//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #if defined( WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 ) #include <windows.h> // SRC only!! #endif #include "OptionsSubMultiplayer.h" #include "MultiplayerAdvancedDialog.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <vgui_controls/Button.h> #include <vgui_controls/QueryBox.h> #include <vgui_controls/CheckButton.h> #include "tier1/KeyValues.h" #include <vgui_controls/Label.h> #include <vgui/ISystem.h> #include <vgui/ISurface.h> #include <vgui/Cursor.h> #include <vgui_controls/RadioButton.h> #include <vgui_controls/ComboBox.h> #include <vgui_controls/ImagePanel.h> #include <vgui_controls/FileOpenDialog.h> #include <vgui_controls/MessageBox.h> #include <vgui/IVGui.h> #include <vgui/ILocalize.h> #include <vgui/IPanel.h> #include <vgui_controls/MessageBox.h> #include "CvarTextEntry.h" #include "CvarToggleCheckButton.h" #include "cvarslider.h" #include "LabeledCommandComboBox.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "EngineInterface.h" #include "BitmapImagePanel.h" #include "tier1/utlbuffer.h" #include "ModInfo.h" #include "tier1/convar.h" #include "tier0/icommandline.h" #include "materialsystem/imaterial.h" #include "materialsystem/imesh.h" #include "materialsystem/imaterialvar.h" // use the JPEGLIB_USE_STDIO define so that we can read in jpeg's from outside the game directory tree. For Spray Import. #define JPEGLIB_USE_STDIO #include "jpeglib/jpeglib.h" #undef JPEGLIB_USE_STDIO #include <setjmp.h> #include "bitmap/tgawriter.h" #include "ivtex.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include <io.h> #endif #if defined( _X360 ) #include "xbox/xbox_win32stubs.h" #endif // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include <tier0/memdbgon.h> using namespace vgui; #define DEFAULT_SUIT_HUE 30 #define DEFAULT_PLATE_HUE 6 void UpdateLogoWAD( void *hdib, int r, int g, int b ); struct ColorItem_t { const char *name; int r, g, b; }; static ColorItem_t itemlist[]= { { "#Valve_Orange", 255, 120, 24 }, { "#Valve_Yellow", 225, 180, 24 }, { "#Valve_Blue", 0, 60, 255 }, { "#Valve_Ltblue", 0, 167, 255 }, { "#Valve_Green", 0, 167, 0 }, { "#Valve_Red", 255, 43, 0 }, { "#Valve_Brown", 123, 73, 0 }, { "#Valve_Ltgray", 100, 100, 100 }, { "#Valve_Dkgray", 36, 36, 36 }, }; static ColorItem_t s_crosshairColors[] = { { "#Valve_Green", 50, 250, 50 }, { "#Valve_Red", 250, 50, 50 }, { "#Valve_Blue", 50, 50, 250 }, { "#Valve_Yellow", 250, 250, 50 }, { "#Valve_Ltblue", 50, 250, 250 }, }; static const int NumCrosshairColors = ARRAYSIZE(s_crosshairColors); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CrosshairImagePanelSimple : public CrosshairImagePanelBase { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CrosshairImagePanelSimple, CrosshairImagePanelBase ); public: CrosshairImagePanelSimple( Panel *parent, const char *name, COptionsSubMultiplayer* pOptionsPanel ); virtual void Paint(); virtual void ResetData(); virtual void ApplyChanges(); static void DrawCrosshairRect( int x, int y, int w, int h, bool bAdditive ); protected: MESSAGE_FUNC_PTR( OnTextChanged, "TextChanged", panel ); void InitCrosshairColorEntries(); void InitCrosshairSizeList(); void UpdateCrosshair(); private: COptionsSubMultiplayer* m_pOptionsPanel; vgui::ComboBox *m_pCrosshairColorCombo; CLabeledCommandComboBox *m_pCrosshairSizeCombo; CCvarToggleCheckButton *m_pCrosshairTranslucencyCheckbox; int m_R, m_G, m_B; int m_barSize; int m_barGap; int m_iCrosshairTextureID; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CrosshairImagePanelSimple::CrosshairImagePanelSimple( Panel *parent, const char *name, COptionsSubMultiplayer* pOptionsPanel ) : CrosshairImagePanelBase( parent, name ) { m_pOptionsPanel = pOptionsPanel; m_pCrosshairTranslucencyCheckbox = new CCvarToggleCheckButton(m_pOptionsPanel, "CrosshairTranslucencyCheckbox", "#GameUI_Translucent", "cl_crosshairusealpha"); m_pCrosshairColorCombo = new ComboBox(m_pOptionsPanel, "CrosshairColorComboBox", 6, false); m_pCrosshairSizeCombo = new CLabeledCommandComboBox(m_pOptionsPanel, "CrosshairSizeComboBox"); m_pCrosshairColorCombo->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_pCrosshairSizeCombo->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_iCrosshairTextureID = vgui::surface()->CreateNewTextureID(); vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextureFile( m_iCrosshairTextureID, "vgui/white_additive" , true, false); InitCrosshairSizeList(); InitCrosshairColorEntries(); ResetData(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: initialize the crosshair size list. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CrosshairImagePanelSimple::InitCrosshairSizeList() { // add in the auto, small, medium, and large size selections. m_pCrosshairSizeCombo->AddItem("#GameUI_Auto", "cl_crosshairscale 0"); m_pCrosshairSizeCombo->AddItem("#GameUI_Small", "cl_crosshairscale 1200"); m_pCrosshairSizeCombo->AddItem("#GameUI_Medium", "cl_crosshairscale 768"); m_pCrosshairSizeCombo->AddItem("#GameUI_Large", "cl_crosshairscale 600"); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CrosshairImagePanelSimple::InitCrosshairColorEntries() { if (m_pCrosshairColorCombo != NULL) { KeyValues *data = new KeyValues("data"); // add in the "Default" selection data->Clear(); // add in the colors for the color list for ( int i = 0; i < NumCrosshairColors; i++ ) { data->SetInt("color", i); m_pCrosshairColorCombo->AddItem( s_crosshairColors[ i ].name, data); } data->deleteThis(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CrosshairImagePanelSimple::DrawCrosshairRect( int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, bool bAdditive ) { if ( bAdditive ) vgui::surface()->DrawTexturedRect( x0, y0, x1, y1 ); else vgui::surface()->DrawFilledRect( x0, y0, x1, y1 ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CrosshairImagePanelSimple::Paint() { int screenWide, screenTall; surface()->GetScreenSize( screenWide, screenTall );; BaseClass::Paint(); if ( !m_pCrosshairTranslucencyCheckbox ) return; int wide, tall; GetSize( wide, tall ); bool bAdditive = !m_pCrosshairTranslucencyCheckbox->IsSelected(); int a = 200; ConVarRef cl_crosshairalpha( "cl_crosshairalpha", true ); if ( !bAdditive && cl_crosshairalpha.IsValid() ) { a = clamp( cl_crosshairalpha.GetInt(), 0, 255 ); } vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor( m_R, m_G, m_B, a ); if ( bAdditive ) { vgui::surface()->DrawSetTexture( m_iCrosshairTextureID ); } int centerX = wide / 2; int centerY = tall / 2; int iCrosshairDistance = m_barGap; int iBarThickness = 1; int iBarSize = m_barSize; // draw horizontal crosshair lines int iInnerLeft = centerX - iCrosshairDistance - iBarThickness / 2; int iInnerRight = iInnerLeft + 2 * iCrosshairDistance + iBarThickness; int iOuterLeft = iInnerLeft - iBarSize; int iOuterRight = iInnerRight + iBarSize; int y0 = centerY - iBarThickness / 2; int y1 = y0 + iBarThickness; DrawCrosshairRect( iOuterLeft, y0, iInnerLeft, y1, bAdditive ); DrawCrosshairRect( iInnerRight, y0, iOuterRight, y1, bAdditive ); // draw vertical crosshair lines int iInnerTop = centerY - iCrosshairDistance - iBarThickness / 2; int iInnerBottom = iInnerTop + 2 * iCrosshairDistance + iBarThickness; int iOuterTop = iInnerTop - iBarSize; int iOuterBottom = iInnerBottom + iBarSize; int x0 = centerX - iBarThickness / 2; int x1 = x0 + iBarThickness; DrawCrosshairRect( x0, iOuterTop, x1, iInnerTop, bAdditive ); DrawCrosshairRect( x0, iInnerBottom, x1, iOuterBottom, bAdditive ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: takes the settings from the crosshair settings combo boxes and sliders // and apply it to the crosshair illustrations. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CrosshairImagePanelSimple::UpdateCrosshair() { // get the color selected in the combo box. KeyValues *data = m_pCrosshairColorCombo->GetActiveItemUserData(); int colorIndex = data->GetInt("color"); colorIndex = clamp( colorIndex, 0, NumCrosshairColors ); int selectedColor = 0; int actualVal = 0; if (m_pCrosshairColorCombo != NULL) { selectedColor = m_pCrosshairColorCombo->GetActiveItem(); } ConVarRef cl_crosshaircolor( "cl_crosshaircolor", true ); if ( cl_crosshaircolor.IsValid() ) { actualVal = clamp( cl_crosshaircolor.GetInt(), 0, NumCrosshairColors ); } m_R = s_crosshairColors[selectedColor].r; m_G = s_crosshairColors[selectedColor].g; m_B = s_crosshairColors[selectedColor].b; if ( m_pCrosshairSizeCombo ) { int size = m_pCrosshairSizeCombo->GetActiveItem(); if ( size == 0 ) { int screenWide, screenTall; surface()->GetScreenSize( screenWide, screenTall ); if ( screenTall <= 600 ) { // if the screen height is 600 or less, set the crosshair num to 3 (large) size = 3; } else if ( screenTall <= 768 ) { // if the screen height is between 600 and 768, set the crosshair num to 2 (medium) size = 2; } else { // if the screen height is greater than 768, set the crosshair num to 1 (small) size = 1; } } int scaleBase; switch( size ) { case 1: scaleBase = 1200; break; case 2: scaleBase = 768; break; case 3: scaleBase = 600; break; default: scaleBase = 1200; break; } m_barSize = (int) 9 * 1200 / scaleBase; m_barGap = (int) 5 * 1200 / scaleBase; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Called whenever color combo changes //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CrosshairImagePanelSimple::OnTextChanged(vgui::Panel *panel) { m_pOptionsPanel->OnControlModified(); UpdateCrosshair(); } void CrosshairImagePanelSimple::ResetData() { m_pCrosshairTranslucencyCheckbox->Reset(); // parse out the size value from the cvar and set the initial value. int initialScale = 0; ConVarRef cl_crosshairscale( "cl_crosshairscale", true ); if ( cl_crosshairscale.IsValid() ) { initialScale = cl_crosshairscale.GetInt(); if ( initialScale <= 0 ) { initialScale = 0; } else if ( initialScale <= 600 ) { initialScale = 3; } else if ( initialScale <= 768 ) { initialScale = 2; } else { initialScale = 1; } } m_pCrosshairSizeCombo->SetInitialItem( initialScale ); // parse the string for the custom color settings and get the initial settings. ConVarRef cl_crosshaircolor( "cl_crosshaircolor", true ); int index = 0; if ( cl_crosshaircolor.IsValid() ) { index = clamp( cl_crosshaircolor.GetInt(), 0, NumCrosshairColors ); } m_pCrosshairColorCombo->ActivateItemByRow(index); UpdateCrosshair(); } void CrosshairImagePanelSimple::ApplyChanges() { m_pCrosshairTranslucencyCheckbox->ApplyChanges(); char cmd[256]; cmd[0] = 0; if (m_pCrosshairColorCombo != NULL) { int val = m_pCrosshairColorCombo->GetActiveItem(); Q_snprintf( cmd, sizeof(cmd), "cl_crosshaircolor %d\n", val ); engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( cmd ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CrosshairImagePanelCS : public CrosshairImagePanelBase { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CrosshairImagePanelCS, CrosshairImagePanelBase ); public: CrosshairImagePanelCS( Panel *parent, const char *name, COptionsSubMultiplayer* pOptionsPanel ); virtual void ResetData(); virtual void ApplyChanges(); protected: MESSAGE_FUNC_PARAMS( OnSliderMoved, "SliderMoved", data ); MESSAGE_FUNC_PTR( OnTextChanged, "TextChanged", panel ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnCheckButtonChecked, "CheckButtonChecked" ); virtual void Paint(); static void DrawCrosshairRect( int x, int y, int w, int h, bool bAdditive ); void InitCrosshairColorEntries(); void UpdateCrosshair(); private: COptionsSubMultiplayer* m_pOptionsPanel; vgui::ComboBox *m_pColorComboBox; CCvarToggleCheckButton *m_pAlphaCheckbox; CCvarToggleCheckButton *m_pDynamicCheckbox; CCvarToggleCheckButton *m_pDotCheckbox; CCvarSlider *m_pColorAlphaSlider; CCvarSlider *m_pColorRSlider; CCvarSlider *m_pColorGSlider; CCvarSlider *m_pColorBSlider; CCvarSlider *m_pSizeSlider; CCvarSlider *m_pThicknessSlider; int m_R, m_G, m_B; float m_barSize; float m_barThickness; int m_iCrosshairTextureID; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CrosshairImagePanelCS::CrosshairImagePanelCS( Panel *parent, const char *name, COptionsSubMultiplayer* pOptionsPanel ) : CrosshairImagePanelBase( parent, name ) { m_pOptionsPanel = pOptionsPanel; m_pColorComboBox = new ComboBox(m_pOptionsPanel, "CrosshairColorComboBox", 6, false); m_pAlphaCheckbox = new CCvarToggleCheckButton(m_pOptionsPanel, "CrosshairTranslucencyCheckbox", "#GameUI_Crosshair_Blend", "cl_crosshairusealpha"); m_pDynamicCheckbox = new CCvarToggleCheckButton(m_pOptionsPanel, "CrosshairDynamicCheckbox", "#GameUI_CrosshairDynamic", "cl_dynamiccrosshair"); m_pDotCheckbox = new CCvarToggleCheckButton(m_pOptionsPanel, "CrosshairDotCheckbox", "#GameUI_CrosshairDot", "cl_crosshairdot"); m_pColorAlphaSlider = new CCvarSlider( m_pOptionsPanel, "Alpha