//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ // //=============================================================================// #if !defined( VBSP_H ) #define VBSP_H #include "cmdlib.h" #include "mathlib/vector.h" #include "scriplib.h" #include "polylib.h" #include "threads.h" #include "bsplib.h" #include "qfiles.h" #include "utilmatlib.h" #include "ChunkFile.h" #ifdef WIN32 #pragma warning( disable: 4706 ) #endif class CUtlBuffer; #define MAX_BRUSH_SIDES 128 #define CLIP_EPSILON 0.1 #define TEXINFO_NODE -1 // side is allready on a node // this will output glview files for the given brushmodel. Brushmodel 1 is the world, 2 is the first brush entity, etc. #define DEBUG_BRUSHMODEL 0 struct portal_t; struct node_t; struct plane_t : public dplane_t { plane_t *hash_chain; plane_t() { normal.Init(); } }; struct brush_texture_t { Vector UAxis; Vector VAxis; vec_t shift[2]; vec_t rotate; vec_t textureWorldUnitsPerTexel[2]; vec_t lightmapWorldUnitsPerLuxel; char name[TEXTURE_NAME_LENGTH]; int flags; brush_texture_t() : UAxis(0,0,0), VAxis(0,0,0) {} }; struct mapdispinfo_t; struct side_t { int planenum; int texinfo; mapdispinfo_t *pMapDisp; winding_t *winding; side_t *original; // bspbrush_t sides will reference the mapbrush_t sides int contents; // from miptex int surf; // from miptex qboolean visible; // choose visble planes first qboolean tested; // this plane allready checked as a split qboolean bevel; // don't ever use for bsp splitting side_t *next; int origIndex; int id; // This is the unique id generated by worldcraft for this side. unsigned int smoothingGroups; CUtlVector aOverlayIds; // List of overlays that reside on this side. CUtlVector aWaterOverlayIds; // List of water overlays that reside on this side. bool m_bDynamicShadowsEnabled; // Goes into dface_t::SetDynamicShadowsEnabled(). }; struct mapbrush_t { int entitynum; int brushnum; int id; // The unique ID of this brush in the editor, used for reporting errors. int contents; Vector mins, maxs; int numsides; side_t *original_sides; }; #define PLANENUM_LEAF -1 #define MAXEDGES 32 struct face_t { int id; face_t *next; // on node // the chain of faces off of a node can be merged or split, // but each face_t along the way will remain in the chain // until the entire tree is freed face_t *merged; // if set, this face isn't valid anymore face_t *split[2]; // if set, this face isn't valid anymore portal_t *portal; int texinfo; int dispinfo; // This is only for surfaces that are the boundaries of fog volumes // (ie. water surfaces) // All of the rest of the surfaces can look at their leaf to find out // what fog volume they are in. node_t *fogVolumeLeaf; int planenum; int contents; // faces in different contents can't merge int outputnumber; winding_t *w; int numpoints; qboolean badstartvert; // tjunctions cannot be fixed without a midpoint vertex int vertexnums[MAXEDGES]; side_t *originalface; // save the "side" this face came from int firstPrimID; int numPrims; unsigned int smoothingGroups; }; void EmitFace( face_t *f, qboolean onNode ); struct mapdispinfo_t { face_t face; int entitynum; int power; int minTess; float smoothingAngle; Vector uAxis; Vector vAxis; Vector startPosition; float alphaValues[MAX_DISPVERTS]; float maxDispDist; float dispDists[MAX_DISPVERTS]; Vector vectorDisps[MAX_DISPVERTS]; Vector vectorOffsets[MAX_DISPVERTS]; int contents; int brushSideID; unsigned short triTags[MAX_DISPTRIS]; int flags; #ifdef VSVMFIO float m_elevation; // "elevation" Vector m_offsetNormals[ MAX_DISPTRIS ]; // "offset_normals" #endif // VSVMFIO }; extern int nummapdispinfo; extern mapdispinfo_t mapdispinfo[MAX_MAP_DISPINFO]; extern float g_defaultLuxelSize; extern float g_luxelScale; extern float g_minLuxelScale; extern bool g_BumpAll; extern int g_nDXLevel; int GetDispInfoEntityNum( mapdispinfo_t *pDisp ); void ComputeBoundsNoSkybox( ); struct bspbrush_t { int id; bspbrush_t *next; Vector mins, maxs; int side, testside; // side of node during construction mapbrush_t *original; int numsides; side_t sides[6]; // variably sized }; #define MAX_NODE_BRUSHES 8 struct leafface_t { face_t *pFace; leafface_t *pNext; }; struct node_t { int id; // both leafs and nodes int planenum; // -1 = leaf node node_t *parent; Vector mins, maxs; // valid after portalization bspbrush_t *volume; // one for each leaf/node // nodes only side_t *side; // the side that created the node node_t *children[2]; face_t *faces; // these are the cutup ones that live in the plane