//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // //=============================================================================// #include <windows.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <conio.h> #include <direct.h> #include <io.h> #include "tier1/interface.h" #include "tier0/dbg.h" #include "tier1/strtools.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "tier1/KeyValues.h" #include "time.h" #include "tier1/utllinkedlist.h" #include "tier1/checksum_crc.h" #define SSU_CONFIG_FILENAME "SymbolStoreUpdate.cfg" enum FileUpdateStatus_t { FILEUPDATE_CANTGETLOCALCOPY, FILEUPDATE_CRC_MATCH, // The CRC matched the last one that was shoved in there so it didn't have to update the symbol store. FILEUPDATE_UPDATED, FILEUPDATE_ERROR }; typedef enum { FILETYPE_LOCAL=0, FILETYPE_VSS, FILETYPE_PERFORCE } FileType_t; class CFileInfo { public: CFileInfo() { m_Status = STATUS_OK; m_P4Client[0] = 0; m_BinaryName[0] = 0; m_FileType = FILETYPE_LOCAL; m_bDidCRC = false; } public: FileType_t m_FileType; // Where does this file come from? char m_P4Client[256]; // If nonzero length, then this is a perforce binary we need to get. char m_BinaryName[256]; // Name of the dll or exe file. bool m_bDidCRC; // Used so we don't keep shoving the same things into the symbol store. CRC32_t m_LastCRC; enum { STATUS_OK, STATUS_ON_PROBATION // This means we sent an email warning about this file not being available. // We can only get back to STATUS_OK when we can update the file successfully. }; int m_Status; }; IFileSystem *g_pFileSystem = 0; CSysModule *g_pFSModule = 0; char g_SymbolStoreDir[256]; CUtlLinkedList<CFileInfo*,int> g_FileInfos; unsigned long g_nUpdateIntervalSeconds = 60 * 3; // Every 3 minutes by default. int g_nSuccessfulSymbolStores; int g_nSuccessfulP4Updates; int g_nSuccessfulVSSGets; int g_nSuccessfulP4Gets; int g_nUnnecessaryP4Updates; char* GetTimeString() { time_t ltime; time( <ime ); char *pStr = ctime( <ime ); static char tempStr[512]; Q_strncpy( tempStr, pStr, sizeof( tempStr ) ); char *pEnd = strchr( tempStr, '\n' ); if ( pEnd ) *pEnd = 0; pEnd = strchr( tempStr, '\r' ); if ( pEnd ) *pEnd = 0; return tempStr; } void ParseConfigFile() { // Open the KeyValues file. KeyValues *pKV = new KeyValues( "" ); if ( !pKV->LoadFromFile( g_pFileSystem, SSU_CONFIG_FILENAME ) ) Error( "Error loading config file %s.\n", SSU_CONFIG_FILENAME ); // Set the SSDIR environment variable. KeyValues *pDir = pKV->FindKey( "ssdir" ); if ( !pDir ) Error( "Config file %s is missing 'ssdir' key", SSU_CONFIG_FILENAME ); char szBuffer[512]; Q_snprintf( szBuffer, sizeof( szBuffer ), "SSDIR=%s", pDir->GetString() ); if ( _putenv( szBuffer ) != 0 ) Error( "_putenv( %s ) failed.\n", szBuffer ); pDir = pKV->FindKey( "SymbolStore" ); if ( !pDir ) Error( "Config file %s is missing 'SymbolStore' key.\n", SSU_CONFIG_FILENAME ); Q_strncpy( g_SymbolStoreDir, pDir->GetString(), sizeof( g_SymbolStoreDir ) ); g_nUpdateIntervalSeconds = pKV->GetInt( "UpdateIntervalSeconds", g_nUpdateIntervalSeconds ); Msg( "Update interval set to %d seconds.