Slider", "#GameUI_CrosshairColor_Alpha", 0.0f, 255.0f, "cl_crosshairalpha" ); m_pColorRSlider = new CCvarSlider( m_pOptionsPanel, "Red Color Slider", "#GameUI_CrosshairColor_Red", 0.0f, 255.0f, "cl_crosshaircolor_r" ); m_pColorGSlider = new CCvarSlider( m_pOptionsPanel, "Green Color Slider", "#GameUI_CrosshairColor_Green", 0.0f, 255.0f, "cl_crosshaircolor_g" ); m_pColorBSlider = new CCvarSlider( m_pOptionsPanel, "Blue Color Slider", "#GameUI_CrosshairColor_Blue", 0.0f, 255.0f, "cl_crosshaircolor_b" ); m_pSizeSlider = new CCvarSlider( m_pOptionsPanel, "Size Slider", "#GameUI_Crosshair_Size", 0.0f, 12.0f, "cl_crosshairsize" ); m_pThicknessSlider = new CCvarSlider( m_pOptionsPanel, "Thickness Slider", "#GameUI_Crosshair_Thickness", 0.0f, 3.0f, "cl_crosshairthickness" ); m_pColorAlphaSlider->SetTickCaptions("", ""); m_pColorRSlider->SetTickCaptions("", ""); m_pColorGSlider->SetTickCaptions("", ""); m_pColorBSlider->SetTickCaptions("", ""); m_pSizeSlider->SetTickCaptions("", ""); m_pThicknessSlider->SetTickCaptions("", ""); m_pAlphaCheckbox->AddActionSignalTarget(this); m_pDynamicCheckbox->AddActionSignalTarget(this); m_pDotCheckbox->AddActionSignalTarget(this); m_pColorComboBox->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_pColorAlphaSlider->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_pColorRSlider->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_pColorGSlider->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_pColorBSlider->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_pSizeSlider->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_pThicknessSlider->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); InitCrosshairColorEntries(); m_iCrosshairTextureID = vgui::surface()->CreateNewTextureID(); vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextureFile( m_iCrosshairTextureID, "vgui/white_additive" , true, false); ResetData(); } void CrosshairImagePanelCS::InitCrosshairColorEntries() { if (m_pColorComboBox != NULL) { KeyValues *data = new KeyValues("data"); // add in the "Default" selection data->Clear(); // add in the colors for the color list for ( int i = 0; i < NumCrosshairColors; i++ ) { data->SetInt("color", i); m_pColorComboBox->AddItem( s_crosshairColors[ i ].name, data); } data->SetInt("color", NumCrosshairColors); m_pColorComboBox->AddItem( "Custom", data); data->deleteThis(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CrosshairImagePanelCS::DrawCrosshairRect( int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, bool bAdditive ) { if ( bAdditive ) vgui::surface()->DrawTexturedRect( x0, y0, x1, y1 ); else vgui::surface()->DrawFilledRect( x0, y0, x1, y1 ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CrosshairImagePanelCS::Paint() { int screenWide, screenTall; surface()->GetScreenSize( screenWide, screenTall );; BaseClass::Paint(); int wide, tall; GetSize( wide, tall ); bool bAdditive = !m_pAlphaCheckbox->IsSelected(); bool bDynamic = m_pDynamicCheckbox->IsSelected(); int a = 255; if ( !bAdditive ) a = m_pColorAlphaSlider->GetSliderValue(); vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor( m_R, m_G, m_B, a ); if ( bAdditive ) { vgui::surface()->DrawSetTexture( m_iCrosshairTextureID ); } int centerX = wide / 2; int centerY = tall / 2; int iBarSize = RoundFloatToInt(m_barSize * screenTall / 480.0f); int iBarThickness = max(1, RoundFloatToInt(m_barThickness * (float)screenTall / 480.0f)); float fBarGap = 4.0f; if ( bDynamic ) { float curtime = system()->GetFrameTime(); fBarGap *= (1.0f + cosf(curtime * 1.5f) * 0.5f); } int iBarGap = RoundFloatToInt(fBarGap * screenTall / 480.0f); // draw horizontal crosshair lines int iInnerLeft = centerX - iBarGap - iBarThickness / 2; int iInnerRight = iInnerLeft + 2 * iBarGap + iBarThickness; int iOuterLeft = iInnerLeft - iBarSize; int iOuterRight = iInnerRight + iBarSize; int y0 = centerY - iBarThickness / 2; int y1 = y0 + iBarThickness; DrawCrosshairRect( iOuterLeft, y0, iInnerLeft, y1, bAdditive ); DrawCrosshairRect( iInnerRight, y0, iOuterRight, y1, bAdditive ); // draw vertical crosshair lines int iInnerTop = centerY - iBarGap - iBarThickness / 2; int iInnerBottom = iInnerTop + 2 * iBarGap + iBarThickness; int iOuterTop = iInnerTop - iBarSize; int iOuterBottom = iInnerBottom + iBarSize; int x0 = centerX - iBarThickness / 2; int x1 = x0 + iBarThickness; DrawCrosshairRect( x0, iOuterTop, x1, iInnerTop, bAdditive ); DrawCrosshairRect( x0, iInnerBottom, x1, iOuterBottom, bAdditive ); // draw dot if ( m_pDotCheckbox->IsSelected() ) { x0 = centerX - iBarThickness / 2; x1 = x0 + iBarThickness; y0 = centerY - iBarThickness / 2; y1 = y0 + iBarThickness; DrawCrosshairRect( x0, y0, x1, y1, bAdditive ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: takes the settings from the crosshair settings combo boxes and sliders // and apply it to the crosshair illustrations. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CrosshairImagePanelCS::UpdateCrosshair() { // get the color selected in the combo box. KeyValues *data = m_pColorComboBox->GetActiveItemUserData(); int colorIndex = data->GetInt("color"); colorIndex = clamp( colorIndex, 0, NumCrosshairColors + 1 ); int actualVal = 0; int selectedColor = m_pColorComboBox->GetActiveItem(); ConVarRef cl_crosshaircolor( "cl_crosshaircolor", true ); if ( cl_crosshaircolor.IsValid() ) { actualVal = clamp( cl_crosshaircolor.GetInt(), 0, NumCrosshairColors + 1 ); } if ( selectedColor != NumCrosshairColors ) // not custom { m_R = s_crosshairColors[selectedColor].r; m_G = s_crosshairColors[selectedColor].g; m_B = s_crosshairColors[selectedColor].b; m_pColorRSlider->SetSliderValue(m_R); m_pColorGSlider->SetSliderValue(m_G); m_pColorBSlider->SetSliderValue(m_B); } else { m_R = clamp( m_pColorRSlider->GetSliderValue(), 0, 255 ); m_G = clamp( m_pColorGSlider->GetSliderValue(), 0, 255 ); m_B = clamp( m_pColorBSlider->GetSliderValue(), 0, 255 ); } m_barSize = m_pSizeSlider->GetSliderValue(); m_barThickness = m_pThicknessSlider->GetSliderValue(); } void CrosshairImagePanelCS::OnSliderMoved(KeyValues *data) { vgui::Panel* pPanel = static_cast<vgui::Panel*>(data->GetPtr("panel")); if ( pPanel == m_pColorRSlider || pPanel == m_pColorGSlider || pPanel == m_pColorBSlider ) { m_pColorComboBox->ActivateItem(NumCrosshairColors); } m_pOptionsPanel->OnControlModified(); UpdateCrosshair(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Called