//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 
#include "cbase.h"
#include "tf_shareddefs.h"
#include "c_info_act.h"
#include "hud_timer.h"

// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"

// We may get act begin messages for acts we haven't yet received entities for (usually during connection)
// We store the current act in this, and if an act arrives matching it, we start that act.
static int		g_iCurrentActNumber = -1;
static float	g_flActStartTime;

CHandle<C_InfoAct>	g_hCurrentAct;

	RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_iActNumber) ),
	RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_spawnflags) ),
	RecvPropFloat( RECVINFO(m_flActTimeLimit) ),
	RecvPropInt(RECVINFO(m_nRespawn1Team1Time) ),
	RecvPropInt(RECVINFO(m_nRespawn1Team2Time) ),
	RecvPropInt(RECVINFO(m_nRespawn2Team1Time) ),
	RecvPropInt(RECVINFO(m_nRespawn2Team2Time) ),
	RecvPropInt(RECVINFO(m_nRespawnTeam1Delay) ),
	RecvPropInt(RECVINFO(m_nRespawnTeam2Delay) ),

typedef CHandle<C_InfoAct>	ActHandle_t;
CUtlVector< ActHandle_t >	g_hActs;

// Purpose: 

// Purpose: 
	ActHandle_t hAct;
	hAct = this;
	g_hActs.FindAndRemove( hAct );

// Purpose: 
void C_InfoAct::OnPreDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType )
	BaseClass::OnPreDataChanged( updateType );
	m_flPreviousTimeLimit = m_flActTimeLimit;

// Purpose: 
void C_InfoAct::OnDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType )
	ActHandle_t hAct;
	hAct = this;
	if ( g_hActs.Find( hAct ) == g_hActs.InvalidIndex() )
		g_hActs.AddToTail( hAct );

		// Is this act the one that's supposed to be going?
		if ( GetActNumber() == g_iCurrentActNumber )
			StartAct( g_flActStartTime );

	// Timer changed?
	if ( g_hCurrentAct == this )
		if ( m_flPreviousTimeLimit != m_flActTimeLimit )
			CHudTimer *timer = GET_HUDELEMENT( CHudTimer );
			if ( timer )
				timer->SetFixedTimer( m_flStartTime, m_flActTimeLimit );

	BaseClass::OnDataChanged( updateType );

// Purpose: 
void C_InfoAct::StartAct( float flStartTime )
	g_hCurrentAct = this;
	m_flStartTime = flStartTime;

	CHudTimer *timer = GET_HUDELEMENT( CHudTimer );
	if ( timer )
		timer->SetFixedTimer( m_flStartTime, m_flActTimeLimit );

// Purpose: 
bool C_InfoAct::IsAWaitingAct( void )
	return (m_spawnflags & SF_ACT_WAITINGFORGAMESTART) != 0;

// PReturns the respawn time remaining
float C_InfoAct::RespawnTimeRemaining( int nTeam, int nTimer ) const
	if ((g_hCurrentAct != this) || (nTeam == 0))
		return 0;

	int nTimerTime;
	float flTimeDelta = gpGlobals->curtime - m_flStartTime;
	if (flTimeDelta <= 0)
		return 0;

	if (nTeam == 1)
		nTimerTime = (nTimer == 1) ? m_nRespawn1Team1Time : m_nRespawn2Team1Time;
		flTimeDelta -= m_nRespawnTeam1Delay;
		nTimerTime = (nTimer == 1) ? m_nRespawn1Team2Time : m_nRespawn2Team2Time;
		flTimeDelta -= m_nRespawnTeam2Delay;

	if (nTimerTime <= 0)
		return 0.0f;

	// This case takes care of the initial spawn delay time...
	if (flTimeDelta < 0)
		return nTimerTime - flTimeDelta;

	int nFactor = flTimeDelta / nTimerTime;
	return nTimerTime - (flTimeDelta - nFactor * nTimerTime);

// Purpose: Server's told us to start an act
void StartAct( int iActNumber, float flStartTime )
	g_iCurrentActNumber = iActNumber;
	g_flActStartTime = flStartTime;

	// Find the act
	for ( int i = 0; i < g_hActs.Size(); i++ )
		if ( g_hActs[i] && g_hActs[i]->GetActNumber() == iActNumber )
			g_hActs[i]->StartAct( flStartTime );

// Purpose: 
int GetCurrentActNumber( void )
	if ( g_hCurrentAct )
		return g_hCurrentAct->GetActNumber();

// Purpose: Return true if the current act (if any) is a waiting act.
bool CurrentActIsAWaitingAct( void )
	if ( g_hCurrentAct )
		return g_hCurrentAct->IsAWaitingAct();

	return false;