//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: particle system code // //===========================================================================// #include "tier0/platform.h" #include "particles/particles.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "tier2/tier2.h" #include "tier2/fileutils.h" #include "tier2/renderutils.h" #include "tier2/beamsegdraw.h" #include "tier1/UtlStringMap.h" #include "tier1/strtools.h" #include "materialsystem/imesh.h" #include "materialsystem/itexture.h" #include "materialsystem/imaterial.h" #include "materialsystem/imaterialvar.h" #include "psheet.h" #include "tier0/vprof.h" #ifdef USE_BLOBULATOR // TODO: These should be in public by the time the SDK ships #include "../common/blobulator/Implicit/ImpDefines.h" #include "../common/blobulator/Implicit/ImpRenderer.h" #include "../common/blobulator/Implicit/ImpTiler.h" #include "../common/blobulator/Implicit/UserFunctions.h" #endif // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" // Vertex instancing (1 vert submitted per particle, duplicated to 4 (a quad) on the GPU) is supported only on 360 const bool bUseInstancing = IsX360(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Utility method to compute the max # of particles per batch //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static inline int GetMaxParticlesPerBatch( IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, IMaterial *pMaterial, bool bWithInstancing ) { int nMaxVertices = pRenderContext->GetMaxVerticesToRender( pMaterial ); int nMaxIndices = pRenderContext->GetMaxIndicesToRender(); if ( bWithInstancing ) return nMaxVertices; else return min( (nMaxVertices / 4), (nMaxIndices / 6) ); } void SetupParticleVisibility( CParticleCollection *pParticles, CParticleVisibilityData *pVisibilityData, const CParticleVisibilityInputs *pVisibilityInputs, int *nQueryHandle ) { float flScale = pVisibilityInputs->m_flProxyRadius; Vector vecOrigin; /* if ( pVisibilityInputs->m_bUseBBox ) { Vector vecMinBounds; Vector vecMaxBounds; Vector mins; Vector maxs; pParticles->GetBounds( &vecMinBounds, &vecMaxBounds ); vecOrigin = ( ( vecMinBounds + vecMaxBounds ) / 2 ); Vector vecBounds = ( vecMaxBounds - vecMinBounds ); flScale = ( max(vecBounds.x, max (vecBounds.y, vecBounds.z) ) * pVisibilityInputs->m_flBBoxScale ); } if ( pVisibilityInputs->m_nCPin >= 0 ) { vecOrigin = pParticles->GetControlPointAtCurrentTime( pVisibilityInputs->m_nCPin ); } */ vecOrigin = pParticles->GetControlPointAtCurrentTime( pVisibilityInputs->m_nCPin ); float flVisibility = g_pParticleSystemMgr->Query()->GetPixelVisibility( nQueryHandle, vecOrigin, flScale ); pVisibilityData->m_flAlphaVisibility = RemapValClamped( flVisibility, pVisibilityInputs->m_flInputMin, pVisibilityInputs->m_flInputMax, pVisibilityInputs->m_flAlphaScaleMin, pVisibilityInputs->m_flAlphaScaleMax ); pVisibilityData->m_flRadiusVisibility = RemapValClamped( flVisibility, pVisibilityInputs->m_flInputMin, pVisibilityInputs->m_flInputMax, pVisibilityInputs->m_flRadiusScaleMin, pVisibilityInputs->m_flRadiusScaleMax ); pVisibilityData->m_flCameraBias = pVisibilityInputs->m_flCameraBias; } static SheetSequenceSample_t s_DefaultSheetSequence = { { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, // SequenceSampleTextureCoords_t image 0 { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f } // SequenceSampleTextureCoords_t image 1 }, 1.0f // m_fBlendFactor }; class C_OP_RenderPoints : public CParticleRenderOperatorInstance { DECLARE_PARTICLE_OPERATOR( C_OP_RenderPoints ); uint32 GetWrittenAttributes( void ) const { return 0; } uint32 GetReadAttributes( void ) const { return PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_XYZ_MASK; } virtual void Render( IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext ) const; struct C_OP_RenderPointsContext_t { CParticleVisibilityData m_VisibilityData; int m_nQueryHandle; }; size_t GetRequiredContextBytes( void ) const { return sizeof( C_OP_RenderPointsContext_t ); } virtual void InitializeContextData( CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext ) const { C_OP_RenderPointsContext_t *pCtx = reinterpret_cast<C_OP_RenderPointsContext_t *>( pContext ); pCtx->m_VisibilityData.m_bUseVisibility = false; pCtx->m_VisibilityData.m_flCameraBias = VisibilityInputs.m_flCameraBias; } }; DEFINE_PARTICLE_OPERATOR( C_OP_RenderPoints, "render_points", OPERATOR_SINGLETON ); BEGIN_PARTICLE_RENDER_OPERATOR_UNPACK( C_OP_RenderPoints ) END_PARTICLE_OPERATOR_UNPACK( C_OP_RenderPoints ) void C_OP_RenderPoints::Render( IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext ) const { C_OP_RenderPointsContext_t *pCtx = reinterpret_cast<C_OP_RenderPointsContext_t *>( pContext ); IMaterial *pMaterial = pParticles->m_pDef->GetMaterial(); int nParticles; const ParticleRenderData_t *pRenderList = pParticles->GetRenderList( pRenderContext, true, &nParticles, &pCtx->m_VisibilityData ); size_t xyz_stride; const fltx4 *xyz = pParticles->GetM128AttributePtr( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_XYZ, &xyz_stride ); pRenderContext->Bind( pMaterial ); CMeshBuilder meshBuilder; int nMaxVertices = pRenderContext->GetMaxVerticesToRender( pMaterial ); while ( nParticles ) { IMesh* pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh( true ); int nParticlesInBatch = min( nMaxVertices, nParticles ); nParticles -= nParticlesInBatch; g_pParticleSystemMgr->TallyParticlesRendered( nParticlesInBatch ); meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_POINTS, nParticlesInBatch ); for( int i = 0; i < nParticlesInBatch; i++ ) { int hParticle = (--pRenderList)->m_nIndex; int nIndex = ( hParticle / 4 ) * xyz_stride; int nOffset = hParticle & 0x3; meshBuilder.Position3f( SubFloat( xyz[nIndex], nOffset ), SubFloat( xyz[nIndex+1], nOffset ), SubFloat( xyz[nIndex+2], nOffset ) ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( 255, 255, 255, 255 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); } meshBuilder.End(); pMesh->Draw(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Sprite Rendering // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Utility struct to help with sprite rendering //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct SpriteRenderInfo_t { size_t m_nXYZStride; const fltx4 *m_pXYZ; size_t m_nRotStride; const fltx4 *m_pRot; size_t m_nYawStride; const fltx4 *m_pYaw; size_t m_nRGBStride; const fltx4 *m_pRGB; size_t m_nCreationTimeStride; const fltx4 *m_pCreationTimeStamp; size_t m_nSequenceStride; const fltx4 *m_pSequenceNumber; size_t m_nSequence1Stride; const fltx4 *m_pSequence1Number; float m_flAgeScale; float m_flAgeScale2; CSheet *m_pSheet; int m_nVertexOffset; CParticleCollection *m_pParticles; void Init( CParticleCollection *pParticles, int nVertexOffset, float flAgeScale, float flAgeScale2, CSheet *pSheet ) { m_pParticles = pParticles; m_pXYZ = pParticles->GetM128AttributePtr( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_XYZ, &m_nXYZStride ); m_pRot = pParticles->GetM128AttributePtr( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_ROTATION, &m_nRotStride ); m_pYaw = pParticles->GetM128AttributePtr( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_YAW, &m_nYawStride ); m_pRGB = pParticles->GetM128AttributePtr( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_TINT_RGB, &m_nRGBStride ); m_pCreationTimeStamp = pParticles->GetM128AttributePtr( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_CREATION_TIME, &m_nCreationTimeStride ); m_pSequenceNumber = pParticles->GetM128AttributePtr( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_SEQUENCE_NUMBER, &m_nSequenceStride ); m_pSequence1Number = pParticles->GetM128AttributePtr( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_SEQUENCE_NUMBER1, &m_nSequence1Stride ); m_flAgeScale = flAgeScale; m_flAgeScale2 = flAgeScale2; m_pSheet = pSheet; m_nVertexOffset = nVertexOffset; } }; class C_OP_RenderSprites : public C_OP_RenderPoints { DECLARE_PARTICLE_OPERATOR( C_OP_RenderSprites ); struct C_OP_RenderSpritesContext_t { unsigned int m_nOrientationVarToken; unsigned int m_nOrientationMatrixVarToken; CParticleVisibilityData m_VisibilityData; int m_nQueryHandle; }; size_t GetRequiredContextBytes( void ) const { return sizeof( C_OP_RenderSpritesContext_t ); } virtual void InitializeContextData( CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext ) const { C_OP_RenderSpritesContext_t *pCtx = reinterpret_cast<C_OP_RenderSpritesContext_t *>( pContext ); pCtx->m_nOrientationVarToken = 0; pCtx->m_nOrientationMatrixVarToken = 0; if ( VisibilityInputs.m_nCPin >= 0 ) pCtx->m_VisibilityData.m_bUseVisibility = true; else pCtx->m_VisibilityData.m_bUseVisibility = false; pCtx->m_VisibilityData.m_flCameraBias = VisibilityInputs.m_flCameraBias; } virtual uint64 GetReadControlPointMask() const { if ( m_nOrientationControlPoint >= 0 ) return 1ULL << m_nOrientationControlPoint; return 0; } uint32 GetReadAttributes( void ) const { return PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_XYZ_MASK | PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_ROTATION_MASK | PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_RADIUS_MASK | PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_TINT_RGB_MASK | PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_ALPHA_MASK | PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_CREATION_TIME_MASK | PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_SEQUENCE_NUMBER1_MASK | PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_MASK | PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_LIFE_DURATION_MASK; } virtual void InitParams( CParticleSystemDefinition *pDef, CDmxElement *pElement ); virtual int GetParticlesToRender( CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext, int nFirstParticle, int nRemainingVertices, int nRemainingIndices, int *pVertsUsed, int *pIndicesUsed ) const; virtual void Render( IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext ) const; virtual void RenderUnsorted( CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext, IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, CMeshBuilder &meshBuilder, int nVertexOffset, int nFirstParticle, int nParticleCount ) const; void RenderSpriteCard( CMeshBuilder &meshBuilder, C_OP_RenderSpritesContext_t *pCtx, SpriteRenderInfo_t& info, int hParticle, ParticleRenderData_t const *pSortList, Vector *pCamera ) const; void RenderTwoSequenceSpriteCard( CMeshBuilder &meshBuilder, C_OP_RenderSpritesContext_t *pCtx, SpriteRenderInfo_t& info, int hParticle, ParticleRenderData_t const *pSortList, Vector *pCamera ) const; void RenderNonSpriteCardCameraFacing( CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext, IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, IMaterial *pMaterial ) const; void RenderNonSpriteCardZRotating( CMeshBuilder &meshBuilder, C_OP_RenderSpritesContext_t *pCtx, SpriteRenderInfo_t& info, int hParticle, const Vector& vecCameraPos, ParticleRenderData_t const *pSortList ) const; void RenderNonSpriteCardZRotating( CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext, IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, IMaterial *pMaterial ) const; void RenderUnsortedNonSpriteCardZRotating( CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext, IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, CMeshBuilder &meshBuilder, int nVertexOffset, int nFirstParticle, int nParticleCount ) const; void RenderNonSpriteCardOriented( CMeshBuilder &meshBuilder, C_OP_RenderSpritesContext_t *pCtx, SpriteRenderInfo_t& info, int hParticle, const Vector& vecCameraPos, ParticleRenderData_t const *pSortList, bool bUseYaw ) const; void RenderNonSpriteCardOriented( CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext, IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, IMaterial *pMaterial, bool bUseYaw ) const; void RenderUnsortedNonSpriteCardOriented( CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext, IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, CMeshBuilder &meshBuilder, int