//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Box3D.h"
#include "BrushOps.h"
#include "GlobalFunctions.h"
#include "MapDefs.h"		// dvs: For COORD_NOTINIT
#include "MapView2D.h" // dvs FIXME: For HitTest2D implementation
#include "MapWorld.h"
#include "MapSolid.h"
#include "Options.h"
#include "Render2D.h"
#include "Render3D.h"
#include "SaveInfo.h"
#include "MapDoc.h"
#include "MapDisp.h"
#include "camera.h"
#include "ssolid.h"

// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>



int CMapSolid::g_nBadSolidCount = 0;

// Purpose: Constructor. Sets this solid's color to a random blue-green color.
// Input  : Parent0 - The parent of this solid. Typically this is the world.
CMapSolid::CMapSolid(CMapClass *Parent0)
	: m_bValid(FALSE)	// well, no faces
	m_pParent = Parent0;
	m_eSolidType = btSolid;
	m_bIsCordonBrush = false;


// Purpose: Destructor.

// Purpose: Adds the plane to the given solid.
// Input  : pSolid - Solid to which the plane is being added.
//			p - Plane to add to the solid.
// Output : Returns true if the solid is still valid after the addition of the
//			plane, false if it was entirely behind the plane.
bool CMapSolid::AddPlane(const CMapFace *p)
	CMapFace NewFace;

	// Copy the info from the carving face, including the plane, but not the points.
	NewFace.CopyFrom(p, COPY_FACE_PLANE);

	// Use texture from our first face - this function adds a plane
	// from the subtraction brush itself.
	const CMapFace *pSolidFace = GetFace(0);

	NewFace.texture.q2contents = pSolidFace->texture.q2contents;
	NewFace.texture.q2surface = pSolidFace->texture.q2surface;
	NewFace.texture.nLightmapScale = pSolidFace->texture.nLightmapScale;

	// Set up the texture axes for the new face.
	NewFace.InitializeTextureAxes(Options.GetTextureAlignment(), INIT_TEXTURE_ALL | INIT_TEXTURE_FORCE);

	// Add the face to the solid and rebuild the solid.


	return(GetFaceCount() >= 4);

// Purpose: Carves this solid using another.
// Input  : Inside - Receives the pieces of this solid that were inside the carver.
//			Outside - Receives the pieces of this solid that were outside the carver.
//			pCarver - The solid that is being subtracted from us.
bool CMapSolid::Carve(CMapObjectList *pInside, CMapObjectList *pOutside, CMapSolid *pCarver)
	int	i;
	CMapSolid *front = NULL;
	CMapSolid *back = NULL;
	Vector bmins, bmaxs;
	Vector carvemins, carvemaxs;

	GetRender2DBox(bmins, bmaxs);
	pCarver->GetRender2DBox(carvemins, carvemaxs);

	// If this solid doesn't intersect the carving solid at all, add a copy
	// to the outside list and exit.
	for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
		if ((bmins[i] >= carvemaxs[i]) || (bmaxs[i] <= carvemins[i]))
			if (pOutside != NULL)
				CMapSolid *pCopy = (CMapSolid *)Copy(false);

	// Build a duplicate of this solid to carve from.
	CMapSolid CarveFrom;
	CarveFrom.CopyFrom(this, false);

	// Carve the solid by the faces in the carving solid.
	for (i = 0; i < pCarver->GetFaceCount(); i++)
		const CMapFace *pFace = pCarver->GetFace(i);

		// Split the solid by this face, into a front and a back piece.
		CarveFrom.ClipByFace(pFace, pOutside != NULL ? &front : NULL, &back);

		// If there was a front piece, add it to the outside list.
		if ((front != NULL) && (pOutside != NULL))
			delete front;

		// If there was no back piece, we have found a face the solid is completely in front of.
		// Per the separating axis theorem, the two solids cannot intersect, so we are done.
		if (back == NULL)

		// The next clip uses the back piece from this clip to prevent the carve results
		// from overlapping.
		CarveFrom.CopyFrom(back, false);

		// Add the back piece of the carved solid to the inside list.
		if (pInside != NULL)
			delete back;


// Purpose: Clips the given solid by the given face, returning the results.
// Input  : pSolid - Solid to clip.
//			fa - Face to use for the clipping operation.
//			f - Returns the part of the solid that was in front of the clipping
//				face (in the direction of the face normal).
//			b - Returns the part of the solid that was in back of the clipping
//				face (in the opposite direction of the face normal).
void CMapSolid::ClipByFace(const CMapFace *fa, CMapSolid **fsolid, CMapSolid **bSolid)
	CMapSolid *front = new CMapSolid;
	CMapSolid *back = new CMapSolid;
	CMapFace fb;

	// Build a back facing version of the clip face by reversing the plane points
	// and recalculate the plane normal and distance.
	Vector temp = fb.plane.planepts[0];
	fb.plane.planepts[0] = fb.plane.planepts[2];
	fb.plane.planepts[2] = temp;
	front->CopyFrom(this, false);
	back->CopyFrom(this, false);
	if (!back->AddPlane(fa))
		delete back;
		back = NULL;
	if (!front->AddPlane(&fb))
		delete front;
		front = NULL;

	if (fsolid != NULL)
		*fsolid = front;
		delete front;

	if (bSolid != NULL)
		*bSolid = back;
		delete back;

