//====== Copyright ©, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ================= // // Purpose: Defines the GC interface exposed to the host // //============================================================================= #ifndef GCINTERFACE_H #define GCINTERFACE_H #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma once #endif #include "gamecoordinator/igamecoordinator.h" #include "gamecoordinator/igamecoordinatorhost.h" namespace GCSDK { class CGCDirProcess; class CGCBase; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Defines the GC interface exposed to the host. This is here to find // out from the host which actual GC class to instantiate, and to pass through // all other calls //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CGCInterface : public IGameCoordinator { public: CGCInterface(); ~CGCInterface(); //message sources that we tag message tracking with so they can be filtered accordingly enum EMsgSource { eMsgSource_System = ( 1 << 0 ), eMsgSource_Client = ( 1 << 1 ), eMsgSource_GC = ( 1 << 2 ), }; // Simple accessors IGameCoordinator *GetGC(); AppId_t GetAppID() const; const char *GetDebugName() const; EUniverse GetUniverse() const; bool BIsDevMode() const; const char *GetGCDLLPath() const; //returns the process ID of the parent process, or 0 if it isn't specified HANDLE GetParentProcess() const { return m_hParentProcess; } // Exposed functions from IGameCoordinatorHost bool BProcessSystemMessage( uint32 unGCSysMsgType, const void *pubData, uint32 cubData ); bool BSendMessageToClient( uint64 ullSteamID, uint32 unMsgType, const void *pubData, uint32 cubData ); bool BSendMessageToGC( int iGCServerIDTarget, uint32 unMsgType, const void *pubData, uint32 cubData ); void EmitSpew( const char *pchGroupName, SpewType_t spewType, int iSpewLevel, int iLevelLog, const char *pchMsg ); void AsyncSQLQuery( IGCSQLQuery *pQuery, int eSchemaCatalog ); void SetStartupComplete( bool bSuccess ); void SetShutdownComplete(); // Additional services uint64 GenerateGID(); static uint32 GetGCDirIndexFromGID( GID_t gid ); bool BSaveConvars(); void RecordAssert( const char *pchFile, int nLine, const char *pchMessage, bool *pbShouldWriteMinidump ); CSteamID ConstructSteamIDForClient( AccountID_t unAccountID ) const; // Implementation of IGameCoordinator virtual bool BAsyncInit( uint32 unAppID, const char *pchDebugName, int iGCIndex, IGameCoordinatorHost *pHost ) OVERRIDE; virtual bool BMainLoopOncePerFrame( uint64 ulLimitMicroseconds ) OVERRIDE; virtual bool BMainLoopUntilFrameCompletion( uint64 ulLimitMicroseconds ) OVERRIDE; virtual bool BAsyncShutdown() OVERRIDE; virtual void Unload() OVERRIDE; virtual void HandleMessageFromClient( uint64 ullSenderID, uint32 unMsgType, void *pubData, uint32 cubData ) OVERRIDE; virtual void HandleMessageFromSystem( uint32 unGCSysMsgType, void *pubData, uint32 cubData ) OVERRIDE; virtual void HandleMessageFromGC( int iGCServerIDSender, uint32 unMsgType, void *pubData, uint32 cubData ) OVERRIDE; // Allows temporary capturing of log spew for ease of generating alerts void StartLogCapture(); void EndLogCapture(); const CUtlVector<CUtlString> *GetLogCapture(); void ClearLogCapture(); //the current version of the GC used for reporting purposes only uint32 GetVersion() const { return m_nVersion; } const char* GetMachineName() const { return m_sMachineName; } //provides access to the name of the binary for this GC for development builds. This is blank for non-development builds const char* GetDevBinaryName() const { return m_sDevBinaryName; } //access to stats recorded about various asserts triggered in the system struct AssertInfo_t { //the line the assert fired from uint32 m_nLine; //how many actually fired and recorded uint32 m_nTotalFired; uint32 m_nTotalRecorded; //how many fired since the last clear uint32 m_nWindowFired; //the string associated with the first firing CUtlString m_sMsg; //the times we recorded last CUtlVector< RTime32 > m_vRecordTimes; }; typedef CUtlDict< CUtlVector< AssertInfo_t* >* > AssertInfoDict_t; const AssertInfoDict_t& GetAssertInfo() const { return m_dictAsserts; } //called to reset the assert window, this is useful for tracking how many asserts fired within a specific time range void ClearAssertWindowCounts(); //called to add a substring that console output will be filtered against. This is only intended for urgent text squelching void AddBlockEmitString( const char* pszStr, bool bBlockConsole, bool bBlockLog ); void ClearBlockEmitStrings(); //asserts are always rate limited. If you absolutely need to avoid that, you can use this object to force asserts to be recorded regardless of rate limiting class CDisableAssertRateLimit { public: CDisableAssertRateLimit() { s_nDisabledCount++; } ~CDisableAssertRateLimit() { s_nDisabledCount--; } static int32 s_nDisabledCount; }; private: //the list of substrings we want to filter text based upon struct BlockString_t { CUtlString m_sStr; bool m_bBlockLog; bool m_bBlockConsole; }; CUtlVector< BlockString_t* > m_BlockEmitStrings; //called to clear all existing assert stats void ClearAssertInfo(); //this will handle loading the config file for the GC and initializing the directory, and will return the config key values //so that it can be used to load the convars from bool BReadConfigDirectory( KeyValuesAD& configValues ); //handles loading in the convars from the key values loaded with BReadConfigDirectory, and will setup the convars based upon //what GC type this is bool BReadConvars( KeyValuesAD& configValues ); void InitConVars( KeyValues *pkvConvars ); IGameCoordinatorHost *m_pGCHost; CGCBase *m_pGC; const CGCDirProcess *m_pGCDirProcess; //the version of the GC. This is for reporting purposes only, and will be zero for development builds uint32 m_nVersion; AppId_t m_nAppID; CUtlConstString m_sDebugName; EUniverse m_eUniverse; bool m_bDevMode; CUtlConstString m_sGCDLLPath; uint64 m_ullGID; HANDLE m_hParentProcess; //all the asserts that have fired AssertInfoDict_t m_dictAsserts; CUtlVector<CUtlString> m_vecLogCapture; bool m_bLogCaptureEnabled; //the name of the binary, set for development build CUtlString m_sDevBinaryName; //the name of the machine we are running on CUtlString m_sMachineName; }; extern CGCInterface *GGCInterface(); } // namespace GCSDK #endif // GCINTERFACE_H