nVertexOffset, int nFirstParticle, int nParticleCount ) const; // cycles per second float m_flAnimationRate; float m_flAnimationRate2; bool m_bFitCycleToLifetime; bool m_bAnimateInFPS; int m_nOrientationType; int m_nOrientationControlPoint; }; DEFINE_PARTICLE_OPERATOR( C_OP_RenderSprites, "render_animated_sprites", OPERATOR_GENERIC ); BEGIN_PARTICLE_RENDER_OPERATOR_UNPACK( C_OP_RenderSprites ) DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_FIELD( "animation rate", ".1", float, m_flAnimationRate ) DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_FIELD( "animation_fit_lifetime", "0", bool, m_bFitCycleToLifetime ) DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_FIELD( "orientation_type", "0", int, m_nOrientationType ) DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_FIELD( "orientation control point", "-1", int, m_nOrientationControlPoint ) DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_FIELD( "second sequence animation rate", "0", float, m_flAnimationRate2 ) DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_FIELD( "use animation rate as FPS", "0", bool, m_bAnimateInFPS ) END_PARTICLE_OPERATOR_UNPACK( C_OP_RenderSprites ) void C_OP_RenderSprites::InitParams( CParticleSystemDefinition *pDef, CDmxElement *pElement ) { } const SheetSequenceSample_t *GetSampleForSequence( CSheet *pSheet, float flCreationTime, float flCurTime, float flAgeScale, int nSequence ) { if ( pSheet == NULL ) return NULL; if ( pSheet->m_nNumFrames[nSequence] == 1 ) return (const SheetSequenceSample_t *) &pSheet->m_pSamples[nSequence][0]; float flAge = flCurTime - flCreationTime; flAge *= flAgeScale; unsigned int nFrame = flAge; if ( pSheet->m_bClamp[nSequence] ) { nFrame = min( nFrame, (unsigned int)SEQUENCE_SAMPLE_COUNT-1 ); } else { nFrame &= SEQUENCE_SAMPLE_COUNT-1; } return (const SheetSequenceSample_t *) &pSheet->m_pSamples[nSequence][nFrame]; } int C_OP_RenderSprites::GetParticlesToRender( CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext, int nFirstParticle, int nRemainingVertices, int nRemainingIndices, int *pVertsUsed, int *pIndicesUsed ) const { int nMaxParticles = ( (nRemainingVertices / 4) > (nRemainingIndices / 6) ) ? nRemainingIndices / 6 : nRemainingVertices / 4; int nParticleCount = pParticles->m_nActiveParticles - nFirstParticle; if ( nParticleCount > nMaxParticles ) { nParticleCount = nMaxParticles; } *pVertsUsed = nParticleCount * 4; *pIndicesUsed = nParticleCount * 6; return nParticleCount; } void C_OP_RenderSprites::RenderNonSpriteCardCameraFacing( CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext, IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, IMaterial *pMaterial ) const { C_OP_RenderSpritesContext_t *pCtx = reinterpret_cast<C_OP_RenderSpritesContext_t *>( pContext ); // generate the sort list before this code starts messing with the matrices int nParticles; const ParticleRenderData_t *pSortList = pParticles->GetRenderList( pRenderContext, true, &nParticles, &pCtx->m_VisibilityData ); bool bCameraBias = ( &pCtx->m_VisibilityData )->m_flCameraBias != 0.0f; float flCameraBias = (&pCtx->m_VisibilityData )->m_flCameraBias; Vector vecCamera; pRenderContext->GetWorldSpaceCameraPosition( &vecCamera ); // NOTE: This is interesting to support because at first we won't have all the various // pixel-shader versions of SpriteCard, like modulate, twotexture, etc. etc. VMatrix tempView; // Store matrices off so we can restore them in RenderEnd(). pRenderContext->GetMatrix(MATERIAL_VIEW, &tempView); // Force the user clip planes to use the old view matrix pRenderContext->EnableUserClipTransformOverride( true ); pRenderContext->UserClipTransform( tempView ); // The particle renderers want to do things in camera space pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_VIEW ); pRenderContext->PushMatrix(); pRenderContext->LoadIdentity(); size_t xyz_stride; const fltx4 *xyz = pParticles->GetM128AttributePtr( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_XYZ, &xyz_stride ); size_t rot_stride; const fltx4 *pRot = pParticles->GetM128AttributePtr( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_ROTATION, &rot_stride ); size_t rgb_stride; const fltx4 *pRGB = pParticles->GetM128AttributePtr( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_TINT_RGB, &rgb_stride ); size_t ct_stride; const fltx4 *pCreationTimeStamp = pParticles->GetM128AttributePtr( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_CREATION_TIME, &ct_stride ); size_t seq_stride; const fltx4 *pSequenceNumber = pParticles->GetM128AttributePtr( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_SEQUENCE_NUMBER, &seq_stride ); size_t ld_stride; const fltx4 *pLifeDuration = pParticles->GetM128AttributePtr( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_LIFE_DURATION, &ld_stride ); float flAgeScale; int nMaxParticlesInBatch = GetMaxParticlesPerBatch( pRenderContext, pMaterial, false ); CSheet *pSheet = pParticles->m_Sheet(); while ( nParticles ) { int nParticlesInBatch = min( nMaxParticlesInBatch, nParticles ); nParticles -= nParticlesInBatch; g_pParticleSystemMgr->TallyParticlesRendered( nParticlesInBatch * 4 ); IMesh* pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh( true ); CMeshBuilder meshBuilder; meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_QUADS, nParticlesInBatch ); for( int i = 0; i < nParticlesInBatch; i++ ) { int hParticle = (--pSortList)->m_nIndex; int nGroup = hParticle / 4; int nOffset = hParticle & 0x3; unsigned char ac = pSortList->m_nAlpha; if ( ac == 0 ) continue; int nColorIndex = nGroup * rgb_stride; float r = SubFloat( pRGB[nColorIndex], nOffset ); float g = SubFloat( pRGB[nColorIndex+1], nOffset ); float b = SubFloat( pRGB[nColorIndex+2], nOffset ); Assert( IsFinite(r) && IsFinite(g) && IsFinite(b) ); Assert( (r >= 0.0f) && (g >= 0.0f) && (b >= 0.0f) ); Assert( (r <= 1.0f) && (g <= 1.0f) && (b <= 1.0f) ); unsigned char rc = FastFToC( r ); unsigned char gc = FastFToC( g ); unsigned char bc = FastFToC( b ); float rad = pSortList->m_flRadius; int nXYZIndex = nGroup * xyz_stride; Vector vecWorldPos( SubFloat( xyz[ nXYZIndex ], nOffset ), SubFloat( xyz[ nXYZIndex+1 ], nOffset ), SubFloat( xyz[ nXYZIndex+2 ], nOffset ) ); // Move the Particle if their is a camerabias if ( bCameraBias ) { Vector vEyeDir = vecCamera - vecWorldPos; VectorNormalizeFast( vEyeDir ); vEyeDir *= flCameraBias; vecWorldPos += vEyeDir; } Vector vecViewPos; Vector3DMultiplyPosition( tempView, vecWorldPos, vecViewPos ); if ( !IsFinite( vecViewPos.x ) ) continue; float rot = SubFloat( pRot[ nGroup * rot_stride ], nOffset ); float ca = (float)cos(rot); float sa = (float)sin(rot); // Find the sample for this frame const SheetSequenceSample_t *pSample = &s_DefaultSheetSequence; if ( pSheet ) { if ( m_bFitCycleToLifetime ) { float flLifetime = SubFloat( pLifeDuration[ nGroup * ld_stride ], nOffset ); flAgeScale = ( flLifetime > 0.0f ) ? ( 1.0f / flLifetime ) * SEQUENCE_SAMPLE_COUNT : 0.0f; } else { flAgeScale = m_flAnimationRate * SEQUENCE_SAMPLE_COUNT; if ( m_bAnimateInFPS ) { int nSequence = SubFloat( pSequenceNumber[ nGroup * seq_stride ], nOffset ); flAgeScale = flAgeScale / pSheet->m_flFrameSpan[nSequence]; } } pSample = GetSampleForSequence( pSheet, SubFloat( pCreationTimeStamp[ nGroup * ct_stride ], nOffset ), pParticles->m_flCurTime, flAgeScale, SubFloat( pSequenceNumber[ nGroup * seq_stride ], nOffset ) ); } const SequenceSampleTextureCoords_t *pSample0 = &(pSample->m_TextureCoordData[0]); meshBuilder.Position3f( vecViewPos.x + (-ca + sa) * rad, vecViewPos.y + (-sa - ca) * rad, vecViewPos.z ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( rc, gc, bc, ac ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, pSample0->m_fLeft_U0, pSample0->m_fBottom_V0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); meshBuilder.Position3f( vecViewPos.x + (-ca - sa) * rad, vecViewPos.y + (-sa + ca) * rad, vecViewPos.z ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( rc, gc, bc, ac ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, pSample0->m_fLeft_U0, pSample0->m_fTop_V0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); meshBuilder.Position3f( vecViewPos.x + (ca - sa) * rad, vecViewPos.y + (sa + ca) * rad, vecViewPos.z ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( rc, gc, bc, ac ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, pSample0->m_fRight_U0, pSample0->m_fTop_V0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); meshBuilder.Position3f( vecViewPos.x + (ca + sa) * rad, vecViewPos.y + (sa - ca) * rad, vecViewPos.z ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( rc, gc, bc, ac ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, pSample0->m_fRight_U0, pSample0->m_fBottom_V0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); } meshBuilder.End(); pMesh->Draw(); } pRenderContext->EnableUserClipTransformOverride( false ); pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_VIEW ); pRenderContext->PopMatrix(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void C_OP_RenderSprites::RenderNonSpriteCardZRotating( CMeshBuilder &meshBuilder, C_OP_RenderSpritesContext_t *pCtx, SpriteRenderInfo_t& info, int hParticle, const Vector& vecCameraPos, ParticleRenderData_t const *pSortList ) const { Assert( hParticle != -1 ); int nGroup = hParticle / 4; int nOffset = hParticle & 0x3; unsigned char ac = pSortList->m_nAlpha; if ( ac == 0 ) return; bool bCameraBias = ( &pCtx->m_VisibilityData )->m_flCameraBias != 0.0f; float flCameraBias = ( &pCtx->m_VisibilityData )->m_flCameraBias; int nColorIndex = nGroup * info.m_nRGBStride; float r = SubFloat( info.m_pRGB[nColorIndex], nOffset ); float g = SubFloat( info.m_pRGB[nColorIndex+1], nOffset ); float b = SubFloat( info.m_pRGB[nColorIndex+2], nOffset ); Assert( IsFinite(r) && IsFinite(g) && IsFinite(b) ); Assert( (r >= 0.0f) && (g >= 0.0f) && (b >= 0.0f) ); Assert( (r <= 1.0f) && (g <= 1.0f) && (b <= 1.0f) ); unsigned char rc = FastFToC( r ); unsigned char gc = FastFToC( g ); unsigned char bc = FastFToC( b ); float rad = pSortList->m_flRadius; float rot = SubFloat( info.m_pRot[ nGroup * info.m_nRotStride ], nOffset ); float ca = (float)cos(-rot); float sa = (float)sin(-rot); int nXYZIndex = nGroup * info.m_nXYZStride; Vector vecWorldPos( SubFloat( info.m_pXYZ[ nXYZIndex ], nOffset ), SubFloat( info.m_pXYZ[ nXYZIndex+1 ], nOffset ), SubFloat( info.m_pXYZ[ nXYZIndex+2 ], nOffset ) ); // Move the Particle if their is a camerabias if ( bCameraBias ) { Vector vEyeDir = vecCameraPos - vecWorldPos; VectorNormalizeFast( vEyeDir ); vEyeDir *= flCameraBias; vecWorldPos += vEyeDir; } Vector vecViewToPos; VectorSubtract( vecWorldPos, vecCameraPos, vecViewToPos ); float flLength = vecViewToPos.Length(); if ( flLength < rad / 2 ) return; Vector vecUp( 0, 0, 1 ); Vector vecRight; CrossProduct( vecUp, vecCameraPos, vecRight ); VectorNormalize( vecRight ); // Find the sample for this frame const SheetSequenceSample_t *pSample = &s_DefaultSheetSequence; if ( info.m_pSheet ) { pSample = GetSampleForSequence( info.m_pSheet, SubFloat( info.m_pCreationTimeStamp[ nGroup * info.m_nCreationTimeStride ], nOffset ), info.m_pParticles->m_flCurTime, info.m_flAgeScale, SubFloat( info.m_pSequenceNumber[ nGroup * info.m_nSequenceStride ], nOffset ) ); } const SequenceSampleTextureCoords_t *pSample0 = &(pSample->m_TextureCoordData[0]); vecRight *= rad; float x, y; Vector vecCorner; x = - ca - sa; y = - ca + sa; VectorMA( vecWorldPos, x, vecRight, vecCorner ); meshBuilder.Position3f( vecCorner.x, vecCorner.y, vecCorner.z + y * rad ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( rc, gc, bc, ac ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, pSample0->m_fLeft_U0, pSample0->m_fBottom_V0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); x = - ca + sa; y = + ca + sa; VectorMA( vecWorldPos, x, vecRight, vecCorner ); meshBuilder.Position3f( vecCorner.x, vecCorner.y, vecCorner.z + y * rad ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( rc, gc, bc, ac ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, pSample0->m_fLeft_U0, pSample0->m_fTop_V0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); x = + ca + sa; y = + ca - sa; VectorMA( vecWorldPos, x, vecRight, vecCorner ); meshBuilder.Position3f( vecCorner.x, vecCorner.y, vecCorner.z + y * rad ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( rc, gc, bc, ac ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, pSample0->m_fRight_U0, pSample0->m_fTop_V0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); x = + ca - sa; y = - ca - sa; VectorMA( vecWorldPos, x, vecRight, vecCorner ); meshBuilder.Position3f( vecCorner.x, vecCorner.y, vecCorner.z + y * rad ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( rc, gc, bc, ac ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, pSample0->m_fRight_U0, pSample0->m_fBottom_V0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); meshBuilder.FastIndex( info.m_nVertexOffset ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( info.m_nVertexOffset + 1 ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( info.m_nVertexOffset + 2 ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( info.m_nVertexOffset ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( info.m_nVertexOffset + 2 ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( info.m_nVertexOffset + 3 ); info.m_nVertexOffset += 4; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void C_OP_RenderSprites::RenderNonSpriteCardZRotating( CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext, IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, IMaterial *pMaterial ) const { C_OP_RenderSpritesContext_t *pCtx = reinterpret_cast<C_OP_RenderSpritesContext_t *>( pContext ); // NOTE: This is interesting to support because at first we won't have all the various // pixel-shader versions of SpriteCard, like modulate, twotexture, etc. etc. Vector vecCameraPos; pRenderContext->GetWorldSpaceCameraPosition( &vecCameraPos ); float flAgeScale = m_flAnimationRate * SEQUENCE_SAMPLE_COUNT; SpriteRenderInfo_t info; info.Init( pParticles, 0, flAgeScale, 0, pParticles->m_Sheet() ); int nParticles; const ParticleRenderData_t *pSortList = pParticles->GetRenderList( pRenderContext, true, &nParticles, &pCtx->m_VisibilityData ); int nMaxParticlesInBatch = GetMaxParticlesPerBatch( pRenderContext, pMaterial, false ); while ( nParticles ) { int nParticlesInBatch = min( nMaxParticlesInBatch, nParticles ); nParticles -= nParticlesInBatch; g_pParticleSystemMgr->TallyParticlesRendered( nParticlesInBatch * 4 * 3, nParticlesInBatch * 6 * 3 ); IMesh* pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh( true ); CMeshBuilder meshBuilder; meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_TRIANGLES, nParticlesInBatch * 4, nParticlesInBatch * 6 ); info.m_nVertexOffset = 0; for( int i = 0; i < nParticlesInBatch; i++ ) { int hParticle = (--pSortList)->m_nIndex; RenderNonSpriteCardZRotating( meshBuilder, pCtx, info, hParticle, vecCameraPos, pSortList ); } meshBuilder.End(); pMesh->Draw(); } } void C_OP_RenderSprites::RenderUnsortedNonSpriteCardZRotating( CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext, IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, CMeshBuilder &meshBuilder, int nVertexOffset, int nFirstParticle, int nParticleCount ) const { C_OP_RenderSpritesContext_t *pCtx = reinterpret_cast<C_OP_RenderSpritesContext_t *>( pContext ); // NOTE: This is interesting to support because at first we won't have all the various // pixel-shader versions of SpriteCard, like modulate, twotexture, etc. etc. Vector vecCameraPos; pRenderContext->GetWorldSpaceCameraPosition( &vecCameraPos ); float flAgeScale = m_flAnimationRate * SEQUENCE_SAMPLE_COUNT; SpriteRenderInfo_t info; info.Init( pParticles, nVertexOffset, flAgeScale, 0, pParticles->m_Sheet() ); int nParticles; const ParticleRenderData_t *pSortList = pParticles->GetRenderList( pRenderContext, false, &nParticles, &pCtx->m_VisibilityData ); int hParticle = nFirstParticle; for( int i = 0; i < nParticleCount; i++, hParticle++ ) { RenderNonSpriteCardZRotating( meshBuilder, pCtx, info, hParticle, vecCameraPos, pSortList ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void C_OP_RenderSprites::RenderNonSpriteCardOriented( CMeshBuilder &meshBuilder, C_OP_RenderSpritesContext_t *pCtx, SpriteRenderInfo_t& info, int hParticle, const Vector& vecCameraPos, ParticleRenderData_t const *pSortList, bool bUseYaw ) const { Assert( hParticle != -1 ); int nGroup = hParticle / 4; int nOffset = hParticle & 0x3; unsigned char ac = pSortList->m_nAlpha; if ( ac == 0 ) return; bool bCameraBias = ( &pCtx->m_VisibilityData )->m_flCameraBias != 0.0f; float flCameraBias = ( &pCtx->m_VisibilityData )->m_flCameraBias; int nColorIndex = nGroup * info.m_nRGBStride; float r = SubFloat( info.m_pRGB[nColorIndex], nOffset ); float g = SubFloat( info.m_pRGB[nColorIndex+1], nOffset ); float b = SubFloat( info.m_pRGB[nColorIndex+2], nOffset ); Assert( IsFinite(r) && IsFinite(g) && IsFinite(b) ); Assert( (r >= 0.0f) && (g >= 0.0f) && (b >= 0.0f) ); Assert( (r <= 1.0f) && (g <= 1.0f) && (b <= 1.0f) ); unsigned char rc = FastFToC( r ); unsigned char gc = FastFToC( g ); unsigned char bc = FastFToC( b ); float rad = pSortList->m_flRadius; float rot = SubFloat( info.m_pRot[ nGroup * info.m_nRotStride ], nOffset ); float ca = (float)cos(-rot); float sa = (float)sin(-rot); int nXYZIndex = nGroup * info.m_nXYZStride; Vector vecWorldPos( SubFloat( info.m_pXYZ[ nXYZIndex ], nOffset ), SubFloat( info.m_pXYZ[ nXYZIndex+1 ], nOffset ), SubFloat( info.m_pXYZ[ nXYZIndex+2 ], nOffset ) ); // Move the Particle if their is a camerabias if ( bCameraBias ) { Vector vEyeDir = vecCameraPos - vecWorldPos; VectorNormalizeFast( vEyeDir ); vEyeDir *= flCameraBias; vecWorldPos += vEyeDir; } Vector vecViewToPos; VectorSubtract( vecWorldPos, vecCameraPos, vecViewToPos ); float flLength = vecViewToPos.Length(); if ( flLength < rad / 2 ) return; Vector vecNormal, vecRight, vecUp; if ( m_nOrientationControlPoint < 0 ) { vecNormal.Init( 0, 0, 1 ); vecRight.Init( 1, 0, 0 ); vecUp.Init( 0, -1, 0 ); } else { info.m_pParticles->GetControlPointOrientationAtCurrentTime( m_nOrientationControlPoint, &vecRight, &vecUp, &vecNormal ); } if ( bUseYaw ) { float yaw = SubFloat( info.m_pYaw[nGroup * info.m_nYawStride], nOffset ); if ( yaw != 0.0f ) { Vector particleRight = Vector( 1, 0, 0 ); yaw = RAD2DEG( yaw ); // I hate you source (VectorYawRotate will undo this) matrix3x4_t matRot; MatrixBuildRotationAboutAxis( vecUp, yaw, matRot ); VectorRotate( vecRight, matRot, particleRight ); vecRight = particleRight; } } // Find the sample for this frame const SheetSequenceSample_t *pSample = &s_DefaultSheetSequence; if ( info.m_pSheet ) { pSample = GetSampleForSequence( info.m_pSheet, SubFloat( info.m_pCreationTimeStamp[ nGroup * info.m_nCreationTimeStride ], nOffset ), info.m_pParticles->m_flCurTime, info.m_flAgeScale, SubFloat( info.m_pSequenceNumber[ nGroup * info.m_nSequenceStride ], nOffset ) ); } const SequenceSampleTextureCoords_t *pSample0 = &(pSample->m_TextureCoordData[0]); vecRight *= rad; vecUp *= rad; float x, y; Vector vecCorner; x = + ca - sa; y = - ca - sa; VectorMA( vecWorldPos, x, vecRight, vecCorner ); VectorMA( vecCorner, y, vecUp, vecCorner ); meshBuilder.Position3f( vecCorner.x, vecCorner.y, vecCorner.z ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( rc, gc, bc, ac ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, pSample0->m_fRight_U0, pSample0->m_fBottom_V0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); x = + ca + sa; y = + ca - sa; VectorMA( vecWorldPos, x, vecRight, vecCorner ); VectorMA( vecCorner, y, vecUp, vecCorner ); meshBuilder.Position3f( vecCorner.x, vecCorner.y, vecCorner.z ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( rc, gc, bc, ac ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, pSample0->m_fRight_U0, pSample0->m_fTop_V0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); x = - ca + sa; y = + ca + sa; VectorMA( vecWorldPos, x, vecRight, vecCorner ); VectorMA( vecCorner, y, vecUp, vecCorner ); meshBuilder.Position3f( vecCorner.x, vecCorner.y, vecCorner.z ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( rc, gc, bc, ac ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, pSample0->m_fLeft_U0, pSample0->m_fTop_V0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); x = - ca - sa; y = - ca + sa; VectorMA( vecWorldPos, x, vecRight, vecCorner ); VectorMA( vecCorner, y, vecUp, vecCorner ); meshBuilder.Position3f( vecCorner.x, vecCorner.y, vecCorner.z ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( rc, gc, bc, ac ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, pSample0->m_fLeft_U0, pSample0->m_fBottom_V0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); meshBuilder.FastIndex( info.m_nVertexOffset ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( info.m_nVertexOffset + 1 ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( info.m_nVertexOffset + 2 ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( info.m_nVertexOffset ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( info.m_nVertexOffset + 2 ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( info.m_nVertexOffset + 3 ); info.m_nVertexOffset += 4; } void C_OP_RenderSprites::RenderNonSpriteCardOriented( CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext, IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, IMaterial *pMaterial, bool bUseYaw ) const { C_OP_RenderSpritesContext_t *pCtx = reinterpret_cast<C_OP_RenderSpritesContext_t *>( pContext ); // NOTE: This is interesting to support because at first we won't have all the various // pixel-shader versions of SpriteCard, like modulate, twotexture, etc. etc. Vector vecCameraPos; pRenderContext->GetWorldSpaceCameraPosition( &vecCameraPos ); float flAgeScale = m_flAnimationRate * SEQUENCE_SAMPLE_COUNT; SpriteRenderInfo_t info; info.Init( pParticles, 0, flAgeScale, 0, pParticles->m_Sheet() ); int nParticles; const ParticleRenderData_t *pSortList = pParticles->GetRenderList( pRenderContext, true, &nParticles, &pCtx->m_VisibilityData ); int nMaxParticlesInBatch = GetMaxParticlesPerBatch( pRenderContext, pMaterial, false ); while ( nParticles ) { int nParticlesInBatch = min( nMaxParticlesInBatch, nParticles ); nParticles -= nParticlesInBatch; g_pParticleSystemMgr->TallyParticlesRendered( nParticlesInBatch * 4 * 3, nParticlesInBatch * 6 * 3 ); IMesh* pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh( true ); CMeshBuilder meshBuilder; meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_TRIANGLES, nParticlesInBatch * 4, nParticlesInBatch * 6 ); info.m_nVertexOffset = 0; for( int i = 0; i < nParticlesInBatch; i++) { int hParticle = (--pSortList)->m_nIndex; RenderNonSpriteCardOriented( meshBuilder, pCtx, info, hParticle, vecCameraPos, pSortList, bUseYaw ); } meshBuilder.End(); pMesh->Draw(); } } void C_OP_RenderSprites::RenderUnsortedNonSpriteCardOriented( CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext, IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, CMeshBuilder &meshBuilder, int nVertexOffset, int nFirstParticle, int nParticleCount ) const { C_OP_RenderSpritesContext_t *pCtx = reinterpret_cast<C_OP_RenderSpritesContext_t *>( pContext ); // NOTE: This is interesting to support because at first we won't have all the various // pixel-shader versions of SpriteCard, like modulate, twotexture, etc. etc. Vector vecCameraPos; pRenderContext->GetWorldSpaceCameraPosition( &vecCameraPos ); float flAgeScale = m_flAnimationRate * SEQUENCE_SAMPLE_COUNT; SpriteRenderInfo_t info; info.Init( pParticles, nVertexOffset, flAgeScale, 0, pParticles->m_Sheet() ); int nParticles; const ParticleRenderData_t *pSortList = pParticles->GetRenderList( pRenderContext, false, &nParticles, &pCtx->m_VisibilityData ); int hParticle = nFirstParticle; for( int i = 0; i < nParticleCount; i++, hParticle++ ) { RenderNonSpriteCardOriented( meshBuilder, pCtx, info, hParticle, vecCameraPos, pSortList, false ); } } void C_OP_RenderSprites::RenderSpriteCard( CMeshBuilder &meshBuilder, C_OP_RenderSpritesContext_t *pCtx, SpriteRenderInfo_t& info, int hParticle, ParticleRenderData_t const *pSortList, Vector *pCamera ) const { Assert( hParticle != -1 ); int nGroup = hParticle / 4; int nOffset = hParticle & 0x3; int nColorIndex = nGroup * info.m_nRGBStride; float r = SubFloat( info.m_pRGB[nColorIndex], nOffset ); float g = SubFloat( info.m_pRGB[nColorIndex+1], nOffset ); float b = SubFloat( info.m_pRGB[nColorIndex+2], nOffset ); Assert( IsFinite(r) && IsFinite(g) && IsFinite(b) ); Assert( (r >= -1e-6f) && (g >= -1e-6f) && (b >= -1e-6f) ); if ( !HushAsserts() ) Assert( (r <= 1.0f) && (g <= 1.0f) && (b <= 1.0f) ); unsigned char rc = FastFToC( r ); unsigned char gc = FastFToC( g ); unsigned char bc = FastFToC( b ); unsigned char ac = pSortList->m_nAlpha; float rad = pSortList->m_flRadius; if ( !IsFinite( rad ) ) { return; } bool bCameraBias = ( &pCtx->m_VisibilityData )->m_flCameraBias != 0.0f; float flCameraBias = ( &pCtx->m_VisibilityData )->m_flCameraBias; float rot = SubFloat( info.m_pRot[ nGroup * info.m_nRotStride ], nOffset ); float yaw = SubFloat( info.m_pYaw[ nGroup * info.m_nYawStride ], nOffset ); int nXYZIndex = nGroup * info.m_nXYZStride; Vector vecWorldPos; vecWorldPos.x = SubFloat( info.m_pXYZ[ nXYZIndex ], nOffset ); vecWorldPos.y = SubFloat( info.m_pXYZ[ nXYZIndex+1 ], nOffset ); vecWorldPos.z = SubFloat( info.m_pXYZ[ nXYZIndex+2 ], nOffset ); if ( bCameraBias ) { Vector vEyeDir = *pCamera - vecWorldPos; VectorNormalizeFast( vEyeDir ); vEyeDir *= flCameraBias; vecWorldPos += vEyeDir; } // Find the sample for this frame const SheetSequenceSample_t *pSample = &s_DefaultSheetSequence; if ( info.m_pSheet ) { float flAgeScale = info.m_flAgeScale; // if ( m_bFitCycleToLifetime ) // { // float flLifetime = SubFloat( pLifeDuration[ nGroup * ld_stride ], nOffset ); // flAgeScale = ( flLifetime > 0.0f ) ? ( 1.0f / flLifetime ) * SEQUENCE_SAMPLE_COUNT : 0.0f; // } if ( m_bAnimateInFPS ) { int nSequence = SubFloat( info.m_pSequenceNumber[ nGroup * info.m_nSequenceStride ], nOffset ); flAgeScale = flAgeScale / info.m_pParticles->m_Sheet()->m_flFrameSpan[nSequence]; } pSample = GetSampleForSequence( info.m_pSheet, SubFloat( info.m_pCreationTimeStamp[ nGroup * info.m_nCreationTimeStride ], nOffset ), info.m_pParticles->m_flCurTime, flAgeScale, SubFloat( info.m_pSequenceNumber[ nGroup * info.m_nSequenceStride ], nOffset ) ); } const SequenceSampleTextureCoords_t *pSample0 = &(pSample->m_TextureCoordData[0]); const SequenceSampleTextureCoords_t *pSecondTexture0 = &(pSample->m_TextureCoordData[1]); // Submit 1 (instanced) or 4 (non-instanced) verts (if we're instancing, we don't produce indices either) meshBuilder.Position3f( vecWorldPos.x, vecWorldPos.y, vecWorldPos.z ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( rc, gc, bc, ac ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 0, pSample0->m_fLeft_U0, pSample0->m_fTop_V0, pSample0->m_fRight_U0, pSample0->m_fBottom_V0 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 1, pSample0->m_fLeft_U1, pSample0->m_fTop_V1, pSample0->m_fRight_U1, pSample0->m_fBottom_V1 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 2, pSample->m_fBlendFactor, rot, rad, yaw ); // FIXME: change the vertex decl (remove texcoord3/cornerid) if instancing - need to adjust elements beyond texcoord3 down, though if ( !bUseInstancing ) meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 3, 0, 0 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 4, pSecondTexture0->m_fLeft_U0, pSecondTexture0->m_fTop_V0, pSecondTexture0->m_fRight_U0, pSecondTexture0->m_fBottom_V0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); if ( !bUseInstancing ) { meshBuilder.Position3f( vecWorldPos.x, vecWorldPos.y, vecWorldPos.z ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( rc, gc, bc, ac ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 0, pSample0->m_fLeft_U0, pSample0->m_fTop_V0, pSample0->m_fRight_U0, pSample0->m_fBottom_V0 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 1, pSample0->m_fLeft_U1, pSample0->m_fTop_V1, pSample0->m_fRight_U1, pSample0->m_fBottom_V1 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 2, pSample->m_fBlendFactor, rot, rad, yaw ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 3, 1, 0 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 4, pSecondTexture0->m_fLeft_U0, pSecondTexture0->m_fTop_V0, pSecondTexture0->m_fRight_U0, pSecondTexture0->m_fBottom_V0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); meshBuilder.Position3f( vecWorldPos.x, vecWorldPos.y, vecWorldPos.z ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( rc, gc, bc, ac ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 0, pSample0->m_fLeft_U0, pSample0->m_fTop_V0, pSample0->m_fRight_U0, pSample0->m_fBottom_V0 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 1, pSample0->m_fLeft_U1, pSample0->m_fTop_V1, pSample0->m_fRight_U1, pSample0->m_fBottom_V1 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 2, pSample->m_fBlendFactor, rot, rad, yaw ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 3, 1, 1 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 4, pSecondTexture0->m_fLeft_U0, pSecondTexture0->m_fTop_V0, pSecondTexture0->m_fRight_U0, pSecondTexture0->m_fBottom_V0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); meshBuilder.Position3f( vecWorldPos.x, vecWorldPos.y, vecWorldPos.z ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( rc, gc, bc, ac ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 0, pSample0->m_fLeft_U0, pSample0->m_fTop_V0, pSample0->m_fRight_U0, pSample0->m_fBottom_V0 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 1, pSample0->m_fLeft_U1, pSample0->m_fTop_V1, pSample0->m_fRight_U1, pSample0->m_fBottom_V1 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 2, pSample->m_fBlendFactor, rot, rad, yaw ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 3, 0, 1 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 4, pSecondTexture0->m_fLeft_U0, pSecondTexture0->m_fTop_V0, pSecondTexture0->m_fRight_U0, pSecondTexture0->m_fBottom_V0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); meshBuilder.FastIndex( info.m_nVertexOffset ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( info.m_nVertexOffset + 1 ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( info.m_nVertexOffset + 2 ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( info.m_nVertexOffset ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( info.m_nVertexOffset + 2 ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( info.m_nVertexOffset + 3 ); info.m_nVertexOffset += 4; } } void C_OP_RenderSprites::RenderTwoSequenceSpriteCard( CMeshBuilder &meshBuilder, C_OP_RenderSpritesContext_t *pCtx, SpriteRenderInfo_t& info, int hParticle, ParticleRenderData_t const *pSortList, Vector *pCamera ) const { Assert( hParticle != -1 ); int nGroup = hParticle / 4; int nOffset = hParticle & 0x3; int nColorIndex = nGroup * info.m_nRGBStride; float r = SubFloat( info.m_pRGB[nColorIndex], nOffset ); float g = SubFloat( info.m_pRGB[nColorIndex+1], nOffset ); float b = SubFloat( info.m_pRGB[nColorIndex+2], nOffset ); Assert( IsFinite(r) && IsFinite(g) && IsFinite(b) ); Assert( (r >= 0.0f) && (g >= 0.0f) && (b >= 0.0f) ); Assert( (r <= 1.0f) && (g <= 1.0f) && (b <= 1.0f) ); unsigned char rc = FastFToC( r ); unsigned char gc = FastFToC( g ); unsigned char bc = FastFToC( b ); unsigned char ac = pSortList->m_nAlpha; bool bCameraBias = ( &pCtx->m_VisibilityData )->m_flCameraBias != 0.0f; float flCameraBias = ( &pCtx->m_VisibilityData )->m_flCameraBias; float rad = pSortList->m_flRadius; float rot = SubFloat( info.m_pRot[ nGroup * info.m_nRotStride ], nOffset ); float yaw = SubFloat( info.m_pYaw[ nGroup * info.m_nYawStride ], nOffset ); int nXYZIndex = nGroup * info.m_nXYZStride; Vector vecWorldPos; vecWorldPos.x = SubFloat( info.m_pXYZ[ nXYZIndex ], nOffset ); vecWorldPos.y = SubFloat( info.m_pXYZ[ nXYZIndex+1 ], nOffset ); vecWorldPos.z = SubFloat( info.m_pXYZ[ nXYZIndex+2 ], nOffset ); if ( bCameraBias ) { Vector vEyeDir = *pCamera - vecWorldPos; VectorNormalizeFast( vEyeDir ); vEyeDir *= flCameraBias; vecWorldPos += vEyeDir; } // Find the sample for this frame const SheetSequenceSample_t *pSample = &s_DefaultSheetSequence; const SheetSequenceSample_t *pSample1 = &s_DefaultSheetSequence; if ( info.m_pSheet ) { pSample = GetSampleForSequence( info.m_pSheet, SubFloat( info.m_pCreationTimeStamp[ nGroup * info.m_nCreationTimeStride ], nOffset ), info.m_pParticles->m_flCurTime, info.m_flAgeScale, SubFloat( info.m_pSequenceNumber[ nGroup * info.m_nSequenceStride ], nOffset ) ); pSample1 = GetSampleForSequence( info.m_pSheet, SubFloat( info.m_pCreationTimeStamp[ nGroup * info.m_nCreationTimeStride ], nOffset ), info.m_pParticles->m_flCurTime, info.m_flAgeScale2, SubFloat( info.m_pSequence1Number[ nGroup * info.m_nSequence1Stride ], nOffset ) ); } const SequenceSampleTextureCoords_t *pSample0 = &(pSample->m_TextureCoordData[0]); const SequenceSampleTextureCoords_t *pSecondTexture0 = &(pSample->m_TextureCoordData[1]); const SequenceSampleTextureCoords_t *pSample1Frame = &(pSample1->m_TextureCoordData[0]); // Submit 1 (instanced) or 4 (non-instanced) verts (if we're instancing, we don't produce indices either) meshBuilder.Position3f( vecWorldPos.x, vecWorldPos.y, vecWorldPos.z ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( rc, gc, bc, ac ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 0, pSample0->m_fLeft_U0, pSample0->m_fTop_V0, pSample0->m_fRight_U0, pSample0->m_fBottom_V0 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 1, pSample0->m_fLeft_U1, pSample0->m_fTop_V1, pSample0->m_fRight_U1, pSample0->m_fBottom_V1 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 2, pSample->m_fBlendFactor, rot, rad, yaw ); // FIXME: change the vertex decl (remove texcoord3/cornerid) if instancing - need to adjust elements beyond texcoord3 down, though if ( ! bUseInstancing ) meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 3, 0, 0 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 4, pSecondTexture0->m_fLeft_U0, pSecondTexture0->m_fTop_V0, pSecondTexture0->m_fRight_U0, pSecondTexture0->m_fBottom_V0 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 5, pSample1Frame->m_fLeft_U0, pSample1Frame->m_fTop_V0, pSample1Frame->m_fRight_U0, pSample1Frame->m_fBottom_V0 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 6, pSample1Frame->m_fLeft_U1, pSample1Frame->m_fTop_V1, pSample1Frame->m_fRight_U1, pSample1Frame->m_fBottom_V1 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 7, pSample1->m_fBlendFactor, 0, 0, 0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); if ( !bUseInstancing ) { meshBuilder.Position3f( vecWorldPos.x, vecWorldPos.y, vecWorldPos.z ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( rc, gc, bc, ac ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 0, pSample0->m_fLeft_U0, pSample0->m_fTop_V0, pSample0->m_fRight_U0, pSample0->m_fBottom_V0 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 1, pSample0->m_fLeft_U1, pSample0->m_fTop_V1, pSample0->m_fRight_U1, pSample0->m_fBottom_V1 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 2, pSample->m_fBlendFactor, rot, rad, yaw ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 3, 1, 0 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 4, pSecondTexture0->m_fLeft_U0, pSecondTexture0->m_fTop_V0, pSecondTexture0->m_fRight_U0, pSecondTexture0->m_fBottom_V0 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 5, pSample1Frame->m_fLeft_U0, pSample1Frame->m_fTop_V0, pSample1Frame->m_fRight_U0, pSample1Frame->m_fBottom_V0 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 6, pSample1Frame->m_fLeft_U1, pSample1Frame->m_fTop_V1, pSample1Frame->m_fRight_U1, pSample1Frame->m_fBottom_V1 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 7, pSample1->m_fBlendFactor, 0, 0, 0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); meshBuilder.Position3f( vecWorldPos.x, vecWorldPos.y, vecWorldPos.z ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( rc, gc, bc, ac ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 0, pSample0->m_fLeft_U0, pSample0->m_fTop_V0, pSample0->m_fRight_U0, pSample0->m_fBottom_V0 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 1, pSample0->m_fLeft_U1, pSample0->m_fTop_V1, pSample0->m_fRight_U1, pSample0->m_fBottom_V1 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 2, pSample->m_fBlendFactor, rot, rad, yaw ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 3, 1, 1 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 4, pSecondTexture0->m_fLeft_U0, pSecondTexture0->m_fTop_V0, pSecondTexture0->m_fRight_U0, pSecondTexture0->m_fBottom_V0 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 5, pSample1Frame->m_fLeft_U0, pSample1Frame->m_fTop_V0, pSample1Frame->m_fRight_U0, pSample1Frame->m_fBottom_V0 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 6, pSample1Frame->m_fLeft_U1, pSample1Frame->m_fTop_V1, pSample1Frame->m_fRight_U1, pSample1Frame->m_fBottom_V1 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 7, pSample1->m_fBlendFactor, 0, 0, 0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); meshBuilder.Position3f( vecWorldPos.x, vecWorldPos.y, vecWorldPos.z ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( rc, gc, bc, ac ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 0, pSample0->m_fLeft_U0, pSample0->m_fTop_V0, pSample0->m_fRight_U0, pSample0->m_fBottom_V0 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 1, pSample0->m_fLeft_U1, pSample0->m_fTop_V1, pSample0->m_fRight_U1, pSample0->m_fBottom_V1 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 2, pSample->m_fBlendFactor, rot, rad, yaw ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 3, 0, 1 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 4, pSecondTexture0->m_fLeft_U0, pSecondTexture0->m_fTop_V0, pSecondTexture0->m_fRight_U0, pSecondTexture0->m_fBottom_V0 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 5, pSample1Frame->m_fLeft_U0, pSample1Frame->m_fTop_V0, pSample1Frame->m_fRight_U0, pSample1Frame->m_fBottom_V0 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 6, pSample1Frame->m_fLeft_U1, pSample1Frame->m_fTop_V1, pSample1Frame->m_fRight_U1, pSample1Frame->m_fBottom_V1 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord4f( 7, pSample1->m_fBlendFactor, 0, 0, 0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); meshBuilder.FastIndex( info.m_nVertexOffset ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( info.m_nVertexOffset + 1 ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( info.m_nVertexOffset + 2 ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( info.m_nVertexOffset ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( info.m_nVertexOffset + 2 ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( info.m_nVertexOffset + 3 ); info.m_nVertexOffset += 4; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void C_OP_RenderSprites::Render( IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext ) const { IMaterial *pMaterial = pParticles->m_pDef->GetMaterial(); C_OP_RenderSpritesContext_t *pCtx = reinterpret_cast<C_OP_RenderSpritesContext_t *>( pContext ); if ( pCtx->m_VisibilityData.m_bUseVisibility ) { SetupParticleVisibility( pParticles, &pCtx->m_VisibilityData, &VisibilityInputs, &pCtx->m_nQueryHandle ); } IMaterialVar* pVar = pMaterial->FindVarFast( "$orientation", &pCtx->m_nOrientationVarToken ); if ( pVar ) { pVar->SetIntValue( m_nOrientationType ); } pRenderContext->Bind( pMaterial ); if ( !pMaterial->IsSpriteCard() ) { switch( m_nOrientationType ) { case 0: RenderNonSpriteCardCameraFacing( pParticles, pContext, pRenderContext, pMaterial ); break; case 1: RenderNonSpriteCardZRotating( pParticles, pContext, pRenderContext, pMaterial ); break; case 2: RenderNonSpriteCardOriented( pParticles, pContext, pRenderContext, pMaterial, false ); break; case 3: RenderNonSpriteCardOriented( pParticles, pContext, pRenderContext, pMaterial, true ); break; } return; } if ( m_nOrientationType == 2 ) { pVar = pMaterial->FindVarFast( "$orientationMatrix", &pCtx->m_nOrientationMatrixVarToken ); if ( pVar ) { VMatrix mat; if ( m_nOrientationControlPoint < 0 ) { MatrixSetIdentity( mat ); } else { pParticles->GetControlPointTransformAtCurrentTime( m_nOrientationControlPoint, &mat ); } pVar->SetMatrixValue( mat ); } } float flAgeScale = m_flAnimationRate * SEQUENCE_SAMPLE_COUNT; float flAgeScale2 = m_flAnimationRate2 * SEQUENCE_SAMPLE_COUNT; SpriteRenderInfo_t info; info.Init( pParticles, 0, flAgeScale, flAgeScale2, pParticles->m_Sheet() ); MaterialPrimitiveType_t primType = bUseInstancing ? MATERIAL_INSTANCED_QUADS : MATERIAL_TRIANGLES; int nMaxParticlesInBatch = GetMaxParticlesPerBatch( pRenderContext, pMaterial, bUseInstancing ); int nParticles; const ParticleRenderData_t *pSortList = pParticles->GetRenderList( pRenderContext, true, &nParticles, &pCtx->m_VisibilityData ); Vector vecCamera; pRenderContext->GetWorldSpaceCameraPosition( &vecCamera ); while ( nParticles ) { int nParticlesInBatch = min( nMaxParticlesInBatch, nParticles ); nParticles -= nParticlesInBatch; int vertexCount = bUseInstancing ? nParticlesInBatch : nParticlesInBatch * 4; int indexCount = bUseInstancing ? 0 : nParticlesInBatch * 6; IMesh* pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh( true ); CMeshBuilder meshBuilder; if ( bUseInstancing ) { g_pParticleSystemMgr->TallyParticlesRendered( vertexCount * ( primType == MATERIAL_TRIANGLES ? 3 : 4 ) ); meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, primType, vertexCount ); } else { g_pParticleSystemMgr->TallyParticlesRendered( vertexCount * ( primType == MATERIAL_TRIANGLES ? 3 : 4 ), indexCount * ( primType == MATERIAL_TRIANGLES ? 3 : 4 ) ); meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, primType, vertexCount, indexCount ); } info.m_nVertexOffset = 0; if ( meshBuilder.TextureCoordinateSize( 5 ) ) // second sequence? { for( int i = 0; i < nParticlesInBatch; i++ ) { int hParticle = (--pSortList)->m_nIndex; RenderTwoSequenceSpriteCard( meshBuilder, pCtx, info, hParticle, pSortList, &vecCamera ); } } else { for( int i = 0; i < nParticlesInBatch; i++ ) { int hParticle = (--pSortList)->m_nIndex; RenderSpriteCard( meshBuilder, pCtx, info, hParticle, pSortList, &vecCamera ); } } meshBuilder.End(); pMesh->Draw(); } } void C_OP_RenderSprites::RenderUnsorted( CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext, IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, CMeshBuilder &meshBuilder, int nVertexOffset, int nFirstParticle, int nParticleCount ) const { if ( !pParticles->m_pDef->GetMaterial()->IsSpriteCard() ) { switch( m_nOrientationType ) { case 0: // FIXME: Implement! Requires removing MATERIAL_VIEW modification from sorted version Warning( "C_OP_RenderSprites::RenderUnsorted: Attempting to use an unimplemented sprite renderer for system \"%s\"!\n", pParticles->m_pDef->GetName() ); // RenderUnsortedNonSpriteCardCameraFacing( pParticles, pContext, pRenderContext, meshBuilder, nVertexOffset, nFirstParticle, nParticleCount ); break; case 1: RenderUnsortedNonSpriteCardZRotating( pParticles, pContext, pRenderContext, meshBuilder, nVertexOffset, nFirstParticle, nParticleCount ); break; case 2: RenderUnsortedNonSpriteCardOriented( pParticles, pContext, pRenderContext, meshBuilder, nVertexOffset, nFirstParticle, nParticleCount ); break; } return; } C_OP_RenderSpritesContext_t *pCtx = reinterpret_cast<C_OP_RenderSpritesContext_t *>( pContext ); float flAgeScale = m_flAnimationRate * SEQUENCE_SAMPLE_COUNT; float flAgeScale2 = m_flAnimationRate2 * SEQUENCE_SAMPLE_COUNT; SpriteRenderInfo_t info; info.Init( pParticles, 0, flAgeScale, flAgeScale2, pParticles->m_Sheet() ); int hParticle = nFirstParticle; int nParticles; const ParticleRenderData_t *pSortList = pParticles->GetRenderList( pRenderContext, false, &nParticles, &pCtx->m_VisibilityData ); Vector vecCamera; pRenderContext->GetWorldSpaceCameraPosition( &vecCamera ); for( int i = 0; i < nParticleCount; i++, hParticle++ ) { RenderSpriteCard( meshBuilder, pCtx, info, hParticle, pSortList, &vecCamera ); } } // // // // struct SpriteTrailRenderInfo_t : public SpriteRenderInfo_t { size_t m_nPrevXYZStride; const fltx4 *m_pPrevXYZ; size_t length_stride; const fltx4 *m_pLength; const fltx4 *m_pCreationTime; size_t m_nCreationTimeStride; void Init( CParticleCollection *pParticles, int nVertexOffset, float flAgeScale, CSheet *pSheet ) { SpriteRenderInfo_t::Init( pParticles, nVertexOffset, flAgeScale, 0, pSheet ); m_pParticles = pParticles; m_pPrevXYZ = pParticles->GetM128AttributePtr( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_PREV_XYZ, &m_nPrevXYZStride ); m_pLength = pParticles->GetM128AttributePtr( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_TRAIL_LENGTH, &length_stride ); m_pCreationTime = pParticles->GetM128AttributePtr( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_CREATION_TIME, &m_nCreationTimeStride ); } }; class C_OP_RenderSpritesTrail : public CParticleRenderOperatorInstance { DECLARE_PARTICLE_OPERATOR( C_OP_RenderSpritesTrail ); struct C_OP_RenderSpriteTrailContext_t { CParticleVisibilityData m_VisibilityData; int m_nQueryHandle; }; size_t GetRequiredContextBytes( void ) const { return sizeof( C_OP_RenderSpriteTrailContext_t ); } virtual void InitializeContextData( CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext ) const { C_OP_RenderSpriteTrailContext_t *pCtx = reinterpret_cast<C_OP_RenderSpriteTrailContext_t *>( pContext ); if ( VisibilityInputs.m_nCPin >= 0 ) pCtx->m_VisibilityData.m_bUseVisibility = true; else pCtx->m_VisibilityData.m_bUseVisibility = false; pCtx->m_VisibilityData.m_flCameraBias = VisibilityInputs.m_flCameraBias; } uint32 GetWrittenAttributes( void ) const { return 0; } void InitParams( CParticleSystemDefinition *pDef, CDmxElement *pElement ) { } uint32 GetReadAttributes( void ) const { return PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_XYZ_MASK | PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_PREV_XYZ_MASK | PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_RADIUS_MASK | PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_TINT_RGB_MASK | PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_ALPHA_MASK | PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_CREATION_TIME_MASK | PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_MASK | PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_TRAIL_LENGTH_MASK; } virtual int GetParticlesToRender( CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext, int nFirstParticle, int nRemainingVertices, int nRemainingIndices, int *pVertsUsed, int *pIndicesUsed ) const ; virtual void Render( IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext ) const; virtual void RenderUnsorted( CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext, IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, CMeshBuilder &meshBuilder, int nVertexOffset, int nFirstParticle, int nParticleCount ) const; void RenderSpriteTrail( CMeshBuilder &meshBuilder, SpriteTrailRenderInfo_t& info, int hParticle, const Vector &vecCameraPos, float flOODt, ParticleRenderData_t const *pSortlist ) const; float m_flAnimationRate; float m_flLengthFadeInTime; float m_flMaxLength; float m_flMinLength; }; DEFINE_PARTICLE_OPERATOR( C_OP_RenderSpritesTrail, "render_sprite_trail", OPERATOR_SINGLETON ); BEGIN_PARTICLE_RENDER_OPERATOR_UNPACK( C_OP_RenderSpritesTrail ) DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_FIELD( "animation rate", ".1", float, m_flAnimationRate ) DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_FIELD( "length fade in time", "0", float, m_flLengthFadeInTime ) DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_FIELD( "max length", "2000", float, m_flMaxLength ) DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_FIELD( "min length", "0", float, m_flMinLength ) END_PARTICLE_OPERATOR_UNPACK( C_OP_RenderSpritesTrail ) int C_OP_RenderSpritesTrail::GetParticlesToRender( CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext, int