// Purpose: Returns true if this solid contains a face with the given ID, false if not.
// Input  : nFaceID - unique face ID to look for.
CMapFace *CMapSolid::FindFaceID(int nFaceID)
	int nFaceCount = GetFaceCount();
	for (int nFace = 0; nFace < nFaceCount; nFace++)
		CMapFace *pFace = GetFace(nFace);
		if (pFace->GetFaceID() == nFaceID)


// Purpose: 
// Input  : pWorld - 
void CMapSolid::GenerateNewFaceIDs(CMapWorld *pWorld)
	int nFaceCount = GetFaceCount();
	for (int nFace = 0; nFace < nFaceCount; nFace++)
		CMapFace *pFace = GetFace(nFace);

// Purpose: Allows the solid to generate new face IDs before being added to the
//			world because of a clone.
// Input  : pClone - The clone of this object that is being added to the world.
//			pWorld - The world that the clone is being added to.
//			OriginalList - The list of objects that were cloned.
//			NewList - The list of clones.
void CMapSolid::OnPreClone(CMapClass *pClone, CMapWorld *pWorld, const CMapObjectList &OriginalList, CMapObjectList &NewList)
	((CMapSolid *)pClone)->GenerateNewFaceIDs(pWorld);

// Purpose: Notifies the object that a copy of it is being pasted from the
//			clipboard before the copy is added to the world.
// Input  : pCopy - The copy of this object that is being added to the world.
//			pSourceWorld - The world that the originals were in.
//			pDestWorld - The world that the copies are being added to.
//			OriginalList - The list of original objects that were copied.
//			NewList - The list of copied.
void CMapSolid::OnPrePaste(CMapClass *pCopy, CMapWorld *pSourceWorld, CMapWorld *pDestWorld, const CMapObjectList &OriginalList, CMapObjectList &NewList)
	((CMapSolid *)pCopy)->GenerateNewFaceIDs(pDestWorld);

// Purpose: to split the solid by the given plane into frontside and backside 
//          solids; memory is allocated in the function for the solids;
//          solids are only generated for (pointers to) CMapSolid pointers that 
//          exist -- if a pointer is NULL that sidedness is ignored; the 
//          function returns whether or not an actual split happened (TRUE/FALSE)
//   Input: pPlane - the plane to split the solid with
//          pFront - the front sided solid (if any)
//          pBack - the back sided solid (if any)
//  Output: 0 - on front side
//          1 - on back side
//          2 - split
int CMapSolid::Split( PLANE *pPlane, CMapSolid **pFront, CMapSolid **pBack )
    const float SPLIT_DIST_EPSILON = 0.001f;
    CMapSolid *pFrontSolid = NULL;
    CMapSolid *pBackSolid = NULL;
    CMapFace  face;

	// The newly added face should get its texture from face zero of the solid.
	CMapFace *pFirstFace = GetFace(0);
	if (pFirstFace != NULL)

    // check for plane intersection with solid
    int   frontCount = 0;
    int   backCount = 0;
    int faceCount = GetFaceCount();
    for( int i = 0; i < faceCount; i++ )
        CMapFace *pFace = GetFace( i );

        for( int j = 0; j < pFace->nPoints; j++ )
            float dist = DotProduct( pFace->Points[j], pPlane->normal ) - pPlane->dist;
            if( dist > SPLIT_DIST_EPSILON )
            else if( dist < -SPLIT_DIST_EPSILON )

    // If we're all on one side of the splitting plane, copy ourselves into the appropriate
	// destination solid.
	if ((frontCount == 0) || (backCount == 0))
		CMapSolid **pReturn;

		if (frontCount == 0)
			pReturn = pBack;
			pReturn = pFront;

		if (pReturn == NULL)
			return -1;

		// The returned solid is just a copy of ourselves.
		CMapSolid *pReturnSolid = new CMapSolid;
		pReturnSolid->CopyFrom(this, false);

		// Rebuild the solid because mappers are accustomed to using the clipper tool as a way of
		// verifying that geometry is valid.
		if (pReturnSolid->CreateFromPlanes( CREATE_FROM_PLANES_CLIPPING ))
            // Initialize the texture axes only of the newly created faces. Leave the others alone.
			pReturnSolid->InitializeTextureAxes(Options.GetTextureAlignment(), INIT_TEXTURE_ALL);
		*pReturn = pReturnSolid;
		return 1;

    // split the solid and create the "front" solid
    if( pFront )
        // copy the original solid info
        pFrontSolid = new CMapSolid;
        pFrontSolid->CopyFrom(this, false);
        pFrontSolid->SetTemporary( TRUE );

        face.plane.normal = pPlane->normal;
        VectorNegate( face.plane.normal );
        face.plane.dist = -pPlane->dist;

        pFrontSolid->AddFace( &face );

		// The new face doesn't have plane points, only a normal and a distance, so we tell CreateFromPlanes
		// to generate new plane points for us after creation.
            // Initialize the texture axes only of the newly created faces. Leave the others alone.
			pFrontSolid->InitializeTextureAxes( Options.GetTextureAlignment(), INIT_TEXTURE_ALL );

            *pFront = pFrontSolid;

    // split the solid and create the "back" solid
    if( pBack )
        // copy the original solid info
        pBackSolid = new CMapSolid;
        pBackSolid->CopyFrom(this, false);
        pBackSolid->SetTemporary( TRUE );

        face.plane.normal = pPlane->normal;
        face.plane.dist = pPlane->dist;

        pBackSolid->AddFace( &face );

		// The new face doesn't have plane points, only a normal and a distance, so we tell CreateFromPlanes
		// to generate new plane points for us after creation.
            // Initialize the texture axes only of the newly created faces. Leave the others alone.
			pBackSolid->InitializeTextureAxes( Options.GetTextureAlignment(), INIT_TEXTURE_ALL );

