     File:       ROMDefs.h
     Contains:   NuBus card ROM Definitions.
     Version:    Technology: System 7.5
                 Release:    QuickTime 7.3
     Copyright:  (c) 2007 (c) 1986-1998 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved
     Bugs?:      For bug reports, consult the following page on
                 the World Wide Web:
#ifndef __ROMDEFS__
#define __ROMDEFS__

#pragma once

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#pragma import on

    #pragma options align=mac68k
    #pragma pack(push, 2)
    #pragma pack(2)

enum {
  appleFormat                   = 1,    /*Format of Declaration Data (IEEE will assign real value)*/
  romRevision                   = 1,    /*Revision of Declaration Data Format*/
  romRevRange                   = 9,    /*Revision of Declaration Data Format [1..9]*/
  testPattern                   = 1519594439L, /*FHeader long word test pattern*/
  sCodeRev                      = 2,    /*Revision of code (For sExec)*/
  sExec2                        = 2,
  sCPU68000                     = 1,    /*CPU type = 68000*/
  sCPU68020                     = 2,    /*CPU type = 68020*/
  sCPU68030                     = 3,    /*CPU type = 68030*/
  sCPU68040                     = 4,    /*CPU type = 68040*/
  sMacOS68000                   = 1,    /*Mac OS, CPU type = 68000*/
  sMacOS68020                   = 2,    /*Mac OS, CPU type = 68020*/
  sMacOS68030                   = 3,    /*Mac OS, CPU type = 68030*/
  sMacOS68040                   = 4,    /*Mac OS, CPU type = 68040*/
  board                         = 0,    /*Board sResource - Required on all boards*/
  displayVideoAppleTFB          = 16843009L, /*Video with Apple parameters for TFB card.*/
  displayVideoAppleGM           = 16843010L, /*Video with Apple parameters for GM card.*/
  networkEtherNetApple3Com      = 33620225L, /*Ethernet with apple parameters for 3-Comm card.*/
  testSimpleAppleAny            = -2147417856L, /*A simple test sResource.*/
  endOfList                     = 255,  /*End of list*/
  defaultTO                     = 100   /*100 retries.*/

enum {
                                        /* sResource flags for sRsrc_Flags */
  fOpenAtStart                  = 1,    /* set => open the driver at start time, else do not */
  f32BitMode                    = 2     /* set => a 32-bit address will be put into dctlDevBase (IM Devices 2-54) */

enum {
  sRsrcType                     = 1,    /*Type of sResource*/
  sRsrcName                     = 2,    /*Name of sResource*/
  sRsrcIcon                     = 3,    /*Icon*/
  sRsrcDrvrDir                  = 4,    /*Driver directory*/
  sRsrcLoadDir                  = 5,    /*Load directory*/
  sRsrcBootRec                  = 6,    /*sBoot record*/
  sRsrcFlags                    = 7,    /*sResource Flags*/
  sRsrcHWDevId                  = 8,    /*Hardware Device Id*/
  minorBaseOS                   = 10,   /*Offset to base of sResource in minor space.*/
  minorLength                   = 11,   /*Length of sResource's address space in standard slot space.*/
  majorBaseOS                   = 12,   /*Offset to base of sResource in Major space.*/
  majorLength                   = 13,   /*Length of sResource in super slot space.*/
  sRsrcTest                     = 14,   /*sBlock diagnostic code*/
  sRsrccicn                     = 15,   /*Color icon*/
  sRsrcicl8                     = 16,   /*8-bit (indexed) icon*/
  sRsrcicl4                     = 17,   /*4-bit (indexed) icon*/
  sDRVRDir                      = 16,   /*sDriver directory*/
  sGammaDir                     = 64,   /*sGamma directory*/
  sRsrcVidNames                 = 65,   /*Video mode name directory*/
  sRsrcDock                     = 80,   /*spID for Docking Handlers*/
  sDiagRec                      = 85,   /*spID for board diagnostics*/
  sVidAuxParams                 = 123,  /*more video info for Display Manager -- timing information*/
  sDebugger                     = 124,  /*DatLstEntry for debuggers indicating video anamolies*/
  sVidAttributes                = 125,  /*video attributes data field (optional,word)*/
  fLCDScreen                    = 0,    /* bit 0 - when set is LCD, else is CRT*/
  fBuiltInDisplay               = 1,    /*      1 - when set is built-in (in the box) display, else not*/
  fDefaultColor                 = 2,    /*      2 - when set display prefers multi-bit color, else gray*/
  fActiveBlack                  = 3,    /*      3 - when set black on display must be written, else display is naturally black*/
  fDimMinAt1                    = 4,    /*      4 - when set should dim backlight to level 1 instead of 0*/
  fBuiltInDetach                = 4,    /*      4 - when set is built-in (in the box), but detaches*/
  sVidParmDir                   = 126,
  sBkltParmDir                  = 140,  /*directory of backlight tables*/
  stdBkltTblSize                = 36,   /*size of "standard" 0..31-entry backlight table*/
  sSuperDir                     = 254