nFirstParticle, int nRemainingVertices, int nRemainingIndices, int *pVertsUsed, int *pIndicesUsed ) const { int nMaxParticles = ( (nRemainingVertices / 4) > (nRemainingIndices / 6) ) ? nRemainingIndices / 6 : nRemainingVertices / 4; int nParticleCount = pParticles->m_nActiveParticles - nFirstParticle; if ( nParticleCount > nMaxParticles ) { nParticleCount = nMaxParticles; } *pVertsUsed = nParticleCount * 4; *pIndicesUsed = nParticleCount * 6; return nParticleCount; } void C_OP_RenderSpritesTrail::RenderSpriteTrail( CMeshBuilder &meshBuilder, SpriteTrailRenderInfo_t& info, int hParticle, const Vector &vecCameraPos, float flOODt, ParticleRenderData_t const *pSortList ) const { Assert( hParticle != -1 ); int nGroup = hParticle / 4; int nOffset = hParticle & 0x3; // Setup our alpha unsigned char ac = pSortList->m_nAlpha; if ( ac == 0 ) return; // Setup our colors int nColorIndex = nGroup * info.m_nRGBStride; float r = SubFloat( info.m_pRGB[nColorIndex], nOffset ); float g = SubFloat( info.m_pRGB[nColorIndex+1], nOffset ); float b = SubFloat( info.m_pRGB[nColorIndex+2], nOffset ); Assert( IsFinite(r) && IsFinite(g) && IsFinite(b) ); Assert( (r >= -1e-6f) && (g >= -1e-6f) && (b >= -1e-6f) ); Assert( (r <= 1.0f) && (g <= 1.0f) && (b <= 1.0f) ); unsigned char rc = FastFToC( r ); unsigned char gc = FastFToC( g ); unsigned char bc = FastFToC( b ); // Setup the scale and rotation float rad = pSortList->m_flRadius; // Find the sample for this frame const SheetSequenceSample_t *pSample = &s_DefaultSheetSequence; if ( info.m_pSheet ) { pSample = GetSampleForSequence( info.m_pSheet, SubFloat( info.m_pCreationTimeStamp[ nGroup * info.m_nCreationTimeStride ], nOffset ), info.m_pParticles->m_flCurTime, info.m_flAgeScale, SubFloat( info.m_pSequenceNumber[ nGroup * info.m_nSequenceStride ], nOffset ) ); } const SequenceSampleTextureCoords_t *pSample0 = &(pSample->m_TextureCoordData[0]); int nCreationTimeIndex = nGroup * info.m_nCreationTimeStride; float flAge = info.m_pParticles->m_flCurTime - SubFloat( info.m_pCreationTimeStamp[ nCreationTimeIndex ], nOffset ); float flLengthScale = ( flAge >= m_flLengthFadeInTime ) ? 1.0 : ( flAge / m_flLengthFadeInTime ); int nXYZIndex = nGroup * info.m_nXYZStride; Vector vecWorldPos( SubFloat( info.m_pXYZ[ nXYZIndex ], nOffset ), SubFloat( info.m_pXYZ[ nXYZIndex+1 ], nOffset ), SubFloat( info.m_pXYZ[ nXYZIndex+2 ], nOffset ) ); Vector vecViewPos = vecWorldPos; // Get our screenspace last position int nPrevXYZIndex = nGroup * info.m_nPrevXYZStride; Vector vecPrevWorldPos( SubFloat( info.m_pPrevXYZ[ nPrevXYZIndex ], nOffset ), SubFloat( info.m_pPrevXYZ[ nPrevXYZIndex+1 ], nOffset ), SubFloat( info.m_pPrevXYZ[ nPrevXYZIndex+2 ], nOffset ) ); Vector vecPrevViewPos = vecPrevWorldPos; // Get the delta direction and find the magnitude, then scale the length by the desired length amount Vector vecDelta; VectorSubtract( vecPrevViewPos, vecViewPos, vecDelta ); float flMag = VectorNormalize( vecDelta ); float flLength = flLengthScale * flMag * flOODt * SubFloat( info.m_pLength[ nGroup * info.length_stride ], nOffset ); if ( flLength <= 0.0f ) return; flLength = max( m_flMinLength, min( m_flMaxLength, flLength ) ); vecDelta *= flLength; // Fade the width as the length fades to keep it at a square aspect ratio if ( flLength < rad ) { rad = flLength; } // Find our tangent direction which "fattens" the line Vector vDirToBeam, vTangentY; VectorSubtract( vecWorldPos, vecCameraPos, vDirToBeam ); CrossProduct( vDirToBeam, vecDelta, vTangentY ); VectorNormalizeFast( vTangentY ); // Calculate the verts we'll use as our points Vector verts[4]; VectorMA( vecWorldPos, rad*0.5f, vTangentY, verts[0] ); VectorMA( vecWorldPos, -rad*0.5f, vTangentY, verts[1] ); VectorAdd( verts[0], vecDelta, verts[3] ); VectorAdd( verts[1], vecDelta, verts[2] ); Assert( verts[0].IsValid() && verts[1].IsValid() && verts[2].IsValid() && verts[3].IsValid() ); meshBuilder.Position3fv( verts[0].Base() ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( rc, gc, bc, ac ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, pSample0->m_fLeft_U0, pSample0->m_fBottom_V0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); meshBuilder.Position3fv( verts[1].Base() ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( rc, gc, bc, ac ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, pSample0->m_fRight_U0, pSample0->m_fBottom_V0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); meshBuilder.Position3fv( verts[2].Base() ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( rc, gc, bc, ac ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, pSample0->m_fRight_U0, pSample0->m_fTop_V0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); meshBuilder.Position3fv( verts[3].Base() ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( rc, gc, bc, ac ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, pSample0->m_fLeft_U0, pSample0->m_fTop_V0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); meshBuilder.FastIndex( info.m_nVertexOffset ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( info.m_nVertexOffset + 1 ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( info.m_nVertexOffset + 2 ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( info.m_nVertexOffset ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( info.m_nVertexOffset + 2 ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( info.m_nVertexOffset + 3 ); info.m_nVertexOffset += 4; } void C_OP_RenderSpritesTrail::Render( IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext ) const { C_OP_RenderSpriteTrailContext_t *pCtx = reinterpret_cast<C_OP_RenderSpriteTrailContext_t *>( pContext ); IMaterial *pMaterial = pParticles->m_pDef->GetMaterial(); if ( pCtx->m_VisibilityData.m_bUseVisibility ) { SetupParticleVisibility( pParticles, &pCtx->m_VisibilityData, &VisibilityInputs, &pCtx->m_nQueryHandle ); } // Right now we only have a meshbuilder version! if ( !HushAsserts() ) Assert( pMaterial->IsSpriteCard() == false ); if ( pMaterial->IsSpriteCard() ) return; // Store matrices off so we can restore them in RenderEnd(). pRenderContext->Bind( pMaterial ); float flAgeScale = m_flAnimationRate * SEQUENCE_SAMPLE_COUNT; // Get the camera's worldspace position Vector vecCameraPos; pRenderContext->GetWorldSpaceCameraPosition( &vecCameraPos ); SpriteTrailRenderInfo_t info; info.Init( pParticles, 0, flAgeScale, pParticles->m_Sheet() ); int nParticles; const ParticleRenderData_t *pSortList = pParticles->GetRenderList( pRenderContext, true, &nParticles, &pCtx->m_VisibilityData ); int nMaxParticlesInBatch = GetMaxParticlesPerBatch( pRenderContext, pMaterial, false ); float flOODt = ( pParticles->m_flDt != 0.0f ) ? ( 1.0f / pParticles->m_flDt ) : 1.0f; while ( nParticles ) { int nParticlesInBatch = min( nMaxParticlesInBatch, nParticles ); nParticles -= nParticlesInBatch; g_pParticleSystemMgr->TallyParticlesRendered( nParticlesInBatch * 4 * 3, nParticlesInBatch * 6 * 3 ); IMesh* pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh( true ); CMeshBuilder meshBuilder; meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_TRIANGLES, nParticlesInBatch * 4, nParticlesInBatch * 6 ); info.m_nVertexOffset = 0; for( int i = 0; i < nParticlesInBatch; i++ ) { int hParticle = (--pSortList)->m_nIndex; RenderSpriteTrail( meshBuilder, info, hParticle, vecCameraPos, flOODt, pSortList ); } meshBuilder.End(); pMesh->Draw(); } } void C_OP_RenderSpritesTrail::RenderUnsorted( CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext, IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, CMeshBuilder &meshBuilder, int nVertexOffset, int nFirstParticle, int nParticleCount ) const { C_OP_RenderSpriteTrailContext_t *pCtx = reinterpret_cast<C_OP_RenderSpriteTrailContext_t *>( pContext ); // NOTE: This is interesting to support because at first we won't have all the various // pixel-shader versions of SpriteCard, like modulate, twotexture, etc. etc. Vector vecCameraPos; pRenderContext->GetWorldSpaceCameraPosition( &vecCameraPos ); float flAgeScale = m_flAnimationRate * SEQUENCE_SAMPLE_COUNT; SpriteTrailRenderInfo_t info; info.Init( pParticles, nVertexOffset, flAgeScale, pParticles->m_Sheet() ); int nParticles; const ParticleRenderData_t *pSortList = pParticles->GetRenderList( pRenderContext, false, &nParticles, &pCtx->m_VisibilityData ); float flOODt = ( pParticles->m_flDt != 0.0f ) ? ( 1.0f / pParticles->m_flDt ) : 1.0f; int hParticle = nFirstParticle; for( int i = 0; i < nParticleCount; i++, hParticle++ ) { RenderSpriteTrail( meshBuilder, info, hParticle, vecCameraPos, flOODt, pSortList ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Rope renderer // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct RopeRenderInfo_t { size_t m_nXYZStride; const fltx4 *m_pXYZ; size_t m_nRadStride; const fltx4 *m_pRadius; size_t m_nRGBStride; const fltx4 *m_pRGB; size_t m_nAlphaStride; const fltx4 *m_pAlpha; CParticleCollection *m_pParticles; void Init( CParticleCollection *pParticles ) { m_pParticles = pParticles; m_pXYZ = pParticles->GetM128AttributePtr( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_XYZ, &m_nXYZStride ); m_pRadius = pParticles->GetM128AttributePtr( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_RADIUS, &m_nRadStride ); m_pRGB = pParticles->GetM128AttributePtr( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_TINT_RGB, &m_nRGBStride ); m_pAlpha = pParticles->GetM128AttributePtr( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_ALPHA, &m_nAlphaStride ); } void GenerateSeg( int hParticle, BeamSeg_t& seg ) { Assert( hParticle != -1 ); int nGroup = hParticle / 4; int nOffset = hParticle & 0x3; int nXYZIndex = nGroup * m_nXYZStride; int nColorIndex = nGroup * m_nRGBStride; seg.m_vPos.Init( SubFloat( m_pXYZ[ nXYZIndex ], nOffset ), SubFloat( m_pXYZ[ nXYZIndex+1 ], nOffset ), SubFloat( m_pXYZ[ nXYZIndex+2 ], nOffset ) ); seg.m_vColor.Init( SubFloat( m_pRGB[ nColorIndex ], nOffset ), SubFloat( m_pRGB[ nColorIndex+1 ], nOffset ), SubFloat( m_pRGB[nColorIndex+2], nOffset ) ); seg.m_flAlpha = SubFloat( m_pAlpha[ nGroup * m_nAlphaStride ], nOffset ); seg.m_flWidth = SubFloat( m_pRadius[ nGroup * m_nRadStride ], nOffset ); } }; struct RenderRopeContext_t { float m_flRenderedRopeLength; }; class C_OP_RenderRope : public CParticleOperatorInstance { DECLARE_PARTICLE_OPERATOR( C_OP_RenderRope ); uint32 GetWrittenAttributes( void ) const { return 0; } uint32 GetReadAttributes( void ) const { return PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_XYZ_MASK | PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_RADIUS_MASK | PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_TINT_RGB_MASK | PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_ALPHA_MASK; } virtual void InitializeContextData( CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext ) const { RenderRopeContext_t *pCtx = reinterpret_cast<RenderRopeContext_t *>( pContext ); pCtx->m_flRenderedRopeLength = false; float *pSubdivList = (float*)( pCtx + 1 ); for ( int iSubdiv = 0; iSubdiv < m_nSubdivCount; iSubdiv++ ) { pSubdivList[iSubdiv] = (float)iSubdiv / (float)m_nSubdivCount; } // NOTE: Has to happen here, and not in InitParams, since the material isn't set up yet const_cast<C_OP_RenderRope*>( this )->m_flTextureScale = 1.0f / ( pParticles->m_pDef->GetMaterial()->GetMappingHeight() * m_flTexelSizeInUnits ); } size_t GetRequiredContextBytes( void ) const { return sizeof( RenderRopeContext_t ) + m_nSubdivCount * sizeof(float); } virtual void InitParams( CParticleSystemDefinition *pDef, CDmxElement *pElement ) { if ( m_nSubdivCount <= 0 ) { m_nSubdivCount = 1; } if ( m_flTexelSizeInUnits <= 0 ) { m_flTexelSizeInUnits = 1.0f; } m_flTStep = 1.0 / m_nSubdivCount; } virtual int GetParticlesToRender( CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext, int nFirstParticle, int nRemainingVertices, int nRemainingIndices, int *pVertsUsed, int *pIndicesUsed ) const; virtual void Render( IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext ) const; virtual