//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: Implementation of CTextFile. See TextFile.h for details // // $Workfile: $ // $Date: $ // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // $Log: $ // // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #include <ctype.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "TFStatsApplication.h" #include "util.h" #include "TextFile.h" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Function: CTextFile::init // Purpose: initializes a CTextFile object // Input: filename - name of the file that this object will represent // eliminateComments - if true, C++ style comments will not be handed // back as tokens to the user of this object // Output: //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CTextFile::init(const char* filename,bool eliminateComments) { this->filename=filename; //only support one push back fWordPushed=false; noComments=eliminateComments; memset(wordBuf,0,BUF_SIZE); theFile=fopen(filename,"rt"); //three different delim sets //use this when reading strings stringDelims="\""; //use this when reading normal file stuff normalDelims=" \t{}=\n\r;\""; //use this when you want to discard a block blockDelims="}"; //set to default delims=normalDelims; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Function: CTextFile::isDelim // Purpose: returns true if the given char is in the current delimiter set // Input: c - the character to test // Output: Returns true on success, false on failure. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CTextFile::isDelim(char c) { for (int i=0;delims[i] != 0; i++) { if (c==delims[i]) return true; } return false; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Function: CTextFile::discardBlock // Purpose: advances the file ptr to the character after the next } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CTextFile::discardBlock() { delims=blockDelims; getToken(); delims=normalDelims; discard("}"); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Function: CTextFile::getToken // Purpose: gets and returns the next token in the file // Output: const char* //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const char* CTextFile::getToken() { return getToken(wordBuf); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Function: CTextFile::getToken // Purpose: gets and returns the next token in the file, with an arbitrary buffer // Input: outputBuf - the buffer to put the token in // Output: const char* //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const char* CTextFile::getToken(char* outputBuf) { if (fWordPushed) { fWordPushed=false; strcpy(outputBuf,wordBuf); return wordBuf; } readToken: char c=getNextNonWSChar(); if (!theFile || feof(theFile)) return NULL; if (isDelim(c) && !(isspace(c))) { outputBuf[0]=c; outputBuf[1]=0; return outputBuf; } int write=0; while (!isDelim(c)) { if (c=='\\') { c=fgetc(theFile); if (!theFile&& feof(theFile)) break; } //these are both in the normal delimiter set, so this case won't happen unless we're reading a string //which is exactly the behaviour we want if (c=='\n' || c=='\r') { outputBuf[write]=0; g_pApp->fatalError("new line in string constant (or unterminated string constant):\n\"%s\"",outputBuf); } outputBuf[write++]=c; c=fgetc(theFile); if (feof(theFile)) break; } if (theFile && !feof(theFile)) fseek(theFile,-1,SEEK_CUR); //seek to before the delimiter outputBuf[write]=0; if (outputBuf[0] == '/' && outputBuf[1] == '/') { while (fgetc(theFile)!='\n'); goto readToken; } return outputBuf; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Function: CTextFile::getNextNonWSChar // Purpose: gets and returns the next non whitespace character // Output: char //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ char CTextFile::getNextNonWSChar() { char c; top: c=' '; while (theFile && !feof(theFile) && isspace(c)) c=fgetc(theFile); if (!theFile) return 0; if (feof(theFile)) return 0; if (!noComments) return c; //check for comments if (c=='/') { char c2=fgetc(theFile); if (c2=='/') //found comment? { //discard and start over getLine(); goto top; } else { fseek(theFile,-1,SEEK_CUR); return c; } } else { return c; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Function: CTextFile::readString // Purpose: reads and returns the contents of the file up to the next " // Output: const char* //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const char* CTextFile::readString() { if (fWordPushed) { fWordPushed=false; return wordBuf; } char c=getNextNonWSChar(); if (c=='\"') { delims=stringDelims; getToken(); //handles escaping stuff delims=normalDelims; if (wordBuf[0]=='\"' && wordBuf[1]==0) wordBuf[0]=0; else discard("\""); } else { fseek(theFile,-1,SEEK_CUR); getToken(); } return wordBuf; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Function: CTextFile::readString // Purpose: reads and returns the contents of the file up to the next " // Output: const char* //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const char* CTextFile::readString(char* buf) { if (fWordPushed) { fWordPushed=false; strcpy(buf,wordBuf); return buf; } char c=getNextNonWSChar(); if (eof()) return NULL; if (c=='\"') { delims=stringDelims; getToken(buf); //handles escaping stuff delims=normalDelims; if (buf[0]=='\"' && buf[1]==0) buf[0]=0; else discard("\""); } else { fseek(theFile,-1,SEEK_CUR); getToken(buf); } return buf; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Function: CTextFile::getLine // Purpose: reads and returns the contents of the file up to the next \r or \n // Output: const char* //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const char* CTextFile::getLine() { fgets(wordBuf,BUF_SIZE,theFile); return wordBuf; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Function: CTextFile::discard // Purpose: discards the next token, also checks to see if it is the same as the token // the user of the object was expecting to discard. // Input: test - the token that is expected to be discarded. // Output: Returns true on success, false on failure. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CTextFile::discard(char* test) { if (!theFile || feof(theFile)) return true; char wordBuf2[BUF_SIZE]; getToken(wordBuf2); int result = stricmp(wordBuf2,test); if (result !=0) g_pApp->fatalError("While parsing %s, expecting \"%s\", got \"%s\"",filename.c_str(),test,wordBuf2); return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Function: CTextFile::peekNext // Purpose: peeks at the next token. gets then immediately pushes it back // destroys any pushed back words from before. // Output: char* //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ char* CTextFile::peekNext() { fpos_t startpos; fgetpos(theFile,&startpos); const char* c=getToken(peekBuf); if (!c) return NULL; //pushBack(c); fseek(theFile,startpos,SEEK_SET); return peekBuf; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Function: CTextFile::peekNextString // Purpose: peeks at the next string. gets then immediately pushes it back // destroys any pushed back words from before. // Output: char* //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ char* CTextFile::peekNextString() { if (!theFile) return NULL; fpos_t startpos; fgetpos(theFile,&startpos); const char* c=readString(peekBuf); if (!c) return NULL; //pushBack(c); fseek(theFile,startpos,SEEK_SET); return peekBuf; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Function: CTextFile::pushBack // Purpose: "pushes" a token back into the stream. Only can have one pushed back // token at a time. getting a token or peeking will destroy the pushed back token // Input: pushTok - the token to push back. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CTextFile::pushBack(const char* pushTok) { if (pushTok != wordBuf) strncpy(wordBuf,pushTok,BUF_SIZE); fWordPushed=true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Function: CTextFile::reset // Purpose: resets the file ptr to the beginning of the file //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CTextFile::reset() { fseek(theFile,0,SEEK_SET); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Function: CTextFile::~CTextFile // Purpose: destructor //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CTextFile::~CTextFile() { if (theFile) fclose(theFile); #ifndef WIN32 chmod(filename.c_str(),PERMIT); #endif } bool CTextFile::eof() { bool retval=false; //test current pos first retval = (!theFile || feof(theFile)); if (retval) return true; //now see if only whitespace is left fpos_t beforecheck; fgetpos(theFile,&beforecheck); char c=getNextNonWSChar(); retval = (!theFile || feof(theFile)); fseek(theFile,beforecheck,SEEK_SET); return retval; } int CTextFile::readInt() { readString(); return atoi(wordBuf); } unsigned long CTextFile::readULong() { readString(); return strtoul(wordBuf,NULL,10); }