//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: Texture management functions. Exposes a list of available textures, // texture groups, and Most Recently Used textures. // // There is one texture context per game configuration in GameCfg.ini. // //=============================================================================// #include "stdafx.h" #include <process.h> #include <io.h> #include <sys\stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include "DummyTexture.h" // Specific IEditorTexture implementation #include "GlobalFunctions.h" #include "MainFrm.h" #include "MapDoc.h" #include "Material.h" // Specific IEditorTexture implementation #include "Options.h" #include "TextureSystem.h" #include "WADTexture.h" // Specific IEditorTexture implementation #include "WADTypes.h" #include "hammer.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "materialsystem/itexture.h" #include "tier1/utldict.h" #include "FaceEditSheet.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include <tier0/memdbgon.h> #pragma warning(disable:4244) #define _GraphicCacheAllocate(n) malloc(n) #define IsSortChr(ch) ((ch == '-') || (ch == '+')) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Stuff for loading WAD3 files. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct { int filepos; int disksize; int size; // uncompressed char type; char compression; char pad1, pad2; char name[16]; // must be null terminated } WAD3lumpinfo_t; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // List of global graphics //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTextureSystem g_Textures; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CMaterialFileChangeWatcher implementation. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMaterialFileChangeWatcher::Init( CTextureSystem *pSystem, intp context ) { m_pTextureSystem = pSystem; m_Context = context; m_Watcher.Init( this ); char searchPaths[1024 * 16]; if ( g_pFullFileSystem->GetSearchPath( "GAME", false, searchPaths, sizeof( searchPaths ) ) > 0 ) { CUtlVector<char*> searchPathList; V_SplitString( searchPaths, ";", searchPathList ); for ( int i=0; i < searchPathList.Count(); i++ ) { m_Watcher.AddDirectory( searchPathList[i], "materials", true ); } searchPathList.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); } else { Warning( "Error in GetSearchPath. Dynamic material list updating will not be available." ); } } void CMaterialFileChangeWatcher::OnFileChange( const char *pRelativeFilename, const char *pFullFilename ) { //Msg( "OnNewFile: %s\n", pRelativeFilename ); CTextureSystem::EFileType eFileType; if ( CTextureSystem::GetFileTypeFromFilename( pRelativeFilename, &eFileType ) ) m_pTextureSystem->OnFileChange( pRelativeFilename, m_Context, eFileType ); } void CMaterialFileChangeWatcher::Update() { m_Watcher.Update(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Constructor. Creates the "All" group and sets it as the active group. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTextureSystem::CTextureSystem(void) { m_pLastTex = NULL; m_nLastIndex = 0; m_pActiveContext = NULL; m_pActiveGroup = NULL; m_pCubemapTexture = NULL; m_pNoDrawTexture = NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Destructor. Frees the list of groups and dummy textures. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTextureSystem::~CTextureSystem(void) { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTextureSystem::FreeAllTextures() { if ( m_pCubemapTexture ) { m_pCubemapTexture->DecrementReferenceCount(); m_pCubemapTexture = NULL; } int nContextCount = m_TextureContexts.Count(); for (int nContext = 0; nContext < nContextCount; nContext++) { TextureContext_t *pContext = &m_TextureContexts.Element(nContext); // // Delete all the texture groups for this context. // int nGroupCount = pContext->Groups.Count(); for (int nGroup = 0; nGroup < nGroupCount; nGroup++) { delete pContext->Groups.Element(nGroup); } // // Delete dummy textures. // int nDummyCount = pContext->Dummies.Count(); for (int nDummy = 0; nDummy < nDummyCount; nDummy++) { IEditorTexture *pTex = pContext->Dummies.Element(nDummy); delete pTex; } } // // Delete all the textures from the master list. // for (int i = 0; i < m_Textures.Count(); i++) { IEditorTexture *pTex = m_Textures[i]; delete pTex; } m_Textures.RemoveAll(); m_pLastTex = NULL; m_nLastIndex = -1; // Delete the keywords. m_Keywords.