//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ //===========================================================================// #ifndef RENDER_H #define RENDER_H #pragma once #include "Color.h" #include "utlstack.h" #include "hammer_mathlib.h" #include "MaterialSystem\imesh.h" class IMaterial; struct DrawModelInfo_t; class CCoreDispInfo; class CMapView; class CCamera; class CMapAtom; class IEditorTexture; class CMapClass; class CMapInstance; typedef unsigned short MDLHandle_t; #define CAMERA_FRONT_PLANE_DISTANCE 8.0f #define CAMERA_HORIZONTAL_FOV 90.0f // // Colors for selected faces and edges. Kinda hacky; should probably be elsewhere. // #define SELECT_FACE_RED 220 #define SELECT_FACE_GREEN 0 #define SELECT_FACE_BLUE 0 #define SELECT_EDGE_RED 255 #define SELECT_EDGE_GREEN 255 #define SELECT_EDGE_BLUE 0 inline void SelectFaceColor( Color &pColor ) { pColor[0] = SELECT_FACE_RED; pColor[1] = SELECT_FACE_GREEN; pColor[2] = SELECT_FACE_BLUE; } inline void SelectEdgeColor( Color &pColor ) { pColor[0] = SELECT_EDGE_RED; pColor[1] = SELECT_EDGE_GREEN; pColor[2] = SELECT_EDGE_BLUE; } inline void InstanceColor( Color &pColor, bool bSelected ) { if ( bSelected ) { pColor[ 0 ] = 192; pColor[ 1 ] = 128; pColor[ 2 ] = 0; pColor[ 3 ] = 192; } else { pColor[ 0 ] = 128; pColor[ 1 ] = 128; pColor[ 2 ] = 0; pColor[ 3 ] = 192; } } enum EditorRenderMode_t { RENDER_MODE_NONE = 0, // dont render anything RENDER_MODE_EXTERN, // other system is using material system RENDER_MODE_DEFAULT, // select default material RENDER_MODE_CURRENT, // the current render mode RENDER_MODE_WIREFRAME, // wire frame mode RENDER_MODE_FLAT, // flat solid colors RENDER_MODE_FLAT_NOZ, // flat solid colors, ignore Z RENDER_MODE_FLAT_NOCULL, // flat solid colors, no backface culling RENDER_MODE_DOTTED, // flat colored dotted, ignore Z RENDER_MODE_TRANSLUCENT_FLAT, RENDER_MODE_TEXTURED, RENDER_MODE_LIGHTMAP_GRID, RENDER_MODE_SELECTION_OVERLAY, RENDER_MODE_SMOOTHING_GROUP, RENDER_MODE_TEXTURED_SHADED, RENDER_MODE_LIGHT_PREVIEW2, RENDER_MODE_LIGHT_PREVIEW_RAYTRACED, RENDER_MODE_INSTANCE_OVERLAY, }; enum InstanceRenderingState_t { INSTANCE_STATE_OFF, // normal rendering INSTANCE_STATE_ON, // will be tinted as an instance INSTANCE_STACE_SELECTED // will be tinted as a selected instance }; typedef struct SInstanceState { CMapInstance *m_pInstanceClass; // the func_instance entity Vector m_InstanceOrigin; // the origin offset of instance rendering QAngle m_InstanceAngles; // the rotation of the instance rendering VMatrix m_InstanceMatrix; // matrix of the origin and rotation of rendering VMatrix m_InstanceRenderMatrix; // matrix of the current camera transform bool m_bIsEditable; CMapInstance *m_pTopInstanceClass; } TInstanceState; #define STENCIL_AS_CALLS 1 class CRender { public: CRender(void); virtual ~CRender(void); enum { TEXT_SINGLELINE = 0x1, // put all of the text on one line TEXT_MULTILINE = 0x2, // the text is written on multiple lines TEXT_JUSTIFY_BOTTOM = 0x4, // default TEXT_JUSTIFY_TOP = 0x8, TEXT_JUSTIFY_RIGHT = 0x10, // default TEXT_JUSTIFY_LEFT = 0x20, TEXT_JUSTIFY_HORZ_CENTER = 0x40, TEXT_JUSTIFY_VERT_CENTER = 0x80, TEXT_CLEAR_BACKGROUND = 0x100 }; // clear the background behind the text enum { HANDLE_NONE = 0, HANDLE_SQUARE, HANDLE_CIRCLE, HANDLE_DIAMOND, HANDLE_CROSS }; // map view setup virtual bool SetView( CMapView *pView ); CMapView *GetView() { return m_pView; } CCamera *GetCamera();// { return m_pView->GetCamera(); } bool IsActiveView(); // begin/end single render