//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Declares basic entity communications classes, for input/output of data
//			between entities
// $NoKeywords: $


#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once

#include "baseentity.h"


// Purpose: A COutputEvent consists of an array of these CEventActions. 
//			Each CEventAction holds the information to fire a single input in 
//			a target entity, after a specific delay.
class CEventAction
	CEventAction( const char *ActionData = NULL );

	string_t m_iTarget; // name of the entity(s) to cause the action in
	string_t m_iTargetInput; // the name of the action to fire
	string_t m_iParameter; // parameter to send, 0 if none
	float m_flDelay; // the number of seconds to wait before firing the action
	int m_nTimesToFire; // The number of times to fire this event, or EVENT_FIRE_ALWAYS.

	int m_iIDStamp;	// unique identifier stamp

	static int s_iNextIDStamp;

	CEventAction *m_pNext; 

	// allocates memory from engine.MPool/g_EntityListPool
	static void *operator new( size_t stAllocateBlock );
	static void *operator new( size_t stAllocateBlock, int nBlockUse, const char *pFileName, int nLine );
	static void operator delete( void *pMem );
	static void operator delete( void *pMem , int nBlockUse, const char *pFileName, int nLine ) { operator delete(pMem); }


// Purpose: Stores a list of connections to other entities, for data/commands to be
//			communicated along.
class CBaseEntityOutput

	void ParseEventAction( const char *EventData );
	void AddEventAction( CEventAction *pEventAction );

	int Save( ISave &save );
	int Restore( IRestore &restore, int elementCount );

	int NumberOfElements( void );

	float GetMaxDelay( void );

	fieldtype_t ValueFieldType() { return m_Value.FieldType(); }

	void FireOutput( variant_t Value, CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, float fDelay = 0 );

	/// Delete every single action in the action list. 
	void DeleteAllElements( void ) ;

	variant_t m_Value;
	CEventAction *m_ActionList;

	CBaseEntityOutput() = default; // this class cannot be created, only it's children

	CBaseEntityOutput( CBaseEntityOutput& ); // protect from accidental copying

// Purpose: wraps variant_t data handling in convenient, compiler type-checked template
template< class Type, fieldtype_t fieldType >
class CEntityOutputTemplate : public CBaseEntityOutput
	// Sets an initial value without firing the output.
	void Init( Type value ) 
		m_Value.Set( fieldType, &value );

	// Sets a value and fires the output.
	void Set( Type value, CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller ) 
		m_Value.Set( fieldType, &value );
		FireOutput( m_Value, pActivator, pCaller );

	// Returns the current value.
	Type Get( void )
		return *((Type*)&m_Value);

// Template specializations for type Vector, so we can implement Get, Set, and Init differently.
class CEntityOutputTemplate<class Vector, FIELD_VECTOR> : public CBaseEntityOutput
	void Init( const Vector &value )
		m_Value.SetVector3D( value );

	void Set( const Vector &value, CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller )
		m_Value.SetVector3D( value );
		FireOutput( m_Value, pActivator, pCaller );

	void Get( Vector &vec )

class CEntityOutputTemplate<class Vector, FIELD_POSITION_VECTOR> : public CBaseEntityOutput
	void Init( const Vector &value )
		m_Value.SetPositionVector3D( value );

	void Set( const Vector &value, CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller )
		m_Value.SetPositionVector3D( value );
		FireOutput( m_Value, pActivator, pCaller );

	void Get( Vector &vec )

// Purpose: parameterless entity event
class COutputEvent : public CBaseEntityOutput
	// void Firing, no parameter
	void FireOutput( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, float fDelay = 0 );

// useful typedefs for allowed output data types
typedef CEntityOutputTemplate<variant_t,FIELD_INPUT>		COutputVariant;
typedef CEntityOutputTemplate<int,FIELD_INTEGER>			COutputInt;
typedef CEntityOutputTemplate<float,FIELD_FLOAT>			COutputFloat;
typedef CEntityOutputTemplate<string_t,FIELD_STRING>		COutputString;
typedef CEntityOutputTemplate<EHANDLE,FIELD_EHANDLE>		COutputEHANDLE;
typedef CEntityOutputTemplate<Vector,FIELD_VECTOR>			COutputVector;
typedef CEntityOutputTemplate<Vector,FIELD_POSITION_VECTOR>	COutputPositionVector;
typedef CEntityOutputTemplate<color32,FIELD_COLOR32>		COutputColor32;