void RenderSpriteCard( CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext, IMaterial *pMaterial ) const; virtual void RenderUnsorted( CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext, IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, CMeshBuilder &meshBuilder, int nVertexOffset, int nFirstParticle, int nParticleCount ) const; // We connect neighboring particle instances to each other, so if the order isn't maintained we will have a particle that jumps // back to the wrong place and look terrible. virtual bool RequiresOrderInvariance( void ) const OVERRIDE { return true; } int m_nSubdivCount; float m_flTexelSizeInUnits; float m_flTextureScale; float m_flTextureScrollRate; float m_flTStep; }; DEFINE_PARTICLE_OPERATOR( C_OP_RenderRope, "render_rope", OPERATOR_SINGLETON ); BEGIN_PARTICLE_OPERATOR_UNPACK( C_OP_RenderRope ) DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_FIELD( "subdivision_count", "3", int, m_nSubdivCount ) DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_FIELD( "texel_size", "4.0f", float, m_flTexelSizeInUnits ) DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_FIELD( "texture_scroll_rate", "0.0f", float, m_flTextureScrollRate ) END_PARTICLE_OPERATOR_UNPACK( C_OP_RenderRope ) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns the number of particles to render //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int C_OP_RenderRope::GetParticlesToRender( CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext, int nFirstParticle, int nRemainingVertices, int nRemainingIndices, int *pVertsUsed, int *pIndicesUsed ) const { if ( ( nFirstParticle >= pParticles->m_nActiveParticles - 1 ) || ( pParticles->m_nActiveParticles <= 1 ) ) { *pVertsUsed = 0; *pIndicesUsed = 0; return 0; } // NOTE: This is only true for particles *after* the first particle. // First particle takes 2 verts, no indices. int nVertsPerParticle = 2 * m_nSubdivCount; int nIndicesPerParticle = 6 * m_nSubdivCount; // Subtract 2 is because the first particle uses an extra pair of vertices int nMaxParticleCount = 1 + ( nRemainingVertices - 2 ) / nVertsPerParticle; int nMaxParticleCount2 = nRemainingIndices / nIndicesPerParticle; if ( nMaxParticleCount > nMaxParticleCount2 ) { nMaxParticleCount = nMaxParticleCount2; } int nParticleCount = pParticles->m_nActiveParticles - nFirstParticle; // We can't choose a max particle count so that we only have 1 particle to render next time if ( nMaxParticleCount == nParticleCount - 1 ) { --nMaxParticleCount; Assert( nMaxParticleCount > 0 ); } if ( nParticleCount > nMaxParticleCount ) { nParticleCount = nMaxParticleCount; } *pVertsUsed = ( nParticleCount - 1 ) * m_nSubdivCount * 2 + 2; *pIndicesUsed = nParticleCount * m_nSubdivCount * 6; return nParticleCount; } #define OUTPUT_2SPLINE_VERTS( t ) \ meshBuilder.Color4ub( FastFToC( vecColor.x ), FastFToC( vecColor.y), FastFToC( vecColor.z), FastFToC( vecColor.w ) ); \ meshBuilder.Position3f( (t), flU, 0 ); \ meshBuilder.TexCoord4fv( 0, vecP0.Base() ); \ meshBuilder.TexCoord4fv( 1, vecP1.Base() ); \ meshBuilder.TexCoord4fv( 2, vecP2.Base() ); \ meshBuilder.TexCoord4fv( 3, vecP3.Base() ); \ meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); \ meshBuilder.Color4ub( FastFToC( vecColor.x ), FastFToC( vecColor.y), FastFToC( vecColor.z), FastFToC( vecColor.w ) ); \ meshBuilder.Position3f( (t), flU, 1 ); \ meshBuilder.TexCoord4fv( 0, vecP0.Base() ); \ meshBuilder.TexCoord4fv( 1, vecP1.Base() ); \ meshBuilder.TexCoord4fv( 2, vecP2.Base() ); \ meshBuilder.TexCoord4fv( 3, vecP3.Base() ); \ meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); void C_OP_RenderRope::RenderSpriteCard( CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext, IMaterial *pMaterial ) const { int nParticles = pParticles->m_nActiveParticles; int nSegmentsToRender = nParticles - 1; if ( ! nSegmentsToRender ) return; CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); pRenderContext->Bind( pMaterial ); int nMaxVertices = pRenderContext->GetMaxVerticesToRender( pMaterial ); int nMaxIndices = pRenderContext->GetMaxIndicesToRender(); int nNumIndicesPerSegment = 6 * m_nSubdivCount; int nNumVerticesPerSegment = 2 * m_nSubdivCount; int nNumSegmentsPerBatch = min( ( nMaxVertices - 2 )/nNumVerticesPerSegment, ( nMaxIndices ) / nNumIndicesPerSegment ); const float *pXYZ = pParticles->GetFloatAttributePtr( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_XYZ, 0 ); const float *pColor = pParticles->GetFloatAttributePtr( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_TINT_RGB, 0 ); const float *pRadius = pParticles->GetFloatAttributePtr( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_RADIUS, 0 ); const float *pAlpha = pParticles->GetFloatAttributePtr( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_ALPHA, 0 ); IMesh* pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh( true ); CMeshBuilder meshBuilder; int nNumSegmentsIWillRenderPerBatch = min( nNumSegmentsPerBatch, nSegmentsToRender ); bool bFirstPoint = true; float flTexOffset = m_flTextureScrollRate * pParticles->m_flCurTime; float flU = flTexOffset; // initialize first spline segment Vector4D vecP1( pXYZ[0], pXYZ[4], pXYZ[8], pRadius[0] ); Vector4D vecP2( pXYZ[1], pXYZ[5], pXYZ[9], pRadius[1] ); Vector4D vecP0 = vecP1; Vector4D vecColor( pColor[0], pColor[4], pColor[8], pAlpha[0] ); Vector4D vecDelta = vecP2; vecDelta -= vecP1; vecP0 -= vecDelta; Vector4D vecP3; if ( nParticles < 3 ) { vecP3 = vecP2; vecP3 += vecDelta; } else { vecP3.Init( pXYZ[2], pXYZ[6], pXYZ[10], pRadius[2] ); } int nPnt = 3; int nCurIDX = 0; int nSegmentsAvailableInBuffer = nNumSegmentsIWillRenderPerBatch; g_pParticleSystemMgr->TallyParticlesRendered( 2 + nNumSegmentsIWillRenderPerBatch * nNumVerticesPerSegment * 3, nNumIndicesPerSegment * nNumSegmentsIWillRenderPerBatch * 3 ); meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_TRIANGLES, 2 + nNumSegmentsIWillRenderPerBatch * nNumVerticesPerSegment, nNumIndicesPerSegment * nNumSegmentsIWillRenderPerBatch ); float flDUScale = ( m_flTStep * m_flTexelSizeInUnits ); float flT = 0; do { if ( ! nSegmentsAvailableInBuffer ) { meshBuilder.End(); pMesh->Draw(); g_pParticleSystemMgr->TallyParticlesRendered( 2 + nNumSegmentsIWillRenderPerBatch * nNumVerticesPerSegment * 3, nNumIndicesPerSegment * nNumSegmentsIWillRenderPerBatch * 3 ); meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_TRIANGLES, 2 + nNumSegmentsIWillRenderPerBatch * nNumVerticesPerSegment, nNumIndicesPerSegment * nNumSegmentsIWillRenderPerBatch ); // copy the last emitted points OUTPUT_2SPLINE_VERTS( flT ); nSegmentsAvailableInBuffer = nNumSegmentsIWillRenderPerBatch; nCurIDX = 0; } nSegmentsAvailableInBuffer--; flT = 0.; float flDu = flDUScale * ( vecP2.AsVector3D() - vecP1.AsVector3D() ).Length(); for( int nSlice = 0 ; nSlice < m_nSubdivCount; nSlice++ ) { OUTPUT_2SPLINE_VERTS( flT ); flT += m_flTStep; flU += flDu; if ( ! bFirstPoint ) { meshBuilder.FastIndex( nCurIDX ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( nCurIDX+1 ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( nCurIDX+2 ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( nCurIDX+1 ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( nCurIDX+3 ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( nCurIDX+2 ); nCurIDX += 2; } bFirstPoint = false; } // next segment if ( nSegmentsToRender > 1 ) { vecP0 = vecP1; vecP1 = vecP2; vecP2 = vecP3; pRadius = pParticles->GetFloatAttributePtr( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_RADIUS, nPnt ); pAlpha = pParticles->GetFloatAttributePtr( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_ALPHA, nPnt -2 ); vecColor.Init( pColor[0], pColor[4], pColor[8], pAlpha[0] ); if ( nPnt < nParticles ) { pXYZ = pParticles->GetFloatAttributePtr( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_XYZ, nPnt ); vecP3.Init( pXYZ[0], pXYZ[4], pXYZ[8], pRadius[0] ); nPnt++; } else { // fake last point by extrapolating vecP3 += vecP2; vecP3 -= vecP1; } } } while( --nSegmentsToRender ); // output last piece OUTPUT_2SPLINE_VERTS( 1.0 ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( nCurIDX ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( nCurIDX+1 ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( nCurIDX+2 ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( nCurIDX+1 ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( nCurIDX+3 ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( nCurIDX+2 ); meshBuilder.End(); pMesh->Draw(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Renders particles, sorts them (?) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void C_OP_RenderRope::Render( IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext ) const { // FIXME: What does this even mean? Ropes can't really be sorted. IMaterial *pMaterial = pParticles->m_pDef->GetMaterial(); if ( pMaterial->IsSpriteCard() ) { RenderSpriteCard( pParticles, pContext, pMaterial ); return; } pRenderContext->Bind( pMaterial ); int nMaxVertices = pRenderContext->GetMaxVerticesToRender( pMaterial ); int nMaxIndices = pRenderContext->GetMaxIndicesToRender(); int nParticles = pParticles->m_nActiveParticles; int nFirstParticle = 0; while ( nParticles ) { int nVertCount, nIndexCount; int nParticlesInBatch = GetParticlesToRender( pParticles, pContext, nFirstParticle, nMaxVertices, nMaxIndices, &nVertCount, &nIndexCount ); if ( nParticlesInBatch == 0 ) break; nParticles -= nParticlesInBatch; g_pParticleSystemMgr->TallyParticlesRendered( nVertCount * 3, nIndexCount * 3 ); IMesh* pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh( true ); CMeshBuilder meshBuilder; meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_TRIANGLES, nVertCount, nIndexCount ); RenderUnsorted( pParticles, pContext, pRenderContext, meshBuilder, 0, nFirstParticle, nParticlesInBatch ); meshBuilder.End(); pMesh->Draw(); nFirstParticle += nParticlesInBatch; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void C_OP_RenderRope::RenderUnsorted( CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext, IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, CMeshBuilder &meshBuilder, int nVertexOffset, int nFirstParticle, int nParticleCount ) const { IMaterial *pMaterial = pParticles->m_pDef->GetMaterial(); // Right now we only have a meshbuilder version! Assert( pMaterial->IsSpriteCard() == false ); if ( pMaterial->IsSpriteCard() ) return; RenderRopeContext_t *pCtx = reinterpret_cast<RenderRopeContext_t *>( pContext ); float *pSubdivList = (float*)( pCtx + 1 ); if ( nFirstParticle == 0 ) { pCtx->m_flRenderedRopeLength = 0.0f; } float flTexOffset = m_flTextureScrollRate * pParticles->m_flCurTime; RopeRenderInfo_t info; info.Init( pParticles ); CBeamSegDraw beamSegment; beamSegment.Start( pRenderContext, ( nParticleCount - 1 ) * m_nSubdivCount + 1, pMaterial, &meshBuilder, nVertexOffset ); Vector vecCatmullRom[4]; BeamSeg_t seg[2]; info.GenerateSeg( nFirstParticle, seg[0] ); seg[0].m_flTexCoord = ( pCtx->m_flRenderedRopeLength + flTexOffset ) * m_flTextureScale; beamSegment.NextSeg( &seg[0] ); vecCatmullRom[1] = seg[0].m_vPos; if ( nFirstParticle == 0 ) { vecCatmullRom[0] = vecCatmullRom[1]; } else { int nGroup = ( nFirstParticle-1 ) / 4; int nOffset = ( nFirstParticle-1 ) & 0x3; int nXYZIndex = nGroup * info.m_nXYZStride; vecCatmullRom[0].Init( SubFloat( info.m_pXYZ[ nXYZIndex ], nOffset ), SubFloat( info.m_pXYZ[ nXYZIndex+1 ], nOffset ), SubFloat( info.m_pXYZ[ nXYZIndex+2 ], nOffset ) ); } float flOOSubDivCount = 1.0f / m_nSubdivCount; int hParticle = nFirstParticle + 1; for ( int i = 1; i < nParticleCount; ++i, ++hParticle ) { int nCurr = i & 1; int nPrev = 1 - nCurr; info.GenerateSeg( hParticle, seg[nCurr] ); pCtx->m_flRenderedRopeLength += seg[nCurr].m_vPos.DistTo( seg[nPrev].m_vPos ); seg[nCurr].m_flTexCoord = ( pCtx->m_flRenderedRopeLength + flTexOffset ) * m_flTextureScale; if ( m_nSubdivCount > 1 ) { vecCatmullRom[ (i+1) & 0x3 ] = seg[nCurr].m_vPos; if ( hParticle != info.m_pParticles->m_nActiveParticles - 1 ) { int nGroup = ( hParticle+1 ) / 