/* =======================================================================  */
/* sResource types                                                          */
/* =======================================================================  */
enum {
  catBoard                      = 0x0001, /*Category for board types.*/
  catTest                       = 0x0002, /*Category for test types -- not used much.*/
  catDisplay                    = 0x0003, /*Category for display (video) cards.*/
  catNetwork                    = 0x0004, /*Category for Networking cards.*/
  catScanner                    = 0x0008, /*scanners bring in data somehow*/
  catCPU                        = 0x000A,
  catIntBus                     = 0x000C,
  catProto                      = 0x0011,
  catDock                       = 0x0020, /*<Type>*/
  typeBoard                     = 0x0000,
  typeApple                     = 0x0001,
  typeVideo                     = 0x0001,
  typeEtherNet                  = 0x0001,
  typeStation                   = 0x0001,
  typeDesk                      = 0x0002,
  typeTravel                    = 0x0003,
  typeDSP                       = 0x0004,
  typeXPT                       = 0x000B,
  typeSIM                       = 0x000C,
  typeDebugger                  = 0x0100,
  type68000                     = 0x0002,
  type68020                     = 0x0003,
  type68030                     = 0x0004,
  type68040                     = 0x0005,
  type601                       = 0x0025,
  type603                       = 0x002E,
  typeAppleII                   = 0x0015, /*Driver Interface : <id.SW>*/
  drSwMacCPU                    = 0,
  drSwAppleIIe                  = 0x0001,
  drSwApple                     = 1,    /*To ask for or define an Apple-compatible SW device.*/
  drSwMacsBug                   = 0x0104,
  drSwDepewEngineering          = 0x0101, /*Driver Interface : <id.SW><id.HW>*/
  drHwTFB                       = 1,    /*HW ID for the TFB (original Mac II) video card.*/
  drHw3Com                      = 1,    /*HW ID for the Apple EtherTalk card.*/
  drHwBSC                       = 3,
  drHwGemini                    = 1,
  drHwDeskBar                   = 1,
  drHwHooperDock                = 2,    /*Hooper's CatDock,TypeDesk,DrSwApple ID; registered with DTS.*/
  drHwATT3210                   = 0x0001,
  drHwBootBug                   = 0x0100,
  drHwMicroDock                 = 0x0100, /* video hardware id's  - <catDisplay><typVideo>*/
  drHwSTB3                      = 0x0002, /* Assigned by Kevin Mellander for STB-3 hardware. */
  drHwSTB                       = drHwSTB3, /* (Both STB-3 and STB-4 share the same video hardware.) */
  drHwRBV                       = 0x0018, /* IIci Aurora25/16 hw ID */
  drHwJMFB                      = 0x0019, /* 4o8/8o24 NuBus card */
  drHwElsie                     = 0x001A,
  drHwTim                       = 0x001B,
  drHwDAFB                      = 0x001C,
  drHwDolphin                   = 0x001D, /* 8o24GC NuBus card */
  drHwGSC                       = 0x001E, /* (Renamed from GSC drHWDBLite) */
  drHwDAFBPDS                   = 0x001F,
  drHWVSC                       = 0x0020,
  drHwApollo                    = 0x0021,
  drHwSonora                    = 0x0022,
  drHwReserved2                 = 0x0023,
  drHwColumbia                  = 0x0024,
  drHwCivic                     = 0x0025,
  drHwBrazil                    = 0x0026,
  drHWPBLCD                     = 0x0027,
  drHWCSC                       = 0x0028,
  drHwJET                       = 0x0029,
  drHWMEMCjr                    = 0x002A,
  drHwBoogie                    = 0x002B, /* 8o24AC nuBus video card (built by Radius) */
  drHwHPV                       = 0x002C, /* High performance Video (HPV) PDS card for original PowerMacs */
  drHwPlanaria                  = 0x002D, /*PowerMac 6100/7100/8100 PDS AV video*/
  drHwValkyrie                  = 0x002E,
  drHwKeystone                  = 0x002F,
  drHWATI                       = 0x0055,
  drHwGammaFormula              = 0x0056, /* Use for gType of display mgr gamma tables */
                                        /* other drHW id's for built-in functions*/
  drHwSonic                     = 0x0110,
  drHwMace                      = 0x0114,
  drHwDblExp                    = 0x0001, /* CPU board IDs - <catBoard> <typBoard> <0000> <0000>*/
  MIIBoardId                    = 0x0010, /*Mac II Board ID*/
  ciVidBoardID                  = 0x001F, /*Aurora25 board ID*/
  CX16VidBoardID                = 0x0020, /*Aurora16 board ID*/
  MIIxBoardId                   = 0x0021, /*Mac IIx Board ID*/
