//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Implements an entity that measures sound volume at a point in a map.
//			This entity listens as though it is an NPC, meaning it will only
//			hear sounds that were emitted using the CSound::InsertSound function.
//			It does not hear danger sounds since they are not technically sounds.

#include "cbase.h"
#include "entityinput.h"
#include "entityoutput.h"
#include "eventqueue.h"
#include "mathlib/mathlib.h"
#include "soundent.h"
#include "envmicrophone.h"
#include "soundflags.h"
#include "engine/IEngineSound.h"
#include "filters.h"

// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"


const float MICROPHONE_SETTLE_EPSILON = 0.005;

// List of env_microphones who want to be told whenever a sound is started
static CUtlVector< CHandle<CEnvMicrophone> > s_Microphones;

LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS(env_microphone, CEnvMicrophone);

BEGIN_DATADESC( CEnvMicrophone )

	DEFINE_KEYFIELD(m_bDisabled, FIELD_BOOLEAN, "StartDisabled"),
	DEFINE_KEYFIELD(m_flSensitivity, FIELD_FLOAT, "Sensitivity"),
	DEFINE_KEYFIELD(m_flSmoothFactor, FIELD_FLOAT, "SmoothFactor"),
	DEFINE_KEYFIELD(m_iszSpeakerName, FIELD_STRING, "SpeakerName"),
	DEFINE_KEYFIELD(m_iszListenFilter, FIELD_STRING, "ListenFilter"),
	DEFINE_KEYFIELD(m_iSpeakerDSPPreset, FIELD_INTEGER, "speaker_dsp_preset" ),
	DEFINE_KEYFIELD(m_flMaxRange, FIELD_FLOAT, "MaxRange"),

	DEFINE_INPUTFUNC(FIELD_VOID, "Disable", InputDisable),
	DEFINE_INPUTFUNC(FIELD_STRING, "SetSpeakerName", InputSetSpeakerName),

	DEFINE_OUTPUT(m_SoundLevel, "SoundLevel"),
	DEFINE_OUTPUT(m_OnRoutedSound, "OnRoutedSound" ),
	DEFINE_OUTPUT(m_OnHeardSound, "OnHeardSound" ),


// Purpose: 
CEnvMicrophone::~CEnvMicrophone( void )
	s_Microphones.FindAndRemove( this );

// Purpose: Called before spawning, after keyvalues have been handled.
void CEnvMicrophone::Spawn(void)
	// Build our sound type mask from our spawnflags.
	static int nFlags[][2] =

	for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(nFlags) / sizeof(nFlags[0]); i++)
		if (m_spawnflags & nFlags[i][0])
			m_nSoundMask |= nFlags[i][1];

	if (m_flSensitivity == 0)
		// Avoid a divide by zero in CanHearSound.
		m_flSensitivity = 1;
	else if (m_flSensitivity > 10)
		m_flSensitivity = 10;

	m_flSmoothFactor = clamp(m_flSmoothFactor, 0.f, 0.9f);

	if (!m_bDisabled)
		SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f );

// Purpose: Called after all entities have spawned and after a load game.
//			Finds the reference point at which to measure sound level.
void CEnvMicrophone::Activate(void)

	// Get a handle to my filter entity if there is one
	if (m_iszListenFilter != NULL_STRING)
		m_hListenFilter = dynamic_cast<CBaseFilter *>(gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, m_iszListenFilter ));

	if (m_target != NULL_STRING)
		m_hMeasureTarget = gEntList.FindEntityByName(NULL, STRING(m_target) );

		// If we were given a bad measure target, just measure sound where we are.
		if ((m_hMeasureTarget == NULL) || (m_hMeasureTarget->edict() == NULL))
			// We've decided to disable this warning since this seems to be the 90% case.
			//Warning( "EnvMicrophone - Measure target not found or measure target with no origin. Using Self.!\n");
			m_hMeasureTarget = this;
		m_hMeasureTarget = this;


// Purpose: 
void CEnvMicrophone::OnRestore( void )


// Purpose: If we've got a speaker, add ourselves to the list of microphones that want to listen
void CEnvMicrophone::ActivateSpeaker( void )
	// If we're enabled, set the dsp_speaker preset to my specified one
	if ( !m_bDisabled )
		ConVarRef dsp_speaker( "dsp_speaker" );
		if ( dsp_speaker.IsValid() )
			int iDSPPreset = m_iSpeakerDSPPreset;
			if ( !iDSPPreset )
				// Reset it to the default
				iDSPPreset = atoi( dsp_speaker.GetDefault() );
			DevMsg( 2, "Microphone %s set dsp_speaker to %d.\n", STRING(GetEntityName()), iDSPPreset);
			dsp_speaker.SetValue( m_iSpeakerDSPPreset );

	if ( m_iszSpeakerName != NULL_STRING )
		// We've got a speaker to play heard sounds through. To do this, we need to add ourselves 
		// to the list of microphones who want to be told whenever a sound is played.
		if ( s_Microphones.Find(this) == -1 )
			s_Microphones.AddToTail( this );

