//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 

#include "cbase.h"
#include "hud_numericdisplay.h"
#include "iclientmode.h"

#include <Color.h>
#include <KeyValues.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <vgui/ISystem.h>
#include <vgui/IVGui.h>

// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"

using namespace vgui;

// Purpose: Constructor
CHudNumericDisplay::CHudNumericDisplay(vgui::Panel *parent, const char *name) : BaseClass(parent, name)
	vgui::Panel *pParent = g_pClientMode->GetViewport();
	SetParent( pParent );

	m_iValue = 0;
	m_LabelText[0] = 0;
	m_iSecondaryValue = 0;
	m_bDisplayValue = true;
	m_bDisplaySecondaryValue = false;
	m_bIndent = false;
	m_bIsTime = false;

// Purpose: Resets values on restore/new map
void CHudNumericDisplay::Reset()
	m_flBlur = 0.0f;

// Purpose: data accessor
void CHudNumericDisplay::SetDisplayValue(int value)
	m_iValue = value;

// Purpose: data accessor
void CHudNumericDisplay::SetSecondaryValue(int value)
	m_iSecondaryValue = value;

// Purpose: data accessor
void CHudNumericDisplay::SetShouldDisplayValue(bool state)
	m_bDisplayValue = state;

// Purpose: data accessor
void CHudNumericDisplay::SetShouldDisplaySecondaryValue(bool state)
	m_bDisplaySecondaryValue = state;

// Purpose: data accessor
void CHudNumericDisplay::SetLabelText(const wchar_t *text)
	wcsncpy(m_LabelText, text, sizeof(m_LabelText) / sizeof(wchar_t));
	m_LabelText[(sizeof(m_LabelText) / sizeof(wchar_t)) - 1] = 0;

// Purpose: data accessor
void CHudNumericDisplay::SetIndent(bool state)
	m_bIndent = state;

// Purpose: data accessor
void CHudNumericDisplay::SetIsTime(bool state)
	m_bIsTime = state;

// Purpose: paints a number at the specified position
void CHudNumericDisplay::PaintNumbers(HFont font, int xpos, int ypos, int value)
	wchar_t unicode[6];
	if ( !m_bIsTime )
		V_snwprintf(unicode, ARRAYSIZE(unicode), L"%d", value);
		int iMinutes = value / 60;
		int iSeconds = value - iMinutes * 60;
#ifdef PORTAL
		// portal uses a normal font for numbers so we need the seperate to be a renderable ':' char
		if ( iSeconds < 10 )
			V_snwprintf( unicode, ARRAYSIZE(unicode), L"%d:0%d", iMinutes, iSeconds );
			V_snwprintf( unicode, ARRAYSIZE(unicode), L"%d:%d", iMinutes, iSeconds );		
		if ( iSeconds < 10 )
			V_snwprintf( unicode, ARRAYSIZE(unicode), L"%d`0%d", iMinutes, iSeconds );
			V_snwprintf( unicode, ARRAYSIZE(unicode), L"%d`%d", iMinutes, iSeconds );

	// adjust the position to take into account 3 characters
	int charWidth = surface()->GetCharacterWidth(font, '0');
	if (value < 100 && m_bIndent)
		xpos += charWidth;
	if (value < 10 && m_bIndent)
		xpos += charWidth;

	surface()->DrawSetTextPos(xpos, ypos);
	surface()->DrawUnicodeString( unicode );

// Purpose: draws the text
void CHudNumericDisplay::PaintLabel( void )
	surface()->DrawSetTextPos(text_xpos, text_ypos);
	surface()->DrawUnicodeString( m_LabelText );

// Purpose: renders the vgui panel
void CHudNumericDisplay::Paint()
	if (m_bDisplayValue)
		// draw our numbers
		PaintNumbers(m_hNumberFont, digit_xpos, digit_ypos, m_iValue);

		// draw the overbright blur
		for (float fl = m_flBlur; fl > 0.0f; fl -= 1.0f)
			if (fl >= 1.0f)
				PaintNumbers(m_hNumberGlowFont, digit_xpos, digit_ypos, m_iValue);
				// draw a percentage of the last one
				Color col = GetFgColor();
				col[3] *= fl;
				PaintNumbers(m_hNumberGlowFont, digit_xpos, digit_ypos, m_iValue);

	// total ammo
	if (m_bDisplaySecondaryValue)
		PaintNumbers(m_hSmallNumberFont, digit2_xpos, digit2_ypos, m_iSecondaryValue);
