//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Read SMD and create DMX data // //============================================================================= // Because we use STL #pragma warning( disable: 4530 ) // Standard includes #include <io.h> #include <algorithm> #include <deque> #include <fstream> #include <list> #include <map> #include <string> // Valve includes #include "movieobjects/dmeanimationlist.h" #include "movieobjects/dmechannel.h" #include "movieobjects/dmedag.h" #include "movieobjects/dmemesh.h" #include "movieobjects/dmefaceset.h" #include "movieobjects/dmematerial.h" #include "movieobjects/dmemodel.h" #include "movieobjects/dmsmdserializer.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "tier1/characterset.h" #include "tier1/fmtstr.h" #include "tier2/tier2.h" #include "mathlib/mathlib.h" // Last include #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" //============================================================================= // // CDmSmdSerializer // //============================================================================= //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Convert from SMD -> DME //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CDmSmdSerializer::Unserialize( CUtlBuffer &utlBuf, const char * /* pszEncodingName */, int /* nEncodingVersion */, const char * /* pszSourceFormatName */, int /* nSourceFormatVersion */, DmFileId_t nDmFileId, DmConflictResolution_t /* nDmConflictResolution */, CDmElement **ppDmRoot ) { if ( !ppDmRoot ) return false; const char *pszFilename = g_pDataModel->GetFileName( nDmFileId ); if ( pszFilename ) { char szFilename[ MAX_PATH ]; V_strncpy( szFilename, pszFilename, ARRAYSIZE( szFilename ) ); V_FixSlashes( szFilename ); *ppDmRoot = ReadSMD( utlBuf, nDmFileId, szFilename, NULL ); } else { *ppDmRoot = ReadSMD( utlBuf, nDmFileId, "utlBuffer", NULL ); } return *ppDmRoot != NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CDmElement *CDmSmdSerializer::ReadSMD( const char *pszFilename, CDmeMesh **ppDmeMeshCreated /* = NULL */ ) { char szFilename[ MAX_PATH ]; V_strncpy( szFilename, pszFilename, ARRAYSIZE( szFilename ) ); V_FixSlashes( szFilename ); CUtlBuffer utlBuf( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER ); if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( szFilename, NULL, utlBuf ) ) return NULL; DmFileId_t nDmFileId = g_pDataModel->FindOrCreateFileId( pszFilename ); return ReadSMD( utlBuf, nDmFileId, szFilename, ppDmeMeshCreated ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDmSmdSerializer::SetUpAxis( CDmSmdSerializer::Axis_t nUpAxis ) { m_nUpAxis = clamp( nUpAxis, X_AXIS, Z_AXIS ); switch ( m_nUpAxis ) { case X_AXIS: // X Up AngleMatrix( RadianEuler( -M_PI / 2.0, M_PI / 2.0, 0.0 ), m_mAdj ); MatrixInverseTranspose( m_mAdj, m_mAdjNormal ); break; case Y_AXIS: // Y Up SetIdentityMatrix( m_mAdj ); SetIdentityMatrix( m_mAdjNormal ); break; case Z_AXIS: default: AngleMatrix( RadianEuler( -M_PI / 2.0, 0.0, 0.0 ), m_mAdj ); MatrixInverseTranspose( m_mAdj, m_mAdjNormal ); break; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests whether the passed buffer is an all whitespace line or not //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool ParserIsBlankLine( const char *pszBuf ) { for ( const char *pChar = pszBuf; *pChar; ++pChar ) { if ( !V_isspace( static_cast< unsigned char >( *pChar ) ) ) return false; } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Skips over whitespace //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static const char *ParserSkipSpace( const char *pszBuf ) { // Skip to first non-whitespace character for ( ;; ) { if ( !V_isspace( static_cast< unsigned char >( *pszBuf ) ) ) break; ++pszBuf; } return pszBuf; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns true the specified buffer is a comment line // meaning that it starts with // (with optional white space preceding the //) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool IsCommentLine( const char *pszBuf ) { pszBuf = ParserSkipSpace( pszBuf ); if ( *pszBuf && *pszBuf == '/' && *( pszBuf + 1 ) == '/' ) { return true; } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool ParserHandleVersion( const char *pszBuf, int *pnVersion = NULL ) { pszBuf = ParserSkipSpace( pszBuf ); if ( !