//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ //===========================================================================// #include "cbase.h" #include "PortalRender.h" #include "clienteffectprecachesystem.h" #include "view.h" #include "c_pixel_visibility.h" #include "glow_overlay.h" #include "portal_render_targets.h" //depth doubler #include "materialsystem/itexture.h" #include "toolframework/itoolframework.h" #include "tier1/KeyValues.h" #include "view_scene.h" #include "viewrender.h" #include "vprof.h" CLIENTEFFECT_REGISTER_BEGIN( PrecachePortalDrawingMaterials ) CLIENTEFFECT_MATERIAL( "shadertest/wireframe" ) CLIENTEFFECT_MATERIAL( "engine/writez_model" ) CLIENTEFFECT_MATERIAL( "engine/TranslucentVertexColor" ) CLIENTEFFECT_REGISTER_END() #define TEMP_DISABLE_PORTAL_VIS_QUERY static ConVar r_forcecheapwater( "r_forcecheapwater", "0", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_CHEAT, "Force all water to be cheap water, will show old renders if enabled after water has been seen" ); ConVar r_portal_use_stencils( "r_portal_use_stencils", "1", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL, "Render portal views using stencils (if available)" ); //draw portal views using stencil rendering ConVar r_portal_stencil_depth( "r_portal_stencil_depth", "2", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "When using stencil views, this changes how many views within views we see" ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Portal rendering management class // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static CPortalRender s_PortalRender; CPortalRender* g_pPortalRender = &s_PortalRender; //------------------------------------------- //Portal View ID Node helpers //------------------------------------------- CUtlVector<int> s_iFreedViewIDs; //when a view id node gets freed, it's primary view id gets added here PortalViewIDNode_t *AllocPortalViewIDNode( int iChildLinkCount ) { PortalViewIDNode_t *pNode = new PortalViewIDNode_t; //for now we just new/delete int iFreedIDsCount = s_iFreedViewIDs.Count(); if( iFreedIDsCount != 0 ) { pNode->iPrimaryViewID = s_iFreedViewIDs.Tail(); s_iFreedViewIDs.FastRemove( iFreedIDsCount - 1 ); } else { static int iNewAllocationCounter = VIEW_ID_COUNT; pNode->iPrimaryViewID = iNewAllocationCounter; iNewAllocationCounter += 2; //2 to make room for skybox view ids } CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); #ifndef TEMP_DISABLE_PORTAL_VIS_QUERY pNode->occlusionQueryHandle = pRenderContext->CreateOcclusionQueryObject(); #endif pNode->iOcclusionQueryPixelsRendered = -5; pNode->iWindowPixelsAtQueryTime = 0; pNode->fScreenFilledByPortalSurfaceLastFrame_Normalized = -1.0f; if( iChildLinkCount != 0 ) { pNode->ChildNodes.SetCount( iChildLinkCount ); memset( pNode->ChildNodes.Base(), NULL, sizeof( PortalViewIDNode_t * ) * iChildLinkCount ); } return pNode; } void FreePortalViewIDNode( PortalViewIDNode_t *pNode ) { for( int i = pNode->ChildNodes.Count(); --i >= 0; ) { if( pNode->ChildNodes[i] != NULL ) FreePortalViewIDNode( pNode->ChildNodes[i] ); } s_iFreedViewIDs.AddToTail( pNode->iPrimaryViewID ); CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); #ifndef TEMP_DISABLE_PORTAL_VIS_QUERY pRenderContext->DestroyOcclusionQueryObject( pNode->occlusionQueryHandle ); #endif delete pNode; //for now we just new/delete } void IncreasePortalViewIDChildLinkCount( PortalViewIDNode_t *pNode ) { for( int i = pNode->ChildNodes.Count(); --i >= 0; ) { if( pNode->ChildNodes[i] != NULL ) IncreasePortalViewIDChildLinkCount( pNode->ChildNodes[i] ); } pNode->ChildNodes.AddToTail( NULL ); } void RemovePortalViewIDChildLinkIndex( PortalViewIDNode_t *pNode, int iRemoveIndex ) { Assert( pNode->ChildNodes.Count() > iRemoveIndex ); if( pNode->ChildNodes[iRemoveIndex] != NULL ) { FreePortalViewIDNode( pNode->ChildNodes[iRemoveIndex] ); pNode->ChildNodes[iRemoveIndex] = NULL; } //I know the current behavior for CUtlVector::FastRemove() is to move the tail into the removed index. But I need that behavior to be true in the future as well so I'm doing it explicitly pNode->ChildNodes[iRemoveIndex] = pNode->ChildNodes.Tail(); pNode->ChildNodes.Remove( pNode->ChildNodes.Count() - 1 ); for( int i = pNode->ChildNodes.Count(); --i >= 0; ) { if( pNode->ChildNodes[i] ) RemovePortalViewIDChildLinkIndex( pNode->ChildNodes[i], iRemoveIndex ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Active Portal class // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPortalRenderable::CPortalRenderable( void ) : m_bIsPlaybackPortal( false ) { m_matrixThisToLinked.Identity(); //Portal view ID indexing setup IncreasePortalViewIDChildLinkCount( &s_PortalRender.m_HeadPortalViewIDNode ); m_iPortalViewIDNodeIndex = s_PortalRender.m_AllPortals.AddToTail( this ); } CPortalRenderable::~CPortalRenderable( void ) { int iLast = s_PortalRender.m_AllPortals.Count() - 1; //update the soon-to-be-transplanted portal's index s_PortalRender.m_AllPortals[iLast]->m_iPortalViewIDNodeIndex = m_iPortalViewIDNodeIndex; //I