//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // hltvclient.cpp: implementation of the CHLTVClient class. // // $NoKeywords: $ // //===========================================================================// #include <tier0/vprof.h> #include "hltvclient.h" #include "netmessages.h" #include "hltvserver.h" #include "framesnapshot.h" #include "networkstringtable.h" #include "dt_send_eng.h" #include "GameEventManager.h" #include "cmd.h" #include "ihltvdirector.h" #include "host.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" static ConVar tv_maxrate( "tv_maxrate", "8000", 0, "Max SourceTV spectator bandwidth rate allowed, 0 == unlimited" ); static ConVar tv_relaypassword( "tv_relaypassword", "", FCVAR_NOTIFY | FCVAR_PROTECTED | FCVAR_DONTRECORD, "SourceTV password for relay proxies" ); static ConVar tv_chattimelimit( "tv_chattimelimit", "8", 0, "Limits spectators to chat only every n seconds" ); static ConVar tv_chatgroupsize( "tv_chatgroupsize", "0", 0, "Set the default chat group size" ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CHLTVClient::CHLTVClient(int slot, CBaseServer *pServer) { Clear(); Assert( hltv == pServer ); m_nClientSlot = slot; m_Server = pServer; m_pHLTV = dynamic_cast<CHLTVServer*>(pServer); m_nEntityIndex = m_pHLTV->GetHLTVSlot() + 1; m_nLastSendTick = 0; m_fLastSendTime = 0.0f; m_flLastChatTime = 0.0f; m_bNoChat = false; if ( tv_chatgroupsize.GetInt() > 0 ) { Q_snprintf( m_szChatGroup, sizeof(m_szChatGroup), "group%d", slot%tv_chatgroupsize.GetInt() ); } else { Q_strncpy( m_szChatGroup, "all", sizeof(m_szChatGroup) ); } } CHLTVClient::~CHLTVClient() { } bool CHLTVClient::SendSignonData( void ) { // check class table CRCs if ( m_nSendtableCRC != SendTable_GetCRC() ) { Disconnect( "Server uses different class tables" ); return false; } else { // use your class infos, CRC is correct SVC_ClassInfo classmsg( true, m_Server->serverclasses ); m_NetChannel->SendNetMsg( classmsg ); } return CBaseClient::SendSignonData(); } bool CHLTVClient::ProcessClientInfo( CLC_ClientInfo *msg ) { if ( !CBaseClient::ProcessClientInfo( msg ) ) return false; return true; } bool CHLTVClient::ProcessMove(CLC_Move *msg) { // HLTV clients can't move return true; } bool CHLTVClient::ProcessListenEvents( CLC_ListenEvents *msg ) { // HLTV clients can't subscribe to events, we just send them return true; } bool CHLTVClient::ProcessRespondCvarValue( CLC_RespondCvarValue *msg ) { return true; } bool CHLTVClient::ProcessFileCRCCheck( CLC_FileCRCCheck *msg ) { return true; } bool CHLTVClient::ProcessSaveReplay( CLC_SaveReplay *msg ) { return true; } bool CHLTVClient::ProcessVoiceData(CLC_VoiceData *msg) { // HLTV clients can't speak return true; } void CHLTVClient::ConnectionClosing(const char *reason) { Disconnect ( (reason!=NULL)?reason:"Connection closing" ); } void CHLTVClient::ConnectionCrashed(const char *reason) { DebuggerBreakIfDebugging_StagingOnly(); Disconnect ( (reason!=NULL)?reason:"Connection lost" ); } void CHLTVClient::PacketStart(int incoming_sequence, int outgoing_acknowledged) { // During connection, only respond if client sends a packet m_bReceivedPacket = true; } void CHLTVClient::PacketEnd() { } void CHLTVClient::FileRequested(const char *fileName, unsigned int transferID ) { DevMsg( "CHLTVClient::FileRequested: %s.\n", fileName ); m_NetChannel->DenyFile( fileName, transferID ); } void CHLTVClient::FileDenied(const char *fileName, unsigned int transferID ) { DevMsg( "CHLTVClient::FileDenied: %s.\n", fileName ); } void CHLTVClient::FileReceived( const char *fileName, unsigned int transferID ) { DevMsg( "CHLTVClient::FileReceived: %s.\n", fileName ); } void CHLTVClient::FileSent(const char *fileName, unsigned int transferID ) { } CClientFrame *CHLTVClient::GetDeltaFrame( int nTick ) { return m_pHLTV->GetDeltaFrame( nTick ); } bool CHLTVClient::ExecuteStringCommand( const char *pCommandString ) { // first let the baseclass handle it if ( CBaseClient::ExecuteStringCommand( pCommandString ) ) return true; if ( !pCommandString || !pCommandString[0] ) return true; CCommand args; if ( !args.Tokenize( pCommandString ) ) return true; const char *cmd = args[ 0 ]; if ( !Q_stricmp( cmd, "spec_next" ) || !Q_stricmp( cmd, "spec_prev" ) || !Q_stricmp( cmd, "spec_mode" ) ) { ClientPrintf("Camera settings can't be changed during a live broadcast.