//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 

#include "quakedef.h"
#include "gl_model_private.h"
#include "console.h"
#include "cdll_engine_int.h"
#include "gl_cvars.h"
#include "ivrenderview.h"
#include "gl_matsysiface.h"
#include "gl_drawlights.h"
#include "gl_rsurf.h"
#include "r_local.h"
#include "debugoverlay.h"
#include "vgui_baseui_interface.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystemhardwareconfig.h"
#include "demo.h"
#include "istudiorender.h"
#include "materialsystem/imesh.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#include "host.h"
#include "view.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "sys.h"
#include "cl_main.h"
#include "l_studio.h"
#include "IOcclusionSystem.h"
#include "cl_demouipanel.h"
#include "mod_vis.h"
#include "ivideomode.h"
#include "gl_shader.h"
#include "gl_rmain.h"
#include "engine/view_sharedv1.h"
#include "ispatialpartitioninternal.h"
#include "toolframework/itoolframework.h"
#include "icommandline.h"
#include "VGuiMatSurface/IMatSystemSurface.h"
#include "sourcevr/isourcevirtualreality.h"
#include "materialsystem/itexture.h"
#include "render.h"
#include "iclientvirtualreality.h"

#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
#include "replay/iclientreplay.h"
#include "replay_internal.h"

// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"

class IClientEntity;

float r_blend;
float r_colormod[3] = { 1, 1, 1 };
bool g_bIsBlendingOrModulating = false;

bool g_bIsRenderingVGuiOnly = false;

colorVec R_LightPoint (Vector& p);
void R_DrawLightmaps( IWorldRenderList *pList, int pageId );
void R_DrawIdentityBrushModel( IWorldRenderList *pRenderList, model_t *model );

static ConVar mat_color_projection( "mat_color_projection", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE );


The view is allowed to move slightly from it's true position for bobbing,
but if it exceeds 8 pixels linear distance (spherical, not box), the list of
entities sent from the server may not include everything in the pvs, especially
when crossing a water boudnary.


extern ConVar r_avglightmap;


FIXME:  Define this as a change function to the ConVar's below rather than polling it
 every frame.  Note, still need to make sure it gets called very first time through frame loop.
bool V_CheckGamma( void )
	if ( IsX360() )
		return false;

	tmZoneFiltered( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, 50, TMZF_NONE, "%s", __FUNCTION__ );

	static int lastLightmap = -1;
	extern void GL_RebuildLightmaps( void );
	// Refresh all lightmaps if r_avglightmap changes
	if ( r_avglightmap.GetInt() != lastLightmap )
		lastLightmap = r_avglightmap.GetInt();

	return true;

// Purpose: Initializes the view renderer
// Output : void V_Init
void V_Init( void )
	BuildGammaTable( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2 );

// Purpose: 
void V_Shutdown( void )
	// TODO, cleanup

// Purpose: 
// Input  :  - 
void V_RenderVGuiOnly_NoSwap()

	// Need to clear the screen in this case, cause we're not drawing
	// the loading screen.

	if( UseVR() && g_pClientVR )
		CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
		pRenderContext->ClearBuffers( true, true );

		EngineVGui()->Paint( (PaintMode_t)(PAINT_UIPANELS | PAINT_CURSOR ));

// Purpose: Renders only vgui (for loading progress) including buffer swapping and vgui simulation
void V_RenderVGuiOnly( void )
	materials->BeginFrame( host_frametime );





	g_EngineRenderer->FrameEnd( );


void FullViewColorAdjustment( )
	if ( mat_color_projection.GetInt() == 0 )

	CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );

	ITexture *pFullFrameFB1 = materials->FindTexture( "_rt_FullFrameFB1", TEXTURE_GROUP_RENDER_TARGET );

	pRenderContext->CopyRenderTargetToTextureEx( pFullFrameFB1, 0, NULL, NULL );