of "side". // leafs only bspbrush_t *brushlist; // fragments of all brushes in this leaf leafface_t *leaffacelist; int contents; // OR of all brush contents int occupied; // 1 or greater can reach entity entity_t *occupant; // for leak file testing int cluster; // for portalfile writing int area; // for areaportals portal_t *portals; // also on nodes during construction int diskId; // dnodes or dleafs index after this has been emitted }; struct portal_t { int id; plane_t plane; node_t *onnode; // NULL = outside box node_t *nodes[2]; // [0] = front side of plane portal_t *next[2]; winding_t *winding; qboolean sidefound; // false if ->side hasn't been checked side_t *side; // NULL = non-visible face_t *face[2]; // output face in bsp file }; struct tree_t { node_t *headnode; node_t outside_node; Vector mins, maxs; bool leaked; }; extern int entity_num; struct LoadSide_t; struct LoadEntity_t; class CManifest; class CMapFile { public: CMapFile( void ) { Init(); } void Init( void ); void AddPlaneToHash (plane_t *p); int CreateNewFloatPlane (Vector& normal, vec_t dist); int FindFloatPlane (Vector& normal, vec_t dist); int PlaneFromPoints(const Vector &p0, const Vector &p1, const Vector &p2); void AddBrushBevels (mapbrush_t *b); qboolean MakeBrushWindings (mapbrush_t *ob); void MoveBrushesToWorld( entity_t *mapent ); void MoveBrushesToWorldGeneral( entity_t *mapent ); void RemoveContentsDetailFromEntity( entity_t *mapent ); int SideIDToIndex( int brushSideID ); void AddLadderKeys( entity_t *mapent ); ChunkFileResult_t LoadEntityCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, int nParam); void ForceFuncAreaPortalWindowContents(); ChunkFileResult_t LoadSideCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, LoadSide_t *pSideInfo); ChunkFileResult_t LoadConnectionsKeyCallback(const char *szKey, const char *szValue, LoadEntity_t *pLoadEntity); ChunkFileResult_t LoadSolidCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, LoadEntity_t *pLoadEntity); void TestExpandBrushes(void); static char m_InstancePath[ MAX_PATH ]; static void SetInstancePath( const char *pszInstancePath ); static const char *GetInstancePath( void ) { return m_InstancePath; } static bool DeterminePath( const char *pszBaseFileName, const char *pszInstanceFileName, char *pszOutFileName ); void CheckForInstances( const char *pszFileName ); void MergeInstance( entity_t *pInstanceEntity, CMapFile *Instance ); void MergePlanes( entity_t *pInstanceEntity, CMapFile *Instance, Vector &InstanceOrigin, QAngle &InstanceAngle, matrix3x4_t &InstanceMatrix ); void MergeBrushes( entity_t *pInstanceEntity, CMapFile *Instance, Vector &InstanceOrigin, QAngle &InstanceAngle, matrix3x4_t &InstanceMatrix ); void MergeBrushSides( entity_t *pInstanceEntity, CMapFile *Instance, Vector &InstanceOrigin, QAngle &InstanceAngle, matrix3x4_t &InstanceMatrix ); void ReplaceInstancePair( epair_t *pPair, entity_t *pInstanceEntity ); void MergeEntities( entity_t *pInstanceEntity, CMapFile *Instance, Vector &InstanceOrigin, QAngle &InstanceAngle, matrix3x4_t &InstanceMatrix ); void MergeOverlays( entity_t *pInstanceEntity, CMapFile *Instance, Vector &InstanceOrigin, QAngle &InstanceAngle, matrix3x4_t &InstanceMatrix ); static int m_InstanceCount; static int c_areaportals; plane_t mapplanes[MAX_MAP_PLANES]; int nummapplanes; #define PLANE_HASHES 1024 plane_t *planehash[PLANE_HASHES]; int nummapbrushes; mapbrush_t mapbrushes[MAX_MAP_BRUSHES]; Vector map_mins, map_maxs; int nummapbrushsides; side_t brushsides[MAX_MAP_BRUSHSIDES]; brush_texture_t side_brushtextures[MAX_MAP_BRUSHSIDES]; int num_entities; entity_t entities[MAX_MAP_ENTITIES]; int c_boxbevels; int c_edgebevels; int c_clipbrushes; int g_ClipTexinfo; class CConnectionPairs { public: CConnectionPairs( epair_t *pair, CConnectionPairs *next ) { m_Pair = pair; m_Next = next; } epair_t *m_Pair; CConnectionPairs *m_Next; }; CConnectionPairs *m_ConnectionPairs; int m_StartMapOverlays; int m_StartMapWaterOverlays; }; extern CMapFile *g_MainMap; extern CMapFile *g_LoadingMap; extern CUtlVector< CMapFile * > g_Maps; extern int g_nMapFileVersion; extern qboolean noprune; extern qboolean nodetail; extern qboolean fulldetail; extern qboolean nomerge; extern qboolean nomergewater; extern qboolean nosubdiv; extern qboolean nowater; extern qboolean noweld; extern qboolean noshare; extern qboolean notjunc; extern qboolean nocsg; extern qboolean noopt; extern qboolean dumpcollide; extern qboolean nodetailcuts; extern