//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: Intrusive linked list templates, both for singly and doubly linked lists // // $Revision: $ // $NoKeywords: $ //===========================================================================// #ifndef UTILINTRUSIVELIST_H #define UTILINTRUSIVELIST_H #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma once #endif #include "tier0/basetypes.h" #include "utlmemory.h" #include "tier0/dbg.h" // // These templates are used for intrusive linked list classes. Intrusive linked list templates // force the structs and classes contained within them to have their own m_pNext, (optionally), // m_pPrev, and other fields contained within. All memory management is up to the caller and their // classes. No data will ever be copied. Nodes can only exist on one list at a time, because of // only having on m_Next field, and manipulating the list while walking it requires that care on // the part of the caller. All accessing and searching functions work by passing and returning // pointers. // // // // naming and field conventions: // functions referring to a DList are for doubly linked lists. nodes must have m_pHead and // m_pPrev pointer fields. // Functions using Priority require an m_Priority field, which must be comparable. // // Some functions are mean for use with lists which maintain both a head and tail pointer // in order to support fast adding to the end. /// validates that the doubly linked list has the proper structure, pointer-wise namespace IntrusiveList { #ifdef SUPERSLOW_DEBUG_VERSION template<class T> inline void ValidateDList(T *head) { if (head) { Assert(head->m_pPrev==0); } while(head) { if (head->m_pNext) { Assert(head->m_pNext->m_pPrev==head); } if (head->m_pPrev) { Assert(head->m_pPrev->m_pNext==head); } head=head->m_pNext; } } #else template<class T> inline void ValidateDList(T * /*head*/) { } #endif // move a node in a doubly linked list backwards one step. template <class T> inline void MoveDNodeBackwards( T *which, T * &head) { if (which->m_pPrev) { T *p=which->m_pPrev; T *pp=p->m_pPrev; T *n=which->m_pNext; Assert(p->m_pNext == which); if (n) { Assert(n->m_pPrev==which); n->m_pPrev=p; } if (pp) { Assert(pp->m_pNext==p); pp->m_pNext=which; } else { head=which; // this node is the new root! } which->m_pNext=p; which->m_pPrev=pp; p->m_pNext=n; p->m_pPrev=which; } ValidateDList(head); } // removes node 'which' from doubly linked list with 'head' template<class T> inline void RemoveFromDList(T * &head, T *which) { if (which->m_pPrev) { Assert(which->m_pPrev->m_pNext==which); which->m_pPrev->m_pNext=which->m_pNext; if (which->m_pNext) { Assert(which->m_pNext->m_pPrev==which); which->m_pNext->m_pPrev=which->m_pPrev; } } else { if (head==which) { head=which->m_pNext; if (head) { Assert(head->m_pPrev==which); head->m_pPrev=0; } } } which->m_pNext=which->m_pPrev=0; ValidateDList(head); } //checks to see if node is in doubly linked list template<class T> bool OnDList(T const *head, T const *which) { return (head==which) || (which->m_pNext !=0) || (which->m_pPrev !=0); } // add a node to the end of a singly linked list template<class T> void AddToDTail(T * & head, T * node) { node->m_pNext=0; if (! head) { head=node; } else { T *ptr=head; while(ptr->m_pNext) { ptr=ptr->m_pNext; } ptr->m_pNext=node; node->m_pPrev=ptr; // } } // add a node to end of doubly linked list. template<class T> inline void AddToDHead(T * &head, T *which) { which->m_pNext=head; if (head) { head->m_pPrev=which; } which->m_pPrev=0; head=which; ValidateDList(head); } // add a node to front of doubly linked list which maintains a tail ptr template<class T> inline void AddToDHeadWithTailPtr(T * &head, T *which, T * &tailptr) { which->m_pNext=head; if (head) { head->m_pPrev=which; } else { tailptr=which; } which->m_pPrev=0; head=which; ValidateDList(head); } // add a node to end of doubly linked list which maintains a tail ptr template<class T> inline void AddToDTailWithTailPtr(T * &head, T *which, T * & tailptr) { if (! tailptr) { Assert(! head); which->m_pPrev=which->m_pNext=0; tailptr=head=which; } else { which->m_pNext=0; which->m_pPrev=tailptr; tailptr->m_pNext=which; tailptr=which; } ValidateDList( head ); } // Remove a