//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 
// $NoKeywords: $
// A stack based on a growable array

#ifndef UTLSTACK_H
#define UTLSTACK_H

#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "utlmemory.h"

// The CUtlStack class:
// A growable stack class which doubles in size by default.
// It will always keep all elements consecutive in memory, and may move the
// elements around in memory (via a realloc) when elements are pushed or
// popped. Clients should therefore refer to the elements of the stack
// by index (they should *never* maintain pointers to elements in the stack).

template< class T, class M = CUtlMemory< T > > 
class CUtlStack
	// constructor, destructor
	CUtlStack( int growSize = 0, int initSize = 0 );

	void CopyFrom( const CUtlStack<T, M> &from );

	// element access
	T& operator[]( int i );
	T const& operator[]( int i ) const;
	T& Element( int i );
	T const& Element( int i ) const;

	// Gets the base address (can change when adding elements!)
	T* Base();
	T const* Base() const;

	// Looks at the stack top
	T& Top();
	T const& Top() const;

	// Size
	int Count() const;

	// Is element index valid?
	bool IsIdxValid( int i ) const;

	// Adds an element, uses default constructor
	int Push();

	// Adds an element, uses copy constructor
	int Push( T const& src );

	// Pops the stack
	void Pop();
	void Pop( T& oldTop );
	void PopMultiple( int num );

	// Makes sure we have enough memory allocated to store a requested # of elements
	void EnsureCapacity( int num );

	// Clears the stack, no deallocation
	void Clear();

	// Memory deallocation
	void Purge();

	// Grows the stack allocation
	void GrowStack();

	// For easier access to the elements through the debugger
	void ResetDbgInfo();

	M m_Memory;
	int m_Size;

	// For easier access to the elements through the debugger
	T* m_pElements;

// For easier access to the elements through the debugger

template< class T, class M >
inline void CUtlStack<T,M>::ResetDbgInfo()
	m_pElements = m_Memory.Base();

// constructor, destructor

template< class T, class M >
CUtlStack<T,M>::CUtlStack( int growSize, int initSize )	: 
	m_Memory(growSize, initSize), m_Size(0)

template< class T, class M >

// copy into

template< class T, class M >
void CUtlStack<T,M>::CopyFrom( const CUtlStack<T, M> &from )
	EnsureCapacity( from.Count() );
	for ( int i = 0; i < from.Count(); i++ )
		Push( from[i] );

// element access

template< class T, class M >
inline T& CUtlStack<T,M>::operator[]( int i )
	assert( IsIdxValid(i) );
	return m_Memory[i];

template< class T, class M >
inline T const& CUtlStack<T,M>::operator[]( int i ) const
	assert( IsIdxValid(i) );
	return m_Memory[i];

template< class T, class M >
inline T& CUtlStack<T,M>::Element( int i )
	assert( IsIdxValid(i) );
	return m_Memory[i];

template< class T, class M >
inline T const& CUtlStack<T,M>::Element( int i ) const
	assert( IsIdxValid(i) );
	return m_Memory[i];

// Gets the base address (can change when adding elements!)

template< class T, class M >
inline T* CUtlStack<T,M>::Base()
	return m_Memory.Base();

template< class T, class M >
inline T const* CUtlStack<T,M>::Base() const
	return m_Memory.Base();

// Returns the top of the stack

template< class T, class M >
inline T& CUtlStack<T,M>::Top()
	assert( m_Size > 0 );
	return Element(m_Size-1);

template< class T, class M >
inline T const& CUtlStack<T,M>::Top() const
	assert( m_Size > 0 );
	return Element(m_Size-1);

// Size

template< class T, class M >
inline int CUtlStack<T,M>::Count() const
	return m_Size;

// Is element index valid?

template< class T, class M >
inline bool CUtlStack<T,M>::IsIdxValid( int i ) const
	return (i >= 0) && (i < m_Size);
// Grows the stack

template< class T, class M >
void CUtlStack<T,M>::GrowStack()
	if (m_Size >= m_Memory.NumAllocated())



// Makes sure we have enough memory allocated to store a requested # of elements

template< class T, class M >
void CUtlStack<T,M>::EnsureCapacity( int num )

// Adds an element, uses default constructor

template< class T, class M >
int CUtlStack<T,M>::Push()
	Construct( &Element(m_Size-1) );
	return m_Size - 1;

// Adds an element, uses copy constructor

template< class T, class M >
int CUtlStack<T,M>::Push( T const& src )
	CopyConstruct( &Element(m_Size-1), src );
	return m_Size - 1;

// Pops the stack

template< class T, class M >
void CUtlStack<T,M>::Pop()
	assert( m_Size > 0 );
	Destruct( &Element(m_Size-1) );

template< class T, class M >
void CUtlStack<T,M>::Pop( T& oldTop )
	assert( m_Size > 0 );
	oldTop = Top();

template< class T, class M >
void CUtlStack<T,M>::PopMultiple( int num )
	assert( m_Size >= num );
	for ( int i = 0; i < num; ++i )
		Destruct( &Element( m_Size - i - 1 ) );
	m_Size -= num;

// Element removal

template< class T, class M >
void CUtlStack<T,M>::Clear()
	for (int i = m_Size; --i >= 0; )

	m_Size = 0;

// Memory deallocation

template< class T, class M >
void CUtlStack<T,M>::Purge()
	m_Memory.Purge( );

#endif // UTLSTACK_H