; } PlayWinSong(team); GetGlobalDODTeam( team )->IncrementRoundsWon(); switch(team) { case TEAM_ALLIES: { State_Transition( STATE_ALLIES_WIN ); } break; case TEAM_AXIS: { State_Transition( STATE_AXIS_WIN ); } break; default: break; } IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "dod_round_win" ); if ( event ) { event->SetInt( "team", team ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } // if this was in colmar, and the losing team did not cap any points, // the winners may have gotten an achievement if ( FStrEq( STRING(gpGlobals->mapname), "dod_colmar" ) ) { CControlPointMaster *pMaster = dynamic_cast<CControlPointMaster *>( gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( NULL, "dod_control_point_master" ) ); if ( pMaster ) { // 1. losing team must not own any control points // 2. for each point that the winning team owns, that takes bombs, it must still have 2 bombs required bool bFlawlessVictory = true; int iNumCP = pMaster->GetNumPoints(); for ( int i=0;i<iNumCP;i++ ) { CControlPoint *pPoint = pMaster->GetCPByIndex(i); if ( !pPoint || !pPoint->PointIsVisible() ) continue; // if the enemy owns any visible points, not a flawless victory if ( pPoint->GetOwner() != team ) { bFlawlessVictory = false; } // 0 bombs remaining means we blew it up and now own it. // 1 bomb remaining means we own it, but the other team blew it up a bit. else if ( pPoint->GetBombsRequired() > 0 && pPoint->GetBombsRemaining() == 1 ) { bFlawlessVictory = false; } } if ( bFlawlessVictory ) { GetGlobalDODTeam( team )->AwardAchievement( ACHIEVEMENT_DOD_COLMAR_DEFENSE ); } } } // send team scores SendTeamScoresEvent(); IGameEvent *winEvent = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "dod_win_panel" ); if ( winEvent ) { // determine what categories to send if ( m_bUsingTimer ) { if ( team == m_iTimerWinTeam ) { // timer expired, defenders win // show total time that was defended winEvent->SetBool( "show_timer_defend", true ); winEvent->SetInt( "timer_time", m_pRoundTimer->GetTimerMaxLength() ); } else { // attackers win // show time it took for them to win winEvent->SetBool( "show_timer_attack", true ); int iTimeElapsed = m_pRoundTimer->GetTimerMaxLength() - (int)m_pRoundTimer->GetTimeRemaining(); winEvent->SetInt( "timer_time", iTimeElapsed ); } } else { winEvent->SetBool( "show_timer_attack", false ); winEvent->SetBool( "show_timer_defend", false ); } int iLastEvent = ( team == TEAM_ALLIES ) ? m_iLastAlliesCapEvent : m_iLastAxisCapEvent; winEvent->SetInt( "final_event", iLastEvent ); int i; int index; CUtlVector<playerscore_t> m_TopCappers; CUtlVector<playerscore_t> m_TopDefenders; CUtlVector<playerscore_t> m_TopBombers; CUtlVector<playerscore_t> m_TopKills; CDODTeam *pWinningTeam = GetGlobalDODTeam( team ); int iNumPlayers = pWinningTeam->GetNumPlayers(); for ( i=0;i<iNumPlayers;i++ ) { CDODPlayer *pPlayer = dynamic_cast<CDODPlayer *>( pWinningTeam->GetPlayer(i) ); if ( pPlayer ) { int iCaps = pPlayer->GetPerRoundCaps(); if ( iCaps ) { index = m_TopCappers.AddToTail(); m_TopCappers[index].iPlayerIndex = pPlayer->entindex(); m_TopCappers[index].iScore = iCaps; } int iDefenses = pPlayer->GetPerRoundDefenses(); if ( iDefenses ) { index = m_TopDefenders.AddToTail(); m_TopDefenders[index].iPlayerIndex = pPlayer->entindex(); m_TopDefenders[index].iScore = iDefenses; } // bombs int iBombsDetonated = pPlayer->GetPerRoundBombsDetonated(); if ( iBombsDetonated ) { index = m_TopBombers.AddToTail(); m_TopBombers[index].iPlayerIndex = pPlayer->entindex(); m_TopBombers[index].iScore = iBombsDetonated; } // kills int iKills = pPlayer->GetPerRoundKills(); if ( iKills ) { index = m_TopKills.AddToTail(); m_TopKills[index].iPlayerIndex = pPlayer->entindex(); m_TopKills[index].iScore = iKills; } pPlayer->StatEvent_RoundWin(); } } CDODTeam *pLosingTeam = GetGlobalDODTeam( ( team == TEAM_ALLIES ) ? TEAM_AXIS : TEAM_ALLIES ); iNumPlayers = pLosingTeam->GetNumPlayers(); for ( i=0;i<iNumPlayers;i++ ) { CDODPlayer *pPlayer = dynamic_cast<CDODPlayer *>( pLosingTeam->GetPlayer(i) ); if ( pPlayer ) { pPlayer->StatEvent_RoundLoss(); } } m_TopCappers.Sort( PlayerScoreInfoSort ); m_TopDefenders.Sort( PlayerScoreInfoSort ); m_TopBombers.Sort( PlayerScoreInfoSort ); m_TopKills.Sort( PlayerScoreInfoSort ); // Decide what two categories to show in the winpanel // based on the gametype and which event have good information // to show int iCategoryPriority[8]; int pos = 0; // Default is to show two blank sides iCategoryPriority[pos++] = WINPANEL_TOP3_NONE; iCategoryPriority[pos++] = WINPANEL_TOP3_NONE; // Only show a category if it has information in it if ( m_TopKills.Count() > 0 ) { iCategoryPriority[pos++] = WINPANEL_TOP3_KILLERS; } if ( m_TopDefenders.Count() > 0 ) { iCategoryPriority[pos++] = WINPANEL_TOP3_DEFENDERS; } if ( m_TopBombers.Count() > 0 ) { iCategoryPriority[pos++] = WINPANEL_TOP3_BOMBERS; } else if ( m_TopCappers.Count() > 0 ) { iCategoryPriority[pos++] = WINPANEL_TOP3_CAPPERS; } // Get the two most interesting int iLeftCategory = iCategoryPriority[pos-1]; int iRightCategory = iCategoryPriority[pos-2]; switch( iLeftCategory ) { case WINPANEL_TOP3_BOMBERS: FillEventCategory( winEvent, 0, iLeftCategory, m_TopBombers ); break; case WINPANEL_TOP3_CAPPERS: FillEventCategory( winEvent, 0, iLeftCategory, m_TopCappers ); break; case WINPANEL_TOP3_DEFENDERS: FillEventCategory( winEvent, 0, iLeftCategory, m_TopDefenders ); break; case WINPANEL_TOP3_KILLERS: FillEventCategory( winEvent, 0, iLeftCategory, m_TopKills ); break; case WINPANEL_TOP3_NONE: default: break; } switch( iRightCategory ) { case WINPANEL_TOP3_BOMBERS: FillEventCategory( winEvent, 1, iRightCategory, m_TopBombers ); break; case WINPANEL_TOP3_CAPPERS: FillEventCategory( winEvent, 1, iRightCategory, m_TopCappers ); break; case WINPANEL_TOP3_DEFENDERS: FillEventCategory( winEvent, 1, iRightCategory, m_TopDefenders ); break; case WINPANEL_TOP3_KILLERS: FillEventCategory( winEvent, 1, iRightCategory, m_TopKills ); break; case WINPANEL_TOP3_NONE: default: break; } gameeventmanager->FireEvent( winEvent ); } } void TestWinpanel( void ) { IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "dod_round_win" ); event->SetInt( "team", TEAM_ALLIES ); if ( event ) { gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } IGameEvent *event2 = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "dod_point_captured" ); if ( event2 ) { char cappers[9]; // pCappingPlayers is max length 8 int i; for( i=0;i<1;i++ ) { cappers[i] = (char)1; } cappers[i] = '\0'; // pCappingPlayers is a null terminated list of player indeces event2->SetString( "cappers", cappers ); event2->SetBool( "bomb", true ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event2 ); } IGameEvent *winEvent = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "dod_win_panel" ); if ( winEvent ) { if ( 1 ) { if ( 0 /*team == m_iTimerWinTeam */) { // timer expired, defenders win // show total time that was defended winEvent->SetBool( "show_timer_defend", true ); winEvent->SetInt( "timer_time", 0 /*m_pRoundTimer->GetTimerMaxLength() */); } else { // attackers win // show time it took for them to win winEvent->SetBool( "show_timer_attack", true ); int iTimeElapsed = 90; //m_pRoundTimer->GetTimerMaxLength() - (int)m_pRoundTimer->GetTimeRemaining(); winEvent->SetInt( "timer_time", iTimeElapsed ); } } else { winEvent->SetBool( "show_timer_attack", false ); winEvent->SetBool( "show_timer_defend", false ); } int iLastEvent = CAP_EVENT_FLAG; winEvent->SetInt( "final_event", iLastEvent ); CUtlVector<playerscore_t> m_TopKillers; CUtlVector<playerscore_t> m_TopDefenders; CUtlVector<playerscore_t> m_TopCappers; CUtlVector<playerscore_t> m_TopBombers; CDODPlayer *pPlayer = ToDODPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex(1) ); if ( !pPlayer ) return; int i = 0; int index; for ( i=0;i<3;i++ ) { index = m_TopCappers.AddToTail(); m_TopCappers[index].iPlayerIndex = pPlayer->entindex(); m_TopCappers[index].iScore = pPlayer->GetPerRoundCaps() + 1; index = m_TopDefenders.AddToTail(); m_TopDefenders[index].iPlayerIndex = pPlayer->entindex(); m_TopDefenders[index].iScore = pPlayer->GetPerRoundDefenses() + 1; index = m_TopBombers.AddToTail(); m_TopBombers[index].iPlayerIndex = pPlayer->entindex(); m_TopBombers[index].iScore = pPlayer->GetPerRoundBombsDetonated() + 1; index = m_TopKillers.AddToTail(); m_TopKillers[index].iPlayerIndex = pPlayer->entindex(); m_TopKillers[index].iScore = pPlayer->GetPerRoundKills() + 1; } m_TopCappers.Sort( PlayerScoreInfoSort ); m_TopDefenders.Sort( PlayerScoreInfoSort ); //FillEventCategory( winEvent, 0, WINPANEL_TOP3_KILLERS, m_TopKillers ); //FillEventCategory( winEvent, 1, WINPANEL_TOP3_DEFENDERS, m_TopDefenders ); FillEventCategory( winEvent, 0, WINPANEL_TOP3_BOMBERS, m_TopBombers ); FillEventCategory( winEvent, 1, WINPANEL_TOP3_CAPPERS, m_TopCappers ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( winEvent ); } } ConCommand dod_test_winpanel( "dod_test_winpanel", TestWinpanel, "", FCVAR_CHEAT ); // bForceRespawn - respawn player even if dead or dying // bTeam - if true, only respawn the passed team // iTeam - team to respawn void CDODGameRules::RespawnPlayers( bool bForceRespawn, bool bTeam /* = false */, int iTeam/* = TEAM_UNASSIGNED */ ) { if ( bTeam ) { if ( iTeam == TEAM_ALLIES ) DevMsg( 2, "Respawning Allies\n" ); else if ( iTeam == TEAM_AXIS ) DevMsg( 2, "Respawning Axis\n" ); else Assert(!"Trying to respawn a strange team"); } CDODPlayer *pPlayer; for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ ) { pPlayer = ToDODPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ) ); if ( !pPlayer ) continue; // Check for team specific spawn if ( bTeam && pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() != iTeam ) continue; // players that haven't chosen a class can never spawn if( pPlayer->m_Shared.DesiredPlayerClass() == PLAYERCLASS_UNDEFINED ) { ClientPrint(pPlayer, HUD_PRINTTALK, "#game_will_spawn"); continue; } // If we aren't force respawning, don't respawn players that: // - are alive // - are still in the death anim stage of dying if ( !bForceRespawn ) { if ( pPlayer->IsAlive() ) continue; if ( gpGlobals->curtime < ( pPlayer->GetDeathTime() + DEATH_CAM_TIME ) ) continue; if ( pPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_FREEZECAM ) continue; if ( State_Get() != STATE_PREROUND && pPlayer->State_Get() == STATE_DEATH_ANIM ) continue; } // Respawn this player pPlayer->DODRespawn(); } } bool CDODGameRules::IsPlayerClassOnTeam( int cls, int team ) { if( cls == PLAYERCLASS_RANDOM ) return true; CDODTeam *pTeam = GetGlobalDODTeam( team ); return ( cls >= 0 && cls < pTeam->GetNumPlayerClasses() ); } bool CDODGameRules::CanPlayerJoinClass( CDODPlayer *pPlayer, int cls ) { if( cls == PLAYERCLASS_RANDOM ) { return mp_allowrandomclass.GetBool(); } if( ReachedClassLimit( pPlayer->GetTeamNumber(), cls ) ) return false; return true; } bool CDODGameRules::ReachedClassLimit( int team, int cls ) { Assert( cls != PLAYERCLASS_UNDEFINED ); Assert( cls != PLAYERCLASS_RANDOM ); // get the cvar int iClassLimit = GetClassLimit( team, cls ); // count how many are active int iClassExisting = CountPlayerClass( team, cls ); CDODTeam *pTeam = GetGlobalDODTeam( team ); const CDODPlayerClassInfo &pThisClassInfo = pTeam->GetPlayerClassInfo( cls ); if( mp_combinemglimits.GetBool() && pThisClassInfo.m_bClassLimitMGMerge ) { // find the other classes that have "mergemgclasses" for( int i=0; i<pTeam->GetNumPlayerClasses();i++ ) { if( i != cls ) { const CDODPlayerClassInfo &pClassInfo = pTeam->GetPlayerClassInfo( i ); if( pClassInfo.m_bClassLimitMGMerge ) { // add that class' limits and counts iClassLimit += GetClassLimit( team, i ); iClassExisting += CountPlayerClass( team, i ); } } } } if( iClassLimit > -1 && iClassExisting >= iClassLimit ) { return true; } return false; } int CDODGameRules::CountPlayerClass( int team, int cls ) { int num = 0; CDODPlayer *pDODPlayer; for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ ) { pDODPlayer = ToDODPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ) ); if (pDODPlayer == NULL) continue; if (FNullEnt( pDODPlayer->edict() )) continue; if( pDODPlayer->GetTeamNumber() != team ) continue; if( pDODPlayer->m_Shared.DesiredPlayerClass() == cls ) num++; } return num; } int CDODGameRules::GetClassLimit( int team, int cls ) { CDODTeam *pTeam = GetGlobalDODTeam( team ); Assert( pTeam ); const CDODPlayerClassInfo &pClassInfo = pTeam->GetPlayerClassInfo( cls ); int iClassLimit; ConVar *pLimitCvar = ( ConVar * )cvar->FindVar( pClassInfo.m_szLimitCvar ); Assert( pLimitCvar ); if( pLimitCvar ) iClassLimit = pLimitCvar->GetInt(); else iClassLimit = -1; return iClassLimit; } void CDODGameRules::CheckLevelInitialized() { if ( !m_bLevelInitialized ) { // Count the number of spawn points for each team // This determines the maximum number of players allowed on each CBaseEntity* ent = NULL; m_iSpawnPointCount_Allies = 0; m_iSpawnPointCount_Axis = 0; while ( ( ent = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( ent, "info_player_allies" ) ) != NULL ) { if ( IsSpawnPointValid( ent, NULL ) ) { m_iSpawnPointCount_Allies++; // store in a list m_AlliesSpawnPoints.AddToTail( ent ); } else { Warning("Invalid allies spawnpoint at (%.1f,%.1f,%.1f)\n", ent->GetAbsOrigin()[0],ent->GetAbsOrigin()[2],ent->GetAbsOrigin()[2] ); } } while ( ( ent = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( ent, "info_player_axis" ) ) != NULL ) { if ( IsSpawnPointValid( ent, NULL ) ) { m_iSpawnPointCount_Axis++; // store in a list m_AxisSpawnPoints.AddToTail( ent ); } else { Warning("Invalid axis spawnpoint at (%.1f,%.1f,%.1f)\n", ent->GetAbsOrigin()[0],ent->GetAbsOrigin()[2],ent->GetAbsOrigin()[2] ); } } m_bLevelInitialized = true; } } CUtlVector<EHANDLE> *CDODGameRules::GetSpawnPointListForTeam( int iTeam ) { switch ( iTeam ) { case TEAM_ALLIES: return &m_AlliesSpawnPoints; case TEAM_AXIS: return &m_AxisSpawnPoints; default: break; } return NULL; } /* create some proxy entities that we use for transmitting data */ void CDODGameRules::CreateStandardEntities() { // Create the player resource g_pPlayerResource = (CPlayerResource*)CBaseEntity::Create( "dod_player_manager", vec3_origin, vec3_angle ); // Create the objective resource g_pObjectiveResource = (CDODObjectiveResource *)CBaseEntity::Create( "dod_objective_resource", vec3_origin, vec3_angle ); Assert( g_pObjectiveResource ); // Create the entity that will send our data to the client. #ifdef DBGFLAG_ASSERT CBaseEntity *pEnt = #endif CBaseEntity::Create( "dod_gamerules", vec3_origin, vec3_angle ); Assert( pEnt ); } ConVar dod_waverespawnfactor( "dod_waverespawnfactor", "1.0", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT, "Factor