//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // //============================================================================= #ifndef HUD_CONTROLPOINTICONS_H #define HUD_CONTROLPOINTICONS_H #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma once #endif #include "cbase.h" #include "hudelement.h" #include <vgui_controls/Panel.h> #include <vgui_controls/Label.h> #include <vgui_controls/ImagePanel.h> #include "vgui_controls/EditablePanel.h" #include "vgui_controls/AnimationController.h" #include "vgui_controls/CircularProgressBar.h" #include <vgui/ISurface.h> #include "tf_controls.h" #include "IconPanel.h" #define PULSE_TIME_PER_ICON 1.5f #define PULSE_RAMP_TIME 0.5 #define PULSE_REMAP_SIZE 6.0 #define FAKE_CAPTURE_TIME 5.0 #define FAKE_CAPTURE_POST_PAUSE 2.0 extern ConVar mp_capstyle; extern ConVar mp_blockstyle; #define STARTCAPANIM_SWOOP_LENGTH 0.4 #define STARTCAPANIM_ICON_SWITCH 0.15 #define FINISHCAPANIM_SWOOP_LENGTH 0.2 #define CAP_BOX_INDENT_X XRES(2) #define CAP_BOX_INDENT_Y YRES(2) #define CP_TEXTURE_COUNT 8 class CControlPointIcon; // Options for how the cap progress teardrop positions itself around the cap point icon enum { CP_DIR_N, CP_DIR_NW, CP_DIR_NE, }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CControlPointCountdown : public vgui::EditablePanel { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CControlPointCountdown, vgui::EditablePanel ); public: CControlPointCountdown(Panel *parent, const char *name); virtual void ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *scheme ); virtual void PerformLayout(); virtual void OnTick( void ); void SetUnlockTime( float flTime ); float GetUnlockTime( void ){ return m_flUnlockTime; } private: bool m_bFire5SecRemain; bool m_bFire4SecRemain; bool m_bFire3SecRemain; bool m_bFire2SecRemain; bool m_bFire1SecRemain; bool m_bFire0SecRemain; int m_flUnlockTime; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CControlPointProgressBar : public vgui::EditablePanel { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CControlPointProgressBar, vgui::EditablePanel ); public: CControlPointProgressBar(Panel *parent); virtual void ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *pScheme ); virtual void PerformLayout( void ); virtual void Paint( void ); virtual bool IsVisible( void ); virtual void Reset( void ); void SetupForPoint( CControlPointIcon *pIcon ); void UpdateBarText( void ); private: CControlPointIcon *m_pAttachedToIcon; vgui::CircularProgressBar *m_pBar; vgui::Label *m_pBarText; CIconPanel *m_pTeardrop; CIconPanel *m_pTeardropSide; CIconPanel *m_pBlocked; int m_iOrgHeight; int m_iMidGroupIndex; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CControlPointIconSwoop : public vgui::ImagePanel, public CGameEventListener { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CControlPointIconSwoop, vgui::ImagePanel ); public: CControlPointIconSwoop(Panel *parent, const char *name) : vgui::ImagePanel( parent, name ) { SetImage( "../sprites/obj_icons/capture_highlight" ); SetShouldScaleImage( true ); ListenForGameEvent( "localplayer_changeteam" ); } virtual void PaintBackground( void ) { float flElapsedTime = (gpGlobals->curtime - m_flStartCapAnimStart); if (GetImage()) { surface()->DrawSetColor(255, 255, 255, 255); int iYPos = RemapValClamped( flElapsedTime, 0, STARTCAPANIM_SWOOP_LENGTH, 0, GetTall() ); GetImage()->SetPos( 0, iYPos ); GetImage()->Paint(); } // Once we've finished the swoop, go away if ( flElapsedTime >= STARTCAPANIM_SWOOP_LENGTH ) { SetVisible( false ); } } virtual bool IsVisible( void ) { if ( IsInFreezeCam() == true ) return false; return BaseClass::IsVisible(); } void StartSwoop( void ) { m_flStartCapAnimStart = gpGlobals->curtime; } void FireGameEvent( IGameEvent * event ) { if ( FStrEq( "localplayer_changeteam", event->GetName() ) ) { SetVisible( false ); } } private: float m_flStartCapAnimStart; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CControlPointIconCapArrow : public vgui::Panel { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CControlPointIconCapArrow, vgui::Panel ); public: CControlPointIconCapArrow( CControlPointIcon *pIcon, Panel *parent, const char *name); virtual void Paint( void ); virtual bool IsVisible( void ); void SetImage( const char *pszImage ) { m_pArrowMaterial = materials->FindMaterial( pszImage, TEXTURE_GROUP_VGUI ); } private: IMaterial *m_pArrowMaterial; CControlPointIcon *m_pAttachedToIcon; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CControlPointIconCapturePulse : public vgui::ImagePanel { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CControlPointIconCapturePulse, vgui::ImagePanel ); public: CControlPointIconCapturePulse(Panel *parent, const char *name) : vgui::ImagePanel( parent, name ) { SetImage( "../sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_white" ); SetShouldScaleImage( true ); } virtual void PaintBackground( void ) { if ( m_flFinishCapAnimStart && gpGlobals->curtime > m_flFinishCapAnimStart ) { float flElapsedTime = MAX( 0, (gpGlobals->curtime - m_flFinishCapAnimStart) ); if (GetImage()) { surface()->DrawSetColor(255, 255, 255, 255); int iSize = RemapValClamped( flElapsedTime, 0, FINISHCAPANIM_SWOOP_LENGTH, GetWide(), m_iShrinkSize ); GetImage()->SetPos( (GetWide() - iSize)*0.5, (GetTall() - iSize)*0.5 ); GetImage()->SetSize( iSize, iSize ); GetImage()->Paint(); } // Once we've finished the swoop, go away if ( flElapsedTime >= FINISHCAPANIM_SWOOP_LENGTH ) { SetVisible( false ); } } } void StartPulse( float flTime, int iShrinkSize ) { m_flFinishCapAnimStart = flTime; m_iShrinkSize = iShrinkSize; if ( GetWide() < m_iShrinkSize ) { SetWide( m_iShrinkSize ); } } virtual bool IsVisible( void ) { if ( IsInFreezeCam() == true ) return false; return BaseClass::IsVisible(); } private: float m_flFinishCapAnimStart; int m_iShrinkSize; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: The base image in the cap point icons that pulses. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CControlPointIconPulseable : public vgui::ImagePanel { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CControlPointIconPulseable, vgui::ImagePanel ); public: CControlPointIconPulseable(Panel *parent, const char *name, int iIndex) : vgui::ImagePanel( parent, name ) { SetShouldScaleImage( true ); m_pPulseImage = NULL; m_iCPIndex = iIndex; } virtual void ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *pScheme ); virtual void OnSizeChanged(int newWide, int newTall); virtual void PaintBackground( void ); void StartPulsing( float flDelay, float flPulseTime, bool bAccelerate ); void StopPulsing( void ); virtual bool IsVisible( void ) { if ( IsInFreezeCam() == true ) return false; return BaseClass::IsVisible(); } private: int m_iCPIndex; float m_flStartCapAnimStart; float m_flPulseTime; bool m_bAccelerateOverCapture; IImage *m_pPulseImage; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: A single icon that shows the state of one control point //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CControlPointIcon : public vgui::EditablePanel, public CHudElement { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CControlPointIcon, vgui::EditablePanel ); public: CControlPointIcon( Panel *parent, const char *pName, int iIndex ); ~CControlPointIcon( void ); virtual void ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *scheme ); virtual void PerformLayout( void ); void UpdateImage( void ); void UpdateCapImage( void ); bool IsPointLocked( void ); int GetCapIndex( void ) { return m_iCPIndex; } void SetSwipeUp( bool bUp ) { m_bSwipeUp = bUp; } bool ShouldSwipeUp( void ) { return m_bSwipeUp; } int GetCapProgressDir( void ) { return m_iCapProgressDir; } void SetCapProgressDir( int iDir ) { m_iCapProgressDir = iDir; } void FakePulse( float flTime ); bool IsVisible( void ); virtual void Paint( void ); bool IsPointUnlockCountdownRunning( void ); virtual void FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event ); void SetUnlockTime( float flTime ) { if ( m_pCountdown ) { m_pCountdown->SetUnlockTime( flTime ); } } void SetTimerTime( float flTime ); // used to display CCPTimerLogic countdowns private: virtual void OnTick(); private: int m_iCPIndex; vgui::ImagePanel *m_pOverlayImage; CControlPointIconPulseable *m_pBaseImage; CControlPointIconCapArrow *m_pCapImage; DHANDLE< CControlPointIconSwoop > m_pCapHighlightImage; DHANDLE< CControlPointIconCapturePulse > m_pCapPulseImage; vgui::ImagePanel *m_pCapPlayerImage; vgui::Label *m_pCapNumPlayers; bool m_bSwipeUp; float m_flStartCapAnimStart; int m_iCapProgressDir; int m_iPrevCappers; bool m_bCachedLockedState; bool m_bCachedCountdownState; CControlPointCountdown *m_pCountdown; DHANDLE< CExLabel > m_pCPTimerLabel; // used to display CCPTimerLogic countdowns DHANDLE< vgui::ImagePanel > m_pCPTimerBG; // used to display CCPTimerLogic countdowns float m_flCPTimerTime; bool m_bRedText; Color m_cRegularColor; Color m_cHighlightColor; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CHudControlPointIcons : public CHudElement, public vgui::Panel { public: DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CHudControlPointIcons, vgui::Panel ); CHudControlPointIcons( const char *pName ); virtual ~CHudControlPointIcons( void ); virtual void ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *scheme ); virtual void PerformLayout( void ); virtual void Paint(); virtual void Init(); virtual void Reset(); virtual bool IsVisible( void ); virtual void LevelShutdown( void ); virtual bool ShouldDraw( void ) { return IsVisible(); } virtual void FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event ); void UpdateProgressBarFor( int iIndex ); void InitIcons(); void ShutdownIcons(); void DrawBackgroundBox( int xpos, int ypos, int nBoxWidth, int nBoxHeight, bool bCutCorner ); bool PaintTeamBaseIcon( int index, float flXPos, float flYPos, float flIconSize ); bool IsFakingCapture( int index = -1, bool *bMult = NULL, float *flFakeTime = NULL ) { if ( m_bFakingCapture && m_flFakeCaptureTime < gpGlobals->curtime ) { m_iCurrentCP = -1; m_bFakingCapture = false; m_bFakingCaptureMult = false; } if ( bMult) *bMult = m_bFakingCaptureMult; if ( flFakeTime ) *flFakeTime = m_flFakeCaptureTime; return (m_bFakingCapture && (index == -1 || index == m_iCurrentCP)); } private: int m_iCPTextures[CP_TEXTURE_COUNT]; int m_iCPCappingTextures[CP_TEXTURE_COUNT]; int m_iTeamBaseTextures[MAX_TEAMS]; int m_iBackgroundTexture; Color m_clrBackground; Color m_clrBorder; int m_iCurrentCP; // the index of the control point the local is currently in int m_iLastCP; // the index of the control point the local player was last in // Capture faking for Intros float m_flPulseTime; bool m_bFakingCapture; bool m_bFakingCaptureMult; float m_flFakeCaptureTime; CPanelAnimationVar( vgui::HFont, m_hTextFont, "ChatFont", "Default" ); CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( int, m_nCornerCutSize, "CornerCutSize", "5", "proportional_int" ); CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( int, m_nBackgroundOverlap, "BackgroundOverlap", "5", "proportional_int" ); CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( int, m_iIconStartX, "icon_start_x", "10", "proportional_int" ); CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( int, m_iIconStartY, "icon_start_y", "10", "proportional_int" ); CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( float, m_flIconExpand, "icon_expand", "0", "proportional_float" ); CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( int, m_iIconSize, "iconsize", "24", "proportional_int" ); CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( int, m_iIconGapWidth, "separator_width", "7", "proportional_int" ); CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( int, m_iIconGapHeight, "separator_height", "9", "proportional_int" ); CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( int, m_nHeightOffset, "height_offset", "0", "proportional_int" ); CUtlVector<CControlPointIcon *> m_Icons; }; #endif // HUD_CONTROLPOINTICONS_H