            *pBack = pBackSolid;

    return 2;

// Purpose: Returns the index (you could use it with GetFace) or -1 if the face doesn't exist in this solid.
int CMapSolid::GetFaceIndex( CMapFace *pFace )
	for ( int i=0; i < Faces.GetCount(); i++ )
		if ( pFace == &Faces[i] )
			return i;
	return -1;

// Purpose: Adds a face to this solid.
// Input  : pFace - The face to add. The face is copied into this solid's face
//				array, so it can be safely freed when AddFace returns.
void CMapSolid::AddFace(CMapFace *pFace)
	int nFaces = Faces.GetCount();
	Faces.SetCount(nFaces + 1);
	CMapFace *pNewFace = &Faces[nFaces];

	pNewFace->CopyFrom(pFace, COPY_FACE_POINTS);
	pNewFace->SetRenderColor(r, g, b);
	pNewFace->SetCordonFace( m_bIsCordonBrush );

// Purpose: 
// Output : CMapClass
CMapClass *CMapSolid::Copy(bool bUpdateDependencies)
	CMapSolid *pNew = new CMapSolid;
	pNew->CopyFrom(this, bUpdateDependencies);
	return pNew;

// Purpose: Turns this solid into a duplicate of the given solid.
// Input  : pobj - Object to copy, must be a CMapSolid. 
// Output : Returns a pointer to this object.
CMapClass *CMapSolid::CopyFrom(CMapClass *pobj, bool bUpdateDependencies)
	CMapSolid *pFrom = (CMapSolid *)pobj;

	CMapClass::CopyFrom(pobj, bUpdateDependencies);
	m_eSolidType = pFrom->GetHL1SolidType();

	m_bIsCordonBrush = pFrom->m_bIsCordonBrush;
	int nFaces = pFrom->Faces.GetCount();
	// copy faces
	CMapFace *pFromFace;
	CMapFace *pToFace;

	for (int i = nFaces - 1; i >= 0; i--)
		pToFace = &Faces[i];
		pFromFace = &pFrom->Faces[i];

		if (!pToFace)

		pToFace->CopyFrom(pFromFace, COPY_FACE_POINTS, bUpdateDependencies);
		Assert(pToFace->GetPointCount() != 0);


// Purpose: Walks the faces of a solid for debugging.
#ifdef _DEBUG
#pragma warning (disable:4189)
void CMapSolid::DebugSolid(void)
	int nFaceCount = Faces.GetCount();
	for (int nFace = 0; nFace < nFaceCount; nFace++)
		CMapFace *pFace = GetFace(nFace);
#pragma warning (default:4189)
#endif // _DEBUG

// Purpose: 
// Input  : iIndex - 
void CMapSolid::DeleteFace(int iIndex)
	// shifts 'em down.
	int nFaces = Faces.GetCount();
	for(int j = iIndex; j < nFaces-1; j++)


const char* CMapSolid::GetDescription(void)
	static char szBuf[128];
	sprintf(szBuf, "solid with %d faces", Faces.GetCount());
	return szBuf;

// Purpose: Calculates this solid's axis aligned bounding box.
// Input  : bFullUpdate - Whether to evaluate all children when calculating.
void CMapSolid::CalcBounds(BOOL bFullUpdate)

	// Update mins/maxes based on our faces.
	int nFaces = Faces.GetCount();
	for( int i = 0; i < nFaces; i++ )
		// check for valid face
		if (!Faces[i].Points)

		// Get the 2d render bounds of this face and update the solid. 2D render bounds
		// can be different from 3D culling bounds because the 2D bounds do not consider
		// displacement faces.
		Vector mins, maxs;
		bool result = Faces[i].GetRender2DBox( mins, maxs );
		if( result )
			m_Render2DBox.UpdateBounds( mins, maxs );
		// Get the culling bounds and update the solid
		result = Faces[i].GetCullBox( mins, maxs );
		if( result )
			m_CullBox.UpdateBounds( mins, maxs );

	m_BoundingBox = m_CullBox;

// Purpose: 
// Input  : t - 
void CMapSolid::DoTransform(const VMatrix &matrix)
	// get all points, transform them
	int nFaces = Faces.GetCount();
	for (int i = 0; i < nFaces; i++)
		Faces[i].DoTransform( matrix );


// Purpose: Sets the render color of all of our faces when our render color is set.
void CMapSolid::SetRenderColor(color32 rgbColor)

	int nFaces = Faces.GetCount();
	for (int i = 0; i < nFaces; i++)

// Purpose: Sets the render color of all of our faces when our render color is set.
void CMapSolid::SetRenderColor(unsigned char uchRed, unsigned char uchGreen, unsigned char uchBlue)
	CMapClass::SetRenderColor(uchRed, uchGreen, uchBlue);

	int nFaces = Faces.GetCount();
	for (int i = 0; i < nFaces; i++)
		Faces[i].SetRenderColor(uchRed, uchGreen, uchBlue);

// Purpose: 
// Input  : 
// Output : size_t
size_t CMapSolid::GetSize(void)
	size_t size = CMapClass::GetSize();
	size += sizeof *this;

	int nFaces = Faces.GetCount();
	for( int i = 0; i < nFaces; i++ )
		size += Faces[i].GetDataSize();

	return size;