	IMaterial *color_correction = materials->FindMaterial( "dev/red_green_projection", TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER, true );
	if ( color_correction )

	int nViewportX, nViewportY, nViewportWidth, nViewportHeight;
	pRenderContext->GetViewport( nViewportX, nViewportY, nViewportWidth, nViewportHeight );

	pRenderContext->DrawScreenSpaceRectangle( color_correction, 0, 0, nViewportWidth, nViewportHeight,
		nViewportX, nViewportY,
		nViewportX + nViewportWidth - 1, nViewportY + nViewportHeight - 1,
		nViewportWidth, nViewportHeight );

 	if ( color_correction )

// Purpose: Render the world
void V_RenderView( void )
	VPROF( "V_RenderView" );

	bool bCanRenderWorld = ( host_state.worldmodel != NULL ) && cl.IsActive();

#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
	if ( g_pClientReplay && Replay_IsSupportedModAndPlatform() )
		bCanRenderWorld = bCanRenderWorld && g_pClientReplay->ShouldRender();

	bCanRenderWorld = bCanRenderWorld && toolframework->ShouldGameRenderView();

	if ( IsPC() && bCanRenderWorld && g_bTextMode )
		tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMZF_NONE, "SysSleep()" );

		// Sleep to let the other textmode clients get some cycles.
		Sys_Sleep( 15 );
		bCanRenderWorld = false;

	if ( !bCanRenderWorld )
		// Because we now do a lot of downloading before spawning map, don't render anything world related 
		// until we are an active client.
	else if ( !g_LostVideoMemory )
		// since we know we're going to render the world, check for lightmap updates while it is easy
		// to tear down and rebuild
		// We can get into situations where some other material system app
		// is trying to start up; in those cases, we shouldn't render...
		vrect_t scr_vrect = videomode->GetClientViewRect();
		g_ClientDLL->View_Render( &scr_vrect );


void Linefile_Draw( void );

// Purpose: Expose rendering interface to client .dll
class CVRenderView : public IVRenderView, public ISpatialLeafEnumerator
	void TouchLight( dlight_t *light )
		int i;
		i = light - cl_dlights;
		if (i >= 0 && i < MAX_DLIGHTS)
			r_dlightchanged |= (1 << i);

	void DrawBrushModel( 
		IClientEntity *baseentity, 
		model_t *model, 
		const Vector& origin, 
		const QAngle& angles, 
		bool bUnused )
		R_DrawBrushModel( baseentity, model, origin, angles, DEPTH_MODE_NORMAL, true, true );

	virtual void DrawBrushModelEx( IClientEntity *baseentity, model_t *model, const Vector& origin, const QAngle& angles, DrawBrushModelMode_t mode )
		bool bDrawOpaque = ( mode != DBM_DRAW_TRANSLUCENT_ONLY );
		bool bDrawTranslucent = ( mode != DBM_DRAW_OPAQUE_ONLY );
		R_DrawBrushModel( baseentity, model, origin, angles, DEPTH_MODE_NORMAL, bDrawOpaque, bDrawTranslucent );

	// Draw brush model shadow
	void DrawBrushModelShadow( IClientRenderable *pRenderable )
		R_DrawBrushModelShadow( pRenderable );

	void DrawIdentityBrushModel( IWorldRenderList *pList, model_t *model )
		R_DrawIdentityBrushModel( pList, model );

	void Draw3DDebugOverlays( void )

		if ( g_pDemoUI )

		if ( g_pDemoUI2 )