for respawn wave timers" ); float CDODGameRules::GetWaveTime( int iTeam ) { float flRespawnTime = 0.0f; switch( iTeam ) { case TEAM_ALLIES: flRespawnTime = ( m_iNumAlliesRespawnWaves > 0 ) ? m_AlliesRespawnQueue[m_iAlliesRespawnHead] : -1; break; case TEAM_AXIS: flRespawnTime = ( m_iNumAxisRespawnWaves > 0 ) ? m_AxisRespawnQueue[m_iAxisRespawnHead] : -1; break; default: Assert( !"Why are you trying to get the wave time for a non-team?" ); break; } return flRespawnTime; } float CDODGameRules::GetMaxWaveTime( int nTeam ) { float fTime = 0; // Quick waves to get everyone in if we are in PREROUND if ( State_Get() == STATE_PREROUND ) { return 1.0; } int nNumPlayers = GetGlobalDODTeam( nTeam )->GetNumPlayers(); if( nNumPlayers < 3 ) fTime = 6.f; else if( nNumPlayers < 6 ) fTime = 8.f; else if( nNumPlayers < 8 ) fTime = 10.f; else if( nNumPlayers < 10 ) fTime = 11.f; else if( nNumPlayers < 12 ) fTime = 12.f; else if( nNumPlayers < 14 ) fTime = 13.f; else fTime = 14.f; //adjust wave time based on mapper settings //they can adjust the factor ( default 1.0 ) // to give longer or shorter wait times for // either team if( nTeam == TEAM_ALLIES ) fTime *= m_GamePlayRules.m_fAlliesRespawnFactor; else if( nTeam == TEAM_AXIS ) fTime *= m_GamePlayRules.m_fAxisRespawnFactor; // Finally, adjust the respawn time based on how well the team is doing // a team with more flags should respawn faster. // Give a bonus to respawn time for each flag that we own that we // don't own by default. CControlPointMaster *pMaster = dynamic_cast<CControlPointMaster*>( gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( NULL, "dod_control_point_master" ) ); if( pMaster ) { int advantageFlags = pMaster->CountAdvantageFlags( nTeam ); // this can be negative if we are losing, this will add time! fTime -= (float)(advantageFlags) * dod_flagrespawnbonus.GetFloat(); } fTime *= dod_waverespawnfactor.GetFloat(); // Minimum 5 seconds if (fTime <= DEATH_CAM_TIME) fTime = DEATH_CAM_TIME; // Maximum 20 seconds if ( fTime > MAX_WAVE_RESPAWN_TIME ) { fTime = MAX_WAVE_RESPAWN_TIME; } return fTime; } void CDODGameRules::CreateOrJoinRespawnWave( CDODPlayer *pPlayer ) { int team = pPlayer->GetTeamNumber(); float flWaveTime = GetWaveTime( team ) - gpGlobals->curtime; if( flWaveTime <= 0 ) { // start a new wave DevMsg( "Wave: Starting a new wave for team %d, time %.1f\n", team, GetMaxWaveTime(team) ); //start a new wave with this player AddWaveTime( team, GetMaxWaveTime(team) ); } else { // see if this player needs to start a new wave int team = pPlayer->GetTeamNumber(); float flSpawnEligibleTime = gpGlobals->curtime + DEATH_CAM_TIME; if ( team == TEAM_ALLIES ) { bool bFoundWave = false; int i = m_iAlliesRespawnHead; while( i != m_iAlliesRespawnTail ) { // if the player can fit in this wave, set bFound = true if ( flSpawnEligibleTime < m_AlliesRespawnQueue[i] ) { bFoundWave = true; break; } i = ( i+1 ) % DOD_RESPAWN_QUEUE_SIZE; } if ( !bFoundWave ) { // add a new wave to the end AddWaveTime( TEAM_ALLIES, GetMaxWaveTime(TEAM_ALLIES) ); } } else if ( team == TEAM_AXIS ) { bool bFoundWave = false; int i = m_iAxisRespawnHead; while( i != m_iAxisRespawnTail ) { // if the player can fit in this wave, set bFound = true if ( flSpawnEligibleTime < m_AxisRespawnQueue[i] ) { bFoundWave = true; break; } i = ( i+1 ) % DOD_RESPAWN_QUEUE_SIZE; } if ( !bFoundWave ) { // add a new wave to the end AddWaveTime( TEAM_AXIS, GetMaxWaveTime(TEAM_AXIS) ); } } else Assert( 0 ); } } bool CDODGameRules::InRoundRestart( void ) { if ( State_Get() == STATE_PREROUND ) return true; return false; } void CDODGameRules::PlayerKilled( CBasePlayer *pVictim, const CTakeDamageInfo &info ) { CDODPlayer *pDODVictim = ToDODPlayer( pVictim ); // if you're still playing dod, you know how this works, let's not // interfere with the freezecam panel //bool bPlayed = pDODVictim->HintMessage( HINT_PLAYER_KILLED_WAVETIME ); // If we already played the killed hint, play the deathcam hint //if ( !bPlayed ) //{ // pDODVictim->HintMessage( HINT_DEATHCAM ); //} CBaseEntity *pInflictor = info.GetInflictor(); CBaseEntity *pKiller = info.GetAttacker(); CDODPlayer *pScorer = ToDODPlayer( GetDeathScorer( pKiller, pInflictor ) ); if( pScorer && pScorer->IsPlayer() && pScorer != pVictim ) { if( pVictim->GetTeamNumber() == pScorer->GetTeamNumber() ) { pScorer->HintMessage( HINT_FRIEND_KILLED, true ); //force this } else { pScorer->HintMessage( HINT_ENEMY_KILLED ); } } // determine if this kill affected a nemesis relationship int iDeathFlags = 0; if ( pScorer ) { CalcDominationAndRevenge( pScorer, pDODVictim, &iDeathFlags ); } pDODVictim->SetDeathFlags( iDeathFlags ); // for deathnotice I assume? DeathNotice( pVictim, info ); // dvsents2: uncomment when removing all FireTargets // variant_t value; // g_EventQueue.AddEvent( "game_playerdie", "Use", value, 0, pVictim, pVictim ); FireTargets( "game_playerdie", pVictim, pVictim, USE_TOGGLE, 0 ); bool bScoring = !IsInWarmup(); if( bScoring ) { pVictim->IncrementDeathCount( 1 ); } // Did the player kill himself? if ( pVictim == pScorer ) { // Players lose a frag for killing themselves //if( bScoring ) // pVictim->IncrementFragCount( -1 ); } else if ( pScorer ) { // if a player dies in a deathmatch game and the killer is a client, award the killer some points if( bScoring ) pScorer->IncrementFragCount( DODPointsForKill( pVictim, info ) ); // Allow the scorer to immediately paint a decal pScorer->AllowImmediateDecalPainting(); // dvsents2: uncomment when removing all FireTargets //variant_t value; //g_EventQueue.AddEvent( "game_playerkill", "Use", value, 0, pScorer, pScorer ); FireTargets( "game_playerkill", pScorer, pScorer, USE_TOGGLE, 0 ); // see if this saved a capture if ( pDODVictim->m_signals.GetState() & SIGNAL_CAPTUREAREA ) { //find the area the player is in and see if his death causes a block CAreaCapture *pArea = dynamic_cast<CAreaCapture *>(gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( NULL, "dod_capture_area" ) ); while( pArea ) { if ( pArea->CheckIfDeathCausesBlock( pDODVictim, pScorer ) ) { break; } pArea = dynamic_cast<CAreaCapture *>( gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pArea, "dod_capture_area" ) ); } } if ( pDODVictim->m_bIsDefusing && pDODVictim->m_pDefuseTarget && pScorer->GetTeamNumber() != pDODVictim->GetTeamNumber() ) { CDODBombTarget *pTarget = pDODVictim->m_pDefuseTarget; pTarget->DefuseBlocked( pScorer ); IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "dod_kill_defuser" ); if ( event ) { event->SetInt( "userid", pScorer->GetUserID() ); event->SetInt( "victimid", pDODVictim->GetUserID() ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } } } else { // Players lose a frag for letting the world kill them //if( bScoring ) // pVictim->IncrementFragCount( -1 ); } } void CDODGameRules::DetectGameRules( void ) { bool bFound = false; CBaseEntity *pEnt = NULL; pEnt = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pEnt, "info_doddetect" ); while( pEnt ) { CDODDetect *pDetect = dynamic_cast<CDODDetect *>(pEnt); if( pDetect && pDetect->IsMasteredOn() ) { CDODGamePlayRules *pRules = pDetect->GetGamePlay(); Assert( pRules ); CopyGamePlayLogic( *pRules ); bFound = true; break; } pEnt = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pEnt, "info_doddetect" ); } if( !bFound ) { m_GamePlayRules.Reset(); } } void