// Purpose: Sets the texture for a given face.
// Input  : pszTex - Texture name.
//			iFace - Index of face for which to set texture.
void CMapSolid::SetTexture(LPCTSTR pszTex, int iFace)
	if(iFace == -1)
		int nFaces = Faces.GetCount();
		for(int i = 0 ; i < nFaces; i++)

	CMapDoc		*pMapDoc = CMapDoc::GetActiveMapDoc();

	pMapDoc->RemoveFromAutoVisGroups( this );
	pMapDoc->AddToAutoVisGroup( this );

// Purpose: Returns the texture name of a given face.
// Input  : iFace - Index of face. If -1, returns the texture of face 0.
// Output : Returns the texture name.
LPCTSTR CMapSolid::GetTexture(int iFace)
	return Faces[iFace == -1 ? 0 : iFace].texture.texture;

// Purpose: Creates the solid using the plane information from the solid's faces.
//			ASSUMPTIONS: This solid's faces are assumed to have valid plane points.
// Input  : dwFlags - Can be any or none of the following flags:
//				CREATE_BUILD_PLANE_POINTS - if this flag is set, the 3-point
//					definition of each face plane will be regenerated based
//					on the face points after the solid is generated.
// Output : Returns TRUE if the solid is valid, FALSE if not.
// dvs: this should really use the public API of CMapSolid to add faces so that
//      parentage and render color are set automatically.
int CMapSolid::CreateFromPlanes( DWORD dwFlags )
	int i, j, k;


	m_bValid = TRUE;

	// Free all points from all faces and assign parentage.
	int nFaces = GetFaceCount();

	for (i = 0; i < nFaces; i++)
		CMapFace *pFace = GetFace(i);

		pFace->SetRenderColor(r, g, b);

		useplane[i] = false;

	// For every face that is not set to be ignored, check the plane and make sure
	// it is unique. We mark each plane that we intend to keep with a TRUE in the
	// 'useplane' array.
	for (i = 0; i < nFaces; i++)
		CMapFace *pFace = GetFace(i);
		PLANE *f = &pFace->plane;

        // Don't use this plane if it has a zero-length normal.
        if (VectorCompare(f->normal, vec3_origin))
            useplane[i] = FALSE;
		// If the plane duplicates another plane, don't use it (assume it is a brush
		// being edited that will be fixed).
		useplane[i] = TRUE;
		for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
			CMapFace *pFaceCheck = GetFace(j);

			Vector& f1 = f->normal;
			Vector& f2 = pFaceCheck->plane.normal;

			// Check for duplicate plane within some tolerance.
			if ((DotProduct(f1, f2) > 0.999) && (fabs(f->dist - pFaceCheck->plane.dist) < 0.01))
				useplane[j] = FALSE;

	// Now we have a set of planes, indicated by TRUE values in the 'useplanes' array,
	// from which we will build a solid.
	BOOL bGotFaces = FALSE;

	for (i = 0; i < nFaces; i++)
		CMapFace *pFace = GetFace(i);

		if (!useplane[i])

		// Create a huge winding from this face's plane, then clip it by all other
		// face planes.
		winding_t *w = CreateWindingFromPlane(&pFace->plane);
		for (j = 0; j < nFaces && w; j++)
			CMapFace *pFaceClip = GetFace(j);

			// Flip the plane, because we want to keep the back side
			if (j != i)
				PLANE plane;

				VectorSubtract(vec3_origin, pFaceClip->plane.normal, plane.normal);
				plane.dist = -pFaceClip->plane.dist;

				w = ClipWinding(w, &plane);

		// If we still have a winding after all that clipping, build a face from
		// the winding.
		if (w != NULL)
			// Round all points in the winding that are within ROUND_VERTEX_EPSILON of
			// integer values.
			for (j = 0; j < w->numpoints; j++)
				for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
					float v = w->p[j][k];
					float v1 = V_rint(v);
					if ((v != v1) && (fabs(v - v1) < ROUND_VERTEX_EPSILON))
					   w->p[j][k] = v1;

			// The above rounding process may have created duplicate points. Eliminate them.
			RemoveDuplicateWindingPoints(w, MIN_EDGE_LENGTH_EPSILON);

			bGotFaces = TRUE;

			// Create a face from this winding. Leave the face plane
			// alone because we are still in the process of building our solid.
				pFace->CreateFace(w, CREATE_FACE_PRESERVE_PLANE);
			// Done with the winding, we can free it now.

	if (!bGotFaces)
		m_bValid = FALSE;
		m_Render2DBox.SetBounds(vec3_origin, vec3_origin);
		// Remove faces that don't contribute to this solid.
		int nFace = GetFaceCount();
		while (nFace > 0)
			CMapFace *pFace = GetFace(nFace);

			if ((!useplane[nFace]) || (pFace->GetPointCount() == 0))

				memcpy(useplane + nFace, useplane + nFace + 1, MAPSOLID_MAX_FACES - (nFace + 1));

	// Now that we have built the faces from the planes that we were given,
	// calculate the plane normals, distances, and texture coordinates.
	nFaces = GetFaceCount();
	for (i = 0; i < nFaces; i++)
		CMapFace *pFace = GetFace(i);



		// Make sure the face is valid.
		if (!pFace->CheckFace())
			m_bValid = FALSE;

    // remove faces that do not contribute -- not just "unused or ignored" faces
	int faceCount = Faces.GetCount();
    for( i = 0; i < faceCount; i++ )
        if( Faces[i].nPoints == 0 )
            DeleteFace( i );

	return(m_bValid ? TRUE : FALSE);

