//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ //===========================================================================// #include "cbase.h" #include "client_virtualreality.h" #include "materialsystem/itexture.h" #include "materialsystem/materialsystem_config.h" #include "view_shared.h" #include "view_scene.h" #include "VGuiMatSurface/IMatSystemSurface.h" #include "vgui_controls/Controls.h" #include "sourcevr/isourcevirtualreality.h" #include "ienginevgui.h" #include "cdll_client_int.h" #include "vgui/IVGui.h" #include "vgui_controls/Controls.h" #include "tier0/vprof_telemetry.h" #include <time.h> #include "steam/steam_api.h" const char *COM_GetModDirectory(); // return the mod dir (rather than the complete -game param, which can be a path) CClientVirtualReality g_ClientVirtualReality; EXPOSE_SINGLE_INTERFACE_GLOBALVAR( CClientVirtualReality, IClientVirtualReality, CLIENTVIRTUALREALITY_INTERFACE_VERSION, g_ClientVirtualReality ); // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // A huge pile of VR convars // -------------------------------------------------------------------- ConVar vr_activate_default( "vr_activate_default", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "If this is true the game will switch to VR mode once startup is complete." ); ConVar vr_moveaim_mode ( "vr_moveaim_mode", "3", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "0=move+shoot from face. 1=move with torso. 2,3,4=shoot with face+mouse cursor. 5+ are probably not that useful." ); ConVar vr_moveaim_mode_zoom ( "vr_moveaim_mode_zoom", "3", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "0=move+shoot from face. 1=move with torso. 2,3,4=shoot with face+mouse cursor. 5+ are probably not that useful." ); ConVar vr_moveaim_reticle_yaw_limit ( "vr_moveaim_reticle_yaw_limit", "10", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Beyond this number of degrees, the mouse drags the torso" ); ConVar vr_moveaim_reticle_pitch_limit ( "vr_moveaim_reticle_pitch_limit", "30", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Beyond this number of degrees, the mouse clamps" ); // Note these are scaled by the zoom factor. ConVar vr_moveaim_reticle_yaw_limit_zoom ( "vr_moveaim_reticle_yaw_limit_zoom", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Beyond this number of degrees, the mouse drags the torso" ); ConVar vr_moveaim_reticle_pitch_limit_zoom ( "vr_moveaim_reticle_pitch_limit_zoom", "-1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Beyond this number of degrees, the mouse clamps" ); // This are somewhat obsolete. ConVar vr_aim_yaw_offset( "vr_aim_yaw_offset", "90", 0, "This value is added to Yaw when returning the vehicle aim angles to Source." ); ConVar vr_stereo_swap_eyes ( "vr_stereo_swap_eyes", "0", 0, "1=swap eyes." ); // Useful for debugging wacky-projection problems, separate from multi-rendering problems. ConVar vr_stereo_mono_set_eye ( "vr_stereo_mono_set_eye", "0", 0, "0=off, Set all eyes to 1=left, 2=right, 3=middle eye" ); // Useful for examining anims, etc. ConVar vr_debug_remote_cam( "vr_debug_remote_cam", "0" ); ConVar vr_debug_remote_cam_pos_x( "vr_debug_remote_cam_pos_x", "150.0" ); ConVar vr_debug_remote_cam_pos_y( "vr_debug_remote_cam_pos_y", "0.0" ); ConVar vr_debug_remote_cam_pos_z( "vr_debug_remote_cam_pos_z", "0.0" ); ConVar vr_debug_remote_cam_target_x( "vr_debug_remote_cam_target_x", "0.0" ); ConVar vr_debug_remote_cam_target_y( "vr_debug_remote_cam_target_y", "0.0" ); ConVar vr_debug_remote_cam_target_z( "vr_debug_remote_cam_target_z", "-50.0" ); ConVar vr_translation_limit( "vr_translation_limit", "10.0", 0, "How far the in-game head will translate before being clamped." ); // HUD config values ConVar vr_render_hud_in_world( "vr_render_hud_in_world", "1" ); ConVar vr_hud_max_fov( "vr_hud_max_fov", "60", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Max FOV of the HUD" ); ConVar vr_hud_forward( "vr_hud_forward", "500", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Apparent distance of the HUD in inches" ); ConVar vr_hud_display_ratio( "vr_hud_display_ratio", "0.95", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); ConVar vr_hud_never_overlay( "vr_hud_never_overlay", "0" ); ConVar vr_hud_axis_lock_to_world( "vr_hud_axis_lock_to_world", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Bitfield - locks HUD axes to the world - 0=pitch, 1=yaw, 2=roll" ); // Default distance clips through rocketlauncher, heavy's body, etc. ConVar vr_projection_znear_multiplier( "vr_projection_znear_multiplier", "0.3", 0, "Allows moving the ZNear plane to deal with body clipping" ); // Should the viewmodel (weapon) translate with the HMD, or remain fixed to the in-world body (but still rotate with the head)? Purely a graphics effect - no effect on actual bullet aiming. // Has no effect in aim modes where aiming is not controlled by the head. ConVar vr_viewmodel_translate_with_head ( "vr_viewmodel_translate_with_head", "0", 0, "1=translate the viewmodel with the head motion." ); ConVar vr_zoom_multiplier ( "vr_zoom_multiplier", "2.0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "When zoomed, how big is the scope on your HUD?" ); ConVar vr_zoom_scope_scale ( "vr_zoom_scope_scale", "6.0", 0, "Something to do with the default scope HUD overlay size." ); // Horrible hack - should work out the math properly, but we need to ship. ConVar vr_viewmodel_offset_forward( "vr_viewmodel_offset_forward", "-8", 0 ); ConVar vr_viewmodel_offset_forward_large( "vr_viewmodel_offset_forward_large", "-15", 0 ); ConVar vr_force_windowed ( "vr_force_windowed", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); ConVar vr_first_person_uses_world_model ( "vr_first_person_uses_world_model", "1", 0, "Causes the third person model to be drawn instead of the view model" ); // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Cycle through the aim & move modes. // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void CC_VR_Cycle_Aim_Move_Mode ( const CCommand& args ) { int hmmCurrentMode = vr_moveaim_mode.GetInt(); if ( g_ClientVirtualReality.CurrentlyZoomed() ) { hmmCurrentMode = vr_moveaim_mode_zoom.GetInt(); } hmmCurrentMode++; if ( hmmCurrentMode >= HMM_LAST ) { hmmCurrentMode = 0; } if ( g_ClientVirtualReality.CurrentlyZoomed() ) { vr_moveaim_mode_zoom.SetValue ( hmmCurrentMode ); Warning ( "Headtrack mode (zoomed) %d\n", hmmCurrentMode ); } else { vr_moveaim_mode.SetValue ( hmmCurrentMode ); Warning ( "Headtrack mode %d\n", hmmCurrentMode ); } } static ConCommand vr_cycle_aim_move_mode("vr_cycle_aim_move_mode", CC_VR_Cycle_Aim_Move_Mode, "Cycle through the aim & move modes." ); // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Switch to/from VR mode. // -------------------------------------------------------------------- CON_COMMAND( vr_activate, "Switch to VR mode" ) { g_ClientVirtualReality.Activate(); } CON_COMMAND( vr_deactivate, "Switch from VR mode to normal mode" ) { g_ClientVirtualReality.Deactivate(); } CON_COMMAND( vr_toggle, "Toggles VR mode" ) { if( g_pSourceVR ) { if( g_pSourceVR->ShouldRunInVR() ) g_ClientVirtualReality.Deactivate(); else g_ClientVirtualReality.Activate(); } else { Msg( "VR Mode is not enabled.