CDODGameRules::PlayWinSong( int team ) { switch(team) { case TEAM_ALLIES: BroadcastSound( "Game.USWin" ); break; case TEAM_AXIS: BroadcastSound( "Game.GermanWin" ); break; default: Assert(0); break; } } void CDODGameRules::BroadcastSound( const char *sound ) { //send it to everyone IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "dod_broadcast_audio" ); if ( event ) { event->SetString( "sound", sound ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } } void CDODGameRules::PlayStartRoundVoice( void ) { // One for the Allies.. switch( m_GamePlayRules.m_iAlliesStartRoundVoice ) { case STARTROUND_ATTACK: PlaySpawnSoundToTeam( "Voice.US_ObjectivesAttack", TEAM_ALLIES ); break; case STARTROUND_DEFEND: PlaySpawnSoundToTeam( "Voice.US_ObjectivesDefend", TEAM_ALLIES ); break; case STARTROUND_BEACH: PlaySpawnSoundToTeam( "Voice.US_Beach", TEAM_ALLIES ); break; case STARTROUND_ATTACK_TIMED: PlaySpawnSoundToTeam( "Voice.US_ObjectivesAttackTimed", TEAM_ALLIES ); break; case STARTROUND_DEFEND_TIMED: PlaySpawnSoundToTeam( "Voice.US_ObjectivesDefendTimed", TEAM_ALLIES ); break; case STARTROUND_FLAGS: default: PlaySpawnSoundToTeam( "Voice.US_Flags", TEAM_ALLIES ); break; } // and one for the Axis switch( m_GamePlayRules.m_iAxisStartRoundVoice ) { case STARTROUND_ATTACK: PlaySpawnSoundToTeam( "Voice.German_ObjectivesAttack", TEAM_AXIS ); break; case STARTROUND_DEFEND: PlaySpawnSoundToTeam( "Voice.German_ObjectivesDefend", TEAM_AXIS ); break; case STARTROUND_BEACH: PlaySpawnSoundToTeam( "Voice.German_Beach", TEAM_AXIS ); break; case STARTROUND_ATTACK_TIMED: PlaySpawnSoundToTeam( "Voice.German_ObjectivesAttackTimed", TEAM_AXIS ); break; case STARTROUND_DEFEND_TIMED: PlaySpawnSoundToTeam( "Voice.German_ObjectivesDefendTimed", TEAM_AXIS ); break; case STARTROUND_FLAGS: default: PlaySpawnSoundToTeam( "Voice.German_Flags", TEAM_AXIS ); break; } } void CDODGameRules::PlaySpawnSoundToTeam( const char *sound, int team ) { // find the first valid player and make them do it as a voice command CDODPlayer *pPlayer; static int iLastSpeaker = 1; int iCurrent = iLastSpeaker; bool bBreakLoop = false; while( !bBreakLoop ) { iCurrent++; if( iCurrent > gpGlobals->maxClients ) iCurrent = 1; if( iCurrent == iLastSpeaker ) { // couldn't find a different player. check the same player again // and then break regardless bBreakLoop = true; } pPlayer = ToDODPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iCurrent ) ); if (pPlayer == NULL) continue; if (FNullEnt( pPlayer->edict() )) continue; if( pPlayer && pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == team && pPlayer->IsAlive() ) { CPASFilter filter( pPlayer->WorldSpaceCenter() ); pPlayer->EmitSound( filter, pPlayer->entindex(), sound ); pPlayer->DoAnimationEvent( PLAYERANIMEVENT_HANDSIGNAL ); iLastSpeaker = iCurrent; break; } } } void CDODGameRules::ClientDisconnected( edict_t *pClient ) { CDODPlayer *pPlayer = ToDODPlayer( GetContainingEntity( pClient ) ); if( pPlayer ) { pPlayer->DestroyRagdoll(); pPlayer->StatEvent_UploadStats(); } // Tally the latest time for this player pPlayer->TallyLatestTimePlayedPerClass( pPlayer->GetTeamNumber(), pPlayer->m_Shared.DesiredPlayerClass() ); pPlayer->RemoveNemesisRelationships(); for( int j=0;j<7;j++ ) { m_flSecondsPlayedPerClass_Allies[j] += pPlayer->m_flTimePlayedPerClass_Allies[j]; m_flSecondsPlayedPerClass_Axis[j] += pPlayer->m_flTimePlayedPerClass_Axis[j]; } int iPlayerIndex = pPlayer->entindex(); Assert( iPlayerIndex >= 1 && iPlayerIndex <= MAX_PLAYERS); if ( iPlayerIndex >= 1 && iPlayerIndex <= MAX_PLAYERS ) { // for every other player, set all all the kills with respect to this player to 0 for ( int i = 1; i <= MAX_PLAYERS; i++ ) { CDODPlayer *p = ToDODPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex(i) ); if ( !p ) continue; p->iNumKilledByUnanswered[iPlayerIndex] = 0; } } BaseClass::ClientDisconnected( pClient ); } void CDODGameRules::DeathNotice( CBasePlayer *pVictim, const CTakeDamageInfo &info ) { // Work out what killed the player, and send a message to all clients about it const char *killer_weapon_name = "world"; // by default, the player is killed by the world int killer_ID = 0; // Find the killer & the scorer CBaseEntity *pInflictor = info.GetInflictor(); CBaseEntity *pKiller = info.GetAttacker(); CDODPlayer *pScorer = ToDODPlayer( GetDeathScorer( pKiller, pInflictor ) ); CDODPlayer *pDODVictim = ToDODPlayer( pVictim ); Assert( pDODVictim ); if ( pScorer ) // Is the killer a client? { killer_ID = pScorer->GetUserID(); if ( pInflictor ) { if ( pInflictor == pScorer ) { CWeaponDODBase *pWeapon = pScorer->GetActiveDODWeapon(); if ( pWeapon ) { int iWeaponType = pWeapon->GetDODWpnData().m_WeaponType; // Putting this here because we already have the weapon pointer. if ( iWeaponType == WPN_TYPE_MG && pScorer->GetTeamNumber() != pVictim->GetTeamNumber() ) { CDODBipodWeapon *pMG = dynamic_cast<CDODBipodWeapon *>( pWeapon ); Assert( pMG ); if ( pMG->IsDeployed() ) { pScorer->HandleDeployedMGKillCount( 1 ); } } // if the weapon does not belong to the same team if ( pWeapon->GetDODWpnData().m_iDefaultTeam != pScorer->GetTeamNumber() && pScorer->GetTeamNumber() != pVictim->GetTeamNumber() ) { pScorer->HandleEnemyWeaponsAchievement( 1 ); } // achievement for getting kills with several different weapon types in one life if ( pScorer->GetTeamNumber() != pVictim->GetTeamNumber() ) { pScorer->HandleComboWeaponKill( iWeaponType ); } if( info.GetDamageCustom() & MELEE_DMG_SECONDARYATTACK ) { //it was a butt or bayonet! killer_weapon_name = pWeapon->GetSecondaryDeathNoticeName(); } // If the inflictor is the killer, then it must be their current weapon doing the damage else { killer_weapon_name = pWeapon->GetClassname(); } } } else { killer_weapon_name = STRING( pInflictor->m_iClassname ); // it's just that easy } } } else { killer_weapon_name = STRING( pInflictor->m_iClassname ); } // strip the NPC_* or weapon_* from the inflictor's classname if ( strncmp( killer_weapon_name, "weapon_", 7 ) == 0 ) { killer_weapon_name += 7; } else if ( strncmp( killer_weapon_name, "func_", 5 ) == 0 ) { killer_weapon_name += 5; } else if ( strncmp( killer_weapon_name, "rocket_", 7 ) == 0 ) { killer_weapon_name += 7; } else if ( strncmp( killer_weapon_name, "grenade_", 8 ) == 0 ) { killer_weapon_name += 8; // achievement for getting kills with several different weapon types in one life if ( pScorer && pScorer->GetTeamNumber() != pVictim->GetTeamNumber() ) { pScorer->HandleComboWeaponKill( WPN_TYPE_GRENADE ); } } IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "player_death" ); if ( event ) { event->SetInt("userid", pVictim->GetUserID() ); event->SetInt("attacker", killer_ID ); event->SetString("weapon", killer_weapon_name ); event->SetInt("priority", 7 ); if ( pDODVictim->GetDeathFlags() & DOD_DEATHFLAG_DOMINATION ) { event->SetInt( "dominated", 1 ); } if ( pDODVictim->GetDeathFlags() & DOD_DEATHFLAG_REVENGE ) { event->SetInt( "revenge", 1 ); } gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } } // CDODDetect - map entity for mappers to choose game rules LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( info_doddetect, CDODDetect ); CDODDetect::CDODDetect() { m_GamePlayRules.Reset(); } void CDODDetect::Spawn( void ) { SetSolid( SOLID_NONE ); BaseClass::Spawn(); } bool CDODDetect::IsMasteredOn( void ) { //For now return true return