// NextBotAttentionInterface.cpp
// Manage what this bot pays attention to
// Author: Michael Booth, April 2007
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//

#include "cbase.h"

#include "NextBot.h"
#include "NextBotAttentionInterface.h"
#include "NextBotBodyInterface.h"

#include "tier0/vprof.h"

// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"

 * Reset to initial state
void IAttention::Reset( void )
	m_body = GetBot()->GetBodyInterface();


 * Update internal state
void IAttention::Update( void )

void IAttention::AttendTo( const CBaseCombatCharacter *who, const char *reason )
	if ( !IsAwareOf( who ) )
		PointOfInterest p;
		p.m_type = PointOfInterest::WHO;
		p.m_who = who;

		m_attentionSet.AddToTail( p );

void IAttention::AttendTo( const CBaseEntity *what, const char *reason )
	if ( !IsAwareOf( what ) )
		PointOfInterest p;
		p.m_type = PointOfInterest::WHAT;
		p.m_what = what;

		m_attentionSet.AddToTail( p );

void IAttention::AttendTo( const Vector &where, IAttention::SignificanceLevel significance, const char *reason )
	PointOfInterest p;
	p.m_type = PointOfInterest::WHERE;
	p.m_where = where;

	m_attentionSet.AddToTail( p );

void IAttention::Disregard( const CBaseCombatCharacter *who, const char *reason )
	FOR_EACH_VEC( m_attentionSet, it )
		if ( m_attentionSet[ it ].m_type == PointOfInterest::WHO )
			CBaseCombatCharacter *myWho = m_attentionSet[ it ].m_who;

			if ( !myWho || myWho->entindex() == who->entindex() )
				m_attentionSet.Remove( it );

void IAttention::Disregard( const CBaseEntity *what, const char *reason )
	FOR_EACH_VEC( m_attentionSet, it )
		if ( m_attentionSet[ it ].m_type == PointOfInterest::WHAT )
			CBaseCombatCharacter *myWhat = m_attentionSet[ it ].m_what;

			if ( !myWhat || myWhat->entindex() == what->entindex() )
				m_attentionSet.Remove( it );

 * Return true if given actor is in our attending set
bool IAttention::IsAwareOf( const CBaseCombatCharacter *who ) const
	FOR_EACH_VEC( m_attentionSet, it )
		if ( m_attentionSet[ it ].m_type == PointOfInterest::WHO )
			CBaseCombatCharacter *myWho = m_attentionSet[ it ].m_who;

			if ( myWho && myWho->entindex() == who->entindex() )
				return true;

	return false;

 * Return true if given object is in our attending set
bool IAttention::IsAwareOf( const CBaseEntity *what ) const
	FOR_EACH_VEC( m_attentionSet, it )
		if ( m_attentionSet[ it ].m_type == PointOfInterest::WHAT )
			CBaseEntity *myWhat = m_attentionSet[ it ].m_what;

			if ( myWhat && myWhat->entindex() == what->entindex() )
				return true;

	return false;