\n" ); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Returns true if the matrix is orthonormal // -------------------------------------------------------------------- bool IsOrthonormal ( VMatrix Mat, float fTolerance ) { float LenFwd = Mat.GetForward().Length(); float LenUp = Mat.GetUp().Length(); float LenLeft = Mat.GetLeft().Length(); float DotFwdUp = Mat.GetForward().Dot ( Mat.GetUp() ); float DotUpLeft = Mat.GetUp().Dot ( Mat.GetLeft() ); float DotLeftFwd = Mat.GetLeft().Dot ( Mat.GetForward() ); if ( fabsf ( LenFwd - 1.0f ) > fTolerance ) { return false; } if ( fabsf ( LenUp - 1.0f ) > fTolerance ) { return false; } if ( fabsf ( LenLeft - 1.0f ) > fTolerance ) { return false; } if ( fabsf ( DotFwdUp ) > fTolerance ) { return false; } if ( fabsf ( DotUpLeft ) > fTolerance ) { return false; } if ( fabsf ( DotLeftFwd ) > fTolerance ) { return false; } return true; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Computes the FOV from the projection matrix // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void CalcFovFromProjection ( float *pFov, const VMatrix &proj ) { // The projection matrices should be of the form: // p0 0 z1 p1 // 0 p2 z2 p3 // 0 0 z3 1 // (p0 = X fov, p1 = X offset, p2 = Y fov, p3 = Y offset ) // TODO: cope with more complex projection matrices? float xscale = proj.m[0][0]; Assert ( proj.m[0][1] == 0.0f ); float xoffset = proj.m[0][2]; Assert ( proj.m[0][3] == 0.0f ); Assert ( proj.m[1][0] == 0.0f ); float yscale = proj.m[1][1]; float yoffset = proj.m[1][2]; Assert ( proj.m[1][3] == 0.0f ); // Row 2 determines Z-buffer values - don't care about those for now. Assert ( proj.m[3][0] == 0.0f ); Assert ( proj.m[3][1] == 0.0f ); Assert ( proj.m[3][2] == -1.0f ); Assert ( proj.m[3][3] == 0.0f ); // The math here: // A view-space vector (x,y,z,1) is transformed by the projection matrix // / xscale 0 xoffset 0 \ // | 0 yscale yoffset 0 | // | ? ? ? ? | // \ 0 0 -1 0 / // // Then the result is normalized (i.e. divide by w) and the result clipped to the [-1,+1] unit cube. // (ignore Z for now, and the clipping is slightly different). // So, we want to know what vectors produce a clip value of -1 and +1 in each direction, e.g. in the X direction: // +-1 = ( xscale*x + xoffset*z ) / (-1*z) // = xscale*(x/z) + xoffset (I flipped the signs of both sides) // => (+-1 - xoffset)/xscale = x/z // ...and x/z is tan(theta), and theta is the half-FOV. float fov_px = 2.0f * RAD2DEG ( atanf ( fabsf ( ( 1.0f - xoffset ) / xscale ) ) ); float fov_nx = 2.0f * RAD2DEG ( atanf ( fabsf ( ( -1.0f - xoffset ) / xscale ) ) ); float fov_py = 2.0f * RAD2DEG ( atanf ( fabsf ( ( 1.0f - yoffset ) / yscale ) ) ); float fov_ny = 2.0f * RAD2DEG ( atanf ( fabsf ( ( -1.0f - yoffset ) / yscale ) ) ); *pFov = Max ( Max ( fov_px, fov_nx ), Max ( fov_py, fov_ny ) ); // FIXME: hey you know, I could do the Max() series before I call all those expensive atanf()s... } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // construction/destruction // -------------------------------------------------------------------- CClientVirtualReality::CClientVirtualReality() { m_PlayerTorsoOrigin.Init(); m_PlayerTorsoAngle.Init(); m_WorldFromWeapon.Identity(); m_WorldFromMidEye.Identity(); m_bOverrideTorsoAngle = false; m_OverrideTorsoOffset.Init(); // Also reset our model of the player's torso orientation m_PlayerTorsoAngle.Init ( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); m_WorldZoomScale = 1.0f; m_hmmMovementActual = HMM_SHOOTFACE_MOVEFACE; m_iAlignTorsoAndViewToWeaponCountdown = 0; m_rtLastMotionSample = 0; m_bMotionUpdated = false; #if defined( USE_SDL ) m_nNonVRSDLDisplayIndex = 0; #endif } CClientVirtualReality::~CClientVirtualReality() { } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // -------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CClientVirtualReality::Connect( CreateInterfaceFn factory ) { if ( !factory ) return false; if ( !BaseClass::Connect( factory ) ) return false; return true; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void CClientVirtualReality::Disconnect() { BaseClass::Disconnect(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void * CClientVirtualReality::QueryInterface( const char *pInterfaceName ) { CreateInterfaceFn factory = Sys_GetFactoryThis(); // This silly construction is necessary return factory( pInterfaceName, NULL ); // to prevent the LTCG compiler from crashing. } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // -------------------------------------------------------------------- InitReturnVal_t CClientVirtualReality::Init() { InitReturnVal_t nRetVal = BaseClass::Init(); if ( nRetVal != INIT_OK ) return nRetVal; return INIT_OK; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void CClientVirtualReality::Shutdown() { BaseClass::Shutdown(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Draws the main menu in Stereo // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void CClientVirtualReality::DrawMainMenu() { // have to draw the UI in stereo via the render texture or it won't fuse properly // Draw it into the render target first ITexture *pTexture = materials->FindTexture( "_rt_gui", NULL, false ); Assert( pTexture ); if( !pTexture) return; CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); int viewActualWidth = pTexture->GetActualWidth(); int viewActualHeight = pTexture->GetActualHeight(); int viewWidth, viewHeight; vgui::surface()->GetScreenSize( viewWidth, viewHeight ); // clear depth in the backbuffer before we push the render target pRenderContext->ClearBuffers( false, true, true ); // constrain where VGUI can render to the view pRenderContext->PushRenderTargetAndViewport( pTexture, NULL, 0, 0, viewActualWidth, viewActualHeight ); pRenderContext->OverrideAlphaWriteEnable( true, true ); // clear the render target pRenderContext->ClearColor4ub( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); pRenderContext->ClearBuffers( true, false ); tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMZF_NONE, "VGui_DrawHud", __FUNCTION__ ); // Make sure the client .dll root panel is at the proper point before doing the "SolveTraverse" calls vgui::VPANEL root = enginevgui->GetPanel( PANEL_CLIENTDLL ); if ( root != 0 ) { vgui::ipanel()->SetSize( root, viewWidth, viewHeight ); } // Same for client .dll tools root = enginevgui->GetPanel( PANEL_CLIENTDLL_TOOLS ); if ( root != 0 ) { vgui::ipanel()->SetSize( root, viewWidth, viewHeight ); } // paint the main menu and cursor render->VGui_Paint( (PaintMode_t) ( PAINT_UIPANELS | PAINT_CURSOR ) ); pRenderContext->OverrideAlphaWriteEnable( false, true ); pRenderContext->PopRenderTargetAndViewport(); pRenderContext->Flush(); int leftX, leftY, leftW, leftH, rightX, rightY, rightW, rightH; g_pSourceVR->GetViewportBounds( ISourceVirtualReality::VREye_Left, &leftX, &leftY, &leftW, &leftH ); g_pSourceVR->GetViewportBounds( ISourceVirtualReality::VREye_Right, &rightX, &rightY, &rightW, &rightH ); // render the main view CViewSetup viewEye[STEREO_EYE_MAX]; viewEye[ STEREO_EYE_MONO ].zNear = 0.1; viewEye[ STEREO_EYE_MONO ].zFar = 10000.f; viewEye[ STEREO_EYE_MONO ].angles.Init(); viewEye[ STEREO_EYE_MONO ].origin.Zero(); viewEye[ STEREO_EYE_MONO ].x = viewEye[ STEREO_EYE_MONO ].m_nUnscaledX = leftX; viewEye[ STEREO_EYE_MONO ].y = viewEye[ STEREO_EYE_MONO ].m_nUnscaledY = leftY; viewEye[ STEREO_EYE_MONO ].width = viewEye[ STEREO_EYE_MONO ].m_nUnscaledWidth = leftW; viewEye[ STEREO_EYE_MONO ].height = viewEye[ STEREO_EYE_MONO ].m_nUnscaledHeight = leftH; viewEye[STEREO_EYE_LEFT] = viewEye[STEREO_EYE_RIGHT] = viewEye[ STEREO_EYE_MONO ] ; viewEye[STEREO_EYE_LEFT].m_eStereoEye = STEREO_EYE_LEFT; viewEye[STEREO_EYE_RIGHT].x = rightX; viewEye[STEREO_EYE_RIGHT].y = rightY; viewEye[STEREO_EYE_RIGHT].m_eStereoEye = STEREO_EYE_RIGHT; // let sourcevr.dll tell us where to put the cameras ProcessCurrentTrackingState( 0 ); Vector vViewModelOrigin; QAngle qViewModelAngles; OverrideView( &viewEye[ STEREO_EYE_MONO ] , &vViewModelOrigin, &qViewModelAngles, HMM_NOOVERRIDE ); g_ClientVirtualReality.OverrideStereoView( &viewEye[ STEREO_EYE_MONO ] , &viewEye[STEREO_EYE_LEFT], &viewEye[STEREO_EYE_RIGHT] ); // render both eyes for( int nView = STEREO_EYE_LEFT; nView <= STEREO_EYE_RIGHT; nView++ ) { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); PIXEvent pixEvent( pRenderContext, nView == STEREO_EYE_LEFT ? "left eye" : "right eye" ); ITexture *pColor = g_pSourceVR->GetRenderTarget( (ISourceVirtualReality::VREye)(nView-1), ISourceVirtualReality::RT_Color ); ITexture *pDepth = g_pSourceVR->GetRenderTarget( (ISourceVirtualReality::VREye)(nView-1), ISourceVirtualReality::RT_Depth ); render->Push3DView( viewEye[nView], VIEW_CLEAR_DEPTH|VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR, pColor, NULL, pDepth ); RenderHUDQuad( false, false ); render->PopView( NULL ); PostProcessFrame( (StereoEye_t)nView ); OverlayHUDQuadWithUndistort( viewEye[nView], true, true, false ); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Offset the incoming view appropriately. // Set up the "middle eye" from that. // -------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CClientVirtualReality::OverrideView ( CViewSetup *pViewMiddle, Vector *pViewModelOrigin, QAngle *pViewModelAngles, HeadtrackMovementMode_t hmmMovementOverride ) { if( !UseVR() ) { return false; } if ( hmmMovementOverride == HMM_NOOVERRIDE ) { if ( CurrentlyZoomed() ) { m_hmmMovementActual = static_cast<HeadtrackMovementMode_t>( vr_moveaim_mode_zoom.GetInt() ); } else { m_hmmMovementActual = static_cast<HeadtrackMovementMode_t>( vr_moveaim_mode.GetInt() ); } } else { m_hmmMovementActual = hmmMovementOverride; } // Incoming data may or may not be useful - it is the origin and aim of the "player", i.e. where bullets come from. // In some modes it is an independent thing, guided by the mouse & keyboard = useful. // In other modes it's just where the HMD was pointed last frame, modified slightly by kbd+mouse. // In those cases, we should use our internal reference (which keeps track thanks to OverridePlayerMotion) QAngle originalMiddleAngles = pViewMiddle->angles; Vector originalMiddleOrigin = pViewMiddle->origin; // Figure out the in-game "torso" concept, which corresponds to the player's physical torso. m_PlayerTorsoOrigin = pViewMiddle->origin; // Ignore what was passed in - it's just the direction the weapon is pointing, which was determined by last frame's HMD orientation! // Instead use our cached value. QAngle torsoAngles = m_PlayerTorsoAngle; VMatrix worldFromTorso; worldFromTorso.SetupMatrixOrgAngles( m_PlayerTorsoOrigin, torsoAngles ); //// Scale translation e.g. to allow big in-game leans with only a small head movement. //// Clamp HMD movement to a reasonable amount to avoid wallhacks, vis problems, etc. float limit = vr_translation_limit.GetFloat(); VMatrix matMideyeZeroFromMideyeCurrent = g_pSourceVR->GetMideyePose(); Vector viewTranslation = matMideyeZeroFromMideyeCurrent.GetTranslation(); if ( viewTranslation.IsLengthGreaterThan ( limit ) ) { viewTranslation.NormalizeInPlace(); viewTranslation *= limit; matMideyeZeroFromMideyeCurrent.SetTranslation( viewTranslation ); } // Now figure out the three principal matrices: m_TorsoFromMideye, m_WorldFromMidEye, m_WorldFromWeapon // m_TorsoFromMideye is done so that OverridePlayerMotion knows what to do with WASD. switch ( m_hmmMovementActual ) { case HMM_SHOOTFACE_MOVEFACE: case HMM_SHOOTFACE_MOVETORSO: // Aim point is down your nose, i.e. same as the view angles. m_TorsoFromMideye = matMideyeZeroFromMideyeCurrent; m_WorldFromMidEye = worldFromTorso * matMideyeZeroFromMideyeCurrent; m_WorldFromWeapon = m_WorldFromMidEye; break; case HMM_SHOOTBOUNDEDMOUSE_LOOKFACE_MOVEFACE: case HMM_SHOOTBOUNDEDMOUSE_LOOKFACE_MOVEMOUSE: case HMM_SHOOTMOUSE_MOVEFACE: case HMM_SHOOTMOVEMOUSE_LOOKFACE: // Aim point is independent of view - leave it as it was, just copy it into m_WorldFromWeapon for our use. m_TorsoFromMideye = matMideyeZeroFromMideyeCurrent; m_WorldFromMidEye = worldFromTorso * matMideyeZeroFromMideyeCurrent; m_WorldFromWeapon.SetupMatrixOrgAngles( originalMiddleOrigin, originalMiddleAngles ); break; case HMM_SHOOTMOVELOOKMOUSE: // HMD is ignored completely, mouse does everything. m_PlayerTorsoAngle = originalMiddleAngles; worldFromTorso.SetupMatrixOrgAngles( m_PlayerTorsoOrigin, originalMiddleAngles ); m_TorsoFromMideye.Identity(); m_WorldFromMidEye = worldFromTorso; m_WorldFromWeapon = worldFromTorso; break; case HMM_SHOOTMOVELOOKMOUSEFACE: // mouse does everything, and then we add head tracking on top of that worldFromTorso = worldFromTorso * matMideyeZeroFromMideyeCurrent; m_TorsoFromMideye = matMideyeZeroFromMideyeCurrent; m_WorldFromWeapon = worldFromTorso; m_WorldFromMidEye = worldFromTorso; break; default: Assert ( false ); break; } // Finally convert back to origin+angles that the game understands. pViewMiddle->origin = m_WorldFromMidEye.GetTranslation(); VectorAngles ( m_WorldFromMidEye.GetForward(), m_WorldFromMidEye.GetUp(), pViewMiddle->angles ); *pViewModelAngles = pViewMiddle->angles; if ( vr_viewmodel_translate_with_head.GetBool() ) { *pViewModelOrigin = pViewMiddle->origin; } else { *pViewModelOrigin = originalMiddleOrigin; } m_WorldFromMidEyeNoDebugCam = m_WorldFromMidEye; if ( vr_debug_remote_cam.GetBool() ) { Vector vOffset ( vr_debug_remote_cam_pos_x.GetFloat(), vr_debug_remote_cam_pos_y.GetFloat(), vr_debug_remote_cam_pos_z.GetFloat() ); Vector vLookat ( vr_debug_remote_cam_target_x.GetFloat(), vr_debug_remote_cam_target_y.GetFloat(), vr_debug_remote_cam_target_z.GetFloat() ); pViewMiddle->origin += vOffset; Vector vView = vLookat - vOffset; VectorAngles ( vView, m_WorldFromMidEye.GetUp(), pViewMiddle->angles ); m_WorldFromMidEye.SetupMatrixOrgAngles( pViewMiddle->origin, pViewMiddle->angles ); m_TorsoFromMideye.Identity(); } // set the near clip plane so the local player clips less pViewMiddle->zNear *= vr_projection_znear_multiplier.GetFloat(); return true; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // In some aim/move modes, the HUD aim reticle lags because it's // using slightly stale data. This will feed it the newest data. // -------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CClientVirtualReality::OverrideWeaponHudAimVectors ( Vector *pAimOrigin, Vector *pAimDirection ) { if( !UseVR() ) { return false; } Assert ( pAimOrigin != NULL ); Assert ( pAimDirection != NULL ); // So give it some nice high-fps numbers, not the low-fps ones we get from the game. *pAimOrigin = m_WorldFromWeapon.GetTranslation(); *pAimDirection = m_WorldFromWeapon.GetForward(); return true; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Set up the left and right eyes from the middle eye if stereo is on. // Advise calling soonish after OverrideView(). // -------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CClientVirtualReality::OverrideStereoView( CViewSetup *pViewMiddle, CViewSetup *pViewLeft, CViewSetup *pViewRight ) { // Everything in here is in Source coordinate space. if( !UseVR() ) { return false; } VMatrix matOffsetLeft = g_pSourceVR->GetMidEyeFromEye( ISourceVirtualReality::VREye_Left ); VMatrix matOffsetRight = g_pSourceVR->GetMidEyeFromEye( ISourceVirtualReality::VREye_Right ); // Move eyes to IPD positions. VMatrix worldFromLeftEye = m_WorldFromMidEye * matOffsetLeft; VMatrix worldFromRightEye = m_WorldFromMidEye * matOffsetRight; Assert ( IsOrthonormal ( worldFromLeftEye, 0.001f ) ); Assert ( IsOrthonormal ( worldFromRightEye, 0.001f ) ); // Finally convert back to origin+angles. MatrixAngles( worldFromLeftEye.As3x4(), pViewLeft->angles, pViewLeft->origin ); MatrixAngles( worldFromRightEye.As3x4(), pViewRight->angles, pViewRight->origin ); // Find the projection matrices. // TODO: this isn't the fastest thing in the world. Cache them? float headtrackFovScale = m_WorldZoomScale; pViewLeft->m_bViewToProjectionOverride = true; pViewRight->m_bViewToProjectionOverride = true; g_pSourceVR->GetEyeProjectionMatrix ( &pViewLeft->m_ViewToProjection, ISourceVirtualReality::VREye_Left, pViewMiddle->zNear, pViewMiddle->zFar, 1.0f/headtrackFovScale ); g_pSourceVR->GetEyeProjectionMatrix ( &pViewRight->m_ViewToProjection, ISourceVirtualReality::VREye_Right, pViewMiddle->zNear, pViewMiddle->zFar, 1.0f/headtrackFovScale ); // And bodge together some sort of average for our cyclops friends. pViewMiddle->m_bViewToProjectionOverride = true; for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { for ( int j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) { pViewMiddle->m_ViewToProjection.m[i][j] = (pViewLeft->m_ViewToProjection.m[i][j] + pViewRight->m_ViewToProjection.m[i][j] ) * 0.5f; } } switch ( vr_stereo_mono_set_eye.GetInt() ) { case 0: // ... nothing. break; case 1: // Override all eyes with left *pViewMiddle = *pViewLeft; *pViewRight = *pViewLeft; pViewRight->m_eStereoEye = STEREO_EYE_RIGHT; break; case 2: // Override all eyes with right *pViewMiddle = *pViewRight; *pViewLeft = *pViewRight; pViewLeft->m_eStereoEye = STEREO_EYE_LEFT; break; case 3: // Override all eyes with middle *pViewRight = *pViewMiddle; *pViewLeft = *pViewMiddle; pViewLeft->m_eStereoEye = STEREO_EYE_LEFT; pViewRight->m_eStereoEye = STEREO_EYE_RIGHT; break; } // To make culling work correctly, calculate the widest FOV of each projection matrix. CalcFovFromProjection ( &(pViewLeft ->fov), pViewLeft ->m_ViewToProjection ); CalcFovFromProjection ( &(pViewRight ->fov), pViewRight ->m_ViewToProjection ); CalcFovFromProjection ( &(pViewMiddle->fov), pViewMiddle->m_ViewToProjection ); // if we don't know the HUD FOV, figure that out now if( m_fHudHorizontalFov == 0.f ) { // Figure out the current HUD FOV. m_fHudHorizontalFov = pViewLeft->fov * vr_hud_display_ratio.GetFloat(); if( m_fHudHorizontalFov > vr_hud_max_fov.GetFloat() ) { m_fHudHorizontalFov = vr_hud_max_fov.GetFloat(); } } // remember the view angles so we can limit the weapon to something near those m_PlayerViewAngle = pViewMiddle->angles; m_PlayerViewOrigin = pViewMiddle->origin; // Figure out the HUD vectors and frustum. // The aspect ratio of the HMD may be something bizarre (e.g. Rift is 640x800), and the pixels may not be square, so don't use that! static const float fAspectRatio = 4.f/3.f; float fHFOV = m_fHudHorizontalFov; float fVFOV = m_fHudHorizontalFov / fAspectRatio; const float fHudForward = vr_hud_forward.GetFloat(); m_fHudHalfWidth = tan( DEG2RAD( fHFOV * 0.5f ) ) * fHudForward * m_WorldZoomScale; m_fHudHalfHeight = tan( DEG2RAD( fVFOV * 0.5f ) ) * fHudForward * m_WorldZoomScale; QAngle HudAngles; switch ( m_hmmMovementActual ) { case HMM_SHOOTFACE_MOVETORSO: // Put the HUD in front of the player's torso. // This helps keep you oriented about where "forwards" is, which is otherwise surprisingly tricky! // TODO: try preserving roll and/or pitch from the view? HudAngles = m_PlayerTorsoAngle; break; case HMM_SHOOTFACE_MOVEFACE: case HMM_SHOOTMOUSE_MOVEFACE: case HMM_SHOOTMOVEMOUSE_LOOKFACE: case HMM_SHOOTMOVELOOKMOUSE: case HMM_SHOOTMOVELOOKMOUSEFACE: case HMM_SHOOTBOUNDEDMOUSE_LOOKFACE_MOVEFACE: case HMM_SHOOTBOUNDEDMOUSE_LOOKFACE_MOVEMOUSE: // Put the HUD in front of wherever the player is looking. HudAngles = m_PlayerViewAngle; break; default: Assert ( false ); break; } // This