whenever color combo changes //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CrosshairImagePanelCS::OnTextChanged(vgui::Panel *panel) { m_pOptionsPanel->OnControlModified(); UpdateCrosshair(); } void CrosshairImagePanelCS::OnCheckButtonChecked() { m_pColorAlphaSlider->SetEnabled(m_pAlphaCheckbox->IsSelected()); m_pOptionsPanel->OnControlModified(); UpdateCrosshair(); } void CrosshairImagePanelCS::ResetData() { // parse the string for the custom color settings and get the initial settings. ConVarRef cl_crosshaircolor( "cl_crosshaircolor", true ); int index = 0; if ( cl_crosshaircolor.IsValid() ) { index = clamp( cl_crosshaircolor.GetInt(), 0, NumCrosshairColors + 1); } m_pColorComboBox->ActivateItemByRow(index); m_pAlphaCheckbox->Reset(); m_pDynamicCheckbox->Reset(); m_pDotCheckbox->Reset(); m_pColorRSlider->Reset(); m_pColorGSlider->Reset(); m_pColorBSlider->Reset(); m_pColorAlphaSlider->Reset(); m_pSizeSlider->Reset(); m_pThicknessSlider->Reset(); UpdateCrosshair(); } void CrosshairImagePanelCS::ApplyChanges() { m_pAlphaCheckbox->ApplyChanges(); m_pDynamicCheckbox->ApplyChanges(); m_pDotCheckbox->ApplyChanges(); m_pColorRSlider->ApplyChanges(); m_pColorGSlider->ApplyChanges(); m_pColorBSlider->ApplyChanges(); m_pColorAlphaSlider->ApplyChanges(); m_pSizeSlider->ApplyChanges(); m_pThicknessSlider->ApplyChanges(); char cmd[256]; cmd[0] = 0; if (m_pColorComboBox != NULL) { int val = m_pColorComboBox->GetActiveItem(); Q_snprintf( cmd, sizeof(cmd), "cl_crosshaircolor %d\n", val ); engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( cmd ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CrosshairImagePanelAdvanced : public CrosshairImagePanelBase { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CrosshairImagePanelAdvanced, CrosshairImagePanelBase ); public: CrosshairImagePanelAdvanced( Panel *parent, const char *name, COptionsSubMultiplayer* pOptionsPanel ); virtual ~CrosshairImagePanelAdvanced(); virtual void ResetData(); virtual void ApplyChanges(); virtual void UpdateVisibility(); protected: MESSAGE_FUNC_PTR( OnTextChanged, "TextChanged", panel ); MESSAGE_FUNC_PARAMS( OnSliderMoved, "SliderMoved", data ); virtual void Paint(); static void DrawCrosshairRect( int x, int y, int w, int h, bool bAdditive ); void InitAdvCrosshairStyleList(); void SetCrosshairTexture( const char *crosshairname ); void UpdateCrosshair(); private: COptionsSubMultiplayer* m_pOptionsPanel; // --- advanced crosshair controls CCvarSlider *m_pAdvCrosshairRedSlider; CCvarSlider *m_pAdvCrosshairBlueSlider; CCvarSlider *m_pAdvCrosshairGreenSlider; CCvarSlider *m_pAdvCrosshairScaleSlider; CLabeledCommandComboBox *m_pAdvCrosshairStyle; int m_R, m_G, m_B; float m_flScale; // material int m_iCrosshairTextureID; IVguiMatInfo *m_pAdvCrosshairMaterial; // animation IVguiMatInfoVar *m_pFrameVar; float m_flNextFrameChange; int m_nNumFrames; bool m_bAscending; // animating forward or in reverse? }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CrosshairImagePanelAdvanced::CrosshairImagePanelAdvanced( Panel *parent, const char *name, COptionsSubMultiplayer* pOptionsPanel ) : CrosshairImagePanelBase( parent, name ) { m_pOptionsPanel = pOptionsPanel; m_pAdvCrosshairMaterial = NULL; m_pFrameVar = NULL; m_pAdvCrosshairRedSlider = new CCvarSlider( pOptionsPanel, "Red Color Slider", "#GameUI_CrosshairColor_Red", 0.0f, 255.0f, "cl_crosshair_red" ); m_pAdvCrosshairGreenSlider = new CCvarSlider( pOptionsPanel, "Green Color Slider", "#GameUI_CrosshairColor_Green", 0.0f, 255.0f, "cl_crosshair_green" ); m_pAdvCrosshairBlueSlider = new CCvarSlider( pOptionsPanel, "Blue Color Slider", "#GameUI_CrosshairColor_Blue", 0.0f, 255.0f, "cl_crosshair_blue" ); m_pAdvCrosshairRedSlider->SetTickCaptions("", ""); m_pAdvCrosshairGreenSlider->SetTickCaptions("", ""); m_pAdvCrosshairBlueSlider->SetTickCaptions("", ""); m_pAdvCrosshairScaleSlider = new CCvarSlider( pOptionsPanel, "Scale Slider", "#GameUI_CrosshairScale", 16.0f, 48.0f, "cl_crosshair_scale" ); m_pAdvCrosshairStyle = new CLabeledCommandComboBox( pOptionsPanel, "AdvCrosshairList" ); m_pAdvCrosshairRedSlider->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_pAdvCrosshairGreenSlider->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_pAdvCrosshairBlueSlider->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_pAdvCrosshairScaleSlider->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_pAdvCrosshairStyle->AddActionSignalTarget(this); InitAdvCrosshairStyleList(); m_iCrosshairTextureID = vgui::surface()->CreateNewTextureID(); SetCrosshairTexture("vgui/crosshairs/crosshair1"); UpdateCrosshair(); } CrosshairImagePanelAdvanced::~CrosshairImagePanelAdvanced() { if ( m_pFrameVar ) { delete m_pFrameVar; m_pFrameVar = NULL; } if ( m_pAdvCrosshairMaterial ) { delete m_pAdvCrosshairMaterial; m_pAdvCrosshairMaterial = NULL; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CrosshairImagePanelAdvanced::SetCrosshairTexture( const char *crosshairname ) { if ( !crosshairname || !crosshairname[0] ) { SetVisible( false ); return; } SetVisible( true ); vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextureFile( m_iCrosshairTextureID, crosshairname, true, false ); if ( m_pAdvCrosshairMaterial ) { delete m_pAdvCrosshairMaterial; } m_pAdvCrosshairMaterial = vgui::surface()->DrawGetTextureMatInfoFactory( m_iCrosshairTextureID ); Assert(m_pAdvCrosshairMaterial); m_pFrameVar = m_pAdvCrosshairMaterial->FindVarFactory( "$frame", NULL ); m_nNumFrames = m_pAdvCrosshairMaterial->GetNumAnimationFrames(); m_flNextFrameChange = system()->GetFrameTime() + 0.2; m_bAscending = true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CrosshairImagePanelAdvanced::Paint() { BaseClass::Paint(); int wide, tall; GetSize( wide, tall ); int iClipX0, iClipY0, iClipX1, iClipY1; ipanel()->GetClipRect(GetVPanel(), iClipX0, iClipY0, iClipX1, iClipY1 ); // scroll through all frames if ( m_pFrameVar ) { float curtime = system()->GetFrameTime(); if ( curtime >= m_flNextFrameChange ) { m_flNextFrameChange = curtime + 0.2; int frame = m_pFrameVar->GetIntValue(); if ( m_bAscending ) { frame++; if ( frame >= m_nNumFrames ) { m_bAscending = !m_bAscending; frame--; } } else { frame--; if ( frame < 0 ) { m_bAscending = !m_bAscending; frame++; } } m_pFrameVar->SetIntValue(frame); } } float x, y; // assume