//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // SYS_UTILS.C // //=====================================================================================// #include "vxconsole.h" CHAR g_szRegistryPrefix[256]; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sys_SetRegistryPrefix // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Sys_SetRegistryPrefix( const CHAR *pPrefix ) { _snprintf_s( g_szRegistryPrefix, sizeof( g_szRegistryPrefix ), _TRUNCATE, pPrefix ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sys_SplitRegistryKey // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static BOOL Sys_SplitRegistryKey( const CHAR *key, CHAR *key0, int key0Len, CHAR *key1, int key1Len ) { if ( !key ) { return false; } int len = (int)strlen( key ); if ( !len ) { return false; } int Start = -1; for ( int i=len-1; i>=0; i-- ) { if ( key[i] == '\\' ) break; else Start=i; } if ( Start == -1 ) return false; _snprintf_s( key0, Start, _TRUNCATE, key ); _snprintf_s( key1, ( len-Start )+1, _TRUNCATE, key+Start ); return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sys_SetRegistryString // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL Sys_SetRegistryString( const CHAR *keyName, const CHAR *value ) { HKEY hKey; CHAR key0[256]; CHAR key1[256]; CHAR keyBuff[256]; CHAR *key; strcpy_s( keyBuff, sizeof( keyBuff ), g_szRegistryPrefix ); strcat_s( keyBuff, sizeof( keyBuff ), keyName ); key = keyBuff; HKEY hSlot = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; if ( !strncmp( key, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", 18 ) ) { hSlot = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; key += 19; } else if ( !strncmp( key, "HKEY_CURRENT_USER", 17 ) ) { hSlot = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; key += 18; } if ( !Sys_SplitRegistryKey( key, key0, sizeof( key0 ), key1, sizeof( key1 ) ) ) return false; if ( RegCreateKeyEx( hSlot,key0,NULL,NULL,REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, value ? KEY_WRITE : KEY_ALL_ACCESS,NULL,&hKey,NULL )!=ERROR_SUCCESS ) return false; if ( RegSetValueEx( hKey, key1, NULL, REG_SZ, ( UCHAR* )value, (int)strlen( value ) + 1 ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); return false; } // success RegCloseKey( hKey ); return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sys_GetRegistryString // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL Sys_GetRegistryString( const CHAR *keyName, CHAR *value, const CHAR* defValue, int valueLen ) { HKEY hKey; CHAR key0[256]; CHAR key1[256]; CHAR keyBuff[256]; CHAR *key; strcpy_s( keyBuff, sizeof( keyBuff ), g_szRegistryPrefix ); strcat_s( keyBuff, sizeof( keyBuff ), keyName ); key = keyBuff; if ( defValue ) { _snprintf_s( value, valueLen, _TRUNCATE, defValue ); } HKEY hSlot = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; if ( !strncmp( key, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", 18 ) ) { hSlot = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; key += 19; } else if ( !strncmp( key, "HKEY_CURRENT_USER", 17 ) ) { hSlot = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; key += 18; } if ( !Sys_SplitRegistryKey( key,key0,256,key1,256 ) ) return false; if ( RegOpenKeyEx( hSlot,key0,NULL,KEY_READ,&hKey )!=ERROR_SUCCESS ) return false; unsigned long len=valueLen; if ( RegQueryValueEx( hKey,key1,NULL,NULL,( UCHAR* )value,&len )!=ERROR_SUCCESS ) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); return false; } // success RegCloseKey( hKey ); return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sys_SetRegistryInteger // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL Sys_SetRegistryInteger( const CHAR *keyName, int value ) { HKEY hKey; CHAR key0[256]; CHAR key1[256]; CHAR keyBuff[256]; CHAR *key; strcpy_s( keyBuff, sizeof( keyBuff ), g_szRegistryPrefix ); strcat_s( keyBuff, sizeof( keyBuff ), keyName ); key = keyBuff; HKEY hSlot = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; if ( !strncmp( key, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", 18 ) ) { hSlot = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; key += 19; } else if ( !strncmp( key, "HKEY_CURRENT_USER", 17 ) ) { hSlot = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; key += 18; } if ( !Sys_SplitRegistryKey( key,key0,256,key1,256 ) ) return false; if ( RegCreateKeyEx( hSlot, key0, NULL, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hKey, NULL )!