//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Interface AND implementation of CTimeIndexedList
// $Workfile:     $
// $Date:         $
// $Log: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifdef WIN32
#pragma once
#include <list>
#include "TFStatsApplication.h"
#include "util.h"
// Purpose: CTimedIndexedList is a list of elements indexed by time_t's.
// the elements of the list are meant to represent a state that endures over time
// and when it is switched to another state, that is represented by an element in this
// list with the value of the new state at index t, where t is the time that the switch
// occured.
// in TFStats, this is used for player names and player classes
template <class T>
class CTimeIndexedList
	static time_t PENDING;
	typedef struct{T data;time_t start; time_t end;} listtype;
	typedef std::list<listtype>::iterator iterator;
	typedef std::map<T,time_t>::iterator accumulatorIterator;
	typedef std::map<T,time_t> accumulator;
	typedef std::list<listtype> timelist;
	timelist theList;
	time_t endTime;
	bool anythingAtTime(time_t);
	T atTime(time_t,T errorvalue=T());
	T favourite(T errorvalue=T());
	void add(time_t a,T b);
	bool contains(const T& t);

	accumulator accumulate();
	time_t howLong(const T& t);
	iterator begin();
	iterator end();
	int size();
	int numDifferent();

	void cut(time_t t); 
	void remove(T b);
template <class T>
time_t CTimeIndexedList<T>::PENDING=-1;

template <class T>

// Function:	CTimeIndexedList<T>::accumulate
// Purpose:	
// Output:	CTimeIndexedList<T>::accumulator
template<class T>
CTimeIndexedList<T>::accumulator CTimeIndexedList<T>::accumulate()
	CTimeIndexedList<T>::accumulator accum; //maps from a value of T, to the time that value was played
	//iterate through for debugging purposes

		CTimeIndexedList<T>::iterator it=theList.begin();
		for (it;it!=theList.end();++it)
			CTimeIndexedList<T>::listtype lt=*it;
	CTimeIndexedList<T>::iterator it=theList.begin();	
	for (it;it!=theList.end();++it)
		time_t start=it->start;
		time_t end=it->end;
		T& bucket=it->data;
		if (end==PENDING)
			if (end==0)
				g_pApp->fatalError("Time flow error, make sure your log file\n");

	return accum;

// Function:	CTimeIndexedList<T>::add
// Purpose:	
// Input:	a - 
//				b - 
template<class T>
void CTimeIndexedList<T>::add(time_t a,T b)
	bool lastIsB=false;
	bool firstElement=false;
	listtype insertme;

	if (!theList.empty())
		//find the last element and fix up its end-time (if it's pending)
		CTimeIndexedList<T>::iterator last=theList.end();
		listtype lt=*last;

		if (last->end==PENDING && last->data!=b)
	//add the new element!
	if (a > endTime)


// Function:	CTimeIndexedList::atTime
// Purpose:	returns the element whose time index is the closest to and less than or
//	equal to the queried time
// Input:	tm - the time that is being queried
// Output:	T, the element
template <class T>
T CTimeIndexedList<T>::atTime(time_t tm,T errorvalue)
	CTimeIndexedList<T>::iterator it;
	if (theList.empty())
		return errorvalue;

	//nothing exists here!
	if (tm < theList.begin()->start)
		return errorvalue;
	for (it=theList.begin();it!=theList.end();++it)
		time_t mark=it->start;
		time_t markend=it->end;

		if (tm >= mark && tm < markend)
			return it->data;
		if (tm >= mark && markend == PENDING)
			return it->data; 

	return errorvalue;

// Function:	CTimeIndexedList::favourite
// Purpose:	returns the element that spans the most time
// Output:	T, the element
template <class T>
T CTimeIndexedList<T>::favourite(T errorvalue)
	if (theList.empty())
		return errorvalue;

	CTimeIndexedList<T>::accumulator accum=accumulate();

	//now scan that intermediate map, and determine the element with the longest duration
	CTimeIndexedList<T>::accumulatorIterator accumiter=accum.begin();

	time_t maxtime=0;
	CTimeIndexedList<T>::accumulatorIterator fave=accumiter;

	T t= fave->first;
	for (accumiter;accumiter!=accum.end();++accumiter)
		t= fave->first;
		time_t clicksPlayed=accumiter->second;
		if (clicksPlayed> maxtime)
	T ttt= fave->first;

	return ttt;

// Function:	CTimeIndexedList::contains
// Purpose:	returns true if the element is in the list
// Input:	t, the element value that we're querying
// Output:	Returns true if the element was in the list
template <class T>
bool CTimeIndexedList<T>::contains(const T& t)
	CTimeIndexedList<T>::iterator it=theList.begin();
	for (it=theList.begin();it!=theList.end();++it)
		if (it->data==t)
			return true;
	return false;

template <class T>
time_t CTimeIndexedList<T>::howLong(const T& t)
	if (theList.begin()==theList.end())
		return 0;

	CTimeIndexedList<T>::accumulator accum=accumulate(); //maps from a value of T, to the time that value was played
	return accum[t];

template <class T>
CTimeIndexedList<T>::iterator CTimeIndexedList<T>::begin()
	return theList.begin();

template <class T>
CTimeIndexedList<T>::iterator CTimeIndexedList<T>::end()
	return theList.end();

template <class T>
int CTimeIndexedList<T>::size()
	return theList.size();

template <class T>
int CTimeIndexedList<T>::numDifferent()
	if (theList.begin()==theList.end())
		return 0;

	 //maps from a value of T, to the time that value was played
	CTimeIndexedList<T>::accumulator accum=accumulate();

	return accum.size();

template<class T>
void CTimeIndexedList<T>::cut(time_t t)
	if (t > endTime)
	if (!theList.empty())
		//find the last element and fix up its end-time (if it's pending)
		CTimeIndexedList<T>::iterator last=theList.end();

		if (last->end==PENDING)

template<class T>
void CTimeIndexedList<T>::remove(T b)
	CTimeIndexedList<T>::iterator it=theList.begin();
		if (it->data==b)

template <class T>
bool CTimeIndexedList<T>::anythingAtTime(time_t tm)
	//iterate through for debugging purposes

		CTimeIndexedList<T>::iterator it=theList.begin();
		for (it;it!=theList.end();++it)
			CTimeIndexedList<T>::listtype lt=*it;
	CTimeIndexedList<T>::iterator it;
	if (theList.empty())
		return false;

	//nothing exists here!
	if (tm < theList.begin()->start)
		return false;
	for (it=theList.begin();it!=theList.end();++it)
		time_t mark=it->start;
		time_t markend=it->end;

		if (tm >= mark && tm < markend)
			return true;

	return false;