//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: CBaseFileSystem Async Operation // // The CBaseFileSystem methods implement the IFileSystem // asynchronous entry points. The model for reads currently is a // callback model where the callback can take place either in the // context of the main thread or the worker thread. It would be // easy to do a polled model later. Async operations return a // handle which is used to refer to the operation later. The // handle is actually a pointer to a reference counted "job" // object that holds all the context, status, and results of an // operation. // //============================================================================= #include <limits.h> #if defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 ) #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include <windows.h> #endif #include "tier0/vcrmode.h" #include "tier1/convar.h" #include "vstdlib/jobthread.h" #include "tier1/utlmap.h" #include "tier1/utlbuffer.h" #include "tier0/icommandline.h" #include "vstdlib/random.h" #include "basefilesystem.h" // VCR mode for now is handled by not running async. This is primarily for // performance reasons. VCR mode would preclude the use of a lock-free job // retrieval. Can change if need in future, but it's best to do so if needed, // and to make it a deliberate compile time choice to keep the fast path. #undef WaitForSingleObject // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ConVar async_mode( "async_mode", "0", 0, "Set the async filesystem mode (0 = async, 1 = synchronous)" ); #define GetAsyncMode() ( (FSAsyncMode_t)( async_mode.GetInt() ) ) #ifndef DISABLE_ASYNC #ifndef _RETAIL ConVar async_simulate_delay( "async_simulate_delay", "0", 0, "Simulate a delay of up to a set msec per file operation" ); ConVar async_allow_held_files( "async_allow_held_files", "1", 0, "Allow AsyncBegin/EndRead()" ); #define SimulateDelay() if ( async_simulate_delay.GetInt() == 0 || ThreadInMainThread() ) ; else ThreadSleep( RandomInt( 1, async_simulate_delay.GetInt() ) ) #define AsyncAllowHeldFiles() async_allow_held_files.GetBool() CON_COMMAND( async_suspend, "" ) { BaseFileSystem()->AsyncSuspend(); } CON_COMMAND( async_resume, "" ) { BaseFileSystem()->AsyncResume(); } #else #define SimulateDelay() ((void)0) #define AsyncAllowHeldFiles() true #endif #else #define SimulateDelay() ((void)0) #define GetAsyncMode() FSAM_SYNC #define AsyncAllowHeldFiles() false #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Need to support old external. New implementation has less granular priority for efficiency //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline JobPriority_t ConvertPriority( int iFilesystemPriority ) { if ( iFilesystemPriority == 0 ) { return JP_NORMAL; } else if ( iFilesystemPriority > 0 ) { return JP_HIGH; } return JP_LOW; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Support for holding files open // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct AsyncOpenedFile_t : CRefCounted<CRefCountServiceNoDelete> // no mutex needed, under control of CAsyncOpenedFiles { AsyncOpenedFile_t() : hFile(FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE) {} FileHandle_t hFile; }; class CAsyncOpenedFiles { public: CAsyncOpenedFiles() { m_map.SetLessFunc( CaselessStringLessThan ); } FSAsyncFile_t FindOrAdd( const char *pszFilename ) { char szFixedName[MAX_FILEPATH]; Q_strncpy( szFixedName, pszFilename, sizeof( szFixedName ) ); Q_FixSlashes( szFixedName ); Assert( (intp)FS_INVALID_ASYNC_FILE == m_map.InvalidIndex() ); AUTO_LOCK( m_mutex ); intp iEntry = m_map.Find( szFixedName ); if ( iEntry == m_map.InvalidIndex() ) { iEntry = m_map.Insert( strdup( szFixedName ), new AsyncOpenedFile_t ); } else { m_map[iEntry]->AddRef(); } return (FSAsyncFile_t)iEntry; } FSAsyncFile_t Find( const char *pszFilename ) { char szFixedName[MAX_FILEPATH]; Q_strncpy( szFixedName, pszFilename, sizeof( szFixedName ) ); Q_FixSlashes( szFixedName ); AUTO_LOCK( m_mutex ); intp iEntry = m_map.Find( szFixedName ); if ( iEntry != m_map.InvalidIndex() ) { m_map[iEntry]->AddRef(); } return (FSAsyncFile_t)iEntry; } AsyncOpenedFile_t *Get( FSAsyncFile_t item ) { if ( item == FS_INVALID_ASYNC_FILE) { return NULL; } AUTO_LOCK( m_mutex ); int iEntry = (CUtlMap<CUtlString, AsyncOpenedFile_t>::IndexType_t)(intp)item; Assert( m_map.IsValidIndex( iEntry ) ); m_map[iEntry]->AddRef(); return m_map[iEntry]; } void AddRef( FSAsyncFile_t item ) { if ( item == FS_INVALID_ASYNC_FILE) { return; } AUTO_LOCK( m_mutex ); int iEntry = (CUtlMap<CUtlString, AsyncOpenedFile_t>::IndexType_t)(intp)item; Assert( m_map.IsValidIndex( iEntry ) ); m_map[iEntry]->AddRef(); } void Release( FSAsyncFile_t item ) { if ( item == FS_INVALID_ASYNC_FILE) { return; } AUTO_LOCK( m_mutex ); int iEntry = (CUtlMap<CUtlString, AsyncOpenedFile_t>::IndexType_t)(intp)item; Assert( m_map.IsValidIndex( iEntry ) ); if ( m_map[iEntry]->Release() == 0 ) { if ( m_map[iEntry]->hFile != FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { BaseFileSystem()->Close( m_map[iEntry]->hFile ); } delete m_map[iEntry]; delete m_map.Key( iEntry ); m_map.RemoveAt( iEntry ); } } private: CThreadFastMutex m_mutex; CUtlMap<const char *, AsyncOpenedFile_t *> m_map; }; CAsyncOpenedFiles g_AsyncOpenedFiles; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Async Modes //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum FSAsyncMode_t { FSAM_ASYNC, FSAM_SYNC, }; #define FSASYNC_WRITE_PRIORITY JP_LOW //--------------------------------------------------------- // Cast to int in order to indicate that we are intentionally comparing different // enum types, to suppress gcc warnings. ASSERT_INVARIANT( FSASYNC_OK == (int)JOB_OK ); ASSERT_INVARIANT( FSASYNC_STATUS_PENDING == (int)JOB_STATUS_PENDING ); ASSERT_INVARIANT( FSASYNC_STATUS_INPROGRESS == (int)JOB_STATUS_INPROGRESS ); ASSERT_INVARIANT( FSASYNC_STATUS_ABORTED == (int)JOB_STATUS_ABORTED ); ASSERT_INVARIANT( FSASYNC_STATUS_UNSERVICED == (int)JOB_STATUS_UNSERVICED ); //--------------------------------------------------------- // A standard filesystem job //--------------------------------------------------------- class CFileAsyncJob : public CJob { public: CFileAsyncJob( JobPriority_t priority = JP_NORMAL ) : CJob( priority ) { SetFlags( GetFlags() | JF_IO ); } virtual JobStatus_t GetResult( void **ppData, int *pSize ) { *ppData = NULL; *pSize = 0; return GetStatus(); } virtual bool IsWrite() const { return false; } CFileAsyncReadJob *AsReadJob() { return NULL; } }; //--------------------------------------------------------- // A standard filesystem read job //--------------------------------------------------------- class CFileAsyncReadJob : public CFileAsyncJob, protected FileAsyncRequest_t { public: CFileAsyncReadJob( const FileAsyncRequest_t &fromRequest, CBaseFileSystem *pOwnerFileSystem ) : CFileAsyncJob( ConvertPriority( fromRequest.priority ) ), FileAsyncRequest_t( fromRequest ), m_pResultData( NULL ), m_nResultSize( 0 ), m_pRealContext( fromRequest.pContext ), m_pfnRealCallback( fromRequest.pfnCallback ), m_pCustomFetcher(NULL), m_hCustomFetcherHandle(NULL), m_pOwnerFileSystem(pOwnerFileSystem) { #if defined( TRACK_BLOCKING_IO ) m_Timer.Start(); #endif pszFilename = strdup( fromRequest.pszFilename ); Q_FixSlashes( const_cast<char*>( pszFilename ) ); pContext = this; pfnCallback = InterceptCallback; if ( hSpecificAsyncFile != FS_INVALID_ASYNC_FILE ) { g_AsyncOpenedFiles.AddRef( hSpecificAsyncFile ); } #if (defined(_DEBUG) || defined(USE_MEM_DEBUG)) m_pszAllocCreditFile = NULL; m_nAllocCreditLine = 0; #endif } ~CFileAsyncReadJob() { if ( hSpecificAsyncFile != FS_INVALID_ASYNC_FILE ) { g_AsyncOpenedFiles.Release( hSpecificAsyncFile ); } if ( pszFilename ) free( (void *)pszFilename ); } CFileAsyncReadJob *AsReadJob() { return this; } virtual char const *Describe() { return pszFilename; } const FileAsyncRequest_t *GetRequest() const { return this; } virtual JobStatus_t DoExecute() { SimulateDelay(); #if defined( TRACK_BLOCKING_IO ) bool oldState = BaseFileSystem()->SetAllowSynchronousLogging( false ); #endif #if (defined(_DEBUG) || defined(USE_MEM_DEBUG)) if ( m_pszAllocCreditFile ) MemAlloc_PushAllocDbgInfo( m_pszAllocCreditFile, m_nAllocCreditLine ); #endif JobStatus_t retval; if ( m_pCustomFetcher ) { Assert( GetRefCount() > 1 ); // This will produce self-destruction. No-can-do if ( m_pCustomFetcher->FinishSynchronous( m_hCustomFetcherHandle ) == FSASYNC_OK ) { retval = JOB_OK; } else { retval = -1; // generic failure code...? } } else { int iPrevPriority = ThreadGetPriority(); ThreadSetPriority( 2 ); retval = BaseFileSystem()->SyncRead( *this ); ThreadSetPriority( iPrevPriority ); } #if (defined(_DEBUG) || defined(USE_MEM_DEBUG)) if ( m_pszAllocCreditFile ) MemAlloc_PopAllocDbgInfo(); #endif #if defined( TRACK_BLOCKING_IO ) m_Timer.End(); FileBlockingItem item( FILESYSTEM_BLOCKING_ASYNCHRONOUS, Describe(), m_Timer.GetDuration().GetSeconds(), FileBlockingItem::FB_ACCESS_READ ); BaseFileSystem()->RecordBlockingFileAccess( false, item ); BaseFileSystem()->SetAllowSynchronousLogging( oldState ); #endif return retval; } virtual JobStatus_t GetResult( void **ppData, int *pSize ) { if ( m_pResultData ) { *ppData = m_pResultData; *pSize = m_nResultSize; } return GetStatus(); } static void InterceptCallback( const FileAsyncRequest_t &request, int nBytesRead, FSAsyncStatus_t result ) { CFileAsyncReadJob *pJob = (CFileAsyncReadJob *)request.pContext; if ( result == FSASYNC_OK && !( request.flags & FSASYNC_FLAGS_FREEDATAPTR ) ) { pJob->m_pResultData = request.pData; pJob->m_nResultSize = nBytesRead; } if ( pJob->m_pfnRealCallback ) { // Going to slam the values. Not used after this point. Make temps if that changes FileAsyncRequest_t &temp = const_cast<FileAsyncRequest_t &>(request); temp.pfnCallback = pJob->m_pfnRealCallback; temp.pContext = pJob->m_pRealContext; (*pJob->m_pfnRealCallback)( temp, nBytesRead, result ); } // Check if we a called by a custom fetcher, then we aren't owned by // a thread pool, so we should clean up. if ( pJob->m_pCustomFetcher ) { // The job is finished pJob->SlamStatus( (JobStatus_t)result ); // The fetcher is going to destroy this, so make sure we clear our handle, // remembering thatwe've been deleted pJob->m_hCustomFetcherHandle = 0; // Remove us from the list of active jobs. This will // also decrement our ref count, which might delete us! pJob->m_pOwnerFileSystem->RemoveAsyncCustomFetchJob( pJob ); } } void SetAllocCredit( const char *pszFile, int line ) { #if (defined(_DEBUG) || defined(USE_MEM_DEBUG)) m_pszAllocCreditFile = pszFile; m_nAllocCreditLine = line; #endif } IAsyncFileFetch * m_pCustomFetcher; IAsyncFileFetch::Handle m_hCustomFetcherHandle; CBaseFileSystem * m_pOwnerFileSystem; private: void * m_pResultData; int m_nResultSize; void * m_pRealContext; FSAsyncCallbackFunc_t m_pfnRealCallback; #if defined( TRACK_BLOCKING_IO ) CFastTimer m_Timer; #endif #if (defined(_DEBUG) || defined(USE_MEM_DEBUG)) const char * m_pszAllocCreditFile; int m_nAllocCreditLine; #endif }; //--------------------------------------------------------- // Append to a file //--------------------------------------------------------- static int g_nAsyncWriteJobs; class CFileAsyncWriteJob : public CFileAsyncJob { public: CFileAsyncWriteJob( const char *pszFilename, const void *pData, unsigned nBytes, bool bFreeMemory, bool bAppend ) : CFileAsyncJob( FSASYNC_WRITE_PRIORITY ), m_pData( pData ), m_nBytes( nBytes ), m_bFreeMemory( bFreeMemory ), m_bAppend( bAppend ) { #if defined( TRACK_BLOCKING_IO ) m_Timer.Start(); #endif m_pszFilename = strdup( pszFilename ); g_nAsyncWriteJobs++; SetFlags( GetFlags() | JF_SERIAL ); } ~CFileAsyncWriteJob() { g_nAsyncWriteJobs--; free( (void *)m_pszFilename ); } virtual char const *Describe() { return m_pszFilename; } virtual bool IsWrite() const { return true; } virtual JobStatus_t DoExecute() { SimulateDelay(); #if defined( TRACK_BLOCKING_IO ) bool oldState = BaseFileSystem()->SetAllowSynchronousLogging( false ); #endif JobStatus_t retval = BaseFileSystem()->SyncWrite( m_pszFilename, m_pData, m_nBytes, false, m_bAppend ); #if defined( TRACK_BLOCKING_IO ) m_Timer.End(); FileBlockingItem item( FILESYSTEM_BLOCKING_ASYNCHRONOUS, Describe(), m_Timer.GetDuration().GetSeconds(), FileBlockingItem::FB_ACCESS_WRITE ); BaseFileSystem()->RecordBlockingFileAccess( false, item ); BaseFileSystem()->SetAllowSynchronousLogging( oldState ); #endif return retval; } virtual void DoCleanup() { if ( m_pData && m_bFreeMemory ) { delete[] (char*)m_pData; } } protected: bool m_bFreeMemory; private: const char *m_pszFilename; const void *m_pData; int m_nBytes; bool m_bAppend; #if defined( TRACK_BLOCKING_IO ) CFastTimer m_Timer; #endif }; class CFileAsyncWriteFileJob : public CFileAsyncWriteJob { public: CFileAsyncWriteFileJob( const