//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Controls the loading, parsing and creation of the entities from the BSP.

#include "cbase.h"
#include "mapentities_shared.h"

// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"

#if !defined(_STATIC_LINKED) || defined(CLIENT_DLL)

static const char *s_BraceChars = "{}()\'";
static bool s_BraceCharacters[256];
static bool s_BuildReverseMap = true;

bool MapEntity_ExtractValue( const char *pEntData, const char *keyName, char Value[MAPKEY_MAXLENGTH] )
	char token[MAPKEY_MAXLENGTH];
	const char *inputData = pEntData;

	while ( inputData )
		inputData = MapEntity_ParseToken( inputData, token );	// get keyname
		if ( token[0] == '}' )									// end of entity?
			break;												// must not have seen the classname

		// is this the right key?
		if ( !strcmp(token, keyName) )
			inputData = MapEntity_ParseToken( inputData, token );	// get value and return it
			Q_strncpy( Value, token, MAPKEY_MAXLENGTH );
			return true;

		inputData = MapEntity_ParseToken( inputData, token );	// skip over value

	return false;

int MapEntity_GetNumKeysInEntity( const char *pEntData )
	char token[MAPKEY_MAXLENGTH];
	const char *inputData = pEntData;
	int iNumKeys = 0;

	while ( inputData )
		inputData = MapEntity_ParseToken( inputData, token );	// get keyname
		if ( token[0] == '}' )									// end of entity?
			break;												// must not have seen the classname


		inputData = MapEntity_ParseToken( inputData, token );	// skip over value

	return iNumKeys;

// skips to the beginning of the next entity in the data block
// returns NULL if no more entities
const char *MapEntity_SkipToNextEntity( const char *pMapData, char *pWorkBuffer )
	if ( !pMapData )
		return NULL;

	// search through the map string for the next matching '{'
	int openBraceCount = 1;
	while ( pMapData != NULL )
		pMapData = MapEntity_ParseToken( pMapData, pWorkBuffer );

		if ( FStrEq(pWorkBuffer, "{") )
		else if ( FStrEq(pWorkBuffer, "}") )
			if ( --openBraceCount == 0 )
				// we've found the closing brace, so return the next character
				return pMapData;

	// eof hit
	return NULL;

// Purpose: parses a token out of a char data block
//			the token gets fully read no matter what the length, but only MAPKEY_MAXLENGTH 
//			characters are written into newToken
// Input  : char *data - the data to parse
//			char *newToken - the buffer into which the new token is written
//			char *braceChars - a string of characters that constitute braces.  this pointer needs to be
//			distince for each set of braceChars, since the usage is cached.
// Output : const char * - returns a pointer to the position in the data following the newToken
const char *MapEntity_ParseToken( const char *data, char *newToken )
	int             c;
	int             len;
	len = 0;
	newToken[0] = 0;
	if (!data)
		return NULL;

	// build the new table if we have to
	if ( s_BuildReverseMap )
		s_BuildReverseMap = false; 

		Q_memset( s_BraceCharacters, 0, sizeof(s_BraceCharacters) );

		for ( const char *c = s_BraceChars; *c; c++ )
			s_BraceCharacters[*c] = true;
// skip whitespace
	while ( (c = *data) <= ' ')
		if (c == 0)
			return NULL;                    // end of file;
// skip // comments
	if (c=='/' && data[1] == '/')
		while (*data && *data != '\n')
		goto skipwhite;

// handle quoted strings specially
	if (c == '\"')
		while ( len < MAPKEY_MAXLENGTH )
			c = *data++;
			if (c=='\"' || !c)
				newToken[len] = 0;
				return data;
			newToken[len] = c;

		if ( len >= MAPKEY_MAXLENGTH )
			newToken[len] = 0;

// parse single characters
	if ( s_BraceCharacters[c]/*c=='{' || c=='}'|| c==')'|| c=='(' || c=='\''*/ )
		newToken[len] = c;
		newToken[len] = 0;
		return data+1;