4; int nOffset = ( hParticle+1 ) & 0x3; int nXYZIndex = nGroup * info.m_nXYZStride; vecCatmullRom[ (i+2) & 0x3 ].Init( SubFloat( info.m_pXYZ[ nXYZIndex ], nOffset ), SubFloat( info.m_pXYZ[ nXYZIndex+1 ], nOffset ), SubFloat( info.m_pXYZ[ nXYZIndex+2 ], nOffset ) ); } else { vecCatmullRom[ (i+2) & 0x3 ] = vecCatmullRom[ (i+1) & 0x3 ]; } BeamSeg_t &subDivSeg = seg[nPrev]; Vector vecColorInc = ( seg[nCurr].m_vColor - seg[nPrev].m_vColor ) * flOOSubDivCount; float flAlphaInc = ( seg[nCurr].m_flAlpha - seg[nPrev].m_flAlpha ) * flOOSubDivCount; float flTexcoordInc = ( seg[nCurr].m_flTexCoord - seg[nPrev].m_flTexCoord ) * flOOSubDivCount; float flWidthInc = ( seg[nCurr].m_flWidth - seg[nPrev].m_flWidth ) * flOOSubDivCount; for( int iSubdiv = 1; iSubdiv < m_nSubdivCount; ++iSubdiv ) { subDivSeg.m_vColor += vecColorInc; subDivSeg.m_vColor.x = clamp( subDivSeg.m_vColor.x, 0.0f, 1.0f ); subDivSeg.m_vColor.y = clamp( subDivSeg.m_vColor.y, 0.0f, 1.0f ); subDivSeg.m_vColor.z = clamp( subDivSeg.m_vColor.z, 0.0f, 1.0f ); subDivSeg.m_flAlpha += flAlphaInc; subDivSeg.m_flAlpha = clamp( subDivSeg.m_flAlpha, 0.0f, 1.0f ); subDivSeg.m_flTexCoord += flTexcoordInc; subDivSeg.m_flWidth += flWidthInc; Catmull_Rom_Spline( vecCatmullRom[ (i+3) & 0x3 ], vecCatmullRom[ i & 0x3 ], vecCatmullRom[ (i+1) & 0x3 ], vecCatmullRom[ (i+2) & 0x3 ], pSubdivList[iSubdiv], subDivSeg.m_vPos ); beamSegment.NextSeg( &subDivSeg ); } } beamSegment.NextSeg( &seg[nCurr] ); } beamSegment.End(); } #ifdef USE_BLOBULATOR // Enable blobulator for EP3 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Installs renderers //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class C_OP_RenderBlobs : public CParticleRenderOperatorInstance { DECLARE_PARTICLE_OPERATOR( C_OP_RenderBlobs ); float m_cubeWidth; float m_cutoffRadius; float m_renderRadius; struct C_OP_RenderBlobsContext_t { CParticleVisibilityData m_VisibilityData; int m_nQueryHandle; }; size_t GetRequiredContextBytes( void ) const { return sizeof( C_OP_RenderBlobsContext_t ); } virtual void InitializeContextData( CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext ) const { C_OP_RenderBlobsContext_t *pCtx = reinterpret_cast<C_OP_RenderBlobsContext_t *>( pContext ); if ( VisibilityInputs.m_nCPin >= 0 ) pCtx->m_VisibilityData.m_bUseVisibility = true; else pCtx->m_VisibilityData.m_bUseVisibility = false; pCtx->m_VisibilityData.m_flCameraBias = VisibilityInputs.m_flCameraBias; } uint32 GetWrittenAttributes( void ) const { return 0; } uint32 GetReadAttributes( void ) const { return PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_XYZ_MASK; } virtual void Render( IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext ) const; virtual bool IsBatchable() const { return false; } }; DEFINE_PARTICLE_OPERATOR( C_OP_RenderBlobs, "render_blobs", OPERATOR_SINGLETON ); BEGIN_PARTICLE_RENDER_OPERATOR_UNPACK( C_OP_RenderBlobs ) DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_FIELD( "cube_width", "1.0f", float, m_cubeWidth ) DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_FIELD( "cutoff_radius", "3.3f", float, m_cutoffRadius ) DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_FIELD( "render_radius", "1.3f", float, m_renderRadius ) END_PARTICLE_OPERATOR_UNPACK( C_OP_RenderBlobs ) void C_OP_RenderBlobs::Render( IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext ) const { ImpTiler* tiler = ImpTilerFactory::factory->getTiler(); //RENDERER_CLASS* sweepRenderer = tiler->getRenderer(); C_OP_RenderBlobsContext_t *pCtx = reinterpret_cast<C_OP_RenderBlobsContext_t *>( pContext ); if ( pCtx->m_VisibilityData.m_bUseVisibility ) { SetupParticleVisibility( pParticles, &pCtx->m_VisibilityData, &VisibilityInputs, &pCtx->m_nQueryHandle ); } #if 0 // Note: it is not good to have these static variables here. static RENDERER_CLASS* sweepRenderer = NULL; static ImpTiler* tiler = NULL; if(!sweepRenderer) { sweepRenderer = new RENDERER_CLASS(); tiler = new ImpTiler(sweepRenderer); } #endif // TODO: I should get rid of this static array and static calls // to setCubeWidth, etc... static SmartArray<ImpParticle> imp_particles_sa; // This doesn't specify alignment, might have problems with SSE RENDERER_CLASS::setCubeWidth(m_cubeWidth); RENDERER_CLASS::setRenderR(m_renderRadius); RENDERER_CLASS::setCutoffR(m_cutoffRadius); RENDERER_CLASS::setCalcSignFunc(calcSign); RENDERER_CLASS::setCalcSign2Func(calcSign2); #if 0 RENDERER_CLASS::setCalcCornerFunc(CALC_CORNER_NORMAL_COLOR_CI_SIZE, calcCornerNormalColor); RENDERER_CLASS::setCalcVertexFunc(calcVertexNormalNColor); #endif #if 1 RENDERER_CLASS::setCalcCornerFunc(CALC_CORNER_NORMAL_CI_SIZE, calcCornerNormal); RENDERER_CLASS::setCalcVertexFunc(calcVertexNormalDebugColor); #endif #if 0 RENDERER_CLASS::setCalcCornerFunc(CALC_CORNER_NORMAL_COLOR_CI_SIZE, calcCornerNormalHiFreqColor); RENDERER_CLASS::setCalcVertexFunc(calcVertexNormalNColor); #endif IMaterial *pMaterial = pParticles->m_pDef->GetMaterial(); // TODO: I don't need to load this as a sorted list. See Lennard Jones forces for better way! int nParticles; const ParticleRenderData_t *pSortList = pParticles->GetRenderList( pRenderContext, false, &nParticles, &pCtx->m_VisibilityData ); size_t xyz_stride; const fltx4 *xyz = pParticles->GetM128AttributePtr( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_XYZ, &xyz_stride ); Vector bbMin; Vector bbMax; pParticles->GetBounds( &bbMin, &bbMax ); Vector bbCenter = 0.5f * ( bbMin + bbMax ); // FIXME: Make this configurable. Not all shaders perform lighting. Although it's pretty likely for isosurface shaders. g_pParticleSystemMgr->Query()->SetUpLightingEnvironment( bbCenter ); // FIXME: Ugly hack to get particle system location to a special blob shader lighting proxy pRenderContext->Bind( pMaterial, &bbCenter ); //CMeshBuilder meshBuilder; //int nMaxVertices = pRenderContext->GetMaxVerticesToRender( pMaterial ); tiler->beginFrame(Point3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), (void*)&pRenderContext); while(imp_particles_sa.size < nParticles) { imp_particles_sa.pushAutoSize(ImpParticle()); } for( int i = 0; i < nParticles; i++ ) { int hParticle = (--pSortList)->m_nIndex; int nIndex = ( hParticle / 4 ) * xyz_stride; int nOffset = hParticle & 0x3; float x = SubFloat( xyz[nIndex], nOffset ); float y = SubFloat( xyz[nIndex+1], nOffset ); float z = SubFloat( xyz[nIndex+2], nOffset ); ImpParticle* imp_particle = &imp_particles_sa[i]; imp_particle->center[0]=x; imp_particle->center[1]=y; imp_particle->center[2]=z; imp_particle->setFieldScale(1.0f); //imp_particle->interpolants1.set(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); //imp_particle->interpolants1[3] = 0.0f; //m_flSurfaceV[i]; tiler->insertParticle(imp_particle); } tiler->drawSurface(); // NOTE: need to call drawSurfaceSorted for transparency tiler->endFrame(); ImpTilerFactory::factory->returnTiler(tiler); } #endif //blobs //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Installs renderers //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class C_OP_RenderScreenVelocityRotate : public CParticleRenderOperatorInstance { DECLARE_PARTICLE_OPERATOR( C_OP_RenderScreenVelocityRotate ); float m_flRotateRateDegrees; float m_flForwardDegrees; struct C_OP_RenderScreenVelocityRotateContext_t { CParticleVisibilityData m_VisibilityData; int m_nQueryHandle; }; size_t GetRequiredContextBytes( void ) const { return sizeof( C_OP_RenderScreenVelocityRotateContext_t ); } virtual void InitializeContextData( CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext ) const { C_OP_RenderScreenVelocityRotateContext_t *pCtx = reinterpret_cast<C_OP_RenderScreenVelocityRotateContext_t *>( pContext ); if ( VisibilityInputs.m_nCPin >= 0 ) pCtx->m_VisibilityData.m_bUseVisibility = true; else pCtx->m_VisibilityData.m_bUseVisibility = false; pCtx->m_VisibilityData.m_flCameraBias = VisibilityInputs.m_flCameraBias; } uint32 GetWrittenAttributes( void ) const { return PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_ROTATION_MASK; } uint32 GetReadAttributes( void ) const { return PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_XYZ_MASK | PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_PREV_XYZ_MASK | PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_ROTATION_MASK ; } virtual void Render( IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext ) const; }; DEFINE_PARTICLE_OPERATOR( C_OP_RenderScreenVelocityRotate, "render_screen_velocity_rotate", OPERATOR_SINGLETON ); BEGIN_PARTICLE_RENDER_OPERATOR_UNPACK( C_OP_RenderScreenVelocityRotate ) DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_FIELD( "rotate_rate(dps)", "0.0f", float, m_flRotateRateDegrees ) DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_FIELD( "forward_angle", "-90.0f", float, m_flForwardDegrees ) END_PARTICLE_OPERATOR_UNPACK( C_OP_RenderScreenVelocityRotate ) void C_OP_RenderScreenVelocityRotate::Render( IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, CParticleCollection *pParticles, void *pContext ) const { C_OP_RenderScreenVelocityRotateContext_t *pCtx = reinterpret_cast<C_OP_RenderScreenVelocityRotateContext_t *>( pContext ); if ( pCtx->m_VisibilityData.m_bUseVisibility ) { SetupParticleVisibility( pParticles, &pCtx->m_VisibilityData, &VisibilityInputs, &pCtx->m_nQueryHandle ); } // NOTE: This is interesting to support because at first we won't have all the various // pixel-shader versions of SpriteCard, like modulate, twotexture, etc. etc. VMatrix tempView; // Store matrices off so we can restore them in RenderEnd(). pRenderContext->GetMatrix(MATERIAL_VIEW, &tempView); int nParticles; const ParticleRenderData_t *pSortList = pParticles->GetRenderList( pRenderContext, false, &nParticles, &pCtx->m_VisibilityData ); size_t xyz_stride; const fltx4 *xyz = pParticles->GetM128AttributePtr( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_XYZ, &xyz_stride ); size_t prev_xyz_stride; const fltx4 *prev_xyz = pParticles->GetM128AttributePtr( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_PREV_XYZ, &prev_xyz_stride ); size_t rot_stride; // const fltx4 *pRot = pParticles->GetM128AttributePtr( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_ROTATION, &rot_stride ); fltx4 *pRot = pParticles->GetM128AttributePtrForWrite( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_ROTATION, &rot_stride ); float flForwardRadians = m_flForwardDegrees * ( M_PI / 180.0f ); //float flRotateRateRadians = m_flRotateRateDegrees * ( M_PI / 180.0f ); for( int i = 0; i < nParticles; i++ ) { int hParticle = (--pSortList)->m_nIndex; int nGroup = ( hParticle / 4 ); int nOffset = hParticle & 0x3; int nXYZIndex = nGroup * xyz_stride; Vector vecWorldPos( SubFloat( xyz[ nXYZIndex ], nOffset ), SubFloat( xyz[ nXYZIndex+1 ], nOffset ), SubFloat( xyz[ nXYZIndex+2 ], nOffset ) ); Vector vecViewPos; Vector3DMultiplyPosition( tempView, vecWorldPos, vecViewPos ); if (!IsFinite(vecViewPos.x)) continue; int nPrevXYZIndex = nGroup * prev_xyz_stride; Vector vecPrevWorldPos( SubFloat( prev_xyz[ nPrevXYZIndex ], nOffset ), SubFloat( prev_xyz[ nPrevXYZIndex+1 ], nOffset ), SubFloat( prev_xyz[ nPrevXYZIndex+2 ], nOffset ) ); Vector vecPrevViewPos; Vector3DMultiplyPosition( tempView, vecPrevWorldPos, vecPrevViewPos ); float rot = atan2( vecViewPos.y - vecPrevViewPos.y, vecViewPos.x - vecPrevViewPos.x ) + flForwardRadians; SubFloat( pRot[ nGroup * rot_stride ], nOffset ) = rot; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Installs renderers //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AddBuiltInParticleRenderers( void ) { #ifdef _DEBUG REGISTER_PARTICLE_OPERATOR( FUNCTION_RENDERER, C_OP_RenderPoints ); #endif REGISTER_PARTICLE_OPERATOR( FUNCTION_RENDERER, C_OP_RenderSprites ); REGISTER_PARTICLE_OPERATOR( FUNCTION_RENDERER, C_OP_RenderSpritesTrail ); REGISTER_PARTICLE_OPERATOR( FUNCTION_RENDERER, C_OP_RenderRope ); REGISTER_PARTICLE_OPERATOR( FUNCTION_RENDERER, C_OP_RenderScreenVelocityRotate ); #ifdef USE_BLOBULATOR REGISTER_PARTICLE_OPERATOR( FUNCTION_RENDERER, C_OP_RenderBlobs ); #endif // blobs }