node from a dlist , maintaining the tail ptr. node is not 'delete' d template<class T> inline void RemoveFromDListWithTailPtr(T * &head, T *which, T * & tailptr) { if (which==tailptr) { tailptr=which->m_pPrev; } if (which->m_pPrev) { Assert(which->m_pPrev->m_pNext==which); which->m_pPrev->m_pNext=which->m_pNext; if (which->m_pNext) { Assert(which->m_pNext->m_pPrev==which); which->m_pNext->m_pPrev=which->m_pPrev; } } else { if (head==which) { head=which->m_pNext; if (head) { Assert(head->m_pPrev==which); head->m_pPrev=0; } } } which->m_pNext=which->m_pPrev=0; ValidateDList(head); } // this function removes a node, and delete's the node template<class T> inline void DeleteFromDListWithTailPtr(T * &head, T *which, T * & tailptr) { T *tmp=which; if (which==tailptr) { tailptr=which->m_pPrev; } if (which->m_pPrev) { Assert(which->m_pPrev->m_pNext==which); which->m_pPrev->m_pNext=which->m_pNext; if (which->m_pNext) { Assert(which->m_pNext->m_pPrev==which); which->m_pNext->m_pPrev=which->m_pPrev; } } else { if (head==which) { head=which->m_pNext; if (head) { Assert(head->m_pPrev==which); head->m_pPrev=0; } } } which->m_pNext=which->m_pPrev=0; delete tmp; ValidateDList(head); } // Add a node to a d-list, keeping the highest priority nodes first. This is a simple // linear search to insert, NOT a O(logn) heap. template<class T> inline void AddToDPriority(T * &head, T *which) { T* prevnode=0; for(T *curnode=head;curnode;curnode=curnode->m_pNext) { if (which->m_Priority>=curnode->m_Priority) break; prevnode=curnode; } // now, we have either run out of list, or we have found an // element to add this one before if (! prevnode) { AddToDHead(head,which); } else { which->m_pNext=prevnode->m_pNext; prevnode->m_pNext=which; which->m_pPrev=prevnode; if (which->m_pNext) which->m_pNext->m_pPrev=which; } } // same as AddToDPriority, except with reverse order template<class T> inline void AddToDPriorityLowestFirst(T * &head, T *which) { T* prevnode=0; for(T *curnode=head;curnode;curnode=curnode->m_pNext) { if (which->m_Priority<=curnode->m_Priority) break; prevnode=curnode; } // now, we have either run out of list, or we have found an // element to add this one before if (! prevnode) { AddToDHead(head,which); } else { which->m_pNext=prevnode->m_pNext; prevnode->m_pNext=which; which->m_pPrev=prevnode; if (which->m_pNext) which->m_pNext->m_pPrev=which; } } // return a pointer to the last node in a singly-linked (or doubly) list template<class T> T * LastNode(T * head) { if (head) { while(head->m_pNext) { head=head->m_pNext; } } return head; } // Remove from a singly linked list. no delete called. template<class T,class V> void RemoveFromList(T * & head, V *which) { if (head==which) { head=which->m_pNext; } else { for(T * i=head; i; i=i->m_pNext) { if (i->m_pNext==which) { i->m_pNext=which->m_pNext; return; } } } } // same as RemoveFromList, but 'delete' is called. template<class T,class V> void DeleteFromList(T * & head, V *which) { T *tmp; if (head==which) { tmp=which->m_pNext; delete(head); head=tmp; } else { for(T * i=head; i; i=i->m_pNext) { if (i->m_pNext==which) { tmp=which->m_pNext; delete(which); i->m_pNext=tmp; return; } } } } // find the position in a list of a node. -1 if not found. Linear search. // nodes must have comparison functions template<class T,class V> int PositionInList(T *head, V *node) { int pos=0; while(head) { if (head==node) return pos; head=head->m_pNext; pos++; } return -1; } // find the Nth node in a list. null if index too high. template<class T> T *NthNode(T * head, int idx) { while(idx && head) { idx--; head=head->m_pNext; } return head; } //Add a node to the head of a singly-linked // Note that the head var passed to this will be modified. template<class T,class V> static inline void AddToHead(T * & head, V * node) { node->m_pNext=head; head=node; } //Add a node to the tail of a singly-linked. Not fast // Note that the head var passed to this will be modified. template<class T,class V> static inline void AddToTail(T * & head, V * node) { node->m_pNext = NULL; if ( ! head ) head = node; else { T *pLastNode = head; while( pLastNode->m_pNext ) pLastNode = pLastNode->m_pNext; pLastNode->m_pNext = node; } } //Add a node to the head of a