//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 

#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once

#include "shareddefs.h"

#define TEAM_ARRAY( index, team )		(index + (team * MAX_CONTROL_POINTS))

// Purpose: An entity that networks the state of the game's objectives.
//			May contain data for objectives that aren't used by your mod, but
//			the extra data will never be networked as long as it's zeroed out.
class CBaseTeamObjectiveResource : public CBaseEntity
	DECLARE_CLASS( CBaseTeamObjectiveResource, CBaseEntity );


	virtual void Spawn( void );
	virtual int  UpdateTransmitState(void);

	virtual void ObjectiveThink( void );

	void ResetControlPoints( void );

	// Data functions, called to set up the state at the beginning of a round
	void SetNumControlPoints( int num );
	int	 GetNumControlPoints( void ) { return m_iNumControlPoints; }
	void SetCPIcons( int index, int iTeam, int iIcon );
	void SetCPOverlays( int index, int iTeam, int iIcon );
	void SetTeamBaseIcons( int iTeam, int iBaseIcon );
	void SetCPPosition( int index, const Vector& vPosition );
	void SetCPVisible( int index, bool bVisible );
	void SetCPRequiredCappers( int index, int iTeam, int iReqPlayers );
	void SetCPCapTime( int index, int iTeam, float flTime );
	void SetCPCapPercentage( int index, float flTime );
	float GetCPCapPercentage( int index );
	void SetTeamCanCap( int index, int iTeam, bool bCanCap );
	void SetBaseCP( int index, int iTeam );
	void SetPreviousPoint( int index, int iTeam, int iPrevIndex, int iPrevPoint );
	int GetPreviousPointForPoint( int index, int team, int iPrevIndex );
	bool TeamCanCapPoint( int index, int team );
	void SetCapLayoutInHUD( const char *pszLayout ) { Q_strncpy(m_pszCapLayoutInHUD.GetForModify(), pszLayout, MAX_CAPLAYOUT_LENGTH ); }
	void SetCapLayoutCustomPosition( float flPositionX, float flPositionY ) { m_flCustomPositionX = flPositionX; m_flCustomPositionY = flPositionY; }
	void SetWarnOnCap( int index, int iWarnLevel );
	void SetWarnSound( int index, string_t iszSound );
	void SetCPGroup( int index, int iCPGroup );
	void SetCPLocked( int index, bool bLocked );
	void SetTrackAlarm( int index, bool bAlarm );
	void SetCPUnlockTime( int index, float flTime );
	void SetCPTimerTime( int index, float flTime );
	void SetCPCapTimeScalesWithPlayers( int index, bool bScales );

	// State functions, called many times
	void SetNumPlayers( int index, int team, int iNumPlayers );
	void StartCap( int index, int team );
	void SetOwningTeam( int index, int team );
	void SetCappingTeam( int index, int team );
	void SetTeamInZone( int index, int team );
	void SetCapBlocked( int index, bool bBlocked );
	int  GetOwningTeam( int index );

	void AssertValidIndex( int index )
		Assert( 0 <= index && index <= MAX_CONTROL_POINTS && index < m_iNumControlPoints );

	int GetBaseControlPointForTeam( int iTeam ) 
		Assert( iTeam < MAX_TEAMS );
		return m_iBaseControlPoints[iTeam]; 

	int GetCappingTeam( int index )
		if ( index >= m_iNumControlPoints )

		return m_iCappingTeam[index];

	void SetTimerInHUD( CBaseEntity *pTimer )
		m_iTimerToShowInHUD = pTimer ? pTimer->entindex() : 0;

	void SetStopWatchTimer( CBaseEntity *pTimer )
		m_iStopWatchTimer = pTimer ? pTimer->entindex() : 0;

	int GetTimerInHUD( void ) { return m_iTimerToShowInHUD; }

	// Mini-rounds data
	void SetPlayingMiniRounds( bool bPlayingMiniRounds ){ m_bPlayingMiniRounds = bPlayingMiniRounds; }
	bool PlayingMiniRounds( void ){ return m_bPlayingMiniRounds; }
	void SetInMiniRound( int index, bool bInRound ) { m_bInMiniRound.Set( index, bInRound ); }
	bool IsInMiniRound( int index ) { return m_bInMiniRound[index]; }

	void UpdateCapHudElement( void );

	// Train Path data
	void SetTrainPathDistance( int index, float flDistance );

	bool GetCPLocked( int index )
		Assert( index < m_iNumControlPoints );
		return m_bCPLocked[index];

	void ResetHillData( int team )
		if ( team < TEAM_TRAIN_MAX_TEAMS )
			m_nNumNodeHillData.Set( team, 0 );

			int iStartingIndex = team * nNumEntriesPerTeam;
			for ( int i = 0 ; i < nNumEntriesPerTeam ; i++ )
				m_flNodeHillData.Set( iStartingIndex + i, 0 );

			iStartingIndex = team * TEAM_TRAIN_MAX_HILLS;
			for ( int i = 0; i < TEAM_TRAIN_MAX_HILLS; i++ )
				m_bHillIsDownhill.Set( iStartingIndex + i, 0 );