is a bitfield. A set bit means lock to the world, a clear bit means don't. int iVrHudAxisLockToWorld = vr_hud_axis_lock_to_world.GetInt(); if ( ( iVrHudAxisLockToWorld & (1<<ROLL) ) != 0 ) { HudAngles[ROLL] = 0.0f; } if ( ( iVrHudAxisLockToWorld & (1<<PITCH) ) != 0 ) { HudAngles[PITCH] = 0.0f; } if ( ( iVrHudAxisLockToWorld & (1<<YAW) ) != 0 ) { // Locking the yaw to the world is not particularly helpful, so what it actually means is lock it to the weapon. QAngle aimAngles; MatrixAngles( m_WorldFromWeapon.As3x4(), aimAngles ); HudAngles[YAW] = aimAngles[YAW]; } m_WorldFromHud.SetupMatrixOrgAngles( m_PlayerViewOrigin, HudAngles ); // Remember in source X forwards, Y left, Z up. // We need to transform to a more conventional X right, Y up, Z backwards before doing the projection. VMatrix WorldFromHudView; WorldFromHudView./*X vector*/SetForward ( -m_WorldFromHud.GetLeft() ); WorldFromHudView./*Y vector*/SetLeft ( m_WorldFromHud.GetUp() ); WorldFromHudView./*Z vector*/SetUp ( -m_WorldFromHud.GetForward() ); WorldFromHudView.SetTranslation ( m_PlayerViewOrigin ); VMatrix HudProjection; HudProjection.Identity(); HudProjection.m[0][0] = fHudForward / m_fHudHalfWidth; HudProjection.m[1][1] = fHudForward / m_fHudHalfHeight; // Z vector is not used/valid, but w is for projection. HudProjection.m[3][2] = -1.0f; // This will transform a world point into a homogeneous vector that // when projected (i.e. divide by w) maps to HUD space [-1,1] m_HudProjectionFromWorld = HudProjection * WorldFromHudView.InverseTR(); return true; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Updates player orientation, position and motion according // to HMD status. // -------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CClientVirtualReality::OverridePlayerMotion( float flInputSampleFrametime, const QAngle &oldAngles, const QAngle &curAngles, const Vector &curMotion, QAngle *pNewAngles, Vector *pNewMotion ) { Assert ( pNewAngles != NULL ); Assert ( pNewMotion != NULL ); *pNewAngles = curAngles; *pNewMotion = curMotion; if ( !UseVR() ) { return false; } m_bMotionUpdated = true; // originalAngles tells us what the weapon angles were before whatever mouse, joystick, etc thing changed them - called "old" // curAngles holds the new weapon angles after mouse, joystick, etc. applied. // We need to compute what weapon angles WE want and return them in *pNewAngles - called "new" VMatrix worldFromTorso; // Whatever position is already here (set up by OverrideView) needs to be preserved. Vector vWeaponOrigin = m_WorldFromWeapon.GetTranslation(); switch ( m_hmmMovementActual ) { case HMM_SHOOTFACE_MOVEFACE: case HMM_SHOOTFACE_MOVETORSO: { // Figure out what changes were made to the WEAPON by mouse/joystick/etc VMatrix worldFromOldWeapon, worldFromCurWeapon; worldFromOldWeapon.SetupMatrixAngles( oldAngles ); worldFromCurWeapon.SetupMatrixAngles( curAngles ); // We ignore mouse pitch, the mouse can't do rolls, so it's just yaw changes. if( !m_bOverrideTorsoAngle ) { m_PlayerTorsoAngle[YAW] += curAngles[YAW] - oldAngles[YAW]; m_PlayerTorsoAngle[ROLL] = 0.0f; m_PlayerTorsoAngle[PITCH] = 0.0f; } worldFromTorso.SetupMatrixAngles( m_PlayerTorsoAngle ); // Weapon view = mideye view, so apply that to the torso to find the world view direction. m_WorldFromWeapon = worldFromTorso * m_TorsoFromMideye; // ...and we return this new weapon direction as the player's orientation. MatrixAngles( m_WorldFromWeapon.As3x4(), *pNewAngles ); // Restore the translation. m_WorldFromWeapon.SetTranslation ( vWeaponOrigin ); } break; case HMM_SHOOTMOVELOOKMOUSEFACE: case HMM_SHOOTMOVEMOUSE_LOOKFACE: case HMM_SHOOTMOVELOOKMOUSE: { // The mouse just controls the weapon directly. *pNewAngles = curAngles; *pNewMotion = curMotion; // Move the torso by the yaw angles - torso should not have roll or pitch or you'll make folks ill. if( !m_bOverrideTorsoAngle && m_hmmMovementActual != HMM_SHOOTMOVELOOKMOUSEFACE ) { m_PlayerTorsoAngle[YAW] = curAngles[YAW]; m_PlayerTorsoAngle[ROLL] = 0.0f; m_PlayerTorsoAngle[PITCH] = 0.0f; } // Let every other system know. m_WorldFromWeapon.SetupMatrixOrgAngles( vWeaponOrigin, *pNewAngles ); worldFromTorso.SetupMatrixAngles( m_PlayerTorsoAngle ); } break; case HMM_SHOOTBOUNDEDMOUSE_LOOKFACE_MOVEFACE: case HMM_SHOOTBOUNDEDMOUSE_LOOKFACE_MOVEMOUSE: { // The mouse controls the weapon directly. *pNewAngles = curAngles; *pNewMotion = curMotion; float fReticleYawLimit = vr_moveaim_reticle_yaw_limit.GetFloat(); float fReticlePitchLimit = vr_moveaim_reticle_pitch_limit.GetFloat(); if ( CurrentlyZoomed() ) { fReticleYawLimit = vr_moveaim_reticle_yaw_limit_zoom.GetFloat() * m_WorldZoomScale; fReticlePitchLimit = vr_moveaim_reticle_pitch_limit_zoom.GetFloat() * m_WorldZoomScale; if ( fReticleYawLimit > 180.0f ) { fReticleYawLimit = 180.0f; } if ( fReticlePitchLimit > 180.0f ) { fReticlePitchLimit = 180.0f; } } if ( fReticlePitchLimit >= 0.0f ) { // Clamp pitch to within the limits. (*pNewAngles)[PITCH] = Clamp ( curAngles[PITCH], m_PlayerViewAngle[PITCH] - fReticlePitchLimit, m_PlayerViewAngle[PITCH] + fReticlePitchLimit ); } // For yaw the concept here is the torso stays within a set number of degrees of the weapon in yaw. // However, with drifty tracking systems (e.g. IMUs) the concept of "torso" is hazy. // Really it's just a mechanism to turn the view without moving the head - its absolute // orientation is not that useful. // So... if the mouse is to the right greater than the chosen angle from the view, and then // moves more right, it will drag the torso (and thus the view) right, so it stays on the edge of the view. // But if it moves left towards the view, it does no dragging. // Note that if the mouse does not move, but the view moves, it will NOT drag at all. // This allows people to mouse-aim within their view, but also to flick-turn with the mouse, // and to flick-glance with the head. if ( fReticleYawLimit >= 0.0f ) { float fViewToWeaponYaw = AngleDiff ( curAngles[YAW], m_PlayerViewAngle[YAW] ); float fWeaponYawMovement = AngleDiff ( curAngles[YAW], oldAngles[YAW] ); if ( fViewToWeaponYaw > fReticleYawLimit ) { if ( fWeaponYawMovement > 0.0f ) { m_PlayerTorsoAngle[YAW] += fWeaponYawMovement; } } else if ( fViewToWeaponYaw < -fReticleYawLimit ) { if ( fWeaponYawMovement < 0.0f ) { m_PlayerTorsoAngle[YAW] += fWeaponYawMovement; } } } // Let every other system know. m_WorldFromWeapon.SetupMatrixOrgAngles( vWeaponOrigin, *pNewAngles ); worldFromTorso.SetupMatrixAngles( m_PlayerTorsoAngle ); } break; case HMM_SHOOTMOUSE_MOVEFACE: { (*pNewAngles)[PITCH] = clamp( (*pNewAngles)[PITCH], m_PlayerViewAngle[PITCH]-15.f, m_PlayerViewAngle[PITCH]+15.f ); float fDiff = AngleDiff( (*pNewAngles)[YAW], m_PlayerViewAngle[YAW] ); if( fDiff > 15.f ) { (*pNewAngles)[YAW] = AngleNormalize( m_PlayerViewAngle[YAW] + 15.f ); if( !m_bOverrideTorsoAngle ) m_PlayerTorsoAngle[ YAW ] += fDiff - 15.f; } else if( fDiff < -15.f ) { (*pNewAngles)[YAW] = AngleNormalize( m_PlayerViewAngle[YAW] - 15.f ); if( !m_bOverrideTorsoAngle ) m_PlayerTorsoAngle[ YAW ] += fDiff + 15.f; } else { m_PlayerTorsoAngle[ YAW ] += AngleDiff( curAngles[YAW], oldAngles[YAW] ) /2.f; } m_WorldFromWeapon.SetupMatrixOrgAngles( vWeaponOrigin, *pNewAngles ); worldFromTorso.SetupMatrixAngles( m_PlayerTorsoAngle ); } break; default: Assert ( false ); break; } // Figure out player motion. switch ( m_hmmMovementActual ) { case HMM_SHOOTBOUNDEDMOUSE_LOOKFACE_MOVEFACE: { // The motion passed in is meant to be relative to the face, so jimmy it to be relative to the new weapon aim. VMatrix mideyeFromWorld = m_WorldFromMidEye.InverseTR(); VMatrix newMidEyeFromWeapon = mideyeFromWorld * m_WorldFromWeapon; newMidEyeFromWeapon.SetTranslation ( Vector ( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) ); *pNewMotion = newMidEyeFromWeapon * curMotion; } break; case HMM_SHOOTFACE_MOVETORSO: { // The motion passed in is meant to be relative to the torso, so jimmy it to be relative to the new weapon aim. VMatrix torsoFromWorld = worldFromTorso.InverseTR(); VMatrix newTorsoFromWeapon = torsoFromWorld * m_WorldFromWeapon; newTorsoFromWeapon.SetTranslation ( Vector ( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) ); *pNewMotion = newTorsoFromWeapon * curMotion; } break; case HMM_SHOOTBOUNDEDMOUSE_LOOKFACE_MOVEMOUSE: case HMM_SHOOTMOVELOOKMOUSEFACE: case HMM_SHOOTFACE_MOVEFACE: case HMM_SHOOTMOUSE_MOVEFACE: case HMM_SHOOTMOVEMOUSE_LOOKFACE: case HMM_SHOOTMOVELOOKMOUSE: // Motion is meant to be relative to the weapon, so we're fine. *pNewMotion = curMotion; break; default: Assert ( false ); break; } // If the game told us to, recenter the torso yaw to match the weapon if ( m_iAlignTorsoAndViewToWeaponCountdown > 0 ) { m_iAlignTorsoAndViewToWeaponCountdown--; // figure out the angles from the torso to the head QAngle torsoFromHeadAngles; MatrixAngles( m_TorsoFromMideye.As3x4(), torsoFromHeadAngles ); QAngle weaponAngles; MatrixAngles( m_WorldFromWeapon.As3x4(), weaponAngles ); m_PlayerTorsoAngle[ YAW ] = weaponAngles[ YAW ] - torsoFromHeadAngles[ YAW ] ; NormalizeAngles( m_PlayerTorsoAngle ); } // remember the motion for stat tracking m_PlayerLastMovement = *pNewMotion; return true; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Returns true if the world is zoomed // -------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CClientVirtualReality::CurrentlyZoomed() { return ( m_WorldZoomScale != 1.0f ); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Tells the headtracker to keep the torso angle of the player // fixed at this point until the game tells us something // different. // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void CClientVirtualReality::OverrideTorsoTransform( const Vector & position, const QAngle & angles ) { if( m_iAlignTorsoAndViewToWeaponCountdown > 0 ) { m_iAlignTorsoAndViewToWeaponCountdown--; // figure out the angles from the torso to the head QAngle torsoFromHeadAngles; MatrixAngles( m_TorsoFromMideye.As3x4(), torsoFromHeadAngles ); // this is how far off the torso we actually set will need to be to keep the current "forward" // vector while the torso angle is being overridden. m_OverrideTorsoOffset[ YAW ] = -torsoFromHeadAngles[ YAW ]; } m_bOverrideTorsoAngle = true; m_OverrideTorsoAngle = angles + m_OverrideTorsoOffset; // overriding pitch and roll isn't allowed to avoid making people sick m_OverrideTorsoAngle[ PITCH ] = 0; m_OverrideTorsoAngle[ ROLL ] = 0; NormalizeAngles( m_OverrideTorsoAngle ); m_PlayerTorsoAngle = m_OverrideTorsoAngle; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Tells the headtracker to resume using its own notion of // where the torso is pointed. // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void CClientVirtualReality::CancelTorsoTransformOverride() { m_bOverrideTorsoAngle = false; } bool CClientVirtualReality::CanOverlayHudQuad() { bool bCanOverlay = true; bCanOverlay = bCanOverlay && vr_render_hud_in_world.GetBool(); bCanOverlay = bCanOverlay && ( ! vr_hud_never_overlay.GetBool() ); bCanOverlay = bCanOverlay && ( vr_hud_axis_lock_to_world.GetInt() == 0 ); bCanOverlay = bCanOverlay && ( m_hmmMovementActual != HMM_SHOOTFACE_MOVETORSO ); return bCanOverlay; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Returns the bounds in world space where the game should // position the HUD. // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void CClientVirtualReality::GetHUDBounds( Vector *pViewer, Vector *pUL, Vector *pUR, Vector *pLL, Vector *pLR ) { Vector vHalfWidth = m_WorldFromHud.GetLeft() * -m_fHudHalfWidth; Vector vHalfHeight = m_WorldFromHud.GetUp() * m_fHudHalfHeight; Vector vHUDOrigin = m_PlayerViewOrigin + m_WorldFromHud.GetForward() * vr_hud_forward.GetFloat(); *pViewer = m_PlayerViewOrigin; *pUL = vHUDOrigin - vHalfWidth + vHalfHeight; *pUR = vHUDOrigin + vHalfWidth + vHalfHeight; *pLL = vHUDOrigin - vHalfWidth - vHalfHeight; *pLR = vHUDOrigin + vHalfWidth - vHalfHeight; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Renders the HUD in the world. // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void CClientVirtualReality::RenderHUDQuad( bool bBlackout, bool bTranslucent ) { // If we can overlay the HUD directly onto the target later, we'll do that instead (higher image quality). if ( CanOverlayHudQuad() ) return; Vector vHead, vUL, vUR, vLL, vLR; GetHUDBounds ( &vHead, &vUL, &vUR, &vLL, &vLR ); CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); { IMaterial *mymat = NULL; if ( bTranslucent ) { mymat = materials->FindMaterial( "vgui/inworldui", TEXTURE_GROUP_VGUI ); } else { mymat = materials->FindMaterial( "vgui/inworldui_opaque", TEXTURE_GROUP_VGUI ); } Assert( !mymat->IsErrorMaterial() ); IMesh *pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh( true, NULL, NULL, mymat ); CMeshBuilder meshBuilder; meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 2 ); meshBuilder.Position3fv (vLR.Base() ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, 1, 1 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF<VTX_HAVEPOS, 1>(); meshBuilder.Position3fv (vLL.Base()); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, 0, 1 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF<VTX_HAVEPOS, 1>(); meshBuilder.Position3fv (vUR.Base()); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, 1, 0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF<VTX_HAVEPOS, 1>(); meshBuilder.Position3fv (vUL.Base()); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, 0, 0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF<VTX_HAVEPOS, 1>(); meshBuilder.End(); pMesh->Draw(); } if( bBlackout ) { Vector vbUL, vbUR, vbLL, vbLR; // "Reflect" the HUD bounds through the viewer to find the ones behind the head. vbUL = 2 * vHead - vLR; vbUR = 2 * vHead - vLL; vbLL = 2 * vHead - vUR; vbLR = 2 * vHead - vUL; IMaterial *mymat = materials->FindMaterial( "vgui/black", TEXTURE_GROUP_VGUI ); IMesh *pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh( true, NULL, NULL, mymat ); // Tube around the outside. CMeshBuilder meshBuilder; meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 8 ); meshBuilder.Position3fv (vLR.Base()); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF<VTX_HAVEPOS, 0>(); meshBuilder.Position3fv (vbLR.Base() ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF<VTX_HAVEPOS, 0>(); meshBuilder.Position3fv (vLL.Base()); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF<VTX_HAVEPOS, 0>(); meshBuilder.Position3fv (vbLL.Base()); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF<VTX_HAVEPOS, 0>(); meshBuilder.Position3fv (vUL.Base()); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF<VTX_HAVEPOS, 0>(); meshBuilder.Position3fv (vbUL.Base()); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF<VTX_HAVEPOS, 0>(); meshBuilder.Position3fv (vUR.Base()); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF<VTX_HAVEPOS, 0>(); meshBuilder.Position3fv (vbUR.Base()); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF<VTX_HAVEPOS, 0>(); meshBuilder.Position3fv (vLR.Base()); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF<VTX_HAVEPOS, 0>(); meshBuilder.Position3fv (vbLR.Base()); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF<VTX_HAVEPOS, 0>(); meshBuilder.End(); pMesh->Draw(); // Cap behind the viewer. meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 2 ); meshBuilder.Position3fv (vbUR.Base() ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF<VTX_HAVEPOS, 0>(); meshBuilder.Position3fv (vbUL.Base()); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF<VTX_HAVEPOS, 0>(); meshBuilder.Position3fv (vbLR.Base()); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF<VTX_HAVEPOS, 0>(); meshBuilder.Position3fv (vbLL.Base()); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF<VTX_HAVEPOS, 0>(); meshBuilder.End(); pMesh->Draw(); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Gets the amount of zoom to apply // -------------------------------------------------------------------- float CClientVirtualReality::GetZoomedModeMagnification() { return m_WorldZoomScale * vr_zoom_scope_scale.GetFloat(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Does some client-side tracking work and then tells headtrack // to do its own work. // -------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CClientVirtualReality::ProcessCurrentTrackingState( float fGameFOV ) { m_WorldZoomScale = 1.0f; if ( fGameFOV != 0.0f ) { // To compensate for the lack of pixels on most HUDs, let's grow this a bit. // Remember that MORE zoom equals LESS fov! fGameFOV *= ( 1.0f / vr_zoom_multiplier.GetFloat() ); fGameFOV = Min ( fGameFOV, 170.0f ); // The game has overridden the FOV, e.g. because of a sniper scope. So we need to match this view with whatever actual FOV the HUD has. float wantedGameTanfov = tanf ( DEG2RAD ( fGameFOV * 0.5f ) ); // OK, so now in stereo mode, we're going to also draw an overlay, but that overlay usually covers more of the screen (because in a good HMD usually our actual FOV is much wider) float overlayActualPhysicalTanfov = tanf ( DEG2RAD ( m_fHudHorizontalFov * 0.5f ) ); // Therefore... (remembering that a zoom > 1.0 means you zoom *out*) m_WorldZoomScale = wantedGameTanfov / overlayActualPhysicalTanfov; } return g_pSourceVR->SampleTrackingState( fGameFOV, 0.f /* seconds to predict */ ); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Returns the projection matrix to use for the HUD // -------------------------------------------------------------------- const VMatrix &CClientVirtualReality::GetHudProjectionFromWorld() { // This matrix will transform a world-space position into a homogenous HUD-space vector. // So if you divide x+y by w, you will get the position on the HUD in [-1,1] space. return m_HudProjectionFromWorld; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Returns the aim vector relative to the torso // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void CClientVirtualReality::GetTorsoRelativeAim( Vector *pPosition, QAngle *pAngles ) { MatrixAngles( m_TorsoFromMideye.As3x4(), *pAngles, *pPosition ); pAngles->y += vr_aim_yaw_offset.GetFloat(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Returns distance of the HUD in front of the eyes. // -------------------------------------------------------------------- float CClientVirtualReality::GetHUDDistance() { return vr_hud_forward.GetFloat(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Returns true if the HUD should be rendered into a render // target and then into the world on a quad. // -------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CClientVirtualReality::ShouldRenderHUDInWorld() { return UseVR() && vr_render_hud_in_world.GetBool(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Lets headtrack tweak the view model origin and angles to match // aim angles and handle strange viewmode FOV stuff // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void CClientVirtualReality::OverrideViewModelTransform( Vector & vmorigin, QAngle & vmangles, bool bUseLargeOverride ) { Vector vForward, vRight, vUp; AngleVectors( vmangles, &vForward, &vRight, &vUp ); float fForward = bUseLargeOverride ? vr_viewmodel_offset_forward_large.GetFloat() : vr_viewmodel_offset_forward.GetFloat(); vmorigin += vForward * fForward; MatrixAngles( m_WorldFromWeapon.As3x4(), vmangles ); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Tells the head tracker to reset the torso position in case // we're on a drifty tracker. // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void CClientVirtualReality::AlignTorsoAndViewToWeapon() { if( !UseVR() ) return; if( g_pSourceVR->WillDriftInYaw() ) { m_iAlignTorsoAndViewToWeaponCountdown = 2; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Lets VR do stuff at the very end of the rendering process // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void