// Purpose: Initializes the texture axes for all faces in the solid.
// Input  : eAlignment - See CMapFace::InitializeTextureAxes
//			dwFlags - See CMapFace::InitializeTextureAxes
void CMapSolid::InitializeTextureAxes(TextureAlignment_t eAlignment, DWORD dwFlags)
	int nFaces = Faces.GetCount();
	for (int i = 0; i < nFaces; i++)
		Faces[i].InitializeTextureAxes(eAlignment, dwFlags);

// Purpose: 
// Input  : *pLoadInfo - 
//			*pSolid - 
// Output : ChunkFileResult_t
ChunkFileResult_t CMapSolid::LoadSideCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, CMapSolid *pSolid)
	ChunkFileResult_t eResult = ChunkFile_Ok;

	// this is hear in place of the AddFace -- may want to handle this better later!!!
	int faceCount = pSolid->Faces.GetCount();
	pSolid->Faces.SetCount( faceCount + 1 );
	CMapFace *pFace = &pSolid->Faces[faceCount];

	eResult = pFace->LoadVMF(pFile);
	if (eResult == ChunkFile_Ok)
		pFace->SetRenderColor( pSolid->r, pSolid->g, pSolid->b );
		pFace->SetParent( pSolid );
		// UNDONE: need a better solution for user errors.
		AfxMessageBox("Out of memory loading solid.");
		eResult = ChunkFile_OutOfMemory;


// Purpose: 
// Input  : pFile - 
//			pData - 
// Output : ChunkFileResult_t
ChunkFileResult_t CMapSolid::LoadVMF(CChunkFile *pFile, bool &bValid)
	// Set up handlers for the subchunks that we are interested in.
	CChunkHandlerMap Handlers;
	Handlers.AddHandler("side", (ChunkHandler_t)LoadSideCallback, this);
	Handlers.AddHandler("editor", (ChunkHandler_t)LoadEditorCallback, this);

	ChunkFileResult_t eResult = pFile->ReadChunk((KeyHandler_t)LoadEditorKeyCallback, this);

	bValid = false;

	if (eResult == ChunkFile_Ok)
		// Create the solid using the planes that were read from the MAP file.
		if (CreateFromPlanes())
			bValid = true;

			// Set solid type based on texture name.
			m_eSolidType = HL1SolidTypeFromTextureName(Faces[0].texture.texture);

			// create all of the displacement surfaces for faces with the displacement property
			int faceCount = GetFaceCount();
			for( int i = 0; i < faceCount; i++ )
				CMapFace *pFace = GetFace( i );
				if( !pFace->HasDisp() )

				EditDispHandle_t handle = pFace->GetDisp();
				CMapDisp *pMapDisp = EditDispMgr()->GetDisp( handle );
				pMapDisp->InitDispSurfaceData( pFace, false );

			// There once was a bug that caused black solids. Fix it here.
			if ((r == 0) && (g == 0) || (b == 0))


// Purpose: Picks a random shade of blue/green for this solid.
void CMapSolid::PickRandomColor()
	SetRenderColor(0, 100 + (random() % 156), 100 + (random() % 156));

// Purpose: Called before loading a map file.
void CMapSolid::PreloadWorld(void)
	g_nBadSolidCount = 0;

// Purpose: Returns the number of solids that could not be loaded due to errors
//			in the VMF file. This should only occur after the first load of an
//			old RMF file.
int CMapSolid::GetBadSolidCount(void)

// Purpose: Called after this object is added to the world.
//			NOTE: This function is NOT called during serialization. Use PostloadWorld
//				  to do similar bookkeeping after map load.
// Input  : pWorld - The world that we have been added to.
void CMapSolid::OnAddToWorld(CMapWorld *pWorld)

	// First, the common case: all our face IDs are zero. Assign new IDs to all faces
	// with zero IDs. Add unhandled faces to a list. Those we will need to check against
	// the world for uniqueness.
	CMapFaceList CheckList;
	int nFaceCount = GetFaceCount();
	for (int i = 0; i < nFaceCount; i++)
		CMapFace *pFace = GetFace(i);
		if (pFace->GetFaceID() == 0)

	if (CheckList.Count() > 0)
		// The less common case: make sure all our face IDs are unique in this world.
		// We do it here instead of in CMapFace in order to save world tree traversals.
		EnumChildrenPos_t pos;
		CMapClass *pChild = pWorld->GetFirstDescendent(pos);
		while (pChild != NULL)
			CMapSolid *pSolid = dynamic_cast<CMapSolid *>(pChild);
			if ( pSolid && pSolid != this )
				CUtlRBTree<int,int> faceIDs;
				SetDefLessFunc( faceIDs );

				nFaceCount = GetFaceCount();
				for (int nFace = 0; nFace < nFaceCount; nFace++)
					CMapFace *pFace = GetFace(nFace);
					faceIDs.Insert( pFace->GetFaceID() );
				for (int i = CheckList.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
					CMapFace *pFace = CheckList.Element(i);

					// If this face ID is not unique, assign it a new unique face ID
					// and remove it from our list.

					if ( faceIDs.Find( pFace->GetFaceID() ) != faceIDs.InvalidIndex() )
				if (CheckList.Count() <= 0)
					// We've handled all the faces in our list, early out.
			pChild = pWorld->GetNextDescendent(pos);

	// Notify all faces that we are being added to the world.
	for (int i = 0; i < nFaceCount; i++)
		CMapFace *pFace = GetFace(i);