true; } bool CDODDetect::KeyValue( const char *szKeyName, const char *szValue ) { if (FStrEq(szKeyName, "detect_allies_respawnfactor")) { m_GamePlayRules.m_fAlliesRespawnFactor = atof(szValue); } else if (FStrEq(szKeyName, "detect_axis_respawnfactor")) { m_GamePlayRules.m_fAxisRespawnFactor = atof(szValue); } else if (FStrEq(szKeyName, "detect_allies_startroundvoice")) { m_GamePlayRules.m_iAlliesStartRoundVoice = atoi(szValue); } else if (FStrEq(szKeyName, "detect_axis_startroundvoice")) { m_GamePlayRules.m_iAxisStartRoundVoice = atof(szValue); } else return CBaseEntity::KeyValue( szKeyName, szValue ); return true; } //checks to see if the desired team is stacked, returns true if it is bool CDODGameRules::TeamStacked( int iNewTeam, int iCurTeam ) { //players are allowed to change to their own team if(iNewTeam == iCurTeam) return false; int iTeamLimit = mp_limitteams.GetInt(); // Tabulate the number of players on each team. int iNumAllies = GetGlobalTeam( TEAM_ALLIES )->GetNumPlayers(); int iNumAxis = GetGlobalTeam( TEAM_AXIS )->GetNumPlayers(); switch ( iNewTeam ) { case TEAM_ALLIES: if( iCurTeam != TEAM_UNASSIGNED && iCurTeam != TEAM_SPECTATOR ) { if((iNumAllies + 1) > (iNumAxis + iTeamLimit - 1)) return true; else return false; } else { if((iNumAllies + 1) > (iNumAxis + iTeamLimit)) return true; else return false; } break; case TEAM_AXIS: if( iCurTeam != TEAM_UNASSIGNED && iCurTeam != TEAM_SPECTATOR ) { if((iNumAxis + 1) > (iNumAllies + iTeamLimit - 1)) return true; else return false; } else { if((iNumAxis + 1) > (iNumAllies + iTeamLimit)) return true; else return false; } break; } return false; } // Falling damage stuff. #define DOD_PLAYER_FATAL_FALL_SPEED 900 // approx 60 feet #define DOD_PLAYER_MAX_SAFE_FALL_SPEED 500 // approx 20 feet #define DOD_DAMAGE_FOR_FALL_SPEED ((float)100 / ( DOD_PLAYER_FATAL_FALL_SPEED - DOD_PLAYER_MAX_SAFE_FALL_SPEED )) // damage per unit per second. /* #define PLAYER_FALL_PUNCH_THRESHHOLD (float)350 // won't punch player's screen/make scrape noise unless player falling at least this fast. */ float CDODGameRules::FlPlayerFallDamage( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ) { pPlayer->m_Local.m_flFallVelocity -= DOD_PLAYER_MAX_SAFE_FALL_SPEED; return pPlayer->m_Local.m_flFallVelocity * DOD_DAMAGE_FOR_FALL_SPEED; } #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Init CS ammo definitions //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // shared ammo definition // JAY: Trying to make a more physical bullet response #define BULLET_MASS_GRAINS_TO_LB(grains) (0.002285*(grains)/16.0f) #define BULLET_MASS_GRAINS_TO_KG(grains) lbs2kg(BULLET_MASS_GRAINS_TO_LB(grains)) // exaggerate all of the forces, but use real numbers to keep them consistent #define BULLET_IMPULSE_EXAGGERATION 1 // convert a velocity in ft/sec and a mass in grains to an impulse in kg in/s #define BULLET_IMPULSE(grains, ftpersec) ((ftpersec)*12*BULLET_MASS_GRAINS_TO_KG(grains)*BULLET_IMPULSE_EXAGGERATION) CAmmoDef* GetAmmoDef() { static CAmmoDef def; static bool bInitted = false; if ( !bInitted ) { bInitted = true; //pistol ammo def.AddAmmoType( DOD_AMMO_COLT, DMG_BULLET, TRACER_NONE, 0, 0, 21, 5000, 10, 14 ); def.AddAmmoType( DOD_AMMO_P38, DMG_BULLET, TRACER_NONE, 0, 0, 24, 5000, 10, 14 ); def.AddAmmoType( DOD_AMMO_C96, DMG_BULLET, TRACER_NONE, 0, 0, 60, 5000, 10, 14 ); //rifles def.AddAmmoType( DOD_AMMO_GARAND, DMG_BULLET, TRACER_NONE, 0, 0, 88, 9000, 10, 14 ); def.AddAmmoType( DOD_AMMO_K98, DMG_BULLET, TRACER_NONE, 0, 0, 65, 9000, 10, 14 ); def.AddAmmoType( DOD_AMMO_M1CARBINE, DMG_BULLET, TRACER_NONE, 0, 0, 165, 9000, 10, 14 ); def.AddAmmoType( DOD_AMMO_SPRING, DMG_BULLET, TRACER_NONE, 0, 0, 55, 9000, 10, 14 ); //submg def.AddAmmoType( DOD_AMMO_SUBMG, DMG_BULLET, TRACER_NONE, 0, 0, 210, 7000, 10, 14 ); def.AddAmmoType( DOD_AMMO_BAR, DMG_BULLET, TRACER_LINE_AND_WHIZ, 0, 0, 260, 9000, 10, 14 ); //mg def.AddAmmoType( DOD_AMMO_30CAL, DMG_BULLET | DMG_MACHINEGUN, TRACER_LINE_AND_WHIZ, 0, 0, 300, 9000, 10, 14 ); def.AddAmmoType( DOD_AMMO_MG42, DMG_BULLET | DMG_MACHINEGUN, TRACER_LINE_AND_WHIZ, 0, 0, 500, 9000, 10, 14 ); //rockets def.AddAmmoType( DOD_AMMO_ROCKET, DMG_BLAST, TRACER_NONE, 0, 0, 5, 9000, 10, 14 ); //grenades def.AddAmmoType( DOD_AMMO_HANDGRENADE, DMG_BLAST, TRACER_NONE, 0, 0, 2, 1, 4, 8 ); def.AddAmmoType( DOD_AMMO_STICKGRENADE, DMG_BLAST, TRACER_NONE, 0, 0, 2, 1, 4, 8 ); def.AddAmmoType( DOD_AMMO_HANDGRENADE_EX, DMG_BLAST, TRACER_NONE, 0, 0, 1, 1, 4, 8 ); def.AddAmmoType( DOD_AMMO_STICKGRENADE_EX, DMG_BLAST, TRACER_NONE, 0, 0, 1, 1, 4, 8 ); // smoke grenades def.AddAmmoType( DOD_AMMO_SMOKEGRENADE_US, DMG_BLAST, TRACER_NONE, 0, 0, 2, 1, 4, 8 ); def.AddAmmoType( DOD_AMMO_SMOKEGRENADE_GER, DMG_BLAST, TRACER_NONE, 0, 0, 2, 1, 4, 8 ); def.AddAmmoType( DOD_AMMO_SMOKEGRENADE_US_LIVE, DMG_BLAST, TRACER_NONE, 0, 0, 2, 1, 4, 8 ); def.AddAmmoType( DOD_AMMO_SMOKEGRENADE_GER_LIVE,DMG_BLAST, TRACER_NONE, 0, 0, 2, 1, 4, 8 ); // rifle grenades def.AddAmmoType( DOD_AMMO_RIFLEGRENADE_US, DMG_BLAST, TRACER_NONE, 0, 0, 2, 1, 4, 8 ); def.AddAmmoType( DOD_AMMO_RIFLEGRENADE_GER, DMG_BLAST, TRACER_NONE, 0, 0, 2, 1, 4, 8 ); def.AddAmmoType( DOD_AMMO_RIFLEGRENADE_US_LIVE, DMG_BLAST, TRACER_NONE, 0, 0, 2, 1, 4, 8 ); def.AddAmmoType( DOD_AMMO_RIFLEGRENADE_GER_LIVE,DMG_BLAST, TRACER_NONE, 0, 0, 2, 1, 4, 8 ); } return &def; } #ifndef CLIENT_DLL void CDODGameRules::AddWaveTime( int team, float flTime ) { switch ( team ) { case TEAM_ALLIES: { Assert( m_iNumAlliesRespawnWaves < DOD_RESPAWN_QUEUE_SIZE ); if ( m_iNumAlliesRespawnWaves >= DOD_RESPAWN_QUEUE_SIZE ) { Warning( "Trying to add too many allies respawn waves\n" ); return; } m_AlliesRespawnQueue.Set( m_iAlliesRespawnTail, gpGlobals->curtime + flTime ); m_iNumAlliesRespawnWaves++; m_iAlliesRespawnTail = ( m_iAlliesRespawnTail + 1 ) % DOD_RESPAWN_QUEUE_SIZE; DevMsg( 1, "AddWaveTime ALLIES head %d tail %d numtotal %d time %.1f\n", m_iAlliesRespawnHead.Get(), m_iAlliesRespawnTail.Get(), m_iNumAlliesRespawnWaves, gpGlobals->curtime + flTime ); } break; case TEAM_AXIS: { Assert( m_iNumAxisRespawnWaves < DOD_RESPAWN_QUEUE_SIZE ); if ( m_iNumAxisRespawnWaves >= DOD_RESPAWN_QUEUE_SIZE ) { Warning( "Trying to add too many axis respawn waves\n" ); return; } m_AxisRespawnQueue.Set( m_iAxisRespawnTail, gpGlobals->curtime + flTime ); m_iNumAxisRespawnWaves++; m_iAxisRespawnTail = ( m_iAxisRespawnTail + 1 ) % DOD_RESPAWN_QUEUE_SIZE; DevMsg( 1, "AddWaveTime AXIS head %d tail %d numtotal %d time %.1f\n", m_iAxisRespawnHead.Get(), m_iAxisRespawnTail.Get(), m_iNumAxisRespawnWaves, gpGlobals->curtime + flTime ); } break; default: Assert(0); break; } } void CDODGameRules::PopWaveTime( int team ) { switch ( team ) { case TEAM_ALLIES: { Assert( m_iNumAlliesRespawnWaves > 0 ); m_iAlliesRespawnHead = ( m_iAlliesRespawnHead + 1 ) % DOD_RESPAWN_QUEUE_SIZE; m_iNumAlliesRespawnWaves--; DevMsg( 1, "PopWaveTime ALLIES head %d tail %d numtotal %d time %.1f\n", m_iAlliesRespawnHead.Get(), m_iAlliesRespawnTail.Get(), m_iNumAlliesRespawnWaves, gpGlobals->curtime ); } break; case TEAM_AXIS: { Assert( m_iNumAxisRespawnWaves > 0 ); m_iAxisRespawnHead = ( m_iAxisRespawnHead + 1 ) % DOD_RESPAWN_QUEUE_SIZE; m_iNumAxisRespawnWaves--; DevMsg( 1, "PopWaveTime AXIS head %d tail %d numtotal %d time %.1f\n", m_iAxisRespawnHead.Get(), m_iAxisRespawnTail.Get(), m_iNumAxisRespawnWaves, gpGlobals->curtime ); } break; default: Assert(0); break; } } #endif #ifndef CLIENT_DLL const char *CDODGameRules::GetChatPrefix( bool bTeamOnly, CBasePlayer *pPlayer ) { char *pszPrefix = ""; if ( !pPlayer ) // dedicated server output { pszPrefix = ""; } else { // don't show dead prefix if in the bonus round or at round end // because we can chat at these times. bool bShowDeadPrefix = ( pPlayer->IsAlive() == false ) && !IsInBonusRound() && ( State_Get() != STATE_GAME_OVER ); if ( pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_SPECTATOR ) { return ""; } if ( bTeamOnly ) { if ( bShowDeadPrefix ) { pszPrefix = "(Dead)(Team)"; //#chatprefix_deadteam"; } else { //MATTTODO: localize chat prefixes pszPrefix = "(Team)"; //"#chatprefix_team"; } } // everyone else { if ( bShowDeadPrefix ) { pszPrefix = "(Dead)"; //"#chatprefix_dead"; } } } return pszPrefix; } void CDODGameRules::ClientSettingsChanged( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ) { CDODPlayer *pDODPlayer = ToDODPlayer( pPlayer ); Assert( pDODPlayer ); pDODPlayer->SetAutoReload( Q_atoi( engine->GetClientConVarValue( pPlayer->entindex(), "cl_autoreload" ) ) > 0 ); pDODPlayer->SetShowHints( Q_atoi( engine->GetClientConVarValue( pPlayer->entindex(), "cl_showhelp" ) ) > 0 ); pDODPlayer->SetAutoRezoom( Q_atoi( engine->GetClientConVarValue( pPlayer->entindex(), "cl_autorezoom" ) ) > 0 ); BaseClass::ClientSettingsChanged( pPlayer ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Determines if attacker and victim have gotten domination or revenge //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDODGameRules::CalcDominationAndRevenge( CDODPlayer *pAttacker, CDODPlayer *pVictim, int *piDeathFlags ) { // team kills don't count if ( pAttacker->GetTeamNumber() == pVictim->GetTeamNumber() ) return; int iKillsUnanswered = ++(pVictim->iNumKilledByUnanswered[pAttacker->entindex()]); pAttacker->iNumKilledByUnanswered[pVictim->entindex()] = 0; if ( DOD_KILLS_DOMINATION == iKillsUnanswered ) { // this is the Nth unanswered kill between killer and victim, killer is now dominating victim *piDeathFlags |= DOD_DEATHFLAG_DOMINATION; // set victim to be dominated by killer pAttacker->m_Shared.SetPlayerDominated( pVictim, true ); pAttacker->StatEvent_ScoredDomination(); } else if ( pVictim->m_Shared.IsPlayerDominated( pAttacker->entindex() ) ) { // the killer killed someone who was dominating him, gains revenge *piDeathFlags |= DOD_DEATHFLAG_REVENGE; // set victim to no longer be dominating the killer pVictim->m_Shared.SetPlayerDominated( pAttacker, false ); pAttacker->StatEvent_ScoredRevenge(); } } int CDODGameRules::DODPointsForKill( CBasePlayer *pVictim, const CTakeDamageInfo &info ) { if ( IsInWarmup() ) return 0; CBaseEntity *pInflictor = info.GetInflictor(); CBaseEntity *pKiller = info.GetAttacker(); CDODPlayer *pScorer = ToDODPlayer( GetDeathScorer( pKiller, pInflictor ) ); // Don't give -1 points for killing a teammate with the bomb. // It was their fault for standing too close really. if ( pVictim->GetTeamNumber() == pScorer->GetTeamNumber() && info.GetDamageType() & DMG_BOMB ) { return 0; } return BaseClass::IPointsForKill( pScorer, pVictim ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Returns the weapon in the player's inventory that would be better than // the given weapon. // Note, this version allows us to switch to a weapon that has no ammo as a last // resort. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CBaseCombatWeapon *CDODGameRules::GetNextBestWeapon( CBaseCombatCharacter *pPlayer, CBaseCombatWeapon *pCurrentWeapon ) { CBaseCombatWeapon *pCheck; CBaseCombatWeapon *pBest;// this will be used in the event that we don't find a weapon in the same category. int iCurrentWeight = -1; int iBestWeight = -1;// no weapon lower than -1 can be autoswitched to pBest = NULL; // If I have a weapon, make sure I'm allowed to holster it if ( pCurrentWeapon ) { if ( !pCurrentWeapon->AllowsAutoSwitchFrom() || !pCurrentWeapon->CanHolster() ) { // Either this weapon doesn't allow autoswitching away from it or I // can't put this weapon away right now, so I can't switch. return NULL; } iCurrentWeight = pCurrentWeapon->GetWeight(); } for ( int i = 0 ; i < pPlayer->WeaponCount(); ++i ) { pCheck = pPlayer->GetWeapon( i ); if ( !pCheck ) continue; // If we have an active weapon and this weapon doesn't allow autoswitching away // from another weapon, skip it. if ( pCurrentWeapon && !pCheck->AllowsAutoSwitchTo() ) continue; int iWeight = pCheck->GetWeight(); // Empty weapons are lowest priority if ( !pCheck->HasAnyAmmo() ) { iWeight = 0; } if ( iWeight > -1 && iWeight == iCurrentWeight && pCheck != pCurrentWeapon ) { // this weapon is from the same category. if ( pPlayer->Weapon_CanSwitchTo( pCheck ) ) { return pCheck; } } else if ( iWeight > iBestWeight && pCheck != pCurrentWeapon )// don't reselect the weapon we're trying to get rid of { //Msg( "Considering %s\n", STRING( pCheck->GetClassname() ); // we keep updating the 'best' weapon just in case we can't find a weapon of the same weight // that the player was using. This will end up leaving the player with his heaviest-weighted // weapon. // if this weapon is useable, flag it as the best iBestWeight = pCheck->GetWeight(); pBest = pCheck; } } // if we make it here, we've checked all the weapons and found no useable // weapon in the same catagory as the current weapon. // if pBest is null, we didn't find ANYTHING. Shouldn't be possible- should always // at least get the crowbar, but ya never know. return pBest; } char *szHitgroupNames[] = { "generic", "head", "chest", "stomach", "arm_left", "arm_right", "leg_left", "leg_right" }; void CDODGameRules::WriteStatsFile( const char *pszLogName ) { int i, j, k; FileHandle_t hFile = filesystem->Open( pszLogName, "w" ); if ( hFile == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { Warning( "Helper_LoadFile: missing %s\n", pszLogName ); return; } // Header filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n\n" ); // open stats filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "<stats>\n" ); // per player for ( i=0;i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++ ) { CDODPlayer *pPlayer = ToDODPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ) ); if ( pPlayer ) { filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t<player>\n" ); filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t\t<playername>%s</playername>", pPlayer->GetPlayerName() ); filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t\t<steamid>STEAM:0:01</steamid>" ); //float flTimePlayed = gpGlobals->curtime - pPlayer->m_flConnectTime; //filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t\t<time_played>%.1f</time_played>\n", flTimePlayed ); /* pPlayer->TallyLatestTimePlayedPerClass( pPlayer->GetTeamNumber(), pPlayer->m_Shared.DesiredPlayerClass() ); filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t\t<time_played_per_class>\n" ); for( j=0;j<7;j++ ) { // TODO : add real class names filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t\t\t<class%i>%.1f</class%i>\n", j, pPlayer->m_flTimePlayedPerClass[j], j ); } filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t\t</time_played_per_class>\n" ); */ filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t\t<area_captures>%i</area_captures>\n", pPlayer->m_iNumAreaCaptures ); filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t\t<area_defenses>%i</area_defenses>\n", pPlayer->m_iNumAreaDefenses ); filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t\t<bonus_round_kills>%i</bonus_round_kills>\n", pPlayer->m_iNumBonusRoundKills ); for ( j=0;j<MAX_WEAPONS;j++ ) { if ( pPlayer->m_WeaponStats[j].m_iNumShotsTaken > 0 ) { filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t\t<weapon>\n" ); // weapon id // weapon name filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t\t\t<weaponname>%s</weaponname>\n", WeaponIDToAlias( j ) ); filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t\t\t<weaponid>%i</weaponid>\n", j ); filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t\t\t<shots>%i</shots>\n", pPlayer->m_WeaponStats[j].m_iNumShotsTaken ); filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t\t\t<hits>%i</hits>\n", pPlayer->m_WeaponStats[j].m_iNumShotsHit ); filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t\t\t<damage>%i</damage>\n", pPlayer->m_WeaponStats[j].m_iTotalDamageGiven ); filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t\t\t<avgdist>%.1f</avgdist>\n", pPlayer->m_WeaponStats[j].m_flAverageHitDistance ); filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t\t\t<kills>%i</kills>\n", pPlayer->m_WeaponStats[j].m_iNumKills ); filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t\t\t<hitgroups_hit>\n" ); for( k=0;k<8;k++ ) { if ( pPlayer->m_WeaponStats[j].m_iBodygroupsHit[k] > 0 ) { filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t\t\t\t<%s>%i</%s>\n", szHitgroupNames[k], pPlayer->m_WeaponStats[j].m_iBodygroupsHit[k], szHitgroupNames[k] ); } } filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t\t\t</hitgroups_hit>\n" ); filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t\t\t<times_hit>%i</times_hit>\n", pPlayer->m_WeaponStats[j].m_iNumHitsTaken ); filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t\t\t<damage_taken>%i</damage_taken>\n", pPlayer->m_WeaponStats[j].m_iTotalDamageTaken ); filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t\t\t<times_killed>%i</times_killed>\n", pPlayer->m_WeaponStats[j].m_iTimesKilled ); filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t\t\t<hit_in_hitgroups>\n" ); for( k=0;k<8;k++ ) { if ( pPlayer->m_WeaponStats[j].m_iHitInBodygroups[k] > 0 ) { filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t\t\t\t<%s>%i</%s>\n", szHitgroupNames[k], pPlayer->m_WeaponStats[j].m_iHitInBodygroups[k], szHitgroupNames[k] ); } } filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t\t\t</hit_in_hitgroups>\n" ); filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t\t</weapon>\n" ); } } int numKilled = pPlayer->m_KilledPlayers.Count(); for ( j=0;j<numKilled;j++ ) { filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "<victim>\n" ); filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t<name>%s</name>\n", pPlayer->m_KilledPlayers[j].m_szPlayerName ); filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t<userid>%i</userid>\n", pPlayer->m_KilledPlayers[j].m_iUserID ); filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t<kills>%i</kills>\n", pPlayer->m_KilledPlayers[j].m_iKills ); filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t<damage>%i</damage>\n", pPlayer->m_KilledPlayers[j].m_iTotalDamage ); filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "</victim>" ); } int numAttackers = pPlayer->m_KilledByPlayers.Count(); for ( j=0;j<numAttackers;j++ ) { filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "<attacker>" ); filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t<name>%s</name>\n", pPlayer->m_KilledByPlayers[j].m_szPlayerName ); filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t<userid>%i</userid>\n", pPlayer->m_KilledByPlayers[j].m_iUserID ); filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t<kills>%i</kills>\n", pPlayer->m_KilledByPlayers[j].m_iKills ); filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t<damage>%i</damage>\n", pPlayer->m_KilledByPlayers[j].m_iTotalDamage ); filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "</attacker>" ); } filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "\t</player>\n" ); } } // close stats filesystem->FPrintf( hFile, "</stats>\n" ); filesystem->Close( hFile ); } #include "dod_basegrenade.h" //========================================================== // Called on physics entities that the player +uses ( if sv_turbophysics is on ) // Here we want to exclude grenades //========================================================== bool CDODGameRules::CanEntityBeUsePushed( CBaseEntity *pEnt ) { CDODBaseGrenade *pGrenade = dynamic_cast<CDODBaseGrenade *>( pEnt ); if ( pGrenade ) { return false; } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Engine asks for the list of convars that should tag the server //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDODGameRules::GetTaggedConVarList( KeyValues *pCvarTagList ) { BaseClass::GetTaggedConVarList( pCvarTagList ); KeyValues *pKV = new KeyValues( "tag" ); pKV->SetString( "convar", "mp_fadetoblack" ); pKV->SetString( "tag", "fadetoblack" ); pCvarTagList->AddSubKey( pKV ); } #endif //indef CLIENT_DLL #ifdef CLIENT_DLL void CDODGameRules::SetRoundState( int iRoundState ) { m_iRoundState = iRoundState; m_flLastRoundStateChangeTime = gpGlobals->curtime; } #endif // CLIENT_DLL bool CDODGameRules::IsBombingTeam( int team ) { if ( team == TEAM_ALLIES ) return m_bAlliesAreBombing; if ( team == TEAM_AXIS ) return m_bAxisAreBombing; return false; } bool CDODGameRules::IsConnectedUserInfoChangeAllowed( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ) { #ifdef GAME_DLL if( pPlayer ) { int iPlayerTeam = pPlayer->GetTeamNumber(); if( ( iPlayerTeam == TEAM_ALLIES ) || ( iPlayerTeam == TEAM_AXIS ) ) return false; } #else int iLocalPlayerTeam = GetLocalPlayerTeam(); if( ( iLocalPlayerTeam == TEAM_ALLIES ) || ( iLocalPlayerTeam == TEAM_AXIS ) ) return false; #endif return true; } #ifndef CLIENT_DLL ConVar dod_winter_never_drop_presents( "dod_winter_never_drop_presents", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT ); ConVar dod_winter_always_drop_presents( "dod_winter_always_drop_presents", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT ); ConVar dod_winter_present_drop_chance( "dod_winter_present_drop_chance", "0.2", FCVAR_CHEAT, "", true, 0.0, true, 1.0 ); float CDODGameRules::GetPresentDropChance( void ) { if ( dod_winter_never_drop_presents.GetBool() ) { return 0.0; } if ( dod_winter_always_drop_presents.GetBool() ) { return 1.0; } if ( m_bWinterHolidayActive ) { return dod_winter_present_drop_chance.GetFloat(); } return 0.0; } #endif //========================= #ifndef CLIENT_DLL class CFuncTeamWall : public CBaseEntity { DECLARE_DATADESC(); DECLARE_CLASS( CFuncTeamWall, CBaseEntity ); public: virtual void Spawn(); virtual bool KeyValue( const char *szKeyName, const char *szValue ) ; virtual bool ShouldCollide( int collisionGroup, int contentsMask ) const; void WallTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther ); void DrawThink( void ); private: Vector m_vecMaxs; Vector m_vecMins; int m_iBlockTeam; float m_flNextHintTime; bool m_bShowWarning; }; BEGIN_DATADESC( CFuncTeamWall ) DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iBlockTeam, FIELD_INTEGER, "blockteam" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_vecMaxs, FIELD_VECTOR, "maxs" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_vecMins, FIELD_VECTOR, "mins" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_bShowWarning, FIELD_BOOLEAN, "warn" ), DEFINE_THINKFUNC( DrawThink ), DEFINE_FUNCTION( WallTouch ), END_DATADESC() LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( func_team_wall, CFuncTeamWall ); ConCommand cc_Load_Blocker_Walls( "load_enttext", Load_EntText, 0, FCVAR_CHEAT ); ConVar showblockerwalls( "showblockerwalls", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Set to 1 to visualize blocker walls" ); void CFuncTeamWall::Spawn( void ) { SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_PUSH ); // so it doesn't get pushed by anything SetModel( STRING( GetModelName() ) ); AddEffects( EF_NODRAW ); SetSolid( SOLID_BBOX ); // set our custom collision if we declared this ent through the .ent file if ( m_vecMins != vec3_origin && m_vecMaxs != vec3_origin ) { SetCollisionBounds( m_vecMins, m_vecMaxs ); // If we delcared an angle in the .ent file, make us OBB if ( GetAbsAngles() != vec3_angle ) { SetSolid( SOLID_OBB ); } } SetThink( &CFuncTeamWall::DrawThink ); SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1 ); SetTouch( &CFuncTeamWall::WallTouch ); m_flNextHintTime = gpGlobals->curtime; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Parse data from a map file //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CFuncTeamWall::KeyValue( const char *szKeyName, const char *szValue ) { if ( FStrEq( szKeyName, "mins" )) { UTIL_StringToVector( m_vecMins.Base(), szValue ); return true; } if ( FStrEq( szKeyName, "maxs" )) { UTIL_StringToVector( m_vecMaxs.Base(), szValue ); return true; } if ( FStrEq( szKeyName, "warn" )) { m_bShowWarning = atoi(szValue) > 0; } return BaseClass::KeyValue( szKeyName, szValue ); } bool CFuncTeamWall::ShouldCollide( int collisionGroup, int contentsMask ) const { bool bShouldCollide = false; if ( collisionGroup == COLLISION_GROUP_PLAYER_MOVEMENT ) { switch ( m_iBlockTeam ) { case TEAM_UNASSIGNED: bShouldCollide = ( contentsMask & ( CONTENTS_TEAM1 | CONTENTS_TEAM2 ) ) > 0; break; case TEAM_ALLIES: bShouldCollide = ( contentsMask & CONTENTS_TEAM1 ) > 0; break; case TEAM_AXIS: bShouldCollide = ( contentsMask & CONTENTS_TEAM2 ) > 0; break; default: break; } } return bShouldCollide; } void CFuncTeamWall::WallTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther ) { if ( !m_bShowWarning ) return; if ( pOther && pOther->IsPlayer() ) { CDODPlayer *pPlayer = ToDODPlayer( pOther ); if ( pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == m_iBlockTeam ) { // show a "go away" icon if ( m_flNextHintTime < gpGlobals->curtime ) { pPlayer->HintMessage( "#dod_wrong_way" ); // global timer, but not critical to keep timer per player. m_flNextHintTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 1.0; } } } } void CFuncTeamWall::DrawThink( void ) { if ( showblockerwalls.GetBool() ) { NDebugOverlay::EntityBounds( this, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0.2 ); } SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1 ); } #endif #ifdef GAME_DLL #include "modelentities.h" #define SF_TEAM_WALL_NO_HINT (1<<1) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Visualizes a respawn room to the enemy team //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CFuncNewTeamWall : public CFuncBrush { DECLARE_CLASS( CFuncNewTeamWall, CFuncBrush ); public: DECLARE_DATADESC(); DECLARE_SERVERCLASS(); virtual void Spawn( void ); virtual int UpdateTransmitState( void ); virtual int ShouldTransmit( const CCheckTransmitInfo *pInfo ); virtual bool ShouldCollide( int collisionGroup, int contentsMask ) const; void WallTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther ); void SetActive( bool bActive ); private: float m_flNextHintTime; }; //=========================================================================================================== LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( func_teamblocker, CFuncNewTeamWall ); BEGIN_DATADESC( CFuncNewTeamWall ) END_DATADESC() IMPLEMENT_SERVERCLASS_ST( CFuncNewTeamWall, DT_FuncNewTeamWall ) END_SEND_TABLE() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CFuncNewTeamWall::Spawn( void ) { BaseClass::Spawn(); SetActive( true ); SetCollisionGroup( DOD_COLLISIONGROUP_BLOCKERWALL ); if ( FBitSet( m_spawnflags, SF_TEAM_WALL_NO_HINT ) == false ) { SetTouch( &CFuncNewTeamWall::WallTouch ); m_flNextHintTime = gpGlobals->curtime; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CFuncNewTeamWall::UpdateTransmitState() { return SetTransmitState( FL_EDICT_ALWAYS ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Only transmit this entity to clients that aren't in our team //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CFuncNewTeamWall::ShouldTransmit( const CCheckTransmitInfo *pInfo ) { return FL_EDICT_ALWAYS; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CFuncNewTeamWall::SetActive( bool bActive ) { if ( bActive ) { // We're a trigger, but we want to be solid. Out ShouldCollide() will make // us non-solid to members of the team that spawns here. RemoveSolidFlags( FSOLID_TRIGGER ); RemoveSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID ); } else { AddSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID ); AddSolidFlags( FSOLID_TRIGGER ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CFuncNewTeamWall::ShouldCollide( int collisionGroup, int contentsMask ) const { if ( GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_UNASSIGNED ) return false; if ( collisionGroup == COLLISION_GROUP_PLAYER_MOVEMENT ) { switch( GetTeamNumber() ) { case TEAM_ALLIES: if ( !(contentsMask & CONTENTS_TEAM1) ) return false; break; case TEAM_AXIS: if ( !(contentsMask & CONTENTS_TEAM2) ) return false; break; } return true; } return false; } void CFuncNewTeamWall::WallTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther ) { //if ( !m_bShowWarning ) // return; if ( pOther && pOther->IsPlayer() ) { CDODPlayer *pPlayer = ToDODPlayer( pOther ); if ( pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == GetTeamNumber() ) { // show a "go away" icon if ( m_flNextHintTime < gpGlobals->curtime ) { pPlayer->HintMessage( "#dod_wrong_way" ); // global timer, but not critical to keep timer per player. m_flNextHintTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 1.0; } } } } #else //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class C_FuncNewTeamWall : public C_BaseEntity { DECLARE_CLASS( C_FuncNewTeamWall, C_BaseEntity ); public: DECLARE_CLIENTCLASS(); virtual bool ShouldCollide( int collisionGroup, int contentsMask ) const; virtual int DrawModel( int flags ); }; IMPLEMENT_CLIENTCLASS_DT( C_FuncNewTeamWall, DT_FuncNewTeamWall, CFuncNewTeamWall ) END_RECV_TABLE() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool C_FuncNewTeamWall::ShouldCollide( int collisionGroup, int contentsMask ) const { if ( GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_UNASSIGNED ) return false; if ( collisionGroup == COLLISION_GROUP_PLAYER_MOVEMENT ) { switch( GetTeamNumber() ) { case TEAM_ALLIES: if ( !(contentsMask & CONTENTS_TEAM1) ) return false; break; case TEAM_AXIS: if ( !(contentsMask & CONTENTS_TEAM2) ) return false; break; } return true; } return false; } int C_FuncNewTeamWall::DrawModel( int flags ) { return 1; } #endif