  SE30BoardID                   = 0x0022, /*Mac SE/30 Board ID*/
  MIIcxBoardId                  = 0x0023, /*Mac IIcx Board ID*/
  MIIfxBoardId                  = 0x0024, /*F19 board ID*/
  EricksonBoardID               = 0x0028,
  ElsieBoardID                  = 0x0029,
  TIMBoardID                    = 0x002A,
  EclipseBoardID                = 0x002B,
  SpikeBoardID                  = 0x0033,
  DBLiteBoardID                 = 0x0035,
  ZydecoBrdID                   = 0x0036,
  ApolloBoardID                 = 0x0038,
  PDMBrdID                      = 0x0039,
  VailBoardID                   = 0x003A,
  WombatBrdID                   = 0x003B,
  ColumbiaBrdID                 = 0x003C,
  CycloneBrdID                  = 0x003D,
  CompanionBrdID                = 0x003E,
  DartanianBoardID              = 0x0040,
  DartExtVidBoardID             = 0x0046,
  HookBoardID                   = 0x0047, /*Hook internal video board ID*/
  EscherBoardID                 = 0x004A, /*Board ID for Escher (CSC)*/
  POBoardID                     = 0x004D, /*Board ID for Primus/Optimus/Aladdin*/
  TempestBrdID                  = 0x0050, /*Non-official Board ID for Tempest*/
  BlackBirdBdID                 = 0x0058, /*Board ID for BlackBird*/
  BBExtVidBdID                  = 0x0059, /*Board ID for BlackBird built-in external video*/
  YeagerBoardID                 = 0x005A, /*Board ID for Yeager*/
  BBEtherNetBdID                = 0x005E, /*Board ID for BlackBird Ethernet board*/
  TELLBoardID                   = 0x0065, /*Board ID for TELL (Valkyrie)*/
  MalcolmBoardID                = 0x065E, /*Board ID for Malcolm*/
  AJBoardID                     = 0x065F, /*Board ID for AJ*/
  M2BoardID                     = 0x0660, /*Board ID for M2*/
  OmegaBoardID                  = 0x0661, /*Board ID for Omega*/
  TNTBoardID                    = 0x0670, /*Board ID for TNT/Alchemy/Hipclipper CPUs (did Nano just make this up?)*/
  HooperBoardID                 = 0x06CD, /*Board ID for Hooper*/
                                        /* other board IDs*/
  BoardIDDblExp                 = 0x002F,
  DAFBPDSBoardID                = 0x0037,
  MonetBoardID                  = 0x0048,
  SacSONIC16BoardID             = 0x004E,
  SacSONIC32BoardID             = 0x004F, /* CPU board types - <CatCPU> <Typ680x0> <DrSwMacCPU>*/
  drHWMacII                     = 0x0001, /*Mac II hw ID*/
  drHwMacIIx                    = 0x0002, /*Mac IIx hw ID*/
  drHWSE30                      = 0x0003, /*Mac SE/30 hw ID*/
  drHwMacIIcx                   = 0x0004, /*Mac IIcx hw ID*/
  drHWMacIIfx                   = 0x0005, /*Mac IIfx hw ID*/
  drHWF19                       = 0x0005, /*F19 hw ID*/
  sBlockTransferInfo            = 20,   /*general slot block xfer info*/
  sMaxLockedTransferCount       = 21,   /*slot max. locked xfer count*/
  boardId                       = 32,   /*Board Id*/
  pRAMInitData                  = 33,   /*sPRAM init data*/
  primaryInit                   = 34,   /*Primary init record*/
  timeOutConst                  = 35,   /*Time out constant*/
  vendorInfo                    = 36,   /*Vendor information List. See Vendor List, below*/
  boardFlags                    = 37,   /*Board Flags*/
  secondaryInit                 = 38,   /*Secondary init record/code*/
                                        /* The following Id's are associated with all CPU sResources.*/
  MajRAMSp                      = 129,  /*ID of Major RAM space.*/
  MinROMSp                      = 130,  /*ID of Minor ROM space.*/
  vendorId                      = 1,    /*Vendor Id*/
  serialNum                     = 2,    /*Serial number*/
  revLevel                      = 3,    /*Revision level*/
  partNum                       = 4,    /*Part number*/
  date                          = 5     /*Last revision date of the card*/

enum {
  testByte                      = 32,   /*Test byte.*/
  testWord                      = 33,   /*0021*/
  testLong                      = 34,   /*Test Long.*/
  testString                    = 35    /*Test String.*/

/* sResource List. Category: Display        Type: Video */
/* The following Id's are common to all Mode sResources in Display_Video */
/* functional sResources. */
enum {
  mBlockTransferInfo            = 5,    /* slot block xfer info PER MODE */
  mMaxLockedTransferCount       = 6     /* slot max. locked xfer count PER MODE */

    #pragma options align=reset
    #pragma pack(pop)
    #pragma pack()

#pragma import off
#pragma import reset

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* __ROMDEFS__ */