=ERROR_SUCCESS ) return false; if ( RegSetValueEx( hKey, key1, NULL, REG_DWORD, ( UCHAR* )&value, 4 )!=ERROR_SUCCESS ) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); return false; } // success RegCloseKey( hKey ); return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sys_GetRegistryInteger // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL Sys_GetRegistryInteger( const CHAR *keyName, int defValue, int &value ) { HKEY hKey; CHAR key0[256]; CHAR key1[256]; CHAR keyBuff[256]; CHAR *key; strcpy_s( keyBuff, sizeof( keyBuff ), g_szRegistryPrefix ); strcat_s( keyBuff, sizeof( keyBuff ), keyName ); key = keyBuff; value = defValue; HKEY hSlot = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; if ( !strncmp( key, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", 18 ) ) { hSlot = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; key += 19; } else if ( !strncmp( key, "HKEY_CURRENT_USER", 17 ) ) { hSlot = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; key += 18; } if ( !Sys_SplitRegistryKey( key, key0, 256, key1, 256 ) ) return false; if ( RegOpenKeyEx( hSlot, key0, NULL, KEY_READ, &hKey ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) return false; unsigned long len=4; if ( RegQueryValueEx( hKey, key1, NULL, NULL, ( UCHAR* )&value, &len ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); return false; } // success RegCloseKey( hKey ); return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sys_MessageBox // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Sys_MessageBox( const CHAR* title, const CHAR* format, ... ) { CHAR msg[2048]; va_list argptr; va_start( argptr, format ); vsprintf_s( msg, sizeof( msg ), format, argptr ); va_end( argptr ); MessageBox( NULL, msg, title, MB_OK|MB_TASKMODAL|MB_TOPMOST ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sys_CopyString // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAR* Sys_CopyString( const CHAR* str ) { int len = (int)strlen( str ); CHAR *ptr = ( CHAR* )Sys_Alloc( len+1 ); memcpy( ptr,str,len+1 ); return ( ptr ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sys_Alloc // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void* Sys_Alloc( int size ) { int* ptr; if ( !size ) { Sys_Error( "Sys_Alloc(): zero size" ); } size = AlignValue( size, 4 ); // allocate fixed zero init block ptr = ( int* )malloc( size ); if ( !ptr ) { Sys_Error( "Sys_Alloc(): %d bytes not available",size ); } V_memset( ptr, 0, size ); return ptr; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sys_Free // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Sys_Free( void* ptr ) { if ( !ptr ) { // already freed - easier for me, not really an error return; } free( ptr ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sys_Error // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Sys_Error( const CHAR* format, ... ) { va_list argptr; CHAR msg[MAX_SYSPRINTMSG]; va_start( argptr, format ); vsprintf_s( msg, sizeof( msg ), format, argptr ); va_end( argptr ); MessageBox( NULL, msg, "FATAL ERROR", MB_OK|MB_ICONHAND ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sys_LoadFile // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int Sys_LoadFile( const CHAR* filename, void** bufferptr, bool bText ) { int handle; long length; CHAR* buffer; *bufferptr = NULL; if ( !Sys_Exists( filename ) ) { return ( -1 ); } int openFlags = bText ? _O_TEXT : _O_BINARY; _sopen_s( &handle, filename, _O_RDONLY|openFlags, _SH_DENYWR, _S_IREAD ); if ( handle == -1 ) { char szError[MAX_PATH]; strerror_s( szError, sizeof( szError ), errno ); Sys_Error( "Sys_LoadFile(): Error opening %s: %s", filename, szError ); } // allocate a buffer with an auto null terminator length = Sys_FileLength( handle ); buffer = ( CHAR* )Sys_Alloc( length+1 ); int numBytesRead = _read( handle, buffer, length ); _close( handle ); if ( bText ) { length = numBytesRead; } else if ( length != numBytesRead ) { Sys_Error( "Sys_LoadFile(): read failure" ); } // for parsing buffer[length] = '\0'; *bufferptr = ( void* )buffer; return ( length ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sys_SaveFile // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Sys_SaveFile( const CHAR* filename, void* buffer, long count, bool bText ) { int handle; int