//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // SKIP: $BUMPMAP2 && $WARPLIGHTING // SKIP: $WARPLIGHTING && $DETAILTEXTURE // SKIP: $ENVMAPMASK && $BUMPMAP // SKIP: $NORMALMAPALPHAENVMAPMASK && $BASEALPHAENVMAPMASK // SKIP: $NORMALMAPALPHAENVMAPMASK && $ENVMAPMASK // SKIP: $BASEALPHAENVMAPMASK && $ENVMAPMASK // SKIP: $BASEALPHAENVMAPMASK && $SELFILLUM // SKIP: !$FASTPATH && $FASTPATHENVMAPCONTRAST // SKIP: !$FASTPATH && $FASTPATHENVMAPTINT // SKIP: !$BUMPMAP && $DIFFUSEBUMPMAP // SKIP: !$BUMPMAP && $BUMPMAP2 // SKIP: $ENVMAPMASK && $BUMPMAP2 // SKIP: $BASETEXTURENOENVMAP && ( !$BASETEXTURE2 || !$CUBEMAP ) // SKIP: $BASETEXTURE2NOENVMAP && ( !$BASETEXTURE2 || !$CUBEMAP ) // SKIP: $BASEALPHAENVMAPMASK && $BUMPMAP // SKIP: $PARALLAXMAP && $DETAILTEXTURE // SKIP: $SEAMLESS && $RELIEF_MAPPING // SKIP: $SEAMLESS && $DETAILTEXTURE // SKIP: $SEAMLESS && $MASKEDBLENDING // SKIP: $BUMPMASK && ( $SEAMLESS || $DETAILTEXTURE || $SELFILLUM || $BASETEXTURENOENVMAP || $BASETEXTURE2 ) // SKIP: !$BUMPMAP && ($NORMAL_DECODE_MODE == 1) // SKIP: !$BUMPMAP && ($NORMAL_DECODE_MODE == 2) // SKIP: !$BUMPMAP && ($NORMALMASK_DECODE_MODE == 1) // SKIP: !$BUMPMAP && ($NORMALMASK_DECODE_MODE == 2) // NOSKIP: $FANCY_BLENDING && (!$FASTPATH) // 360 compiler craps out on some combo in this family. Content doesn't use blendmode 10 anyway // SKIP: $FASTPATH && $PIXELFOGTYPE && $BASETEXTURE2 && $DETAILTEXTURE && $CUBEMAP && ($DETAIL_BLEND_MODE == 10 ) [XBOX] // debug crap: // NOSKIP: $DETAILTEXTURE // NOSKIP: $CUBEMAP // NOSKIP: $ENVMAPMASK // NOSKIP: $BASEALPHAENVMAPMASK // NOSKIP: $SELFILLUM #define USE_32BIT_LIGHTMAPS_ON_360 //uncomment to use 32bit lightmaps, be sure to keep this in sync with the same #define in materialsystem/cmatlightmaps.cpp #include "common_ps_fxc.h" #include "common_flashlight_fxc.h" #include "common_lightmappedgeneric_fxc.h" #if SEAMLESS #define USE_FAST_PATH 1 #else #define USE_FAST_PATH FASTPATH #endif const HALF4 g_EnvmapTint : register( c0 ); #if USE_FAST_PATH == 1 # if FASTPATHENVMAPCONTRAST == 0 static const HALF3 g_EnvmapContrast = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; # else static const HALF3 g_EnvmapContrast = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; # endif static const HALF3 g_EnvmapSaturation = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; static const HALF g_FresnelReflection = 1.0f; static const HALF g_OneMinusFresnelReflection = 0.0f; static const HALF4 g_SelfIllumTint = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; # if OUTLINE const float4 g_OutlineParams : register( c2 ); #define OUTLINE_MIN_VALUE0 g_OutlineParams.x #define OUTLINE_MIN_VALUE1 g_OutlineParams.y #define OUTLINE_MAX_VALUE0 g_OutlineParams.z #define OUTLINE_MAX_VALUE1 g_OutlineParams.w const float4 g_OutlineColor : register( c3 ); #define OUTLINE_COLOR g_OutlineColor # endif # if SOFTEDGES const float4 g_EdgeSoftnessParms : register( c4 ); #define SOFT_MASK_MIN g_EdgeSoftnessParms.x #define SOFT_MASK_MAX g_EdgeSoftnessParms.y # endif #else const HALF3 g_EnvmapContrast : register( c2 ); const HALF3 g_EnvmapSaturation : register( c3 ); const HALF4 g_FresnelReflectionReg : register( c4 ); #define g_FresnelReflection g_FresnelReflectionReg.a #define g_OneMinusFresnelReflection