// Purpose: Called after the entire map has been loaded. This allows the object
//			to perform any linking with other map objects or to do other operations
//			that require all world objects to be present.
// Input  : pWorld - The world that we are in.
void CMapSolid::PostloadWorld(CMapWorld *pWorld)

	// Make sure all our faces have nonzero IDs. They might if the map was created
	// before unique IDs were added.
	int nFaces = GetFaceCount();
	for (int i = 0; i < nFaces; i++)
		CMapFace *pFace = GetFace(i);
		if (pFace->GetFaceID() == 0)

// Purpose: 
// Input  : eSelectMode - 
// Output : CMapClass
CMapClass *CMapSolid::PrepareSelection(SelectMode_t eSelectMode)
	// If we have a parent who is not the world object, consider whether we should
	// select it instead.
	if ((eSelectMode != selectSolids) && (m_pParent != NULL) && !IsWorldObject(m_pParent) )
		// If we are in group selection mode or our parent is an entity, select our
		// parent.

		if ( (eSelectMode == selectGroups) || (dynamic_cast <CMapEntity *>(m_pParent) != NULL))
			return GetParent()->PrepareSelection(eSelectMode);

	return this;	

// Purpose: Called just after this object has been removed from the world so
//			that it can unlink itself from other objects in the world.
// Input  : pWorld - The world that we were just removed from.
//			bNotifyChildren - Whether we should forward notification to our children.
void CMapSolid::OnRemoveFromWorld(CMapWorld *pWorld, bool bNotifyChildren)
	CMapClass::OnRemoveFromWorld(pWorld, bNotifyChildren);

	// Notify all faces that we are being removed from the world.
	int nFaces = GetFaceCount();
	for (int i = 0; i < nFaces; i++)
		CMapFace *pFace = GetFace(i);

// Purpose: 
void CMapSolid::RemoveEmptyFaces(void)
	int nFaces = GetFaceCount();

	for (int i = 0; i < nFaces; i++)
		// If this face has no points, delete it.
		const CMapFace *pFace = GetFace(i);
		if (pFace->Points == NULL)

	if (nFaces >= 4)
		// dvs: test to verify that the SetFaceCount below is unnecessary
		int nTest = GetFaceCount();
		Assert(nTest == nFaces);

// for sorting

bool CMapSolid::ShouldRenderLast()
	for (int nFace = 0; nFace < GetFaceCount(); nFace++)
		CMapFace *pFace = GetFace(nFace);
		if (pFace->ShouldRenderLast())
			return true;
	return false;

void CMapSolid::AddShadowingTriangles( CUtlVector<Vector> &tri_list )
	for (int nFace = 0; nFace < GetFaceCount(); nFace++)
		CMapFace *pFace = GetFace(nFace);
		pFace->AddShadowingTriangles( tri_list );
		if( pFace->HasDisp() )
			EditDispHandle_t handle = pFace->GetDisp();
			CMapDisp *pMapDisp = EditDispMgr()->GetDisp( handle );
			pMapDisp->AddShadowingTriangles( tri_list );

// Purpose: Renders the solid using the default render mode. If the solid is
//			currently selected, it will be rendered with a yellow wireframe
//			in a second pass.
// Input  : pRender - Rendering interface.
void CMapSolid::Render3D(CRender3D *pRender)
	// determine whether or not this is a displacement solid - i.e. one of the faces
	// on this solid is displaced
	CMapDoc *pDoc = CMapDoc::GetActiveMapDoc();
	if( !pDoc )

	bool bMaskFaces = pDoc->IsDispSolidDrawMask() && HasDisp();

	// Determine whether we need to render in one or two passes. If we are selected,
	// and rendering in flat or textured mode, we need to render using two passes.
	int nPasses = 1;
	int iStartPass = 1;

	SelectionState_t eSolidSelectionState = GetSelectionState();
	EditorRenderMode_t eDefaultRenderMode = pRender->GetDefaultRenderMode();

	if ((eSolidSelectionState != SELECT_NONE) && (eDefaultRenderMode != RENDER_MODE_WIREFRAME))
		nPasses = 2;
	if ( ( eSolidSelectionState == SELECT_MODIFY ) )
		nPasses = 2;
		iStartPass = 2;
 	for (int nPass = iStartPass; nPass <= nPasses; nPass++)
		// Render the second pass in wireframe.
		if (nPass == 1)

		for (int nFace = 0; nFace < GetFaceCount(); nFace++)
			CMapFace *pFace = GetFace(nFace);

			// only render displaced faces on a displaced solid when the displacement
			// solid render mask is set
			if( bMaskFaces && !pFace->HasDisp() )

			if( pRender->IsInLightingPreview() )
				if( nPass == 1 )
					if( pFace->GetSelectionState() != SELECT_NONE )
						pRender->BeginRenderHitTarget(this, nFace);
						pFace->Render3D( pRender );
					pFace->Render3D( pRender );
				pRender->BeginRenderHitTarget(this, nFace);
				pFace->Render3D( pRender );


bool CMapSolid::HasDisp( void )
	for( int ndxFace = 0; ndxFace < GetFaceCount(); ndxFace++ )
		CMapFace *pFace = GetFace( ndxFace );
		if( pFace->HasDisp() )
			return true;

	return false;

// Purpose: Returns a solid type for the given texture name.
// Input  : pszTexture - 
HL1_SolidType_t CMapSolid::HL1SolidTypeFromTextureName(const char *pszTexture)
	HL1_SolidType_t eSolidType;

	if (pszTexture[0] == '*')
		if (!strncmp(pszTexture + 1, "slime", 5))
			eSolidType = btSlime;
		else if (!strncmp(pszTexture + 1, "lava", 4))
			eSolidType = btLava;
			eSolidType = btWater;
		eSolidType = btSolid;