status; int openFlags = bText ? _O_TEXT : _O_BINARY; _sopen_s( &handle, filename, _O_RDWR|_O_CREAT|_O_TRUNC|openFlags, _SH_DENYNO, _S_IREAD|_S_IWRITE ); if ( handle == -1 ) { char szError[MAX_PATH]; strerror_s( szError, sizeof( szError ), errno ); Sys_Error( "Sys_SaveFile(): Error opening %s: %s", filename, szError ); return false; } status = _write( handle, buffer, count ); if ( status != count ) { Sys_Error( "Sys_SaveFile(): write failure %d, errno=%d", status, errno ); return false; } _close( handle ); return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sys_FileLength // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- long Sys_FileLength( const CHAR* filename, bool bText ) { long length; if ( filename ) { int handle; int openFlags = bText ? _O_TEXT : _O_BINARY; _sopen_s( &handle, filename, _O_RDONLY|openFlags, _SH_DENYWR, _S_IREAD ); if ( handle == -1 ) { // file does not exist return -1; } length = _lseek( handle, 0, SEEK_END ); _close( handle ); } else { return -1; } return length; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sys_FileLength // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- long Sys_FileLength( int handle ) { long pos; long length; if ( handle != -1 ) { pos = _lseek( handle, 0, SEEK_CUR ); length = _lseek( handle, 0, SEEK_END ); _lseek( handle, pos, SEEK_SET ); } else { return -1; } return length; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sys_NormalizePath // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Sys_NormalizePath( CHAR* path, bool forceToLower ) { int i; int srclen; srclen = (int)strlen( path ); for ( i=0; i<srclen; i++ ) { if ( path[i] == '/' ) path[i] = '\\'; else if ( forceToLower && ( path[i] >= 'A' && path[i] <= 'Z' ) ) path[i] = path[i] - 'A' + 'a'; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sys_AddFileSeperator // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Sys_AddFileSeperator( CHAR* path, int pathLen ) { int srclen; if ( !path[0] ) { strcpy_s( path, pathLen, ".\\" ); return; } srclen = (int)strlen( path ); if ( path[srclen-1] == '\\' ) { return; } strcat_s( path, pathLen, "\\" ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sys_StripFilename // // Removes filename from path. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Sys_StripFilename( const CHAR* inpath, CHAR* outpath, int outPathLen ) { int length; strcpy_s( outpath, outPathLen, inpath ); length = (int)strlen( outpath )-1; while ( ( length > 0 ) && ( outpath[length] != '\\' ) && ( outpath[length] != '/' ) && ( outpath[length] != ':' ) ) length--; // leave possible seperator if ( !length ) outpath[0] = '\0'; else outpath[length+1] = '\0'; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sys_StripExtension // // Removes extension from path. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Sys_StripExtension( const CHAR* inpath, CHAR* outpath, int outPathLen ) { int length; strcpy_s( outpath, outPathLen, inpath ); length = (int)strlen( outpath )-1; while ( length > 0 && outpath[length] != '.' ) { length--; } if ( length && outpath[length] == '.' ) { outpath[length] = '\0'; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sys_StripPath // // Removes path from full path. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Sys_StripPath( const CHAR* inpath, CHAR* outpath, int outPathLen ) { const CHAR* src; src = inpath + strlen( inpath ); while ( ( src != inpath ) && ( *( src-1 ) != '\\' ) && ( *( src-1 ) != '/' ) && ( *( src-1 ) != ':' ) ) { src--; } strcpy_s( outpath, outPathLen, src ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sys_GetExtension // // Gets any extension from the full path. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Sys_GetExtension( const CHAR* inpath, CHAR* outpath, int outPathLen ) { const CHAR* src; src = inpath + strlen( inpath ) - 1; // back up until a . or the start while ( src != inpath && *( src-1 ) != '.' ) { src--; } if ( src == inpath ) { *outpath = '\0'; // no extension return; } strcpy_s( outpath, outPathLen, src ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sys_AddExtension // // Adds extension to end of path. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Sys_AddExtension( const CHAR* extension, CHAR* outpath, int outPathLen ) { CHAR* src; if ( outpath[0] ) { src = outpath + strlen( outpath ) - 1; while ( ( src != outpath ) && ( *src != '\\' ) && ( *src != '/' ) ) { if ( *src == '.' ) return; src--; } } strcat_s( outpath, outPathLen, extension ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sys_TempFilename // // Make a temporary filename at specified path. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Sys_TempFilename( CHAR* temppath, int tempPathLen ) { CHAR* ptr; ptr = _tempnam( "c:\\", "tmp" ); strcpy_s( temppath, tempPathLen, ptr ); free( ptr ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sys_Exists // // Returns TRUE if file exists. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL Sys_Exists( const CHAR* filename ) { FILE* test; fopen_s( &test, filename, "rb" ); if ( test == NULL ) { return false; } fclose( test ); return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sys_SkipWhitespace // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAR* Sys_SkipWhitespace( CHAR *data, BOOL *hasNewLines, int* numlines ) { int c; while( ( c = *data ) <= ' ' ) { if ( c == '\n' ) { if ( numlines ) ( *numlines )++; if ( hasNewLines ) *hasNewLines = true; } else if ( !c ) return ( NULL ); data++; } return ( data ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sys_GetToken // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAR* Sys_GetToken( CHAR** dataptr, BOOL allowLineBreaks, int* numlines ) { CHAR c; int len; BOOL hasNewLines; CHAR* data; static CHAR token[MAX_SYSTOKENCHARS]; if ( numlines ) *numlines = 0; c = 0; data = *dataptr; len = 0; token[0] = 0; hasNewLines = false; // make sure incoming data is valid if ( !data ) { *dataptr = NULL; return ( token ); } for ( ;; ) { // skip whitespace data = Sys_SkipWhitespace( data,&hasNewLines,numlines ); if ( !data ) { *dataptr = NULL; return ( token ); } if ( hasNewLines && !allowLineBreaks ) { *dataptr = data; return ( token ); } c = *data; // skip double slash comments if ( c == '/' && data[1] == '/' ) { data += 2; while ( *data && *data != '\n' ) data++; } // skip /* */ comments else if ( c =='/' && data[1] == '*' ) { data += 2; while ( *data && ( *data != '*' || data[1] != '/' ) ) data++; if ( *data ) data += 2; } else break; } // handle quoted strings if ( c == '\"' ) { data++; for ( ;; ) { c = *data++; if ( c == '\"' || !c ) { token[len] = 0; *dataptr = ( CHAR* )data; return ( token ); } if ( len < MAX_SYSTOKENCHARS ) token[len++] = c; } } // parse a regular word do { if ( len < MAX_SYSTOKENCHARS ) token[len++] = c; data++; c = *data; if ( c == '\n' && numlines ) ( *numlines )++; } while ( c > ' ' ); if ( len >= MAX_SYSTOKENCHARS ) len = 0; token[len] = '\0'; *dataptr = ( CHAR* ) data; return ( token ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sys_SkipBracedSection // // The next token should be an open brace. // Skips until a matching close brace is found. // Internal brace depths are properly skipped. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Sys_SkipBracedSection( CHAR** dataptr, int* numlines ) { CHAR* token; int depth; depth = 0; do { token = Sys_GetToken( dataptr, true, numlines ); if ( token[1] == '\0' ) { if ( token[0] == '{' ) depth++; else if ( token[0] == '}' ) depth--; } } while( depth && *dataptr ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sys_SkipRestOfLine // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Sys_SkipRestOfLine( CHAR** dataptr, int* numlines ) { CHAR* p; int c; p = *dataptr; while ( ( c = *p++ ) != '\0' ) { if ( c == '\n' ) { if ( numlines ) ( *numlines )++; break; } } *dataptr = p; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sys_FileTime // // Returns a file's last write time //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL Sys_FileTime( CHAR* filename, FILETIME* time ) { HANDLE hFile; hFile = CreateFile( filename, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if ( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) return ( false ); // Retrieve the file times for the file. if ( !GetFileTime( hFile, NULL, NULL, time ) ) { CloseHandle( hFile ); return ( false ); } CloseHandle( hFile ); return ( true ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sys_GetSystemTime // // Current time marker in milliseconds //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DWORD Sys_GetSystemTime( void ) { LARGE_INTEGER qwTime; LARGE_INTEGER qwTicksPerSec; float msecsPerTick; // Get the frequency of the timer