frame, sets up camera etc virtual void StartRenderFrame(); virtual void EndRenderFrame(); int GetRenderFrame() { return m_nFrameCount; } // switch rendering to client space coordinates (horz,vert,ignore) // render is in world space mode by default bool BeginClientSpace(void); void EndClientSpace(void); bool IsInClientSpace() { return m_bIsClientSpace; } void BeginLocalTransfrom( const VMatrix &matrix, bool MultiplyCurrent = false ); void EndLocalTransfrom(); bool IsInLocalTransformMode(); void GetLocalTranform( VMatrix &matrix ); void SetTextColor( unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a = 255 ); void SetDrawColor( unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b ); void SetDrawColor( const Color &color ); void GetDrawColor( Color &color ); void SetHandleColor( unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b ); void SetHandleStyle( int size, int type ); void SetDefaultRenderMode(EditorRenderMode_t eRenderMode); void BindTexture(IEditorTexture *pTexture); void BindMaterial( IMaterial *pMaterial ); virtual void SetRenderMode( EditorRenderMode_t eRenderMode, bool force = false); inline EditorRenderMode_t GetCurrentRenderMode() { return m_eCurrentRenderMode; } inline EditorRenderMode_t GetDefaultRenderMode() { return m_eDefaultRenderMode; } void PushRenderMode( EditorRenderMode_t eRenderMode ); void PopRenderMode(); // drawing primitives void DrawPoint( const Vector &vPoint ); void DrawLine( const Vector &vStart, const Vector &vEnd ); virtual void DrawBox( const Vector &vMins, const Vector &vMaxs, bool bFill = false ); void DrawBoxExt( const Vector &vCenter, float extend, bool bFill = false ); void DrawSphere( const Vector &vCenter, int nRadius ); void DrawCircle( const Vector &vCenter, const Vector &vNormal, float flRadius, int nSegments ); void DrawPolyLine( int nPoints, const Vector *Points ); void DrawText( const char *text, int x, int y, int nFlags ); // Uses pixel coordinates void DrawText( const char *text, const Vector2D &vPos, int nOffsetX, int nOffsetY, int nFlags ); // Uses "world" coordinates void DrawHandle( const Vector &vPoint, const Vector2D *vOffset = NULL ); void DrawHandles( int nPoints, const Vector *Points ); void DrawArrow( Vector const &vStart, Vector const &vEnd ); void DrawPlane( const Vector &p0, const Vector &p1, const Vector &p2, const Vector &p3, bool bFill = false ); // drawing complex objects void DrawModel( DrawModelInfo_t* pInfo, matrix3x4_t *pBoneToWorld, const Vector &vOrigin, float fAlpha = 1, bool bWireframe = false ); void DrawDisplacement( CCoreDispInfo *pDisp ); void DrawCollisionModel( MDLHandle_t mdlHandle, const VMatrix &mViewMatrix ); // // helper funtions // void TransformPoint( Vector2D &vClient, const Vector& vWorld ); void TransformNormal( Vector2D &vClient, const Vector& vWorld ); void GetViewForward( Vector &ViewForward ) const; void GetViewRight( Vector &ViewRight ) const; void GetViewUp( Vector &ViewUp ) const; void PrepareInstanceStencil( void ); void DrawInstanceStencil( void ); void PushInstanceRendering( InstanceRenderingState_t State ); void PopInstanceRendering( void ); void SetInstanceRendering( InstanceRenderingState_t State ); void SetInstanceRendering( bool InstanceRendering ) { m_bInstanceRendering = InstanceRendering; } virtual void PushInstanceData( CMapInstance *pInstanceClass, Vector &InstanceOrigin, QAngle &InstanceAngles ); virtual void PopInstanceData( void ); bool GetInstanceRendering( void ) { return m_bInstanceRendering; } CMapInstance *GetInstanceClass( void ) { return m_CurrentInstanceState.m_pInstanceClass; } void GetInstanceMatrix( VMatrix &Matrix ) { Matrix = m_CurrentInstanceState.m_InstanceMatrix; } Vector GetInstanceOrigin( void ) { return m_CurrentInstanceState.m_InstanceOrigin; } QAngle GetInstanceAngle( void ) { return m_CurrentInstanceState.m_InstanceAngles; } void TransformInstanceVector( Vector &In, Vector &Out ) { m_CurrentInstanceState.m_InstanceMatrix.V3Mul( In, Out ); } void RotateInstanceVector( Vector &In, Vector &Out ) { VectorRotate( In, m_CurrentInstanceState.m_InstanceMatrix.As3x4(), Out ); } void TransformInstanceAABB( Vector &InMins, Vector &InMaxs, Vector &OutMins, Vector &OutMaxs ) { TransformAABB( m_CurrentInstanceState.m_InstanceMatrix.As3x4(), InMins, InMaxs, OutMins, OutMaxs ); } protected: bool GetRequiredMaterial( const char *pName, IMaterial* &pMaterial ); void UpdateStudioRenderConfig( bool bFlat, bool bWireframe ); // client space helper functions: void DrawFilledRect( Vector2D& pt1, Vector2D& pt2, unsigned char *pColor, bool bBorder ); void DrawCross( Vector2D& pt1, Vector2D& pt2, unsigned char *pColor ); void DrawCircle( Vector2D &vCenter, float fRadius, int nSegments, unsigned char *pColor ); void DrawRect( Vector2D& pt1, Vector2D& pt2, unsigned char *pColor ); protected: CMapView *m_pView; unsigned long m_DefaultFont; bool m_bIsClientSpace; bool m_bIsLocalTransform; CUtlVector< VMatrix > m_LocalMatrix; VMatrix m_OrthoMatrix; // Meshbuilder used for drawing IMesh* m_pMesh; CMeshBuilder meshBuilder; // colors Color m_DrawColor; // current draw/fill color Color m_TextColor; // current text color Color m_HandleColor; // current text color // handle styles int m_nHandleSize; int m_nHandleType; // frame count int m_nFrameCount; // increases each setup camera bool m_bIsRendering; bool m_bIsRenderingIntoVGUI; // materials IMaterial* m_pCurrentMaterial; // The currently bound material IMaterial* m_pBoundMaterial; // a material given from external caller int m_nDecalMode; // 0 or 1 IMaterial* m_pWireframe[2]; // default wireframe material IMaterial* m_pFlat[2]; // default flat material IMaterial* m_pDotted[2]; // default dotted material IMaterial* m_pFlatNoZ[2]; // default flat material, ignore Z IMaterial* m_pFlatNoCull[2]; // default flat material, no backface cull IMaterial* m_pTranslucentFlat[2]; // default translucent flat material IMaterial* m_pLightmapGrid[2]; // default lightmap grid material IMaterial* m_pSelectionOverlay[2]; // for selecting actual textures // render modes EditorRenderMode_t m_eCurrentRenderMode; // Current render mode setting - Wireframe, flat, or textured. EditorRenderMode_t m_eDefaultRenderMode; // Default render mode - Wireframe, flat, or textured. CUtlStack<EditorRenderMode_t> m_RenderModeStack; // instance int m_nInstanceCount; // increases each time an instance is drawn regardless of view bool m_bInstanceRendering; // if true, we are rendering an instance VMatrix m_CurrentMatrix; // matrix of the current transforms int m_InstanceSelectionDepth; TInstanceState m_CurrentInstanceState; // the current instance state ( with current transforms ) CUtlVector< TInstanceState > m_InstanceState; // the instance state stack #ifndef STENCIL_AS_CALLS ShaderStencilState_t m_ShaderStencilState; #endif // STENCIL_AS_CALLS int m_nNumInstancesRendered; // number of instances rendered that impacted the stencil buffer CUtlVector< InstanceRenderingState_t > m_InstanceRenderingState; // the instance rendering state stack }; #endif // RENDER_H