know the current behavior for CUtlVector::FastRemove() is to move the tail into the removed index. But I need that behavior to be true in the future as well so I'm doing it explicitly s_PortalRender.m_AllPortals[m_iPortalViewIDNodeIndex] = s_PortalRender.m_AllPortals.Tail(); s_PortalRender.m_AllPortals.Remove( iLast ); RemovePortalViewIDChildLinkIndex( &s_PortalRender.m_HeadPortalViewIDNode, m_iPortalViewIDNodeIndex ); //does the same transplant operation as above to all portal view id nodes } void CPortalRenderable::BeginPortalPixelVisibilityQuery( void ) { #ifndef TEMP_DISABLE_PORTAL_VIS_QUERY return; #endif if( g_pPortalRender->ShouldUseStencilsToRenderPortals() ) //this function exists because we require help in texture mode, we need no assistance in stencil mode. Moreover, doing the query twice will probably fubar the results return; PortalViewIDNode_t *pCurrentPortalViewNode = g_pPortalRender->m_PortalViewIDNodeChain[g_pPortalRender->m_iViewRecursionLevel]->ChildNodes[m_iPortalViewIDNodeIndex]; if( pCurrentPortalViewNode ) { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); pRenderContext->BeginOcclusionQueryDrawing( pCurrentPortalViewNode->occlusionQueryHandle ); int iX, iY, iWidth, iHeight; pRenderContext->GetViewport( iX, iY, iWidth, iHeight ); pCurrentPortalViewNode->iWindowPixelsAtQueryTime = iWidth * iHeight; } } void CPortalRenderable::EndPortalPixelVisibilityQuery( void ) { #ifndef TEMP_DISABLE_PORTAL_VIS_QUERY return; #endif if( g_pPortalRender->ShouldUseStencilsToRenderPortals() ) //this function exists because we require help in texture mode, we need no assistance in stencil mode. Moreover, doing the query twice will probably fubar the results return; PortalViewIDNode_t *pCurrentPortalViewNode = g_pPortalRender->m_PortalViewIDNodeChain[g_pPortalRender->m_iViewRecursionLevel]->ChildNodes[m_iPortalViewIDNodeIndex]; if( pCurrentPortalViewNode ) { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); pRenderContext->EndOcclusionQueryDrawing( pCurrentPortalViewNode->occlusionQueryHandle ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPortalRender::CPortalRender() : m_MaterialsAccess( m_Materials ) { m_iRemainingPortalViewDepth = 1; //let's portals know that they should do "end of the line" kludges to cover up that portals don't go infinitely recursive m_iViewRecursionLevel = 0; m_pRenderingViewForPortal = NULL; m_pRenderingViewExitPortal = NULL; m_PortalViewIDNodeChain[0] = &m_HeadPortalViewIDNode; } void CPortalRender::LevelInitPreEntity() { // refresh materials - not sure if this needs to be done every level m_Materials.m_Wireframe.Init( "shadertest/wireframe", TEXTURE_GROUP_CLIENT_EFFECTS ); m_Materials.m_WriteZ_Model.Init( "engine/writez_model", TEXTURE_GROUP_CLIENT_EFFECTS ); m_Materials.m_TranslucentVertexColor.Init( "engine/TranslucentVertexColor", TEXTURE_GROUP_CLIENT_EFFECTS ); } void CPortalRender::LevelShutdownPreEntity() { int nCount = m_RecordedPortals.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { delete m_RecordedPortals[i].m_pActivePortal; } m_RecordedPortals.RemoveAll(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // only use stencils when it's requested, and expensive water won't cause it to freak out //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CPortalRender::ShouldUseStencilsToRenderPortals( ) const { // only use stencils when it's requested, and available return r_portal_use_stencils.GetBool() && ( materials->StencilBufferBits() != 0 ); } int CPortalRender::ShouldForceCheaperWaterLevel() const { if( r_forcecheapwater.GetBool() ) return 0; if( m_iViewRecursionLevel > 0 ) { if( portalrendertargets->GetWaterReflectionTextureForStencilDepth( m_iViewRecursionLevel ) == NULL ) return 0; PortalViewIDNode_t *pPixelVisNode = m_PortalViewIDNodeChain[m_iViewRecursionLevel - 1]->ChildNodes[m_pRenderingViewForPortal->m_iPortalViewIDNodeIndex]; if( pPixelVisNode->fScreenFilledByPortalSurfaceLastFrame_Normalized >= 0.0f ) { if( pPixelVisNode->fScreenFilledByPortalSurfaceLastFrame_Normalized < 0.005f ) return 0; if( pPixelVisNode->fScreenFilledByPortalSurfaceLastFrame_Normalized < 0.02f ) return 1; if( pPixelVisNode->fScreenFilledByPortalSurfaceLastFrame_Normalized < 0.05f ) return 2; } } return 3; } bool CPortalRender::ShouldObeyStencilForClears() const { return (m_iViewRecursionLevel > 0) && ShouldUseStencilsToRenderPortals(); } void CPortalRender::WaterRenderingHandler_PreReflection() const { if( (m_iViewRecursionLevel > 0) && ShouldUseStencilsToRenderPortals() ) { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); pRenderContext->SetStencilEnable( false ); } } void CPortalRender::WaterRenderingHandler_PostReflection() const { if( (m_iViewRecursionLevel > 0) && ShouldUseStencilsToRenderPortals() ) { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); pRenderContext->SetStencilEnable( true ); } } void CPortalRender::WaterRenderingHandler_PreRefraction() const { if( (m_iViewRecursionLevel > 0) && ShouldUseStencilsToRenderPortals() ) { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); pRenderContext->SetStencilEnable( false ); } } void CPortalRender::WaterRenderingHandler_PostRefraction() const { if( (m_iViewRecursionLevel > 0) && ShouldUseStencilsToRenderPortals() ) { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); pRenderContext->SetStencilEnable( true ); } } void Recursive_UpdatePortalPixelVisibility( PortalViewIDNode_t *pNode, IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext ) { if( pNode->iWindowPixelsAtQueryTime > 0 ) { if( pNode->iOcclusionQueryPixelsRendered < -1 ) { //First couple queries. We seem to be getting bogus 0's on the first queries sometimes. ignore the results. ++pNode->iOcclusionQueryPixelsRendered; pNode->fScreenFilledByPortalSurfaceLastFrame_Normalized = -1.0f; } else { pNode->iOcclusionQueryPixelsRendered = pRenderContext->OcclusionQuery_GetNumPixelsRendered( pNode->occlusionQueryHandle ); pNode->fScreenFilledByPortalSurfaceLastFrame_Normalized = ((float)pNode->iOcclusionQueryPixelsRendered) / ((float)pNode->iWindowPixelsAtQueryTime); } } else { pNode->fScreenFilledByPortalSurfaceLastFrame_Normalized = -1.0f; } pNode->iWindowPixelsAtQueryTime = 0; for( int i = pNode->ChildNodes.Count(); --i >= 0; ) { PortalViewIDNode_t *pChildNode = pNode->ChildNodes[i]; if( pChildNode ) Recursive_UpdatePortalPixelVisibility( pChildNode, pRenderContext ); } } void CPortalRender::UpdatePortalPixelVisibility( void ) { #ifndef TEMP_DISABLE_PORTAL_VIS_QUERY return; #endif if( m_iViewRecursionLevel != 0 ) return; IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext = materials->GetRenderContext(); //CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); for( int i = m_HeadPortalViewIDNode.ChildNodes.Count(); --i >= 0; ) { PortalViewIDNode_t *pChildNode = m_HeadPortalViewIDNode.ChildNodes[i]; if( pChildNode ) Recursive_UpdatePortalPixelVisibility( pChildNode, pRenderContext ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Invalidates pixel visibility data for all portals for this next frame. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Recursive_InvalidatePortalPixelVis( PortalViewIDNode_t *pNode ) { pNode->fScreenFilledByPortalSurfaceLastFrame_Normalized = -1.0f; pNode->iOcclusionQueryPixelsRendered = -5; pNode->iWindowPixelsAtQueryTime = 0; for( int i = pNode->ChildNodes.Count(); --i >= 0; ) { PortalViewIDNode_t *pChildNode = pNode->ChildNodes[i]; if( pChildNode ) Recursive_InvalidatePortalPixelVis( pChildNode ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Preserves pixel visibility data when view id's are getting swapped around //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CPortalRender::EnteredPortal( CPortalRenderable *pEnteredPortal ) { CPortalRenderable *pExitPortal = pEnteredPortal->GetLinkedPortal(); Assert( pExitPortal != NULL ); if ( pExitPortal == NULL ) return; int iNodeLinkCount = m_HeadPortalViewIDNode.ChildNodes.Count(); PortalViewIDNode_t *pNewHead = m_HeadPortalViewIDNode.ChildNodes[pEnteredPortal->m_iPortalViewIDNodeIndex]; m_HeadPortalViewIDNode.ChildNodes[pEnteredPortal->m_iPortalViewIDNodeIndex] = NULL; //Create a new node that will preserve main's visibility. This new node will be linked to the new head node at the exit portal's index (imagine entering a portal walking backwards) PortalViewIDNode_t *pExitPortalsNewNode = AllocPortalViewIDNode( iNodeLinkCount ); { for( int i = 0; i != iNodeLinkCount; ++i ) { pExitPortalsNewNode->ChildNodes[i] = m_HeadPortalViewIDNode.ChildNodes[i]; m_HeadPortalViewIDNode.ChildNodes[i] = NULL; } PixelVisibility_ShiftVisibilityViews( VIEW_MAIN, pExitPortalsNewNode->iPrimaryViewID ); PixelVisibility_ShiftVisibilityViews( VIEW_3DSKY, pExitPortalsNewNode->iPrimaryViewID + 1 ); } if( pNewHead ) //it's possible we entered a portal we couldn't see through { Assert( pNewHead->ChildNodes.Count() == m_HeadPortalViewIDNode.ChildNodes.Count() ); Assert( pNewHead->ChildNodes[pExitPortal->m_iPortalViewIDNodeIndex] == NULL ); //seeing out of an exit portal back into itself should be impossible for( int i = 0; i != iNodeLinkCount; ++i ) { m_HeadPortalViewIDNode.ChildNodes[i] = pNewHead->ChildNodes[i]; pNewHead->ChildNodes[i] = NULL; //going to be freeing the node in a minute, don't want to kill transplanted children } //Since the primary views will always be 0 and 1, we have to shift results instead of replacing the id's PixelVisibility_ShiftVisibilityViews( pNewHead->iPrimaryViewID, VIEW_MAIN ); PixelVisibility_ShiftVisibilityViews( pNewHead->iPrimaryViewID + 1, VIEW_3DSKY ); FreePortalViewIDNode( pNewHead ); } Assert( m_HeadPortalViewIDNode.ChildNodes[pExitPortal->m_iPortalViewIDNodeIndex] == NULL ); //asserted above in pNewHead code, but call me paranoid m_HeadPortalViewIDNode.ChildNodes[pExitPortal->m_iPortalViewIDNodeIndex] = pExitPortalsNewNode; //Because pixel visibility is based off of *last* frame's visibility. We can get cases where a certain portal //wasn't visible last frame, but is takes up most of the screen this frame. //Set all portal pixel visibility to unknown visibility. for( int i = m_HeadPortalViewIDNode.ChildNodes.Count(); --i >= 0; ) { PortalViewIDNode_t *pChildNode = m_HeadPortalViewIDNode.ChildNodes[i]; if( pChildNode ) Recursive_InvalidatePortalPixelVis( pChildNode ); } } bool CPortalRender::DrawPortalsUsingStencils( CViewRender *pViewRender ) { VPROF( "CPortalRender::DrawPortalsUsingStencils" ); if( !ShouldUseStencilsToRenderPortals() ) return false; int iDrawFlags = pViewRender->GetDrawFlags(); if ( (iDrawFlags & DF_RENDER_REFLECTION) != 0 ) return false; if ( ((iDrawFlags & DF_CLIP_Z) != 0) && ((iDrawFlags & DF_CLIP_BELOW) == 0) ) //clipping above the water height return false; int iNumRenderablePortals = m_ActivePortals.Count(); // This loop is necessary because tools can suppress rendering without telling the portal system CUtlVector< CPortalRenderable* > actualActivePortals( 0, iNumRenderablePortals ); for ( int i = 0; i < iNumRenderablePortals; ++i ) { CPortalRenderable *pPortalRenderable = m_ActivePortals[i]; C_BaseEntity *pPairedEntity = pPortalRenderable->PortalRenderable_GetPairedEntity(); bool bIsVisible = (pPairedEntity == NULL) || (pPairedEntity->IsVisible() && pPairedEntity->ShouldDraw()); //either unknown visibility or definitely visible. if ( !pPortalRenderable->m_bIsPlaybackPortal ) { if ( !bIsVisible ) { //can't see through the portal, free up it's view id node for use elsewhere if( m_PortalViewIDNodeChain[m_iViewRecursionLevel]->ChildNodes[pPortalRenderable->m_iPortalViewIDNodeIndex] != NULL ) { FreePortalViewIDNode( m_PortalViewIDNodeChain[m_iViewRecursionLevel]->ChildNodes[pPortalRenderable->m_iPortalViewIDNodeIndex] ); m_PortalViewIDNodeChain[m_iViewRecursionLevel]->ChildNodes[pPortalRenderable->m_iPortalViewIDNodeIndex] = NULL; } continue; } } actualActivePortals.AddToTail( m_ActivePortals[i] ); } iNumRenderablePortals = actualActivePortals.Count(); if( iNumRenderablePortals == 0 ) return false; const int iMaxDepth = MIN( r_portal_stencil_depth.GetInt(), MIN( MAX_PORTAL_RECURSIVE_VIEWS, (1 << materials->StencilBufferBits()) ) - 1 ); if( m_iViewRecursionLevel >= iMaxDepth ) //can't support any more views { m_iRemainingPortalViewDepth = 0; //special case handler for max depth 0 cases for( int i = 0; i != iNumRenderablePortals; ++i ) { CPortalRenderable *pCurrentPortal = actualActivePortals[i]; pCurrentPortal->DrawPortal(); } return false; } m_iRemainingPortalViewDepth = (iMaxDepth - m_iViewRecursionLevel) - 1; CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); pRenderContext->Flush( true ); //to prevent screwing up the last opaque object //queued mode makes us pass the barrier of just noticeable difference when using a previous frame's occlusion as a draw skip check bool bIsQueuedMode = (materials->GetThreadMode() == MATERIAL_QUEUED_THREADED); const CViewSetup *pViewSetup = pViewRender->GetViewSetup(); m_RecursiveViewSetups[m_iViewRecursionLevel] = *pViewSetup; CViewSetup ViewBackup;// = *pViewSetup; //backup the view, we'll need to restore it memcpy( &ViewBackup, pViewSetup, sizeof( CViewSetup ) ); Vector ptCameraOrigin = pViewSetup->origin; Vector vCameraForward; AngleVectors( pViewSetup->angles, &vCameraForward, NULL, NULL ); int iX, iY, iWidth, iHeight; pRenderContext->GetViewport( iX, iY, iWidth, iHeight ); #ifndef TEMP_DISABLE_PORTAL_VIS_QUERY int iScreenPixelCount = iWidth * iHeight; #endif bool bRebuildDrawListsWhenDone = false; int iParentLevelStencilReferenceValue = m_iViewRecursionLevel; int iStencilReferenceValue = iParentLevelStencilReferenceValue + 1; if( m_iViewRecursionLevel == 0 ) //first entry into the stencil drawing { pRenderContext->SetStencilEnable( true ); pRenderContext->SetStencilCompareFunction( STENCILCOMPARISONFUNCTION_ALWAYS ); pRenderContext->SetStencilPassOperation( STENCILOPERATION_REPLACE ); pRenderContext->SetStencilFailOperation( STENCILOPERATION_KEEP ); pRenderContext->SetStencilZFailOperation( STENCILOPERATION_KEEP ); pRenderContext->SetStencilTestMask( 0xFF ); pRenderContext->SetStencilWriteMask( 0xFF ); pRenderContext->SetStencilReferenceValue( 0 ); m_RecursiveViewComplexFrustums[0].RemoveAll(); //clear any garbage leftover in the complex frustums from last frame } if( m_RecursiveViewComplexFrustums[m_iViewRecursionLevel].Count() == 0 ) { //nothing in the complex frustum from the current view, copy the standard frustum in m_RecursiveViewComplexFrustums[m_iViewRecursionLevel].AddMultipleToTail( FRUSTUM_NUMPLANES, pViewRender->GetFrustum() ); } for( int i = 0; i != iNumRenderablePortals; ++i ) { CPortalRenderable *pCurrentPortal = actualActivePortals[i]; m_RecursiveViewComplexFrustums[m_iViewRecursionLevel + 1].RemoveAll(); //clear any previously stored complex frustum if( (pCurrentPortal->GetLinkedPortal() == NULL) || (pCurrentPortal == m_pRenderingViewExitPortal) || (pCurrentPortal->ShouldUpdatePortalView_BasedOnView( *pViewSetup, m_RecursiveViewComplexFrustums[m_iViewRecursionLevel] ) == false) ) { //can't see through the portal, free up it's view id node for use elsewhere if( m_PortalViewIDNodeChain[m_iViewRecursionLevel]->ChildNodes[pCurrentPortal->m_iPortalViewIDNodeIndex] != NULL ) { FreePortalViewIDNode( m_PortalViewIDNodeChain[m_iViewRecursionLevel]->ChildNodes[pCurrentPortal->m_iPortalViewIDNodeIndex] ); m_PortalViewIDNodeChain[m_iViewRecursionLevel]->ChildNodes[pCurrentPortal->m_iPortalViewIDNodeIndex] = NULL; } continue; } Assert( m_PortalViewIDNodeChain[m_iViewRecursionLevel]->ChildNodes.Count() > pCurrentPortal->m_iPortalViewIDNodeIndex ); if( m_PortalViewIDNodeChain[m_iViewRecursionLevel]->ChildNodes[pCurrentPortal->m_iPortalViewIDNodeIndex] == NULL ) m_PortalViewIDNodeChain[m_iViewRecursionLevel]->ChildNodes[pCurrentPortal->m_iPortalViewIDNodeIndex] = AllocPortalViewIDNode( m_HeadPortalViewIDNode.ChildNodes.Count() ); PortalViewIDNode_t *pCurrentPortalViewNode = m_PortalViewIDNodeChain[m_iViewRecursionLevel]->ChildNodes[pCurrentPortal->m_iPortalViewIDNodeIndex]; // Step 0, Allow for special effects to happen before cutting a hole { pRenderContext->SetStencilCompareFunction( STENCILCOMPARISONFUNCTION_EQUAL ); pRenderContext->SetStencilPassOperation( STENCILOPERATION_KEEP ); pRenderContext->SetStencilFailOperation( STENCILOPERATION_KEEP ); pRenderContext->SetStencilZFailOperation( STENCILOPERATION_KEEP ); pRenderContext->SetStencilReferenceValue( iParentLevelStencilReferenceValue ); pCurrentPortal->DrawPreStencilMask(); } //step 1, write out the stencil values (and colors if you want, but really not necessary) { //pRenderContext->SetStencilCompareFunction( STENCILCOMPARISONFUNCTION_EQUAL ); pRenderContext->SetStencilPassOperation( STENCILOPERATION_INCR ); //pRenderContext->SetStencilFailOperation( STENCILOPERATION_KEEP ); //pRenderContext->SetStencilZFailOperation( STENCILOPERATION_KEEP ); //pRenderContext->SetStencilReferenceValue( iParentLevelStencilReferenceValue ); #ifndef TEMP_DISABLE_PORTAL_VIS_QUERY pRenderContext->BeginOcclusionQueryDrawing( pCurrentPortalViewNode->occlusionQueryHandle ); pCurrentPortalViewNode->iWindowPixelsAtQueryTime = iScreenPixelCount; #endif pCurrentPortal->DrawStencilMask(); #ifndef TEMP_DISABLE_PORTAL_VIS_QUERY pRenderContext->EndOcclusionQueryDrawing( pCurrentPortalViewNode->occlusionQueryHandle ); #endif } //see if we can skip the heavy lifting due to low visibility if ( bIsQueuedMode || //don't use pixel visibly as a skip check in queued mode, the data is simply too old. pCurrentPortal->ShouldUpdatePortalView_BasedOnPixelVisibility( pCurrentPortalViewNode->fScreenFilledByPortalSurfaceLastFrame_Normalized ) ) { //step 2, clear the depth buffer in stencil areas so we can render a new scene to them { pRenderContext->SetStencilPassOperation( STENCILOPERATION_KEEP ); pRenderContext->SetStencilReferenceValue( iStencilReferenceValue ); pRenderContext->ClearBuffersObeyStencil( false, true ); } //step 3, fill in stencil views (remember that in multiple depth situations that any subportals will run through this function again before this section completes, thereby screwing with stencil settings) { bRebuildDrawListsWhenDone = true; MaterialFogMode_t fogModeBackup = pRenderContext->GetFogMode(); unsigned char fogColorBackup[4]; pRenderContext->GetFogColor( fogColorBackup ); float fFogStartBackup, fFogEndBackup, fFogZBackup; pRenderContext->GetFogDistances( &fFogStartBackup, &fFogEndBackup, &fFogZBackup ); CGlowOverlay::BackupSkyOverlayData( m_iViewRecursionLevel ); Assert( m_PortalViewIDNodeChain[m_iViewRecursionLevel]->ChildNodes.Count() > pCurrentPortal->m_iPortalViewIDNodeIndex ); m_PortalViewIDNodeChain[m_iViewRecursionLevel + 1] = m_PortalViewIDNodeChain[m_iViewRecursionLevel]->ChildNodes[pCurrentPortal->m_iPortalViewIDNodeIndex]; pCurrentPortal->RenderPortalViewToBackBuffer( pViewRender, *pViewSetup ); m_PortalViewIDNodeChain[m_iViewRecursionLevel + 1] = NULL; CGlowOverlay::RestoreSkyOverlayData( m_iViewRecursionLevel ); memcpy( (void *)pViewSetup, &ViewBackup, sizeof( CViewSetup ) ); pViewRender->m_pActiveRenderer->EnableWorldFog(); pRenderContext->FogMode( fogModeBackup ); pRenderContext->FogColor3ubv( fogColorBackup ); pRenderContext->FogStart( fFogStartBackup ); pRenderContext->FogEnd( fFogEndBackup ); pRenderContext->SetFogZ( fFogZBackup ); //do a full reset of what we think the stencil operations are in case the recursive calls got weird pRenderContext->SetStencilCompareFunction( STENCILCOMPARISONFUNCTION_EQUAL ); pRenderContext->SetStencilPassOperation( STENCILOPERATION_KEEP ); pRenderContext->SetStencilFailOperation( STENCILOPERATION_KEEP ); pRenderContext->SetStencilZFailOperation( STENCILOPERATION_KEEP ); pRenderContext->SetStencilTestMask( 0xFF ); pRenderContext->SetStencilWriteMask( 0xFF ); pRenderContext->SetStencilReferenceValue( iStencilReferenceValue ); } //step 4, patch up the fact that we just made a hole in the wall because it's not *really* a hole at all { pCurrentPortal->DrawPostStencilFixes(); } } //step 5, restore the stencil mask to the parent level { pRenderContext->SetStencilReferenceValue( iStencilReferenceValue ); pRenderContext->SetStencilCompareFunction( STENCILCOMPARISONFUNCTION_EQUAL ); pRenderContext->SetStencilPassOperation( STENCILOPERATION_DECR ); pRenderContext->SetStencilFailOperation( STENCILOPERATION_KEEP ); pRenderContext->SetStencilZFailOperation( STENCILOPERATION_KEEP ); pRenderContext->PerformFullScreenStencilOperation(); } } //step 6, go back to non-stencil rendering mode in preparation to resume normal scene rendering if( m_iViewRecursionLevel == 0 ) { Assert( m_pRenderingViewForPortal == NULL ); Assert( m_pRenderingViewExitPortal == NULL ); m_pRenderingViewExitPortal = NULL; m_pRenderingViewForPortal = NULL; pRenderContext->SetStencilEnable( false ); pRenderContext->SetStencilCompareFunction(STENCILCOMPARISONFUNCTION_NEVER); pRenderContext->SetStencilPassOperation(STENCILOPERATION_KEEP); pRenderContext->SetStencilFailOperation(STENCILOPERATION_KEEP); pRenderContext->SetStencilZFailOperation(STENCILOPERATION_KEEP); pRenderContext->SetStencilTestMask( 0xFF ); pRenderContext->SetStencilWriteMask( 0xFF ); pRenderContext->SetStencilReferenceValue( 0 ); m_RecursiveViewComplexFrustums[0].RemoveAll(); } else { pRenderContext->SetStencilReferenceValue( iParentLevelStencilReferenceValue ); pRenderContext->SetStencilCompareFunction( STENCILCOMPARISONFUNCTION_EQUAL ); pRenderContext->SetStencilPassOperation( STENCILOPERATION_KEEP ); } if( bRebuildDrawListsWhenDone ) { memcpy( (void *)pViewSetup, &ViewBackup, sizeof( CViewSetup ) ); //if we don't restore this, the view is permanently altered (in mid render of an existing scene) } pRenderContext->Flush( true ); //just in case ++m_iRemainingPortalViewDepth; for( int i = 0; i != iNumRenderablePortals; ++i ) { CPortalRenderable *pCurrentPortal = actualActivePortals[i]; pCurrentPortal->DrawPortal(); } return bRebuildDrawListsWhenDone; } #ifdef _DEBUG extern bool g_bRenderingCameraView; #endif void CPortalRender::DrawPortalsToTextures( CViewRender *pViewRender, const CViewSetup &cameraView ) { if( ShouldUseStencilsToRenderPortals() ) return; /*if ( (pViewRender->GetDrawFlags() & DF_RENDER_REFLECTION) != 0 ) return;*/ m_iRemainingPortalViewDepth = 1; m_iViewRecursionLevel = 0; m_pRenderingViewForPortal = NULL; m_pRenderingViewExitPortal = NULL; m_RecursiveViewSetups[m_iViewRecursionLevel] = cameraView; m_RecursiveViewComplexFrustums[0].RemoveAll(); //clear any garbage leftover in the complex frustums from last frame m_RecursiveViewComplexFrustums[0].AddMultipleToTail( FRUSTUM_NUMPLANES, pViewRender->GetFrustum() ); #ifdef _DEBUG g_bRenderingCameraView = true; #endif int iNumRenderablePortals = g_pPortalRender->m_ActivePortals.Count(); Vector ptCameraOrigin = cameraView.origin; //an extraneous push to update the frustum render->Push3DView( cameraView, 0, NULL, pViewRender->GetFrustum() ); for( int i = 0; i != iNumRenderablePortals; ++i ) { CPortalRenderable *pCurrentPortal = g_pPortalRender->m_ActivePortals[i]; if( (pCurrentPortal->ShouldUpdatePortalView_BasedOnView( cameraView, m_RecursiveViewComplexFrustums[m_iViewRecursionLevel] ) == false) || (pCurrentPortal->GetLinkedPortal() == NULL) ) { //can't see through the portal, free up it's view id node for use elsewhere if( m_PortalViewIDNodeChain[m_iViewRecursionLevel]->ChildNodes[pCurrentPortal->m_iPortalViewIDNodeIndex] != NULL ) { FreePortalViewIDNode( m_PortalViewIDNodeChain[m_iViewRecursionLevel]->ChildNodes[pCurrentPortal->m_iPortalViewIDNodeIndex] ); m_PortalViewIDNodeChain[m_iViewRecursionLevel]->ChildNodes[pCurrentPortal->m_iPortalViewIDNodeIndex] = NULL; } continue; } Assert( m_PortalViewIDNodeChain[m_iViewRecursionLevel]->ChildNodes.Count() > pCurrentPortal->m_iPortalViewIDNodeIndex ); if( m_PortalViewIDNodeChain[m_iViewRecursionLevel]->ChildNodes[pCurrentPortal->m_iPortalViewIDNodeIndex] == NULL ) m_PortalViewIDNodeChain[m_iViewRecursionLevel]->ChildNodes[pCurrentPortal->m_iPortalViewIDNodeIndex] = AllocPortalViewIDNode( m_HeadPortalViewIDNode.ChildNodes.Count() ); m_PortalViewIDNodeChain[m_iViewRecursionLevel + 1] = m_PortalViewIDNodeChain[m_iViewRecursionLevel]->ChildNodes[pCurrentPortal->m_iPortalViewIDNodeIndex]; pCurrentPortal->RenderPortalViewToTexture( pViewRender, cameraView ); m_PortalViewIDNodeChain[m_iViewRecursionLevel + 1] = NULL; } render->PopView( pViewRender->GetFrustum() ); m_iRemainingPortalViewDepth = 1; m_iViewRecursionLevel = 0; Assert( m_pRenderingViewForPortal == NULL ); Assert( m_pRenderingViewExitPortal == NULL ); m_pRenderingViewForPortal = NULL; m_pRenderingViewExitPortal = NULL; #ifdef _DEBUG g_bRenderingCameraView = false; #endif } void CPortalRender::AddPortal( CPortalRenderable *pPortal ) { for( int i = m_ActivePortals.Count(); --i >= 0; ) { if( m_ActivePortals[i] == pPortal ) return; } m_ActivePortals.AddToTail( pPortal ); } void CPortalRender::RemovePortal( CPortalRenderable *pPortal ) { for( int i = m_ActivePortals.Count(); --i >= 0; ) { if( m_ActivePortals[i] == pPortal ) { m_ActivePortals.FastRemove( i ); return; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Are we currently rendering a portal? //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CPortalRender::IsRenderingPortal() const { return m_pRenderingViewForPortal != NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns view recursion level //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CPortalRender::GetViewRecursionLevel() const { return m_iViewRecursionLevel; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //normalized for how many of the screen's possible pixels it takes up, less than zero indicates a lack of data from last frame //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- float CPortalRender::GetPixelVisilityForPortalSurface( const CPortalRenderable *pPortal ) const { PortalViewIDNode_t *pNode = m_PortalViewIDNodeChain[m_iViewRecursionLevel]->ChildNodes[pPortal->m_iPortalViewIDNodeIndex]; if( pNode ) return pNode->fScreenFilledByPortalSurfaceLastFrame_Normalized; return -1.0f; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Methods to query about the exit portal associated with the currently rendering portal //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const Vector &CPortalRender::GetExitPortalFogOrigin() const { return m_pRenderingViewExitPortal->GetFogOrigin(); } void CPortalRender::ShiftFogForExitPortalView() const { if ( m_pRenderingViewExitPortal ) { m_pRenderingViewExitPortal->ShiftFogForExitPortalView(); } } void CPortalRenderable::ShiftFogForExitPortalView() const { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); float fFogStart, fFogEnd, fFogZ; pRenderContext->GetFogDistances( &fFogStart, &fFogEnd, &fFogZ ); Vector vFogOrigin = GetFogOrigin(); Vector vCameraToExitPortal = vFogOrigin - CurrentViewOrigin(); float fDistModifier = vCameraToExitPortal.Dot( CurrentViewForward() ); fFogStart += fDistModifier; fFogEnd += fDistModifier; //fFogZ += something; //FIXME: find out what the hell to do with this pRenderContext->FogStart( fFogStart ); pRenderContext->FogEnd( fFogEnd ); pRenderContext->SetFogZ( fFogZ ); } SkyboxVisibility_t CPortalRender::IsSkyboxVisibleFromExitPortal() const { return m_pRenderingViewExitPortal->SkyBoxVisibleFromPortal(); } bool CPortalRender::DoesExitPortalViewIntersectWaterPlane( float waterZ, int leafWaterDataID ) const { return m_pRenderingViewExitPortal->DoesExitViewIntersectWaterPlane( waterZ, leafWaterDataID ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns the remaining number of portals to render within other portals // lets portals know that they should do "end of the line" kludges to cover up that portals don't go infinitely recursive //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CPortalRender::GetRemainingPortalViewDepth() const { return m_iRemainingPortalViewDepth; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns the current View IDs //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CPortalRender::GetCurrentViewId() const { Assert( m_PortalViewIDNodeChain[m_iViewRecursionLevel] != NULL ); #ifdef _DEBUG for( int i = 0; i != m_iViewRecursionLevel; ++i ) { Assert( m_PortalViewIDNodeChain[i]->iPrimaryViewID != m_PortalViewIDNodeChain[m_iViewRecursionLevel]->iPrimaryViewID ); } #endif return m_PortalViewIDNodeChain[m_iViewRecursionLevel]->iPrimaryViewID; } int CPortalRender::GetCurrentSkyboxViewId() const { Assert( m_PortalViewIDNodeChain[m_iViewRecursionLevel] != NULL ); return m_PortalViewIDNodeChain[m_iViewRecursionLevel]->iPrimaryViewID + 1; } void OverlayCameraRenderTarget( const char *pszMaterialName, float flX, float flY, float w, float h ); //implemented in view_scene.cpp void CPortalRender::OverlayPortalRenderTargets( float w, float h ) { OverlayCameraRenderTarget( "engine/debug_portal_1", 0,0, w,h ); OverlayCameraRenderTarget( "engine/debug_portal_2", w+10,0, w,h ); OverlayCameraRenderTarget( "engine/debug_water_reflect_0", 0, h+10, w,h ); OverlayCameraRenderTarget( "engine/debug_water_reflect_1", w+10, h+10, w,h ); OverlayCameraRenderTarget( "engine/debug_water_reflect_2", (w+10) * 2, h+10, w,h ); OverlayCameraRenderTarget( "engine/debug_water_refract_0", 0, (h+10) * 2, w,h ); OverlayCameraRenderTarget( "engine/debug_water_refract_1", w+10, (h+10) * 2, w,h ); OverlayCameraRenderTarget( "engine/debug_water_refract_2", (w+10) * 2, (h+10) * 2, w,h ); } void CPortalRender::UpdateDepthDoublerTexture( const CViewSetup &viewSetup ) { bool bShouldUpdate = false; for( int i = m_ActivePortals.Count(); --i >= 0; ) { CPortalRenderable *pPortal = m_ActivePortals[i]; if( pPortal->ShouldUpdateDepthDoublerTexture( viewSetup ) ) { bShouldUpdate = true; break; } } if( bShouldUpdate ) { Rect_t srcRect; srcRect.x = viewSetup.x; srcRect.y = viewSetup.y; srcRect.width = viewSetup.width; srcRect.height = viewSetup.height; ITexture *pTexture = portalrendertargets->GetDepthDoublerTexture(); CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); pRenderContext->CopyRenderTargetToTextureEx( pTexture, 0, &srcRect, NULL ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Finds a recorded portal //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CPortalRender::FindRecordedPortalIndex( int nPortalId ) { int nCount = m_RecordedPortals.