square float flDrawWidth = ( m_flScale/48.0 ) * (float)wide; int flHalfWidth = (int)( flDrawWidth / 2 ); x = wide/2 - flHalfWidth; y = tall/2 - flHalfWidth; vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor( m_R, m_G, m_B, 255 ); vgui::surface()->DrawSetTexture( m_iCrosshairTextureID ); vgui::surface()->DrawTexturedRect( x, y, x+flDrawWidth, y+flDrawWidth ); vgui::surface()->DrawSetTexture(0); } void CrosshairImagePanelAdvanced::UpdateCrosshair() { // get the color selected in the combo box. m_R = clamp( m_pAdvCrosshairRedSlider->GetSliderValue(), 0, 255 ); m_G = clamp( m_pAdvCrosshairGreenSlider->GetSliderValue(), 0, 255 ); m_B = clamp( m_pAdvCrosshairBlueSlider->GetSliderValue(), 0, 255 ); m_flScale = m_pAdvCrosshairScaleSlider->GetSliderValue(); if ( m_pAdvCrosshairStyle ) { char crosshairname[256]; m_pAdvCrosshairStyle->GetText( crosshairname, sizeof(crosshairname) ); if ( ModInfo().AdvCrosshairLevel() == 1 && m_pAdvCrosshairStyle->GetActiveItem() == 0 ) // this is the "none" selection { SetCrosshairTexture(NULL); } else { char texture[ 256 ]; Q_snprintf ( texture, sizeof( texture ), "vgui/crosshairs/%s", crosshairname ); SetCrosshairTexture( texture ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: initialize the crosshair style list //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CrosshairImagePanelAdvanced::InitAdvCrosshairStyleList() { // Find out images FileFindHandle_t fh; char directory[ 512 ]; ConVarRef cl_crosshair_file( "cl_crosshair_file", true ); if ( !cl_crosshair_file.IsValid() ) return; m_pAdvCrosshairStyle->DeleteAllItems(); if ( ModInfo().AdvCrosshairLevel() == 1 ) { m_pAdvCrosshairStyle->AddItem( "#GameUI_None", "" ); } char crosshairfile[256]; Q_snprintf( crosshairfile, sizeof(crosshairfile), "materials/vgui/crosshairs/%s.vtf", cl_crosshair_file.GetString() ); Q_snprintf( directory, sizeof( directory ), "materials/vgui/crosshairs/*.vtf" ); const char *fn = g_pFullFileSystem->FindFirst( directory, &fh ); int i = 0, initialItem = 0; while (fn) { char filename[ 512 ]; Q_snprintf( filename, sizeof(filename), "materials/vgui/crosshairs/%s", fn ); if ( strlen( filename ) >= 4 ) { filename[ strlen( filename ) - 4 ] = 0; Q_strncat( filename, ".vmt", sizeof( filename ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); if ( g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( filename ) ) { // strip off the extension Q_strncpy( filename, fn, sizeof( filename ) ); filename[ strlen( filename ) - 4 ] = 0; m_pAdvCrosshairStyle->AddItem( filename, "" ); // check to see if this is the one we have set if ( crosshairfile[0] ) { Q_snprintf( filename, sizeof(filename), "materials/vgui/crosshairs/%s", fn ); if (!stricmp(filename, crosshairfile)) { if ( ModInfo().AdvCrosshairLevel() == 1 ) { initialItem = i+1; } else { initialItem = i; } } } ++i; } } fn = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( fh ); } g_pFullFileSystem->FindClose( fh ); m_pAdvCrosshairStyle->SetInitialItem(initialItem); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Called whenever style combo changes //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CrosshairImagePanelAdvanced::OnTextChanged(vgui::Panel *panel) { m_pOptionsPanel->OnControlModified(); UpdateCrosshair(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Called whenever one of the color or scale sliders move //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CrosshairImagePanelAdvanced::OnSliderMoved(KeyValues *data) { m_pOptionsPanel->OnControlModified(); UpdateCrosshair(); } void CrosshairImagePanelAdvanced::ResetData() { m_pAdvCrosshairRedSlider->Reset(); m_pAdvCrosshairGreenSlider->Reset(); m_pAdvCrosshairBlueSlider->Reset(); m_pAdvCrosshairScaleSlider->Reset(); // TODO: update style combo from cvar } void CrosshairImagePanelAdvanced::ApplyChanges() { m_pAdvCrosshairRedSlider->ApplyChanges(); m_pAdvCrosshairGreenSlider->ApplyChanges(); m_pAdvCrosshairBlueSlider->ApplyChanges(); m_pAdvCrosshairScaleSlider->ApplyChanges(); // save the crosshair char cmd[512]; char crosshair[256]; m_pAdvCrosshairStyle->GetText(crosshair, sizeof(crosshair)); if ( ModInfo().AdvCrosshairLevel() == 1 && m_pAdvCrosshairStyle->GetActiveItem() == 0 ) // this is the "none" selection { engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted("cl_crosshair_file \"\""); } else { Q_snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "cl_crosshair_file %s\n", crosshair); engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted(cmd); } } void CrosshairImagePanelAdvanced::UpdateVisibility() { SetVisible(true); m_pAdvCrosshairRedSlider->SetVisible(true); m_pAdvCrosshairBlueSlider->SetVisible(true); m_pAdvCrosshairGreenSlider->SetVisible(true); m_pAdvCrosshairScaleSlider->SetVisible(true); m_pAdvCrosshairStyle->SetVisible(true); if ( ModInfo().NoCrosshair() ) { Panel *pTempPanel = NULL; pTempPanel = FindSiblingByName( "CrosshairImage" ); pTempPanel->SetVisible( false ); pTempPanel = FindSiblingByName( "CrosshairLabel" ); if ( pTempPanel ) pTempPanel->SetVisible( false ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Basic help dialog //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COptionsSubMultiplayer::COptionsSubMultiplayer(vgui::Panel *parent) : vgui::PropertyPage(parent, "OptionsSubMultiplayer") { Button *cancel = new Button( this, "Cancel", "#GameUI_Cancel" ); cancel->SetCommand( "Close" ); Button *ok = new Button( this, "OK", "#GameUI_OK" ); ok->SetCommand( "Ok" ); Button *apply = new Button( this, "Apply", "#GameUI_Apply" ); apply->SetCommand( "Apply" ); Button *advanced = new Button( this, "Advanced", "#GameUI_AdvancedEllipsis" ); advanced->SetCommand( "Advanced" ); Button *importSprayImage = new Button( this, "ImportSprayImage", "#GameUI_ImportSprayEllipsis" ); importSprayImage->SetCommand("ImportSprayImage"); m_hImportSprayDialog = NULL; m_pPrimaryColorSlider = new CCvarSlider( this, "Primary Color Slider", "#GameUI_PrimaryColor", 0.0f, 255.0f, "topcolor" ); m_pSecondaryColorSlider = new CCvarSlider( this, "Secondary Color Slider", "#GameUI_SecondaryColor", 0.0f, 255.0f, "bottomcolor" ); m_pHighQualityModelCheckBox = new CCvarToggleCheckButton( this, "High Quality Models", "#GameUI_HighModels", "cl_himodels" ); m_pModelList = new CLabeledCommandComboBox( this, "Player model" ); m_ModelName[0] = 0; InitModelList( m_pModelList ); m_pLogoList = new