// Purpose: 
// Input  : *pFile - 
// Output : ChunkFileResult_t
ChunkFileResult_t CMapSolid::SaveVMF(CChunkFile *pFile, CSaveInfo *pSaveInfo)
	// Check rules before saving this object.
	if (!pSaveInfo->ShouldSaveObject(this))

	ChunkFileResult_t eResult = ChunkFile_Ok;

	// If we are hidden, place this object inside of a hidden chunk.
	if (!IsVisible())
		eResult = pFile->BeginChunk("hidden");

	// Begin the solid chunk.
	if (eResult == ChunkFile_Ok)
		eResult = pFile->BeginChunk("solid");

	if (eResult == ChunkFile_Ok)
		// Save the solid's ID.
		if (eResult == ChunkFile_Ok)
			eResult = pFile->WriteKeyValueInt("id", GetID());

		// Save all the brush faces.
		int nFaceCount = GetFaceCount();
		for (int nFace = 0; nFace < nFaceCount; nFace++)
			CMapFace *pFace = GetFace(nFace);
			eResult = pFace->SaveVMF(pFile, pSaveInfo);

			if (eResult != ChunkFile_Ok)

		// Save our base class' information within our chunk.
		if (eResult == ChunkFile_Ok)
			eResult = CMapClass::SaveVMF(pFile, pSaveInfo);

		if (eResult == ChunkFile_Ok)
			eResult = pFile->EndChunk();

	// End the hidden chunk if we began it.
	if (!IsVisible())
		eResult = pFile->EndChunk();


bool CMapSolid::ShouldAppearInLightingPreview(void)
	return true;

bool CMapSolid::ShouldAppearInRaytracedLightingPreview(void)
	return true;

// Purpose: 
// Input  : *pFile - 
// Output : ChunkFileResult_t
ChunkFileResult_t CMapSolid::SaveEditorData(CChunkFile *pFile)
	if (m_bIsCordonBrush)
		return(pFile->WriteKeyValueBool("cordonsolid", true));


// Purpose: Sets whether this brush was created by the cordon tool. Brushes that
//			were created by the cordon tool are not loaded.
// Input  : bSet - true to set, false to clear.
void CMapSolid::SetCordonBrush(bool bSet)
	m_bIsCordonBrush = bSet;

	for ( int i = 0; i < GetFaceCount(); i++ )
		CMapFace *pFace = GetFace( i );
		pFace->SetCordonFace( bSet );

// Purpose: Subtracts one solid from another.
// Input  : pSubtraction - Solid (or group of solids) to subtract with.
//			pOther - Solid (or group of solids) to subtract from.
//			pSubParent - Receives the results of the subtraction as children.
// Output : Returns true if the objects intersected (subtraction was performed),
//			false if the objects did not intersect (no subtraction was performed).
bool CMapSolid::Subtract(CMapObjectList *pInside, CMapObjectList *pOutside, CMapClass *pSubtractWith)
	// Build a list of solids to subtract with.
	CMapObjectList SubList;
	if (pSubtractWith->IsMapClass(MAPCLASS_TYPE(CMapSolid)))

	EnumChildrenPos_t pos;
	CMapClass *pChild = pSubtractWith->GetFirstDescendent(pos);
	while (pChild != NULL)
		CMapSolid *pSolid = dynamic_cast <CMapSolid *> (pChild);
		if (pSolid != NULL)

		pChild = pSubtractWith->GetNextDescendent(pos);

	// For every solid that we are subtracting with...
	bool bIntersected = false;

	FOR_EACH_OBJ( SubList, p )
		CMapSolid *pCarver = (CMapSolid *)SubList.Element(p);

		// Subtract the 'with' solid from the 'from' solid, and place the
		// results in the carve_in and carve_out lists.
		CMapObjectList carve_in;
		CMapObjectList carve_out;

		CMapObjectList *pCarveIn = NULL;
		CMapObjectList *pCarveOut = NULL;

		if (pInside != NULL)
			pCarveIn = &carve_in;

		if (pOutside != NULL)
			pCarveOut = &carve_out;

		bIntersected |= Carve(pCarveIn, pCarveOut, pCarver);

		if (pInside != NULL)

		if (pOutside != NULL)


// Purpose: 
color32 CMapSolid::GetLineColor( CRender2D *pRender )
	// If the solid is not selected, determine the appropriate pen color.
	if ( !IsSelected() )
		// If this is a solid entity, use the entity pen color.
		CMapEntity *pEntity = dynamic_cast<CMapEntity *>(GetParent());
		if (pEntity != NULL)
			GDclass *pClass = pEntity->GetClass();
			if (pClass)
				return pClass->GetColor();
				color32 clr;
				clr.r = GetRValue(Options.colors.clrEntity);
				clr.g = GetGValue(Options.colors.clrEntity);
				clr.b = GetBValue(Options.colors.clrEntity);
				clr.a = 255;
				return clr;
		// Otherwise, use the solid color.
			if (Options.view2d.bUsegroupcolors)
				return GetRenderColor();
				color32 clr;
				clr.r = GetRValue(Options.colors.clrBrush);
				clr.g = GetGValue(Options.colors.clrBrush);
				clr.b = GetBValue(Options.colors.clrBrush);
				clr.a = 255;
				return clr;
	// The solid is selected, use the selected pen color.
		color32 clr;
		clr.r = GetRValue(Options.colors.clrSelection);
		clr.g = GetGValue(Options.colors.clrSelection);
		clr.b = GetBValue(Options.colors.clrSelection);
		clr.a = 255;
		return clr;