\n", g_nUpdateIntervalSeconds ); // Create a tracker for each file in the info. for ( KeyValues *pKey=pKV->GetFirstSubKey(); pKey; pKey = pKey->GetNextKey() ) { bool bVSSBinary = (stricmp( pKey->GetName(), "binary" ) == 0); bool bLocalBinary = (stricmp( pKey->GetName(), "localbinary" ) == 0); bool bPerforceBinary = (stricmp( pKey->GetName(), "p4binary" ) == 0); if ( bVSSBinary || bLocalBinary || bPerforceBinary ) { CFileInfo *pInfo = new CFileInfo; strncpy( pInfo->m_BinaryName, pKey->GetString(), sizeof( pInfo->m_BinaryName ) ); if ( bLocalBinary ) pInfo->m_FileType = FILETYPE_LOCAL; else if ( bVSSBinary ) pInfo->m_FileType = FILETYPE_VSS; else pInfo->m_FileType = FILETYPE_PERFORCE; g_FileInfos.AddToTail( pInfo ); } } if ( g_FileInfos.Count() == 0 ) Error( "No 'binary' specifications in %s.\n", SSU_CONFIG_FILENAME ); } void InitFileSystem( const char *pchExeDir ) { // Init various modules. if ( !Sys_LoadInterface( "filesystem_stdio", FILESYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION, &g_pFSModule, (void**)&g_pFileSystem ) ) { Error( "Error loading filesystem_stdio.\n" ); } g_pFileSystem->AddSearchPath( pchExeDir, "BASE" ); } bool StripFilenameFromPath( char *pStr ) { // Now strip off the filename. char *pLastSlash = pStr; char *pCur = pStr; while ( *pCur ) { if ( *pCur == '/' || *pCur == '\\' ) pLastSlash = pCur; ++pCur; } if ( pLastSlash == pStr ) return false; *pLastSlash = 0; return true; } int RunCommandGetOutput( const char *cmdLine, CUtlVector<char> &output ) { const char *pTempOutputFilename = "temp_output.txt"; char fullCmdLine[2048]; Q_snprintf( fullCmdLine, sizeof( fullCmdLine ), "%s > %s", cmdLine, pTempOutputFilename ); int ret = system( fullCmdLine ); if ( ret == 0 ) { // Read the command output. FILE *fp = fopen( pTempOutputFilename, "rb" ); if ( fp ) { fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_END ); output.SetSize( ftell( fp ) ); fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_SET ); fread( output.Base(), output.Count(), 1, fp ); fclose( fp ); } else { output.Purge(); output.AddToTail( 0 ); return ret; } // Add a null-terminator. output.AddToTail( 0 ); } DeleteFile( pTempOutputFilename ); return ret; } void GetFilenameBase( const char *pFilename, const char* &pPrefix, const char* &pFilenameBase ) { // Get just the base filename. pFilenameBase = pFilename; pPrefix = "SymbolStoreUpdateTempFiles\\"; const char *pCur = pFilename; while ( *pCur ) { if ( *pCur == '\\' || *pCur == '/' ) pFilenameBase = pCur + 1; ++pCur; } } bool GetMostRecentP4Revision( CFileInfo *pInfo, char syncCommand[512] ) { CUtlVector<char> output; if ( pInfo->m_FileType == FILETYPE_PERFORCE ) { char cmd[512]; Q_snprintf( cmd, sizeof( cmd ), "p4 changes -m 1 \"%s\"", pInfo->m_BinaryName ); if ( RunCommandGetOutput( cmd, output ) != 0 ) return false; } else { if ( RunCommandGetOutput( "p4 changes -m 1", output ) != 0 ) return false; } if ( Q_stristr( output.Base(), "change " ) != output.Base() ) return false; int iRevisionNum; char *pNumber = output.Base() + 7; if ( sscanf( pNumber, "%d", &iRevisionNum ) == 1 ) { if ( pInfo->m_FileType == FILETYPE_PERFORCE ) { const char *pPrefix, *pFilenameBase; GetFilenameBase( pInfo->m_BinaryName, pPrefix, pFilenameBase ); Q_snprintf( syncCommand, 512, "p4 print -o \"%s\" \"%s\"@%d", pFilenameBase, pInfo->m_BinaryName, iRevisionNum ); } else { Q_snprintf( syncCommand, 512, "p4 sync //valvegames/main/src/...