( *pszBuf && V_strnicmp( pszBuf, "version", 7 ) == 0 ) ) return false; if ( pnVersion ) { *pnVersion = strtol( pszBuf + 7, NULL, 0 ); // Skip past "version" } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool ParserHandleSectionStart( const char *pszBuf, const char *pszSectionId ) { pszBuf = ParserSkipSpace( pszBuf ); if ( ! *pszBuf ) return false; const int nCmd = V_stricmp( pszBuf, pszSectionId ); if ( !nCmd ) return true; return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool ParserHandleTime( const char *pszBuf, int &nTime ) { if ( sscanf( pszBuf, "time %d", &nTime ) == 1 ) return true; return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Strip trailing CR/NL //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void Chomp( char *pszBuf ) { char *pChar = pszBuf + V_strlen( pszBuf ) - 1; while ( pChar >= pszBuf && ( *pChar == '\n' || *pChar == '\r' ) ) { *pChar = '\0'; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void GetLine( CUtlBuffer &utlBuf, char *pszBuf, int nMaxLen ) { utlBuf.GetLine( pszBuf, nMaxLen ); Chomp( pszBuf ); } //============================================================================= // //============================================================================= class CQcData { public: CQcData() : m_nUpAxis( CDmSmdSerializer::Z_AXIS ) , m_scale( 1.0f ) {} bool ParseQc( const CUtlString &smdPath, const CUtlString &qcPath ); bool GetQcData( const CUtlString &smdPath ); CDmSmdSerializer::Axis_t m_nUpAxis; float m_scale; std::list< std::string > m_cdmaterials; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool HandleQcHints( const char *pBuf, CQcData &qcData ) { if ( !IsCommentLine( pBuf ) ) return false; char key[ 512 ]; key[0] = '\0'; char val[ 512 ]; val[0] = '\0'; if ( sscanf( pBuf, "// %511s=%511s", key, val ) == 2 ) { if ( Q_stricmp( key, "UPAXIS" ) == 0 ) { if ( strpbrk( val, "xX" ) ) { qcData.m_nUpAxis = CDmSmdSerializer::X_AXIS; } else if ( strpbrk( val, "yY" ) ) { qcData.m_nUpAxis = CDmSmdSerializer::Y_AXIS; } else if ( strpbrk( val, "zZ" ) ) { qcData.m_nUpAxis = CDmSmdSerializer::Z_AXIS; } } } key[ ARRAYSIZE(key) - 1 ] = '\0'; val[ ARRAYSIZE(val) - 1 ] = '\0'; return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void Tokenize( CUtlVector< CUtlString > &tokens, const char *pszBuf ) { tokens.RemoveAll(); CUtlString strBuf( pszBuf ); for ( char *pszToken = strtok( (char *)strBuf.Get(), " \t\n" ); pszToken; pszToken = strtok( NULL, " \t\n" ) ) { tokens.AddToTail( pszToken ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDmSmdSerializer::ParserGetNodeName( const char *pszBuf, CUtlString &sName ) const { sName = ParserSkipSpace( pszBuf ); FixNodeName( sName ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CDmSmdSerializer::ParserHandleSkeletonLine( const char *pszBuf, CUtlString &sName, int &nId, int &nParentId ) const { const char *pszOrigBuf = pszBuf; pszBuf = ParserSkipSpace( pszBuf ); char szTmpBuf[ 512 ]; if ( sscanf( pszBuf, "%d \"%[^\"]\" %d", &nId, szTmpBuf, &nParentId ) == 3 ) { ParserGetNodeName( szTmpBuf, sName ); return true; } Warning( "Warning! Ignoring malformed skeleton line: %s\n", pszOrigBuf ); return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static CUtlString PathJoin( const char *pszStr1, const char *pszStr2 ) { char szPath[MAX_PATH]; V_ComposeFileName( pszStr1, pszStr2, szPath, sizeof( szPath ) ); return CUtlString( szPath ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CQcData::ParseQc( const CUtlString &smdPath, const CUtlString &qcPath ) { bool bRetVal = false; if ( _access( qcPath.Get(), 04 ) == 0 ) { try { std::string buf; std::ifstream ifs( qcPath.Get() ); CUtlVector< CUtlString > tokens; while ( std::getline( ifs, buf ) ) { Tokenize( tokens, buf.c_str() ); if ( tokens.Count() < 1 ) continue; if ( !V_stricmp( tokens[0], "$upaxis" ) ) { if ( strchr( tokens[1].Get(), 'y' ) || strchr( tokens[1].Get(), 'Y' ) ) { m_nUpAxis = CDmSmdSerializer::Y_AXIS; } else if ( strchr( tokens[1].Get(), 'x' ) || strchr( tokens[1].Get(), 'X' ) ) { m_nUpAxis = CDmSmdSerializer::X_AXIS; } else { m_nUpAxis = CDmSmdSerializer::Z_AXIS; } } else if ( !V_stricmp( tokens[0], "$scale" ) ) { m_scale = strtod( tokens[1].Get(), NULL ); } else if ( !V_stricmp( tokens[0], "$cdmaterials" ) ) { m_cdmaterials.push_back( tokens[1].Get() ); } } bRetVal = true; } catch ( ... ) { } } if ( m_cdmaterials.empty() ) { // If m_cdmaterials is empty, then put the relative smd path onto the cdmaterials path char szBuf0[MAX_PATH]; V_strncpy( szBuf0, smdPath.Get(), ARRAYSIZE( szBuf0 ) ); V_StripFilename( szBuf0 ); V_FixSlashes( szBuf0, '/' ); CUtlVector< char *, CUtlMemory< char *, int > > sPathArray; V_SplitString( szBuf0, "/", sPathArray ); CUtlString sRelSmdPath; bool bJoin = false; for ( int i = 0; i < sPathArray.Count(); ++i ) { if ( !bJoin && !V_stricmp( sPathArray[i], "models" ) ) { bJoin = true; } if ( bJoin ) { sRelSmdPath = PathJoin( sRelSmdPath.Get(), sPathArray[i] ); } } sRelSmdPath.FixSlashes( '/' ); m_cdmaterials.push_back( sRelSmdPath.Get() ); } return bRetVal; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CQcData::GetQcData( const CUtlString &smdPath ) { try { // Look for same thing named with a .qc extension char szBuf0[MAX_PATH]; char szBuf1[MAX_PATH]; V_strncpy( szBuf0, smdPath.Get(), ARRAYSIZE( szBuf0 ) ); V_SetExtension( szBuf0, ".qc", ARRAYSIZE( szBuf0 ) ); if ( _access( szBuf0, 04 ) == 0 ) return ParseQc( smdPath, szBuf0 ); // Remove "_reference" if found char *pszRef = V_stristr( szBuf0, "_reference.qc" ); if ( pszRef ) { *pszRef = '\0'; V_SetExtension( szBuf0, ".qc", ARRAYSIZE( szBuf0 ) ); if ( _access( szBuf0, 