qboolean g_DumpStaticProps; extern qboolean g_bSkyVis; extern vec_t microvolume; extern bool g_snapAxialPlanes; extern bool g_NodrawTriggers; extern bool g_DisableWaterLighting; extern bool g_bAllowDetailCracks; extern bool g_bNoVirtualMesh; extern char outbase[32]; extern char source[1024]; extern char mapbase[ 64 ]; extern CUtlVector g_SkyAreas; bool LoadMapFile( const char *pszFileName ); int GetVertexnum( Vector& v ); bool Is3DSkyboxArea( int area ); //============================================================================= // textures.c struct textureref_t { char name[TEXTURE_NAME_LENGTH]; int flags; float lightmapWorldUnitsPerLuxel; int contents; }; extern textureref_t textureref[MAX_MAP_TEXTURES]; int FindMiptex (const char *name); int TexinfoForBrushTexture (plane_t *plane, brush_texture_t *bt, const Vector& origin); int GetSurfaceProperties2( MaterialSystemMaterial_t matID, const char *pMatName ); extern int g_SurfaceProperties[MAX_MAP_TEXDATA]; void LoadSurfaceProperties( void ); int PointLeafnum ( dmodel_t* pModel, const Vector& p ); //============================================================================= void FindGCD (int *v); mapbrush_t *Brush_LoadEntity (entity_t *ent); int PlaneTypeForNormal (Vector& normal); qboolean MakeBrushPlanes (mapbrush_t *b); int FindIntPlane (int *inormal, int *iorigin); void CreateBrush (int brushnum); //============================================================================= // detail objects //============================================================================= void LoadEmitDetailObjectDictionary( char const* pGameDir ); void EmitDetailObjects(); //============================================================================= // static props //============================================================================= void EmitStaticProps(); bool LoadStudioModel( char const* pFileName, char const* pEntityType, CUtlBuffer& buf ); //============================================================================= //============================================================================= // procedurally created .vmt files //============================================================================= void EmitStaticProps(); // draw.c extern Vector draw_mins, draw_maxs; extern bool g_bLightIfMissing; void Draw_ClearWindow (void); void DrawWinding (winding_t *w); void GLS_BeginScene (void); void GLS_Winding (winding_t *w, int code); void GLS_EndScene (void); //============================================================================= // csg enum detailscreen_e { FULL_DETAIL = 0, ONLY_DETAIL = 1, NO_DETAIL = 2, }; #define TRANSPARENT_CONTENTS (CONTENTS_GRATE|CONTENTS_WINDOW) #include "csg.h" //============================================================================= // brushbsp void WriteBrushList (char *name, bspbrush_t *brush, qboolean onlyvis); bspbrush_t *CopyBrush (bspbrush_t *brush); void SplitBrush (bspbrush_t *brush, int planenum, bspbrush_t **front, bspbrush_t **back); tree_t *AllocTree (void); node_t *AllocNode (void); bspbrush_t *AllocBrush (int numsides); int CountBrushList (bspbrush_t *brushes); void FreeBrush (bspbrush_t *brushes); vec_t BrushVolume (bspbrush_t *brush); node_t *NodeForPoint (node_t *node, Vector& origin); void BoundBrush (bspbrush_t *brush); void FreeBrushList (bspbrush_t *brushes); node_t *PointInLeaf (node_t *node, Vector& point); tree_t *BrushBSP (bspbrush_t *brushlist, Vector& mins, Vector& maxs); #define PSIDE_FRONT 1 #define PSIDE_BACK 2 #define PSIDE_BOTH (PSIDE_FRONT|PSIDE_BACK) #define PSIDE_FACING 4 int BrushBspBoxOnPlaneSide (const Vector& mins, const Vector& maxs, dplane_t *plane); extern qboolean WindingIsTiny (winding_t *w); //============================================================================= // portals.c int VisibleContents (int contents); void MakeHeadnodePortals (tree_t *tree); void MakeNodePortal (node_t *node); void SplitNodePortals (node_t *node); qboolean Portal_VisFlood (portal_t *p); qboolean FloodEntities (tree_t *tree); void FillOutside (node_t *headnode); void FloodAreas (tree_t *tree); void MarkVisibleSides (tree_t *tree, int start, int end, int detailScreen); void MarkVisibleSides (tree_t *tree, mapbrush_t **ppBrushes, int nCount ); void FreePortal (portal_t *p); void EmitAreaPortals (node_t *headnode); void MakeTreePortals (tree_t *tree); //============================================================================= // glfile.c void OutputWinding (winding_t *w, FileHandle_t glview); void OutputWindingColor (winding_t *w, FileHandle_t glview, int r, int g, int b); void WriteGLView (tree_t *tree, char *source); void WriteGLViewFaces (tree_t *tree, const char *source); void WriteGLViewBrushList( bspbrush_t *pList, const char *pName ); //============================================================================= // leakfile.c void LeakFile (tree_t *tree); void AreaportalLeakFile( tree_t *tree, portal_t *pStartPortal, portal_t *pEndPortal, node_t *pStart ); //============================================================================= // prtfile.c void AddVisCluster( entity_t *pFuncVisCluster ); void WritePortalFile (tree_t *tree); //============================================================================= // writebsp.c void SetModelNumbers (void); void SetLightStyles (void); void BeginBSPFile (void); void WriteBSP (node_t *headnode, face_t *pLeafFaceList); void EndBSPFile (void); void BeginModel (void); void EndModel (void); extern int firstmodeledge; extern int firstmodelface; //============================================================================= // faces.c void MakeFaces (node_t *headnode); void MakeDetailFaces (node_t *headnode); face_t *FixTjuncs( node_t *headnode, face_t *pLeafFaceList ); face_t *AllocFace (void); void FreeFace (face_t *f); void FreeFaceList( face_t *pFaces ); void MergeFaceList(face_t **pFaceList); void SubdivideFaceList(face_t **pFaceList); extern face_t *edgefaces[MAX_MAP_EDGES][2]; //============================================================================= // tree.c void FreeTree (tree_t *tree); void FreeTree_r (node_t *node); void PrintTree_r (node_t *node, int depth); void FreeTreePortals_r (node_t *node); void PruneNodes_r (node_t *node); void PruneNodes (node_t *node); // Returns true if the entity is a func_occluder bool IsFuncOccluder( int entity_num ); //============================================================================= // ivp.cpp class CPhysCollide; void EmitPhysCollision(); void DumpCollideToGlView( CPhysCollide *pCollide, const char *pFilename ); void EmitWaterVolumesForBSP( dmodel_t *pModel, node_t *headnode ); //============================================================================= // find + find or create the texdata int FindTexData( const char *pName ); int FindOrCreateTexData( const char *pName ); // Add a clone of an existing texdata with a new name int AddCloneTexData( dtexdata_t *pExistingTexData, char const *cloneTexDataName ); int FindOrCreateTexInfo( const texinfo_t &searchTexInfo ); int FindAliasedTexData( const char *pName, dtexdata_t *sourceTexture ); int FindTexInfo( const texinfo_t &searchTexInfo ); //============================================================================= // normals.c void SaveVertexNormals( void ); //============================================================================= // cubemap.cpp extern char *g_pParallaxObbStrs[MAX_MAP_CUBEMAPSAMPLES]; void Cubemap_InsertSample( const Vector &origin, int size, char *pParallaxObbStr ); void Cubemap_CreateDefaultCubemaps( void ); void Cubemap_SaveBrushSides( const char *pSideListStr ); void Cubemap_FixupBrushSidesMaterials( void ); void Cubemap_AttachDefaultCubemapToSpecularSides( void ); // Add skipped cubemaps that are referenced by the engine void Cubemap_AddUnreferencedCubemaps( void ); //============================================================================= // overlay.cpp #define OVERLAY_MAP_STRLEN 256 struct mapoverlay_t { int nId; unsigned short m_nRenderOrder; char szMaterialName[OVERLAY_MAP_STRLEN]; float flU[2]; float flV[2]; float flFadeDistMinSq; float flFadeDistMaxSq; Vector vecUVPoints[4]; Vector vecOrigin; Vector vecBasis[3]; CUtlVector aSideList; CUtlVector aFaceList; }; extern CUtlVector g_aMapOverlays; extern CUtlVector g_aMapWaterOverlays; int Overlay_GetFromEntity( entity_t *pMapEnt ); void Overlay_UpdateSideLists( int StartIndex ); void Overlay_AddFaceToLists( int iFace, side_t *pSide ); void Overlay_EmitOverlayFaces( void ); void OverlayTransition_UpdateSideLists( int StartIndex ); void OverlayTransition_AddFaceToLists( int iFace, side_t *pSide ); void OverlayTransition_EmitOverlayFaces( void ); void Overlay_Translate( mapoverlay_t *pOverlay, Vector &OriginOffset, QAngle &AngleOffset, matrix3x4_t &Matrix ); //============================================================================= void RemoveAreaPortalBrushes_R( node_t *node ); dtexdata_t *GetTexData( int index ); #endif