// Purpose: Stops the microphone from sampling the sound level and firing the
//			SoundLevel output.
void CEnvMicrophone::InputEnable( inputdata_t &inputdata )
	if (m_bDisabled)
		m_bDisabled = false;
		SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f );


// Purpose: Resumes sampling the sound level and firing the SoundLevel output.
void CEnvMicrophone::InputDisable( inputdata_t &inputdata )
	m_bDisabled = true;
	if ( m_hSpeaker )
		CBaseEntity::StopSound( m_hSpeaker->entindex(), CHAN_STATIC, m_szLastSound );
		m_szLastSound[0] = 0;

		// Remove ourselves from the list of active mics
		s_Microphones.FindAndRemove( this );
	SetNextThink( TICK_NEVER_THINK );

// Purpose: 
// Input  : &inputdata - 
void CEnvMicrophone::InputSetSpeakerName( inputdata_t &inputdata )
	SetSpeakerName( inputdata.value.StringID() );

// Purpose: Checks whether this microphone can hear a given sound, and at what
//			relative volume level.
// Input  : pSound - Sound to test.
//			flVolume - Returns with the relative sound volume from 0 - 1.
// Output : Returns true if the sound could be heard at the sample point, false if not.
bool CEnvMicrophone::CanHearSound(CSound *pSound, float &flVolume)
	flVolume = 0;

	if ( m_bDisabled )
		return false;

	// Cull out sounds except from specific entities
	CBaseFilter *pFilter = m_hListenFilter.Get();
	if ( pFilter )
		CBaseEntity *pSoundOwner = pSound->m_hOwner.Get();
		if ( !pSoundOwner || !pFilter->PassesFilter( this, pSoundOwner ) )
			return false;

	float flDistance = (pSound->GetSoundOrigin() - m_hMeasureTarget->GetAbsOrigin()).Length();

	if (flDistance == 0)
		flVolume = 1.0;
		return true;

	// Over our max range?
	if ( m_flMaxRange && flDistance > m_flMaxRange )
		return false;

	if (flDistance <= pSound->Volume() * m_flSensitivity)
		flVolume = 1 - (flDistance / (pSound->Volume() * m_flSensitivity));
		flVolume = clamp(flVolume, 0.f, 1.f);
		return true;

	return false;

// Purpose: Return true if the microphone can hear the specified sound
bool CEnvMicrophone::CanHearSound( int entindex, soundlevel_t soundlevel, float &flVolume, const Vector *pOrigin )
	if ( m_bDisabled )
		flVolume = 0;
		return false;

	if ( ( m_spawnflags & SF_MICROPHONE_IGNORE_NONATTENUATED ) && soundlevel == SNDLVL_NONE )
		return false;

	// Sound might be coming from an origin or from an entity.
	CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL;
	if ( entindex )
		pEntity = CBaseEntity::Instance( engine->PEntityOfEntIndex(entindex) );
	// Cull out sounds except from specific entities
	CBaseFilter *pFilter = m_hListenFilter.Get();
	if ( pFilter )
		if ( !pEntity || !pFilter->PassesFilter( this, pEntity ) )
			flVolume = 0;
			return false;

	float flDistance = 0;
	if ( pOrigin )
		flDistance = pOrigin->DistTo( m_hMeasureTarget->GetAbsOrigin() );
	else if ( pEntity )
		flDistance = pEntity->WorldSpaceCenter().DistTo( m_hMeasureTarget->GetAbsOrigin() );

	// Over our max range?
	if ( m_flMaxRange && flDistance > m_flMaxRange )
		Msg("OUT OF RANGE.\n" );
		return false;

	Msg(" flVolume %f ", flVolume );

	// Reduce the volume by the amount it fell to get to the microphone
	float gain = enginesound->GetDistGainFromSoundLevel( soundlevel, flDistance );
	flVolume *= gain;

	Msg("dist %2f, soundlevel %d: gain %f", flDistance, (int)soundlevel, gain );
	if ( !flVolume )
		Msg(" : REJECTED\n" );
		Msg(" : SENT\n" );

	return ( flVolume > 0 );

void CEnvMicrophone::SetSensitivity( float flSensitivity )
	m_flSensitivity = flSensitivity;

void CEnvMicrophone::SetSpeakerName( string_t iszSpeakerName )
	m_iszSpeakerName = iszSpeakerName;

	// Set the speaker to null. This will force it to find the speaker next time a sound is routed.
	m_hSpeaker = NULL;

