//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // //=============================================================================// #include "cbase.h" #include <KeyValues.h> #include "cs_weapon_parse.h" #include "cs_shareddefs.h" #include "weapon_csbase.h" #include "icvar.h" #include "cs_gamerules.h" #include "cs_blackmarket.h" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct WeaponTypeInfo { CSWeaponType type; const char * name; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WeaponTypeInfo s_weaponTypeInfo[] = { { WEAPONTYPE_KNIFE, "Knife" }, { WEAPONTYPE_PISTOL, "Pistol" }, { WEAPONTYPE_SUBMACHINEGUN, "Submachine Gun" }, // First match is printable { WEAPONTYPE_SUBMACHINEGUN, "submachinegun" }, { WEAPONTYPE_SUBMACHINEGUN, "smg" }, { WEAPONTYPE_RIFLE, "Rifle" }, { WEAPONTYPE_SHOTGUN, "Shotgun" }, { WEAPONTYPE_SNIPER_RIFLE, "Sniper Rifle" }, // First match is printable { WEAPONTYPE_SNIPER_RIFLE, "SniperRifle" }, { WEAPONTYPE_MACHINEGUN, "Machine Gun" }, // First match is printable { WEAPONTYPE_MACHINEGUN, "machinegun" }, { WEAPONTYPE_MACHINEGUN, "mg" }, { WEAPONTYPE_C4, "C4" }, { WEAPONTYPE_GRENADE, "Grenade" }, }; struct WeaponNameInfo { CSWeaponID id; const char *name; }; WeaponNameInfo s_weaponNameInfo[] = { { WEAPON_P228, "weapon_p228" }, { WEAPON_GLOCK, "weapon_glock" }, { WEAPON_SCOUT, "weapon_scout" }, { WEAPON_HEGRENADE, "weapon_hegrenade" }, { WEAPON_XM1014, "weapon_xm1014" }, { WEAPON_C4, "weapon_c4" }, { WEAPON_MAC10, "weapon_mac10" }, { WEAPON_AUG, "weapon_aug" }, { WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE, "weapon_smokegrenade" }, { WEAPON_ELITE, "weapon_elite" }, { WEAPON_FIVESEVEN, "weapon_fiveseven" }, { WEAPON_UMP45, "weapon_ump45" }, { WEAPON_SG550, "weapon_sg550" }, { WEAPON_GALIL, "weapon_galil" }, { WEAPON_FAMAS, "weapon_famas" }, { WEAPON_USP, "weapon_usp" }, { WEAPON_AWP, "weapon_awp" }, { WEAPON_MP5NAVY, "weapon_mp5navy" }, { WEAPON_M249, "weapon_m249" }, { WEAPON_M3, "weapon_m3" }, { WEAPON_M4A1, "weapon_m4a1" }, { WEAPON_TMP, "weapon_tmp" }, { WEAPON_G3SG1, "weapon_g3sg1" }, { WEAPON_FLASHBANG, "weapon_flashbang" }, { WEAPON_DEAGLE, "weapon_deagle" }, { WEAPON_SG552, "weapon_sg552" }, { WEAPON_AK47, "weapon_ak47" }, { WEAPON_KNIFE, "weapon_knife" }, { WEAPON_P90, "weapon_p90" }, // not sure any of these are needed { WEAPON_SHIELDGUN, "weapon_shieldgun" }, { WEAPON_KEVLAR, "weapon_kevlar" }, { WEAPON_ASSAULTSUIT, "weapon_assaultsuit" }, { WEAPON_NVG, "weapon_nvg" }, { WEAPON_NONE, "weapon_none" }, }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CCSWeaponInfo g_EquipmentInfo[MAX_EQUIPMENT]; void PrepareEquipmentInfo( void ) { // MoeMod : dont use memset here for(int i = 0; i < MAX_EQUIPMENT; ++i) g_EquipmentInfo[i] = {}; g_EquipmentInfo[2].SetWeaponPrice( CSGameRules()->GetBlackMarketPriceForWeapon( WEAPON_KEVLAR ) ); g_EquipmentInfo[2].SetDefaultPrice( KEVLAR_PRICE ); g_EquipmentInfo[2].SetPreviousPrice( CSGameRules()->GetBlackMarketPreviousPriceForWeapon( WEAPON_KEVLAR ) ); g_EquipmentInfo[2].m_iTeam = TEAM_UNASSIGNED; Q_strcpy( g_EquipmentInfo[2].szClassName, "weapon_vest" ); #ifdef CLIENT_DLL g_EquipmentInfo[2].iconActive = new CHudTexture; g_EquipmentInfo[2].iconActive->cCharacterInFont = 't'; #endif g_EquipmentInfo[1].SetWeaponPrice( CSGameRules()->GetBlackMarketPriceForWeapon( WEAPON_ASSAULTSUIT ) ); g_EquipmentInfo[1].SetDefaultPrice( ASSAULTSUIT_PRICE ); g_EquipmentInfo[1].SetPreviousPrice( CSGameRules()->GetBlackMarketPreviousPriceForWeapon( WEAPON_ASSAULTSUIT ) ); g_EquipmentInfo[1].m_iTeam = TEAM_UNASSIGNED; Q_strcpy( g_EquipmentInfo[1].szClassName, "weapon_vesthelm" ); #ifdef CLIENT_DLL g_EquipmentInfo[1].iconActive = new CHudTexture; g_EquipmentInfo[1].iconActive->cCharacterInFont = 'u'; #endif g_EquipmentInfo[0].SetWeaponPrice( CSGameRules()->GetBlackMarketPriceForWeapon( WEAPON_NVG ) ); g_EquipmentInfo[0].SetPreviousPrice( CSGameRules()->GetBlackMarketPreviousPriceForWeapon( WEAPON_NVG ) ); g_EquipmentInfo[0].SetDefaultPrice( NVG_PRICE ); g_EquipmentInfo[0].m_iTeam = TEAM_UNASSIGNED; Q_strcpy( g_EquipmentInfo[0].szClassName, "weapon_nvgs" ); #ifdef CLIENT_DLL g_EquipmentInfo[0].iconActive = new CHudTexture; g_EquipmentInfo[0].iconActive->cCharacterInFont = 's'; #endif } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CCSWeaponInfo * GetWeaponInfo( CSWeaponID weaponID ) { if ( weaponID == WEAPON_NONE ) return NULL; if ( weaponID >= WEAPON_KEVLAR ) { int iIndex = (WEAPON_MAX - weaponID) - 1; return &g_EquipmentInfo[iIndex]; } const char *weaponName = WeaponIdAsString(weaponID); WEAPON_FILE_INFO_HANDLE hWpnInfo = LookupWeaponInfoSlot( weaponName ); if ( hWpnInfo == GetInvalidWeaponInfoHandle() ) { return NULL; } CCSWeaponInfo *pWeaponInfo = dynamic_cast< CCSWeaponInfo* >( GetFileWeaponInfoFromHandle( hWpnInfo ) ); return pWeaponInfo; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char* WeaponClassAsString( CSWeaponType weaponType ) { for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(s_weaponTypeInfo); ++i ) { if ( s_weaponTypeInfo[i].type == weaponType ) { return s_weaponTypeInfo[i].name; } } return NULL; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSWeaponType WeaponClassFromString( const char* weaponType ) { for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(s_weaponTypeInfo); ++i ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( s_weaponTypeInfo[i].name, weaponType ) ) { return s_weaponTypeInfo[i].type; } } return WEAPONTYPE_UNKNOWN; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSWeaponType WeaponClassFromWeaponID( CSWeaponID weaponID ) { const char *weaponStr = WeaponIDToAlias( weaponID ); const char *translatedAlias = GetTranslatedWeaponAlias( weaponStr ); char wpnName[128]; Q_snprintf( wpnName, sizeof( wpnName ), "weapon_%s", translatedAlias ); WEAPON_FILE_INFO_HANDLE hWpnInfo = LookupWeaponInfoSlot( wpnName ); if ( hWpnInfo != GetInvalidWeaponInfoHandle() ) { CCSWeaponInfo *pWeaponInfo = dynamic_cast< CCSWeaponInfo* >( GetFileWeaponInfoFromHandle( hWpnInfo ) ); if ( pWeaponInfo ) { return pWeaponInfo->m_WeaponType; } } return WEAPONTYPE_UNKNOWN; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char * WeaponIdAsString( CSWeaponID weaponID ) { for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(s_weaponNameInfo); ++i ) { if (s_weaponNameInfo[i].id == weaponID ) return s_weaponNameInfo[i].name; } return NULL; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSWeaponID WeaponIdFromString( const char *szWeaponName ) { for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(s_weaponNameInfo); ++i ) { if ( Q_stricmp(s_weaponNameInfo[i].name, szWeaponName) == 0 ) return s_weaponNameInfo[i].id; } return WEAPON_NONE; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ParseVector( KeyValues *keyValues, const char *keyName, Vector& vec ) { vec.x = vec.y = vec.z = 0.0f; if ( !keyValues || !keyName ) return; const char *vecString = keyValues->GetString( keyName, "0 0 0" ); if ( vecString && *vecString ) { float x = 0.0f, y = 0.0f, z = 0.0f; if ( 3 == sscanf( vecString, "%f %f %f", &x, &y, &z ) ) { vec.x = x; vec.y = y; vec.z = z; } } } FileWeaponInfo_t* CreateWeaponInfo() { return new CCSWeaponInfo; } CCSWeaponInfo::CCSWeaponInfo() { m_flMaxSpeed = 1; // This should always be set in the script. m_szAddonModel[0] = 0; } int CCSWeaponInfo::GetWeaponPrice( void ) const { return m_iWeaponPrice; } int CCSWeaponInfo::GetDefaultPrice( void ) { return m_iDefaultPrice; } int CCSWeaponInfo::GetPrevousPrice( void ) { return m_iPreviousPrice; } void CCSWeaponInfo::Parse( KeyValues *pKeyValuesData, const char *szWeaponName ) { BaseClass::Parse( pKeyValuesData, szWeaponName ); m_flMaxSpeed = (float)pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "MaxPlayerSpeed", 1 ); m_iDefaultPrice = m_iWeaponPrice = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "WeaponPrice", -1 ); if ( m_iWeaponPrice == -1 ) { // This weapon should have the price in its script. Assert( false ); } if ( CSGameRules()->IsBlackMarket() ) { CSWeaponID iWeaponID = AliasToWeaponID( GetTranslatedWeaponAlias ( szWeaponName ) ); m_iDefaultPrice = m_iWeaponPrice; m_iPreviousPrice = CSGameRules()->GetBlackMarketPreviousPriceForWeapon( iWeaponID ); m_iWeaponPrice = CSGameRules()->GetBlackMarketPriceForWeapon( iWeaponID ); } m_flArmorRatio = pKeyValuesData->GetFloat( "WeaponArmorRatio", 1 ); m_iCrosshairMinDistance = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "CrosshairMinDistance", 4 ); m_iCrosshairDeltaDistance = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "CrosshairDeltaDistance", 3 ); m_bCanUseWithShield = !!pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "CanEquipWithShield", false ); m_flMuzzleScale = pKeyValuesData->GetFloat( "MuzzleFlashScale", 1 ); const char *pMuzzleFlashStyle = pKeyValuesData->GetString( "MuzzleFlashStyle", "CS_MUZZLEFLASH_NORM" ); if( pMuzzleFlashStyle ) { if ( Q_stricmp( pMuzzleFlashStyle, "CS_MUZZLEFLASH_X" ) == 0 ) { m_iMuzzleFlashStyle = CS_MUZZLEFLASH_X; } else if ( Q_stricmp( pMuzzleFlashStyle, "CS_MUZZLEFLASH_NONE" ) == 0 ) { m_iMuzzleFlashStyle = CS_MUZZLEFLASH_NONE; } else { m_iMuzzleFlashStyle = CS_MUZZLEFLASH_NORM; } } else { Assert( false ); } m_iPenetration = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "Penetration", 1 ); m_iDamage = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "Damage", 42 ); // Douglas Adams 1952 - 2001 m_flRange = pKeyValuesData->GetFloat( "Range", 8192.0f ); m_flRangeModifier = pKeyValuesData->GetFloat( "RangeModifier", 0.98f ); m_iBullets = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "Bullets", 1 ); m_flCycleTime = pKeyValuesData->GetFloat( "CycleTime", 0.15 ); m_bAccuracyQuadratic= pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "AccuracyQuadratic", 0 ); m_flAccuracyDivisor = pKeyValuesData->GetFloat( "AccuracyDivisor", -1 ); // -1 = off m_flAccuracyOffset = pKeyValuesData->GetFloat( "AccuracyOffset", 0 ); m_flMaxInaccuracy = pKeyValuesData->GetFloat( "MaxInaccuracy", 0 ); // new accuracy model parameters m_fSpread[0] = pKeyValuesData->GetFloat("Spread", 0.0f); m_fInaccuracyCrouch[0] = pKeyValuesData->GetFloat("InaccuracyCrouch", 0.0f); m_fInaccuracyStand[0] = pKeyValuesData->GetFloat("InaccuracyStand", 0.0f); m_fInaccuracyJump[0] = pKeyValuesData->GetFloat("InaccuracyJump", 0.0f); m_fInaccuracyLand[0] = pKeyValuesData->GetFloat("InaccuracyLand", 0.0f); m_fInaccuracyLadder[0] = pKeyValuesData->GetFloat("InaccuracyLadder", 