//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// // Author: Michael S. Booth (mike@turtlerockstudios.com), 2003 #ifndef CS_CONTROL_H #define CS_CONTROL_H #include "bot_manager.h" #include "nav_area.h" #include "bot_util.h" #include "bot_profile.h" #include "cs_shareddefs.h" #include "cs_player.h" extern ConVar friendlyfire; class CBasePlayerWeapon; /** * Given one team, return the other */ inline int OtherTeam( int team ) { return (team == TEAM_TERRORIST) ? TEAM_CT : TEAM_TERRORIST; } class CCSBotManager; // accessor for CS-specific bots inline CCSBotManager *TheCSBots( void ) { return reinterpret_cast< CCSBotManager * >( TheBots ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class BotEventInterface : public IGameEventListener2 { public: virtual const char *GetEventName( void ) const = 0; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Macro to set up an OnEventClass() in TheCSBots. */ #define DECLARE_BOTMANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER( BotManagerSingleton, EventClass, EventName ) \ public: \ virtual void On##EventClass( IGameEvent *data ); \ private: \ class EventClass##Event : public BotEventInterface \ { \ bool m_enabled; \ public: \ EventClass##Event( void ) \ { \ gameeventmanager->AddListener( this, #EventName, true ); \ m_enabled = true; \ } \ ~EventClass##Event( void ) \ { \ if ( m_enabled ) gameeventmanager->RemoveListener( this ); \ } \ virtual const char *GetEventName( void ) const \ { \ return #EventName; \ } \ void Enable( bool enable ) \ { \ m_enabled = enable; \ if ( enable ) \ gameeventmanager->AddListener( this, #EventName, true ); \ else \ gameeventmanager->RemoveListener( this ); \ } \ bool IsEnabled( void ) const { return m_enabled; } \ void FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event ) \ { \ BotManagerSingleton()->On##EventClass( event ); \ } \ }; \ EventClass##Event m_##EventClass##Event; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define DECLARE_CSBOTMANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER( EventClass, EventName ) DECLARE_BOTMANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER( TheCSBots, EventClass, EventName ) //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Macro to propogate an event from the bot manager to all bots */ #define CCSBOTMANAGER_ITERATE_BOTS( Callback, arg1 ) \ { \ for ( int idx = 1; idx <= gpGlobals->maxClients; ++idx ) \ { \ CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( idx ); \ if (player == NULL) continue; \ if (!player->IsBot()) continue; \ CCSBot *bot = dynamic_cast< CCSBot * >(player); \ if ( !bot ) continue; \ bot->Callback( arg1 ); \ } \ } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // The manager for Counter-Strike specific bots // class CCSBotManager : public CBotManager { public: CCSBotManager(); virtual CBasePlayer *AllocateBotEntity( void ); ///< factory method to allocate the appropriate entity for the bot virtual void ClientDisconnect( CBaseEntity *entity ); virtual bool ClientCommand( CBasePlayer *player, const CCommand &args ); virtual void ServerActivate( void ); virtual void ServerDeactivate( void ); virtual bool ServerCommand( const char *cmd ); bool IsServerActive( void ) const { return m_serverActive; } virtual void RestartRound( void ); ///< (EXTEND) invoked when a new round begins virtual void StartFrame( void ); ///< (EXTEND) called each frame virtual unsigned int GetPlayerPriority( CBasePlayer *player ) const; ///< return priority of player (0 = max pri) virtual bool IsImportantPlayer( CCSPlayer *player ) const; ///< return true if player is important to scenario (VIP, bomb carrier, etc) void ExtractScenarioData( void ); ///< search the map entities to determine the game scenario and define important zones // difficulty levels ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static BotDifficultyType GetDifficultyLevel( void ) { if (cv_bot_difficulty.GetFloat() < 