CLabeledCommandComboBox( this, "SpraypaintList" ); m_LogoName[0] = 0; InitLogoList( m_pLogoList ); m_pModelImage = new CBitmapImagePanel( this, "ModelImage", NULL ); m_pModelImage->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_pLogoImage = new ImagePanel( this, "LogoImage" ); m_pLogoImage->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_nLogoR = 255; m_nLogoG = 255; m_nLogoB = 255; m_pCrosshairImage = NULL; switch ( ModInfo().AdvCrosshairLevel() ) { case 0: if ( !ModInfo().NoCrosshair() ) m_pCrosshairImage = new CrosshairImagePanelSimple( this, "CrosshairImage", this ); break; case 1: // TF case 2: // DOD m_pCrosshairImage = new CrosshairImagePanelAdvanced( this, "AdvCrosshairImage", this ); break; case 3: // Counter-Strike m_pCrosshairImage = new CrosshairImagePanelCS( this, "CrosshairImage", this ); break; } m_pLockRadarRotationCheckbox = new CCvarToggleCheckButton( this, "LockRadarRotationCheckbox", "#Cstrike_RadarLocked", "cl_radar_locked" ); m_pDownloadFilterCombo = new ComboBox( this, "DownloadFilterCheck", 4, false ); m_pDownloadFilterCombo->AddItem( "#GameUI_DownloadFilter_ALL", NULL ); m_pDownloadFilterCombo->AddItem( "#GameUI_DownloadFilter_NoSounds", NULL ); m_pDownloadFilterCombo->AddItem( "#GameUI_DownloadFilter_MapsOnly", NULL ); m_pDownloadFilterCombo->AddItem( "#GameUI_DownloadFilter_None", NULL ); //========= LoadControlSettings("Resource/OptionsSubMultiplayer.res"); // this is necessary because some of the game .res files don't have visiblity flags set up correctly for their controls if ( m_pCrosshairImage ) m_pCrosshairImage->UpdateVisibility(); // turn off model selection stuff if the mod specifies "nomodels" in the gameinfo.txt file if ( ModInfo().NoModels() ) { Panel *pTempPanel = NULL; if ( m_pModelImage ) { m_pModelImage->SetVisible( false ); } if ( m_pModelList ) { m_pModelList->SetVisible( false ); } if ( m_pPrimaryColorSlider ) { m_pPrimaryColorSlider->SetVisible( false ); } if ( m_pSecondaryColorSlider ) { m_pSecondaryColorSlider->SetVisible( false ); } // #GameUI_PlayerModel (from "Resource/OptionsSubMultiplayer.res") pTempPanel = FindChildByName( "Label1" ); if ( pTempPanel ) { pTempPanel->SetVisible( false ); } // #GameUI_ColorSliders (from "Resource/OptionsSubMultiplayer.res") pTempPanel = FindChildByName( "Colors" ); if ( pTempPanel ) { pTempPanel->SetVisible( false ); } } // turn off the himodel stuff if the mod specifies "nohimodel" in the gameinfo.txt file if ( ModInfo().NoHiModel() ) { if ( m_pHighQualityModelCheckBox ) { m_pHighQualityModelCheckBox->SetVisible( false ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COptionsSubMultiplayer::~COptionsSubMultiplayer() { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COptionsSubMultiplayer::OnCommand( const char *command ) { if ( !stricmp( command, "Advanced" ) ) { #ifndef _XBOX if (!m_hMultiplayerAdvancedDialog.Get()) { m_hMultiplayerAdvancedDialog = new CMultiplayerAdvancedDialog( this ); } m_hMultiplayerAdvancedDialog->Activate(); #endif } else if (!stricmp( command, "ImportSprayImage" ) ) { if (m_hImportSprayDialog == NULL) { m_hImportSprayDialog = new FileOpenDialog(NULL, "#GameUI_ImportSprayImage", true); #ifdef WIN32 m_hImportSprayDialog->AddFilter("*.tga,*.jpg,*.bmp,*.vtf", "#GameUI_All_Images", true); #else m_hImportSprayDialog->AddFilter("*.tga,*.jpg,*.vtf", "#GameUI_All_ImagesNoBmp", true); #endif m_hImportSprayDialog->AddFilter("*.tga", "#GameUI_TGA_Images", false); m_hImportSprayDialog->AddFilter("*.jpg", "#GameUI_JPEG_Images", false); #ifdef WIN32 m_hImportSprayDialog->AddFilter("*.bmp", "#GameUI_BMP_Images", false); #endif m_hImportSprayDialog->AddFilter("*.vtf", "#GameUI_VTF_Images", false); m_hImportSprayDialog->AddActionSignalTarget(this); } m_hImportSprayDialog->DoModal(false); m_hImportSprayDialog->Activate(); } else if ( !stricmp( command, "ResetStats" ) ) { QueryBox *box = new QueryBox("#GameUI_ConfirmResetStatsTitle", "#GameUI_ConfirmResetStatsText", this); box->SetOKButtonText("#GameUI_Reset"); box->SetOKCommand(new KeyValues("Command", "command", "ResetStats_NoConfirm")); box->SetCancelCommand(new KeyValues("Command", "command", "ReleaseModalWindow")); box->AddActionSignalTarget(this); box->DoModal(); } else if ( !stricmp( command, "ResetStats_NoConfirm" ) ) { engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted("stats_reset"); } BaseClass::OnCommand( command ); } void COptionsSubMultiplayer::ConversionError( ConversionErrorType nError ) { const char *pErrorText = NULL; switch ( nError ) { case CE_MEMORY_ERROR: pErrorText = "#GameUI_Spray_Import_Error_Memory"; break; case CE_CANT_OPEN_SOURCE_FILE: pErrorText = "#GameUI_Spray_Import_Error_Reading_Image"; break; case CE_ERROR_PARSING_SOURCE: pErrorText = "#GameUI_Spray_Import_Error_Image_File_Corrupt"; break; case CE_SOURCE_FILE_SIZE_NOT_SUPPORTED: pErrorText = "#GameUI_Spray_Import_Image_Wrong_Size"; break; case CE_SOURCE_FILE_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED: pErrorText = "#GameUI_Spray_Import_Image_Wrong_Size"; break; case CE_SOURCE_FILE_TGA_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED: pErrorText = "#GameUI_Spray_Import_Error_TGA_Format_Not_Supported"; break; case CE_SOURCE_FILE_BMP_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED: pErrorText = "#GameUI_Spray_Import_Error_BMP_Format_Not_Supported"; break; case CE_ERROR_WRITING_OUTPUT_FILE: pErrorText = "#GameUI_Spray_Import_Error_Writing_Temp_Output"; break; case CE_ERROR_LOADING_DLL: pErrorText = "#GameUI_Spray_Import_Error_Cant_Load_VTEX_DLL"; break; } if ( pErrorText ) { // Create the dialog vgui::MessageBox *pErrorDlg = new vgui::MessageBox("#GameUI_Spray_Import_Error_Title", pErrorText ); Assert( pErrorDlg ); // Display if ( pErrorDlg ) // Check for a NULL just to be extra cautious... { pErrorDlg->DoModal(); } } } void COptionsSubMultiplayer::OnFileSelected(const char *fullpath) { #ifndef _XBOX // this can take a while, put up a waiting cursor surface()->SetCursor(dc_hourglass); ConversionErrorType nErrorCode = ImgUtl_ConvertToVTFAndDumpVMT( fullpath, IsPosix() ? "/vgui/logos" : "\\vgui\\logos", 256, 256 ); if ( nErrorCode == CE_SUCCESS ) { // refresh the logo list so the new spray shows up. InitLogoList(m_pLogoList); // Get the filename char szRootFilename[MAX_PATH]; V_FileBase( fullpath, szRootFilename, sizeof( szRootFilename ) ); // automatically