//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 

#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once

typedef enum
	LEGANIM_9WAY,		// Legs use a 9-way blend, with "move_x" and "move_y" pose parameters.
	LEGANIM_8WAY,		// Legs use an 8-way blend with "move_yaw" pose param.
	LEGANIM_GOLDSRC	// Legs always point in the direction he's running and the torso rotates.
} LegAnimType_t;

abstract_class IPlayerAnimState
	virtual void Release() = 0;

	// Update() and DoAnimationEvent() together maintain the entire player's animation state.
	// Update() maintains the the lower body animation (the player's m_nSequence)
	// and the upper body overlay based on the player's velocity and look direction.
	// It also modulates these based on events triggered by DoAnimationEvent.
	virtual void Update( float eyeYaw, float eyePitch ) = 0;

	// This is called by the client when a new player enters the PVS to clear any events
	// the dormant version of the entity may have been playing.
	virtual void ClearAnimationState() = 0;

	// The client uses this to figure out what angles to render the entity with (since as the guy turns,
	// it will change his body_yaw pose parameter before changing his rendered angle).
	virtual const QAngle& GetRenderAngles() = 0;