//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: Implements the Undo/Redo system. // // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #include "stdafx.h" #include "History.h" #include "hammer.h" #include "Options.h" #include "MainFrm.h" #include "MapDoc.h" #include "GlobalFunctions.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include <tier0/memdbgon.h> static CHistory *pCurHistory; // The Undo/Redo history associated with the active doc. static CHistory FakeHistory; // Used when there is no active doc. Always paused. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Returns the current active Undo/Redo history. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHistory *GetHistory(void) { if (!pCurHistory) { return(&FakeHistory); } return(pCurHistory); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Constructor. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHistory::CHistory(void) { static BOOL bFirst = TRUE; // fake history is always first Opposite = NULL; CurTrack = NULL; bPaused = bFirst ? 2 : FALSE; // if 2, never unpaused bFirst = FALSE; m_bActive = TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Destructor. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHistory::~CHistory() { Tracks.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : bUndo - // pOpposite - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHistory::SetOpposite(BOOL bUndo_, CHistory *pOpposite) { this->bUndo = bUndo_; Opposite = pOpposite; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Output : Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CHistory::IsUndoable() { // return status flag depending on the current track return (CurTrack && m_bActive) ? TRUE : FALSE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : bActive - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHistory::SetActive(BOOL bActive) { m_bActive = bActive; if (!m_bActive) { // kill all tracks right now FOR_EACH_OBJ( Tracks, pos ) { CHistoryTrack *pTrack = Tracks.Element(pos); delete pTrack; } Tracks.RemoveAll(); MarkUndoPosition(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Actually, this implements both Undo and Redo, because a Redo is just // an Undo in the opposite history track. // Input : pNewSelection - List to populate with the new selection set after the Undo. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHistory::Undo(CMapObjectList *pNewSelection) { Opposite->MarkUndoPosition(&CurTrack->Selected, GetCurTrackName(), TRUE); // // Track entries are consumed LIFO. // int pos = Tracks.Count()-1; Tracks.Remove(pos); // // Perform the undo. // Pause(); CurTrack->Undo(); Resume(); // // Get the objects that should be selected from the track entry. // pNewSelection->RemoveAll(); pNewSelection->AddVectorToTail(CurTrack->Selected); // // Done with this track entry. This track entry will be recreated by the // opposite history track if necessary. // uDataSize -= CurTrack->uDataSize; delete CurTrack; // // Move to the previous track entry. // if ( Tracks.Count() > 0 ) { CurTrack = Tracks.Element(Tracks.Count()-1); } else { CurTrack = NULL; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *pSelection - // pszName - // bFromOpposite - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHistory::MarkUndoPosition( const CMapObjectList *pSelection, LPCTSTR pszName, BOOL bFromOpposite) { if(Opposite && bUndo && !bFromOpposite) { // this is the undo tracker and the call is NOT from the redo // tracker. kill the redo tracker's history. FOR_EACH_OBJ( Opposite->Tracks, pos ) { CHistoryTrack *pTrack = Opposite->Tracks.Element(pos); pTrack->m_bAutoDestruct = true; delete pTrack; } Opposite->Tracks.RemoveAll(); Opposite->CurTrack = NULL; } // create a new track CurTrack = new CHistoryTrack(this, pSelection); Tracks.AddToTail(CurTrack); CurTrack->SetName(pszName); // check # of undo levels .. if(Tracks.Count() > Options.general.iUndoLevels) { // remove some. int i, i2; i = i2 = Tracks.Count() - Options.general.iUndoLevels; int pos = 0; while(i--) { CHistoryTrack *pTrack = Tracks.Element(pos); pos++; if(pTrack == CurTrack) { i2 -= (i2 - i); break; // safeguard } delete pTrack; } // delete them from the list now while(i2--) { Tracks.Remove(0); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Keeps an object, so changes to it can be undone. // Input : pObject - Object to keep. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHistory::Keep(CMapClass *pObject) { if (CurTrack == NULL) { MarkUndoPosition(); } CurTrack->Keep(pObject, true); // // Keep this object's children. // EnumChildrenPos_t pos; CMapClass *pChild = pObject->GetFirstDescendent(pos); while (pChild != NULL) { CurTrack->Keep(pChild, true); pChild = pObject->GetNextDescendent(pos); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Keeps an object, so changes to it can be undone. // Input : pObject - Object to keep. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHistory::KeepNoChildren(CMapClass *pObject) { if (CurTrack == NULL) { MarkUndoPosition(); } CurTrack->Keep(pObject, false); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Keeps a list of objects, so changes to them can be undone. // Input : pList - List of objects to keep. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHistory::Keep(const CMapObjectList *pList) { FOR_EACH_OBJ( *pList, pos ) { CMapClass *pObject = pList->Element(pos); Keep(pObject); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *pObject - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHistory::KeepForDestruction(CMapClass *pObject) { if (CurTrack == NULL) { MarkUndoPosition(); } CurTrack->KeepForDestruction(pObject); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Keeps a new object, so it can be deleted on an undo. // Input : pObject - Object to keep. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHistory::KeepNew(CMapClass *pObject, bool bKeepChildren) { if (CurTrack == NULL) { MarkUndoPosition(); } // // Keep this object's children. // if (bKeepChildren) { EnumChildrenPos_t pos; CMapClass *pChild = pObject->GetFirstDescendent(pos); while (pChild != NULL) { CurTrack->KeepNew(pChild); pChild = pObject->GetNextDescendent(pos); } } CurTrack->KeepNew(pObject); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Keeps a list of new objects, so changes to them can be undone. // Input : pList - List of objects to keep. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHistory::KeepNew( const CMapObjectList *pList, bool bKeepChildren) { FOR_EACH_OBJ( *pList, pos ) { CMapClass *pObject = pList->Element(pos); KeepNew(pObject, bKeepChildren); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Sets the given history object as the one to use for all Undo operations. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHistory::SetHistory(class CHistory *pHistory) { pCurHistory = pHistory; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHistory::OnRemoveVisGroup(CVisGroup *pVisGroup) { if (CurTrack) { CurTrack->OnRemoveVisGroup(pVisGroup); } if (Opposite && Opposite->CurTrack) { Opposite->CurTrack->OnRemoveVisGroup(pVisGroup); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Constructor. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTrackEntry::CTrackEntry() { m_bAutoDestruct = true; m_nDataSize = 0; m_eType = ttNone; m_bUndone = false; m_bKeptChildren = false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Constructs a track entry from a list of parameters. // Input : t - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTrackEntry::CTrackEntry(TrackType_t eType, ...) { m_bAutoDestruct = false; m_eType = eType; m_bUndone = false; m_bKeptChildren = false; va_list vl; va_start(vl, eType); switch (m_eType) { // // Keep track of an object that was modified by the user. An Undo will cause this // object to revert to its original state. // case ttCopy: { m_Copy.pCurrent = va_arg(vl, CMapClass *); m_Copy.pKeptObject = m_Copy.pCurrent->Copy(false); m_nDataSize = sizeof(*this) + m_Copy.pKeptObject->GetSize(); break; } // // Keep track of an object that was created by the user. An Undo will cause this // object to be removed from the world. // case ttCreate: { m_Create.pCreated = va_arg(vl, CMapClass *); Assert(m_Create.pCreated != NULL); Assert(m_Create.pCreated->m_pParent != NULL); m_nDataSize = sizeof(*this); break; } // // Keep track of an object that was deleted by the user. An Undo will cause this // object to be added back into the world. // case ttDelete: { m_Delete.pDeleted = va_arg(vl, CMapClass *); m_Delete.pKeptParent = m_Delete.pDeleted->GetParent(); m_nDataSize = sizeof(*this); break; } } va_end(vl); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Destructor. Called when history events are removed from the Undo // history. The goal here is to clean up any copies of objects that // were kept in the history. // // Once a track entry object is destroyed, the user event that it // tracks can no longer be undone or redone. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTrackEntry::~CTrackEntry() { if (!m_bAutoDestruct || m_eType == ttNone) { return; } switch (m_eType) { // // We kept a copy of an object. Delete our copy of the object. // case ttCopy: { if (!m_bUndone) { delete m_Copy.pKeptObject; } break; } // // We kept track of an object's creation. Nothing to delete here. The object is in the world. // case ttCreate: { break; } // // We kept a pointer to an object that was deleted from the world. We need to delete the object, // because the object's deletion can no longer be undone. // case ttDelete: { // // If this entry was undone, the object has been added back into the world, so we // should not delete the object. // if (!m_bUndone) { delete m_Delete.pDeleted; } break; } default: { Assert( false ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTrackEntry::SetKeptChildren(bool bSet) { m_bKeptChildren = bSet; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Performs the undo by restoring the kept object to its original state. // Input : Opposite - Pointer to the opposite history track. If we are in the // undo history, it points to the redo history, and vice-versa. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTrackEntry::Undo(CHistory *Opposite) { switch (m_eType) { // // We are undoing a change to an object. Restore it to its original state. // case ttCopy: { if (m_bKeptChildren) { Opposite->Keep(m_Copy.pCurrent); } else { Opposite->KeepNoChildren(m_Copy.pCurrent); } // // Copying back into the world, so update object dependencies. // m_Copy.pCurrent->CopyFrom(m_Copy.pKeptObject, true); // // Delete the copy of the kept object. // delete m_Copy.pKeptObject; m_Copy.pKeptObject = NULL; break; } // // We are undoing the deletion of an object. Add it to the world. // case ttDelete: { // // First restore the deleted object's parent so that it is properly kept in the // opposite history track. The opposite history track sees this as a new object // being created. // m_Delete.pDeleted->m_pParent = m_Delete.pKeptParent; Opposite->KeepNew(m_Delete.pDeleted, false); // // Put the object back in the world. // Opposite->GetDocument()->AddObjectToWorld(m_Delete.pDeleted, m_Delete.pKeptParent); break; } // // We are undoing the creation of an object. Remove it from the world. // case ttCreate: { // // Create a symmetrical track event in the other history track. // Opposite->KeepForDestruction(m_Create.pCreated); // // Remove the object from the world, but not its children. If its children // were new to the world they were kept seperately. // Opposite->GetDocument()->RemoveObjectFromWorld(m_Create.pCreated, false); m_Create.pCreated = NULL; // dvs: why do we do this? break; } } m_bUndone = true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Notifies the object that it has been undone/redone. Called after all // undo entries have been handled so that objects are dealing with the // correct data set when they calculate bounds, etc. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTrackEntry::DispatchUndoNotify(void) { switch (m_eType) { // // We are undoing a change to an object. Restore it to its original state. // case ttCopy: { m_Copy.pCurrent->OnUndoRedo(); m_Copy.pCurrent->NotifyDependents(Notify_Changed); break; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: The given visgroup is being deleted. Remove pointers to it from // the object in this track entry. // Input : pVisGroup - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTrackEntry::OnRemoveVisGroup(CVisGroup *pVisGroup) { switch (m_eType) { case ttCopy: { m_Copy.pKeptObject->RemoveVisGroup(pVisGroup); break; } case ttCreate: { break; } case ttDelete: { m_Delete.pDeleted->RemoveVisGroup(pVisGroup); break; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *pParent - // *pSelected - // Output : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHistoryTrack::CHistoryTrack(CHistory *pParent, const CMapObjectList *pSelected) { Parent = pParent; Data.EnsureCapacity(16); uDataSize = 0; static int dwTrackerID = 1; // objects start at 0, so we don't want to dwID = dwTrackerID ++; // add to local list of selected objects at time of creation if (pSelected) { Selected.AddVectorToTail(*pSelected); } m_bAutoDestruct = true; szName[0] = 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Destructor. Called when this track's document is being deleted. // Marks all entries in this track for autodestruction, so that when // their destructor gets called, they free any object pointers that they // hold. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHistoryTrack::~CHistoryTrack() { for (int i = 0; i < Data.Count(); i++) { Data[i].m_bAutoDestruct = m_bAutoDestruct; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *pObject - // iFlag - // Output : Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CHistoryTrack::CheckObjectFlag(CMapClass *pObject, int iFlag) { // check for saved copy already.. if(pObject->Kept.ID != dwID) { // no id.. make sure types is flag only pObject->Kept.ID = dwID; pObject->Kept.Types = iFlag; } else if(!(pObject->Kept.Types & iFlag)) { // if we've already stored that this is a new object in this // track, there is no point in storing a copy since UNDOing // this track will delete the object. if(iFlag == CTrackEntry::ttCopy && (pObject->Kept.Types & CTrackEntry::ttCreate)) { return TRUE; } // id, but no copy flag.. make sure types has flag set pObject->Kept.Types |= iFlag; } else { // both here.. we have a copy return TRUE; } return FALSE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHistoryTrack::OnRemoveVisGroup(CVisGroup *pVisGroup) { for (int i = 0; i < Data.Count(); i++) { Data[i].OnRemoveVisGroup(pVisGroup); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *pObject - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHistoryTrack::Keep(CMapClass *pObject, bool bKeepChildren) { if(Parent->IsPaused() || pObject->IsTemporary()) return; // make a copy of this object so we can undo changes to it if(CheckObjectFlag(pObject, CTrackEntry::ttCopy)) return; Parent->Pause(); CTrackEntry te(CTrackEntry::ttCopy, pObject); te.SetKeptChildren(bKeepChildren); Data.AddToTail(te); te.m_bAutoDestruct = false; uDataSize += te.GetSize(); Parent->Resume(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *pObject - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHistoryTrack::KeepForDestruction(CMapClass *pObject) { if(Parent->IsPaused() || pObject->IsTemporary()) return; // check for saved destruction already.. if(CheckObjectFlag(pObject, CTrackEntry::ttDelete)) return; Parent->Pause(); CTrackEntry te(CTrackEntry::ttDelete, pObject); Data.AddToTail(te); te.m_bAutoDestruct = false; uDataSize += te.GetSize(); Parent->Resume(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *pObject - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHistoryTrack::KeepNew(CMapClass *pObject) { if(Parent->IsPaused() || pObject->IsTemporary()) return; // check for saved creation already.. VERIFY(!CheckObjectFlag(pObject, CTrackEntry::ttCreate)); Parent->Pause(); CTrackEntry te(CTrackEntry::ttCreate, pObject); Data.AddToTail(te); te.m_bAutoDestruct = false; uDataSize += te.GetSize(); Parent->Resume(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Undoes all the track entries in this track. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHistoryTrack::Undo() { for (int i = Data.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Data[i].Undo(Parent->Opposite); } // // Do notification separately so that objects are dealing with the // correct data set when they calculate bounds, etc. // for (int i = Data.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Data[i].DispatchUndoNotify(); } }