select the logo that was just imported. SelectLogo(szRootFilename); } else { ConversionError( nErrorCode ); } // change the cursor back to normal surface()->SetCursor(dc_user); #endif } struct ValveJpegErrorHandler_t { // The default manager struct jpeg_error_mgr m_Base; // For handling any errors jmp_buf m_ErrorContext; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: We'll override the default error handler so we can deal with errors without having to exit the engine //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void ValveJpegErrorHandler( j_common_ptr cinfo ) { ValveJpegErrorHandler_t *pError = reinterpret_cast< ValveJpegErrorHandler_t * >( cinfo->err ); char buffer[ JMSG_LENGTH_MAX ]; /* Create the message */ ( *cinfo->err->format_message )( cinfo, buffer ); Warning( "%s\n", buffer ); // Bail longjmp( pError->m_ErrorContext, 1 ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Builds the list of logos //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COptionsSubMultiplayer::InitLogoList( CLabeledCommandComboBox *cb ) { // Find out images FileFindHandle_t fh; char directory[ 512 ]; ConVarRef cl_logofile( "cl_logofile", true ); if ( !cl_logofile.IsValid() ) return; cb->DeleteAllItems(); const char *logofile = cl_logofile.GetString(); Q_snprintf( directory, sizeof( directory ), "materials/vgui/logos/*.vtf" ); const char *fn = g_pFullFileSystem->FindFirst( directory, &fh ); int i = 0, initialItem = 0; while (fn) { char filename[ 512 ]; Q_snprintf( filename, sizeof(filename), "materials/vgui/logos/%s", fn ); if ( strlen( filename ) >= 4 ) { filename[ strlen( filename ) - 4 ] = 0; Q_strncat( filename, ".vmt", sizeof( filename ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); if ( g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( filename ) ) { // strip off the extension Q_strncpy( filename, fn, sizeof( filename ) ); filename[ strlen( filename ) - 4 ] = 0; cb->AddItem( filename, "" ); // check to see if this is the one we have set Q_snprintf( filename, sizeof(filename), "materials/vgui/logos/%s", fn ); if (!Q_stricmp(filename, logofile)) { initialItem = i; } ++i; } } fn = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( fh ); } g_pFullFileSystem->FindClose( fh ); cb->SetInitialItem(initialItem); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Selects the given logo in the logo list. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COptionsSubMultiplayer::SelectLogo(const char *logoName) { int numEntries = m_pLogoList->GetItemCount(); int index; wchar_t itemText[MAX_PATH]; wchar_t itemToSelectText[MAX_PATH]; // convert the logo filename to unicode g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode(logoName, itemToSelectText, sizeof(itemToSelectText)); // find the index of the spray we want. for (index = 0; index < numEntries; ++index) { m_pLogoList->GetItemText(index, itemText, sizeof(itemText)); if (!wcscmp(itemText, itemToSelectText)) { break; } } if (index < numEntries) { // select the logo. m_pLogoList->ActivateItem(index); } } #define MODEL_MATERIAL_BASE_FOLDER "materials/vgui/playermodels/" void StripStringOutOfString( const char *pPattern, const char *pIn, char *pOut ) { int iLengthBase = strlen( pPattern ); int iLengthString = strlen( pIn ); int k = 0; for ( int j = iLengthBase; j < iLengthString; j++ ) { pOut[k] = pIn[j]; k++; } pOut[k] = 0; } void FindVMTFilesInFolder( const char *pFolder, const char *pFolderName, CLabeledCommandComboBox *cb, int &iCount, int &iInitialItem ) { ConVarRef cl_modelfile( "cl_playermodel", true ); if ( !cl_modelfile.IsValid() ) return; char directory[ 512 ]; Q_snprintf( directory, sizeof( directory ), "%s/*.*", pFolder ); FileFindHandle_t fh; const char *fn = g_pFullFileSystem->FindFirst( directory, &fh ); const char *modelfile = cl_modelfile.GetString(); while ( fn ) { if ( !stricmp( fn, ".") || !stricmp( fn, "..") ) { fn = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( fh ); continue; } if ( g_pFullFileSystem->FindIsDirectory( fh ) ) { char folderpath[512]; Q_snprintf( folderpath, sizeof( folderpath ), "%s/%s", pFolder, fn ); FindVMTFilesInFolder( folderpath, fn, cb, iCount, iInitialItem ); fn = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( fh ); continue; } if ( !strstr( fn, ".vmt" ) ) { fn = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( fh ); continue; } char filename[ 512 ]; Q_snprintf( filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/%s", pFolder, fn ); if ( strlen( filename ) >= 4 ) { filename[ strlen( filename ) - 4 ] = 0; Q_strncat( filename, ".vmt", sizeof( filename ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); if ( g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( filename ) ) { char displayname[ 512 ]; char texturepath[ 512 ]; // strip off the extension Q_strncpy( displayname, fn, sizeof( displayname ) ); StripStringOutOfString( MODEL_MATERIAL_BASE_FOLDER, filename, texturepath ); displayname[ strlen( displayname ) - 4 ] = 0; if ( CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR == texturepath[0] ) cb->AddItem( displayname, texturepath + 1 ); // ignore the initial "/" in texture path else cb->AddItem( displayname, texturepath ); char realname[ 512 ]; Q_FileBase( modelfile, realname, sizeof( realname ) ); Q_FileBase( filename, filename, sizeof( filename ) ); if (!stricmp(filename, realname)) { iInitialItem = iCount; } ++iCount; } } fn = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( fh ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Builds model list //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COptionsSubMultiplayer::InitModelList( CLabeledCommandComboBox *cb ) { // Find out images int i = 0, initialItem = 0; cb->DeleteAllItems(); FindVMTFilesInFolder( MODEL_MATERIAL_BASE_FOLDER, "", cb, i, initialItem ); cb->SetInitialItem( initialItem ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COptionsSubMultiplayer::RemapLogo() { char logoname[256]; m_pLogoList->GetText( logoname, sizeof( logoname ) ); if( !logoname[ 0 ] ) return; char fullLogoName[512]; // make sure there is a version with the proper shader g_pFullFileSystem->CreateDirHierarchy( "materials/VGUI/logos/UI", "GAME" ); Q_snprintf( fullLogoName, sizeof( fullLogoName ), "materials/VGUI/logos/UI/%s.vmt", logoname ); if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( fullLogoName ) ) { FileHandle_t