singly-linked list, maintaining a tail pointer template<class T,class V> static inline void AddToHead(T * & head, T * &tail,V * node) { if (! head) { tail=node; } node->m_pNext=head; head=node; } // return the node in head before in a singly linked list. returns null if head is empty, n is // null, or if n is the first node. not fast. template<class T> static inline T * PrevNode(T *head, T *node) { T *i; for(i=head;i;i=i->m_pNext) { if (i->m_pNext == node) break; } return i; } // add a node to the end of a singly linked list. Not fast. template<class T,class V> void AddToEnd(T * & head, V * node) { node->m_pNext=0; if (! head) { head=node; } else { T *ptr=head; while(ptr->m_pNext) { ptr=ptr->m_pNext; } ptr->m_pNext=node; } } // add a node to the end of a singly linked list, maintaining a tail pointer. // the head and tail pointer can be modified by this routine. template<class T,class V> void AddToEndWithTail(T * & head, T * & tail,V * node) { Assert((head && tail) || ((!head) && (!tail))); node->m_pNext=0; if (! head) { head=tail=node; } else { tail->m_pNext=node; tail=node; } } // Add a node to a singly linked list, sorting by the m_Name field template<class T> void AddSortedByName(T * & head, T * node) { if ( (! head) || // empty list? (stricmp(node->m_Name,head->m_Name)==-1)) // or we should be first? { node->m_pNext=head; // make us head head=node; } else { T *t; for(t=head;t->m_pNext;t=t->m_pNext) // find the node we should be before if (stricmp(t->m_pNext->m_Name,node->m_Name)>=0) break; node->m_pNext=t->m_pNext; t->m_pNext=node; } } // count # of elements in list template<class T> int ListLength(T *head) { int len=0; while(head) { len++; head=head->m_pNext; } return len; } // this will kill a list if the list is of objects which automatically // remove themselves from the list when delete is called template<class T> void KillList(T * & head) { while(head) { delete head; } } // this will kill all elements in a list if // the elements are of a type which does NOT remove itself from // the list when the destructor is called. template<class T> void DeleteList(T * & head) { while (head) { T* tmp=head->m_pNext; delete head; head=tmp; } } // find a named node in any list which has both a Next field and a Name field. template <class T> static inline T * FindNamedNode(T * head, char const *name) { for(;head && stricmp(head->m_Name,name); head=head->m_pNext) { } return head; } template <class T> static inline T * FindNamedNodeCaseSensitive(T * head, char const *name) { for(;head && strcmp(head->m_Name,name); head=head->m_pNext) { } return head; } // find data in a singly linked list, using equality match on any field // usage: FindNodeByField(listptr,data,&list::fieldname) template <class T, class U, class V> static inline T * FindNodeByField(T * head, U data, U V::*field) { while(head) { if (data==(*head).*field) return head; head=head->m_pNext; } return 0; } // find a node and its predecessor, matching on equality of a given field. // usage: FindNodeByFieldWithPrev(listptr,data,&list::fieldname, prevptr) template <class T, class U, class V> static inline T * FindNodeByFieldWithPrev(T * head, U data, U V::*field, T * & prev) { prev=0; for(T *i=head; i; i=i->m_pNext) { if(data==(*i).*field) return i; prev=i; } prev=0; return 0; } /// sort a list. comparefn should return 0 if the items are equal, 1 if A goes first, and -1 if A goes last. // NOT fast. template<class T> void SortList(T * &head, int (*comparefn)(T * a, T * b)) { int didswap=1; while(didswap) { didswap=0; T *prev=0; for(T *i=head;i && i->m_pNext; i=i->m_pNext) { /// compare i and i+1 int rslt=(*comparefn)(i,i->m_pNext); if (rslt==-1) { /// need to swap didswap=1; T *newfirst=i->m_pNext; if (prev) { prev->m_pNext=newfirst; i->m_pNext=newfirst->m_pNext; newfirst->m_pNext=i; } else { head=i->m_pNext; i->m_pNext=newfirst->m_pNext; newfirst->m_pNext=i; } i=newfirst; } prev=i; } } } // sort a doubly linked list. NOt fast. template <class T> void SortDList(T * & head, int (*comparefn)(T * a, T * b)) { SortList(head,comparefn); /// now, regen prev ptrs T *prev=0; for(T *i=head;i;i=i->m_pNext) { i->m_pPrev=prev; prev=i; } } // reverse a singly linked list. not recommended for anything other than valve