//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ // // Implementation of the sprite shader //=============================================================================// #include "shaderlib/cshader.h" #include <string.h> #include "const.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" // WARNING! Change these in engine/SpriteGn.h if you change them here! #define SPR_VP_PARALLEL_UPRIGHT 0 #define SPR_FACING_UPRIGHT 1 #define SPR_VP_PARALLEL 2 #define SPR_ORIENTED 3 #define SPR_VP_PARALLEL_ORIENTED 4 DEFINE_FALLBACK_SHADER( Sprite, Sprite_DX6 ) BEGIN_SHADER( Sprite_DX6, "Help for Sprite_DX6" ) BEGIN_SHADER_PARAMS SHADER_PARAM( SPRITEORIGIN, SHADER_PARAM_TYPE_VEC3, "[0 0 0]", "sprite origin" ) SHADER_PARAM( SPRITEORIENTATION, SHADER_PARAM_TYPE_INTEGER, "0", "sprite orientation" ) SHADER_PARAM( SPRITERENDERMODE, SHADER_PARAM_TYPE_INTEGER, "0", "sprite rendermode" ) SHADER_PARAM( IGNOREVERTEXCOLORS, SHADER_PARAM_TYPE_BOOL, "1", "ignore vertex colors" ) END_SHADER_PARAMS SHADER_INIT_PARAMS() { // FIXME: This can share code with sprite.cpp // FIXME: Not sure if this is the best solution, but it's a very] // easy one. When graphics aren't enabled, we oftentimes need to get // at the parameters of a shader. Therefore, we must set the default // values in a separate phase from when we load resources. if (!params[ALPHA]->IsDefined()) params[ ALPHA ]->SetFloatValue( 1.0f ); SET_FLAGS( MATERIAL_VAR_NO_DEBUG_OVERRIDE ); SET_FLAGS( MATERIAL_VAR_VERTEXCOLOR ); SET_FLAGS( MATERIAL_VAR_VERTEXALPHA ); // translate from a string orientation to an enumeration if (params[SPRITEORIENTATION]->IsDefined()) { const char *orientationString = params[SPRITEORIENTATION]->GetStringValue(); if( stricmp( orientationString, "parallel_upright" ) == 0 ) { params[SPRITEORIENTATION]->SetIntValue( SPR_VP_PARALLEL_UPRIGHT ); } else if( stricmp( orientationString, "facing_upright" ) == 0 ) { params[SPRITEORIENTATION]->SetIntValue( SPR_FACING_UPRIGHT ); } else if( stricmp( orientationString, "vp_parallel" ) == 0 ) { params[SPRITEORIENTATION]->SetIntValue( SPR_VP_PARALLEL ); } else if( stricmp( orientationString, "oriented" ) == 0 ) { params[SPRITEORIENTATION]->SetIntValue( SPR_ORIENTED ); } else if( stricmp( orientationString, "vp_parallel_oriented" ) == 0 ) { params[SPRITEORIENTATION]->SetIntValue( SPR_VP_PARALLEL_ORIENTED ); } else { Warning( "error with $spriteOrientation\n" ); params[SPRITEORIENTATION]->SetIntValue( SPR_VP_PARALLEL_UPRIGHT ); } } else { // default case params[SPRITEORIENTATION]->SetIntValue( SPR_VP_PARALLEL_UPRIGHT ); } } SHADER_INIT { LoadTexture( BASETEXTURE ); } SHADER_DRAW { SHADOW_STATE { pShaderShadow->EnableCulling( false ); } switch( params[SPRITERENDERMODE]->GetIntValue() ) { case kRenderNormal: SHADOW_STATE { pShaderShadow->EnableTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER0, true ); pShaderShadow->DrawFlags( SHADER_DRAW_POSITION | SHADER_DRAW_TEXCOORD0 ); FogToFogColor(); } DYNAMIC_STATE { BindTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER0, BASETEXTURE, FRAME ); } Draw(); break; case kRenderTransColor: SHADOW_STATE { pShaderShadow->EnableDepthWrites( false ); pShaderShadow->EnableBlending( true ); pShaderShadow->BlendFunc( SHADER_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA, SHADER_BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA ); pShaderShadow->EnableTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER0, true ); pShaderShadow->DrawFlags( SHADER_DRAW_POSITION | SHADER_DRAW_TEXCOORD0 | SHADER_DRAW_COLOR ); FogToFogColor(); } DYNAMIC_STATE { BindTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER0, BASETEXTURE, FRAME ); } Draw(); break; case kRenderTransTexture: SHADOW_STATE { pShaderShadow->EnableDepthWrites( false ); pShaderShadow->EnableBlending( true ); pShaderShadow->BlendFunc( SHADER_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA, SHADER_BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA ); pShaderShadow->EnableTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER0, true ); pShaderShadow->DrawFlags( SHADER_DRAW_POSITION | SHADER_DRAW_TEXCOORD0 | SHADER_DRAW_COLOR ); FogToFogColor(); } DYNAMIC_STATE { BindTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER0, BASETEXTURE, FRAME ); } Draw(); break; case kRenderGlow: case kRenderWorldGlow: SHADOW_STATE { pShaderShadow->EnableDepthWrites( false ); pShaderShadow->EnableDepthTest( false ); pShaderShadow->EnableBlending( true ); pShaderShadow->BlendFunc( SHADER_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA, SHADER_BLEND_ONE ); pShaderShadow->EnableTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER0, true ); pShaderShadow->DrawFlags( SHADER_DRAW_POSITION | SHADER_DRAW_TEXCOORD0 | SHADER_DRAW_COLOR ); FogToBlack(); } DYNAMIC_STATE { BindTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER0, BASETEXTURE, FRAME ); } Draw(); break; case kRenderTransAlpha: SHADOW_STATE { pShaderShadow->EnableDepthWrites( false ); pShaderShadow->EnableBlending( true ); pShaderShadow->BlendFunc( SHADER_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA, SHADER_BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA ); pShaderShadow->EnableTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER0, true ); pShaderShadow->DrawFlags( SHADER_DRAW_POSITION | SHADER_DRAW_TEXCOORD0 | SHADER_DRAW_COLOR ); FogToFogColor(); } DYNAMIC_STATE { BindTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER0, BASETEXTURE, FRAME ); } Draw(); break; case kRenderTransAlphaAdd: SHADOW_STATE { pShaderShadow->EnableDepthWrites( false ); pShaderShadow->EnableBlending( true ); pShaderShadow->BlendFunc( SHADER_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA, SHADER_BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA ); pShaderShadow->EnableTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER0, true ); pShaderShadow->DrawFlags( SHADER_DRAW_POSITION | SHADER_DRAW_TEXCOORD0 | SHADER_DRAW_COLOR ); FogToFogColor(); } DYNAMIC_STATE { BindTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER0, BASETEXTURE, FRAME ); } Draw(); SHADOW_STATE { pShaderShadow->EnableDepthWrites( false ); pShaderShadow->EnableBlending( true ); pShaderShadow->BlendFunc( SHADER_BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, SHADER_BLEND_ONE ); pShaderShadow->EnableTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER0, true ); pShaderShadow->DrawFlags( SHADER_DRAW_POSITION | SHADER_DRAW_TEXCOORD0 | SHADER_DRAW_COLOR ); FogToBlack(); } DYNAMIC_STATE { BindTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER0, BASETEXTURE, FRAME ); } Draw(); break; case kRenderTransAdd: SHADOW_STATE { if( params[ IGNOREVERTEXCOLORS ]->GetIntValue() ) { pShaderShadow->DrawFlags( SHADER_DRAW_POSITION | SHADER_DRAW_TEXCOORD0 ); } else { pShaderShadow->DrawFlags( SHADER_DRAW_POSITION | SHADER_DRAW_TEXCOORD0 | SHADER_DRAW_COLOR ); } pShaderShadow->EnableConstantColor( true ); pShaderShadow->EnableDepthWrites( false ); pShaderShadow->EnableBlending( true ); pShaderShadow->BlendFunc( SHADER_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA, SHADER_BLEND_ONE ); pShaderShadow->EnableTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER0, true ); FogToBlack(); } DYNAMIC_STATE { SetColorState( COLOR, ALPHA ); BindTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER0, BASETEXTURE, FRAME ); } Draw(); break; case kRenderTransAddFrameBlend: { float flFrame = params[FRAME]->GetFloatValue(); float flFade = params[ALPHA]->GetFloatValue(); SHADOW_STATE { if( params[ IGNOREVERTEXCOLORS ]->GetIntValue() ) { pShaderShadow->DrawFlags( SHADER_DRAW_POSITION | SHADER_DRAW_TEXCOORD0 ); } else { pShaderShadow->DrawFlags( SHADER_DRAW_POSITION | SHADER_DRAW_TEXCOORD0 | SHADER_DRAW_COLOR ); } pShaderShadow->EnableConstantColor( true ); pShaderShadow->EnableDepthWrites( false ); pShaderShadow->EnableBlending( true ); pShaderShadow->BlendFunc( SHADER_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA, SHADER_BLEND_ONE ); pShaderShadow->EnableTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER0, true ); FogToBlack(); } DYNAMIC_STATE { float frameBlendAlpha = 1.0f - ( flFrame - ( int )flFrame ); pShaderAPI->Color3f( flFade * frameBlendAlpha, flFade * frameBlendAlpha, flFade * frameBlendAlpha ); ITexture *pTexture = params[BASETEXTURE]->GetTextureValue(); BindTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER0, pTexture, ( int )flFrame ); } Draw(); SHADOW_STATE { FogToBlack(); } DYNAMIC_STATE { float frameBlendAlpha = ( flFrame - ( int )flFrame ); pShaderAPI->Color3f( flFade * frameBlendAlpha, flFade * frameBlendAlpha, flFade * frameBlendAlpha ); ITexture *pTexture = params[BASETEXTURE]->GetTextureValue(); int numAnimationFrames = pTexture->GetNumAnimationFrames(); BindTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER0, pTexture, ( ( int )flFrame + 1 ) % numAnimationFrames ); } Draw(); } break; default: ShaderWarning( "shader Sprite: Unknown sprite render mode\n" ); break; } } END_SHADER