fp = g_pFullFileSystem->Open( fullLogoName, "wb" ); if ( !fp ) return; char data[1024]; Q_snprintf( data, sizeof( data ), "\"UnlitGeneric\"\n\ {\n\ // Original shader: BaseTimesVertexColorAlphaBlendNoOverbright\n\ \"$translucent\" 1\n\ \"$basetexture\" \"VGUI/logos/%s\"\n\ \"$vertexcolor\" 1\n\ \"$vertexalpha\" 1\n\ \"$no_fullbright\" 1\n\ \"$ignorez\" 1\n\ }\n\ ", logoname ); g_pFullFileSystem->Write( data, strlen( data ), fp ); g_pFullFileSystem->Close( fp ); } Q_snprintf( fullLogoName, sizeof( fullLogoName ), "logos/UI/%s", logoname ); m_pLogoImage->SetImage( fullLogoName ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COptionsSubMultiplayer::RemapModel() { const char *pModelName = m_pModelList->GetActiveItemCommand(); if( pModelName == NULL ) return; char texture[ 256 ]; Q_snprintf ( texture, sizeof( texture ), "vgui/playermodels/%s", pModelName ); texture[ strlen( texture ) - 4 ] = 0; m_pModelImage->setTexture( texture ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Called whenever model name changes //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COptionsSubMultiplayer::OnTextChanged(vgui::Panel *panel) { RemapModel(); RemapLogo(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COptionsSubMultiplayer::OnControlModified() { PostMessage(GetParent(), new KeyValues("ApplyButtonEnable")); InvalidateLayout(); } #define DIB_HEADER_MARKER ((WORD) ('M' << 8) | 'B') #define SUIT_HUE_START 192 #define SUIT_HUE_END 223 #define PLATE_HUE_START 160 #define PLATE_HUE_END 191 #ifdef POSIX typedef struct tagRGBQUAD { uint8 rgbBlue; uint8 rgbGreen; uint8 rgbRed; uint8 rgbReserved; } RGBQUAD; #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void PaletteHueReplace( RGBQUAD *palSrc, int newHue, int Start, int end ) { int i; float r, b, g; float maxcol, mincol; float hue, val, sat; hue = (float)(newHue * (360.0 / 255)); for (i = Start; i <= end; i++) { b = palSrc[ i ].rgbBlue; g = palSrc[ i ].rgbGreen; r = palSrc[ i ].rgbRed; maxcol = max( max( r, g ), b ) / 255.0f; mincol = min( min( r, g ), b ) / 255.0f; val = maxcol; sat = (maxcol - mincol) / maxcol; mincol = val * (1.0f - sat); if (hue <= 120) { b = mincol; if (hue < 60) { r = val; g = mincol + hue * (val - mincol)/(120 - hue); } else { g = val; r = mincol + (120 - hue)*(val-mincol)/hue; } } else if (hue <= 240) { r = mincol; if (hue < 180) { g = val; b = mincol + (hue - 120)*(val-mincol)/(240 - hue); } else { b = val; g = mincol + (240 - hue)*(val-mincol)/(hue - 120); } } else { g = mincol; if (hue < 300) { b = val; r = mincol + (hue - 240)*(val-mincol)/(360 - hue); } else { r = val; b = mincol + (360 - hue)*(val-mincol)/(hue - 240); } } palSrc[ i ].rgbBlue = (unsigned char)(b * 255); palSrc[ i ].rgbGreen = (unsigned char)(g * 255); palSrc[ i ].rgbRed = (unsigned char)(r * 255); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COptionsSubMultiplayer::ColorForName( char const *pszColorName, int&r, int&g, int&b ) { r = g = b = 0; int count = sizeof( itemlist ) / sizeof( itemlist[0] ); for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { if (!Q_strnicmp(pszColorName, itemlist[ i ].name, strlen(itemlist[ i ].name))) { r = itemlist[ i ].r; g = itemlist[ i ].g; b = itemlist[ i ].b; return; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COptionsSubMultiplayer::OnResetData() { // reset the DownloadFilter combo box if ( m_pDownloadFilterCombo ) { // cl_downloadfilter ConVarRef cl_downloadfilter( "cl_downloadfilter"); if ( Q_stricmp( cl_downloadfilter.GetString(), "none" ) == 0 ) { m_pDownloadFilterCombo->ActivateItem( 3 ); } else if ( Q_stricmp( cl_downloadfilter.GetString(), "nosounds" ) == 0 ) { m_pDownloadFilterCombo->ActivateItem( 1 ); } else if ( Q_stricmp( cl_downloadfilter.GetString(), "mapsonly" ) == 0 ) { m_pDownloadFilterCombo->ActivateItem( 2 ); } else { m_pDownloadFilterCombo->ActivateItem( 0 ); } } if ( m_pCrosshairImage ) m_pCrosshairImage->ResetData(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COptionsSubMultiplayer::OnApplyChanges() { m_pPrimaryColorSlider->ApplyChanges(); m_pSecondaryColorSlider->ApplyChanges(); // m_pModelList->ApplyChanges(); m_pLogoList->ApplyChanges(); m_pLogoList->GetText(m_LogoName, sizeof(m_LogoName)); m_pHighQualityModelCheckBox->ApplyChanges(); for ( int i=0; i<m_cvarToggleCheckButtons.GetCount(); ++i ) { CCvarToggleCheckButton *toggleButton = m_cvarToggleCheckButtons[i]; if( toggleButton->IsVisible() && toggleButton->IsEnabled() ) { toggleButton->ApplyChanges(); } } if ( m_pLockRadarRotationCheckbox != NULL ) { m_pLockRadarRotationCheckbox->ApplyChanges(); } if ( m_pCrosshairImage != NULL ) m_pCrosshairImage->ApplyChanges(); // save the logo name char cmd[512]; if ( m_LogoName[ 0 ] ) { Q_snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "cl_logofile materials/vgui/logos/%s.vtf\n", m_LogoName); } else { Q_strncpy( cmd, "cl_logofile \"\"\n", sizeof( cmd ) ); } engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted(cmd); if ( m_pModelList && m_pModelList->IsVisible() && m_pModelList->GetActiveItemCommand() ) { Q_strncpy( m_ModelName, m_pModelList->GetActiveItemCommand(), sizeof( m_ModelName ) ); Q_StripExtension( m_ModelName, m_ModelName, sizeof ( m_ModelName ) ); // save the player model name Q_snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "cl_playermodel models/%s.mdl\n", m_ModelName ); engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted(cmd); } else { m_ModelName[0] = 0; } // set the DownloadFilter cvar if ( m_pDownloadFilterCombo ) { ConVarRef cl_downloadfilter( "cl_downloadfilter" ); switch ( m_pDownloadFilterCombo->GetActiveItem() ) { default: case 0: cl_downloadfilter.SetValue( "all" ); break; case 1: cl_downloadfilter.SetValue( "nosounds" ); break; case 2: cl_downloadfilter.SetValue( "mapsonly" ); break; case 3: cl_downloadfilter.SetValue( "none" ); break; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Allow the res file to create controls on per-mod basis //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Panel *COptionsSubMultiplayer::CreateControlByName( const char *controlName ) { if( !Q_stricmp( "CCvarToggleCheckButton", controlName ) ) { CCvarToggleCheckButton *newButton = new CCvarToggleCheckButton( this, controlName, "", "" ); m_cvarToggleCheckButtons.AddElement( newButton ); return newButton; } else { return BaseClass::CreateControlByName( controlName ); } }