programming // interview :-) template <class T> T *ReversedList( T * head ) { T * pNewHead=NULL; while( head ) { T *pNext=head->m_pNext; #ifdef INTERVIEW_QUESTION head->m_pNext=pNewHead; pNewHead = head; #else AddToHead( pNewHead, head ); #endif head = pNext; } return pNewHead; } }; // singly linked list template<class T> class CUtlIntrusiveList { public: T *m_pHead; FORCEINLINE T *Head( void ) const { return m_pHead; } FORCEINLINE CUtlIntrusiveList(void) { m_pHead = NULL; } FORCEINLINE void RemoveAll( void ) { // empty list. doesn't touch nodes at all m_pHead = NULL; } FORCEINLINE void AddToHead( T * node ) { IntrusiveList::AddToHead( m_pHead, node ); } FORCEINLINE void AddToTail( T * node ) { IntrusiveList::AddToTail( m_pHead, node ); } void RemoveNode(T *which) { IntrusiveList::RemoveFromList( m_pHead, which ); } // this will kill a list if the list is of objects which automatically // remove themselves from the list when delete is called void KillList( void ) { while(m_pHead) { delete m_pHead; } } // return the node in head before in a singly linked list. returns null if head is empty, n is // null, or if n is the first node. not fast. Fast for dlists T * PrevNode(T *node) { return IntrusiveList::PrevNode( m_pHead, node ); } int NthNode( int n ) { return NthNode( m_pHead, n ); } // this will kill all elements in a list if // the elements are of a type which does NOT remove itself from // the list when the destructor is called. void Purge( void ) { while (m_pHead) { T* tmp=m_pHead->m_pNext; delete m_pHead; m_pHead=tmp; } } int Count( void ) const { return IntrusiveList::ListLength( m_pHead ); } FORCEINLINE T * FindNamedNodeCaseSensitive( char const *pName ) const { return IntrusiveList::FindNamedNodeCaseSensitive( m_pHead, pName ); } T *RemoveHead( void ) { if ( m_pHead ) { T *pRet = m_pHead; m_pHead = pRet->m_pNext; return pRet; } else return NULL; } }; // doubly linked list template<class T> class CUtlIntrusiveDList : public CUtlIntrusiveList<T> { public: FORCEINLINE void AddToHead( T * node ) { IntrusiveList::AddToDHead( CUtlIntrusiveList<T>::m_pHead, node ); } FORCEINLINE void AddToTail( T * node ) { IntrusiveList::AddToDTail( CUtlIntrusiveList<T>::m_pHead, node ); } void RemoveNode(T *which) { IntrusiveList::RemoveFromDList( CUtlIntrusiveList<T>::m_pHead, which ); } T *RemoveHead( void ) { if ( CUtlIntrusiveList<T>::m_pHead ) { T *pRet = CUtlIntrusiveList<T>::m_pHead; CUtlIntrusiveList<T>::m_pHead = CUtlIntrusiveList<T>::m_pHead->m_pNext; if ( CUtlIntrusiveList<T>::m_pHead ) CUtlIntrusiveList<T>::m_pHead->m_pPrev = NULL; return pRet; } else return NULL; } T * PrevNode(T *node) { return ( node )?node->m_Prev:NULL; } }; template<class T> class CUtlIntrusiveDListWithTailPtr : public CUtlIntrusiveDList<T> { public: T *m_pTailPtr; FORCEINLINE CUtlIntrusiveDListWithTailPtr( void ) : CUtlIntrusiveDList<T>() { m_pTailPtr = NULL; } FORCEINLINE void AddToHead( T * node ) { IntrusiveList::AddToDHeadWithTailPtr( CUtlIntrusiveList<T>::m_pHead, node, m_pTailPtr ); } FORCEINLINE void AddToTail( T * node ) { IntrusiveList::AddToDTailWithTailPtr( CUtlIntrusiveList<T>::m_pHead, node, m_pTailPtr ); } void RemoveNode( T *pWhich ) { IntrusiveList::RemoveFromDListWithTailPtr( CUtlIntrusiveList<T>::m_pHead, pWhich, m_pTailPtr ); } void Purge( void ) { CUtlIntrusiveList<T>::Purge(); m_pTailPtr = NULL; } void Kill( void ) { CUtlIntrusiveList<T>::Purge(); m_pTailPtr = NULL; } T *RemoveHead( void ) { if ( CUtlIntrusiveDList<T>::m_pHead ) { T *pRet = CUtlIntrusiveDList<T>::m_pHead; CUtlIntrusiveDList<T>::m_pHead = CUtlIntrusiveDList<T>::m_pHead->m_pNext; if ( CUtlIntrusiveDList<T>::m_pHead ) CUtlIntrusiveDList<T>::m_pHead->m_pPrev = NULL; if (! CUtlIntrusiveDList<T>::m_pHead ) m_pTailPtr = NULL; ValidateDList( CUtlIntrusiveDList<T>::m_pHead ); return pRet; } else return NULL; } T * PrevNode(T *node) { return ( node )?node->m_Prev:NULL; } }; template<class T> void PrependDListWithTailToDList( CUtlIntrusiveDListWithTailPtr<T> &src, CUtlIntrusiveDList<T> &dest ) { if ( src.m_pHead ) { src.m_pTailPtr->m_pNext = dest.m_pHead; if ( dest.m_pHead ) dest.m_pHead->m_pPrev = src.m_pTailPtr; dest.m_pHead = src.m_pHead; IntrusiveList::ValidateDList( dest.m_pHead ); } } #endif