char *pszFilename, const CUtlBuffer *pData, unsigned nBytes, bool bFreeMemory, bool bAppend ) : CFileAsyncWriteJob( pszFilename, pData->Base(), nBytes, bFreeMemory, bAppend ), m_pBuffer( pData ) { } virtual void DoCleanup() { if ( m_pBuffer && m_bFreeMemory ) { delete m_pBuffer; } } private: const CUtlBuffer *m_pBuffer; }; //--------------------------------------------------------- // Append two files //--------------------------------------------------------- class CFileAsyncAppendFileJob : public CFileAsyncJob { public: CFileAsyncAppendFileJob( const char *pszAppendTo, const char *pszAppendFrom ) : CFileAsyncJob( FSASYNC_WRITE_PRIORITY ) { #if defined( TRACK_BLOCKING_IO ) m_Timer.Start(); #endif m_pszAppendTo = strdup( pszAppendTo ); m_pszAppendFrom = strdup( pszAppendFrom ); Q_FixSlashes( const_cast<char*>( m_pszAppendTo ) ); Q_FixSlashes( const_cast<char*>( m_pszAppendFrom ) ); g_nAsyncWriteJobs++; SetFlags( GetFlags() | JF_SERIAL ); } ~CFileAsyncAppendFileJob() { g_nAsyncWriteJobs--; } virtual char const *Describe() { return m_pszAppendTo; } virtual bool IsWrite() const { return true; } virtual JobStatus_t DoExecute() { SimulateDelay(); #if defined( TRACK_BLOCKING_IO ) bool oldState = BaseFileSystem()->SetAllowSynchronousLogging( false ); #endif JobStatus_t retval = BaseFileSystem()->SyncAppendFile( m_pszAppendTo, m_pszAppendFrom ); #if defined( TRACK_BLOCKING_IO ) m_Timer.End(); FileBlockingItem item( FILESYSTEM_BLOCKING_ASYNCHRONOUS, Describe(), m_Timer.GetDuration().GetSeconds(), FileBlockingItem::FB_ACCESS_APPEND ); BaseFileSystem()->RecordBlockingFileAccess( false, item ); BaseFileSystem()->SetAllowSynchronousLogging( oldState ); #endif return retval; } private: const char *m_pszAppendTo; const char *m_pszAppendFrom; #if defined( TRACK_BLOCKING_IO ) CFastTimer m_Timer; #endif }; //--------------------------------------------------------- // Job to find out file size //--------------------------------------------------------- class CFileAsyncFileSizeJob : public CFileAsyncReadJob { public: CFileAsyncFileSizeJob( const FileAsyncRequest_t &fromRequest, CBaseFileSystem *pOwnerFileSystem ) : CFileAsyncReadJob( fromRequest, pOwnerFileSystem ) { #if defined( TRACK_BLOCKING_IO ) m_Timer.Start(); #endif } virtual JobStatus_t DoExecute() { SimulateDelay(); #if defined( TRACK_BLOCKING_IO ) bool oldState = BaseFileSystem()->SetAllowSynchronousLogging( false ); #endif JobStatus_t retval = BaseFileSystem()->SyncGetFileSize( *this ); #if defined( TRACK_BLOCKING_IO ) m_Timer.End(); FileBlockingItem item( FILESYSTEM_BLOCKING_ASYNCHRONOUS, Describe(), m_Timer.GetDuration().GetSeconds(), FileBlockingItem::FB_ACCESS_SIZE ); BaseFileSystem()->RecordBlockingFileAccess( false, item ); BaseFileSystem()->SetAllowSynchronousLogging( oldState ); #endif return retval; } #if defined( TRACK_BLOCKING_IO ) private: CFastTimer m_Timer; #endif }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseFileSystem::InitAsync() { Assert( !m_pThreadPool ); if ( m_pThreadPool ) return; if ( IsX360() && !IsRetail() && Plat_IsInDebugSession() ) { class CBreakThread : public CThread { virtual int Run() { for (;;) { Sleep(1000); static int wakeCount; wakeCount++; volatile static int bForceResume = false; if ( bForceResume ) { bForceResume = false; BaseFileSystem()->AsyncResume(); } } // Unreachable. return 0; } }; static CBreakThread breakThread; breakThread.SetName( "DebugBreakThread" ); breakThread.Start( 1024 ); } if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-noasync" ) ) { Msg( "Async I/O disabled from command line\n" ); return; } if ( VCRGetMode() == VCR_Disabled ) { // create the i/o thread pool m_pThreadPool = CreateThreadPool(); ThreadPoolStartParams_t params; params.iThreadPriority = 0; params.bIOThreads = true; params.nThreadsMax = 4; // Limit count of IO threads to a maximum of 4. if ( IsX360() ) { // override defaults // 360 has a single i/o thread on the farthest proc params.nThreads = 1; params.fDistribute = TRS_TRUE; params.bUseAffinityTable = true; params.iAffinityTable[0] = XBOX_PROCESSOR_3; } else if( IsPC() ) { // override defaults // maximum # of async I/O thread on PC is 2 params.nThreads = 1; } if ( !m_pThreadPool->Start( params, "IOJob" ) ) { SafeRelease( m_pThreadPool ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseFileSystem::ShutdownAsync() { if ( m_pThreadPool ) { AsyncFlush(); m_pThreadPool->Stop(); SafeRelease( m_pThreadPool ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseFileSystem::AsyncAddFetcher( IAsyncFileFetch *pFetcher ) { m_vecAsyncFetchers.AddToTail( pFetcher ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseFileSystem::AsyncRemoveFetcher( IAsyncFileFetch *pFetcher ) { // Abort any active jobs int i = 0; while ( i < m_vecAsyncCustomFetchJobs.Count() ) { if ( m_vecAsyncCustomFetchJobs[i]->m_pCustomFetcher == pFetcher ) { AsyncAbort( (FSAsyncControl_t)m_vecAsyncCustomFetchJobs[i] ); } else { ++i; } } // Remove it from the hook list i = 0; while ( i < m_vecAsyncFetchers.Count() ) { if ( m_vecAsyncFetchers[i] == pFetcher ) { m_vecAsyncFetchers.Remove( i ); } else { ++i; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseFileSystem::RemoveAsyncCustomFetchJob( CFileAsyncReadJob *pJob ) { Assert( pJob ); Assert( pJob->m_pOwnerFileSystem == this ); Assert( pJob->m_pCustomFetcher ); Assert( !pJob->m_hCustomFetcherHandle ); // Linear search, This list is usually very small, and completion doesn't // happen often, anyway int i = 0; bool bFound = false; while ( i < m_vecAsyncCustomFetchJobs.Count() ) { if ( m_vecAsyncCustomFetchJobs[i] == pJob ) { m_vecAsyncCustomFetchJobs.Remove( i ); Assert( !bFound ); bFound = true; } else { ++i; } } // Release our reference. Assert( bFound ); if ( bFound ) { pJob->Release(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSAsyncStatus_t CBaseFileSystem::AsyncReadMultiple( const FileAsyncRequest_t *pRequests, int nRequests, FSAsyncControl_t *phControls ) { return AsyncReadMultipleCreditAlloc( pRequests, nRequests, NULL, 0, phControls ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSAsyncStatus_t CBaseFileSystem::AsyncReadMultipleCreditAlloc( const FileAsyncRequest_t *pRequests, int nRequests, const char *pszFile, int line, FSAsyncControl_t *phControls ) { bool bAsyncMode = ( GetAsyncMode() == FSAM_ASYNC ); bool bSynchronous = ( !bAsyncMode || ( pRequests[0].flags & FSASYNC_FLAGS_SYNC ) || !m_pThreadPool ); if ( !bAsyncMode ) { AsyncFinishAll(); } CFileAsyncReadJob *pJob; for ( int i = 0; i < nRequests; i++ ) { if ( pRequests[i].nBytes >= 0 ) { pJob = new CFileAsyncReadJob( pRequests[i], this ); } else { pJob = new CFileAsyncFileSizeJob( pRequests[i], this ); } #if (defined(_DEBUG) || defined(USE_MEM_DEBUG)) pJob->SetAllocCredit( pszFile, line ); #endif // Search list of application custom fetchers and see if any of them want it for ( int j = 0; j < m_vecAsyncFetchers.Count(); j++ ) { IAsyncFileFetch::Handle handle; FSAsyncStatus_t status = m_vecAsyncFetchers[j]->Start( *pJob->GetRequest(), &handle, m_pThreadPool ); if ( status == FSASYNC_OK ) { pJob->m_pCustomFetcher = m_vecAsyncFetchers[j]; pJob->m_hCustomFetcherHandle = handle; break; } // !KLUDGE! For now, this is the only other acceptable failure Assert ( status == FSASYNC_ERR_NOT_MINE ); } // Found custom fetcher? if ( pJob->m_pCustomFetcher != NULL ) { m_vecAsyncCustomFetchJobs.AddToTail( pJob ); // this counts as a reference // Give them back the control handle, if they wanted it if ( phControls ) { phControls[i] = (FSAsyncControl_t)pJob; pJob->AddRef(); } // Execute job synchronously, if requested if ( bSynchronous ) { pJob->Execute(); } else { // We need to manually slam the job status to // in progress, in case they poll it pJob->SlamStatus( JOB_STATUS_INPROGRESS ); } // We'll deal with it in our callback. DO NOT // put it in the thread pool. If other, regular async jobs // come in, we want those to be processed immediately. // We don't have any reason to think that we need to wait // on the custom fetcher job in order to do local disk access. // (Even if there is, we don't have anough knowledge at this level // to properly deal with it.) continue; } if ( !bSynchronous ) { // async mode, queue request m_pThreadPool->AddJob( pJob ); } else { // synchronous mode, execute now pJob->Execute(); } if ( phControls ) { phControls[i] = (FSAsyncControl_t)pJob; } else { pJob->Release(); } } return FSASYNC_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSAsyncStatus_t CBaseFileSystem::AsyncWrite(const char *pFileName, const void *pSrc, int