@%d", iRevisionNum ); } return true; } else { return false; } } bool GetLocalCopyOfFile( CFileInfo *pInfo, const char* &pPrefix, const char* &pFilenameBase ) { // Get the file. pPrefix = ""; char cmdLine[4096]; int ret = 0; if ( pInfo->m_FileType == FILETYPE_LOCAL ) { // m_BinaryName points right at a file on the local HD or a UNC path. pFilenameBase = pInfo->m_BinaryName; return _access( pInfo->m_BinaryName, 0 ) == 0; } else if ( pInfo->m_FileType == FILETYPE_VSS ) { // This file comes from vss. Q_snprintf( cmdLine, sizeof( cmdLine ), "ss.exe get %s -I- -GLSymbolStoreUpdateTempFiles >> command_output.txt", pInfo->m_BinaryName ); ret = system( cmdLine ); if ( ret == 0 ) { ++g_nSuccessfulVSSGets; GetFilenameBase( pInfo->m_BinaryName, pPrefix, pFilenameBase ); return true; } else { Warning( "Failed to get '%s' from vss (error %d).\n", pInfo->m_BinaryName, ret ); return false; } } else { GetFilenameBase( pInfo->m_BinaryName, pPrefix, pFilenameBase ); // This file comes from Perforce. Q_snprintf( cmdLine, sizeof( cmdLine ), "p4 print -o \"SymbolStoreUpdateTempFiles\\%s\" \"%s\" >> command_output.txt", pFilenameBase, pInfo->m_BinaryName ); ret = system( cmdLine ); if ( ret == 0 ) { ++g_nSuccessfulP4Gets; return true; } else { Warning( "Failed to get '%s' from Perforce (error %d).\n", pInfo->m_BinaryName, ret ); return false; } } } void StoreP4Revision( CFileInfo *pInfo, const char *pFilenameBase ) { if ( pInfo->m_FileType != FILETYPE_VSS && pInfo->m_FileType != FILETYPE_PERFORCE ) return; char cmdLine[512]; char syncCommand[512]; if ( GetMostRecentP4Revision( pInfo, syncCommand ) ) { // Now find the directory where it put the file and put the current src_main Perforce revision up there. CUtlVector<char> output; Q_snprintf( cmdLine, sizeof( cmdLine ), "symstore query /f SymbolStoreUpdateTempFiles\\%s /s %s", pFilenameBase, g_SymbolStoreDir ); int ret = RunCommandGetOutput( cmdLine, output ); if ( ret == 0 ) { char *pStr = Q_stristr( output.Base(), g_SymbolStoreDir ); if ( pStr ) { char *pSpace = pStr; while ( *pSpace && !isspace( *pSpace ) ) ++pSpace; *pSpace = 0; StripFilenameFromPath( pStr ); // Now put the Perforce revision into a file in that directory. char revisionFilename[512]; Q_snprintf( revisionFilename, sizeof( revisionFilename ), "%s\\p4revision.txt", pStr ); if ( _access( revisionFilename, 00 ) != 0 ) { FILE *fp = fopen( revisionFilename, "wt" ); if ( fp ) { fprintf( fp, "%s", syncCommand ); fclose( fp ); ++g_nSuccessfulP4Updates; } } else { ++g_nUnnecessaryP4Updates; } } } } } bool GetFileCRC( const char *pFilename, CRC32_t *pCRC ) { FILE *fp = fopen( pFilename, "rb" ); if ( !fp ) return false; CUtlVector<char> data; fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_END ); data.SetSize( ftell( fp ) ); fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_SET ); fread( data.Base(), 1, data.Count(), fp ); fclose( fp ); CRC32_Init( pCRC ); CRC32_ProcessBuffer( pCRC, data.Base(), data.Count() ); CRC32_Final( pCRC ); return true; } FileUpdateStatus_t UpdateFileInSymbolStore( CFileInfo *pInfo ) { const char *pFilenameBase, *pPrefix; if ( !GetLocalCopyOfFile( pInfo, pPrefix, pFilenameBase ) ) return FILEUPDATE_CANTGETLOCALCOPY; char fullFilename[512]; Q_snprintf( fullFilename, sizeof( fullFilename ), "%s%s", pPrefix, pFilenameBase ); CRC32_t crc; if ( !GetFileCRC( fullFilename, &crc ) ) { Warning( "GetFileCRC( %s ) failed.