0.0f); m_fInaccuracyImpulseFire[0] = pKeyValuesData->GetFloat("InaccuracyFire", 0.0f); m_fInaccuracyMove[0] = pKeyValuesData->GetFloat("InaccuracyMove", 0.0f); m_fSpread[1] = pKeyValuesData->GetFloat("SpreadAlt", 0.0f); m_fInaccuracyCrouch[1] = pKeyValuesData->GetFloat("InaccuracyCrouchAlt", 0.0f); m_fInaccuracyStand[1] = pKeyValuesData->GetFloat("InaccuracyStandAlt", 0.0f); m_fInaccuracyJump[1] = pKeyValuesData->GetFloat("InaccuracyJumpAlt", 0.0f); m_fInaccuracyLand[1] = pKeyValuesData->GetFloat("InaccuracyLandAlt", 0.0f); m_fInaccuracyLadder[1] = pKeyValuesData->GetFloat("InaccuracyLadderAlt", 0.0f); m_fInaccuracyImpulseFire[1] = pKeyValuesData->GetFloat("InaccuracyFireAlt", 0.0f); m_fInaccuracyMove[1] = pKeyValuesData->GetFloat("InaccuracyMoveAlt", 0.0f); m_fInaccuracyReload = pKeyValuesData->GetFloat("InaccuracyReload", 0.0f); m_fInaccuracyAltSwitch = pKeyValuesData->GetFloat("InaccuracyAltSwitch", 0.0f); m_fRecoveryTimeCrouch = pKeyValuesData->GetFloat("RecoveryTimeCrouch", 1.0f); m_fRecoveryTimeStand = pKeyValuesData->GetFloat("RecoveryTimeStand", 1.0f); m_flTimeToIdleAfterFire = pKeyValuesData->GetFloat( "TimeToIdle", 2 ); m_flIdleInterval = pKeyValuesData->GetFloat( "IdleInterval", 20 ); // Figure out what team can have this weapon. m_iTeam = TEAM_UNASSIGNED; const char *pTeam = pKeyValuesData->GetString( "Team", NULL ); if ( pTeam ) { if ( Q_stricmp( pTeam, "CT" ) == 0 ) { m_iTeam = TEAM_CT; } else if ( Q_stricmp( pTeam, "TERRORIST" ) == 0 ) { m_iTeam = TEAM_TERRORIST; } else if ( Q_stricmp( pTeam, "ANY" ) == 0 ) { m_iTeam = TEAM_UNASSIGNED; } else { Assert( false ); } } else { Assert( false ); } const char *pWrongTeamMsg = pKeyValuesData->GetString( "WrongTeamMsg", "" ); Q_strncpy( m_WrongTeamMsg, pWrongTeamMsg, sizeof( m_WrongTeamMsg ) ); const char *pShieldViewModel = pKeyValuesData->GetString( "shieldviewmodel", "" ); Q_strncpy( m_szShieldViewModel, pShieldViewModel, sizeof( m_szShieldViewModel ) ); const char *pAnimEx = pKeyValuesData->GetString( "PlayerAnimationExtension", "m4" ); Q_strncpy( m_szAnimExtension, pAnimEx, sizeof( m_szAnimExtension ) ); // Default is 2000. m_flBotAudibleRange = pKeyValuesData->GetFloat( "BotAudibleRange", 2000.0f ); const char *pTypeString = pKeyValuesData->GetString( "WeaponType", "" ); m_WeaponType = WeaponClassFromString(pTypeString); m_bFullAuto = pKeyValuesData->GetBool("FullAuto"); // Read the addon model. Q_strncpy( m_szAddonModel, pKeyValuesData->GetString( "AddonModel" ), sizeof( m_szAddonModel ) ); // Read the dropped model. Q_strncpy( m_szDroppedModel, pKeyValuesData->GetString( "DroppedModel" ), sizeof( m_szDroppedModel ) ); // Read the silencer model. Q_strncpy( m_szSilencerModel, pKeyValuesData->GetString( "SilencerModel" ), sizeof( m_szSilencerModel ) ); #ifndef CLIENT_DLL // Enforce consistency for the weapon here, since that way we don't need to save off the model bounds // for all time. // Moved to pure_server_minimal.txt // engine->ForceExactFile( UTIL_VarArgs("scripts/%s.ctx", szWeaponName ) ); // Model bounds are rounded to the nearest integer, then extended by 1 engine->ForceModelBounds( szWorldModel, Vector( -15, -12, -18 ), Vector( 44, 16, 19 ) ); if ( m_szAddonModel[0] ) { engine->ForceModelBounds( m_szAddonModel, Vector( -5, -5, -6 ), Vector( 13, 5, 7 ) ); } if ( m_szSilencerModel[0] ) { engine->ForceModelBounds( m_szSilencerModel, Vector( -15, -12, -18 ), Vector( 44, 16, 19 ) ); } #endif // !CLIENT_DLL }