nSrcBytes, bool bFreeMemory, bool bAppend, FSAsyncControl_t *pControl ) { bool bAsyncMode = ( GetAsyncMode() == FSAM_ASYNC ); bool bSynchronous = ( !bAsyncMode || !m_pThreadPool ); if ( !bAsyncMode ) { AsyncFinishAll(); } CJob *pJob = new CFileAsyncWriteJob( pFileName, pSrc, nSrcBytes, bFreeMemory, bAppend ); if ( !bSynchronous ) { m_pThreadPool->AddJob( pJob ); } else { pJob->Execute(); } if ( pControl ) { *pControl = (FSAsyncControl_t)pJob; } else { pJob->Release(); } return FSASYNC_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSAsyncStatus_t CBaseFileSystem::AsyncWriteFile(const char *pFileName, const CUtlBuffer *pBuff, int nSrcBytes, bool bFreeMemory, bool bAppend, FSAsyncControl_t *pControl ) { bool bAsyncMode = ( GetAsyncMode() == FSAM_ASYNC ); bool bSynchronous = ( !bAsyncMode || !m_pThreadPool ); if ( !bAsyncMode ) { AsyncFinishAll(); } CJob *pJob = new CFileAsyncWriteFileJob( pFileName, pBuff, nSrcBytes, bFreeMemory, bAppend ); if ( !bSynchronous ) { m_pThreadPool->AddJob( pJob ); } else { pJob->Execute(); } if ( pControl ) { *pControl = (FSAsyncControl_t)pJob; } else { pJob->Release(); } return FSASYNC_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSAsyncStatus_t CBaseFileSystem::AsyncAppendFile(const char *pAppendToFileName, const char *pAppendFromFileName, FSAsyncControl_t *pControl ) { bool bAsyncMode = ( GetAsyncMode() == FSAM_ASYNC ); bool bSynchronous = ( !bAsyncMode || !m_pThreadPool ); if ( !bAsyncMode ) { AsyncFinishAll(); } CJob *pJob = new CFileAsyncAppendFileJob( pAppendToFileName, pAppendFromFileName ); if ( !bSynchronous ) { m_pThreadPool->AddJob( pJob ); } else { pJob->Execute(); } if ( pControl ) { *pControl = (FSAsyncControl_t)pJob; } else { pJob->Release(); } return FSASYNC_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CThreadMutex g_AsyncFinishMutex; void CBaseFileSystem::AsyncFinishAll( int iToPriority ) { if ( m_pThreadPool) { AUTO_LOCK( g_AsyncFinishMutex ); m_pThreadPool->ExecuteToPriority( ConvertPriority( iToPriority ) ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool AsyncWriteJobFilter( CJob *pJob ) { CFileAsyncJob *pFileJob = dynamic_cast<CFileAsyncJob *>(pJob); return ( pFileJob && pFileJob->IsWrite() ); } void CBaseFileSystem::AsyncFinishAllWrites() { if ( m_pThreadPool && g_nAsyncWriteJobs ) { AUTO_LOCK( g_AsyncFinishMutex ); m_pThreadPool->ExecuteAll( AsyncWriteJobFilter ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CBaseFileSystem::AsyncSuspend() { if ( m_pThreadPool ) { m_pThreadPool->SuspendExecution(); } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CBaseFileSystem::AsyncResume() { if ( m_pThreadPool ) { m_pThreadPool->ResumeExecution(); } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSAsyncStatus_t CBaseFileSystem::AsyncBeginRead( const char *pszFile, FSAsyncFile_t *phFile ) { #if !(defined(FILESYSTEM_STEAM) || defined(DEDICATED)) if ( AsyncAllowHeldFiles() ) { *phFile = g_AsyncOpenedFiles.FindOrAdd( pszFile ); return FSASYNC_OK; } #endif *phFile = FS_INVALID_ASYNC_FILE; return FSASYNC_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSAsyncStatus_t CBaseFileSystem::AsyncEndRead( FSAsyncFile_t hFile ) { #if !(defined(FILESYSTEM_STEAM) || defined(DEDICATED)) if ( hFile != FS_INVALID_ASYNC_FILE ) g_AsyncOpenedFiles.Release( hFile ); #endif return FSASYNC_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSAsyncStatus_t CBaseFileSystem::AsyncFinish( FSAsyncControl_t hControl, bool wait ) { if ( wait ) { CJob *pJob = (CJob *)hControl; if ( !pJob ) { return FSASYNC_ERR_FAILURE; } #if defined( TRACK_BLOCKING_IO ) CFastTimer timer; timer.Start(); BaseFileSystem()->SetAllowSynchronousLogging( false ); #endif FSAsyncStatus_t retval = (FSAsyncStatus_t)pJob->Execute(); #if defined( TRACK_BLOCKING_IO ) timer.End(); FileBlockingItem item( FILESYSTEM_BLOCKING_ASYNCHRONOUS_BLOCK, pJob->Describe(), timer.GetDuration().GetSeconds(), FileBlockingItem::FB_ACCESS_READ ); BaseFileSystem()->RecordBlockingFileAccess( false, item ); BaseFileSystem()->SetAllowSynchronousLogging( true ); #endif return retval; } AsyncSetPriority( hControl, INT_MAX ); return FSASYNC_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSAsyncStatus_t CBaseFileSystem::AsyncGetResult( FSAsyncControl_t hControl, void **ppData, int *pSize ) { if ( ppData ) { *ppData = NULL; } if ( pSize ) { *pSize = 0; } CFileAsyncJob *pJob = (CFileAsyncJob *)hControl; if ( !pJob ) { return FSASYNC_ERR_FAILURE; } if ( pJob->IsFinished() ) { return (FSAsyncStatus_t)pJob->GetResult( ppData, pSize ); } return FSASYNC_STATUS_PENDING; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSAsyncStatus_t CBaseFileSystem::AsyncAbort( FSAsyncControl_t hControl ) { CFileAsyncJob *pJob = (CFileAsyncJob *)hControl; if ( !pJob ) { return FSASYNC_ERR_FAILURE; } // Custom job doesn't have a job manager, needs to be handled specially CFileAsyncReadJob *pReadJob = pJob->AsReadJob(); if ( pReadJob && pReadJob->m_pCustomFetcher ) { Assert( pReadJob->m_pOwnerFileSystem == this ); FSAsyncStatus_t status = (FSAsyncStatus_t)pReadJob->GetStatus(); if ( status == (FSAsyncStatus_t)JOB_STATUS_INPROGRESS) { // Slam the status. The default behaviour doesn't change the status // if the task is in progess for some reason status = (FSAsyncStatus_t)JOB_STATUS_ABORTED; pReadJob->SlamStatus( status ); // Tell fetcher to abort job Assert( pReadJob->m_hCustomFetcherHandle ); pReadJob->m_pCustomFetcher->Abort( pReadJob->m_hCustomFetcherHandle ); pReadJob->m_hCustomFetcherHandle = NULL; // Remove us from the list of active jobs. This will // also decrement our ref count, which might delete us! RemoveAsyncCustomFetchJob( pReadJob ); } return status; } return (FSAsyncStatus_t)pJob->Abort(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSAsyncStatus_t CBaseFileSystem::AsyncStatus( FSAsyncControl_t hControl ) { CJob *pJob = (CJob *)hControl; if ( !pJob ) { return FSASYNC_ERR_FAILURE; } return (FSAsyncStatus_t)pJob->GetStatus(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSAsyncStatus_t CBaseFileSystem::AsyncFlush() { if ( m_pThreadPool ) { m_pThreadPool->AbortAll(); } // Abort all custom jobs while ( m_vecAsyncCustomFetchJobs.Count() > 0 ) { CFileAsyncReadJob *pJob = m_vecAsyncCustomFetchJobs[0]; Assert( pJob->m_pCustomFetcher ); AsyncAbort( (FSAsyncControl_t)pJob ); } return FSASYNC_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSAsyncStatus_t CBaseFileSystem::AsyncSetPriority(FSAsyncControl_t hControl, int newPriority) { if ( m_pThreadPool ) { CJob *pJob = (CJob *)hControl; if ( !pJob ) { return FSASYNC_ERR_FAILURE; } JobPriority_t internalPriority = ConvertPriority( newPriority ); if ( internalPriority != pJob->GetPriority() ) { m_pThreadPool->ChangePriority( pJob, internalPriority ); } } return FSASYNC_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseFileSystem::AsyncAddRef( FSAsyncControl_t hControl ) { CJob *pJob = (CJob *)hControl; if ( pJob ) { pJob->AddRef(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseFileSystem::AsyncRelease( FSAsyncControl_t hControl ) { CJob *pJob = (CJob *)hControl; if ( pJob ) { pJob->Release(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSAsyncStatus_t CBaseFileSystem::SyncRead( const FileAsyncRequest_t &request ) { Assert( request.nBytes >=0 ); if ( request.nBytes < 0 || request.nOffset < 0 ) { Msg( "Invalid async read of %s\n", request.pszFilename ); DoAsyncCallback( request, NULL, 0, FSASYNC_ERR_FILEOPEN ); return FSASYNC_ERR_FILEOPEN; } FSAsyncStatus_t result; AsyncOpenedFile_t *pHeldFile = ( request.hSpecificAsyncFile != FS_INVALID_ASYNC_FILE ) ? g_AsyncOpenedFiles.Get( request.hSpecificAsyncFile ) : NULL; FileHandle_t hFile; if ( !pHeldFile || pHeldFile->hFile == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { hFile = OpenEx( request.pszFilename, "rb", 0, request.pszPathID ); if ( pHeldFile ) { pHeldFile->hFile = hFile; } } else { hFile = pHeldFile->hFile; } if ( hFile ) { // ------------------------------------------------------ int nBytesToRead = ( request.nBytes ) ? request.nBytes : Size( hFile ) - request.nOffset; int nBytesBuffer; void *pDest; if ( nBytesToRead < 0 ) { nBytesToRead = 0; // bad offset? } if ( request.pData ) { // caller provided buffer Assert( !( request.flags & FSASYNC_FLAGS_NULLTERMINATE ) ); pDest = request.pData; nBytesBuffer = nBytesToRead; } else { // allocate an optimal buffer unsigned nOffsetAlign; nBytesBuffer = nBytesToRead + ( ( request.flags & FSASYNC_FLAGS_NULLTERMINATE ) ? 