// Purpose: Listens for sounds and updates the value of the SoundLevel output.
void CEnvMicrophone::Think(void)
	int nSound = CSoundEnt::ActiveList();
	bool fHearSound = false;

	float flMaxVolume = 0;
	// Find the loudest sound that this microphone cares about.
	while (nSound != SOUNDLIST_EMPTY)
		CSound *pCurrentSound = CSoundEnt::SoundPointerForIndex(nSound);

		if (pCurrentSound)
			if (m_nSoundMask & pCurrentSound->SoundType())
				float flVolume = 0;
				if (CanHearSound(pCurrentSound, flVolume) && (flVolume > flMaxVolume))
					flMaxVolume = flVolume;
					fHearSound = true;

		nSound = pCurrentSound->NextSound();

	if( fHearSound )
		m_OnHeardSound.FireOutput( this, this );

	if (flMaxVolume != m_SoundLevel.Get())
		// Don't smooth if we are within an epsilon. This allows the output to stop firing
		// much more quickly.
		if (fabs(flMaxVolume - m_SoundLevel.Get()) < MICROPHONE_SETTLE_EPSILON)
			m_SoundLevel.Set(flMaxVolume, this, this);
			m_SoundLevel.Set(flMaxVolume * (1 - m_flSmoothFactor) + m_SoundLevel.Get() * m_flSmoothFactor, this, this);

	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f );

// Purpose: Hook for the sound system to tell us when a sound's been played
MicrophoneResult_t CEnvMicrophone::SoundPlayed( int entindex, const char *soundname, soundlevel_t soundlevel, float flVolume, int iFlags, int iPitch, const Vector *pOrigin, float soundtime, CUtlVector< Vector >& soundorigins )
	if ( m_bAvoidFeedback )
		return MicrophoneResult_Ok;

	// Don't hear sounds that have already been heard by a microphone to avoid feedback!
	if ( iFlags & SND_SPEAKER )
		return MicrophoneResult_Ok;

	Msg("%s heard %s: ", STRING(GetEntityName()), soundname );

	if ( !CanHearSound( entindex, soundlevel, flVolume, pOrigin ) )
		return MicrophoneResult_Ok;

	// We've heard it. Play it out our speaker. If our speaker's gone away, we're done.
	if ( !m_hSpeaker )
		// First time, find our speaker. Done here, because finding it in Activate() wouldn't
		// find players, and we need to be able to specify !player for a speaker.
		if ( m_iszSpeakerName != NULL_STRING )
			m_hSpeaker = gEntList.FindEntityByName(NULL, STRING(m_iszSpeakerName) );

			if ( !m_hSpeaker )
				Warning( "EnvMicrophone %s specifies a non-existent speaker name: %s\n", STRING(GetEntityName()), STRING(m_iszSpeakerName) );
				m_iszSpeakerName = NULL_STRING;

		if ( !m_hSpeaker )
			return MicrophoneResult_Remove;

	m_bAvoidFeedback = true;

	// Add the speaker flag. Detected at playback and applies the speaker filter.
	iFlags |= SND_SPEAKER;
	CPASAttenuationFilter filter( m_hSpeaker );

	EmitSound_t ep;
	ep.m_nChannel = CHAN_STATIC;
	ep.m_pSoundName = soundname;
	ep.m_flVolume = flVolume;
	ep.m_SoundLevel = soundlevel;
	ep.m_nFlags = iFlags;
	ep.m_nPitch = iPitch;
	ep.m_pOrigin = &m_hSpeaker->GetAbsOrigin();
	ep.m_flSoundTime = soundtime;
	ep.m_nSpeakerEntity = entindex;

	CBaseEntity::EmitSound( filter, m_hSpeaker->entindex(), ep );

	Q_strncpy( m_szLastSound, soundname, sizeof(m_szLastSound) );
	m_OnRoutedSound.FireOutput( this, this, 0 );

	m_bAvoidFeedback = false;

	// Copy emitted origin to soundorigins array
	for ( int i = 0; i < ep.m_UtlVecSoundOrigin.Count(); ++i )
		soundorigins.AddToTail( ep.m_UtlVecSoundOrigin[ i ] );

	// Do we want to allow the original sound to play?
		return MicrophoneResult_Swallow;

	return MicrophoneResult_Ok;

// Purpose: Called by the sound system whenever a sound is played so that
//			active microphones can have a chance to pick up the sound.
// Output : Returns whether or not the sound was swallowed by the microphone.
//			Swallowed sounds should not be played by the sound system.
bool CEnvMicrophone::OnSoundPlayed( int entindex, const char *soundname, soundlevel_t soundlevel, float flVolume, int iFlags, int iPitch, const Vector *pOrigin, float soundtime, CUtlVector< Vector >& soundorigins )
	bool bSwallowed = false;

	// Loop through all registered microphones and tell them the sound was just played
	int iCount = s_Microphones.Count();
	if ( iCount > 0 )
		// Iterate backwards because we might be deleting microphones.
		for ( int i = iCount - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
			if ( s_Microphones[i] )
				MicrophoneResult_t eResult = s_Microphones[i]->SoundPlayed(
					soundorigins );

				if ( eResult == MicrophoneResult_Swallow )
					// Microphone told us to swallow it
					bSwallowed = true;
				else if ( eResult == MicrophoneResult_Remove )
					s_Microphones.FastRemove( i );

	return bSwallowed;