\n"); return true; } if ( !Q_stricmp( cmd, "say" ) && args.ArgC() > 1 ) { // if tv_chattimelimit = 0, chat is turned off if ( tv_chattimelimit.GetFloat() <= 0 ) return true; if ( (m_flLastChatTime + tv_chattimelimit.GetFloat()) > net_time ) return true; m_flLastChatTime = net_time; char chattext[128]; Q_snprintf( chattext, sizeof(chattext), "%s : %s", GetClientName(), args[1] ); m_pHLTV->BroadcastLocalChat( chattext, m_szChatGroup ); return true; } else if ( !Q_strcmp( cmd, "tv_chatgroup" ) ) { if ( args.ArgC() > 1 ) { Q_strncpy( m_szChatGroup, args[1], sizeof(m_szChatGroup) ); } else { ClientPrintf("Your current chat group is \"%s\"\n", m_szChatGroup ); } return true; } else if ( !Q_strcmp( cmd, "status" ) ) { int slots, proxies, clients; char gd[MAX_OSPATH]; Q_FileBase( com_gamedir, gd, sizeof( gd ) ); if ( m_pHLTV->IsMasterProxy() ) { ClientPrintf("SourceTV Master \"%s\", delay %.0f\n", m_pHLTV->GetName(), m_pHLTV->GetDirector()->GetDelay() ); } else // if ( m_Server->IsRelayProxy() ) { if ( m_pHLTV->GetRelayAddress() ) { ClientPrintf("SourceTV Relay \"%s\", connected.\n", m_pHLTV->GetName() ); } else { ClientPrintf("SourceTV Relay \"%s\", not connect.\n", m_pHLTV->GetName() ); } } ClientPrintf("IP %s:%i, Online %s, Version %i (%s)\n", net_local_adr.ToString( true ), m_pHLTV->GetUDPPort(), COM_FormatSeconds( m_pHLTV->GetOnlineTime() ), build_number(), #ifdef _WIN32 "Win32" ); #else "Linux" ); #endif ClientPrintf("Game Time %s, Mod \"%s\", Map \"%s\", Players %i\n", COM_FormatSeconds( m_pHLTV->GetTime() ), gd, m_pHLTV->GetMapName(), m_pHLTV->GetNumPlayers() ); m_pHLTV->GetLocalStats( proxies, slots, clients ); ClientPrintf("Local Slots %i, Spectators %i, Proxies %i\n", slots, clients-proxies, proxies ); m_pHLTV->GetGlobalStats( proxies, slots, clients); ClientPrintf("Total Slots %i, Spectators %i, Proxies %i\n", slots, clients-proxies, proxies); } else { DevMsg( "CHLTVClient::ExecuteStringCommand: Unknown command %s.\n", pCommandString ); } return true; } bool CHLTVClient::ShouldSendMessages( void ) { if ( !IsActive() ) { // during signon behave like normal client return CBaseClient::ShouldSendMessages(); } // HLTV clients use snapshot rate used by HLTV server, not given by HLTV client // if the reliable message overflowed, drop the client if ( m_NetChannel->IsOverflowed() ) { m_NetChannel->Reset(); Disconnect ("%s overflowed reliable buffer\n", m_Name ); return false; } // send a packet if server has a new tick we didn't already send bool bSendMessage = ( m_nLastSendTick != m_Server->m_nTickCount ); // send a packet at least every 2 seconds if ( !bSendMessage && (m_fLastSendTime + 2.0f) < net_time ) { bSendMessage = true; // force sending a message even if server didn't update } if ( bSendMessage && !m_NetChannel->CanPacket() ) { // we would like to send a message, but bandwidth isn't available yet // in HLTV we don't send choke information, doesn't matter bSendMessage = false; } return bSendMessage; } void CHLTVClient::SpawnPlayer( void ) { // set view entity SVC_SetView setView( m_pHLTV->m_nViewEntity ); SendNetMsg( setView ); m_pHLTV->BroadcastLocalTitle( this ); m_flLastChatTime = net_time; CBaseClient::SpawnPlayer(); } void CHLTVClient::SetRate(int nRate, bool bForce ) { if ( !bForce ) { if ( m_bIsHLTV ) { // allow higher bandwidth rates for HLTV proxies nRate = clamp( nRate, MIN_RATE, MAX_RATE ); } else if ( tv_maxrate.GetInt() > 0 ) { // restrict rate for normal clients to hltv_maxrate nRate = clamp( nRate, MIN_RATE, tv_maxrate.GetInt() ); } } CBaseClient::SetRate( nRate, bForce ); } void CHLTVClient::SetUpdateRate(int udpaterate, bool bForce) { // for HLTV clients ignore update rate settings, speed is tv_snapshotrate m_fSnapshotInterval = 1.0f / 100.0f; } bool CHLTVClient::ProcessSetConVar(NET_SetConVar *msg) { if ( !CBaseClient::ProcessSetConVar( msg ) ) return false; // if this is the first time we get user settings, check password etc if ( m_nSignonState == SIGNONSTATE_CONNECTED ) { const char *checkpwd = NULL; m_bIsHLTV = m_ConVars->GetInt( "tv_relay", 0 ) != 0; if ( m_bIsHLTV ) { // if the connecting client is a TV relay, check the password checkpwd = tv_relaypassword.GetString(); if ( checkpwd && checkpwd[0] && Q_stricmp( checkpwd, "none") ) { if ( Q_stricmp( m_szPassword, checkpwd ) ) { Disconnect("Bad relay password"); return false; } } } else { // if client is a normal spectator, check if we can to forward him to other relays if ( m_pHLTV->DispatchToRelay( this ) ) { return false; } // if client stays here, check the normal password checkpwd = m_pHLTV->GetPassword(); if ( checkpwd ) { if ( Q_stricmp( m_szPassword, checkpwd ) ) { Disconnect("Bad spectator password"); return false; } } // check if server is LAN only if ( !m_pHLTV->CheckIPRestrictions( m_NetChannel->GetRemoteAddress(), PROTOCOL_HASHEDCDKEY ) ) { Disconnect( "SourceTV server is restricted to local spectators (class C).\n" ); return false; } } } return true; } void CHLTVClient::UpdateUserSettings() { // set voice loopback m_bNoChat = m_ConVars->GetInt( "tv_nochat", 0 ) != 0; CBaseClient::UpdateUserSettings(); } void CHLTVClient::SendSnapshot( CClientFrame * pFrame ) { VPROF_BUDGET( "CHLTVClient::SendSnapshot", "HLTV" ); ALIGN4 byte buf[NET_MAX_PAYLOAD] ALIGN4_POST; bf_write msg( "CHLTVClient::SendSnapshot", buf, sizeof(buf) ); // if we send a full snapshot (no delta-compression) before, wait until client // received and acknowledge that update. don't spam client with full updates if ( m_pLastSnapshot == pFrame->GetSnapshot() ) { // never send the same snapshot twice m_NetChannel->Transmit(); return; } if ( m_nForceWaitForTick > 0 ) { // just continue transmitting reliable data Assert( !m_bFakePlayer ); // Should never happen m_NetChannel->Transmit(); return; } CClientFrame *pDeltaFrame = GetDeltaFrame( m_nDeltaTick ); // NULL if delta_tick is not found CHLTVFrame *pLastFrame = (CHLTVFrame*) GetDeltaFrame( m_nLastSendTick ); if ( pLastFrame ) { // start first frame after last send pLastFrame = (CHLTVFrame*) pLastFrame->m_pNext; } // add all reliable messages between ]lastframe,currentframe] // add all tempent & sound messages between ]lastframe,currentframe] while ( pLastFrame && pLastFrame->tick_count <= pFrame->tick_count ) { m_NetChannel->SendData( pLastFrame->m_Messages[HLTV_BUFFER_RELIABLE], true ); if ( pDeltaFrame ) { // if we send entities delta compressed, also send unreliable data m_NetChannel->SendData( pLastFrame->m_Messages[HLTV_BUFFER_UNRELIABLE], false ); } pLastFrame = (CHLTVFrame*) pLastFrame->m_pNext; } // now create client snapshot packet // send tick time NET_Tick tickmsg( pFrame->tick_count, host_frametime_unbounded, host_frametime_stddeviation ); tickmsg.WriteToBuffer( msg ); // Update shared client/server string tables. Must be done before sending entities m_Server->m_StringTables->WriteUpdateMessage( NULL, GetMaxAckTickCount(), msg ); // TODO delta cache whole snapshots, not just packet entities. then use net_Align // send entity update, delta compressed if deltaFrame != NULL m_Server->WriteDeltaEntities( this, pFrame, pDeltaFrame, msg ); // write message to packet and check for overflow if ( msg.IsOverflowed() ) { if ( !pDeltaFrame ) { // if this is a reliable snapshot, drop the client Disconnect( "ERROR! Reliable snapshot overflow." ); return; } else { // unreliable snapshots may be dropped ConMsg ("WARNING: msg overflowed for %s\n", m_Name); msg.Reset(); } } // remember this snapshot m_pLastSnapshot = pFrame->GetSnapshot(); m_nLastSendTick = pFrame->tick_count; // Don't send the datagram to fakeplayers if ( m_bFakePlayer ) { m_nDeltaTick = pFrame->tick_count; return; } bool bSendOK; // is this is a full entity update (no delta) ? if ( !pDeltaFrame ) { // transmit snapshot as reliable data chunk bSendOK = m_NetChannel->SendData( msg ); bSendOK = bSendOK && m_NetChannel->Transmit(); // remember this tickcount we send the reliable snapshot // so we can continue sending other updates if this has been acknowledged m_nForceWaitForTick = pFrame->tick_count; } else { // just send it as unreliable snapshot bSendOK = m_NetChannel->SendDatagram( &msg ) > 0; } if ( !bSendOK ) { Disconnect( "ERROR! Couldn't send snapshot." ); } }