//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Pieces of the application framework, shared between POSIX systems (Mac OS X, Linux, etc)
// $Revision: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "appframework/AppFramework.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "interface.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "appframework/IAppSystemGroup.h"
#include "filesystem_init.h"
#include "tier1/convar.h"
#include "vstdlib/cvar.h"

#include "togl/rendermechanism.h"

// NOTE: This has to be the last file included! (turned off below, since this is included like a header)
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"

// Globals...
HINSTANCE s_HInstance;

//#if !defined(LINUX)
//static CSimpleLoggingListener s_SimpleLoggingListener;
//ILoggingListener *g_pDefaultLoggingListener = &s_SimpleLoggingListener;

// HACK: Since I don't want to refit vgui yet...
void *GetAppInstance()
	return s_HInstance;

// Sets the application instance, should only be used if you're not calling AppMain.
void SetAppInstance( void* hInstance )
	s_HInstance = (HINSTANCE)hInstance;

// Version of AppMain used by windows applications

int AppMain( void* hInstance, void* hPrevInstance, const char* lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow, CAppSystemGroup *pAppSystemGroup )
	Assert( 0 );
	return -1;

//#if !defined(LINUX)
//static CNonFatalLoggingResponsePolicy s_NonFatalLoggingResponsePolicy;

// Version of AppMain used by console applications
int AppMain( int argc, char **argv, CAppSystemGroup *pAppSystemGroup )
	Assert( pAppSystemGroup );

	//#if !defined(LINUX)
	//	LoggingSystem_SetLoggingResponsePolicy( &s_NonFatalLoggingResponsePolicy );
	s_HInstance = NULL;
	CommandLine()->CreateCmdLine( argc, argv );

	return pAppSystemGroup->Run( );

// Default implementation of an application meant to be run using Steam

// Constructor
CSteamApplication::CSteamApplication( CSteamAppSystemGroup *pAppSystemGroup )
	m_pChildAppSystemGroup = pAppSystemGroup;
	m_pFileSystem = NULL;

// Create necessary interfaces
bool CSteamApplication::Create( )
	FileSystem_SetErrorMode( FS_ERRORMODE_NONE );

	char pFileSystemDLL[MAX_PATH];
	if ( FileSystem_GetFileSystemDLLName( pFileSystemDLL, MAX_PATH, m_bSteam ) != FS_OK )
		return false;

	// Add in the cvar factory
	AppModule_t cvarModule = LoadModule( VStdLib_GetICVarFactory() );
	AddSystem( cvarModule, CVAR_INTERFACE_VERSION );	

	AppModule_t fileSystemModule = LoadModule( pFileSystemDLL );
	m_pFileSystem = (IFileSystem*)AddSystem( fileSystemModule, FILESYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION );
	if ( !m_pFileSystem )
		Error( "Unable to load %s", pFileSystemDLL );
		return false;

	return true;

// The file system pointer is invalid at this point
void CSteamApplication::Destroy()
	m_pFileSystem = NULL;

// Pre-init, shutdown
bool CSteamApplication::PreInit( )
	return true;

void CSteamApplication::PostShutdown( )

// Run steam main loop
int CSteamApplication::Main( )
	// Now that Steam is loaded, we can load up main libraries through steam
	m_pChildAppSystemGroup->Setup( m_pFileSystem, this );
	return m_pChildAppSystemGroup->Run( );

int CSteamApplication::Startup()
	int nRetVal = BaseClass::Startup();
	if ( GetErrorStage() != NONE )
		return nRetVal;
	if ( FileSystem_SetBasePaths( m_pFileSystem ) != FS_OK )
		return 0;
	// Now that Steam is loaded, we can load up main libraries through steam
	m_pChildAppSystemGroup->Setup( m_pFileSystem, this );
	return m_pChildAppSystemGroup->Startup();

void CSteamApplication::Shutdown()

// Turn off memdbg macros (turned on up top) since this is included like a header
#include "tier0/memdbgoff.h"