04 ) == 0 ) return ParseQc( smdPath, szBuf0 ); } else { // Add _reference V_SetExtension( szBuf0, "", ARRAYSIZE( szBuf0 ) ); V_strcat( szBuf0, "_reference", ARRAYSIZE( szBuf0 ) ); V_SetExtension( szBuf0, ".qc", ARRAYSIZE( szBuf0 ) ); if ( _access( szBuf0, 04 ) == 0 ) return ParseQc( smdPath, szBuf0 ); } // Look for any *.qc file in the same directory as the smd that contains the smd pathname V_strncpy( szBuf0, smdPath.Get(), ARRAYSIZE( szBuf0 ) ); V_FixSlashes( szBuf0 ); V_FileBase( szBuf0, szBuf1, ARRAYSIZE( szBuf1 ) ); CUtlString sFileBase0( "\"" ); sFileBase0 += szBuf1; sFileBase0 += "\""; V_SetExtension( szBuf1, ".smd", ARRAYSIZE( szBuf1 ) ); CUtlString sFileBase1( "\"" ); sFileBase1 += szBuf1; sFileBase1 += "\""; V_ExtractFilePath( szBuf0, szBuf1, ARRAYSIZE( szBuf1 ) ); CUtlString sFilePath = szBuf1; if ( sFileBase0.Length() > 0 && sFilePath.Length() > 0 ) { struct _finddata_t qcFile; long hFile; CUtlVector< CUtlString > tokens; /* Find first .qc file in current directory */ CUtlString sQcGlob = sFilePath; sQcGlob += "*.qc"; if ( ( hFile = _findfirst( sQcGlob.Get(), &qcFile ) ) != -1L ) { /* Find the rest of the .qc files */ do { CUtlString sQcFile = sFilePath; sQcFile += qcFile.name; std::ifstream ifs( sQcFile.Get() ); std::string buf; while ( std::getline( ifs, buf ) ) { if ( V_stristr( buf.c_str(), sFileBase0.Get() ) || V_stristr( buf.c_str(), sFileBase1.Get() ) ) { _findclose( hFile ); return ParseQc( smdPath, sQcFile ); } } } while( _findnext( hFile, &qcFile ) == 0 ); _findclose( hFile ); } } } catch ( const std::exception &e ) { Error( "Exception: %s\n", e.what() ); } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define MAX_WEIGHTS_PER_VERTEX 3 //============================================================================= // //============================================================================= class CVertexWeight { public: int m_nBoneIndex; float m_flWeight; CVertexWeight() : m_nBoneIndex( -1 ) , m_flWeight( 0.0f ) {} inline void Reset() { m_nBoneIndex = -1; m_flWeight = 0.0f; } inline bool operator==( const CVertexWeight &rhs ) const { return m_nBoneIndex == rhs.m_nBoneIndex && m_flWeight == rhs.m_flWeight; } inline bool operator!=( const CVertexWeight &rhs ) const { return m_nBoneIndex != rhs.m_nBoneIndex || m_flWeight != rhs.m_flWeight; } }; //============================================================================= // //============================================================================= class CVertex { public: Vector m_vPosition; Vector m_vNormal; Vector2D m_vUV; uint m_nWeights; CVertexWeight m_vertexWeights[ MAX_WEIGHTS_PER_VERTEX ]; CVertex() { Reset(); } inline bool operator==( const CVertex &rhs ) const { if ( m_vPosition != rhs.m_vPosition || m_vNormal != rhs.m_vNormal || m_vUV != rhs.m_vUV || m_nWeights != rhs.m_nWeights ) return false; for ( uint i = 0; i != m_nWeights; ++i ) { if ( m_vertexWeights[ i ] != rhs.m_vertexWeights[ i ] ) return false; } return true; } inline void Reset() { m_nWeights = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( m_vertexWeights ); ++i ) { m_vertexWeights[i].Reset(); } } }; //============================================================================= // //============================================================================= class CTriangle { public: uint m_nVertices; CVertex m_vertices[ 3 ]; CTriangle() { Reset(); } bool Valid() const; inline void Reset() { m_nVertices = 0; m_vertices[ 0U ].Reset(); m_vertices[ 1U ].Reset(); m_vertices[ 2U ].Reset(); } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTriangle::Valid() const { // A triangle is valid it it has three vertices and all three vertices are unique if ( m_nVertices != 3U ) return false; if ( m_vertices[0] == m_vertices[1] ) return false; if ( m_vertices[1] == m_vertices[2] ) return false; if ( m_vertices[2] == m_vertices[0] ) return false; return true; } //============================================================================= // //============================================================================= class CShadingGroup { public: std::string m_materialPath; std::map< int, std::deque< int > > m_componentListMap; }; //============================================================================= // //============================================================================= enum ParserState_t { kUnknown, kPreamble, kGeneral, kNodes, kSkeleton, kTriangles }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool ParserAddJoint( CDmSmdSerializer::SmdJointMap_t &smdJointMap, int nId, const char *pszName, int nParentId, const char *pszFilename, int nLineNumber ) { if ( nId < 0 ) { Error( "Error! %s(%d) : node error : invalid node id %d, must be >= 0: Line '%d \"%s\" %d'\n", pszFilename, nLineNumber, nId, nId, pszName, nParentId ); return false; } if ( smdJointMap.IsValidIndex( smdJointMap.Find( nId ) ) ) { Error( "Error! %s(%d) : node error : node id %d already defined\n", pszFilename, nLineNumber, nId ); return false; } CDmSmdSerializer::SmdJoint_t &smdJoint = smdJointMap.Element( smdJointMap.Insert( nId ) ); smdJoint.m_nId = nId; smdJoint.m_sName = pszName; smdJoint.m_nParentId = MAX( -1, nParentId ); smdJoint.m_nLineNumber = nLineNumber; return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool ParserCreateJoint( const CDmSmdSerializer::SmdJointMap_t &smdJointMap, CDmeModel *pDmeModel, CDmeChannelsClip *pDmeChannelsClip, CDmSmdSerializer::SmdJoint_t *pSmdJoint, const char *pszFilename ) { const CUtlString &sName = pSmdJoint->m_sName; const int nId = pSmdJoint->m_nId; const int nParentId = pSmdJoint->m_nParentId; const int nLineNumber = pSmdJoint->m_nLineNumber; CDmeJoint *pDmeJoint = CreateElement< CDmeJoint >( sName.Get(), pDmeModel->GetFileId() ); if ( !pDmeJoint ) { Error( "%s(%d) : node error : can't create joint %d(%s)\n", pszFilename, nLineNumber, nId, sName.Get() ); return false; } if ( nParentId < 0 ) { if ( !pDmeModel ) { Error( "%s(%d) : node error : No DmeModel passed for root joint %d(%s)\n", pszFilename, nLineNumber, nId, sName.Get() ); DestroyElement( pDmeJoint ); return false; } pDmeModel->AddChild( pDmeJoint ); CDmAttribute *pRootJointAttr = pDmeJoint->AddAttribute( "__rootJoint", AT_BOOL ); pRootJointAttr->AddFlag( FATTRIB_DONTSAVE ); pRootJointAttr->SetValue( true ); } else { if ( nParentId == nId ) { Error( "%s(%d) : node error : joint %d(%s) is its own parent\n", pszFilename, nLineNumber, nId, sName.Get() ); DestroyElement( pDmeJoint ); return false; } const int nParentIdIndex = smdJointMap.Find( nParentId ); if ( !smdJointMap.IsValidIndex( nParentIdIndex ) ) { Error( "%s(%d) : node error : joint %d(%s) has invalid parentId (%d)\n", pszFilename, nLineNumber, nId, sName.Get(), nParentId ); DestroyElement( pDmeJoint ); return false; } CDmeDag *pDmeDagParent = smdJointMap.Element( nParentIdIndex ).m_pDmeDag; if ( pDmeDagParent ) { pDmeDagParent->AddChild( pDmeJoint ); } else { Error( "%s(%d) : node error : joint %d(%s) has invalid parentId (%d)\n", pszFilename, nLineNumber, nId, sName.Get(), nParentId ); } } if ( pDmeChannelsClip ) { CDmeTransform *pDmeTransform = pDmeJoint->GetTransform(); CDmeChannel *pDmePosChannel = CreateElement< CDmeChannel >( CFmtStr( "%s_p", pDmeTransform->GetName() ).Access(), pDmeChannelsClip->GetFileId() ); pDmePosChannel->SetMode( CM_PLAY ); pDmePosChannel->SetOutput( pDmeTransform, "position" ); CDmeVector3Log *pDmePosLog = pDmePosChannel->CreateLog< Vector >(); pDmePosLog->SetValueThreshold( 1.0e-6 ); pDmeChannelsClip->m_Channels.AddToTail( pDmePosChannel ); CDmAttribute *pPosLogAttr = pDmeJoint->AddAttribute( "__posLog", AT_ELEMENT ); pPosLogAttr->AddFlag( FATTRIB_DONTSAVE ); pPosLogAttr->SetValue( pDmePosLog ); CDmeChannel *pDmeRotChannel = CreateElement< CDmeChannel >( CFmtStr( "%s_o", pDmeTransform->GetName() ).Access(), pDmeChannelsClip->GetFileId() ); pDmeRotChannel->SetMode( CM_PLAY ); pDmeRotChannel->SetOutput( pDmeTransform, "orientation" ); CDmeQuaternionLog *pDmeRotLog = pDmeRotChannel->CreateLog< Quaternion >(); pDmeRotLog->SetValueThreshold( 1.0e-6 ); pDmeChannelsClip->m_Channels.AddToTail( pDmeRotChannel ); CDmAttribute *pRotLogAttr = pDmeJoint->AddAttribute( "__rotLog", AT_ELEMENT ); pRotLogAttr->AddFlag( FATTRIB_DONTSAVE ); pRotLogAttr->SetValue( pDmeRotLog ); } pSmdJoint->m_pDmeDag = pDmeJoint; pDmeModel->AddJoint( pDmeJoint ); return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Used by ParserAddJoints, sorts joints by parent index //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool SmdJointLessFunc( const CDmSmdSerializer::SmdJoint_t *pLhs, const CDmSmdSerializer::SmdJoint_t *pRhs ) { // try to preserve joints without parents in their original order as much as possible if ( pLhs->m_nParentId < 0 ) return pLhs->m_nId < pRhs->m_nId; return pLhs->m_nParentId < pRhs->m_nParentId; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void ParserCreateJoints( CDmSmdSerializer::SmdJointMap_t &smdJointMap, CDmeModel *pDmeModel, CDmeChannelsClip *pDmeChannelsClip, const char *pszFilename ) { // Sort the joints in order of parent, pointers only temporary and no elements // added/removed from map while pointers exist, so pointers are stable CUtlVector< CDmSmdSerializer::SmdJoint_t * > smdJointList; FOR_EACH_MAP_FAST( smdJointMap, nSmdJointMapIndex ) { smdJointList.AddToTail( &smdJointMap.Element( nSmdJointMapIndex ) ); } std::stable_sort( smdJointList.Base(), smdJointList.Base() + smdJointList.Count(), SmdJointLessFunc ); for ( int i = 0; i < smdJointList.Count(); ++i ) { CDmSmdSerializer::SmdJoint_t *pSmdJoint = smdJointList[i]; pSmdJoint->m_nActualId = i; ParserCreateJoint( smdJointMap, pDmeModel, pDmeChannelsClip, pSmdJoint, pszFilename ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDmSmdSerializer::ParserSetJoint( const SmdJointMap_t &smdJointMap, int nFrame, int nId, const Vector &vPosition, const RadianEuler &eRadianEulerXYZ, const char *pszFilename, int