QueryPerformanceFrequency( &qwTicksPerSec ); msecsPerTick = 1000.0f/( FLOAT )qwTicksPerSec.QuadPart; QueryPerformanceCounter( &qwTime ); return ( ( DWORD )( msecsPerTick * ( FLOAT )qwTime.QuadPart ) ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sys_ColorScale // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLORREF Sys_ColorScale( COLORREF color, float scale ) { int r; int g; int b; r = color & 0xFF; g = ( color >> 8 ) & 0xFF; b = ( color >> 16 ) & 0xFF; r = ( int )( ( float )r * scale ); g = ( int )( ( float )g * scale ); b = ( int )( ( float )b * scale ); if ( r > 255 ) r = 255; if ( g > 255 ) g = 255; if ( b > 255 ) b = 255; color = RGB( r, g, b ); return ( color ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sys_IsWildcardMatch // // See if a string matches a wildcard specification that uses * or ? //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Sys_IsWildcardMatch( const CHAR *wildcardString, const CHAR *stringToCheck, bool caseSensitive ) { CHAR wcChar; CHAR strChar; if ( !_stricmp( wildcardString, "*.*" ) || !_stricmp( wildcardString, "*" ) ) { // matches everything return true; } // use the starMatchesZero variable to determine whether an asterisk // matches zero or more characters ( TRUE ) or one or more characters // ( FALSE ) bool starMatchesZero = true; for ( ;; ) { strChar = *stringToCheck; if ( !strChar ) { break; } wcChar = *wildcardString; if ( !wcChar ) { break; } // we only want to advance the pointers if we successfully assigned // both of our char variables, so we'll do it here rather than in the // loop condition itself *stringToCheck++; *wildcardString++; // if this isn't a case-sensitive match, make both chars uppercase // ( thanks to David John Fielder ( Konan ) at http://innuendo.ev.ca // for pointing out an error here in the original code ) if ( !caseSensitive ) { wcChar = (CHAR)toupper( wcChar ); strChar = (CHAR)toupper( strChar ); } // check the wcChar against our wildcard list switch ( wcChar ) { // an asterisk matches zero or more characters case '*' : // do a recursive call against the rest of the string, // until we've either found a match or the string has // ended if ( starMatchesZero ) *stringToCheck--; while ( *stringToCheck ) { if ( Sys_IsWildcardMatch( wildcardString, stringToCheck++, caseSensitive ) ) return true; } break; // a question mark matches any single character case '?' : break; // if we fell through, we want an exact match default : if ( wcChar != strChar ) return false; break; } } // if we have any asterisks left at the end of the wildcard string, we can // advance past them if starMatchesZero is TRUE ( so "blah*" will match "blah" ) while ( ( *wildcardString ) && ( starMatchesZero ) ) { if ( *wildcardString == '*' ) wildcardString++; else break; } // if we got to the end but there's still stuff left in either of our strings, // return false; otherwise, we have a match if ( ( *stringToCheck ) || ( *wildcardString ) ) return false; else return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sys_NumberToCommaString // // Add commas to number //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- char *Sys_NumberToCommaString( __int64 number, char *buffer, int bufferSize ) { char temp[256]; char temp2[256]; int inLen; char *inPtr; char *outPtr; int i; sprintf_s( temp, sizeof( temp ), "%I64d", number ); // build string backwards inLen = (int)strlen( temp ); inPtr = temp+inLen-1; outPtr = temp2; while ( inLen > 0 ) { for ( i=0; i<3 && inLen > 0; i++, inLen-- ) { *outPtr++ = *inPtr--; } if ( inLen > 0 ) *outPtr++ = ','; } *outPtr++ = '\0'; // reverse string inLen = (int)strlen( temp2 ); inPtr = temp2; outPtr = temp; for ( i=inLen-1; i>=0; i-- ) { *outPtr++ = inPtr[i]; } *outPtr++ = '\0'; _snprintf_s( buffer, bufferSize, _TRUNCATE, temp ); return buffer; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sys_CreatePath // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Sys_CreatePath( const char* pInPath ) { char* ptr; char dirPath[MAX_PATH]; // prime and skip to first seperator strcpy_s( dirPath, sizeof( dirPath ), pInPath ); if ( dirPath[0] == '\\' && dirPath[1] == '\\' ) { ptr = strchr( dirPath+1, '\\' ); } else { ptr = strchr( dirPath, '\\' ); } while ( ptr ) { ptr = strchr( ptr+1, '\\' ); if ( ptr ) { *ptr = '\0'; CreateDirectory( dirPath, NULL ); *ptr = '\\'; } } }