	void SetHillData( int team, float flStart, float flEnd, bool bDownhill )
		if ( team < TEAM_TRAIN_MAX_TEAMS )
			int index = ( m_nNumNodeHillData[team] * TEAM_TRAIN_FLOATS_PER_HILL ) + ( team * TEAM_TRAIN_MAX_HILLS * TEAM_TRAIN_FLOATS_PER_HILL );
			if ( index < TEAM_TRAIN_HILLS_ARRAY_SIZE - 1 ) // - 1 because we want to add 2 entries
				m_flNodeHillData.Set( index, flStart );
				m_flNodeHillData.Set( index + 1, flEnd );

				if ( m_nNumNodeHillData[team] < TEAM_TRAIN_MAX_HILLS )
					m_bHillIsDownhill.Set( m_nNumNodeHillData[team] + ( team * TEAM_TRAIN_MAX_HILLS ), bDownhill );

				m_nNumNodeHillData.Set( team, m_nNumNodeHillData[team] + 1);

	CNetworkVar( int, m_iTimerToShowInHUD );	
	CNetworkVar( int, m_iStopWatchTimer );	

	CNetworkVar( int, m_iNumControlPoints );	
	CNetworkVar( bool, m_bPlayingMiniRounds );	
	CNetworkVar( bool, m_bControlPointsReset );
	CNetworkVar( int, m_iUpdateCapHudParity );

	// data variables
	CNetworkArray(	Vector,		m_vCPPositions,		MAX_CONTROL_POINTS );
	CNetworkArray(	int,		m_bCPIsVisible,		MAX_CONTROL_POINTS );
	CNetworkArray(  float,		m_flLazyCapPerc,	MAX_CONTROL_POINTS );
	CNetworkArray(	int,		m_iTeamIcons,		MAX_CONTROL_POINTS * MAX_CONTROL_POINT_TEAMS );
	CNetworkArray(	int,		m_iTeamOverlays,	MAX_CONTROL_POINTS * MAX_CONTROL_POINT_TEAMS );
	CNetworkArray(  int,		m_iTeamReqCappers,	MAX_CONTROL_POINTS * MAX_CONTROL_POINT_TEAMS );
	CNetworkArray(  float,		m_flTeamCapTime,	MAX_CONTROL_POINTS * MAX_CONTROL_POINT_TEAMS );
	CNetworkArray(  bool,		m_bTeamCanCap,		MAX_CONTROL_POINTS * MAX_CONTROL_POINT_TEAMS );
	CNetworkArray(	int,		m_iTeamBaseIcons,	MAX_TEAMS );
	CNetworkArray(  int,		m_iBaseControlPoints, MAX_TEAMS );
	CNetworkArray(	bool,		m_bInMiniRound,		MAX_CONTROL_POINTS );
	CNetworkArray(	int,		m_iWarnOnCap,		MAX_CONTROL_POINTS );
	CNetworkArray(	string_t,	m_iszWarnSound,		MAX_CONTROL_POINTS );
	CNetworkArray(  float,		m_flPathDistance,   MAX_CONTROL_POINTS );
	CNetworkArray(	bool,		m_bCPLocked,		MAX_CONTROL_POINTS );
	CNetworkArray(  float,		m_flUnlockTimes,	MAX_CONTROL_POINTS );
	CNetworkArray(  float,		m_flCPTimerTimes,	MAX_CONTROL_POINTS );

	// change when players enter/exit an area
	CNetworkArray(  int,	m_iNumTeamMembers,	MAX_CONTROL_POINTS * MAX_CONTROL_POINT_TEAMS );

	// changes when a cap starts. start and end times are calculated on client
	CNetworkArray(	int,	m_iCappingTeam,		MAX_CONTROL_POINTS );

	CNetworkArray(	int,	m_iTeamInZone,		MAX_CONTROL_POINTS );
	CNetworkArray(	bool,	m_bBlocked,			MAX_CONTROL_POINTS );

	// changes when a point is successfully captured
	CNetworkArray(  int,    m_iOwner,			MAX_CONTROL_POINTS );
	CNetworkArray(	bool,	m_bCPCapRateScalesWithPlayers, MAX_CONTROL_POINTS );

	// describes how to lay out the cap points in the hud
	CNetworkString(  m_pszCapLayoutInHUD,		MAX_CAPLAYOUT_LENGTH );

	// custom screen position for the cap points in the hud
	CNetworkVar( float, m_flCustomPositionX );
	CNetworkVar( float, m_flCustomPositionY );

	// the groups the points belong to
	CNetworkArray(	int,	m_iCPGroup,			MAX_CONTROL_POINTS );

	// Not networked, because the client recalculates it
	float	m_flCapPercentages[ MAX_CONTROL_POINTS ];

	// hill data for multi-escort payload maps
	CNetworkArray( int, m_nNumNodeHillData, TEAM_TRAIN_MAX_TEAMS );
	CNetworkArray( float, m_flNodeHillData, TEAM_TRAIN_HILLS_ARRAY_SIZE );

	CNetworkArray( bool, m_bTrackAlarm, TEAM_TRAIN_MAX_TEAMS );
	CNetworkArray( bool, m_bHillIsDownhill, TEAM_TRAIN_MAX_HILLS*TEAM_TRAIN_MAX_TEAMS );

extern CBaseTeamObjectiveResource *g_pObjectiveResource;

inline CBaseTeamObjectiveResource *ObjectiveResource()
	return g_pObjectiveResource;