0.9f) return BOT_EASY; if (cv_bot_difficulty.GetFloat() < 1.9f) return BOT_NORMAL; if (cv_bot_difficulty.GetFloat() < 2.9f) return BOT_HARD; return BOT_EXPERT; } // the supported game scenarios ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ enum GameScenarioType { SCENARIO_DEATHMATCH, SCENARIO_DEFUSE_BOMB, SCENARIO_RESCUE_HOSTAGES, SCENARIO_ESCORT_VIP }; GameScenarioType GetScenario( void ) const { return m_gameScenario; } // "zones" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // depending on the game mode, these are bomb zones, rescue zones, etc. enum { MAX_ZONES = 4 }; ///< max # of zones in a map enum { MAX_ZONE_NAV_AREAS = 16 }; ///< max # of nav areas in a zone struct Zone { CBaseEntity *m_entity; ///< the map entity CNavArea *m_area[ MAX_ZONE_NAV_AREAS ]; ///< nav areas that overlap this zone int m_areaCount; Vector m_center; bool m_isLegacy; ///< if true, use pev->origin and 256 unit radius as zone int m_index; bool m_isBlocked; Extent m_extent; }; const Zone *GetZone( int i ) const { return &m_zone[i]; } const Zone *GetZone( const Vector &pos ) const; ///< return the zone that contains the given position const Zone *GetClosestZone( const Vector &pos ) const; ///< return the closest zone to the given position const Zone *GetClosestZone( const CBaseEntity *entity ) const; ///< return the closest zone to the given entity int GetZoneCount( void ) const { return m_zoneCount; } void CheckForBlockedZones( void ); const Vector *GetRandomPositionInZone( const Zone *zone ) const; ///< return a random position inside the given zone CNavArea *GetRandomAreaInZone( const Zone *zone ) const; ///< return a random area inside the given zone /** * Return the zone closest to the given position, using the given cost heuristic */ template< typename CostFunctor > const Zone *GetClosestZone( CNavArea *startArea, CostFunctor costFunc, float *travelDistance = NULL ) const { const Zone *closeZone = NULL; float closeDist = 99999999.9f; if (startArea == NULL) return NULL; for( int i=0; i<m_zoneCount; ++i ) { if (m_zone[i].m_areaCount == 0) continue; if ( m_zone[i].m_isBlocked ) continue; // just use the first overlapping nav area as a reasonable approximation float dist = NavAreaTravelDistance( startArea, m_zone[i].m_area[0], costFunc ); if (dist >= 0.0f && dist < closeDist) { closeZone = &m_zone[i]; closeDist = dist; } } if (travelDistance) *travelDistance = closeDist; return closeZone; } /// pick a zone at random and return it const Zone *GetRandomZone( void ) const { if (m_zoneCount == 0) return NULL; int i; CUtlVector< const Zone * > unblockedZones; for ( i=0; i<m_zoneCount; ++i ) { if ( m_zone[i].m_isBlocked ) continue; unblockedZones.AddToTail( &(m_zone[i]) ); } if ( unblockedZones.Count() == 0 ) return NULL; return unblockedZones[ RandomInt( 0, unblockedZones.Count()-1 ) ]; } /// returns a random spawn point for the given team (no arg means use both team spawnpoints) CBaseEntity *GetRandomSpawn( int team = TEAM_MAXCOUNT ) const; bool IsBombPlanted( void ) const { return m_isBombPlanted; } ///< returns true if bomb has been planted float GetBombPlantTimestamp( void ) const { return m_bombPlantTimestamp; } ///< return time bomb was planted bool IsTimeToPlantBomb( void ) const; ///< return true if it's ok to try to plant bomb CCSPlayer *GetBombDefuser( void ) const { return m_bombDefuser; } ///< return the player currently defusing the bomb, or NULL float GetBombTimeLeft( void ) const; ///< get the time remaining before the planted bomb explodes CBaseEntity *GetLooseBomb( void ) { return m_looseBomb; } ///< return the bomb if it is loose on the ground CNavArea *GetLooseBombArea( void ) const { return m_looseBombArea; } ///< return area that bomb is in/near void SetLooseBomb( CBaseEntity *bomb ); float GetRadioMessageTimestamp( RadioType event, int teamID ) const; ///< return the last time the given radio message was sent for given team float