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); m_ChangeWatchers.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Adds a texture to the master list of textures. // Input : pTexture - Pointer to texture to add. // Output : Returns the index of the texture in the master texture list. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CTextureSystem::AddTexture(IEditorTexture *pTexture) { return m_Textures.AddToTail(pTexture); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Begins iterating the list of texture/material keywords. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CTextureSystem::GetNumKeywords(void) { return(m_Keywords.Count()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Continues iterating the list of texture/material keywords. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char *CTextureSystem::GetKeyword(int pos) { return(m_Keywords.Element(pos)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *piIndex - // bUseMRU - // Output : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IEditorTexture *CTextureSystem::EnumActiveTextures(int *piIndex, TEXTUREFORMAT eDesiredFormat) const { Assert(piIndex != NULL); if (piIndex != NULL) { if (m_pActiveGroup != NULL) { IEditorTexture *pTex = NULL; do { pTex = m_pActiveGroup->GetTexture(*piIndex); if (pTex != NULL) { (*piIndex)++; if ((eDesiredFormat == tfNone) || (pTex->GetTextureFormat() == eDesiredFormat)) { return(pTex); } } } while (pTex != NULL); } } return(NULL); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Initializes the texture system. // Output : Returns true on success, false on failure. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTextureSystem::Initialize(HWND hwnd) { bool bWAD = CWADTexture::Initialize(); bool bMaterial = CMaterial::Initialize(hwnd); return(bWAD && bMaterial); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Shuts down the texture system. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTextureSystem::ShutDown(void) { CWADTexture::ShutDown(); CMaterial::ShutDown(); FreeAllTextures(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : pszName - // piIndex - // bDummy - // Output : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IEditorTexture *CTextureSystem::FindActiveTexture(LPCSTR pszInputName, int *piIndex, BOOL bDummy) { // The .vmf file format gets confused if there are backslashes in material names, // so make sure they're all using forward slashes here. char szName[MAX_PATH]; Q_StrSubst( pszInputName, "\\", "/", szName, sizeof( szName ) ); const char *pszName = szName; IEditorTexture *pTex = NULL; // // Check the cache first. // if (m_pLastTex && !stricmp(pszName, m_pLastTex->GetName())) { if (piIndex) { *piIndex = m_nLastIndex; } return m_pLastTex; } int iIndex = 0; // We're finding by name, so we don't care what the format is as long as the name matches. if ( m_pActiveGroup ) { pTex = m_pActiveGroup->FindTextureByName( pszName, &iIndex, tfNone ); if ( pTex ) { if ( piIndex ) *piIndex = iIndex; m_pLastTex = pTex; m_nLastIndex = iIndex; return pTex; } } // // Let's try again, this time with \textures\ decoration // TODO: remove this? // { iIndex = 0; char szBuf[512]; sprintf(szBuf, "textures\\%s", pszName); for (int i = strlen(szBuf) -1; i >= 0; i--) { if (szBuf[i] == '/') szBuf[i] = '\\'; } strlwr(szBuf); if ( m_pActiveGroup ) { pTex = m_pActiveGroup->FindTextureByName( szBuf, &iIndex, tfNone ); if ( pTex ) { if ( piIndex ) *piIndex = iIndex; m_pLastTex = pTex; m_nLastIndex = iIndex; return pTex; } } } // // Caller doesn't want dummies. // if (!bDummy) { return(NULL); } Assert(!piIndex); // // Check the list of dummies for a texture with the same name and texture format. // if (m_pActiveContext) { int nDummyCount = m_pActiveContext->Dummies.Count(); for (int nDummy = 0; nDummy < nDummyCount; nDummy++) { IEditorTexture *pTexDummy = m_pActiveContext->Dummies.Element(nDummy); if (!strcmpi(pszName, pTexDummy->GetName())) { m_pLastTex = pTexDummy; m_nLastIndex = -1; return(pTexDummy); } } // // Not found; add a dummy as a placeholder for the missing texture. // pTex = AddDummy(pszName, g_pGameConfig->GetTextureFormat()); } if (pTex != NULL) { m_pLastTex = pTex; m_nLastIndex = -1; } return(pTex); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *pTex - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTextureSystem::AddMRU(IEditorTexture *pTex) { if (!m_pActiveContext) return; int nIndex = m_pActiveContext->MRU.Find(pTex); if (nIndex != -1) { m_pActiveContext->MRU.Remove(nIndex); } else if (m_pActiveContext->MRU.Count() == 8) { m_pActiveContext->MRU.Remove(7); } m_pActiveContext->MRU.AddToHead(pTex); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Change palette on all textures. // Input : // dvs: need to handle a palette change for Quake support //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTextureSystem::InformPaletteChanged() { // int nGraphics = GetCount(); // // for (int i = 0; i < nGraphics; i++) // { // IEditorTexture *pTex = &GetAt(i); // } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Returns the texture context that corresponds to the given game config. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TextureContext_t *CTextureSystem::FindTextureContextForConfig(CGameConfig *pConfig) { for (int i = 0; i < m_TextureContexts.Count(); i++) { if (m_TextureContexts.Element(i).pConfig == pConfig) { return &m_TextureContexts.Element(i); } } return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTextureSystem::SetActiveConfig(CGameConfig *pConfig) { TextureContext_t *pContext = FindTextureContextForConfig(pConfig); if (pContext) { m_pActiveContext = pContext; m_pActiveGroup = m_pActiveContext->pAllGroup; } else { m_pActiveContext = NULL; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : char *pcszName - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTextureSystem::SetActiveGroup(const char *pcszName) { if (!m_pActiveContext) return; char szBuf[MAX_PATH]; sprintf(szBuf, "textures\\%s", pcszName); int iCount = m_pActiveContext->Groups.Count(); for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { CTextureGroup *pGroup = m_pActiveContext->Groups.Element(i); if (!strcmpi(pGroup->GetName(), pcszName)) { m_pActiveGroup = pGroup; return; } if (strstr(pGroup->GetName(), pcszName)) { m_pActiveGroup = pGroup; return; } } TRACE0("No Group Found!"); } void HammerFileSystem_ReportSearchPath( const char *szPathID ) { char szSearchPath[ 4096 ]; g_pFullFileSystem->GetSearchPath( szPathID, true, szSearchPath, sizeof( szSearchPath ) ); Msg( mwStatus, "------------------------------------------------------------------" ); char *pszOnePath = strtok( szSearchPath, ";" ); while ( pszOnePath ) { Msg( mwStatus, "Search Path (%s): %s", szPathID, pszOnePath ); pszOnePath = strtok( NULL, ";" ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FIXME: Make this work correctly, using the version in filesystem_tools.cpp // (it doesn't work currently owing to filesystem setup issues) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void HammerFileSystem_SetGame( const char *pExeDir, const char *pModDir ) { static bool s_bOnce = false; Assert( !s_bOnce ); s_bOnce = true; char buf[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( buf, MAX_PATH, "%s\\hl2", pExeDir ); g_pFullFileSystem->AddSearchPath( buf, "GAME", PATH_ADD_TO_HEAD ); if ( pModDir && *pModDir != '\0' ) { g_pFullFileSystem->AddSearchPath( pModDir, "GAME", PATH_ADD_TO_HEAD ); } HammerFileSystem_ReportSearchPath( "GAME" ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Loads textures from all texture files. