//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // //=====================================================================================// #pragma warning( disable : 4244 ) // conversion from 'double' to 'float', possible loss of data #include <assert.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include <malloc.h> #include "vgui_surfacelib/Win32Font.h" #include <tier0/dbg.h> #include <vgui/ISurface.h> #include <tier0/mem.h> #include <utlbuffer.h> #include "FontEffects.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" static OSVERSIONINFO s_OsVersionInfo; static bool s_bOsVersionInitialized = false; bool s_bSupportsUnicode = false; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Constructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CWin32Font::CWin32Font() : m_ExtendedABCWidthsCache(256, 0, &ExtendedABCWidthsCacheLessFunc) { m_szName = UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL; m_iTall = 0; m_iWeight = 0; m_iHeight = 0; m_iAscent = 0; m_iFlags = 0; m_iMaxCharWidth = 0; m_hFont = NULL; m_hDC = NULL; m_hDIB = NULL; m_bAntiAliased = false; m_bUnderlined = false; m_iBlur = 0; m_iScanLines = 0; m_bRotary = false; m_bAdditive = false; m_rgiBitmapSize[ 0 ] = m_rgiBitmapSize[ 1 ] = 0; #if defined( _X360 ) Q_memset( m_ABCWidthsCache, 0, sizeof( m_ABCWidthsCache ) ); #endif m_ExtendedABCWidthsCache.EnsureCapacity( 128 ); if ( !s_bOsVersionInitialized ) { // get the operating system version s_bOsVersionInitialized = true; memset(&s_OsVersionInfo, 0, sizeof(s_OsVersionInfo)); s_OsVersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(s_OsVersionInfo); GetVersionEx(&s_OsVersionInfo); if (s_OsVersionInfo.dwMajorVersion >= 5) { s_bSupportsUnicode = true; } else { s_bSupportsUnicode = false; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Destructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CWin32Font::~CWin32Font() { if ( m_hFont ) ::DeleteObject( m_hFont ); if ( m_hDC ) ::DeleteDC( m_hDC ); if ( m_hDIB ) ::DeleteObject( m_hDIB ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Font iteration callback function // used to determine whether or not a font exists on the system //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern bool g_bFontFound = false; int CALLBACK FontEnumProc( const LOGFONT *lpelfe, // logical-font data const TEXTMETRIC *lpntme, // physical-font data DWORD FontType, // type of font LPARAM lParam ) // application-defined data { g_bFontFound = true; return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: creates the font from windows. returns false if font does not exist in the OS. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CWin32Font::Create(const char *windowsFontName, int tall, int weight, int blur, int scanlines, int flags) { // setup font properties m_szName = windowsFontName; m_iTall = tall; m_iWeight = weight; m_iFlags = flags; m_bAntiAliased = (flags & vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_ANTIALIAS) ? 1 : 0; m_bUnderlined = flags & vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_UNDERLINE; m_iDropShadowOffset = (flags & vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_DROPSHADOW) ? 1 : 0; m_iOutlineSize = (flags & vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_OUTLINE) ? 1 : 0; m_iBlur = blur; m_iScanLines = scanlines; m_bRotary = (flags & vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_ROTARY) ? 1 : 0; m_bAdditive = (flags & vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_ADDITIVE) ? 1 : 0; int charset = (flags & vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_SYMBOL) ? SYMBOL_CHARSET : ANSI_CHARSET; // hack for japanese win98 support if ( !stricmp( windowsFontName, "win98japanese" ) ) { // use any font that contains the japanese charset charset = SHIFTJIS_CHARSET; m_szName = "Tahoma"; } // create our windows device context m_hDC = ::CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); Assert( m_hDC ); // see if the font exists on the system LOGFONT logfont; logfont.