		// Render occlusion debugging info

	FORCEINLINE void CheckBlend( void )
		g_bIsBlendingOrModulating = ( r_blend != 1.0 ) || 
			( r_colormod[0] != 1.0 ) || ( r_colormod[1] != 1.0 ) || ( r_colormod[2] != 1.0 );

	void SetBlend( float blend )
		r_blend = blend;

	float GetBlend( void )
		return r_blend;

	void SetColorModulation( float const* blend )
		VectorCopy( blend, r_colormod );

	void GetColorModulation( float* blend )
		VectorCopy( r_colormod, blend );

	void SceneBegin( void )

	void SceneEnd( void )
	void GetVisibleFogVolume( const Vector& vEyePoint, VisibleFogVolumeInfo_t *pInfo )
		R_GetVisibleFogVolume( vEyePoint, pInfo );
	IWorldRenderList * CreateWorldList()
		return g_EngineRenderer->CreateWorldList();

	void BuildWorldLists( IWorldRenderList *pList, WorldListInfo_t* pInfo, int iForceFViewLeaf, const VisOverrideData_t* pVisData, bool bShadowDepth, float *pReflectionWaterHeight )
		g_EngineRenderer->BuildWorldLists( pList, pInfo, iForceFViewLeaf, pVisData, bShadowDepth, pReflectionWaterHeight );

	void DrawWorldLists( IWorldRenderList *pList, unsigned long flags, float waterZAdjust )
		g_EngineRenderer->DrawWorldLists( pList, flags, waterZAdjust );

	// Optimization for top view
	void DrawTopView( bool enable )
		R_DrawTopView( enable );

	void TopViewBounds( Vector2D const& mins, Vector2D const& maxs )
		R_TopViewBounds( mins, maxs );

	void DrawLights( void )


	void DrawMaskEntities( void )
		// UNDONE: Don't do this with masked brush models, they should probably be in a separate list
		// R_DrawMaskEntities()

	void DrawTranslucentSurfaces( IWorldRenderList *pList, int sortIndex, unsigned long flags, bool bShadowDepth )
		Shader_DrawTranslucentSurfaces( pList, sortIndex, flags, bShadowDepth );

	bool LeafContainsTranslucentSurfaces( IWorldRenderList *pList, int sortIndex, unsigned long flags )
		return Shader_LeafContainsTranslucentSurfaces( pList, sortIndex, flags );

	void DrawLineFile( void )

	void DrawLightmaps( IWorldRenderList *pList, int pageId )
		R_DrawLightmaps( pList, pageId );

	void ViewSetupVis( bool novis, int numorigins, const Vector origin[] )
		g_EngineRenderer->ViewSetupVis( novis, numorigins, origin );

	void ViewSetupVisEx( bool novis, int numorigins, const Vector origin[], unsigned int &returnFlags )
		g_EngineRenderer->ViewSetupVisEx( novis, numorigins, origin, returnFlags );

	bool AreAnyLeavesVisible( int *leafList, int nLeaves )
		return Map_AreAnyLeavesVisible( *host_state.worldbrush, leafList, nLeaves );

	// For backward compatibility only!!!
	void VguiPaint( void )

	void VGui_Paint( int mode )
		EngineVGui()->Paint( (PaintMode_t)mode );

	void ViewDrawFade( byte *color, IMaterial* pFadeMaterial )
		g_EngineRenderer->ViewDrawFade( color, pFadeMaterial );

	void OLD_SetProjectionMatrix( float fov, float zNear, float zFar )
		// Here to preserve backwards compat

	void OLD_SetOffCenterProjectionMatrix( float fov, float zNear, float zFar, float flAspectRatio,
		float flBottom, float flTop, float flLeft, float flRight )
		// Here to preserve backwards compat

	void OLD_SetProjectionMatrixOrtho( float left, float top, float right, float bottom, float zNear, float zFar )
		// Here to preserve backwards compat

	colorVec GetLightAtPoint( Vector& pos )
		return R_LightPoint( pos );

	int GetViewEntity( void )
		return cl.m_nViewEntity;

	float GetFieldOfView( void )
		return g_EngineRenderer->GetFov();

	unsigned char **GetAreaBits( void )
		return cl.GetAreaBits_BackwardCompatibility();

	virtual void SetAreaState( 
			unsigned char chAreaBits[MAX_AREA_STATE_BYTES],
			unsigned char chAreaPortalBits[MAX_AREA_PORTAL_STATE_BYTES] )
		*cl.GetAreaBits_BackwardCompatibility() = 0; // Clear the b/w compatibiltiy thing.
		memcpy( cl.m_chAreaBits, chAreaBits, MAX_AREA_STATE_BYTES );
		memcpy( cl.m_chAreaPortalBits, chAreaPortalBits, MAX_AREA_PORTAL_STATE_BYTES );
		cl.m_bAreaBitsValid = true;