// parse a regular word
		newToken[len] = c;
		c = *data;
		if ( s_BraceCharacters[c] /*c=='{' || c=='}'|| c==')'|| c=='(' || c=='\''*/ )

		if ( len >= MAPKEY_MAXLENGTH )
			newToken[len] = 0;

	} while (c>32);
	newToken[len] = 0;
	return data;


/* ================= CEntityMapData definition ================ */

bool CEntityMapData::ExtractValue( const char *keyName, char *value )
	return MapEntity_ExtractValue( m_pEntData, keyName, value );

bool CEntityMapData::GetFirstKey( char *keyName, char *value )
	m_pCurrentKey = m_pEntData; // reset the status pointer
	return GetNextKey( keyName, value );

const char *CEntityMapData::CurrentBufferPosition( void )
	return m_pCurrentKey;

bool CEntityMapData::GetNextKey( char *keyName, char *value )
	char token[MAPKEY_MAXLENGTH];

	// parse key
	char *pPrevKey = m_pCurrentKey;
	m_pCurrentKey = (char*)MapEntity_ParseToken( m_pCurrentKey, token );
	if ( token[0] == '}' )
		// step back
		m_pCurrentKey = pPrevKey;
		return false;

	if ( !m_pCurrentKey )
		Warning( "CEntityMapData::GetNextKey: EOF without closing brace\n" );
		return false;
	Q_strncpy( keyName, token, MAPKEY_MAXLENGTH );

	// fix up keynames with trailing spaces
	int n = strlen(keyName);
	while (n && keyName[n-1] == ' ')
		keyName[n-1] = 0;

	// parse value	
	m_pCurrentKey = (char*)MapEntity_ParseToken( m_pCurrentKey, token );
	if ( !m_pCurrentKey )
		Warning( "CEntityMapData::GetNextKey: EOF without closing brace\n" );
		return false;
	if ( token[0] == '}' )
		Warning( "CEntityMapData::GetNextKey: closing brace without data\n" );
		return false;

	// value successfully found
	Q_strncpy( value, token, MAPKEY_MAXLENGTH );
	return true;

// Purpose: find the keyName in the endata and change its value to specified one
bool CEntityMapData::SetValue( const char *keyName, char *NewValue, int nKeyInstance )
	// If this is -1, the size of the string is unknown and cannot be safely modified!
	Assert( m_nEntDataSize != -1 );
	if ( m_nEntDataSize == -1 )
		return false;

	char token[MAPKEY_MAXLENGTH];
	char *inputData = m_pEntData;
	char *prevData;

	char newvaluebuf[ 1024 ];
	int nCurrKeyInstance = 0;

	while ( inputData )
		inputData = (char*)MapEntity_ParseToken( inputData, token );	// get keyname
		if ( token[0] == '}' )									// end of entity?
			break;												// must not have seen the classname

		// is this the right key?
		if ( !strcmp(token, keyName) )
			if ( nCurrKeyInstance > nKeyInstance )
				// Find the start & end of the token we're going to replace
				int entLen = strlen(m_pEntData);
				char *postData = new char[entLen];
				prevData = inputData;
				inputData = (char*)MapEntity_ParseToken( inputData, token );	// get keyname
				Q_strncpy( postData, inputData, entLen );

				// Insert quotes if caller didn't
				if ( NewValue[0] != '\"' )
					Q_snprintf( newvaluebuf, sizeof( newvaluebuf ), "\"%s\"", NewValue );
					Q_strncpy( newvaluebuf, NewValue, sizeof( newvaluebuf ) );

				int iNewValueLen = Q_strlen(newvaluebuf);
				int iPadding = iNewValueLen - Q_strlen( token ) - 2;	// -2 for the quotes (token doesn't have them)

				// prevData has a space at the start, seperating the value from the key.
				// Add 1 to prevData when pasting in the new Value, to account for the space.
				Q_strncpy( prevData+1, newvaluebuf, iNewValueLen+1 );	// +1 for the null terminator
				Q_strcat( prevData, postData, m_nEntDataSize - ((prevData-m_pEntData)+1) );

				m_pCurrentKey += iPadding;
				delete [] postData;
				return true;

		inputData = (char*)MapEntity_ParseToken( inputData, token );	// skip over value

	return false;