GetRadioMessageInterval( RadioType event, int teamID ) const; ///< return the interval since the last time this message was sent void SetRadioMessageTimestamp( RadioType event, int teamID ); void ResetRadioMessageTimestamps( void ); float GetLastSeenEnemyTimestamp( void ) const { return m_lastSeenEnemyTimestamp; } ///< return the last time anyone has seen an enemy void SetLastSeenEnemyTimestamp( void ) { m_lastSeenEnemyTimestamp = gpGlobals->curtime; } float GetRoundStartTime( void ) const { return m_roundStartTimestamp; } float GetElapsedRoundTime( void ) const { return gpGlobals->curtime - m_roundStartTimestamp; } ///< return the elapsed time since the current round began bool AllowRogues( void ) const { return cv_bot_allow_rogues.GetBool(); } bool AllowPistols( void ) const { return cv_bot_allow_pistols.GetBool(); } bool AllowShotguns( void ) const { return cv_bot_allow_shotguns.GetBool(); } bool AllowSubMachineGuns( void ) const { return cv_bot_allow_sub_machine_guns.GetBool(); } bool AllowRifles( void ) const { return cv_bot_allow_rifles.GetBool(); } bool AllowMachineGuns( void ) const { return cv_bot_allow_machine_guns.GetBool(); } bool AllowGrenades( void ) const { return cv_bot_allow_grenades.GetBool(); } bool AllowSnipers( void ) const { return cv_bot_allow_snipers.GetBool(); } #ifdef CS_SHIELD_ENABLED bool AllowTacticalShield( void ) const { return cv_bot_allow_shield.GetBool(); } #else bool AllowTacticalShield( void ) const { return false; } #endif // CS_SHIELD_ENABLED bool AllowFriendlyFireDamage( void ) const { return friendlyfire.GetBool(); } bool IsWeaponUseable( const CWeaponCSBase *weapon ) const; ///< return true if the bot can use this weapon bool IsDefenseRushing( void ) const { return m_isDefenseRushing; } ///< returns true if defense team has "decided" to rush this round bool IsOnDefense( const CCSPlayer *player ) const; ///< return true if this player is on "defense" bool IsOnOffense( const CCSPlayer *player ) const; ///< return true if this player is on "offense" bool IsRoundOver( void ) const { return m_isRoundOver; } ///< return true if the round has ended #define FROM_CONSOLE true bool BotAddCommand( int team, bool isFromConsole = false, const char *profileName = NULL, CSWeaponType weaponType = WEAPONTYPE_UNKNOWN, BotDifficultyType difficulty = NUM_DIFFICULTY_LEVELS ); ///< process the "bot_add" console command private: enum SkillType { LOW, AVERAGE, HIGH, RANDOM }; void MaintainBotQuota( void ); static bool m_isMapDataLoaded; ///< true if we've attempted to load map data bool m_serverActive; ///< true between ServerActivate() and ServerDeactivate() GameScenarioType m_gameScenario; ///< what kind of game are we playing Zone m_zone[ MAX_ZONES ]; int m_zoneCount; bool m_isBombPlanted; ///< true if bomb has been planted float m_bombPlantTimestamp; ///< time bomb was planted float m_earliestBombPlantTimestamp; ///< don't allow planting until after this time has elapsed CCSPlayer *m_bombDefuser; ///< the player currently defusing a bomb EHANDLE m_looseBomb; ///< will be non-NULL if bomb is loose on the ground CNavArea *m_looseBombArea; ///< area that bomb is is/near bool m_isRoundOver; ///< true if the round has ended CountdownTimer m_checkTransientAreasTimer; ///< when elapsed, all transient nav areas should be checked for blockage float m_radioMsgTimestamp[ RADIO_END - RADIO_START_1 ][ 2 ]; float m_lastSeenEnemyTimestamp; float m_roundStartTimestamp; ///< the time when the current round began bool m_isDefenseRushing; ///< whether defensive team is rushing this round or not // Event Handlers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARE_CSBOTMANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER( PlayerFootstep, player_footstep ) DECLARE_CSBOTMANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER( PlayerRadio, player_radio ) DECLARE_CSBOTMANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER( PlayerDeath, player_death ) DECLARE_CSBOTMANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER( PlayerFallDamage, player_falldamage ) DECLARE_CSBOTMANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER( BombPickedUp, bomb_pickup ) DECLARE_CSBOTMANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER( BombPlanted, bomb_planted ) DECLARE_CSBOTMANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER( BombBeep, bomb_beep ) DECLARE_CSBOTMANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER( BombDefuseBegin, bomb_begindefuse ) DECLARE_CSBOTMANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER( BombDefused, bomb_defused ) DECLARE_CSBOTMANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER( BombDefuseAbort, bomb_abortdefuse ) DECLARE_CSBOTMANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER( BombExploded, bomb_exploded ) DECLARE_CSBOTMANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER( RoundEnd, round_end ) DECLARE_CSBOTMANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER( RoundStart, round_start ) DECLARE_CSBOTMANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER( RoundFreezeEnd, round_freeze_end ) DECLARE_CSBOTMANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER( DoorMoving, door_moving ) DECLARE_CSBOTMANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER( BreakProp, break_prop ) DECLARE_CSBOTMANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER( BreakBreakable, break_breakable ) DECLARE_CSBOTMANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER( HostageFollows, hostage_follows ) DECLARE_CSBOTMANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER( HostageRescuedAll, hostage_rescued_all ) DECLARE_CSBOTMANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER( WeaponFire, weapon_fire ) DECLARE_CSBOTMANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER( WeaponFireOnEmpty, weapon_fire_on_empty ) DECLARE_CSBOTMANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER( WeaponReload, weapon_reload ) DECLARE_CSBOTMANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER( WeaponZoom, weapon_zoom ) DECLARE_CSBOTMANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER( BulletImpact, bullet_impact ) DECLARE_CSBOTMANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER( BulletHitPlayer, bullet_hit_player ) DECLARE_CSBOTMANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER( BulletPlayerHitboxes, bullet_player_hitboxes ) DECLARE_CSBOTMANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER( PlayerLagHitboxes, player_lag_hitboxes ) DECLARE_CSBOTMANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER( HEGrenadeDetonate, hegrenade_detonate ) DECLARE_CSBOTMANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER( FlashbangDetonate, flashbang_detonate ) DECLARE_CSBOTMANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER( SmokeGrenadeDetonate, smokegrenade_detonate ) DECLARE_CSBOTMANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER( GrenadeBounce, grenade_bounce ) DECLARE_CSBOTMANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER( NavBlocked, nav_blocked ) DECLARE_CSBOTMANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER( ServerShutdown, server_shutdown ) CUtlVector< BotEventInterface * > m_commonEventListeners; // These event listeners fire often, and can be disabled for performance gains when no bots are present. bool m_eventListenersEnabled; void EnableEventListeners( bool enable ); }; inline CBasePlayer *CCSBotManager::AllocateBotEntity( void ) { return static_cast<CBasePlayer *>( CreateEntityByName( "cs_bot" ) ); } inline bool CCSBotManager::IsTimeToPlantBomb( void ) const { return (gpGlobals->curtime >= m_earliestBombPlantTimestamp); } inline const CCSBotManager::Zone *CCSBotManager::GetClosestZone( const CBaseEntity *entity ) const { if (entity == NULL) return NULL; Vector centroid = entity->GetAbsOrigin(); centroid.z += HalfHumanHeight; return GetClosestZone( centroid ); } #endif