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { if ( m_RecordedPortals[i].m_nPortalId == nPortalId ) return i; } return -1; } CPortalRenderable* CPortalRender::FindRecordedPortal( int nPortalId ) { int nIndex = FindRecordedPortalIndex( nPortalId ); return ( nIndex >= 0 ) ? m_RecordedPortals[nIndex].m_pActivePortal : NULL; } CPortalRenderable* CPortalRender::FindRecordedPortal( IClientRenderable *pRenderable ) { int nCount = m_RecordedPortals.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { if ( m_RecordedPortals[i].m_pPlaybackRenderable == pRenderable ) return m_RecordedPortals[i].m_pActivePortal; } return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handles a portal update message //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CPortalRender::HandlePortalPlaybackMessage( KeyValues *pKeyValues ) { // Iterate through all the portal ids of all the portals in the keyvalues message CUtlVector<int> foundIds; for ( KeyValues *pCurr = pKeyValues->GetFirstTrueSubKey(); pCurr; pCurr = pCurr->GetNextTrueSubKey() ) { // Create new area portals for those ids that don't exist int nPortalId = pCurr->GetInt( "portalId" ); IClientRenderable *pRenderable = (IClientRenderable*)pCurr->GetPtr( "clientRenderable" ); int nIndex = FindRecordedPortalIndex( nPortalId ); if ( nIndex < 0 ) { CPortalRenderable *pPortal = NULL; const char *szType = pCurr->GetString( "portalType", "flatBasic" ); //"flatBasic" being the type commonly found in "Portal" mod //search through registered creation functions for one that makes this type of portal for( int i = m_PortalRenderableCreators.Count(); --i >= 0; ) { if( FStrEq( szType, m_PortalRenderableCreators[i].portalType.String() ) ) { pPortal = m_PortalRenderableCreators[i].creationFunc(); break; } } if( pPortal == NULL ) { AssertMsg( false, "Unable to find creation function for portal type." ); Warning( "CPortalRender::HandlePortalPlaybackMessage() unable to find creation function for portal type: %s\n", szType ); } else { pPortal->m_bIsPlaybackPortal = true; int k = m_RecordedPortals.AddToTail( ); m_RecordedPortals[k].m_pActivePortal = pPortal; m_RecordedPortals[k].m_nPortalId = nPortalId; m_RecordedPortals[k].m_pPlaybackRenderable = pRenderable; AddPortal( pPortal ); } } else { m_RecordedPortals[nIndex].m_pPlaybackRenderable = pRenderable; } foundIds.AddToTail( nPortalId ); } // Delete portals that didn't appear in the list int nFoundCount = foundIds.Count(); int nCount = m_RecordedPortals.Count(); for ( int i = nCount; --i >= 0; ) { int j; for ( j = 0; j < nFoundCount; ++j ) { if ( foundIds[j] == m_RecordedPortals[i].m_nPortalId ) break; } if ( j == nFoundCount ) { RemovePortal( m_RecordedPortals[i].m_pActivePortal ); delete m_RecordedPortals[i].m_pActivePortal; m_RecordedPortals.FastRemove(i); } } // Iterate through all the portal ids of all the portals in the keyvalues message for ( KeyValues *pCurr = pKeyValues->GetFirstTrueSubKey(); pCurr; pCurr = pCurr->GetNextTrueSubKey() ) { // Update the state of the portals based on the recorded info int nPortalId = pCurr->GetInt( "portalId" ); CPortalRenderable *pPortal = FindRecordedPortal( nPortalId ); Assert( pPortal ); pPortal->HandlePortalPlaybackMessage( pCurr ); } // Make the portals update their internal state /*nCount = m_RecordedPortals.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { m_RecordedPortals[i].m_pActivePortal->PortalMoved(); m_RecordedPortals[i].m_pActivePortal->ComputeLinkMatrix(); }*/ } void CPortalRender::AddPortalCreationFunc( const char *szPortalType, PortalRenderableCreationFunc creationFunc ) { #ifdef _DEBUG for( int i = m_PortalRenderableCreators.Count(); --i >= 0; ) { AssertMsg( FStrEq( m_PortalRenderableCreators[i].portalType.String(), szPortalType ) == false, "Multiple portal renderable creation functions for same type of portal renderable." ); } #endif PortalRenderableCreationFunction_t temp; temp.creationFunc = creationFunc; temp.portalType.Set( szPortalType ); m_PortalRenderableCreators.AddToTail( temp ); } bool Recursive_IsPortalViewID( PortalViewIDNode_t *pNode, view_id_t id ) { if ( pNode->iPrimaryViewID == id ) return true; for( int i = pNode->ChildNodes.Count(); --i >= 0; ) { PortalViewIDNode_t *pChildNode = pNode->ChildNodes[i]; if( pChildNode ) { return Recursive_IsPortalViewID( pChildNode, id ); } } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Tests the parameter view ID against ID's used by portal pixel vis queries // Input : id - id tested against used portal view ids // Output : Returns true if id matches an ID used by a portal, or it's recursive sub portals //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CPortalRender::IsPortalViewID( view_id_t id ) { if ( id == m_HeadPortalViewIDNode.iPrimaryViewID ) return true; for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_PORTAL_RECURSIVE_VIEWS; ++i ) { PortalViewIDNode_t* pNode = m_PortalViewIDNodeChain[i]; if ( pNode ) { // recursively search child nodes, they get their own ids. if ( Recursive_IsPortalViewID( pNode, id ) ) return true; } } return false; }