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET; logfont.lfPitchAndFamily = 0; strcpy(logfont.lfFaceName, m_szName.String()); g_bFontFound = false; ::EnumFontFamiliesEx(m_hDC, &logfont, &FontEnumProc, 0, 0); if (!g_bFontFound) { // needs to go to a fallback m_szName = UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL; return false; } m_hFont = ::CreateFontA(tall, 0, 0, 0, m_iWeight, flags & vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_ITALIC, flags & vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_UNDERLINE, flags & vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_STRIKEOUT, charset, OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, m_bAntiAliased ? ANTIALIASED_QUALITY : NONANTIALIASED_QUALITY, DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE, windowsFontName); if (!m_hFont) { Error("Couldn't create windows font '%s'\n", windowsFontName); m_szName = UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL; return false; } // set as the active font ::SetMapMode(m_hDC, MM_TEXT); ::SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hFont); ::SetTextAlign(m_hDC, TA_LEFT | TA_TOP | TA_UPDATECP); // get info about the font ::TEXTMETRIC tm; memset( &tm, 0, sizeof( tm ) ); if ( !GetTextMetrics(m_hDC, &tm) ) { m_szName = UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL; return false; } m_iHeight = tm.tmHeight + m_iDropShadowOffset + 2 * m_iOutlineSize; m_iMaxCharWidth = tm.tmMaxCharWidth; m_iAscent = tm.tmAscent; // code for rendering to a bitmap m_rgiBitmapSize[0] = tm.tmMaxCharWidth + m_iOutlineSize * 2; m_rgiBitmapSize[1] = tm.tmHeight + m_iDropShadowOffset + m_iOutlineSize * 2; ::BITMAPINFOHEADER header; memset(&header, 0, sizeof(header)); header.biSize = sizeof(header); header.biWidth = m_rgiBitmapSize[0]; header.biHeight = -m_rgiBitmapSize[1]; header.biPlanes = 1; header.biBitCount = 32; header.biCompression = BI_RGB; m_hDIB = ::CreateDIBSection(m_hDC, (BITMAPINFO*)&header, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void**)(&m_pBuf), NULL, 0); ::SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hDIB); #if defined( _X360 ) // get char spacing // a is space before character (can be negative) // b is the width of the character // c is the space after the character memset(m_ABCWidthsCache, 0, sizeof(m_ABCWidthsCache)); ABC abc[ABCWIDTHS_CACHE_SIZE]; Assert(ABCWIDTHS_CACHE_SIZE <= 256); if (::GetCharABCWidthsW(m_hDC, 0, ABCWIDTHS_CACHE_SIZE - 1, &abc[0]) || ::GetCharABCWidthsA(m_hDC, 0, ABCWIDTHS_CACHE_SIZE - 1, &abc[0])) { // copy out into our formated structure for (int i = 0; i < ABCWIDTHS_CACHE_SIZE; i++) { m_ABCWidthsCache[i].a = abc[i].abcA - m_iBlur - m_iOutlineSize; m_ABCWidthsCache[i].b = abc[i].abcB + ((m_iBlur + m_iOutlineSize) * 2) + m_iDropShadowOffset; m_ABCWidthsCache[i].c = abc[i].abcC - m_iBlur - m_iDropShadowOffset - m_iOutlineSize; } } else { Warning("GetCharABCWidths() failed for windows font '%s'\n", windowsFontName); // since that failed, it must be fixed width, zero everything so a and c will be zeros, then // fill b with the value from TEXTMETRIC for (int i = 0; i < ABCWIDTHS_CACHE_SIZE; i++) { // fallback to old method, no underhangs/overhangs (a/c) SIZE size; char mbcs[6] = { 0 }; wchar_t wch = (wchar_t)i; ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, &wch, 1, mbcs, sizeof(mbcs), NULL, NULL); if (::GetTextExtentPoint32(m_hDC, mbcs, strlen(mbcs), &size)) { m_ABCWidthsCache[i].b = size.cx; } else { // failed to get width, just use the average width m_ABCWidthsCache[i].b = (char)tm.tmAveCharWidth; } } } #endif return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: writes the char into the specified 32bpp texture //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CWin32Font::GetCharRGBA(wchar_t ch, int rgbaWide, int rgbaTall, unsigned char *rgba) { int a, b, c; GetCharABCWidths(ch, a, b, c); // set us up to render into our dib ::SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hFont); int wide = b; if ( m_bUnderlined ) { wide += ( a + c ); } int tall = m_iHeight; GLYPHMETRICS glyphMetrics; MAT2 mat2 = { { 0, 1}, { 0, 0}, { 0, 0}, { 0, 1}}; int bytesNeeded = 0; bool bShouldAntialias = m_bAntiAliased; // filter out if ( ch > 0x00FF && !