	// World fog for world rendering
	void SetFogVolumeState( int fogVolume, bool useHeightFog )
		R_SetFogVolumeState(fogVolume, useHeightFog );

	virtual void InstallBrushSurfaceRenderer( IBrushRenderer* pBrushRenderer )
		R_InstallBrushRenderOverride( pBrushRenderer );

	struct BoxIntersectWaterContext_t
		bool m_bFoundWaterLeaf;
		int m_nLeafWaterDataID;
	bool EnumerateLeaf( int leaf, int context )
		BoxIntersectWaterContext_t *pSearchContext = ( BoxIntersectWaterContext_t * )context;
		mleaf_t *pLeaf = &host_state.worldmodel->brush.pShared->leafs[leaf];
		if( pLeaf->leafWaterDataID == pSearchContext->m_nLeafWaterDataID )
			pSearchContext->m_bFoundWaterLeaf = true;
			// found it . . stop enumeration
			return false;
		return true;

	bool DoesBoxIntersectWaterVolume( const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs, int leafWaterDataID )
		BoxIntersectWaterContext_t context;
		context.m_bFoundWaterLeaf = false;
		context.m_nLeafWaterDataID = leafWaterDataID;
		g_pToolBSPTree->EnumerateLeavesInBox( mins, maxs, this, ( int )&context );
		return context.m_bFoundWaterLeaf;

	// Push, pop views
	virtual void Push3DView( const CViewSetup &view, int nFlags, ITexture* pRenderTarget, Frustum frustumPlanes )
		g_EngineRenderer->Push3DView( view, nFlags, pRenderTarget, frustumPlanes, NULL );

	virtual void Push2DView( const CViewSetup &view, int nFlags, ITexture* pRenderTarget, Frustum frustumPlanes )
		g_EngineRenderer->Push2DView( view, nFlags, pRenderTarget, frustumPlanes );

	virtual void PopView( Frustum frustumPlanes )
		g_EngineRenderer->PopView( frustumPlanes );

	virtual void SetMainView( const Vector &vecOrigin, const QAngle &angles )
		g_EngineRenderer->SetMainView( vecOrigin, angles );

	void OverrideViewFrustum( Frustum custom )
		g_EngineRenderer->OverrideViewFrustum( custom );

	void DrawBrushModelShadowDepth( 
		IClientEntity *baseentity, 
		model_t *model, 
		const Vector& origin, 
		const QAngle& angles, 
		ERenderDepthMode DepthMode )
		R_DrawBrushModel( baseentity, model, origin, angles, DepthMode, true, true );

	void UpdateBrushModelLightmap( model_t *model, IClientRenderable *pRenderable )
		g_EngineRenderer->UpdateBrushModelLightmap( model, pRenderable );
	void BeginUpdateLightmaps( void )

	void EndUpdateLightmaps( void )

	virtual void Push3DView( const CViewSetup &view, int nFlags, ITexture* pRenderTarget, Frustum frustumPlanes, ITexture* pDepthTexture )
		g_EngineRenderer->Push3DView( view, nFlags, pRenderTarget, frustumPlanes, pDepthTexture );

	void GetMatricesForView( const CViewSetup &view, VMatrix *pWorldToView, VMatrix *pViewToProjection, VMatrix *pWorldToProjection, VMatrix *pWorldToPixels )
		ComputeViewMatrices( pWorldToView, pViewToProjection, pWorldToProjection, view );
		ComputeWorldToScreenMatrix( pWorldToPixels, *pWorldToProjection, view );

static CVRenderView s_RenderView;