//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // //============================================================================= #ifndef BUYPRESET_WEAPONSETLABEL_H #define BUYPRESET_WEAPONSETLABEL_H #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma once #endif #include <vgui/VGUI.h> #include <vgui_controls/Panel.h> #include <vgui/IImage.h> namespace vgui { class TextImage; class TextEntry; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Helper function: draws a simple dashed line void DrawDashedLine(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int dashLen, int gapLen); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Wraps an IImage to perform resizes properly class BuyPresetImage : public vgui::IImage { public: BuyPresetImage( vgui::IImage *realImage ) { m_image = realImage; if ( m_image ) { m_image->GetSize( m_wide, m_tall ); } else { m_wide = m_tall = 0; } } // Call to Paint the image // Image will draw within the current panel context at the specified position virtual void Paint() { if ( !m_image ) return; m_image->Paint(); } // Set the position of the image virtual void SetPos(int x, int y) { if ( !m_image ) return; m_image->SetPos( x, y ); } // Gets the size of the content virtual void GetContentSize(int &wide, int &tall) { if ( !m_image ) return; m_image->GetSize( wide, tall ); } // Get the size the image will actually draw in (usually defaults to the content size) virtual void GetSize(int &wide, int &tall) { if ( !m_image ) { wide = tall = 0; return; } wide = m_wide; tall = m_tall; } // Sets the size of the image virtual void SetSize(int wide, int tall) { m_wide = wide; m_tall = tall; if ( !m_image ) return; m_image->SetSize( wide, tall ); } // Set the draw color virtual void SetColor(Color col) { if ( !m_image ) return; m_image->SetColor( col ); } virtual bool Evict() { return false; } virtual int GetNumFrames() { return 0; } virtual void SetFrame( int nFrame ) { } virtual vgui::HTexture GetID() { return 0; } virtual void SetRotation( int iRotation ) { return; } private: vgui::IImage *m_image; int m_wide, m_tall; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct ImageInfo { vgui::IImage *image; int w; int h; int x; int y; int fullW; int fullH; void FitInBounds( int baseX, int baseY, int width, int height, bool center, int scaleAt1024, bool halfHeight = false ); void Paint(); }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class WeaponImageInfo { public: WeaponImageInfo(); ~WeaponImageInfo(); void SetBounds( int left, int top, int wide, int tall ); void SetCentered( bool isCentered ); void SetScaleAt1024( int weaponScale, int ammoScale ); void SetWeapon( const BuyPresetWeapon *pWeapon, bool isPrimary, bool useCurrentAmmoType ); void ApplyTextSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme, bool isProportional ); void Paint(); void PaintText(); private: void PerformLayout(); int m_left; int m_top; int m_wide; int m_tall; bool m_isPrimary; int m_weaponScale; int m_ammoScale; bool m_needLayout; bool m_isCentered; ImageInfo m_weapon; ImageInfo m_ammo; vgui::TextImage *m_pAmmoText; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ItemImageInfo { public: ItemImageInfo(); ~ItemImageInfo(); void SetBounds( int left, int top, int wide, int tall ); void SetItem( const char *imageFname, int count ); void ApplyTextSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme, bool isProportional ); void Paint(); void PaintText(); private: void PerformLayout(); int m_left; int m_top; int m_wide; int m_tall; int m_count; bool m_needLayout; ImageInfo m_image; vgui::TextImage *m_pText; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class WeaponLabel : public vgui::Panel { typedef vgui::Panel BaseClass; public: WeaponLabel(vgui::Panel *parent, const char *panelName); ~WeaponLabel(); void SetWeapon( const BuyPresetWeapon *pWeapon, bool isPrimary, bool showAmmo = false ); virtual void ApplySchemeSettings(vgui::IScheme *pScheme); virtual void PerformLayout(); virtual void Paint(); protected: WeaponImageInfo m_weapon; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class EquipmentLabel : public vgui::Panel { typedef vgui::Panel BaseClass; public: EquipmentLabel(vgui::Panel *parent, const char *panelName, const char *imageFname = NULL); ~EquipmentLabel(); void SetItem( const char *imageFname, int count ); virtual void ApplySchemeSettings(vgui::IScheme *pScheme); virtual void PerformLayout(); virtual void Paint(); protected: ItemImageInfo m_item; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * BuyPresetEditPanel is a panel displaying a graphical representation of a buy preset. */ class BuyPresetEditPanel : public vgui::EditablePanel { typedef vgui::EditablePanel BaseClass; public: BuyPresetEditPanel( vgui::Panel *parent, const char *panelName, const char *resourceFilename, int fallbackIndex, bool editableName ); virtual ~BuyPresetEditPanel(); void SetWeaponSet( const WeaponSet *pWeaponSet, bool current ); virtual void SetText( const wchar_t *text ); virtual void ApplySchemeSettings(vgui::IScheme *pScheme); void OnCommand( const char *command); ///< Handle command callbacks virtual void OnSizeChanged( int wide, int tall ); void SetPanelBgColor( Color color ) { if (m_pBgPanel) m_pBgPanel->SetBgColor( color ); } protected: void Reset(); vgui::Panel *m_pBgPanel; vgui::TextEntry *m_pTitleEntry; vgui::Label *m_pTitleLabel; vgui::Label *m_pCostLabel; WeaponLabel *m_pPrimaryWeapon; WeaponLabel *m_pSecondaryWeapon; EquipmentLabel *m_pHEGrenade; EquipmentLabel *m_pSmokeGrenade; EquipmentLabel *m_pFlashbangs; EquipmentLabel *m_pDefuser; EquipmentLabel *m_pNightvision; EquipmentLabel *m_pArmor; int m_baseWide; int m_baseTall; int m_fallbackIndex; }; #endif // BUYPRESET_WEAPONSETLABEL_H