//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Valve, L.L.C.
// The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of
// Valve, L.L.C., or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in
// the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied.
// Contents:
//		CSimpleBitString
// Authors:
// Target restrictions:
// Tool restrictions:
// Things to do:


#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER > 1000)
#pragma once

// Include files required by this header.
// Note: Do NOT place any 'using' directives or declarations in header files - 
// put them at the top of the source files that require them.  
// Use fully-qualified names in header files. 

// All precompiled headers (Stable.h) include this first to give use a common 
// place for including order-dependent library headers (things that need to go first).

class CSimpleBitString
	explicit CSimpleBitString( uint32 ReserveNumBits = 0 )
		m_uNumBits( 0 ),
		m_vecU8.EnsureCapacity( (ReserveNumBits / 8) + 1 );
		m_vecU8[ m_vecU8.AddToTail() ] = 0x00;	// always need 1 byte

	void clear()
		m_uNumBits = 0;
                m_vecU8[ m_vecU8.AddToTail() ] = 0x00;  // always need 1 byte
	void AppendBits( uint64 data, uint32 NumSignificantLowBitsOfData );
	void AppendBits( const uint8 * pData, uint32 NumBitsOfData );

	void ReversiblyObfusticateBitsFromStart( uint32 NumBits, const uint8 * pObfusticationData, size_t uSizeOfObfusticationData );
	uint8	 GetByteChecksumFromStart( uint32 NumBits ) const;

	uint GetCurrNumBits() const
		return m_uNumBits;

	const uint8 * data() const
		return & m_vecU8[0];

	size_t size() const
		return m_vecU8.Count();

	uint32				m_uNumBits;
	CUtlVector<uint8>	m_vecU8;


	// Iterator class for retrieving bits
	class iterator
		explicit iterator( const CSimpleBitString & bs )
			m_rSimpleBitString( bs ),
			m_uNextBitIdx( 0 )

		void ResetToStart()
			m_uNextBitIdx = 0;

		uint32 GetNumConsumedBits() const
			return m_uNextBitIdx;

		uint32 GetNumRemainingBits() const
			return m_rSimpleBitString.m_uNumBits - m_uNextBitIdx;

		uint32 GetNextBits( uint32 NumBitsToGet );
		uint64 GetNextBits64( uint32 NumBitsToGet );

		void SkipNextBits( uint32 NumBitsToSkip )
			if ( m_uNextBitIdx + NumBitsToSkip > m_rSimpleBitString.m_uNumBits )
				AssertMsg( false, "Not enough bits in CSimpleBitString" );
				NumBitsToSkip = 0;

			m_uNextBitIdx += NumBitsToSkip;

		bool operator ==( const iterator & other ) const
			return		(& m_rSimpleBitString == & other.m_rSimpleBitString)
					&&	m_uNextBitIdx == other.m_uNextBitIdx;

		void	DoAssertClassInvariant() const;

		const CSimpleBitString &	m_rSimpleBitString;	//lint !e1725 reference
		uint32						m_uNextBitIdx;

	friend class iterator;