g_FresnelReflectionReg.b const HALF4 g_SelfIllumTint : register( c7 ); #endif const float4 g_DetailTint_and_BlendFactor : register( c8 ); #define g_DetailTint (g_DetailTint_and_BlendFactor.rgb) #define g_DetailBlendFactor (g_DetailTint_and_BlendFactor.w) const HALF3 g_EyePos : register( c10 ); const HALF4 g_FogParams : register( c11 ); const float4 g_TintValuesAndLightmapScale : register( c12 ); #define g_flAlpha2 g_TintValuesAndLightmapScale.w const float4 g_FlashlightAttenuationFactors : register( c13 ); const float3 g_FlashlightPos : register( c14 ); const float4x4 g_FlashlightWorldToTexture : register( c15 ); // through c18 const float4 g_ShadowTweaks : register( c19 ); // Parallax cubemaps #if ( PARALLAXCORRECT ) const float3 g_CubemapPos : register( c21 ); const float4x4 g_ObbMatrix : register( c22 ); // Through c25 #endif sampler BaseTextureSampler : register( s0 ); sampler LightmapSampler : register( s1 ); sampler EnvmapSampler : register( s2 ); #if FANCY_BLENDING sampler BlendModulationSampler : register( s3 ); #endif #if DETAILTEXTURE sampler DetailSampler : register( s12 ); #endif sampler BumpmapSampler : register( s4 ); #if NORMAL_DECODE_MODE == NORM_DECODE_ATI2N_ALPHA sampler AlphaMapSampler : register( s9 ); // alpha #else #define AlphaMapSampler BumpmapSampler #endif #if BUMPMAP2 == 1 sampler BumpmapSampler2 : register( s5 ); #if NORMAL_DECODE_MODE == NORM_DECODE_ATI2N_ALPHA sampler AlphaMapSampler2 : register( s10 ); // alpha #else #define AlphaMapSampler2 BumpmapSampler2 #endif #else sampler EnvmapMaskSampler : register( s5 ); #endif #if WARPLIGHTING sampler WarpLightingSampler : register( s6 ); #endif sampler BaseTextureSampler2 : register( s7 ); #if BUMPMASK == 1 sampler BumpMaskSampler : register( s8 ); #if NORMALMASK_DECODE_MODE == NORM_DECODE_ATI2N_ALPHA sampler AlphaMaskSampler : register( s11 ); // alpha #else #define AlphaMaskSampler BumpMaskSampler #endif #endif #if defined( _X360 ) && FLASHLIGHT sampler FlashlightSampler : register( s13 ); sampler ShadowDepthSampler : register( s14 ); sampler RandRotSampler : register( s15 ); #endif struct PS_INPUT { #if SEAMLESS float3 SeamlessTexCoord : TEXCOORD0; // zy xz float4 detailOrBumpAndEnvmapMaskTexCoord : TEXCOORD1; // envmap mask #else HALF2 baseTexCoord : TEXCOORD0; // detail textures and bumpmaps are mutually exclusive so that we have enough texcoords. #if ( RELIEF_MAPPING == 0 ) HALF4 detailOrBumpAndEnvmapMaskTexCoord : TEXCOORD1; #endif #endif // CENTROID: TEXCOORD2 HALF4 lightmapTexCoord1And2 : TEXCOORD2; // CENTROID: TEXCOORD3 HALF4 lightmapTexCoord3 : TEXCOORD3; HALF4 worldPos_projPosZ : TEXCOORD4; HALF3x3 tangentSpaceTranspose : TEXCOORD5; // tangentSpaceTranspose : TEXCOORD6 // tangentSpaceTranspose : TEXCOORD7 HALF4 vertexColor : COLOR; float4 vertexBlendX_fogFactorW : COLOR1; // Extra iterators on 360, used in flashlight combo #if defined( _X360 ) && FLASHLIGHT float4 flashlightSpacePos : TEXCOORD8; float4 vProjPos : TEXCOORD9; #endif }; #if LIGHTING_PREVIEW == 2 LPREVIEW_PS_OUT main( PS_INPUT i ) : COLOR #else HALF4 main( PS_INPUT i ) : COLOR #endif { bool bBaseTexture2 = BASETEXTURE2 ? true : false; bool bDetailTexture = DETAILTEXTURE ? true : false; bool bBumpmap = BUMPMAP ? true : false; bool bDiffuseBumpmap = DIFFUSEBUMPMAP ? true : false; bool bCubemap = CUBEMAP ? true : false; bool bEnvmapMask = ENVMAPMASK ? true : false; bool bBaseAlphaEnvmapMask = BASEALPHAENVMAPMASK ? true : false; bool bSelfIllum = SELFILLUM ? true : false; bool bNormalMapAlphaEnvmapMask = NORMALMAPALPHAENVMAPMASK ? true : false; bool bBaseTextureNoEnvmap = BASETEXTURENOENVMAP ? true : false; bool bBaseTexture2NoEnvmap = BASETEXTURE2NOENVMAP ? true : false; float4 baseColor = 0.0f; float4 baseColor2 = 0.0f; float4 vNormal = float4(0, 0, 1, 1); float3 baseTexCoords = float3(0,0,0); #if SEAMLESS baseTexCoords = i.SeamlessTexCoord.xyz; #else baseTexCoords.xy = i.baseTexCoord.xy; #endif GetBaseTextureAndNormal( BaseTextureSampler, BaseTextureSampler2, BumpmapSampler, bBaseTexture2, bBumpmap || bNormalMapAlphaEnvmapMask, baseTexCoords, i.vertexColor.rgb, baseColor, baseColor2, vNormal ); #if BUMPMAP == 1 // not ssbump vNormal.xyz = vNormal.xyz * 2.0f - 1.0f; // make signed if we're not ssbump #endif HALF3 lightmapColor1 = HALF3( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ); HALF3 lightmapColor2 = HALF3( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ); HALF3 lightmapColor3 = HALF3( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ); #if LIGHTING_PREVIEW == 0 if( bBumpmap && bDiffuseBumpmap ) { HALF2 bumpCoord1; HALF2 bumpCoord2; HALF2 bumpCoord3; ComputeBumpedLightmapCoordinates( i.lightmapTexCoord1And2, i.lightmapTexCoord3.xy, bumpCoord1, bumpCoord2, bumpCoord3 ); lightmapColor1 = LightMapSample( LightmapSampler, bumpCoord1 ); lightmapColor2 = LightMapSample( LightmapSampler, bumpCoord2 ); lightmapColor3 = LightMapSample( LightmapSampler, bumpCoord3 ); } else { HALF2 bumpCoord1 = ComputeLightmapCoordinates( i.lightmapTexCoord1And2, i.lightmapTexCoord3.xy ); lightmapColor1 = LightMapSample( LightmapSampler, bumpCoord1 ); } #endif #if RELIEF_MAPPING // in the parallax case, all texcoords must be the same in order to free // up an iterator for the tangent space view vector HALF2 detailTexCoord = i.baseTexCoord.xy; HALF2 bumpmapTexCoord = i.baseTexCoord.xy; HALF2 envmapMaskTexCoord = i.baseTexCoord.xy; #else #if ( DETAILTEXTURE == 1 ) HALF2 detailTexCoord = i.detailOrBumpAndEnvmapMaskTexCoord.xy; HALF2 bumpmapTexCoord = i.baseTexCoord.xy; #elif ( BUMPMASK == 1 ) HALF2 detailTexCoord = 0.0f; HALF2 bumpmapTexCoord = i.detailOrBumpAndEnvmapMaskTexCoord.xy; HALF2 bumpmap2TexCoord = i.detailOrBumpAndEnvmapMaskTexCoord.wz; #else HALF2 detailTexCoord = 0.0f; HALF2 bumpmapTexCoord = i.detailOrBumpAndEnvmapMaskTexCoord.xy; #endif HALF2 envmapMaskTexCoord = i.detailOrBumpAndEnvmapMaskTexCoord.wz; #endif // !RELIEF_MAPPING HALF4 detailColor = HALF4( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ); #if DETAILTEXTURE #if SHADER_MODEL_PS_2_0 detailColor = tex2D( DetailSampler, detailTexCoord ); #else detailColor = float4( g_DetailTint, 1.0f ) * tex2D( DetailSampler, detailTexCoord ); #endif #endif #if ( OUTLINE || SOFTEDGES ) float distAlphaMask = baseColor.a; # if OUTLINE if ( ( distAlphaMask >= OUTLINE_MIN_VALUE0 ) && ( distAlphaMask <= OUTLINE_MAX_VALUE1 ) ) { float oFactor=1.0; if ( distAlphaMask <= OUTLINE_MIN_VALUE1 ) { oFactor=smoothstep( OUTLINE_MIN_VALUE0, OUTLINE_MIN_VALUE1, distAlphaMask ); } else { oFactor=smoothstep( OUTLINE_MAX_VALUE1, OUTLINE_MAX_VALUE0, distAlphaMask ); } baseColor = lerp( baseColor, OUTLINE_COLOR, oFactor ); } # endif # if SOFTEDGES baseColor.a *= smoothstep( SOFT_MASK_MAX, SOFT_MASK_MIN, distAlphaMask ); # else baseColor.a *= distAlphaMask >= 0.5; # endif #endif #if LIGHTING_PREVIEW == 2 baseColor.xyz=GammaToLinear(baseColor.xyz); #endif float blendedAlpha = baseColor.a; #if MASKEDBLENDING float blendfactor=0.5; #else float blendfactor=i.vertexBlendX_fogFactorW.r; #endif if( bBaseTexture2 ) { #if (SELFILLUM == 0) && (PIXELFOGTYPE != PIXEL_FOG_TYPE_HEIGHT) && (FANCY_BLENDING) float4 modt=tex2D(BlendModulationSampler,i.lightmapTexCoord3.zw); #if MASKEDBLENDING // FXC is unable to optimize this, despite blendfactor=0.5 above //float minb=modt.g-modt.r; //float maxb=modt.g+modt.r; //blendfactor=smoothstep(minb,maxb,blendfactor); blendfactor=modt.g; #else float minb=saturate(modt.g-modt.r); float maxb=saturate(modt.g+modt.r); blendfactor=smoothstep(minb,maxb,blendfactor); #endif #endif baseColor.rgb = lerp( baseColor, baseColor2.rgb, blendfactor ); blendedAlpha = lerp( baseColor.a, baseColor2.a, blendfactor ); } HALF3 specularFactor = 1.0f; float4 vNormalMask = float4(0, 0, 1, 1); if( bBumpmap ) { if( bBaseTextureNoEnvmap ) { vNormal.a = 0.0f; } #if ( BUMPMAP2 == 1 ) { #if ( BUMPMASK == 1 ) HALF2 b2TexCoord = bumpmap2TexCoord; #else HALF2 b2TexCoord = bumpmapTexCoord; #endif HALF4 vNormal2; if ( BUMPMAP == 2 ) vNormal2 = tex2D( BumpmapSampler2, b2TexCoord ); else vNormal2 = DecompressNormal( BumpmapSampler2, b2TexCoord, NORMAL_DECODE_MODE, AlphaMapSampler2 ); // Bump 2 coords if( bBaseTexture2NoEnvmap ) { vNormal2.a = 0.0f; } #if ( BUMPMASK == 1 ) float3 vNormal1 = DecompressNormal( BumpmapSampler, i.detailOrBumpAndEnvmapMaskTexCoord.xy, NORMALMASK_DECODE_MODE, AlphaMapSampler ); vNormal.xyz = normalize( vNormal1.xyz + vNormal2.xyz ); // Third normal map...same coords as base vNormalMask = DecompressNormal( BumpMaskSampler, i.baseTexCoord.xy, NORMALMASK_DECODE_MODE, AlphaMaskSampler ); vNormal.xyz = lerp( vNormalMask.xyz, vNormal.xyz, vNormalMask.a ); // Mask out normals from vNormal specularFactor = vNormalMask.a; #else // BUMPMASK == 0 if ( FANCY_BLENDING && bNormalMapAlphaEnvmapMask ) { vNormal = lerp( vNormal, vNormal2, blendfactor); } else { vNormal.xyz = lerp( vNormal.xyz, vNormal2.xyz, blendfactor); } #endif } #endif // BUMPMAP2 == 1 if( bNormalMapAlphaEnvmapMask ) { specularFactor *= vNormal.a; } } else if ( bNormalMapAlphaEnvmapMask ) { specularFactor *= vNormal.a; } #if ( BUMPMAP2 == 0 ) if( bEnvmapMask ) { specularFactor *= tex2D( EnvmapMaskSampler, envmapMaskTexCoord ).xyz; } #endif if( bBaseAlphaEnvmapMask ) { specularFactor *= 1.0 - blendedAlpha; // Reversing alpha blows! } float4 albedo = float4( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ); float alpha = 1.0f; albedo *= baseColor; if( !bBaseAlphaEnvmapMask && !bSelfIllum ) { alpha *= baseColor.a; } if( bDetailTexture ) { albedo = TextureCombine( albedo, detailColor, DETAIL_BLEND_MODE, g_DetailBlendFactor ); } // The vertex color contains the modulation color + vertex color combined #if ( SEAMLESS == 0 ) albedo.xyz *= i.vertexColor; #endif alpha *= i.vertexColor.a * g_flAlpha2; // not sure about this one // Save this off for