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTextureSystem::LoadAllGraphicsFiles(void) { FreeAllTextures(); // For each game config... // dvs: Disabled for single-config running. //for (int nConfig = 0; nConfig < Options.configs.GetGameConfigCount(); nConfig++) { //CGameConfig *pConfig = Options.configs.GetGameConfig(nConfig); CGameConfig *pConfig = g_pGameConfig; // Create a new texture context with the WADs and materials for that config. TextureContext_t *pContext = AddTextureContext(); // Bind it to this config. pContext->pConfig = pConfig; // Create a group to hold all the textures for this context. pContext->pAllGroup = new CTextureGroup("All Textures"); pContext->Groups.AddToTail(pContext->pAllGroup); HammerFileSystem_SetGame(pConfig->m_szGameExeDir, pConfig->m_szModDir); // Set the new context as the active context. m_pActiveContext = pContext; // Load the textures for all WAD files set in this config. // Only do this for configs that use WAD textures. if (pConfig->GetTextureFormat() == tfWAD3) { LoadWADFiles(pConfig); } // Load the materials for this config. // Do this unconditionally so that we get necessary editor materials. LoadMaterials(pConfig); m_pActiveContext->pAllGroup->Sort(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Loads all WAD files for the given game config. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTextureSystem::LoadWADFiles(CGameConfig *pConfig) { // dvs: FIXME: WADs are not currently per-config for (int i = 0; i < Options.textures.nTextureFiles; i++) { LoadGraphicsFile(Options.textures.TextureFiles[i]); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Loads all the materials for the given game config. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTextureSystem::LoadMaterials(CGameConfig *pConfig) { CTextureGroup *pGroup = new CTextureGroup("Materials"); pGroup->SetTextureFormat(tfVMT); m_pActiveContext->Groups.AddToTail(pGroup); // Add all the materials to the group. CMaterial::EnumerateMaterials( this, "materials", (int)pGroup, INCLUDE_WORLD_MATERIALS ); // Watch the materials directory recursively... CMaterialFileChangeWatcher *pWatcher = new CMaterialFileChangeWatcher; pWatcher->Init( this, (int)pGroup ); m_ChangeWatchers.AddToTail( pWatcher ); Assert( m_pCubemapTexture == NULL ); m_pCubemapTexture = MaterialSystemInterface()->FindTexture( "editor/cubemap", NULL, true ); if ( m_pCubemapTexture ) { m_pCubemapTexture->IncrementReferenceCount(); CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( MaterialSystemInterface() ); pRenderContext->BindLocalCubemap( m_pCubemapTexture ); } // Get the nodraw texture. m_pNoDrawTexture = NULL; for ( int i=0; i < m_Textures.Count(); i++ ) { if ( V_stricmp( m_Textures[i]->GetName(), "tools/toolsnodraw" ) == 0 || V_stricmp( m_Textures[i]->GetName(), "tools/toolsnodraw" ) == 0 ) { m_pNoDrawTexture = m_Textures[i]; break; } } if ( !m_pNoDrawTexture ) m_pNoDrawTexture = CMaterial::CreateMaterial( "tools/toolsnodraw", true ); } void CTextureSystem::RebindDefaultCubeMap() { // rebind with the default cubemap if ( m_pCubemapTexture ) { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( MaterialSystemInterface() ); pRenderContext->BindLocalCubemap( m_pCubemapTexture ); } } void CTextureSystem::UpdateFileChangeWatchers() { for ( int i=0; i < m_ChangeWatchers.Count(); i++ ) m_ChangeWatchers[i]->Update(); } void CTextureSystem::OnFileChange( const char *pFilename, intp context, CTextureSystem::EFileType eFileType ) { // It requires the forward slashes later... char fixedSlashes[MAX_PATH]; V_StrSubst( pFilename, "\\", "/", fixedSlashes, sizeof( fixedSlashes ) ); // Get rid of the extension. if ( V_strlen( fixedSlashes ) < 5 ) { Assert( false ); return; } fixedSlashes[ V_strlen( fixedSlashes ) - 4 ] = 0; // Handle it based on what type of file we've got. if ( eFileType == k_eFileTypeVMT ) { IEditorTexture *pTex = FindActiveTexture( fixedSlashes, NULL, FALSE ); if ( pTex ) { pTex->Reload( true ); } else { EnumMaterial( fixedSlashes, context ); IEditorTexture *pTexFixed = FindActiveTexture( fixedSlashes, NULL, FALSE ); if ( pTexFixed ) { GetMainWnd()->m_TextureBar.NotifyNewMaterial( pTexFixed ); GetMainWnd()->GetFaceEditSheet()->NotifyNewMaterial( pTexFixed ); } } } else if ( eFileType == k_eFileTypeVTF ) { // Whether a VTF was added, removed, or modified, we do the same thing.. refresh it and any materials that reference it. ITexture *pTexture = materials->FindTexture( fixedSlashes, TEXTURE_GROUP_UNACCOUNTED, false ); if ( pTexture ) { pTexture->Download( NULL ); ReloadMaterialsUsingTexture( pTexture ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Load any materials that reference this texture. Used so we can refresh a // material's preview image if a relevant .vtf changes. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTextureSystem::ReloadMaterialsUsingTexture( ITexture *pTestTexture ) { for ( int i=0; i < m_Textures.Count(); i++ ) { IEditorTexture *pEditorTex = m_Textures[i]; IMaterial *pMat = pEditorTex->GetMaterial( false ); if ( !pMat ) continue; IMaterialVar **pParams = pMat->GetShaderParams(); int nParams = pMat->ShaderParamCount(); for ( int iParam=0; iParam < nParams; iParam++ ) { if ( pParams[iParam]->GetType() != MATERIAL_VAR_TYPE_TEXTURE ) continue; ITexture *pTex = pParams[iParam]->GetTextureValue(); if ( !pTex ) continue; if ( pTex == pTestTexture ) { pEditorTex->Reload( true ); } } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Figure out the file type from its extension. Returns false if we don't have an enum for that extension. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTextureSystem::GetFileTypeFromFilename( const char *pFilename, CTextureSystem::EFileType *pFileType ) { char strRight[16]; V_StrRight( pFilename, 4, strRight, sizeof( strRight ) ); if ( V_stricmp( strRight, ".vmt" ) == 0 ) { *pFileType = CTextureSystem::k_eFileTypeVMT; return true; } else if ( V_stricmp( strRight, ".vtf" ) == 0 ) { *pFileType = CTextureSystem::k_eFileTypeVTF; return true; } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Loads textures from all texture files. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTextureSystem::ReloadTextures( const char *pFilterName ) { MaterialSystemInterface()->ReloadMaterials( pFilterName ); for ( int i = 0; i < m_Textures.Count(); i++ ) { if ( !Q_stristr( pFilterName, m_Textures[i]->GetName() ) ) continue; m_Textures[i]->Reload( false ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Adds a placeholder texture for a texture that exists in the map, but // was not found on disk. // Input : pszName - Name of missing texture. // Output : Returns a pointer to the new dummy texture. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IEditorTexture *CTextureSystem::AddDummy(LPCTSTR pszName, TEXTUREFORMAT eFormat) { if (!m_pActiveContext) return NULL; IEditorTexture *pTex = new CDummyTexture(pszName, eFormat); m_pActiveContext->Dummies.AddToTail(pTex); return(pTex); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : elem1 - // elem2 - // Output : static int __cdecl //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int __cdecl SortTexturesProc(IEditorTexture * const *elem1, IEditorTexture * const *elem2) { IEditorTexture *pElem1 = *((IEditorTexture **)elem1); IEditorTexture *pElem2 = *((IEditorTexture **)elem2); Assert((pElem1 != NULL) && (pElem2 != NULL)); if ((pElem1 == NULL) || (pElem2 == NULL)) { return(0); } const char *pszName1 = pElem1->GetName(); const char *pszName2 = pElem2->GetName(); char ch1 = pszName1[0]; char ch2 = pszName2[0]; if (IsSortChr(ch1) && !IsSortChr(ch2)) { int iFamilyLen = strlen(pszName1+2); int iFamily = strnicmp(pszName1+2, pszName2, iFamilyLen); if (!iFamily) { return(-1); // same family - put elem1 before elem2 } return(iFamily); // sort normally } else if (!IsSortChr(ch1) && IsSortChr(ch2)) { int iFamilyLen = strlen(pszName2+2); int iFamily = strnicmp(pszName1, pszName2+2, iFamilyLen); if (!iFamily) { return(1); // same family - put elem2 before elem1 } return(iFamily); // sort normally } else if (IsSortChr(ch1) && IsSortChr(ch2)) { // do family name sorting int iFamily = strcmpi(pszName1+2, pszName2+2); if (!iFamily) { // same family - sort by number return pszName1[1] - pszName2[1]; } // different family return(iFamily); } return(strcmpi(pszName1, pszName2)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : sizeSrc - // sizeDest - // *src - // *dest - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ScaleBitmap(CSize sizeSrc, CSize sizeDest, char *src, char *dest) { int i; int e_y = (sizeSrc.cy << 1) - sizeDest.cy; int sizeDest2_y = (sizeDest.cy << 1); int sizeSrc2_y = sizeSrc.cy << 1; int srcline = 0, destline = 0; char *srclinep, *destlinep; int e_x = (sizeSrc.cx << 1) - sizeDest.cx; int sizeDest2_x = (sizeDest.cx << 1); int sizeSrc2_x = sizeSrc.cx << 1; for( i = 0; i < sizeDest.cy; i++ ) { // scale by X { srclinep = src + (srcline * sizeSrc.cx); destlinep = dest + (destline * sizeDest.cx); for( int j = 0; j < sizeDest.cx; j++ ) { *destlinep = *srclinep; while( e_x >= 0 ) { ++srclinep; e_x -= sizeDest2_x; } ++destlinep; e_x += sizeSrc2_x; } } while( e_y >= 0 ) { ++srcline; e_y -= sizeDest2_y; } ++destline; e_y += sizeSrc2_y; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : id - // *piIndex - // Output : GRAPHICSFILESTRUCT * //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTextureSystem::FindGraphicsFile(GRAPHICSFILESTRUCT *pFileInfo, DWORD id, int *piIndex) { for (int i = 0; i < m_GraphicsFiles.Count(); i++) { if (m_GraphicsFiles[i].id == id) { if (piIndex) { piIndex[0] = i; } if (pFileInfo != NULL) { *pFileInfo = m_GraphicsFiles[i]; } return(true); } } return(false); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : pFile - // fd - // pGroup - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTextureSystem::LoadGraphicsFileWAD3(GRAPHICSFILESTRUCT *pFile, int fd, CTextureGroup *pGroup) { // read wad header wadinfo_t hdr; _lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); _read(fd, (char*)&hdr, sizeof hdr); _lseek(fd, hdr.infotableofs, SEEK_SET); // allocate directory memory. WAD3lumpinfo_t *dir = new WAD3lumpinfo_t[hdr.numlumps]; // read entries. _read(fd, dir, sizeof(WAD3lumpinfo_t) * hdr.numlumps); // load graphics! for (int i = 0; i < hdr.numlumps; i++) { if (dir[i].type == TYP_MIPTEX) { _lseek(fd, dir[i].filepos, SEEK_SET); CWADTexture *pNew = new CWADTexture; if (pNew != NULL) { if (pNew->Init(fd, pFile->id, FALSE, dir[i].name)) { pNew->SetTextureFormat(pFile->format); // // Add the texture to master list of textures. // AddTexture(pNew); // // Add the texture's index to the given group and to the "All" group. // pGroup->AddTexture(pNew); if (pGroup != m_pActiveContext->pAllGroup) { m_pActiveContext->pAllGroup->AddTexture(pNew); } } else { delete pNew; } } } } // free memory delete[] dir; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Loads all textures in a given graphics file and returns an ID for // the file. // Input : filename - Full path of graphics file to load. // Output : Returns the file ID. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DWORD CTextureSystem::LoadGraphicsFile(const char *pFilename) { static DWORD __GraphFileID = 1; // must start at 1. // // Make sure it's not already there. // int i = m_GraphicsFiles.Count() - 1; while (i > -1) { if (!strcmp(m_GraphicsFiles[i].filename, pFilename)) { return(m_GraphicsFiles[i].id); } i--; } // // Is this a WAD file? // DWORD dwAttrib = GetFileAttributes(pFilename); if (dwAttrib == 0xFFFFFFFF) { return(0); } GRAPHICSFILESTRUCT gf; if (!(dwAttrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { // open the file, and add it to the GraphicFileList array gf.fd = _open(pFilename, _O_BINARY | _O_RDONLY); if (gf.fd == -1) { // todo: if errno is "out of handles", close some other // graphics files. // StatusMsg(IDS_ERROPENGRAPHFILE, errno); return 0; // could not open } char buf[4]; _read(gf.fd, buf, 4); // // Make sure the file is in a format that we can read. // if (!memcmp(buf, "WAD3", 4)) { gf.format = tfWAD3; } else { char str[MAX_PATH*2]; Q_snprintf( str, sizeof(str), "The file \"%s\" is not a valid WAD3 file and will not be used.", pFilename); AfxMessageBox(str, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK); _close(gf.fd); return(0); } } // got it -- setup the rest of the gf structure gf.id = __GraphFileID++; Q_strncpy( gf.filename, pFilename, sizeof(gf.filename) ); gf.bLoaded = FALSE; // // Add file to list of texture files. // m_GraphicsFiles.AddToTail(gf); // // Create a new texture group for the file. // CTextureGroup *pGroup = new CTextureGroup(pFilename); pGroup->SetTextureFormat(gf.format); m_pActiveContext->Groups.AddToTail(pGroup); // // Load the textures from the file and place them in the texture group. // LoadGraphicsFileWAD3(&gf, gf.fd, pGroup); gf.bLoaded = TRUE; // // Sort this group's list // pGroup->Sort(); return(gf.id); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Determines whether or not there is at least one available texture // group for a given texture format. // Input : format - Texture format to look for. // Output : Returns TRUE if textures of a given format are available, FALSE if not. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTextureSystem::HasTexturesForConfig(CGameConfig *pConfig) { if (!pConfig) return false; TextureContext_t *pContext = FindTextureContextForConfig(pConfig); if (!pContext) return false; int nCount = pContext->Groups.Count(); for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { CTextureGroup *pGroup = pContext->Groups.Element(i); if (pGroup->GetTextureFormat() == pConfig->GetTextureFormat()) { return true; } } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Used to add all the world materials into the material list //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTextureSystem::EnumMaterial( const char *pMaterialName, int nContext ) { CTextureGroup *pGroup = (CTextureGroup *)nContext; CMaterial *pMaterial = CMaterial::CreateMaterial(pMaterialName, false); if (pMaterial != NULL) { // Add it to the master list of textures. AddTexture(pMaterial); // Add the texture's index to the given group and to the "All" group. pGroup->AddTexture(pMaterial); if (pGroup != m_pActiveContext->pAllGroup) { m_pActiveContext->pAllGroup->AddTexture(pMaterial); } } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Registers the keywords as existing in a particular material //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTextureSystem::RegisterTextureKeywords( IEditorTexture *pTexture ) { // // Add any new keywords from this material to the list of keywords. // char szKeywords[MAX_PATH]; pTexture->GetKeywords(szKeywords); if (szKeywords[0] != '\0') { char *pch = strtok(szKeywords, " ,;"); while (pch != NULL) { // dvs: hide in a Find function bool bFound = false; for( int pos=0; pos < m_Keywords.Count(); pos++ ) { const char *pszTest = m_Keywords.Element(pos); if (!stricmp(pszTest, pch)) { bFound = true; break; } } if (!bFound) { char *pszKeyword = new char[strlen(pch) + 1]; strcpy(pszKeyword, pch); m_Keywords.AddToTail(pszKeyword); } pch = strtok(NULL, " ,;"); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Used to lazily load in all the textures //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTextureSystem::LazyLoadTextures() { if ( m_pActiveContext && m_pActiveContext->pAllGroup && !IsRunningInEngine() ) { m_pActiveContext->pAllGroup->LazyLoadTextures(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Output : TextureContext_t //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TextureContext_t *CTextureSystem::AddTextureContext() { // Allocate a new texture context. int nIndex = m_TextureContexts.AddToTail(); // Add the group to this config's list of texture groups. TextureContext_t *pContext = &m_TextureContexts.Element(nIndex); return pContext; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Opens the source file associated with a material //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTextureSystem::OpenSource( const char *pMaterialName ) { if ( !pMaterialName ) return; char pRelativePath[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( pRelativePath, MAX_PATH, "materials/%s.vmt", pMaterialName ); char pFullPath[MAX_PATH]; if ( g_pFullFileSystem->GetLocalPath( pRelativePath, pFullPath, MAX_PATH ) ) { ShellExecute( NULL, "open", pFullPath, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Constructor. // Input : pszName - Name of group, ie "Materials" or "u:\hl\tfc\tfc.wad". //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTextureGroup::CTextureGroup(const char *pszName) { strcpy(m_szName, pszName); m_eTextureFormat = tfNone; m_nTextureToLoad = 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Adds a texture to this group. // Input : pTexture - Texture to add. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTextureGroup::AddTexture(IEditorTexture *pTexture) { int index = m_Textures.AddToTail(pTexture); m_TextureNameMap.Insert( pTexture->GetName(), index ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Sorts the group. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTextureGroup::Sort(void) { m_Textures.Sort(SortTexturesProc); // Redo the name map. m_TextureNameMap.RemoveAll(); for ( int i=0; i < m_Textures.Count(); i++ ) { IEditorTexture *pTex = m_Textures[i]; m_TextureNameMap.Insert( pTex->GetName(), i ); } // Changing the order means we don't know where we should be loading from m_nTextureToLoad = 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Retrieves a texture by index. // Input : nIndex - Index of the texture in this group. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IEditorTexture *CTextureGroup::GetTexture(int nIndex) { if ((nIndex >= m_Textures.Count()) || (nIndex < 0)) { return(NULL); } return(m_Textures[nIndex]); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // finds a texture by name //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IEditorTexture *CTextureGroup::GetTexture( char const* pName ) { for (int i = 0; i < m_Textures.Count(); i++) { if (!strcmp(pName, m_Textures[i]->GetName())) return m_Textures[i]; } return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Quickly find a texture by name. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IEditorTexture* CTextureGroup::FindTextureByName( const char *pName, int *piIndex, TEXTUREFORMAT eDesiredFormat ) { int iMapEntry = m_TextureNameMap.Find( pName ); if ( iMapEntry == m_TextureNameMap.InvalidIndex() ) { return NULL; } else { IEditorTexture *pTex = m_Textures[ m_TextureNameMap[iMapEntry] ]; if ((eDesiredFormat == tfNone) || (pTex->GetTextureFormat() == eDesiredFormat)) return pTex; else return NULL; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Used to lazily load in all the textures //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTextureGroup::LazyLoadTextures() { // Load at most once per call while (m_nTextureToLoad < m_Textures.Count()) { if (!m_Textures[m_nTextureToLoad]->IsLoaded()) { m_Textures[m_nTextureToLoad]->Load(); ++m_nTextureToLoad; return; } // This one was already loaded; skip it ++m_nTextureToLoad; } }