//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Particles which are simulated locally to some space (attachment, bone, etc)

#include "cbase.h"
#include "particles_simple.h"
#include "particles_localspace.h"

#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"

// Constructor
CLocalSpaceEmitter::CLocalSpaceEmitter( const char *pDebugName ) :
	CSimpleEmitter( pDebugName )

inline const matrix3x4_t& CLocalSpaceEmitter::GetTransformMatrix() const
	return m_ParticleEffect.GetLocalSpaceTransform();

// Purpose: Creates a local space emitter
CSmartPtr<CLocalSpaceEmitter> CLocalSpaceEmitter::Create( const char *pDebugName, 
	ClientEntityHandle_t hEntity, int nAttachment, int fFlags )
	CLocalSpaceEmitter *pRet = new CLocalSpaceEmitter( pDebugName );
	pRet->SetDynamicallyAllocated( true );
	pRet->m_hEntity = hEntity;
	pRet->m_nAttachment = nAttachment;
	pRet->m_fFlags = fFlags;

	return pRet;

// Purpose: Used to build the transformation matrix for this frame
void CLocalSpaceEmitter::Update( float flTimeDelta )

extern void FormatViewModelAttachment( Vector &vOrigin, bool bInverse );

void CLocalSpaceEmitter::SimulateParticles( CParticleSimulateIterator *pIterator )
	float timeDelta = pIterator->GetTimeDelta();

	SimpleParticle *pParticle = (SimpleParticle*)pIterator->GetFirst();
	while ( pParticle )
		// Update velocity
		UpdateVelocity( pParticle, timeDelta );
		pParticle->m_Pos += pParticle->m_vecVelocity * timeDelta;

		// Should this particle die?
		pParticle->m_flLifetime += timeDelta;
		UpdateRoll( pParticle, timeDelta );

		// If we're dead, we're done
		if ( pParticle->m_flLifetime >= pParticle->m_flDieTime )
			pIterator->RemoveParticle( pParticle );
		pParticle = (SimpleParticle*)pIterator->GetNext();

void CLocalSpaceEmitter::RenderParticles( CParticleRenderIterator *pIterator )
	const matrix3x4_t &mLocalToWorld = GetTransformMatrix();
	const VMatrix &mModelView = ParticleMgr()->GetModelView();

	const SimpleParticle *pParticle = (const SimpleParticle *)pIterator->GetFirst();
	while ( pParticle )
		// Transform it
		Vector screenPos, worldPos;
		VectorTransform( pParticle->m_Pos, mLocalToWorld, worldPos );
		// Correct viewmodel squashing
		if ( m_fFlags & FLE_VIEWMODEL )
			FormatViewModelAttachment( worldPos, false );

		TransformParticle( mModelView, worldPos, screenPos );
		float sortKey = (int) screenPos.z;

		// Render it
			UpdateColor( pParticle ),
			UpdateAlpha( pParticle ) * GetAlphaDistanceFade( screenPos, m_flNearClipMin, m_flNearClipMax ),
			UpdateScale( pParticle ),

		pParticle = (const SimpleParticle *)pIterator->GetNext( sortKey );

// Purpose: Create the matrix by which we'll transform the particle's local 
//			space into world space, via the attachment's transform
void CLocalSpaceEmitter::SetupTransformMatrix( void )
	IClientRenderable *pRenderable = ClientEntityList().GetClientRenderableFromHandle( m_hEntity );
	if ( pRenderable )
		matrix3x4_t mat;
		if ( pRenderable->GetAttachment( m_nAttachment, mat ) == false )
			// This attachment is bogus!
		// Tell the particle effect so it knows
		Vector origin;
		MatrixGetColumn( mat, 3, origin );
		m_ParticleEffect.SetLocalSpaceTransform( mat );
		SetSortOrigin( origin );

		C_BaseEntity *pEnt = pRenderable->GetIClientUnknown()->GetBaseEntity();
		if ( pEnt )
			Vector vWorldMins, vWorldMaxs;
			float scale = pEnt->CollisionProp()->BoundingRadius();
			vWorldMins[0] = origin[0] - scale;
			vWorldMins[1] = origin[1] - scale;
			vWorldMins[2] = origin[2] - scale;
			vWorldMaxs[0] = origin[0] + scale;
			vWorldMaxs[1] = origin[1] + scale;
			vWorldMaxs[2] = origin[2] + scale;
			GetBinding().SetBBox( vWorldMins, vWorldMaxs, true );

	// We preapply the local transform because we need to squash it for viewmodel FOV.
	m_ParticleEffect.SetAutoApplyLocalTransform( false );