//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 
// $NoKeywords: $

#pragma once

#include "resource.h"
#include "AutoSelCombo.h"
#include "texturewindow.h"

class CTextureBrowser : public CDialog

	CTextureBrowser(CWnd *pParent);

	enum { IDD = IDD_TEXTURES };

	void SetInitialTexture(LPCTSTR);
	inline CString GetCurTexture(void);
	void WriteSettings();
	void SetUsed(BOOL);
	void SaveAndExit();
	void SetFilter(const char *pszFilter);
	void SetTextureFormat(TEXTUREFORMAT eTextureFormat);

	CTextureWindow m_cTextureWindow; // dvs: make protected


	afx_msg void OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy);
	afx_msg void OnSelendokTexturesize();
	virtual BOOL OnInitDialog();
	afx_msg void OnClose();
	afx_msg void OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent);
	afx_msg void OnUsed();
	afx_msg void OnReplace();
	afx_msg void OnMark();
	afx_msg void OnFilterOpaque();
	afx_msg void OnFilterTranslucent();
	afx_msg void OnFilterSelfIllum();
	afx_msg void OnFilterEnvmask();
	afx_msg void OnShowErrors();
	afx_msg void OnOpenSource();
	afx_msg void OnReload();
	afx_msg void OnChangeFilterOrKeywords(void);
	afx_msg void OnUpdateFiltersNOW();
	afx_msg void OnUpdateKeywordsNOW(void);
	afx_msg LRESULT OnTextureWindowDblClk(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
	afx_msg LRESULT OnTexturewindowSelchange(WPARAM, LPARAM);


	afx_msg void OnCancel();

	static CStringArray m_FilterHistory;
	static int m_nFilterHistory;
	static char m_szLastKeywords[MAX_PATH];	// The text in the keywords combo when the user last exited the browser.

	CComboBox m_cSizeList;
	CStatic m_cCurName;
	CStatic m_cCurDescription;
	CButton m_cUsed;
	char szInitialTexture[128];
	char m_szNameFilter[128];				// Overrides the name filter history for a single browser session.
	DWORD m_uLastFilterChange;
	BOOL m_bFilterChanged;
	BOOL m_bUsed;
	CAutoSelComboBox m_cFilter;
	CAutoSelComboBox m_cKeywords;
	CButton m_FilterOpaque;
	CButton m_FilterTranslucent;
	CButton m_FilterSelfIllum;
	CButton m_FilterEnvMask;
	CButton m_ShowErrors;

	TextureWindowTexList m_TextureSubList;	// Holds a specific sublist of textures to browse.

// Purpose: Returns the name of the currently selected texture.
CString CTextureBrowser::GetCurTexture(void)