(m_iFlags & vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_CUSTOM) ) { bShouldAntialias = false; } if ( !s_bSupportsUnicode ) { // win98 hack, don't antialias some characters that ::GetGlyphOutline() produces bad results for if (ch == 'I' || ch == '1') { bShouldAntialias = false; } // don't antialias big fonts at all (since win98 often produces bad results) if (m_iHeight >= 13) { bShouldAntialias = false; } } // only antialias latin characters, since it essentially always fails for asian characters if (bShouldAntialias) { // try and get the glyph directly ::SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hFont); bytesNeeded = ::GetGlyphOutline(m_hDC, ch, GGO_GRAY8_BITMAP, &glyphMetrics, 0, NULL, &mat2); } if (bytesNeeded > 0) { // take it unsigned char *lpbuf = (unsigned char *)_alloca(bytesNeeded); ::GetGlyphOutline(m_hDC, ch, GGO_GRAY8_BITMAP, &glyphMetrics, bytesNeeded, lpbuf, &mat2); // rows are on DWORD boundaries wide = glyphMetrics.gmBlackBoxX; while (wide % 4 != 0) { wide++; } // see where we should start rendering int pushDown = m_iAscent - glyphMetrics.gmptGlyphOrigin.y; // set where we start copying from int xstart = 0; // don't copy the first set of pixels if the antialiased bmp is bigger than the char width if ((int)glyphMetrics.gmBlackBoxX >= b + 2) { xstart = (glyphMetrics.gmBlackBoxX - b) / 2; } // iterate through copying the generated dib into the texture for (unsigned int j = 0; j < glyphMetrics.gmBlackBoxY; j++) { for (unsigned int i = xstart; i < glyphMetrics.gmBlackBoxX; i++) { int x = i - xstart + m_iBlur + m_iOutlineSize; int y = j + pushDown; if ((x < rgbaWide) && (y < rgbaTall)) { unsigned char grayscale = lpbuf[(j*wide+i)]; float r, g, b, a; if (grayscale) { r = g = b = 1.0f; a = (grayscale + 0) / 64.0f; if (a > 1.0f) a = 1.0f; } else { r = g = b = a = 0.0f; } // Don't want anything drawn for tab characters. if (ch == '\t') { r = g = b = 0; } unsigned char *dst = &rgba[(y*rgbaWide+x)*4]; dst[0] = (unsigned char)(r * 255.0f); dst[1] = (unsigned char)(g * 255.0f); dst[2] = (unsigned char)(b * 255.0f); dst[3] = (unsigned char)(a * 255.0f); } } } } else { // use render-to-bitmap to get our font texture ::SetBkColor(m_hDC, RGB(0, 0, 0)); ::SetTextColor(m_hDC, RGB(255, 255, 255)); ::SetBkMode(m_hDC, OPAQUE); if ( m_bUnderlined ) { ::MoveToEx(m_hDC, 0, 0, NULL); } else { ::MoveToEx(m_hDC, -a, 0, NULL); } // render the character wchar_t wch = (wchar_t)ch; if (s_bSupportsUnicode) { // clear the background first RECT rect = { 0, 0, wide, tall}; ::ExtTextOutW( m_hDC, 0, 0, ETO_OPAQUE, &rect, NULL, 0, NULL ); // just use the unicode renderer ::ExtTextOutW( m_hDC, 0, 0, 0, NULL, &wch, 1, NULL ); } else { // clear the background first (it may not get done automatically in win98/ME RECT rect = { 0, 0, wide, tall}; ::ExtTextOut(m_hDC, 0, 0, ETO_OPAQUE, &rect, NULL, 0, NULL); // convert the character using the current codepage char mbcs[6] = { 0 }; ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, &wch, 1, mbcs, sizeof(mbcs), NULL, NULL); ::ExtTextOutA(m_hDC, 0, 0, 0, NULL, mbcs, strlen(mbcs), NULL); } ::SetBkMode(m_hDC, TRANSPARENT); if (wide > m_rgiBitmapSize[0]) { wide = m_rgiBitmapSize[0]; } if (tall > m_rgiBitmapSize[1]) { tall = m_rgiBitmapSize[1]; } // iterate through copying the generated dib into the texture for (int j = (int)m_iOutlineSize; j < tall - (int)m_iOutlineSize; j++ ) { // only copy from within the dib, ignore the outline border we are artificially adding for (int i = (int)m_iOutlineSize; i < wide - (int)m_iDropShadowOffset - (int)m_iOutlineSize; i++) { if ((i < rgbaWide) && (j < rgbaTall)) { unsigned char *src = &m_pBuf[(i + j*m_rgiBitmapSize[0])*4]; unsigned char *dst = &rgba[(i + j*rgbaWide)*4]; // Don't want anything drawn for tab characters. unsigned char r, g, b; if ( ch == '\t' ) { r = g = b = 0; } else { r = src[0]; g = src[1]; b = src[2]; } // generate alpha based on luminance conversion dst[0] = r; dst[1] = g; dst[2] = b; dst[3] = (unsigned char)((float)r * 0.34f + (float)g * 0.55f + (float)b * 0.11f); } } } // if we have a dropshadow, we need to clean off the bottom row of pixels // this is because of a bug in winME that writes noise to them, only on the first time the game is run after a reboot // the bottom row should guaranteed to be empty to fit the dropshadow if ( m_iDropShadowOffset ) { unsigned char *dst = &rgba[((m_iHeight - 1) * rgbaWide) * 4]; for (int i = 0; i < wide; i++) { dst[0] = 0; dst[1] = 0; dst[2] = 0; dst[3] = 0; dst += 4; } } } // apply requested effects in specified order ApplyDropShadowToTexture( rgbaWide, rgbaTall, rgba, m_iDropShadowOffset ); ApplyOutlineToTexture( rgbaWide, rgbaTall, rgba, m_iOutlineSize ); ApplyGaussianBlurToTexture( rgbaWide, rgbaTall, rgba, m_iBlur ); ApplyScanlineEffectToTexture( rgbaWide, rgbaTall, rgba, m_iScanLines ); ApplyRotaryEffectToTexture( rgbaWide, rgbaTall, rgba, m_bRotary ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: returns true if the font is equivalent to that specified //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CWin32Font::IsEqualTo(const char *windowsFontName, int tall, int weight, int blur, int scanlines, int flags) { if ( !stricmp(windowsFontName, m_szName.String() ) && m_iTall == tall && m_iWeight == weight && m_iBlur == blur && m_iFlags == flags) return true; return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: returns true only if this font is valid for use //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CWin32Font::IsValid() { if ( m_szName.IsValid() && m_szName.String()[0] ) return true; return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: set the font to be the one to currently draw with in the gdi //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CWin32Font::SetAsActiveFont(HDC hdc) { Assert( IsValid() ); ::SelectObject( hdc, m_hFont ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: gets the abc widths for a character //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CWin32Font::GetCharABCWidths(int ch, int &a, int &b, int &c) { Assert( IsValid() ); #if defined( _X360 ) if (ch < ABCWIDTHS_CACHE_SIZE) { // use the cache entry a = m_ABCWidthsCache[ch].a; b = m_ABCWidthsCache[ch].b; c = m_ABCWidthsCache[ch].c; } else #endif { // look for it in the cache abc_cache_t finder = { (wchar_t)ch }; unsigned short i = m_ExtendedABCWidthsCache.Find(finder); if (m_ExtendedABCWidthsCache.IsValidIndex(i)) { a = m_ExtendedABCWidthsCache[i].abc.a; b = m_ExtendedABCWidthsCache[i].abc.b; c = m_ExtendedABCWidthsCache[i].abc.c; return; } // not in the cache, get from windows (this call is a little slow) ABC abc; if (::GetCharABCWidthsW(m_hDC, ch, ch, &abc) || ::GetCharABCWidthsA(m_hDC, ch, ch, &abc)) { a = abc.abcA; b = abc.abcB; c = abc.abcC; } else { // wide character version failed, try the old api function SIZE size; char mbcs[6] = { 0 }; wchar_t wch = ch; ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, &wch, 1, mbcs, sizeof(mbcs), NULL, NULL); if (::GetTextExtentPoint32(m_hDC, mbcs, strlen(mbcs), &size)) { a = c = 0; b = size.cx; } else { // failed to get width, just use the max width a = c = 0; b = m_iMaxCharWidth; } } // add to the cache finder.abc.a = a - m_iBlur - m_iOutlineSize; finder.abc.b = b + ((m_iBlur + m_iOutlineSize) * 2) + m_iDropShadowOffset; finder.abc.c = c - m_iBlur - m_iDropShadowOffset - m_iOutlineSize; m_ExtendedABCWidthsCache.Insert(finder); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: returns the height of the font, in pixels //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CWin32Font::GetHeight() { Assert( IsValid() ); return m_iHeight; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: returns the requested height of the font //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CWin32Font::GetHeightRequested() { assert(IsValid()); return m_iTall; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: returns the ascent of the font, in pixels (ascent=units above the base line) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CWin32Font::GetAscent() { Assert( IsValid() ); return m_iAscent; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: returns the maximum width of a character, in pixels //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CWin32Font::GetMaxCharWidth() { Assert( IsValid() ); return m_iMaxCharWidth; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: returns the flags used to make this font, used by the dynamic resizing code //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CWin32Font::GetFlags() { return m_iFlags; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Comparison function for abc widths storage //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CWin32Font::ExtendedABCWidthsCacheLessFunc(const abc_cache_t &lhs, const abc_cache_t &rhs) { return lhs.wch < rhs.wch; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Get the kerned size of a char, for win32 just pass thru for now //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CWin32Font::GetKernedCharWidth( wchar_t ch, wchar_t chBefore, wchar_t chAfter, float &wide, float &abcA ) { int a,b,c; GetCharABCWidths(ch, a, b, c ); wide = ( a + b + c); abcA = a; }