CClientVirtualReality::PostProcessFrame( StereoEye_t eEye ) { if( !UseVR() ) return; g_pSourceVR->DoDistortionProcessing( eEye == STEREO_EYE_LEFT ? ISourceVirtualReality::VREye_Left : ISourceVirtualReality::VREye_Right ); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Pastes the HUD directly onto the backbuffer / render target. // (higher quality than the RenderHUDQuad() path but can't always be used) // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void CClientVirtualReality::OverlayHUDQuadWithUndistort( const CViewSetup &eyeView, bool bDoUndistort, bool bBlackout, bool bTranslucent ) { if ( ! UseVR() ) return; // If we can't overlay the HUD, it will be handled on another path (rendered into the scene with RenderHUDQuad()). if ( ! CanOverlayHudQuad() ) return; // Get the position of the HUD quad in world space as used by RenderHUDQuad(). Then convert to a rectangle in normalized // device coordinates. Vector vHead, vUL, vUR, vLL, vLR; GetHUDBounds ( &vHead, &vUL, &vUR, &vLL, &vLR ); VMatrix worldToView, viewToProjection, worldToProjection, worldToPixels; render->GetMatricesForView( eyeView, &worldToView, &viewToProjection, &worldToProjection, &worldToPixels ); Vector pUL, pUR, pLL, pLR; worldToProjection.V3Mul( vUL, pUL ); worldToProjection.V3Mul( vUR, pUR ); worldToProjection.V3Mul( vLL, pLL ); worldToProjection.V3Mul( vLR, pLR ); float ndcHudBounds[4]; ndcHudBounds[0] = Min ( Min( pUL.x, pUR.x ), Min( pLL.x, pLR.x ) ); ndcHudBounds[1] = Min ( Min( pUL.y, pUR.y ), Min( pLL.y, pLR.y ) ); ndcHudBounds[2] = Max ( Max( pUL.x, pUR.x ), Max( pLL.x, pLR.x ) ); ndcHudBounds[3] = Max ( Max( pUL.y, pUR.y ), Max( pLL.y, pLR.y ) ); ISourceVirtualReality::VREye sourceVrEye = ( eyeView.m_eStereoEye == STEREO_EYE_LEFT ) ? ISourceVirtualReality::VREye_Left : ISourceVirtualReality::VREye_Right; g_pSourceVR->CompositeHud ( sourceVrEye, ndcHudBounds, bDoUndistort, bBlackout, bTranslucent ); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Switches to VR mode // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void CClientVirtualReality::Activate() { // we can only do this if a headtrack DLL is loaded if( !g_pSourceVR ) return; // These checks don't apply if we're in VR mode because Steam said so. if ( !ShouldForceVRActive() ) { // see if VR mode is even enabled if ( materials->GetCurrentConfigForVideoCard().m_nVRModeAdapter == -1 ) { Warning( "Enable VR mode in the video options before trying to use it.\n" ); return; } // See if we have an actual adapter int32 nVRModeAdapter = g_pSourceVR->GetVRModeAdapter(); if ( nVRModeAdapter == -1 ) { Warning( "Unable to get VRMode adapter from OpenVR. VR mode cannot be enabled. Try restarting and then enabling VR again.\n" ); return; } // we can only activate if we've got a VR device if ( materials->GetCurrentConfigForVideoCard().m_nVRModeAdapter != nVRModeAdapter ) { Warning( "VR Mode expects adapter %d which is different from %d which we are currently using. Try restarting and enabling VR mode again.\n", nVRModeAdapter, materials->GetCurrentConfigForVideoCard().m_nVRModeAdapter ); engine->ExecuteClientCmd( "mat_enable_vrmode 0\n" ); return; } } // can't activate twice if( UseVR() ) return; // remember where we were m_bNonVRWindowed = g_pMaterialSystem->GetCurrentConfigForVideoCard().Windowed(); vgui::surface()->GetScreenSize( m_nNonVRWidth, m_nNonVRHeight ); #if defined( USE_SDL ) static ConVarRef sdl_displayindex( "sdl_displayindex" ); m_nNonVRSDLDisplayIndex = sdl_displayindex.GetInt(); #endif if( !g_pSourceVR->Activate() ) { // we couldn't activate, so just punt on this whole thing return; } // general all-game stuff engine->ExecuteClientCmd( "mat_reset_rendertargets\n" ); // game specific VR config CUtlString sCmd; sCmd.Format( "exec sourcevr_%s.cfg\n", COM_GetModDirectory() ); engine->ExecuteClientCmd( sCmd.Get() ); vgui::surface()->SetSoftwareCursor( true ); #if defined(POSIX) ConVarRef m_rawinput( "m_rawinput" ); m_bNonVRRawInput = m_rawinput.GetBool(); m_rawinput.SetValue( 1 ); ConVarRef mat_vsync( "mat_vsync" ); mat_vsync.SetValue( 0 ); #endif g_pMatSystemSurface->ForceScreenSizeOverride(true, 640, 480 ); int nViewportWidth, nViewportHeight; g_pSourceVR->GetViewportBounds( ISourceVirtualReality::VREye_Left, NULL, NULL, &nViewportWidth, &nViewportHeight ); g_pMatSystemSurface->SetFullscreenViewportAndRenderTarget( 0, 0, nViewportWidth, nViewportHeight, g_pSourceVR->GetRenderTarget( ISourceVirtualReality::VREye_Left, ISourceVirtualReality::RT_Color ) ); vgui::ivgui()->SetVRMode( true ); // we can skip this extra mode change if we've always been in VR mode if ( !ShouldForceVRActive() ) { VRRect_t rect; if ( g_pSourceVR->GetDisplayBounds( &rect ) ) { // set mode char szCmd[256]; Q_snprintf( szCmd, sizeof(szCmd), "mat_setvideomode %i %i %i\n", rect.nWidth, rect.nHeight, vr_force_windowed.GetBool() ? 1 : 0 ); engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( szCmd ); } } } void CClientVirtualReality::Deactivate() { // can't deactivate when we aren't active if( !UseVR() ) return; g_pSourceVR->Deactivate(); g_pMatSystemSurface->ForceScreenSizeOverride(false, 0, 0 ); g_pMaterialSystem->GetRenderContext()->Viewport( 0, 0, m_nNonVRWidth, m_nNonVRHeight ); g_pMatSystemSurface->SetFullscreenViewportAndRenderTarget( 0, 0, m_nNonVRWidth, m_nNonVRHeight, NULL ); static ConVarRef cl_software_cursor( "cl_software_cursor" ); vgui::surface()->SetSoftwareCursor( cl_software_cursor.GetBool() ); #if defined( USE_SDL ) static ConVarRef sdl_displayindex( "sdl_displayindex" ); sdl_displayindex.SetValue( m_nNonVRSDLDisplayIndex ); #endif #if defined(POSIX) ConVarRef m_rawinput( "m_rawinput" ); m_rawinput.SetValue( m_bNonVRRawInput ); #endif // Make sure the client .dll root panel is at the proper point before doing the "SolveTraverse" calls vgui::VPANEL root = enginevgui->GetPanel( PANEL_CLIENTDLL ); if ( root != 0 ) { vgui::ipanel()->SetSize( root, m_nNonVRWidth, m_nNonVRHeight ); } // Same for client .dll tools root = enginevgui->GetPanel( PANEL_CLIENTDLL_TOOLS ); if ( root != 0 ) { vgui::ipanel()->SetSize( root, m_nNonVRWidth, m_nNonVRHeight ); } int viewWidth, viewHeight; vgui::surface()->GetScreenSize( viewWidth, viewHeight ); engine->ExecuteClientCmd( "mat_reset_rendertargets\n" ); // set mode char szCmd[ 256 ]; Q_snprintf( szCmd, sizeof( szCmd ), "mat_setvideomode %i %i %i\n", m_nNonVRWidth, m_nNonVRHeight, m_bNonVRWindowed ? 1 : 0 ); engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( szCmd ); } // Called when startup is complete void CClientVirtualReality::StartupComplete() { if ( vr_activate_default.GetBool() || ShouldForceVRActive() ) Activate(); }