// Purpose: 
// Input  : pRender - 

void CMapSolid::Render2D(CRender2D *pRender)
	Vector vecMins, vecMaxs, vViewNormal;

	GetRender2DBox(vecMins, vecMaxs);

	pRender->GetCamera()->GetViewForward( vViewNormal );

	Vector2D pt, pt2;

	pRender->TransformPoint(pt, vecMins);
	pRender->TransformPoint(pt2, vecMaxs);

	int sizex = abs(pt2.x-pt.x)+1;
	int sizey = abs(pt2.y-pt.y)+1;

	color32 rgbLineColor = GetLineColor( pRender );

	// check if we should draw handles & vertices
	bool bIsSmall  = sizex < (HANDLE_RADIUS*2) || sizey < (HANDLE_RADIUS*2);
	bool bIsTiny = sizex < 2 || sizey < 2;
	bool bDrawHandles  = pRender->IsActiveView() && !bIsSmall && IsEditable();
	bool bDrawVertices = Options.view2d.bDrawVertices && !bIsTiny;

	pRender->SetDrawColor( rgbLineColor.r, rgbLineColor.g, rgbLineColor.b );
	// Draw center handle if the solid is larger than the handle along either axis.
	if ( bDrawHandles )
		// draw center handle as cross
		pRender->SetHandleStyle( HANDLE_RADIUS, CRender::HANDLE_CROSS );
		pRender->SetHandleColor( rgbLineColor.r, rgbLineColor.g, rgbLineColor.b );
		pRender->DrawHandle( (vecMins+vecMaxs)/2 );
	if ( bDrawVertices )
		// set handle style for upcoming vertex drawing
		pRender->SetHandleStyle( 2, CRender::HANDLE_SQUARE );
		pRender->SetHandleColor( GetRValue(Options.colors.clrVertex), GetGValue(Options.colors.clrVertex), GetBValue(Options.colors.clrVertex) );

	// is solid projection is too small, draw simple line
	if ( bIsTiny )
		pRender->DrawLine( vecMins, vecMaxs );
		int nFaces = GetFaceCount();

		for ( int i = 0; i < nFaces; i++)
			CMapFace *pFace = GetFace(i);
			pFace->Render2D( pRender );

		if ( bDrawVertices )
			bool bPop = pRender->BeginClientSpace();

			for ( int i = 0; i < nFaces; i++)
				CMapFace *pFace = GetFace(i);
				pFace->RenderVertices( pRender );

			if ( bPop )

// Purpose: 
// Input  : pView - 
//			vecPoint - 
//			nHitData - 
// Output : 
bool CMapSolid::HitTest2D(CMapView2D *pView, const Vector2D &point, HitInfo_t &HitData)
	if (!IsVisible())
		return false;
	// First check center X.
	Vector vecCenter, vecViewPoint;

	Vector2D vecClientCenter;
	pView->WorldToClient(vecClientCenter, vecCenter);
	pView->GetCamera()->GetViewPoint( vecViewPoint );

	HitData.pObject = this;
	HitData.nDepth = vecViewPoint[pView->axThird]-vecCenter[pView->axThird];
	HitData.uData = 0;

	if (pView->CheckDistance(point, vecClientCenter, HANDLE_RADIUS))
		return true;
	else if (!Options.view2d.bSelectbyhandles || !IsEditable() )
		// See if any edges are within certain distance from the the point.
		int iSelUnits = 2;
		int x1 = point.x - iSelUnits;
		int x2 = point.x + iSelUnits;
		int y1 = point.y - iSelUnits;
		int y2 = point.y + iSelUnits;

		int nFaces = GetFaceCount();
		for (int i = 0; i < nFaces; i++)
			CMapFace *pFace = GetFace(i);
			int nPoints = pFace->nPoints;
			if (nPoints > 0)
				Vector *pPoints = pFace->Points;

				Vector2D vec1;
				pView->WorldToClient(vec1, pPoints[0]);

				for (int j = 1; j < nPoints; j++)
					Vector2D vec2;
					pView->WorldToClient(vec2, pPoints[j]);

					if (IsLineInside(vec1, vec2, x1, y1, x2, y2))
						return true;
						vec1 = vec2;

	HitData.pObject = NULL;

	return false;

bool CMapSolid::SaveDXF(ExportDXFInfo_s *pInfo)
	if (pInfo->bVisOnly)
		if (!IsVisible())
			return true;

	CSSolid *pStrucSolid = new CSSolid;
	pStrucSolid->Convert( true, true );
	pStrucSolid->SerializeDXF(pInfo->fp, pInfo->nObject++);
	delete pStrucSolid;

	// Serialize displacements
	for (int i = 0; i < GetFaceCount(); ++i)
		CMapFace *pMapFace = GetFace( i );
		if (pMapFace->HasDisp())
			EditDispHandle_t hDisp = pMapFace->GetDisp();
			CMapDisp *pDisp = EditDispMgr()->GetDisp( hDisp );
			if (!pDisp->SaveDXF( pInfo ))
				return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

// Called any time this object is modified by Undo or Redo.
void CMapSolid::OnUndoRedo()
	int nFaces = GetFaceCount();
	for (int i = 0; i < nFaces; i++)
		CMapFace *pFace = GetFace(i);