/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * See the LICENSE file for information on copyright, usage and redistribution
 * of SWIG, and the README file for authors - http://www.swig.org/release.html.
 * std_string.i
 * SWIG typemaps for std::string
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// std::string is typemapped by value
// This can prevent exporting methods which return a string
// in order for the user to modify it.
// However, I think I'll wait until someone asks for it...
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

// %include <exception.i>
%warnfilter(404) std::string;
%warnfilter(404) std::wstring;

#include <string>
// #include <vector>
// using std::vector;

using std::string;


// %include <std_vector.i>

// %naturalvar std::string;
// %naturalvar std::wstring;

namespace std {
    typedef unsigned long size_t;
    typedef signed long ptrdiff_t;

    template <class charT> class basic_string {
	typedef charT *pointer;
	typedef charT &reference;
	typedef const charT &const_reference;
	typedef size_t size_type;
	typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
	basic_string( charT *str );
	size_type size();
	charT operator []( int pos ) const;
	charT *c_str() const;
	basic_string<charT> &operator = ( const basic_string &ws );
	basic_string<charT> &operator = ( const charT *str );
	basic_string<charT> &append( const basic_string<charT> &other );
	basic_string<charT> &append( const charT *str );
	void push_back( charT c );
	void clear();
	void reserve( size_type t );
	void resize( size_type n, charT c = charT() );
	int compare( const basic_string<charT> &other ) const;
	int compare( const charT *str ) const;
	basic_string<charT> &insert( size_type pos, 
				     const basic_string<charT> &str );
	size_type find( const basic_string<charT> &other, int pos = 0 ) const;
	size_type find( charT c, int pos = 0 ) const;
	%extend {
	    bool operator == ( const basic_string<charT> &other ) const {
		return self->compare( other ) == 0;
	    bool operator != ( const basic_string<charT> &other ) const {
		return self->compare( other ) != 0;
	    bool operator < ( const basic_string<charT> &other ) const {
		return self->compare( other ) == -1;
	    bool operator > ( const basic_string<charT> &other ) const {
		return self->compare( other ) == 1;
	    bool operator <= ( const basic_string<charT> &other ) const {
		return self->compare( other ) != 1;
	    bool operator >= ( const basic_string<charT> &other ) const {
		return self->compare( other ) != -1;


    %template(string) basic_string<char>;
    %template(wstring) basic_string<wchar_t>;

    %apply char * { string };
    %apply wchar_t * { wstring };

    typedef basic_string<char> string;
    typedef basic_string<wchar_t> wstring;

    // automatically convert constant std::strings to cl:strings
    %typemap(ctype) string "char *";
    %typemap(in) string "$1.assign($input);";
    %typemap(out) string "$result = (char *)(&$1)->c_str();";
    %typemap(lisptype) string "cl:string";
    %typemap(lout) string "(cl::setq ACL_ffresult $body)";

    %typemap(ctype) const string *"char *";
    %typemap(in) const string * "$1.assign($input);";
    %typemap(out) const string * "$result = (char *)($1)->c_str();";
    %typemap(lisptype) const string * "cl:string";
    %typemap(lout) const string * "(cl::setq ACL_ffresult $body)";

    %typemap(ctype) wstring "wchar_t *";
    %typemap(in) wstring "$1.assign($input);";
    %typemap(out) wstring "$result = (wchar_t *)(&$1)->c_str();";
    %typemap(lisptype) wstring "cl:string";
    %typemap(lout) wstring "(cl::setq ACL_ffresult (excl:native-to-string $body
:external-format #+little-endian :fat-le #-little-endian :fat))";

    %typemap(ctype) const wstring *"char *";
    %typemap(in) const wstring * "$1.assign($input);";
    %typemap(out) const wstring * "$result = (char *)($1)->c_str();";
    %typemap(lisptype) const wstring * "cl:string";
    %typemap(lout) const wstring * "(cl::setq ACL_ffresult $body)";

    /* Overloading check */
//     %typemap(in) string {
//         if (caml_ptr_check($input))
//             $1.assign((char *)caml_ptr_val($input,0),
// 			 caml_string_len($input));
//         else
//             SWIG_exception(SWIG_TypeError, "string expected");
//     }

//     %typemap(in) const string & (std::string temp) {
//         if (caml_ptr_check($input)) {
//             temp.assign((char *)caml_ptr_val($input,0),
// 			   caml_string_len($input));
//             $1 = &temp;
//         } else {
//             SWIG_exception(SWIG_TypeError, "string expected");
//         }
//     }

//     %typemap(in) string & (std::string temp) {
//         if (caml_ptr_check($input)) {
//             temp.assign((char *)caml_ptr_val($input,0),
// 			   caml_string_len($input));
//             $1 = &temp;
//         } else {
//             SWIG_exception(SWIG_TypeError, "string expected");
//         }
//     }

//     %typemap(in) string * (std::string *temp) {
//         if (caml_ptr_check($input)) {
//             temp = new std::string((char *)caml_ptr_val($input,0),
// 				   caml_string_len($input));
//             $1 = temp;
//         } else {
//             SWIG_exception(SWIG_TypeError, "string expected");
//         }
//     }

//     %typemap(free) string * (std::string *temp) {
// 	delete temp;
//     }

//    %typemap(argout) string & {
//	caml_list_append(swig_result,caml_val_string_len((*$1).c_str(),
//							 (*$1).size()));
//    }

//    %typemap(directorout) string {
//	$result.assign((char *)caml_ptr_val($input,0),
//		       caml_string_len($input));
//    }

//    %typemap(out) string {
//        $result = caml_val_string_len($1.c_str(),$1.size());
//    }

//    %typemap(out) string * {
//	$result = caml_val_string_len((*$1).c_str(),(*$1).size());
//    }

// char **c_charptr_array( const std::vector <string > &str_v );

// %{
//   SWIGEXT char **c_charptr_array( const std::vector <string > &str_v ) {
//     char **out = new char *[str_v.size() + 1];
//     out[str_v.size()] = 0;
//     for( int i = 0; i < str_v.size(); i++ ) {
//       out[i] = (char *)str_v[i].c_str();
//     }
//     return out;
//   }
// %}
// #endif

// %template (StringVector) std::vector<string >;

// %insert(ml) %{
//   (* Some STL convenience items *)

//   let string_array_to_vector sa = 
//     let nv = _new_StringVector C_void in
//       array_to_vector nv (fun x -> C_string x) sa ; nv
//   let c_string_array ar = 
//     _c_charptr_array (string_array_to_vector ar)
// %}

// %insert(mli) %{
//   val c_string_array: string array -> c_obj
// %}
// #endif