\n", fullFilename ); return FILEUPDATE_ERROR; } // If the file's CRC is the same, then don't bother updating the symbol store again. if ( pInfo->m_bDidCRC && pInfo->m_LastCRC == crc ) return FILEUPDATE_CRC_MATCH; pInfo->m_bDidCRC = true; pInfo->m_LastCRC = crc; // Now run the symbol store updater. char cmdLine[512]; Q_snprintf( cmdLine, sizeof( cmdLine ), "symstore add /f \"%s\" /s \"%s\" /o /t SourceEngine >> command_output.txt", fullFilename, g_SymbolStoreDir ); int ret = system( cmdLine ); if ( ret == 0 ) { ++g_nSuccessfulSymbolStores; // Ask Perforce what the current revision # is. StoreP4Revision( pInfo, pFilenameBase ); return FILEUPDATE_UPDATED; } else { Warning( "%s - symstore.exe failed on '%s'.\n", GetTimeString(), pInfo->m_BinaryName ); return FILEUPDATE_ERROR; } } const char *SetPathToExeDirectory() { static char filename[MAX_PATH]; if ( GetModuleFileName( GetModuleHandle( NULL ), filename, sizeof( filename ) ) == 0 ) Error( "GetModuleFileNameEx failed.\n" ); // Now strip off the filename. if ( !StripFilenameFromPath( filename ) ) Error( "GetModuleFilename returned bad filename (%s).\n", filename ); if ( _chdir( filename ) != 0 ) Error( "_chdir( %s ) failed.\n", filename ); return filename; } int main( int argc, char **argv ) { const char *pchExeDir = SetPathToExeDirectory(); // Make this process idle priority. SetPriorityClass( GetCurrentProcess(), IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS ); // Initialize stuff. InitFileSystem( pchExeDir ); ParseConfigFile(); // Clear out the temp files directory. if ( _access( "SymbolStoreUpdateTempFiles", 00 ) == 0 ) { system( "rd /s /q SymbolStoreUpdateTempFiles" ); system( "md SymbolStoreUpdateTempFiles" ); } unsigned long nextUpdateTime = GetTickCount(); int nPasses = 0; Msg( "\nUpdating files\n" ); Msg( "- press F to force a refresh\n" ); Msg( "- press ESC or Q to exit\n" ); Msg( "\n" ); while ( 1 ) { if ( kbhit() ) { int ch = getch(); if ( toupper( ch ) == 'F' ) { Msg( "\n\n'F' pressed, forcing an update.\n\n" ); nextUpdateTime = 0; } else if ( toupper( ch ) == 'P' ) { Msg( "\n\nP pressed. Pause for how many minutes? " ); float flMinutes = 0; scanf( "%f", &flMinutes ); Msg( "\nPausing for %f minutes...\n\n", flMinutes ); nextUpdateTime = GetTickCount() + (int)( flMinutes * 60 * 1000 ); } else if ( ch == 27 || toupper( ch ) == 'Q' ) { break; } } if ( GetTickCount() >= nextUpdateTime ) { g_nSuccessfulSymbolStores = 0; g_nSuccessfulP4Updates = 0; g_nSuccessfulVSSGets = 0; g_nSuccessfulP4Gets = 0; g_nUnnecessaryP4Updates = 0; int nCRCMatches = 0; // For each file, grab its exe and put it in the store, then grab its PDB and do the same. int iCount = 0; FOR_EACH_LL( g_FileInfos, j ) { if ( UpdateFileInSymbolStore( g_FileInfos[j] ) == FILEUPDATE_CRC_MATCH ) ++nCRCMatches; ++iCount; Msg( "\rUpdated %d of %d - %d CRC matches... ", iCount, g_FileInfos.Count(), nCRCMatches ); if ( kbhit() ) break; } // Wait for 2 minutes. nextUpdateTime = GetTickCount() + g_nUpdateIntervalSeconds * 1000; Msg( "\n\n%s\n" "Pass %d completed.\n", GetTimeString(), ++nPasses ); Msg( "- %d successful vss gets, %d successful p4 gets\n", g_nSuccessfulVSSGets, g_nSuccessfulP4Gets ); Msg( "- %d successful symbol store updates\n", g_nSuccessfulSymbolStores ); Msg( "- %d new p4revision.txt files written\n", g_nSuccessfulP4Updates ); Msg( "\n" ); } else { Sleep( 300 ); } } Msg( "\n\nKey pressed, exiting.\n" ); return 0; }