single-pass flashlight, since we'll still need the SSBump vector, not a real normal float3 vSSBumpVector = vNormal.xyz; HALF3 diffuseLighting; if( bBumpmap && bDiffuseBumpmap ) { // ssbump #if ( BUMPMAP == 2 ) diffuseLighting = vNormal.x * lightmapColor1 + vNormal.y * lightmapColor2 + vNormal.z * lightmapColor3; diffuseLighting *= g_TintValuesAndLightmapScale.rgb; // now, calculate vNormal for reflection purposes. if vNormal isn't needed, hopefully // the compiler will eliminate these calculations vNormal.xyz = normalize( bumpBasis[0]*vNormal.x + bumpBasis[1]*vNormal.y + bumpBasis[2]*vNormal.z); #else float3 dp; dp.x = saturate( dot( vNormal, bumpBasis[0] ) ); dp.y = saturate( dot( vNormal, bumpBasis[1] ) ); dp.z = saturate( dot( vNormal, bumpBasis[2] ) ); dp *= dp; #if ( DETAIL_BLEND_MODE == TCOMBINE_SSBUMP_BUMP ) dp *= 2*detailColor; #endif diffuseLighting = dp.x * lightmapColor1 + dp.y * lightmapColor2 + dp.z * lightmapColor3; float sum = dot( dp, float3( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) ); diffuseLighting *= g_TintValuesAndLightmapScale.rgb / sum; #endif } else { diffuseLighting = lightmapColor1 * g_TintValuesAndLightmapScale.rgb; } #if WARPLIGHTING && ( SEAMLESS == 0 ) float len=0.5*length(diffuseLighting); // FIXME: 8-bit lookup textures like this need a "nice filtering" VTF option, which converts // them to 16-bit on load or does filtering in the shader (since most hardware - 360 // included - interpolates 8-bit textures at 8-bit precision, which causes banding) diffuseLighting *= 2.0*tex2D(WarpLightingSampler,float2(len,0)); #endif #if CUBEMAP || LIGHTING_PREVIEW || ( defined( _X360 ) && FLASHLIGHT ) float3 worldSpaceNormal = mul( vNormal, i.tangentSpaceTranspose ); #endif float3 diffuseComponent = albedo.xyz * diffuseLighting; #if defined( _X360 ) && FLASHLIGHT // ssbump doesn't pass a normal to the flashlight...it computes shadowing a different way #if ( BUMPMAP == 2 ) bool bHasNormal = false; float3 worldPosToLightVector = g_FlashlightPos - i.worldPos_projPosZ.xyz; float3 tangentPosToLightVector; tangentPosToLightVector.x = dot( worldPosToLightVector, i.tangentSpaceTranspose[0] ); tangentPosToLightVector.y = dot( worldPosToLightVector, i.tangentSpaceTranspose[1] ); tangentPosToLightVector.z = dot( worldPosToLightVector, i.tangentSpaceTranspose[2] ); tangentPosToLightVector = normalize( tangentPosToLightVector ); float nDotL = saturate( vSSBumpVector.x*dot( tangentPosToLightVector, bumpBasis[0]) + vSSBumpVector.y*dot( tangentPosToLightVector, bumpBasis[1]) + vSSBumpVector.z*dot( tangentPosToLightVector, bumpBasis[2]) ); #else bool bHasNormal = true; float nDotL = 1.0f; #endif float fFlashlight = DoFlashlight( g_FlashlightPos, i.worldPos_projPosZ.xyz, i.flashlightSpacePos, worldSpaceNormal, g_FlashlightAttenuationFactors.xyz, g_FlashlightAttenuationFactors.w, FlashlightSampler, ShadowDepthSampler, RandRotSampler, 0, true, false, i.vProjPos.xy / i.vProjPos.w, false, g_ShadowTweaks, bHasNormal ); diffuseComponent = albedo.xyz * ( diffuseLighting + ( fFlashlight * nDotL ) ); #endif if( bSelfIllum ) { float3 selfIllumComponent = g_SelfIllumTint * albedo.xyz; diffuseComponent = lerp( diffuseComponent, selfIllumComponent, baseColor.a ); } HALF3 specularLighting = HALF3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); #if CUBEMAP if( bCubemap ) { float3 worldVertToEyeVector = g_EyePos - i.worldPos_projPosZ.xyz; float3 reflectVect = CalcReflectionVectorUnnormalized( worldSpaceNormal, worldVertToEyeVector ); // Calc Fresnel factor half3 eyeVect = normalize(worldVertToEyeVector); HALF fresnel = 1.0 - dot( worldSpaceNormal, eyeVect ); fresnel = pow( fresnel, 5.0 ); fresnel = fresnel * g_OneMinusFresnelReflection + g_FresnelReflection; // Parallax correction (2_0b and beyond) // Adapted from http://seblagarde.wordpress.com/2012/09/29/image-based-lighting-approaches-and-parallax-corrected-cubemap/ #if !( defined( SHADER_MODEL_PS_1_1 ) || defined( SHADER_MODEL_PS_1_4 ) || defined( SHADER_MODEL_PS_2_0 ) ) #if ( PARALLAXCORRECT ) float3 worldPos = i.worldPos_projPosZ.xyz; float3 positionLS = mul( float4( worldPos, 1 ), g_ObbMatrix ); float3 rayLS = mul( reflectVect, (float3x3)g_ObbMatrix ); float3 firstPlaneIntersect = ( float3( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) - positionLS ) / rayLS; float3 secondPlaneIntersect = ( -positionLS ) / rayLS; float3 furthestPlane = max( firstPlaneIntersect, secondPlaneIntersect ); float distance = min( furthestPlane.x, min( furthestPlane.y, furthestPlane.z ) ); // Use distance in WS directly to recover intersection float3 intersectPositionWS = worldPos + reflectVect * distance; reflectVect = intersectPositionWS - g_CubemapPos; #endif #endif specularLighting = ENV_MAP_SCALE * texCUBE( EnvmapSampler, reflectVect ); specularLighting *= specularFactor; specularLighting *= g_EnvmapTint; #if FANCY_BLENDING == 0 HALF3 specularLightingSquared = specularLighting * specularLighting; specularLighting = lerp( specularLighting, specularLightingSquared, g_EnvmapContrast ); HALF3 greyScale = dot( specularLighting, HALF3( 0.299f, 0.587f, 0.114f ) ); specularLighting = lerp( greyScale, specularLighting, g_EnvmapSaturation ); #endif specularLighting *= fresnel; } #endif HALF3 result = diffuseComponent + specularLighting; #if LIGHTING_PREVIEW worldSpaceNormal = mul( vNormal, i.tangentSpaceTranspose ); # if LIGHTING_PREVIEW == 1 float dotprod = 0.7+0.25 * dot( worldSpaceNormal, normalize( float3( 1, 2, -.5 ) ) ); return FinalOutput( HALF4( dotprod*albedo.xyz, alpha ), 0, PIXEL_FOG_TYPE_NONE, TONEMAP_SCALE_NONE ); # else LPREVIEW_PS_OUT ret; ret.color = float4( albedo.xyz,alpha ); ret.normal = float4( worldSpaceNormal,alpha ); ret.position = float4( i.worldPos_projPosZ.xyz, alpha ); ret.flags = float4( 1, 1, 1, alpha ); return FinalOutput( ret, 0, PIXEL_FOG_TYPE_NONE, TONEMAP_SCALE_NONE ); # endif #else // == end LIGHTING_PREVIEW == bool bWriteDepthToAlpha = false; // ps_2_b and beyond #if !(defined(SHADER_MODEL_PS_1_1) || defined(SHADER_MODEL_PS_1_4) || defined(SHADER_MODEL_PS_2_0)) bWriteDepthToAlpha = ( WRITE_DEPTH_TO_DESTALPHA != 0 ) && ( WRITEWATERFOGTODESTALPHA == 0 ); #endif float fogFactor = CalcPixelFogFactor( PIXELFOGTYPE, g_FogParams, g_EyePos.z, i.worldPos_projPosZ.z, i.worldPos_projPosZ.w ); #if WRITEWATERFOGTODESTALPHA && (PIXELFOGTYPE == PIXEL_FOG_TYPE_HEIGHT) alpha = fogFactor; #endif return FinalOutput( float4( result.rgb, alpha ), fogFactor, PIXELFOGTYPE, TONEMAP_SCALE_LINEAR, bWriteDepthToAlpha, i.worldPos_projPosZ.w ); #endif }