//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
//	Purpose: LZMA Glue. Designed for Tool time Encoding/Decoding.
//  LZMA Codec interface for engine. Based largely on LzmaUtil.c in SDK
//  LZMA SDK 9.38 beta
//  2015-01-03 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain
//  http://www.7-zip.org/

#ifndef LZMA_H
#define LZMA_H

#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once

//	These routines are designed for TOOL TIME encoding/decoding on the PC!
//	They have not been made to encode/decode on the PPC and lack big endian awarnesss.
//	Lightweight GAME TIME Decoding is part of tier1.lib, via CLZMA.

// Encoding glue. Returns non-null Compressed buffer if successful.
// Caller must free.
unsigned char *LZMA_Compress(
unsigned char	*pInput,
unsigned int	inputSize,
unsigned int	*pOutputSize );

// Above, but returns null if compression would not yield a size improvement
unsigned char *LZMA_OpportunisticCompress(
unsigned char	*pInput,
unsigned int	inputSize,
unsigned int	*pOutputSize );

// Decoding glue. Returns TRUE if succesful.
bool LZMA_Uncompress(
unsigned char	*pInput,
unsigned char	**ppOutput,
unsigned int	*pOutputSize );

// Decoding helper, returns TRUE if buffer is LZMA compressed.
bool LZMA_IsCompressed( unsigned char *pInput );

// Decoding helper, returns non-zero size of data when uncompressed, otherwise 0.
unsigned int LZMA_GetActualSize( unsigned char *pInput );