nLineNumber ) { const SmdJointMap_t::IndexType_t nIdIndex = smdJointMap.Find( nId ); if ( !smdJointMap.IsValidIndex( nIdIndex ) ) { Error( "%s(%d) : skeleton error : can't find joint %d\n", pszFilename, nLineNumber, nId ); return; } CDmeDag *pDmeDag = smdJointMap.Element( nIdIndex ).m_pDmeDag; if ( !pDmeDag ) { Error( "%s(%d) : skeleton error : no dmedag created for can't find joint %d (%s)\n", pszFilename, nLineNumber, nId, smdJointMap.Element( nIdIndex ).m_sName.Get() ); return; } const Quaternion qOrientation = eRadianEulerXYZ; if ( pDmeDag->GetValue( "__rootJoint", false ) && GetUpAxis() != CDmSmdSerializer::Y_AXIS ) { matrix3x4_t mPre; matrix3x4_t mPost; AngleMatrix( qOrientation, vPosition, mPre ); ConcatTransforms( m_mAdj, mPre, mPost ); pDmeDag->GetTransform()->SetTransform( mPost ); } else { pDmeDag->GetTransform()->SetPosition( vPosition ); pDmeDag->GetTransform()->SetOrientation( qOrientation ); } if ( m_bOptAnimation ) { const DmeTime_t tCurrent( static_cast< float >( nFrame ), DmeFramerate_t( m_flFrameRate ) ); CDmeTransform *pDmeTransform = pDmeDag->GetTransform(); CDmeVector3Log *pDmePosLog = pDmeDag->GetValueElement< CDmeVector3Log >( "__posLog" ); pDmePosLog->SetKey( tCurrent, pDmeTransform->GetPosition() ); CDmeQuaternionLog *pDmeRotLog = pDmeDag->GetValueElement< CDmeQuaternionLog >( "__rotLog" ); pDmeRotLog->SetKey( tCurrent, pDmeTransform->GetOrientation() ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns -1 if invalid //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int GetActualId( const CDmSmdSerializer::SmdJointMap_t &smdJointMap, int nId ) { const CDmSmdSerializer::SmdJointMap_t::IndexType_t nIdIndex = smdJointMap.Find( nId ); if ( !smdJointMap.IsValidIndex( nIdIndex ) ) { Error( "Error! Invalid node id %d looked up\n", nId ); return -1; } return smdJointMap.Element( nIdIndex ).m_nActualId; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Used by HandleVertexWeights, sorts vertex weights by weight //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int VertexWeightLessFunc( const void *pLhs, const void *pRhs ) { const CVertexWeight *pVertexWeightL = reinterpret_cast< const CVertexWeight * >( pLhs ); const CVertexWeight *pVertexWeightR = reinterpret_cast< const CVertexWeight * >( pRhs ); if ( pVertexWeightL->m_nBoneIndex < 0 ) { if ( pVertexWeightR->m_nBoneIndex < 0 ) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } else if ( pVertexWeightR->m_nBoneIndex < 0 ) { return -1; } if ( pVertexWeightL->m_flWeight > pVertexWeightR->m_flWeight ) { return -1; } else if ( pVertexWeightL->m_flWeight < pVertexWeightR->m_flWeight ) { return 1; } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void HandleVertexWeights( const CDmSmdSerializer::SmdJointMap_t &smdJointMap, int nFallbackBoneIndexId, CVertex &vertex, const char *pszLine, const char *pszFilename, int nLineNumber ) { for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( vertex.m_vertexWeights ); ++i ) { vertex.m_vertexWeights[i].Reset(); } CUtlVector< CVertexWeight > tmpVertexWeights; CUtlVector< CUtlString > tokens; Tokenize( tokens, pszLine ); const float flEps = 1.0e-6; uint nTokenEnd = tokens.Count(); if ( nTokenEnd > 10 ) { int nId = -1; float flWeight = 0.0f; for ( uint i = 10; i < nTokenEnd; ++i ) { nId = strtol( tokens[ i ].Get(), NULL, 0 ); ++i; flWeight = strtod( tokens[ i ].Get(), NULL ); if ( nId < 0 || flWeight < flEps ) continue; const int nActualId = GetActualId( smdJointMap, nId ); if ( nActualId < 0 ) { Error( "%s(%d) : triangle error : ignoring unknown joint id(%d) with actual id(%d) for vertex weight\n", pszFilename, nLineNumber, nId, nActualId ); continue; } CVertexWeight &tmpVertexWeight = tmpVertexWeights[ tmpVertexWeights.AddToTail() ]; tmpVertexWeight.m_nBoneIndex = nActualId; tmpVertexWeight.m_flWeight = flWeight; } // Sort vertex weights inversely by weight qsort( tmpVertexWeights.Base(), tmpVertexWeights.Count(), sizeof( CVertexWeight ), VertexWeightLessFunc ); // Take at most the top ARRAYSIZE( vertex.m_vertexWeights ) from tmpVertexWeights // Figure out actual weight count and total weight float flTotalWeight = 0.0f; vertex.m_nWeights = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < tmpVertexWeights.Count() && i < ARRAYSIZE( vertex.m_vertexWeights ); ++i ) { CVertexWeight &vertexWeight( vertex.m_vertexWeights[ i ] ); vertexWeight = tmpVertexWeights[i]; flTotalWeight += vertexWeight.m_flWeight; vertex.m_nWeights += 1; } // If there are valid user specified weights then renormalize if ( vertex.m_nWeights > 0 && flTotalWeight > flEps ) { for ( uint i = 0; i != ARRAYSIZE( vertex.m_vertexWeights ); ++i ) { CVertexWeight &vertexWeight( vertex.m_vertexWeights[ i ] ); if ( vertexWeight.m_nBoneIndex >= 0 ) { vertexWeight.m_flWeight /= flTotalWeight; } } } else { // No valid user weights, assign to fallback bone with weight of 1 vertex.m_vertexWeights[ 0 ].m_nBoneIndex = GetActualId( smdJointMap, nFallbackBoneIndexId ); if ( vertex.m_vertexWeights[0].m_nBoneIndex < 0 ) { // Vertex is not weighted, can't find fallback bone, this is invalid vertex.m_nWeights = 0; vertex.m_vertexWeights[0].m_nBoneIndex = -1; vertex.m_vertexWeights[0].m_flWeight = 0.0f; } else { vertex.m_nWeights = 1; vertex.m_vertexWeights[0].m_flWeight = 1.0f; } // Assign rest of weights to -1, 0.0f for ( uint i = 1; i < ARRAYSIZE( vertex.m_vertexWeights ); ++i ) { vertex.m_vertexWeights[i].m_nBoneIndex = -1; vertex.m_vertexWeights[i].m_flWeight = 0.0f; } } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static CDmeMesh *CreateDmeMesh( CDmeModel *pDmeModel, const char *pszFilename, int nLineNumber ) { char szFileBase[MAX_PATH]; szFileBase[0] = '\0'; const char *pszMeshName = "mesh"; if ( pszFilename ) { V_FileBase( pszFilename, szFileBase, ARRAYSIZE( szFileBase ) ); if ( V_strlen( szFileBase ) > 0 ) { pszMeshName = szFileBase; } } CDmeDag *pDmeDag = CreateElement< CDmeDag >( pszMeshName, pDmeModel->GetFileId() ); if ( !pDmeDag ) return NULL; pDmeModel->AddChild( pDmeDag ); CUtlString sMeshName = pDmeDag->GetName(); sMeshName += "Shape"; CDmeMesh *pDmeMesh = CreateElement< CDmeMesh >( sMeshName.Get(), pDmeDag->GetFileId() ); if ( !pDmeMesh ) return NULL; CDmeVertexData *pDmeVertexData = pDmeMesh->FindOrCreateBaseState( "bind" ); pDmeMesh->SetCurrentBaseState( "bind" ); pDmeVertexData->FlipVCoordinate( true ); pDmeVertexData->CreateField( CDmeVertexData::FIELD_POSITION ); pDmeVertexData->CreateField( CDmeVertexData::FIELD_NORMAL ); pDmeVertexData->CreateField( CDmeVertexData::FIELD_TEXCOORD ); FieldIndex_t nJointWeightField; FieldIndex_t nJointIndexField; pDmeVertexData->CreateJointWeightsAndIndices( MAX_WEIGHTS_PER_VERTEX, &nJointWeightField, &nJointIndexField ); pDmeDag->SetShape( pDmeMesh ); pDmeVertexData->Resolve(); pDmeMesh->Resolve(); pDmeDag->Resolve(); return pDmeMesh; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static CDmeFaceSet *FindOrCreateFaceSet( CDmeMesh *pDmeMesh, const CUtlString &sMaterial, const char *pszFilename, int nLineNumber ) { // Could cache in a hashed map or something... for ( int i = 0; i < pDmeMesh->FaceSetCount(); ++i ) { CDmeFaceSet *pDmeFaceSet = pDmeMesh->GetFaceSet( i ); if ( !pDmeFaceSet ) continue; CDmeMaterial *pDmeMaterial = pDmeFaceSet->GetMaterial(); if ( !pDmeMaterial ) continue; if ( !V_strcmp( pDmeMaterial->GetMaterialName(), sMaterial.Get() ) ) return pDmeFaceSet; } char szFaceSetName[ MAX_PATH ]; V_FileBase( sMaterial.Get(), szFaceSetName, ARRAYSIZE( szFaceSetName ) ); CDmeFaceSet *pDmeFaceSet = CreateElement< CDmeFaceSet >( szFaceSetName, pDmeMesh->GetFileId() ); Assert( pDmeFaceSet ); CDmeMaterial *pDmeMaterial = CreateElement< CDmeMaterial >( szFaceSetName, pDmeMesh->GetFileId() ); Assert( pDmeMaterial ); pDmeMaterial->SetMaterial( sMaterial.Get() ); pDmeFaceSet->SetMaterial( pDmeMaterial ); pDmeMesh->AddFaceSet( pDmeFaceSet ); return pDmeFaceSet; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void CreatePolygon( CDmeMesh *pDmeMesh, const CUtlString &sMaterial, CTriangle &triangle, const char *pszFilename, int nLineNumber ) { if ( !triangle.Valid() || !pDmeMesh ) return; CDmeVertexData *pDmeVertexData = pDmeMesh->GetBindBaseState(); Assert( pDmeVertexData ); FieldIndex_t nPositionField = pDmeVertexData->FindFieldIndex( CDmeVertexData::FIELD_POSITION ); CDmrArray< Vector > positionData = pDmeVertexData->GetVertexData( nPositionField ); FieldIndex_t nNormalField = pDmeVertexData->FindFieldIndex( CDmeVertexData::FIELD_NORMAL ); CDmrArray< Vector > normalData = pDmeVertexData->GetVertexData( nNormalField ); FieldIndex_t nUvField = pDmeVertexData->FindFieldIndex( CDmeVertexData::FIELD_TEXCOORD ); CDmrArray< Vector2D > uvData = pDmeVertexData->GetVertexData( nUvField ); FieldIndex_t nJointWeightField = pDmeVertexData->FindFieldIndex( CDmeVertexData::FIELD_JOINT_WEIGHTS ); CDmrArray< float > jointWeightData = pDmeVertexData->GetVertexData( nJointWeightField ); FieldIndex_t nJointIndexField = pDmeVertexData->FindFieldIndex( CDmeVertexData::FIELD_JOINT_INDICES ); CDmrArray< int > jointIndexData = pDmeVertexData->GetVertexData( nJointIndexField ); CDmeFaceSet *pDmeFaceSet = FindOrCreateFaceSet( pDmeMesh, sMaterial, pszFilename, nLineNumber ); if ( !pDmeFaceSet ) { Error( "%s(%d) : mesh error : couldn't find or create DmeFace set for material \"%s\" on mesh \"%s\"\n", pszFilename, nLineNumber, sMaterial.Get(), pDmeMesh->GetName() ); return; } for ( uint i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) { const int nNewVertexIndex = pDmeVertexData->AddVertexIndices( 1 ); CVertex &cVertex = triangle.m_vertices[i]; { // TODO: Make two positions if they are skinned differently int nPositionIndex = positionData.Find( cVertex.m_vPosition ); if ( !positionData.IsValidIndex( nPositionIndex ) ) { nPositionIndex = positionData.AddToTail( cVertex.m_vPosition ); for ( int j = 0; j < ARRAYSIZE( cVertex.m_vertexWeights ); ++j ) { jointWeightData.AddToTail( cVertex.m_vertexWeights[j].m_flWeight ); jointIndexData.AddToTail( cVertex.m_vertexWeights[j].m_nBoneIndex ); } } pDmeVertexData->SetVertexIndices( nPositionField, nNewVertexIndex, 1, &nPositionIndex ); const int nFaceSetIndex = pDmeFaceSet->AddIndices( 1 ); pDmeFaceSet->SetIndices( nFaceSetIndex, 1, const_cast< int * >( &nNewVertexIndex ) ); } { int nNormalIndex = normalData.Find( cVertex.m_vNormal ); if ( !normalData.IsValidIndex( nNormalIndex ) ) { nNormalIndex = normalData.AddToTail( cVertex.m_vNormal ); } pDmeVertexData->SetVertexIndices( nNormalField, nNewVertexIndex, 1, &nNormalIndex ); } { int nUvIndex = uvData.Find( cVertex.m_vUV ); if ( !uvData.IsValidIndex( nUvIndex ) ) { nUvIndex = uvData.AddToTail( cVertex.m_vUV ); } pDmeVertexData->SetVertexIndices( nUvField, nNewVertexIndex, 1, &nUvIndex ); } } static const int nFaceDelimiter = -1; const int nFaceSetIndex = pDmeFaceSet->AddIndices( 1 ); pDmeFaceSet->SetIndices( nFaceSetIndex, 1, const_cast< int * >( &nFaceDelimiter ) ); triangle.Reset(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static CDmeFaceSet *FindOrAddFaceSet( CDmeMesh *pDmeMesh, CUtlMap< CUtlString, CDmeFaceSet * > &faceListMap, const char *pszMaterialPath ) { CUtlMap< CUtlString, CDmeFaceSet * >::IndexType_t nIndex = faceListMap.Find( CUtlString( pszMaterialPath ) ); if ( faceListMap.IsValidIndex( nIndex ) ) return faceListMap.Element( nIndex ); CDmeFaceSet *pDmeFaceSet = CreateElement< CDmeFaceSet >( pszMaterialPath, pDmeMesh->GetFileId() ); CDmeMaterial *pDmeMaterial = CreateElement< CDmeMaterial >( pszMaterialPath, pDmeMesh->GetFileId() ); Assert( pDmeFaceSet && pDmeMaterial ); pDmeMaterial->SetMaterial( pszMaterialPath ); pDmeMesh->AddFaceSet( pDmeFaceSet ); return faceListMap.Element( faceListMap.Insert( CUtlString( pszMaterialPath ), pDmeFaceSet ) ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CDmeChannelsClip *FindOrCreateChannelsClip( CDmElement *pDmeRoot, const char *pszAnimationName ) { CDmeAnimationList *pDmeAnimationList = pDmeRoot->GetValueElement< CDmeAnimationList >( "animationList" ); CDmeChannelsClip *pDmeChannelsClip = NULL; if ( pDmeAnimationList ) { pDmeChannelsClip = pDmeAnimationList->GetAnimation( 0 ); } else { CDmeModel *pDmeModel = pDmeRoot->GetValueElement< CDmeModel >( "skeleton" ); pDmeAnimationList = CreateElement< CDmeAnimationList >( pszAnimationName, pDmeRoot->GetFileId() ); pDmeChannelsClip = CreateElement< CDmeChannelsClip >( pszAnimationName, pDmeRoot->GetFileId() ); pDmeAnimationList->AddAnimation( pDmeChannelsClip ); pDmeRoot->SetValue( "animationList", pDmeAnimationList ); pDmeModel->SetValue( "animationList", pDmeAnimationList ); } return pDmeChannelsClip; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Common function both ReadSMD & Unserialize can call //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CDmElement *CDmSmdSerializer::ReadSMD( CUtlBuffer &utlBuf, DmFileId_t nDmFileId, const char *pszFilename, CDmeMesh **ppDmeMeshCreated ) { CDmElement *pDmeRoot = CreateElement< CDmElement >( "root", nDmFileId ); CDmeModel *pDmeModel = CreateElement< CDmeModel >( "model", nDmFileId ); char szAnimationName[ MAX_PATH ] = ""; if ( pszFilename ) { V_FileBase( pszFilename, szAnimationName, ARRAYSIZE( szAnimationName ) ); } else { pszFilename = "unknown"; } if ( V_strlen( szAnimationName ) > 0 ) { pDmeModel->SetName( szAnimationName ); } else { V_strcpy_safe( szAnimationName, "anim" ); } pDmeRoot->SetValue( "skeleton", pDmeModel ); if ( !m_bOptAnimation ) { // Don't set root.model if animation only, studiomdl can't handle it pDmeRoot->SetValue( "model", pDmeModel ); } SmdJointMap_t smdJointMap( CDefOps< int >::LessFunc ); CUtlString sMaterial; CTriangle triangle; uint nLineNumber = 0; uint nBadPreambleCount = 0; ParserState_t nParserState = kPreamble; int nFrame = 0; CDmeChannelsClip *pDmeChannelsClip = NULL; if ( m_bOptAnimation ) { pDmeChannelsClip = FindOrCreateChannelsClip( pDmeRoot, szAnimationName ); } bool bStartTimeSet = false; CQcData qcData; CDmeMesh *pDmeMesh = NULL; char szLine[ 4096 ]; while ( utlBuf.IsValid() ) { GetLine( utlBuf, szLine, ARRAYSIZE( szLine ) ); ++nLineNumber; const char *pszLine = ParserSkipSpace( szLine ); if ( ParserIsBlankLine( pszLine ) ) continue; if ( nParserState == kPreamble ) { if ( HandleQcHints( pszLine, qcData ) ) continue; if ( ParserHandleVersion( pszLine ) ) { if ( qcData.m_nUpAxis != m_nUpAxis ) { Warning( "Importer UpAxis (%d) is different from UpAxis in SMD data (%d), using value found in SMD/QC\n", m_nUpAxis, qcData.m_nUpAxis ); } SetUpAxis( qcData.m_nUpAxis ); nParserState = kGeneral; continue; } Error( "%s(%d) : preamble error : expecting comment: \"%s\"\n", pszFilename, nLineNumber, szLine ); ++nBadPreambleCount; if ( nBadPreambleCount > 10 ) { Error( "%s(%d) : preamble error : too many errors, not an SMD file, aborting\n", pszFilename, nLineNumber ); break; } } else if ( nParserState == kGeneral ) { if ( ParserHandleSectionStart( pszLine, "nodes" ) ) { nParserState = kNodes; } else if ( ParserHandleSectionStart( pszLine, "skeleton" ) ) { nParserState = kSkeleton; } else if ( ParserHandleSectionStart( pszLine, "triangles" ) ) { nParserState = kTriangles; } } else if ( nParserState == kNodes ) { if ( ParserHandleSectionStart( pszLine, "end" ) ) { ParserCreateJoints( smdJointMap, pDmeModel, pDmeChannelsClip, pszFilename ); nParserState = kGeneral; continue; } CUtlString sName; int nId; int nParentId; if ( !m_bOptImportSkeleton || !ParserHandleSkeletonLine( pszLine, sName, nId, nParentId ) ) continue; if ( !ParserAddJoint( smdJointMap, nId, sName, nParentId, pszFilename, nLineNumber ) ) continue; } else if ( nParserState == kSkeleton ) { if ( ParserHandleSectionStart( pszLine, "end" ) ) { nParserState = kGeneral; continue; } if ( m_bOptAnimation && ParserHandleTime( pszLine, nFrame ) ) { if ( !bStartTimeSet ) { pDmeChannelsClip->SetStartTime( DmeTime_t( static_cast< float >( nFrame ), DmeFramerate_t( m_flFrameRate ) ) ); bStartTimeSet = true; } continue; } int nId; Vector vPosition; RadianEuler eRadianEulerXYZ; if ( sscanf( pszLine, "%d %f %f %f %f %f %f", &nId, &vPosition.x, &vPosition.y, &vPosition.z, &eRadianEulerXYZ.x, &eRadianEulerXYZ.y, &eRadianEulerXYZ.z ) == 7 ) { if ( !m_bOptImportSkeleton ) continue; ParserSetJoint( smdJointMap, nFrame, nId, vPosition, eRadianEulerXYZ, pszFilename, nLineNumber ); } } else if ( nParserState == kTriangles ) { if ( ParserHandleSectionStart( pszLine, "end" ) ) { triangle.Reset(); nParserState = kGeneral; continue; } int nFallbackSkinJoint; Vector vPosition; Vector vNormal; Vector2D vUV; char szShadingGroup[ ARRAYSIZE( szLine ) ]; if ( sscanf( pszLine, "%d %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", &nFallbackSkinJoint, &vPosition.x, &vPosition.y, &vPosition.z, &vNormal.x, &vNormal.y, &vNormal.z, &vUV.x, &vUV.y ) == 9 ) { if ( triangle.m_nVertices >= 3 ) { Error( "%s(%d) : triangle error : Too many vertices in triangle\n", pszFilename, nLineNumber ); continue; } CVertex &vertex( triangle.m_vertices[ triangle.m_nVertices++ ] ); vertex.m_vUV = vUV; if ( GetUpAxis() != CDmSmdSerializer::Y_AXIS ) { VectorTransform( vPosition, m_mAdj, vertex.m_vPosition ); VectorTransform( vNormal, m_mAdjNormal, vertex.m_vNormal ); } else { vertex.m_vPosition = vPosition; vertex.m_vNormal = vNormal; } if ( m_bOptImportSkeleton ) { HandleVertexWeights( smdJointMap, nFallbackSkinJoint, vertex, pszLine, pszFilename, nLineNumber ); } if ( !pDmeMesh ) { pDmeMesh = CreateDmeMesh( pDmeModel, pszFilename, nLineNumber ); if ( !pDmeMesh ) { Error( "%s(%d) : Couldn't create DmeMesh\n", pszFilename, nLineNumber ); break; } } CreatePolygon( pDmeMesh, sMaterial, triangle, pszFilename, nLineNumber ); } else if ( sscanf( pszLine, "%1024s", szShadingGroup ) == 1 ) { char pszMaterialPath[ ARRAYSIZE( szShadingGroup ) ]; V_StripExtension( szShadingGroup, pszMaterialPath, ARRAYSIZE( pszMaterialPath ) ); sMaterial = pszMaterialPath; triangle.Reset(); } else { Error( "%s(%d) : triangle error : unexpected data in triangles\n", pszFilename, nLineNumber ); triangle.Reset(); } } else { Error( "%s(%d) : parser error : unknown parser state\n", pszFilename, nLineNumber ); nParserState = kGeneral; } } pDmeModel->CaptureJointsToBaseState( "bind" ); if ( pDmeChannelsClip ) { // Reset skeleton values to the first sample FOR_EACH_MAP_FAST( smdJointMap, nJointMapIndex ) { CDmeDag *pDmeDag = smdJointMap.Element( nJointMapIndex ).m_pDmeDag; if ( pDmeDag ) { CDmeTransform *pDmeTransform = pDmeDag->GetTransform(); CDmeVector3Log *pDmePosLog = pDmeDag->GetValueElement< CDmeVector3Log >( "__posLog" ); pDmeTransform->SetPosition( pDmePosLog->GetKeyValue( 0 ) ); CDmeQuaternionLog *pDmeRotLog = pDmeDag->GetValueElement< CDmeQuaternionLog >( "__rotLog" ); pDmeTransform->SetOrientation( pDmeRotLog->GetKeyValue( 0 ) ); } } pDmeChannelsClip->SetDuration( DmeTime_t( nFrame, DmeFramerate_t( m_flFrameRate ) ) - pDmeChannelsClip->GetStartTime() ); } return pDmeRoot; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDmSmdSerializer::FixNodeName( CUtlString &sName ) const { char szTmpBuf0[ MAX_PATH ]; char szTmpBuf1[ MAX_PATH ]; V_strncpy( szTmpBuf0, sName.Get(), ARRAYSIZE( szTmpBuf0 ) ); // Strip trailing quotes char *pszName = szTmpBuf0 + sName.Length() - 1; while ( pszName >= szTmpBuf0 && *pszName && *pszName == '"' ) { *pszName = '\0'; --pszName; } // Strip leading quotes pszName = szTmpBuf0; while ( *pszName && *pszName == '"') { ++pszName; } if ( m_bOptAutoStripPrefix ) { // Get the string before the '.' V_FileBase( pszName, szTmpBuf1, ARRAYSIZE( szTmpBuf1 ) ); V_strncpy( szTmpBuf0, szTmpBuf1, ARRAYSIZE( szTmpBuf0 ) ); pszName = szTmpBuf0; } if ( !m_sNodeDelPrefix.IsEmpty() && StringHasPrefix( pszName, m_sNodeDelPrefix.Get() ) ) { pszName = const_cast< char * >( StringAfterPrefix( pszName, m_sNodeDelPrefix.Get() ) ); } if ( m_sNodeAddPrefix.IsEmpty() ) { sName = pszName; } else { sName = m_sNodeAddPrefix; sName += pszName; } }