//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: A higher level link library for general use in the game and tools. // //===========================================================================// #include <tier2/tier2.h> #include "tier0/dbg.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "materialsystem/imaterialsystem.h" #include "materialsystem/imaterialsystemhardwareconfig.h" #include "materialsystem/IColorCorrection.h" #include "materialsystem/idebugtextureinfo.h" #include "materialsystem/ivballoctracker.h" #include "inputsystem/iinputsystem.h" #include "networksystem/inetworksystem.h" #include "p4lib/ip4.h" #include "mdllib/mdllib.h" #include "filesystem/IQueuedLoader.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // These tier2 libraries must be set by any users of this library. // They can be set by calling ConnectTier2Libraries or InitDefaultFileSystem. // It is hoped that setting this, and using this library will be the common mechanism for // allowing link libraries to access tier2 library interfaces //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IFileSystem *g_pFullFileSystem = 0; IMaterialSystem *materials = 0; IMaterialSystem *g_pMaterialSystem = 0; IInputSystem *g_pInputSystem = 0; INetworkSystem *g_pNetworkSystem = 0; IMaterialSystemHardwareConfig *g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig = 0; IDebugTextureInfo *g_pMaterialSystemDebugTextureInfo = 0; IVBAllocTracker *g_VBAllocTracker = 0; IColorCorrectionSystem *colorcorrection = 0; IP4 *p4 = 0; IMdlLib *mdllib = 0; IQueuedLoader *g_pQueuedLoader = 0; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Call this to connect to all tier 2 libraries. // It's up to the caller to check the globals it cares about to see if ones are missing //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ConnectTier2Libraries( CreateInterfaceFn *pFactoryList, int nFactoryCount ) { // Don't connect twice.. Assert( !g_pFullFileSystem && !materials && !g_pInputSystem && !g_pNetworkSystem && !p4 && !mdllib && !g_pMaterialSystemDebugTextureInfo && !g_VBAllocTracker && !g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig && !g_pQueuedLoader ); for ( int i = 0; i < nFactoryCount; ++i ) { if ( !g_pFullFileSystem ) { g_pFullFileSystem = ( IFileSystem * )pFactoryList[i]( FILESYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); } if ( !materials ) { g_pMaterialSystem = materials = ( IMaterialSystem * )pFactoryList[i]( MATERIAL_SYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); } if ( !g_pInputSystem ) { g_pInputSystem = ( IInputSystem * )pFactoryList[i]( INPUTSYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); } if ( !g_pNetworkSystem ) { g_pNetworkSystem = ( INetworkSystem * )pFactoryList[i]( NETWORKSYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); } if ( !g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig ) { g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig = ( IMaterialSystemHardwareConfig * )pFactoryList[i]( MATERIALSYSTEM_HARDWARECONFIG_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); } if ( !g_pMaterialSystemDebugTextureInfo ) { g_pMaterialSystemDebugTextureInfo = (IDebugTextureInfo*)pFactoryList[i]( DEBUG_TEXTURE_INFO_VERSION, 0 ); } if ( !g_VBAllocTracker ) { g_VBAllocTracker = (IVBAllocTracker*)pFactoryList[i]( VB_ALLOC_TRACKER_INTERFACE_VERSION, 0 ); } if ( !colorcorrection ) { colorcorrection = ( IColorCorrectionSystem * )pFactoryList[i]( COLORCORRECTION_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); } if ( !p4 ) { p4 = ( IP4 * )pFactoryList[i]( P4_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); } if ( !mdllib ) { mdllib = ( IMdlLib * )pFactoryList[i]( MDLLIB_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); } if ( !g_pQueuedLoader ) { g_pQueuedLoader = (IQueuedLoader *)pFactoryList[i]( QUEUEDLOADER_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); } } } void DisconnectTier2Libraries() { g_pFullFileSystem = 0; materials = g_pMaterialSystem = 0; g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig = 0; g_pMaterialSystemDebugTextureInfo = 0; g_pInputSystem = 0; g_pNetworkSystem = 0; colorcorrection = 0; p4 = 0; mdllib = 0; g_pQueuedLoader = 0; }