1 : 0 ); if ( GetOptimalIOConstraints( hFile, &nOffsetAlign, NULL, NULL) && ( request.nOffset % nOffsetAlign == 0 ) ) { nBytesBuffer = GetOptimalReadSize( hFile, nBytesBuffer ); } if ( !request.pfnAlloc ) { pDest = AllocOptimalReadBuffer( hFile, nBytesBuffer, request.nOffset ); } else { pDest = (*request.pfnAlloc)( request.pszFilename, nBytesBuffer ); } } SetBufferSize( hFile, 0 ); // TODO: what if it's a pack file? restore buffer size? if ( request.nOffset > 0 ) { Seek( hFile, request.nOffset, FILESYSTEM_SEEK_HEAD ); } // perform the read operation int nBytesRead = ReadEx( pDest, nBytesBuffer, nBytesToRead, hFile ); if ( !pHeldFile ) { Close( hFile ); } if ( request.flags & FSASYNC_FLAGS_NULLTERMINATE ) { ((char *)pDest)[nBytesRead] = 0; } result = ( ( nBytesRead == 0 ) && ( nBytesToRead != 0 ) ) ? FSASYNC_ERR_READING : FSASYNC_OK; DoAsyncCallback( request, pDest, min( nBytesRead, nBytesToRead ), result ); } else { DoAsyncCallback( request, NULL, 0, FSASYNC_ERR_FILEOPEN ); result = FSASYNC_ERR_FILEOPEN; } if ( pHeldFile ) { g_AsyncOpenedFiles.Release( request.hSpecificAsyncFile ); } if ( m_fwLevel >= FILESYSTEM_WARNING_REPORTALLACCESSES_ASYNC ) { LogAccessToFile( "async", request.pszFilename, "" ); } return result; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSAsyncStatus_t CBaseFileSystem::SyncGetFileSize( const FileAsyncRequest_t &request ) { int size = Size( request.pszFilename, request.pszPathID ); DoAsyncCallback( request, NULL, size, ( size ) ? FSASYNC_OK : FSASYNC_ERR_FILEOPEN ); return FSASYNC_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSAsyncStatus_t CBaseFileSystem::SyncWrite(const char *pszFilename, const void *pSrc, int nSrcBytes, bool bFreeMemory, bool bAppend ) { FileHandle_t hFile = OpenEx( pszFilename, ( bAppend ) ? "ab+" : "wb", IsX360() ? FSOPEN_NEVERINPACK : 0, NULL ); if ( hFile ) { SetBufferSize( hFile, 0 ); Write( pSrc, nSrcBytes, hFile ); Close( hFile ); if ( bFreeMemory ) { free( (void*)pSrc ); } if ( m_fwLevel >= FILESYSTEM_WARNING_REPORTALLACCESSES_ASYNC ) { LogAccessToFile( "asyncwrite", pszFilename, "" ); } return FSASYNC_OK; } return FSASYNC_ERR_FILEOPEN; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSAsyncStatus_t CBaseFileSystem::SyncAppendFile(const char *pAppendToFileName, const char *pAppendFromFileName ) { FileHandle_t hDestFile = OpenEx( pAppendToFileName, "ab+", IsX360() ? FSOPEN_NEVERINPACK : 0, NULL ); FSAsyncStatus_t result = FSASYNC_ERR_FAILURE; if ( hDestFile ) { SetBufferSize( hDestFile, 0 ); FileHandle_t hSourceFile = OpenEx( pAppendFromFileName, "rb", IsX360() ? FSOPEN_NEVERINPACK : 0, NULL ); if ( hSourceFile ) { SetBufferSize( hSourceFile, 0 ); const int BUFSIZE = 128 * 1024; int fileSize = Size( hSourceFile ); char *buf = (char *)malloc( BUFSIZE ); int size; while ( fileSize > 0 ) { if ( fileSize > BUFSIZE ) size = BUFSIZE; else size = fileSize; Read( buf, size, hSourceFile ); Write( buf, size, hDestFile ); fileSize -= size; } free(buf); Close( hSourceFile ); result = FSASYNC_OK; } Close( hDestFile ); } if ( m_fwLevel >= FILESYSTEM_WARNING_REPORTALLACCESSES_ASYNC ) { LogAccessToFile( "asyncappend", pAppendToFileName, "" ); } return result; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseFileSystem::DoAsyncCallback( const FileAsyncRequest_t &request, void *pData, int nBytesRead, FSAsyncStatus_t result ) { void *pDataToFree = NULL; if ( request.pfnCallback ) { AUTO_LOCK( m_AsyncCallbackMutex ); if ( pData && request.pData != pData ) { // Allocated the data here FileAsyncRequest_t temp = request; temp.pData = pData; { AUTOBLOCKREPORTER_FN( DoAsyncCallback, this, false, temp.pszFilename, FILESYSTEM_BLOCKING_CALLBACKTIMING, FileBlockingItem::FB_ACCESS_READ ); (*request.pfnCallback)( temp, nBytesRead, result ); } if ( !( request.flags & FSASYNC_FLAGS_ALLOCNOFREE ) ) { pDataToFree = pData; } } else { { AUTOBLOCKREPORTER_FN( DoAsyncCallback, this, false, request.pszFilename, FILESYSTEM_BLOCKING_CALLBACKTIMING, FileBlockingItem::FB_ACCESS_READ ); (*request.pfnCallback)( request, nBytesRead, result ); } if ( ( request.flags & FSASYNC_FLAGS_FREEDATAPTR ) ) { pDataToFree = request.pData; } } } if ( pDataToFree ) { Assert( !request.pfnAlloc ); #if defined( OSX ) || defined( LINUX ) // The ugly delete[] (void*) method generates a compile warning on osx, as it should. free( pDataToFree ); #else delete [] pDataToFree; #endif } }